
    Podcast Summary

    • Immersive experiences and opportunities for growthBetMGM offers an engaging sports betting platform, Purdue Global provides access to higher education, and advocating for change can lead to improvements in education and community.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with various features, easy sign-up process, and access to promotions. New customers can receive up to $1500 back in bonus bets if their first bet doesn't win. Meanwhile, Purdue Global presents an opportunity for individuals to earn a degree, backed by a respected university, for their career, family, and personal growth. In Chicago, teachers and students face challenges, as highlighted by Lucy from the CTU, with Lori Lightfoot's actions raising concerns and causing tension. The city received federal aid, but a significant portion was spent on the police instead of schools. These stories illustrate the importance of making informed decisions, taking opportunities for growth, and advocating for change when necessary.

    • Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Unpopularity in ChicagoDespite efforts to allocate funds to schools and police, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's unpopularity remains high due to mistrust and past experiences of being let down by city institutions, particularly during the pandemic.

      Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago, is widely disliked by various groups within the city, including teachers, police, and even her political allies. This disdain stems from her perceived lack of good faith and her handling of city issues, particularly in regards to education and COVID-19 response. During the pandemic, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) implemented a hybrid learning model, but many families, particularly those with fewer resources, opted for remote learning due to safety concerns. The mistrust between government institutions and certain communities, coupled with past experiences of being let down by these institutions, has further fueled resistance to reopening schools. Despite Lightfoot's efforts to allocate significant funds to the police and schools, her unpopularity remains high. This widespread dislike of Lightfoot is reminiscent of a villainous character, making her an unusual and divisive figure in Chicago politics.

    • Frustration with unequal access to COVID testing in schoolsDuring the pandemic, access to COVID testing in schools was unequal, causing frustration for students and staff. The bureaucratic process of signing up and limited resources added to the challenge.

      During the pandemic, like many schools, the speaker's experience involved transitioning to online learning and later returning to in-person instruction. However, the resources and support for testing varied greatly between schools. The speaker expressed frustration with the lack of access to testing and the bureaucratic process of signing up. Additionally, the city's mayor, Lightfoot, was criticized for her stance on COVID testing, which the speaker perceived as denialism. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of accessible testing for ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools.

    • 8 words: Chaotic situation, lack of communicationThe lack of clear and timely communication from CPS to principals is causing inconsistent implementation of school closures and quarantines, disrupting students' learning and routines during the pandemic.

      The current situation in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is chaotic and communication between CPS and school principals is lacking, leading to confusion and frustration. The principals, who are supposed to be in charge, are being put in a difficult position as they are not always receiving clear and timely information from CPS. This lack of communication has resulted in inconsistent implementation of school closures and quarantines, causing disruption to students' learning and routines. The situation is further complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a high number of cases and absences in schools. Despite these challenges, it's important to note that remote learning, when consistent, can be an effective solution, but the constant flipping between in-person and remote learning can be detrimental to students' education.

    • Chicago Teachers Union Lockout Over Remote Learning and Safety ConcernsDespite disagreements with CPS over remote learning, opt out testing, and surveillance testing, the CTU has locked out teachers due to safety concerns. This is not a strike but a lockout, and the union is suing CPS over the breach of contract.

      The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has voted to work remotely due to safety concerns, but the school district, CPS, has locked them out. The union has been advocating for a remote learning threshold, opt out testing, and surveillance testing to help understand the spread of COVID-19 cases in schools. However, CPS has refused to negotiate on these matters, leading to the union's decision to work remotely. Despite some misconceptions, this is not a strike, but a lockout, as teachers are actively trying to work from home. The situation has been ongoing for some time, with multiple votes taken to gauge teacher sentiment. The CTU has made every effort to ensure this decision was made democratically. The reporting on this issue has been inconsistent, with some outlets mischaracterizing the situation as a strike. The CTU is currently suing CPS over the lockout, which they argue is a breach of contract.

