
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 16

    enJanuary 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring BetMGM's Sports Betting Experience, Purdue Global's Online Education, and MoreBetMGM offers an engaging sports betting platform with live betting and promotions, while Purdue Global provides accessible online education. Amy Winehouse's 'Back to Black' and Will Ferell's Magical Rewind offer entertainment, and especifismo and platformism emphasize worker unity and empowerment in politics.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with various features, live betting options, and daily promotions. BetMGM also provides new customers with up to $1500 in bonus bets if their first bet doesn't win. Meanwhile, Purdue Global offers an accessible and respected online education for those looking to further their careers, backed by Purdue University. In the entertainment world, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" movie is a must-watch, and Will Ferell and Sabrina Brian's Magical Rewind podcast offers a nostalgic look at childhood TV movies. In politics, the anarchist movement in Latin America, specifically especifismo, has a rich history and emphasizes class struggle and labor unions. Platformism, a related concept, proposes a general union of anarchists based on anarchist communism. Both ideas have evolved over time, but their core principles remain focused on unity and worker empowerment.

    • Emphasizing Unity and Strategic Action in Specific AnarchismSpecific anarchism advocates for unity within anarchist organizations based on shared ideology, promoting effective action and political discussion, and rejecting unity for unity's sake.

      Anarchism as a political ideology encompasses various currents and trends, with specific anarchism being one of them. Specific anarchism emphasizes the importance of anarchist-specific organizations for unity of ideas and praxis, theorizing and developing strategic political and organizing work, and active involvement in autonomous and popular social movements. This approach rejects the idea of unity for unity's sake and instead advocates for ideological unity within organizations to ensure effective action and political discussion. While there have been historical precedents for specific anarchist movements in various parts of the world, it's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all model for anarchist organizing and that historical events should be understood in context. Overall, specific anarchism offers a unique perspective on anarchist organizing that emphasizes the importance of unity and strategic action within anarchist circles.

    • Organizing as Anarchists in Social MovementsAnarchists should form specificismo groups for strategy, reflection, and collective responsibility while maintaining unique ideologies, focusing on achievable goals, and cultivating anarchist undercurrents within larger movements.

      Anarchists should come together in organized groups, or specificismo, to shape larger social movements while maintaining their unique ideologies. This doesn't mean manipulating things behind the scenes but rather having a shared space for strategy, reflection, and collective responsibility. Anarchists, as an active minority, should keep their goals achievable and focus on social insertion, getting involved in daily struggles and connecting with various communities to develop consciousness and awareness of their power. This approach can be seen in successful movements like Black Socialist America, where a clear strategy and social insertion have led to significant progress. Ultimately, anarchists should aim to cultivate the anarchist undercurrent within popular social movements and resist co-option by external forces.

    • Tension between individual goals and organizational goals in social movementsAnarchists prioritize individual autonomy while maintaining unity for collective goals, balancing freedom and interconnectedness.

      Individuals and groups, including anarchists, have a natural impulse towards self-determination and autonomy. This impulse can lead to tension between individual goals and organizational goals within social movements. However, maintaining a degree of unity and solidarity among anarchists, based on their shared libertarian thrust, can be beneficial. The difference between anarchist unity and left unity lies in the fact that anarchists generally aim for autonomy and determination of the people, while left unity can be hindered by significant segments funneling energy towards state institutions. The challenge lies in balancing individual autonomy with the collective goals of social movements. It's essential to avoid falling into an "island mentality" that prioritizes individual freedom at the expense of collective action. Instead, a more nuanced understanding of freedom and autonomy that considers the interconnectedness of individuals and groups is necessary.

    • Balancing autonomy and accountability in anarchist communitiesAnarchists should focus on practical ways to make a positive impact, balancing autonomy with accountability and considering others, while engaging in social movements and helping people to challenge negative stereotypes.

      Autonomy and freedom in anarchist communities should be balanced with accountability and consideration for how individual actions affect others. While some anarchists may embrace a decentralized, goal-less approach, elements of especificismo, such as social insertion and group projects, can be beneficial in making a positive impact on people's lives. It's important to focus on the practical ways anarchism can help people, rather than getting bogged down in ideological debates or trying to micromanage public perception. By actively engaging in social movements and helping people, anarchists can effectively challenge negative stereotypes and build a stronger anarchist community.

