
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 143

    enAugust 17, 2024
    What motivated Arthur Bremer to shoot George Wallace?
    How is the Kurdish conflict compared to the Armenian genocide?
    What role does the international community play in Kurdish struggles?
    Why has Tim Walz's popularity increased recently?
    What factors influence people's actions in political contexts?

    Podcast Summary

    • People's complex motivationsPeople's actions can be influenced by various factors beyond what is apparent on the surface, and it's important to avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

      Behind the masks of monsters and political figures, there are complex and often unexpected individuals. From the podcast "Weird Little Guys" by Molly Conger, we learn about the shooter of former President George Wallace in 1972, Arthur Bremer. Bremer's motivation for assassination was not driven by Wallace's political views or affiliations, but rather by his desire to shoot someone important. This historical event serves as a reminder that people's actions can be influenced by various factors, and it's essential to avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited information. In the world of politics and media, it's crucial to remember that rumors and assumptions can spread quickly, and the truth may not always emerge right away.

    • Historical recordsNewly released records can challenge long-held beliefs and theories, but it's crucial to verify their authenticity and accuracy before accepting them as fact

      The release of previously unreleased tapes and documents from historical events can challenge long-held beliefs and theories. The case of Seymour Hersh's 1992 article about Nixon's alleged involvement in the break-in at George Wallace's apartment before the FBI arrived, as detailed in the tapes he claimed existed, was called into question when the tapes were later released and no such conversations were found. Similarly, the authenticity of Arthur Bremer's diary, which was published in 1973, was later questioned due to its disorganized nature and alleged similarities to E. Howard Hunt's writing style. These examples illustrate the importance of verifying information and the potential for new evidence to change our understanding of historical events.

    • Arthur Bremer's diary and Taxi DriverThe similarities between Arthur Bremer's diary and 'Taxi Driver' suggest that the diary may have influenced the film, despite Schrader's claims to the contrary.

      The influence of Arthur Bremer's diary on the film "Taxi Driver" is a complex issue. While screenwriter Paul Schrader maintains that he finished the script before the diary was published, there are striking similarities between scenes in the diary and the movie. These similarities suggest that Bremer's diary may have influenced the way the film was shot, despite Schrader's claims to the contrary. The diary provides a fascinating insight into the mind of an aspiring shooter, offering a chilling account of Bremer's frustrations, daily activities, and violent desires. While it's not recommended that others read such documents, Bremer's diary offers a unique perspective on the motivations of individuals who commit acts of violence. Ultimately, the relationship between Bremer's diary and "Taxi Driver" highlights the complex and often blurred lines between art and reality.

    • Understanding ExtremistsExploring motivations and backgrounds of extremists reveals they're complex individuals, not monstrous evils. Understanding them is a survival strategy and a means of inspiration.

      The actions of individuals, even those considered monstrous or extreme, can be understood through exploring their motivations and backgrounds. The podcast "Weird Little Guys" delves into the lives of right-wing extremists, revealing that they are not unfathomable evils but rather complex individuals. The story of Arthur Bremer, who shot George Wallace, demonstrates this idea. Bremer's diary entries reveal his desire for recognition and his belief in causing change through violence. The podcast also highlights the importance of understanding these individuals as a survival strategy and a means of inspiration. The podcast, "Dream Sequence," adds to this theme by exploring the darker aspects of the human psyche through dreams. Overall, these podcasts encourage listeners to look beyond the surface and consider the complexities of individuals, even those who have committed heinous acts.

    • Green zones destruction for public transportMunicipality of Kent and Delang's plan to develop green areas into grey concrete deserts for public transport contradicts their promotion of green zones for environmental benefits, and alternatives to destroying nature should be considered before proceeding.