    • BetMGM sign-up bonus and Consumer Cellular promotionBetMGM offers a $1500 sign-up bonus for new customers, while Consumer Cellular provides affordable wireless plans with a free second month offer

      BetMGM offers new customers an attractive sign-up bonus of up to $1500 in bonus bets if their first bet doesn't win. Additionally, the platform provides access to various parlay selection features, live betting options, and daily promotions. However, teaching in classrooms during the pandemic presents unique challenges, especially for middle schoolers who struggle to maintain COVID-safe practices. High school students are generally more compliant, but even they sometimes disregard mask protocols. The ongoing debate is whether schools should transition to remote learning to prevent widespread illness or wait until it becomes necessary and chaotic. Meanwhile, Consumer Cellular offers an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans, providing the same reliable coverage as leading carriers for less. For a limited time, new customers can even receive their second month free by signing up and using the promo code "monthfree" by May 31st.

    • Concerns over in-person learning in CPS during COVID-19The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering individual student needs, mental and physical well-being, and potential benefits of remote learning, while acknowledging the risks and complexities of in-person learning during the pandemic.

      The insistence on in-person learning in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the challenges and risks involved, is a complex issue. The speaker expresses concern for the mental and physical well-being of students and teachers, as well as the potential for the virus to spread and mutate in school settings. They also highlight the importance of considering individual student needs and the potential benefits of remote learning for some students. The speaker emphasizes the human impact of COVID-19 and the importance of acknowledging that every case represents an individual. They also question the use of percentages to discuss the impact of the virus and the potential long-term effects on children and teachers. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more nuanced and compassionate approach to education during the pandemic.

    • Chicago's Prioritization of Business Interests Over Public Health During COVID-19The speaker criticizes Chicago's mayor for keeping schools open and neglecting public health, while also criticizing the police department's vaccine resistance and ironic funding priorities. They call for a shift in priorities to prioritize community health and safety.

      The prioritization of business interests over public health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chicago has led to a deeply concerning situation, with schools remaining open despite the risks and the healthcare system struggling. The speaker expresses frustration with the mayor, Lori Lightfoot, for seemingly disregarding the well-being of students and their families, while also criticizing the police department for their resistance to vaccines and their role in spreading the virus. The speaker also points out the irony of investing large sums of money in police academies instead of improving school ventilation or providing adequate healthcare resources. The situation is further complicated by the fact that schools and hospitals have historically been breeding grounds for disease outbreaks, and contact tracing efforts have proven to be inadequate. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a shift in priorities, with the health and safety of the community taking precedence over business interests.

    • Safety concerns in schools: Ventilation and social distancingDespite masking and vaccinations, the speaker raises doubts about the effectiveness of social distancing rules in schools due to poor ventilation and personal experiences of safety issues.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the safety and ventilation in schools, questioning the effectiveness of social distancing rules in preventing the spread of viruses like COVID-19. The speaker shares personal experiences of poor ventilation and safety issues in schools, and expresses skepticism towards those who argue that masks and vaccinations alone are sufficient to ensure safety in schools. The speaker also discusses the challenges of remote learning and the emotional toll it takes on students, but acknowledges the difficulties of balancing the need for emotional support and socialization with the risks of in-person learning. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the complexities and challenges of navigating the educational landscape during a global health crisis.

    • Beyond the curriculum: Teachers' extensive work in social studies and remote learningEffective teaching goes beyond following a pre-made curriculum, requiring extensive research, creativity, and adaptation. Teachers' work disproportionately impacts low-income students of color, highlighting the need to recognize and address racial disparities in education.

      Teaching goes beyond just following a pre-made curriculum; it involves extensive research, creativity, and adaptation, especially when it comes to social studies and remote learning. Teachers put in countless hours to ensure their students have access to quality education, often facing a lack of understanding and respect from the public. Furthermore, the challenges faced by educators disproportionately affect low-income students of color, who are often left behind in the education system due to systemic inequalities. The complexities of teaching require a combination of intellectual, emotional, and care labor, which is often undervalued and misunderstood. It's crucial to recognize the immense skills and expertise required to be an effective teacher and to address the racial disparities in education.

    • Politicians vs Teachers: The Contentious Reopening of SchoolsPoliticians push for schools to reopen, but teachers feel undervalued and overworked. The teachers' union's stance disrupts the economy, making it a target for those seeking to weaken labor unions.