    • Engage in community projects for changeCreating change through community engagement and helping people achieve their goals is more impactful than wall art or personal creativity. Start with simple initiatives, promote anarchist principles, and spread liberatory consciousness.

      While wall art and personal creativity have their place, the most impactful way to create change and unity is through direct community engagement and helping people achieve their goals. This can be achieved through small, organized groups working together on projects like community kitchens, heating centers, and gardens. By talking to people and forming genuine connections, individuals can develop their own initiatives and expand their political awareness. Anarchist principles, such as pushing for more direct democracy and consensus, can be actively promoted within these social movements to help them reach their full potential. Starting with something simple, like a book club, can lead to larger, revolutionary actions. Ultimately, the goal is to spread liberatory consciousness and ideas, not to force any particular ideology on others. The Federico Anarchist Gaucha in Brazil serves as an example of effective social insertion through their work with neighborhood committees, rural landless workers, and trash collectors.

    • Collaborating with social movements for effective promotionLibertarian socialists should build relationships and coordinate efforts with social movements, emphasizing self-organization and avoiding top-down control.

      Building strong relationships and working collaboratively with various social movements and organizations is crucial for libertarian socialists to effectively promote their practices and principles. The Espacifismo movement, which emphasizes self-organization, has successfully done this in various countries, including Argentina, Brazil, and South Africa. However, it's important for libertarian socialists not to control social movements from the top down, but rather to coordinate efforts and advocate for their practices within them. The Eusefronct collective emphasizes the importance of reaching out to the broader population and avoiding isolation within libertarian socialist groups. By working together and putting their activity towards self-organization, libertarian socialists can effectively challenge hierarchical organizing and promote true social change.

    • Exploring Different Perspectives on Mutual Aid and Community ResilienceEffective communication of mutual aid and community resilience depends on the listener's perspective. Emphasizing traditional American values for conservatives and system inefficiencies for liberals can be persuasive.

      The host of the podcast has had a variety of favorite episodes during the past season, including those on the metaverse, climate change, mutual aid, chaos magic, and interviews with guests like Cory Doctorow. When it comes to communicating the concept of mutual aid and community resilience to those who might not be initially open to it, the approach depends on their perspective. For those with a conservative viewpoint, emphasizing the traditional American values of self-reliance and community responsibility can be effective. For those with a more liberal perspective, pointing out the inefficiencies within the system and the ongoing challenges during the pandemic can be persuasive. Overall, the podcast covers a range of topics and offers insights into various perspectives.

    • Uncertainty in politics calls for community resiliencyThe political climate's instability necessitates community resiliency programs and effective leadership to tackle pressing issues and maintain trust among voters, despite potential consequences from elections and government policies.

      The political landscape is unpredictable, and community resiliency programs are crucial due to the uncertainty surrounding government policies and elections. The discussion also touched upon the perceived inaction of the current administration on key issues and the potential consequences for the upcoming elections. The Democrats' handling of their power and lack of significant policy achievements have led to skepticism among voters, potentially impacting their ability to maintain control in future elections. The failure to address voting rights and the increasing polarization between parties are signs of a disconnect between the political leadership and the new reality.

    • Political parties disregard public's well-beingSpeakers express cynicism towards political parties, suggesting they don't care about people's lives during COVID-19 and elections. Urge public to pressure Biden admin for change, like student loan repayments. Recommend books for hope and escape.

      The speakers express a cynical view towards the political parties and their perceived disregard for the public's well-being, particularly in regards to the COVID-19 response and the upcoming elections. They believe that the parties don't care if people live or die and that the public may have to take matters into their own hands. Despite this pessimistic outlook, they suggest that there is a possibility for positive change if the public pressures the Biden administration into taking action on issues that can make a difference, such as student loan repayments. Additionally, they recommend books, both non-fiction and fiction, as a source of hope and escape during uncertain times.