      In the city of Flanders, two parties, the municipality of Kent and Delang, are planning to develop green areas into grey concrete deserts for public transport purposes, despite opposition from activists and locals. The northern part was intended to be a bus driver training area, while the southern part is planned to be a bus parking lot. However, activists argue that alternatives to destroying nature have not been considered, and there are enough brownfield sites available for redevelopment. The delay in issuing permits has allowed nature to reclaim the area, and the municipality intends to give custody of the northern part to a local environmental group, Anatiukbund, only if the southern part is developed. This situation raises concerns of political manipulation and division among environmental organizations. The ponds in question are a mix of terrain with various faces, including water-hungry areas, lush grass fields, and tree houses, and are used by locals for recreation and access to nature. The city promotes these green zones for their environmental benefits, including absorption of rainwater and preservation of local flora and fauna. The hypocrisy of promoting green zones while planning to destroy them for public transport reasons is a major issue, and more cost-effective and environmentally-friendly alternatives should be considered.

    • Wilderness preservation vs developmentActivists argue for wilderness preservation, highlighting the benefits of natural phytoremediation, protection of wildlife habitats, and community benefits, while development projects pose threats and raise concerns over true intentions.

      The wilderness space in question, despite having environmental concerns such as pollution and the presence of protected species, is being threatened by development projects. The activists, who have occupied the trees in the area, are advocating for its preservation. They argue that the natural process of phytoremediation can effectively address the pollution issues, making it more cost-effective and sustainable than chemical interventions. Additionally, the area serves as a habitat for various protected species and offers unique benefits for the community, such as mental and physical well-being. The neighbors have also been actively supporting the cause and have successfully saved a portion of the land. However, the development side claims the area is dangerous, which raises questions about the true intentions behind their arguments.

    • Community activism tacticsEffective community activism can combine legal and direct action, with collaboration between groups and community support playing crucial roles in maintaining morale and achieving success.

      Effective community activism often involves a diverse range of tactics, including both legal and direct action. In the case of a forest occupation in Belgium, a neighborhood committee worked within the legal system to file court cases, while activists occupied the forest to prevent early construction. The cooperation between these two groups, which began organically, strengthened each other and kept morale high. The community's support, shown through regular food and material donations, also played a crucial role in maintaining the activists' motivation. Despite the peaceful nature of the occupation and the lack of significant police response, there is a risk of increased tension as the case progresses through the judicial system. For those interested in getting involved, contacting the activists and offering supplies would be a valuable contribution. This unique blend of tactics and community support demonstrates the power of unity and collaboration in achieving a common goal.

    • Community involvement and mutual aidEngaging in community activities, no matter the cause or size, can lead to meaningful experiences and personal growth, as well as benefit local populations and activist causes.

      Community involvement and mutual aid, no matter how small, can lead to meaningful experiences and help both the local population and activist causes. This was emphasized during a discussion about volunteering in a forest camp for activists, where individuals are free to come and stay for as long as they'd like. The importance of understanding the complexities of individuals, even those with extreme beliefs, was also highlighted through the mention of a podcast that explores the lives of "weird little guys" trying to destroy America. The integration of community and accessibility was seen as essential for effective activism and personal growth.

    • Military backgrounds shaping political careersJ.D. Vance and Sebastian Jungkunck's military experiences played a significant role in their political ideologies, with Vance aligning with neo-reactionary thought and Jungkunck influenced by Amy Chua's writing. Their careers were strategically advanced through military service and elite education.

      J.D. Vance and Sebastian Jungkunck's military backgrounds were used strategically to further their political careers. Vance joined the US Marine Corps to gain a desirable position in public affairs, while Jungkunck attended Yale Law School and was mentored by influential figures. Both men's military experiences were significant in shaping their political ideologies, with Vance aligning with neo-reactionary or "new right" thought and Jungkunck's mentor, Amy Chua, influencing his writing of "Hillbilly Elegy." The new right, as described by Vanity Fair's James Pogue, is a worldview in opposition to the belief that economic growth and technological innovation will lead to a better future. Instead, it sees the growth of big tech, nanny state governance, and social justice culture as a system of oppression that must be stopped. These ideas, as espoused by figures like Curtis Yarvin and Nick Land, have attracted a following and influenced the political journeys of figures like Vance and Jungkunck.