      There's a disconnect between politicians, particularly those in power, and educators, specifically regarding the reopening of schools during the ongoing pandemic. Politicians, like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, are pushing for schools to reopen despite the risks, while they themselves avoid large gatherings and keep their children in charter schools that are not remote. Teachers feel undervalued and overworked, and the push to reopen schools is seen as a way to provide free daycare for parents to return to work. The teachers' union is a significant labor force with the power to disrupt the economy if they go on strike, making it a target for those seeking to weaken labor unions. The education reform movement advocating for vouchers and charter schools is part of a larger effort to break labor unions, including the teachers' union. The skepticism of teachers and the teachers' union from some leftists is also noted. Overall, the situation highlights the complex and contentious relationship between politicians, educators, and labor unions, particularly during a crisis.

    • Ensuring Equal Access to EducationSupporting teachers' unions and public schools is vital for equitable education and labor rights. Parents should engage with their schools and advocate for the education system they desire for their children.

      The abolition of schools without ensuring equal access to education for all could lead to a world where only the rich have access to quality education, leaving poor children to work for meager wages. Therefore, supporting teachers' unions and public schools is crucial for ensuring equitable education and labor rights. Additionally, the education reform language often repackages radical ideas from academia for politicians, making it essential for parents to engage with their schools and use their power to advocate for the education system they want for their children.

    • Joe Rogan's podcast spreading COVID-19 disinformationRogan's podcast promotes 'mass formation psychosis' theory, a fabricated concept used by anti-vaxxers, potentially misleading listeners

      The influence of Joe Rogan's podcast in spreading disinformation, particularly regarding COVID-19 and vaccines, is significant. Rogan has brought on doctors promoting the concept of "mass formation psychosis," which is a made-up theory used in the anti-vaxxer community. This theory is a fabrication and has no basis in reality. The danger lies in the fact that these doctors, despite getting close to understanding real issues, veer off into reactionary nonsense, exploiting the seeds of truth to spread misinformation. It's essential for individuals to be aware of this and to fact-check information from various reliable sources before forming opinions or making decisions based on misinformation. Additionally, we can work together to promote accurate information and encourage open dialogue to create a better understanding of complex issues.

    • Mass Formation Psychosis Conspiracy TheoryUnsupported theory claiming manipulation of population into believing COVID is major problem, vaccine is only solution, not based on scientific evidence, can lead to harmful behaviors, and dangerous views promoted by guest on Joe Rogan podcast

      Joe Rogan's guest, Dr. Peter McColl, promotes the conspiracy theory of "mass formation psychosis," which asserts that the population has been manipulated into believing COVID is a major problem and that the vaccine is the only solution. McColl claims this is orchestrated by various entities, including Big Pharma and Hollywood. He also falsely claims that 50,000 Americans have died from the vaccine, when the actual number is around 2,000. McColl's beliefs are not supported by scientific evidence and can be disproven by the existence of cases like Jair Bolsonaro, who contracted COVID despite being unvaccinated. McColl's views are dangerous and can lead to harmful behaviors, as evidenced by his use of a corpse as a prop during his interviews. It's important to critically evaluate information and rely on credible sources for accurate and trustworthy information.

    • Critiquing Mass Formation Psychosis TheoryThe speakers disagreed with the use of mass formation psychosis theory to explain conspiracy theories, emphasizing the objective truth and real experiences of people under extreme circumstances, and warning against the spread of medical misinformation and bad sociology.

      The discussion revolved around the notion of mass formation psychosis being used to explain various conspiracy theories, particularly regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines. The speakers criticized this theory, emphasizing the objective truth and harrowing experiences of people who were forced into tragic situations, such as concentration camps, and the rational choices they made under extreme duress. They also criticized the spread of medical misinformation and bad sociology, and expressed strong disagreement with those who suggest that victims of such tragedies were experiencing psychosis rather than making the best choices given their circumstances. The conversation also touched on specific individuals, like Dr. Peter McColl and Dr. Robert Malone, who have promoted these conspiracy theories. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of accurate information and understanding the true experiences and motivations of historical and contemporary events.

    • Robert Malone's Role in mRNA Vaccine DevelopmentRobert Malone did propose the idea of using mRNA for vaccines in 1989, but he did not invent the technology. Developers Drew Wiseman and Katalin Karikó made significant contributions to its creation.