    • Perspectives on historical and contemporary issuesLarson's 'In the Garden of Beasts' explores the rise of the Nazis and its impact, while Robinson's 'Ministry of the Future' tackles climate change with optimism and potential solutions.

      Both "In the Garden of Beasts" by Eric Larson and "Ministry of the Future" by Kim Stanley Robinson offer unique perspectives on significant historical and contemporary issues. "In the Garden of Beasts" delves into the rise of the Nazis and the fates of those who were purged during the Night of Long Knives. The book provides intriguing insights into the complexities of the time, with detailed accounts of various characters and their evolving views on the Nazi regime. On the other hand, "Ministry of the Future" tackles climate change through a science fiction lens, presenting a wide range of potential solutions and the implications of implementing them. The book features an optimistic outlook, although it could benefit from exploring the potential dangers of authoritarian populism in the context of climate change initiatives. Both books are well-written and highly recommended for those interested in history and the future of our planet.

    • Challenging common assumptions about the past and present'Dawn of Everything' questions the belief in linear progression from simple societies to complex states, while Chuang reveals the Chinese state's struggle to manage multiple layers during crises

      Both the book "Dawn of Everything" and the analysis in Chuang, a theoretical journal about China, challenge common assumptions about the past and present. "Dawn of Everything" argues that early human societies were as complex and intelligent as ours, contradicting the belief in a linear progression from simple hunter-gatherer bands to farming and states. Chuang reveals that the Chinese state, despite its authoritarian image, struggles to live up to its full potential during crises due to its inability to manage multiple layers at once. These insights challenge perceptions and invite us to reconsider historical narratives.

    • Ancient societal structures allowed for greater freedom and flexibilityThroughout history, societies have experimented with various forms of structures and norms, enabling cross-cultural contact, travel, and disobedience, predating the agricultural revolution.

      Throughout history, there have been various forms of societal structures and norms that allowed for greater freedom and flexibility than what we have today. For instance, ancient travel networks enabled cross-cultural contact and recreational travel, and people had the ability to disobey orders and shift their social and political arrangements. These practices existed long before the agricultural revolution and were more common than we might think. However, with only around 10,000 years of reliable data on human history, it's important to remember that humans have been experimenting with different ways of living for much longer. A fascinating example of this is Cory Doctorow's novel "Walk Away," which presents an optimistic vision of societal change. Additionally, for those with a passion for plants, consider checking out the books "The Plantopedia" and "Wicked Plants."

    • Exploring diverse hobbies and experiencesEngaging in various hobbies brings joy, learning, and personal growth despite unique challenges

      People have diverse hobbies and interests, from cultivating poisonous plants to 3D printing. Gary expressed his fascination with poisonous plants, while others shared their experiences with 3D printing and the challenges they faced. One person mentioned their previous hobby of rock climbing, which they had to put on hold due to the pandemic. These conversations illustrate the importance of having various pursuits and the unique experiences that come with each one. Gary discussed his plans to set up a poison garden and shared his love for poisonous plants. Another participant revealed their recent interest in 3D printing and the issues they encountered, such as getting ABS to adhere properly to the bed. A third person shared their past hobby of rock climbing and how the pandemic forced them to pause their activities. These conversations highlight the importance of having diverse hobbies and the unique challenges and experiences that come with each one. Whether it's cultivating poisonous plants, 3D printing, or rock climbing, engaging in various pursuits can bring joy, learning, and personal growth.

    • StarCraft 2's Impact on Speaker's Life and HobbiesDespite being bad at StarCraft 2, the speaker's deep involvement led to personal growth and fascination with esports' potential wealth. They also enjoy cooking, teaching, filmmaking, and occultism as hobbies.

      The speaker's deep involvement in StarCraft 2, despite being terrible at it, has significantly impacted their life and even played a role in their radicalization process. They find the game's origins as a potential Warhammer 40,000 video game intriguing, and wonder if the massive success of esports might have led to immense wealth and potential retirement for the involved parties. The speaker also enjoys cooking, teaching, filmmaking, and occultism as hobbies. They plan to create short video projects and have a fascination with StarCraft's almost-history.