    • Peter Thiel's investment in neo-reactionariesBillionaire Peter Thiel's financial backing played a crucial role in boosting the influence and reach of neo-reactionary thinkers, helping spread their anti-democratic ideas.

      Peter Thiel, a billionaire entrepreneur and investor, played a significant role in funding and promoting the ideas and careers of influential thinkers in the neo-reactionary movement, including Yarvan and J.D. Vance. Thiel's support started around 2009, when he was already expressing anti-democratic views, and he continued to invest in various influencers and thinkers in this sphere up to the present day. This funding helped these individuals gain influence and reach larger audiences, contributing to the spread of neo-reactionary ideas. Additionally, Thiel's involvement extended to politics, with his support for certain politicians and his establishment of a venture capital firm, Mithril Capital, which backed Vance and other neo-reactionary figures.

    • J.D. Vance's political contradictionsJ.D. Vance's political stance seemed performative and contradictory, with friendships and beliefs changing to align with power and investment opportunities, rather than deeply held convictions.

      J.D. Vance's political stance appeared performative and driven by a desire for power, rather than deeply held beliefs. His friendship with a transgender woman from law school contradicts his later anti-trans rhetoric, and he had a falling out with this friend over his new stance. Vance's pivot to the right in 2021, which included backing from conservative investors, came after years of posing as a principled economic conservative. His criticisms of the elite and Big Tech align with the neo-reactionary movement, but his solutions, such as abandoning the "real economy" of farms and factories, are seen as fantasies by some. Vance's beliefs and actions highlight the complexities and contradictions within the modern conservative movement.

    • Wealthy donors' influenceWealthy donors can significantly impact politics by funding campaigns of preferred candidates, potentially securing influential positions for them

      During the 2022 U.S. Senate race, J.D. Vance's campaign received significant support from wealthy Silicon Valley investors, including Peter Thiel and David Sachs, who believed Vance could be a valuable addition to the Republican ticket as Trump's vice president. Vance's connection to these investors, his past criticisms of Trump, and his focus on immigration helped him gain Trump's endorsement and ultimately win the election. This story illustrates the influence of wealthy donors in politics and the lengths they will go to support their preferred candidates.

    • Fear of loss and cultural controlSome individuals, driven by fear of death and loss of power, seek to impose their beliefs and values on society through cultural wars and control of education and media.

      Certain individuals, often referred to as near-reactionaries, are deeply opposed to democratic values and neoliberal capitalism. Instead, they seek to maintain their wealth and influence through more archaic, dictatorial means, often in a feudal, fascistic sense. They are driven by a fear of death and the loss of their special status, leading them to try and stop the passage of time and maintain their power. These individuals are often terrified of queer and trans people, particularly those in influential roles, as they fear being culturally overshadowed. Ultimately, they aim to impose their beliefs and values on society, often through cultural wars and attempts to control education and media. These individuals are not monsters without human qualities, but rather complex individuals driven by deep-seated fears and desires. Understanding this can help us navigate the complex political landscape and respond effectively to their threats.

    • Personal stories in politicsRelatable personal stories can inspire and motivate people, boosting a politician's popularity even in the face of controversies and low approval ratings

      Sharing personal stories can inspire and motivate others. Tim Walz, a politician with a mix of accomplishments and controversies, has become increasingly popular due in part to his relatable persona and past actions, such as sponsoring a gay-straight alliance in high school. His sudden rise in popularity comes as Joe Biden's net favorability ratings have been low, and JD Vance's approval ratings have dropped. Walz's political career began late in life, and he was elected to Minnesota's first congressional district in 2006 after a grassroots campaign. Despite some controversies, his likability and ability to connect with rural Americans have contributed to his rise.