      The claim of Robert Malone inventing the mRNA vaccine is a misrepresentation of the facts. Malone did publish a paper in 1989 suggesting the possibility of using mRNA for vaccines, but he did not actually develop the technology. The development of mRNA vaccines was a collaborative effort involving many researchers, with doctors Drew Wiseman and Katalin Karikó making significant contributions. Malone's claims to have invented the vaccine and his subsequent media appearances have contributed to the spread of misinformation, despite his lack of actual involvement in the development of the mRNA vaccine technology. This demonstrates how a small amount of perceived authority can be amplified through propaganda, leading to a significant impact on public discourse.

    • People behind Holocaust were rational, led by societal conditionsSocietal conditions of mass formation psychosis made it easy for rational people to follow charismatic leaders promising solutions, leading to Holocaust

      The people involved in the Holocaust were not insane, but rather making rational decisions based on their circumstances. The societal conditions of mass formation psychosis, including free-floating anxiety and decoupling from each other, made it easy for people to be led by charismatic leaders who promised solutions to their pain. Hitler and the Nazis gained support through logical means, such as financial benefits and programs that appealed to the German working class. The concept of mass formation psychosis being the cause of the Holocaust is a simplistic and inaccurate explanation that can be appealing to some due to its conspiratorial nature, allowing them to avoid interrogating their own beliefs and understanding of power structures.

    • Mass Hypnosis Theory Explains Vaccine Indoctrination30% of people are fully brainwashed, 40% are persuadable, and 30% resist the dominant narrative on vaccine safety and effectiveness

      Malone believes the mass hypnosis or "mass formation" theory can explain why around 20-30% of people in the Western world are fully indoctrinated in the dominant narrative surrounding the safety and effectiveness of genetic vaccines. He references Doctor Desmond, who identified this phenomenon as a form of mass hypnosis. Malone uses historical examples like Germany during the Holocaust to illustrate how educated and liberal people can be swept up in groupthink. He also discusses the concept of "fear porn," where leaders and media continuously feed people with information that further hypnotizes their adherence. Malone's theory suggests that 30% of people are fully brainwashed, 40% are persuadable, and 30% fight the narrative. However, he acknowledges that these numbers are made up and used for illustrative purposes. Malone's narrative has gained traction among certain groups, leading to conspiracy theories about the suppression of his ideas online. Despite this, his interview and ideas went viral and were not contained in any significant way.

    • Manipulating Controversies for AmplificationSome individuals and groups use controversies to gain more algorithmic amplification on social media, inciting debates and discussions to spread their content further.

      Some individuals and groups manipulate controversies around alleged censorship to gain more algorithmic amplification on social media platforms. This strategy, rooted in the foundation of their success on these platforms, aims to spread their content further by inciting debates and discussions. For instance, figures like Joe Rogan and Jack Posobiec have used this tactic effectively, leading to their continued influence. Despite efforts to restrict access to information, these individuals continue to thrive on social media, using mass formation psychology theories to manipulate public perception. It's essential to recognize that this manipulation is not due to brainwashing or hypnosis but rather the result of individuals being put into positions where rejecting the narratives within their communities is more painful than continuing to believe them. This dynamic is reminiscent of cults and can make it challenging to change their beliefs.

    • Approach Desmet's ideas with skepticismDesmet's theories on COVID-19 and fascism should be met with caution. His understanding of history and power structures is questionable, and his ideas have been criticized as irresponsible and harmful.

      The ideas of Matthijs Desmet, a professor who has gained attention for his theories on COVID-19 and fascism, should be approached with skepticism. Desmet's understanding of history and power structures is questionable, and his theories have been criticized as nonsense and irresponsible. Furthermore, his ideas have been used to deny the reality of COVID-19 and promote harmful agendas. Thaddeus Borowski's book "Read This Way for the Gas, ladies and gentlemen" provides a chilling reminder of the capacity for normalcy and even boredom in the face of horrific violence and genocide. It serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and not to underestimate the potential for harm in seemingly mundane or irrational beliefs. In the realm of bioregionalism, a more productive focus would be on understanding and respecting the unique ecological, cultural, and social characteristics of different regions and working towards sustainable and equitable solutions.

    • Organizing systems around naturally defined areas called bioregionsBioregionalism advocates for local populations, knowledge, and solutions, emphasizing humans as part of nature and promoting regenerative, circular economies and ecosystem restoration.