    • Mango Cults during China's Cultural RevolutionChris discussed the intriguing phenomenon of Mango Cults during China's Cultural Revolution, where people preserved and worshiped mangoes as symbols of Mao's favor.

      History is full of fascinating stories and events that are worth exploring, even if they don't warrant a whole episode on a podcast. Chris mentioned the Zapatistas and the water and gas wars in Bolivia as examples of such stories. Another intriguing historical topic Chris brought up was the Mango Cults during China's Cultural Revolution. This bizarre phenomenon involved people preserving and worshiping mangoes as tokens of Mao's favor, leading to the spread of this cult even in remote areas. Chris also shared a hypothetical question: if he could fight anyone in history and lose, he would choose David Bowie because it would be "hot." Overall, the conversation highlighted the richness and diversity of historical events and the importance of sharing these stories with others.

    • Considering the long-term implications of geographical relocation during societal collapseMoving to another country doesn't guarantee complete security or insulation from global problems, and staying and making things better where you are can also be a positive option.

      While some people may choose to leave the United States due to ethical or personal reasons during times of crisis, it's important to remember that moving to another country is not a permanent solution to the global problems we face. While it may offer temporary advantages, such as a better cost of living or safety for families, it does not guarantee complete security or insulation from the effects of societal collapse. It's essential to consider the long-term implications and the limitations of geographical relocation. Additionally, staying and trying to make things better where you are can also be a noble and positive thing. Ultimately, everyone would leave if they could, but no one owes it to the world to die in a place they hate just because they were born there. As for practical tools for a collapse situation, an angle grinder with a diamond blade is a more versatile option than bolt cutters for survival situations.

    • Preparing for emergencies with a go bagA go bag should include essentials for survival like water, food, fire starter, knife, and space blanket. Additional items like filters, maps, and solar panels may be necessary depending on the situation.

      Having a well-equipped go bag is essential for survival during emergencies. The bag should contain ways to obtain clean water, food for at least 3 to 5 days, a fire starter, a good knife or multi-tool, and a space blanket for warmth. Depending on the situation, additional items like a hand pump filter, water purification tablets, and a map or GPS device may be necessary. For extreme weather conditions, wool blankets are recommended for their insulating properties. An angle grinder or battery-powered saw can be useful for cutting through obstacles. A solar panel with USB connection can keep electronic devices charged, providing access to maps and communication. While lock bypass tools and gas masks are useful skills and equipment, they may not be necessary for everyone. Always consider the specific threats and conditions in your area when preparing a go bag.

    • Corporations' Militarization and Surveillance Threats to Privacy and Civil LibertiesCorporations are acquiring intelligence capabilities and collaborating with paramilitary organizations to protect financial interests and suppress dissent, posing a significant threat to privacy and civil liberties. The cost of these militaristic measures is a concern.

      Corporations are increasingly militarizing and professionalizing paramilitary surveillance apparatuses, which could pose a significant threat to individual privacy and civil liberties. This trend is driven by the need to protect financial interests and prevent threats, including union organizing and theft. While the idea of corporations amassing armies may seem extreme, the real concern lies in their acquisition of intelligence capabilities, which can be more insidious and difficult to combat. The use of mercenary groups and paramilitary organizations to suppress dissent and control supply chains is also a growing concern. It's important to remember that the threat doesn't necessarily come from corporations having their own armies but from their collaboration with intelligence agencies and other paramilitary organizations. The use of these groups to silence critics and suppress dissent can have far-reaching consequences and undermine democratic processes. The cost of these militaristic measures is also a concern, with the price of anti-material rifles and ammunition being comparable to a new Toyota Prius. The potential for corporations to become more militaristic is a worrying trend that requires close attention and scrutiny.

    • Focus on equitable distribution of resources, not population numbersIn a post-capitalist world, prioritize individual freedom and safety, and ensure equitable access to resources for all, rather than focusing on population control.