    • Tim Walz's Political StanceDespite opposition, Tim Walz, a former Congressman from Minnesota, has maintained liberal policies on gun control, abortion, and climate change, and has a reputation for strong connections to Nancy Pelosi and ability to work across the aisle, but his stance on high corporate taxes and gun control may not appeal to all voters, particularly in rural areas and among suburban moderates.

      Tim Walz, a former Congressman from Minnesota, is a complex political figure who has taken bold stances on various issues throughout his career. He is known for his directness and willingness to tax the wealthy and corporations to fund social programs. Walz's political career was marked by his support for liberal policies despite facing opposition from conservative voters, particularly in rural areas. He was the second Democrat in a century to win in Minnesota's first district, but his support dwindled over time, particularly among rural conservatives. Walz's record includes supporting gun control measures and opposing Republican legislation on abortion and climate change. He also developed a reputation for his strong connections to Nancy Pelosi and his ability to work across the aisle on certain issues, such as improving GI Bill college access for veterans. However, his stance on gun control and high corporate taxes may not appeal to some voters, particularly in rural areas and among suburban moderates. Despite this, his ability to stand firm on his beliefs and his directness with those he disagrees with have earned him respect from some.

    • Minnesota Governor's Response to CrisesGovernor Tim Walz responded to crises with a mix of compromise and bold action, implementing reforms on abortion access, felon voting rights, and climate initiatives during protests, while taking a harder stance during the pandemic with a hotline and National Guard mobilization

      Minnesota Governor Tim Walz responded to crises - the COVID-19 pandemic and the George Floyd protests - with decisive actions, some more effective than others. During the pandemic, he instituted a hotline for reporting rule-breakers, mobilized the National Guard, and later pushed for minor police accountability measures. In response to the protests, he took a harder stance, implementing reforms like codified abortion access, voting rights for felons, and climate initiatives. These actions earned him praise from progressives but criticism from moderates. Despite his promises for police reform, he ultimately backed down under backlash. Overall, Walz's governance can be seen as a mix of compromise and bold action, depending on the issue and political climate.

    • Minnesota Governor's Environmental RecordGovernor Walz has taken steps to promote renewable energy and ban harmful chemicals, but his approval of Line 3 pipeline and mixed record on Palestine issue have angered some groups

      Tim Walz, the Governor of Minnesota, has a complex environmental record. He has taken steps to promote renewable energy and ban harmful chemicals, but he also approved the Line 3 pipeline, which angered local environmental groups and indigenous tribes. Walz has also had a mixed record on Palestine, receiving endorsements from pro-Israel groups and condemning Hamas attacks, but not pushing for any significant action. Despite some controversial decisions, Walz's overall environmental record is seen as better than most governors in the country. Additionally, Walz's first date movie choice, "Falling Down," is an intriguing anecdote that highlights his unique personality. Overall, Walz is a complex political figure with strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to consider the full context of his actions and statements.

    • Personal growth and resilience storiesStories of personal growth and resilience from underrepresented communities can inspire and motivate others, despite facing hardships and ongoing conflict.

      Stories of personal growth and resilience, especially those coming from underrepresented communities, have the power to inspire and motivate others. Angie Martinez, a podcast host, shares her experiences of connecting with people over shared causes, such as Palestine and Kurdistan, and the impact of their stories on her life. Despite the hardships faced by these communities, their unwavering determination to fight for their rights serves as a reminder that everyone has a story worth sharing. In the face of ongoing conflict and oppression, the Kurdish freedom movement in Kurdistan continues to find refuge in the mountains and strive for liberation from the colonial state. The atrocities inflicted on these communities, including the use of aerial bombardments, have been a consistent tool of colonial states for centuries. Yet, the resilience and solidarity of the people continue to shine through, offering hope and inspiring change.