      Bioregionalism is a philosophy and movement that advocates for organizing political, cultural, and economic systems around naturally defined areas called bioregions. These areas are defined by physical and environmental features, including watershed boundaries, soil and terrain characteristics, flora, fauna, and climate. Bioregionalism emphasizes local populations, local knowledge, and local solutions, as humans are part of nature and our cultures and settlements arise from the characteristics of the bioregions we inhabit. The importance of Bioregionalism lies in its potential to establish regenerative and circular economies, restore local ecosystems, and deepen cultural connections to the land. The movement gained popularity in the late 1970s, particularly in North America, and has since expanded to Europe and Australia. Bioregional groups are involved in local ecological work, networking, and making communities more self-sufficient. While Bioregionalism may have liberal sensibilities and some acceptance of capitalism, it offers valuable insights for establishing ecologically sound systems and deepening our connection to the land. To visualize bioregions, one can refer to maps available online, such as the one provided by One Earth, which identifies over 185 bioregions worldwide.

    • Municipalism vs States for Environmental SolutionsMunicipalism, which emphasizes community control and autonomy, could potentially be more effective in reducing regional inequalities and minimizing ecological harm compared to states.

      States, as currently structured, are not the solution to prevent climate catastrophe and ecological devastation. Instead, localized systems like municipalism, which emphasizes community control and autonomy, could potentially be more effective in reducing regional inequalities and minimizing ecological harm. This idea is based on the understanding that strong hierarchical control at the federal or state level often leads to significant ecological damage. For instance, a company like Koch Industries might not be allowed to operate in a manner that harms local communities under a municipalist system. Additionally, it's important to recognize that both corporations and states contribute to ecocide, or the severe harm to nature and mass destruction of ecosystems. Therefore, addressing ecocide requires a focus on both corporations and the state as an institution.

    • Recognizing interconnectedness of social and environmental systemsFocusing solely on capitalism for change can oversimplify complex issues, a holistic approach includes hierarchy, local knowledge, and bioregional characteristics to avoid disastrous consequences.

      Understanding the interconnected nature of social and environmental systems is crucial for effective change. Capitalism is just one piece of the puzzle, and focusing solely on it can lead to oversimplification and the recreation of problematic structures. A theory of hierarchy, recognizing the importance of local knowledge, and considering the unique characteristics of bioregions are essential components of a holistic approach. Forcing solutions that don't fit the specific context can lead to disastrous consequences, as seen in historical examples like Soviet agricultural policies. It's important to remember that states, with their arbitrary borders, are not a perfect fit for addressing complex, interconnected issues. Instead, collaboration with local communities and an understanding of the unique characteristics of each region can lead to more successful and sustainable solutions.

    • Understanding our interconnectedness with natureRecognizing our role in the ecosystem and fostering a deeper connection to nature can help reduce alienation and foster a more holistic approach to environmental stewardship.

      The commodification of nature and the separation of humans from their environment can lead to a warped perspective and alienation. This issue is not only present in business practices but also in environmentalism, where the focus on preservation can unintentionally create a disconnect. It's crucial to recognize that humans are a part of nature and should strive for a deeper understanding of our ecological role in our bioregion and the biosphere as a whole. This connection can help us work together to address environmental issues and reduce the notion of nature as an "other." Additionally, it's essential to acknowledge the complex history of human relationships with nature and the impact of colonization on the perception of wilderness. By recognizing our interconnectedness, we can foster a more holistic approach to environmental stewardship and reduce alienation from our natural world.

    • Misconceptions of jungles as primeval places ignored sustainable practices of jungle civilizationsThe Eurocentric view of jungles as difficult and primeval places ignores the rich history and complexity of jungle civilizations, which have thrived through sustainable practices like food forests. Bioregionalism emphasizes understanding our relationship with the land and adopting sustainable practices to promote bioregional regeneration.

      The concept of nature being wild and untouched, particularly in the context of European explorers and settlers, has often been intertwined with racist beliefs and justifications for ethnic cleansing and genocide. This misconception of jungles as difficult and primeval places is based on Eurocentric ideas and ignores the fact that many civilizations have thrived in these areas through sustainable agricultural practices like food forests. The book "The Next Apocalypse" by Chris Begley challenges these misconceptions and sheds light on the rich history and complexity of jungle civilizations. Bioregionalism, as a philosophy, emphasizes the importance of understanding our relationship with the land and developing the skills to observe and work in harmony with local ecosystems and neighbors, both human and non-human. This approach can lead to bioregional regeneration and the adoption of sustainable practices on a global scale.