      The post-capitalist world should focus on equitable distribution of resources rather than trying to reach a specific population number. The woman's story highlighted the importance of individual freedom and safety, especially for those facing threats such as honor killings. It's crucial to address issues of allocation and ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to live well, rather than worrying about population numbers. The current food production surplus is a testament to our ability to produce enough for everyone, yet hunger remains a significant issue. Therefore, the focus should be on creating a more just and networked system for resource distribution, rather than attempting to reduce population numbers.

    • Focusing on equity and resources for all leads to population decreaseBy redistributing resources, limiting overconsumption, and embracing sustainability, we can improve livability for all, even if population growth doesn't decrease.

      Increasing equity and ensuring people have access to necessary resources can lead to a decrease in population growth, but it doesn't mean we should aim for population decrease. Instead, we should focus on redistributing resources and limiting overconsumption. A post-capitalist world might not be achievable, but incremental changes can still lead to significant improvements. The left should approach change with humility and creativity, learning from past failures and envisioning new ways to create a more livable world. Our personal goals should be focused on providing for our communities, rather than trying to feed entire cities. Embracing sustainability and eco-friendly practices is a crucial step towards creating a better future for all.

    • Start making a difference locallyTransform lawns into gardens, connect with community, and engage in local projects for personal growth and societal impact.

      Making a difference starts with building connections in your community and implementing small, local solutions. While these actions may not directly address large systemic issues, they can help ensure your survival and commitment to change. Additionally, focusing on hyperlocal solutions can increase your autonomy and understanding of various systems, influencing your personal beliefs and societal advocacy. A simple yet impactful change could be transforming lawns into gardens for carbon capture and food production. This trend, if popularized, could have a significant global impact. For those interested in taking action, consider getting involved in community projects, such as guerilla gardening, and connecting with like-minded individuals. Even if you feel isolated, there are resources and experts available to help you get started. Remember, every small change can contribute to a larger movement.

    • Connecting with Mutual Aid InitiativesIdentify community needs, attend local events, use alternative labels, engage face-to-face, provide evidence, and reach out for support.

      If you want to get involved in mutual aid projects or initiatives, it can be challenging to find like-minded individuals, but it's not impossible. You can start by identifying a need in your community and filling it. Attend local events, such as comedy shows, farmers markets, or fairs, where you may encounter people with radical politics or countercultural beliefs. If you're in a more conservative area, consider using alternative labels, like libertarian municipalist, to make your cause more palatable to potential allies. Remember, it's essential to go out into the real world and engage with people face-to-face instead of just scrolling through social media. If you've already started a mutual aid project and can provide evidence, consider reaching out to organizations or individuals for support and signal boosting. Overall, it may not be easy, but there are ways to find and connect with others who share your values and goals.

    • Predictions for the 2020 NFL Season and BeyondThe 2020 NFL season is filled with uncertainties and predictions, ranging from political activism to potential climate disasters, and personal opinions from experts.

      The 2020 NFL schedule is highly anticipated, with many uncertainties and predictions surrounding it. While some believe it will be lackluster, others anticipate a resurgence of energy and activism on both sides of the political spectrum. A more ominous prediction suggests that a significant urban area in the United States may become uninhabitable due to a climate-related disaster. The speakers also shared their personal predictions, ranging from the mundane to the dramatic. Overall, the conversation reflected the excitement and uncertainty surrounding the upcoming NFL season and broader societal issues.

    • The Political Climate and Armed Resistance Shape the Government's Approach to COVID-19The political climate and armed resistance have deterred nationwide lockdowns and influenced the government's response to COVID-19, with the Biden administration making concessions after showing resistance.

      The COVID-19 situation in the US has reached a grim milestone with over a million official deaths, and there's no sign of another nationwide lockdown. The speaker believes that the "liberate Wisconsin" movement and other protests effectively deterred such measures. However, the government's response doesn't involve immediate concessions; instead, they make a show of not granting concessions before eventually doing so. The speaker also notes that the armed militant cultural movement against COVID precautions has made lockdowns politically impossible, and the government seems unwilling to engage in conflict or rely on intelligence services against these groups. The speaker criticizes the Biden administration for not implementing more drastic measures earlier, but acknowledges that the situation may have been beyond their control by the time they took office. Overall, the speaker argues that the government's approach to the pandemic has been shaped by the political climate and the threat of armed resistance.