    • Kurdish conflict in TurkeyThe Kurdish conflict in Turkey is marked by state violence, denial of existence, and suppression of language and culture, leading to the rise of the PKK and decades of military struggle and tens of thousands of lives lost.

      The history of the Kurdish people in Turkey is marked by state violence and denial of their existence, leading to a long-standing conflict and the rise of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the late 1970s. Turkey's approach to the Kurdish issue has been hostile, with periods of military struggle and ceasefires, resulting in tens of thousands of lives lost. The denial of their existence and suppression of their language and culture have been significant drivers of the Kurdish struggle for liberation. Despite some differences in the degree of autonomy and vision of Kurdish identity in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region of Iraq, Turkey remains hostile to the democratic and federal system advocated by the PKK and its leader, Abdullah Ocalan. Ocalan's struggle, which began in the late 1970s and continues today, has aimed to unite the Kurdish people and promote their national, cultural, and social awareness, despite facing significant repression from various governments.

    • Kurdistan Freedom Movement in SyriaDespite facing adversaries and threats, the Kurdistan Freedom Movement in Syria has established a democratic confederalist ideology in North East Syria, improving living conditions for millions, but continues to face military attacks and demographic change efforts from Turkey

      The Kurdistan Freedom Movement in Syria took advantage of the power vacuum during the civil war to establish a democratic confederalist ideology in the autonomous area of North East Syria. Despite facing adversaries like the Syrian, Islamic State, and Turkish states, they've managed to create a better living condition for millions of people. However, the movement continues to face threats, including military attacks and the use of unconventional weapons like dogs with explosives, chemical weapons, and even thermobaric bombs. Turkey's ultimate goal is to annex the lands to Turkish territory and change the demographics by resettling Syrian refugees. The ongoing conflict has caused massive destruction and displacement, with thousands of people, including Kurdish fighters, having died in the decade-long war against the Islamic State. Despite the challenges, the movement remains committed to its struggle for autonomy and self-determination.

    • Kurdish Conflict, GenocideThe ongoing Kurdish conflict involves forced displacement, destruction of land, and jihadist buffer zones, causing immense trauma and reminiscent of the Armenian genocide. The international community must address the genocidal and ecocidal crimes of Erdogan's regime and support the struggles of Kurds and Palestinians against extermination.

      The ongoing conflict in Kurdistan involves the forced displacement of thousands of people from their ancestral lands, the destruction of agricultural land and forests, and the establishment of a jihadist buffer zone by Turkey. This situation, which is reminiscent of the genocide of the Armenians 1,000 years ago, is causing immense trauma and displacement for the Kurdish population. The involvement of various states in the region, including Turkey and Iraq, has added complexity to the situation, leaving the people feeling powerless and divided. The international community must draw attention to the atrocities being committed against the Kurds and the genocidal and ecocidal crimes of Erdogan's regime. The struggles of the Kurds and Palestinians against genocide and extermination are interconnected and require support from the global community, including youth, women, democratic forces, and intellectuals.

    • Turkish regime's actions in KurdistanProtesting Turkish regime's actions in Kurdistan through various means such as boycotts, delegations, and joining the struggle, while media and storytelling can shed light and engage audiences.

      Unity and activism are powerful tools in raising awareness and taking a stand against injustices, whether it's against terrorist groups like Daesh or authoritarian regimes like Turkey's. The Turkish regime's actions in Kurdistan, including ecocide and genocide, can be protested through various means such as boycotting Turkish goods, forming delegations, and joining the struggle in Kurdistan. Additionally, media and storytelling can play a crucial role in shedding light on these atrocities and engaging audiences. In the realm of podcasts, shows like "Weird Little Guys" and "Dream Sequence" offer unique perspectives and insights into various societal issues and challenges. Meanwhile, "Angie Martinez' IRL" provides a platform for open conversations about real-life complications and experiences. Overall, these podcasts demonstrate the power of storytelling and activism in creating awareness and inspiring change.

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