    • Connecting with local bioregions for sustainabilityLearn about local areas through observation and action, get involved in restoration projects, link environmental efforts with human emancipation, live sustainably within regions, decrease dependency on imports, raise awareness, and disrupt projects that hinder sustainability goals.

      Understanding and connecting with our local bioregions is essential for building resilience and sustainability. To do this, we should learn about our areas through observation and action, get involved in restoration projects, and link environmental efforts with human emancipation. It's crucial to find ways to live sustainably within our regions and decrease dependency on imports. Additionally, raising awareness about bioregional thinking and getting involved in projects that promote a more horizontal, bioregionally ethical, and sustainable way of life are essential steps. Remember, every action counts, and disrupting projects that hinder these goals is also necessary. By connecting with our bioregions and working towards sustainability, we can build stronger, more resilient communities.

    • Creating a Solarpunk game for egalitarian futuresThe Solarpunk Surf Club uses collaborative storytelling, cooperative gameplay, role-playing, and various mechanics in their game 'Solarpunk Futures' to inspire a communal ecological future and engage political questions in a fun and participatory way.

      The Solarpunk Surf Club, an artist collective, is developing a game called "Solarpunk Futures" as a collaborative performance of memory to inspire egalitarian futures. Solarpunk is a visionary utopian politics and aesthetic that critically engages capitalist catastrophe while maintaining optimism for a communal ecological future. The game combines elements of collaborative storytelling, cooperative gameplay, role-playing, and various mechanics to facilitate this vision. The collective was drawn to Solarpunk for its restorative justice process on a planetary scale, reclaiming the past, and radical adaptability towards new practices. They see games as a medium for political intervention, reaching a broad audience, and engaging political questions in a fun and participatory way.

    • Games as Tools for Education and Community BuildingGames inspire creativity, challenge traditional thought patterns, promote important values, provide joy and fun, and offer a vision of a better future through speculative fiction, collaborative performance, and world building.

      Games, whether ancient or modern, serve as powerful tools for both education and community building. They can challenge traditional thought patterns, inspire creativity, and promote important values such as cooperation, interdependence, and care. The creators of the Solarpunk Futures game, in particular, aim to use the medium to envision and practice a desirable future, rather than perpetuating oppressive logics. Furthermore, games can provide an essential outlet for joy and fun, preventing burnout and inspiring new ideas. As the speaker notes, "even just on a very basic logistical level, but prevent people from burning out" is a crucial benefit. Games have a long history of reflecting the beliefs and norms of their historical contexts, but with Solarpunk Futures, the creators aim to flip the script and project a vision of a better future through the modalities of speculative fiction, collaborative performance, and world building.

    • Balancing elements in game design for enjoymentCareful consideration and playtesting are crucial for creating balanced games. Balance randomness and planning, structure and free form, and accessibility for enjoyable gameplay. Remember joy and play in activism and social change efforts. Games can foster creativity, collaboration, and value beyond repetition.

      Creating a balanced game, whether it's a tabletop role-playing game or a video game, requires careful consideration and playtesting. Balancing elements like randomness and planning, structure and free form, and accessibility, is essential to ensure the game is enjoyable for all players. Moreover, it's crucial to remember the importance of joy and play in activism and social change efforts, as emphasized by the feminist activist Emma Goldman. Games can serve as a prefigurative and tactical tool for creating a liberated society, allowing people to express themselves and collaborate with others to overcome challenges. However, it's important to be mindful of how gaming can be weaponized by capitalism to create a grind or an addiction, and instead, focus on creating games that foster creativity, collaboration, and value beyond mere repetition.

    • A tool for fostering political awarenessThe Complexity Game is more than a game, it's a tool for promoting political awareness and encouraging creative problem-solving, accessible to all through free and low-cost versions.