    • Impact of COVID-19 and predictions for the futureThe COVID-19 pandemic's impact is complex, and predictions for the future include potential Republican Senate control, tech industry controversies, spacecraft disasters, and Myanmar revolution with 3D-printed weapons.

      The COVID-19 pandemic's impact is complex and multifaceted, and even if the right decisions were made by the current administration, the current death toll might not have changed significantly. Additionally, there are deeper cultural issues at play. Regarding political predictions, it's likely that the Republicans will regain control of the Senate. In the tech industry, there could be a significant crime against humanity involving Facebook, and Jeff Bezos may become the most cringeworthy figure due to his public image. There might also be more unionization and a disastrous launch of a spacecraft. In international news, there's a possibility that Myanmar could see a successful revolutionary movement armed with 3D-printed weapons. These predictions are based on the ongoing cultural, political, and technological trends discussed in the conversation.

    • Impact of Technology on Insurgent Movements and J.K. Rowling's Controversial TopicsTechnology fuels insurgent movements but its impact is uncertain. J.K. Rowling's public comments sparked controversy, while decriminalization of hard drugs and a Latin American uprising are predicted.

      Technology continues to play an evolving role in insurgent movements, although its impact remains uncertain. J.K. Rowling's foray into controversial topics has been a subject of criticism, with some suggesting she could have avoided the backlash by staying out of the public eye after her literary success. Another prediction is the decriminalization of hard drugs in certain cities and states, while heroin is seen as a potential sponsor for the podcast. A significant Latin American uprising is expected, likely in Brazil, following the examples of Bolivia and Chile.

    • Brazil's political uncertainty and Matrix 4's exploration of human connectionsThe political climate in Brazil may lead to continued protests or even revolution, while the success of safe drug injection sites in reducing harm in the US is under consideration. Matrix 4 highlights the importance of human connections in a world that can feel isolating.

      The political situation in Brazil, particularly regarding the Workers Party and the ongoing protests, remains uncertain. While there's a possibility that the protests may not escalate into a revolutionary insurrection, the arrest of Lula or Bolsonaro's continued poor health could potentially spark unrest. Another topic discussed was the potential opening of safe drug injection sites in the United States, which have been successful in preventing deaths and reducing related crime in places like Vancouver, BC. Predictions were also made about the potential announcement of a new Matrix video game and the excellence of Matrix 4. The film's exploration of the system's ability to co-opt revolt was praised, as was its focus on human connections and the importance of finding them in a world that can often feel isolating.

    • Exploring human connection and modern life in 'The Matrix 4'The Matrix 4 delivers a fun and thought-provoking addition to the series, touching on themes of human connection, social media, digital systems, Hollywood, and the video game industry.

      Human connection is crucial for breaking free from isolation and the complex layers of modern life, as depicted in "The Matrix" films. The Wachowskis' latest installment offers thoughtful commentary on social media, digital systems, and the importance of real human relationships. The use of Brass Against in the film, despite the controversial incident involving the lead singer, adds to the movie's fun and unique charm. Additionally, the film offers insightful commentary on Hollywood and the video game industry. The future of Doctor Oz's political career remains uncertain, but the outcome will likely serve as a bellwether for other public figures in similar cultural spaces. Overall, "The Matrix 4" is a fun and thought-provoking addition to the series.

    • Cautiously Optimistic Outlook for 2022Amidst pandemic and climate crisis, there's hope for decreasing COVID-19 infections and slight climate improvement, while staying informed and taking precautions.

      Despite the challenges of the ongoing pandemic and climate crisis, there's a possibility that both situations may improve in the coming year. The speaker expresses hope that COVID-19 infections will decrease due to the high transmission rate of the Omicron variant and the increasing number of vaccinated individuals. Additionally, the speaker believes that the climate crisis will continue to worsen, but there's a chance for slight improvement in other areas. The speaker also expresses gratitude for the effectiveness of vaccines and boosters in preventing severe illness and hospitalization. Overall, the speaker remains cautiously optimistic about the future and encourages everyone to stay informed and take necessary precautions.

    • Empowering self-sufficiency in essential medicationsThe 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective focuses on producing life-saving medications using small molecule chemistry to address barriers of price, legality, and infrastructure, making vital medications more accessible to those in need.

      Individuals and communities can take steps towards self-sufficiency and resilience, even in areas like access to essential medications where industrial supply chains and pharmaceutical companies hold significant power. The 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective, led by Michael Laufer, is an organization that focuses on biohacking and producing life-saving medications using small molecule chemistry. Their efforts have primarily targeted access to abortion, HIV medications, hepatitis C medications, and reversal of drug overdoses. By addressing the main barriers of price, legality, and infrastructure, the collective aims to make these vital medications more accessible to those who need them most. This approach not only empowers individuals but also reimagines the relationship to the medical supply chain and community support systems.

    • Access to essential medicines for compromised individualsExploring alternative methods to access essential medicines when traditional channels fail or are expensive is crucial for individuals with compromised immune systems and those seeking reproductive healthcare.

      Access to essential medicines is a significant issue for individuals with compromised immune systems and those seeking reproductive healthcare. The discussion focused on two specific examples: an antiparasitic drug for Toxoplasmosis and abortion pills. The antiparasitic, used primarily by individuals with HIV, advanced stages of cancer, and pregnant women, was priced exorbitantly, making it inaccessible for many. Abortion pills, specifically mifepristone and misoprostol, can be obtained through less regulated channels, such as Mexico or by exploiting the fact that they are also used for ulcer treatment in horses. The production of these medicines from scratch is a complex process, but instructions for obtaining misoprostol as an ulcer medication have been distributed to make the process more accessible. These examples illustrate the importance of exploring alternative methods to access essential medicines when traditional channels fail or are prohibitively expensive.

    • Balancing Empowerment and Accurate Information in HealthcareEmpowering individuals to manage their health while combating misinformation and making necessary medications more accessible is crucial in healthcare.

      While it's important to provide people with the means and access to make decisions about managing their health, there will always be instances where they make decisions that may not align with expert recommendations. The real challenge lies in combating misinformation that leads people to make harmful health decisions. In the medical sphere, the issue of skyrocketing prices for necessary medications, especially for those with rare diseases, is a significant problem. Organizations are working to combat misinformation and find solutions to make these medications more accessible. It's crucial to strike a balance between empowering individuals to manage their health and ensuring they have accurate information to make informed decisions. The goal should be to provide access to a wide range of tools and medications, regardless of how common or rare the condition may be.

    • DIY Epinephrine Injector: The EpipencilIndividuals and organizations are creating affordable, reusable alternatives to essential medical equipment and medications, empowering people to take control of their healthcare.

      Individuals and organizations are finding innovative ways to produce essential medical equipment and medications, bypassing the high costs and limitations imposed by traditional healthcare systems and pharmaceutical industries. The Epipencil, an alternative to the expensive EpiPen, is an example of such an initiative. It's a DIY epinephrine injector that is safer, more affordable, and reusable. The Epipencil addresses issues like high costs, single-use design, and potential failures of the EpiPen, offering a solution that empowers individuals to take their healthcare into their own hands. This DIY approach not only saves lives but also challenges the status quo, demonstrating that as a species, we have the capability to produce life-saving tools at a fraction of the cost. The Epipencil is just one example, but it highlights the potential for individuals to take control of their healthcare and create solutions that cater to their needs.

    • DIY Production of Essential MedicationsAccess essential medications like EpiPen or insulin at home through simple tasks or complex tools, with varying investment and time required

      Producing essential medications like the EpiPen or insulin at home is more accessible than one might think. The process can range from simple tasks like weighing active pharmaceutical ingredients and filling capsules, to building more complex tools like auto-injectors or micro labs. The financial investment and time required depend on the level of involvement, with the simplest methods needing only basic supplies and reading abilities. For those interested in contributing, there are resources and communities, such as the Open Insulin Project, that can provide guidance and support. This DIY approach holds the potential to revolutionize access to vital medications for individuals who face barriers to obtaining them through traditional means.