      "The Complexity Game: A Solar Punk Tabletop RPG" is more than just a game; it's a tool for fostering political awareness and encouraging creative problem-solving. By making the game accessible to all through a free print-and-play version and a low-cost physical copy, the creators aim to reach a wider audience and promote democratic accessibility. The game's unique approach of starting from the end goal and working backwards can inspire players to think outside the box and discover new solutions to real-world issues. The team's dedication to the solar punk tradition and social ecological communalist politics adds depth and meaning to the game, making it not just a fun pastime, but a catalyst for positive change. The game's availability on various platforms, including Kickstarter and tabletop simulator, and its planned appearances at political workshops, art shows, and game conventions, further expand its reach and potential impact.

    • Exploring the challenges of creating a sustainable future in Solarpunk FuturesSolarpunk Futures game encourages players to imagine a better future while acknowledging challenges, inspiring hope and constructive thinking, and recognizing conflict and politics still exist in a Solarpunk world.

      Solarpunk, as a genre, offers a unique perspective on utopianism by acknowledging and addressing the challenges and opposition that come with creating a sustainable, eco-friendly future. This perspective is reflected in the upcoming game, Solarpunk Futures, which encourages players to not only imagine a better future but also consider the obstacles they might face and how to adapt to them. The game aims to help break through capitalist realism and inspire a more hopeful and constructive view of the future, while also recognizing that conflict and politics will still exist in a Solarpunk world. The creators hope for a proliferation of Solarpunk art and games in the coming decade, and invite listeners to join them in their livestream on Twitch to learn more about the game and download it for free on their website.

    • Brands prioritizing fit for petite and plus sizes in fashion and CBD's focus on transparency and qualityFashion brands like Worthington and Liz Claiborne cater to women in petite and plus sizes for a perfect fit. In the CBD industry, Lazarus Naturals ensures potency, consistency, and safety through every production step, with transparent labels for customers to view test results.

      When it comes to fashion, there are brands like Worthington and Liz Claiborne that prioritize style and comfort for women in petite and plus sizes, ensuring a perfect fit for all shapes and sizes. In the world of CBD products, transparency and quality are key. Lazarus Naturals stands out by handling every step of the production process, ensuring potency, consistency, and safety, with scannable labels allowing customers to view test results. If you're looking to build this year, Morton Buildings is a trusted industry leader, offering superior materials, craftsmanship, and a best-in-class warranty. With a legacy spanning over 120 years and a commitment to surpassing expectations, Morton Buildings is the go-to choice for garages, barns, vehicle storage, and more. And for those in the market for CBD products, Lazarus Naturals offers a farm-to-door model of transparency, ensuring the highest quality and safety for their customers.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    This week, Justine and Hal join us to discuss the brand new Solarpunk magazine! In this wide-ranging conversation, the three of us define “solarpunk” as both a literary/aesthetic genre, but also as a way-of-life. We pick apart the anti-authoritarian impulse implicit in the name “solarpunk,” but also problematize the limitations of aesthetic revolt. Our dialogue touches on the tensions between (post-)humanism and biocentrism, abolishing anthropocentrism, anti-capitalism in solarpunk, queer and liberatory story-telling, and so much more! 

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    Le Cyberpunk est un univers de science fiction très vaste qui est souvent apparenté à la Dystopie. Aujourd'hui plusieurs sous-genre voient le jour, comme le SolarPunk, le SteamPunk, le DieselPunk ou encore le BioPunk. 


    #1 Définitions du cyberpunk et ses sous-genres 00:06

    #2 Résurgence du cyberpunk et évolution par rapport aux 80's 01:52

    #3 Enjeux politiques différents : émergence du solarpunk 03:25

    #4 Le cyberpunk à venir 06:05

    Interview : Nicolas Gruszka

    Montage : Jérémy Cyrille

    crédit photo : Bordeaux Geek Festival

    Emission réalisée lors de l'atelier de la mission locale du Libournais, par l'équipe de Chiche FM. 


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    Contact Information:
    Camille MJ
    direct msg ctr:
    (214) 307-2351
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-fisher/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Child-Protective-Services-Takes-Your-Children
    Twitter: twitter.com/NonprofitCID
    Home: http://bgc.learn-edu.org
    Social Responsibility and Good:
    BLOGGER: https://texashealthyfamilies.blogspot.com/
    YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnCzmqdYeOIPnA-aTjOvNmw
    THE SERIES: https://breaking-generational-curses-series.generation30publishing.com/
    Sponsored by:
    The Cognitive Institute of Dallas. A 501c3