    • Democratizing and Decentralizing Life-Saving MedicationsProject envisions a future where people manage their own health, reducing reliance on medical professionals and increasing access to medications.

      The discussion revolves around the potential of a project to democratize and decentralize the production of life-saving medications, with the ultimate goal of creating a cultural shift towards independent health management. The project aims to normalize the concept of managing one's health, reducing the reliance on outsourcing responsibility to medical professionals, and increasing access to medications. The speaker shares the vision of a future where people are engaged in their own health, similar to how computers and 3D printing have become commonplace. The project's success would be measured by its eventual cease to exist as an organization, as the concept becomes normalized. The speaker also shares an anecdote about contacting Martin Scirelli, the inventor of a drug they were distributing, who had some insightful thoughts on the project's potential impact on small communities.

    • Decentralizing medication production and accessEmpowering individuals through community-driven healthcare, improving overall well-being, and promoting a cultural shift towards autonomy and trust.

      Decentralizing the production and access to medication through mutual aid collectives and community networks has the potential to empower individuals and improve their overall well-being. This approach allows people to collaborate, share knowledge, and help each other in times of need. It also promotes a cultural shift towards a more autonomous and trust-based healthcare system. However, it's crucial to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information being shared and used for self-medication to prevent any potential harm. This approach not only leads to improved health outcomes but also provides individuals with a sense of agency and participation in their own lives. It's about moving away from the traditional top-down healthcare system and towards a more community-driven, trust-based approach.

    • The Fear of Losing Health InsuranceThe fear of losing health insurance can prevent people from taking risks, limit opportunities, and even hinder activism. Alleviating this fear could lead to greater individual agency and collective action for change.

      The fear of losing health insurance can be a powerful, oppressive force that keeps people from taking risks, exploring new opportunities, and even participating in protests or activism. This fear is particularly acute for those who have dependents with medical needs or pre-existing conditions. The loss of health insurance can feel as threatening as physical violence, and it can lead to a paralyzing sense of inertia. This fear is often unspoken, but it underlies many decisions and limitations in people's lives. If we could alleviate this fear, many possibilities and opportunities would open up, allowing people to live more freely and fully. Ultimately, the fear of losing health insurance is a counter-revolutionary force that undermines individual agency and collective action for change.

    • IP laws can prioritize profits over human livesIP laws can hinder access to life-saving knowledge, enabling a system that goes against human instinct to help, but projects like 4thieves aim to challenge this by making info accessible to all

      The current intellectual property laws, particularly in the context of medical and pharmaceutical industries, can lead individuals and institutions to prioritize profits over human lives, creating a system that goes against the natural human instinct to help those in need. Michael Malone, a guest on the podcast, uses the analogy of withholding life-saving knowledge to illustrate this point. He argues that this behavior is enabled by the structures and hierarchies of these industries and raises philosophical questions about the impact of these structures on human morality. The 4thieves project, as discussed on the podcast, aims to challenge this system by making information and resources more accessible to everyone. Malone expresses his hope and satisfaction in seeing this project come to life, as it aligns with his idealistic beliefs about the transformative potential of the internet. He encourages listeners to support the project by helping those in need, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. The 4thieves project is planning several big releases this summer and is always looking for volunteers, including writers, to join their team.

    • Stay Informed, Empowered, and ConnectedExplore resources like Cool Zone Media's podcasts, The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, Ebay Motors, and NFL schedule release for diverse perspectives and updates. Prioritize good sleep with Leesa's natural hybrid mattress, and support these platforms for positive impact.

      There are various resources and platforms available to stay informed, empowered, and connected to different communities and interests. Cool Zone Media offers podcasts on various topics, while The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides authentic perspectives from Detroit's black community. Ebay Motors offers affordable solutions for car enthusiasts, and the NFL schedule release keeps football fans updated. Good sleep is essential, and Leesa's natural hybrid mattress offers a sustainable and comfortable solution. Additionally, supporting these platforms and purchases can contribute to positive causes. Stay informed, stay connected, and prioritize your well-being.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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