
    Podcast Summary

    • Building community connections in uncertain timesCreating meaningful social bonds and preparing for emergencies can bring hope and support. Historical context offers crucial understanding of present situations.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that empowers individuals to create meaningful social bonds and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," invites audiences to connect with her story and music. In the realm of personal growth, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a smoke-free alternative for those looking to quit. History, as discussed in the "It Could Happen Here" podcast, provides vital context to understanding the present. In Syria's case, Hafez al Assad rose to power as a local mediator and political activist, eventually joining the Ba'ath Party and becoming Syria's president in 1970. His family's Alawite background and secularist ideology played significant roles in his political journey. These historical events provide crucial context to the present-day Syrian situation.

    • Assad's early life shaped his political activismAssad's high school activism against the Muslim Brotherhood, financial struggles, and military service laid the groundwork for his future political career

      Assad's early life and political activism offer insights into how a seemingly ordinary teenager became a powerful and controversial figure. Starting from his high school days, Assad organized students and confronted opposition from the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite facing financial struggles, he aspired to be a doctor but joined the Syrian Armed Forces instead. There, he met future allies and continued his political activism. The political landscape of Syria during this time, marked by power struggles and ideological shifts, influenced Assad's trajectory. He remained in the military after Syria and Egypt formed the United Arab Republic, using it as a stepping stone to a political career. The experiences and connections he made during this period set the foundation for his future rise to power.

    • Hafez al-Assad's Rise to Power in SyriaHafez al-Assad, a Baathist officer, rose to power in Syria through military coups and political maneuvers, demonstrating intelligence, cunning, and determination.

      Hafez al-Assad, a Baathist officer, rose to power in Syria through a series of military coups and political maneuvers. After Syria left the United Arab Republic in 1961, Assad was removed from the military and given a minor clerical position. He played a role in the failed 1962 coup and was jailed in Lebanon, but was later repatriated. In 1963, Assad helped plan and lead a successful Baathist military coup against President Nazem El Qudsi. He demonstrated cunning and skill as a logistical leader during this period, and was known for his intelligence and attention to detail. After the coup, Assad worked to end factionalism in the military and make it a Baathist monopoly. He appointed loyal officers to key positions and established an efficient intelligence network. In 1964, Assad was promoted to Air Force commander and prepared for an active role in power struggles. In 1963 and 1965, Assad made his first appearances in national politics through elections to regional and national commands, respectively. Despite his controversial methods, Assad's intelligence, cunning, and determination helped him rise to power in Syria.

    • Assad's loyalty to Jadid during coup attempt strengthens bondDuring Syria's political instability, Assad's swift action to protect Jadid during a coup attempt led to a stronger bond and more power for Assad. The Druze played a crucial role in preventing Jadid's murder, but the military was left weakened after the purge.

      During a time of political instability in Syria, Assad, who was a key figure in the government, was able to earn the gratitude of his leader, Jadid, by taking swift action to protect him during a coup attempt. This led to a strengthened bond between the two men and allowed Assad to gain more power within the government. It is important to note that the Druze, an ethno-religious group in the region, played a significant role in this incident as they prevented the murder of Jadid and the others and ultimately allowed them to be released. After the coup attempt, Assad and Jadid purged the military organization of the Ba'ath party, resulting in Syria's largest military purge to date and leaving the military weakened. This weakness was evident during the 6-day war, where Syria had no chance of victory. Overall, this incident highlights the importance of loyalty and quick action in times of political turmoil.

    • The 6 Day War of 1967: A turning point in Middle Eastern historyIsrael captured the Golan Heights from Syria, altering the Middle Eastern map and making peace elusive. Hafez al Assad, initially not a major player, seized power in a coup a few years later.

      The 6 Day War of 1967 was a turning point in Middle Eastern history, leading to Israel's capture of the Golan Heights from Syria and causing a power struggle within Syria's leadership. This war had significant consequences, altering the map of the Middle East and making peace between Israel and Palestine more elusive. During this time, Hafez al Assad, who was initially not a major player in Syrian politics, began to show ambition for higher office. Despite his refusal to stage a coup during the war, he eventually seized power in a coup a few years later. Meanwhile, new customers can enjoy a free second month when they sign up for a cellular service using the promo code "month free" by May 31st. Upgrade your home with the powerful clean and tropical scents of Clorox Scentiva, available in coconut, grapefruit, and lavender.

    • Power struggle between Assad and Jadid in SyriaDiffering political ideologies and strategies between Assad and Jadid led to a power struggle within the Ba'ath party and military, resulting in violent clashes and a coalition government, with Assad's strategic thinking eventually leading to his full control of Syria

      The power struggle between Hafez Assad and Salah Jadid in Syria during the late 1960s was rooted in their differing political ideologies and strategies. Assad, who had taken control of the military, believed in focusing on foreign policy and containing Israel, while Jadid, who controlled the party, prioritized socialism and internal revolution. Their conflicting visions led to a divide within the Ba'ath party and military, culminating in violent clashes between their respective supporters in 1969. Despite Jadid's continued control of the party, Assad's influence led to a moderation of Jadid's policies and the establishment of a coalition government. Assad's strategic thinking and foresight ultimately allowed him to gain full control of Syria, marking the beginning of his long reign as president.

    • Hafez al-Assad's peaceful coup and rule in SyriaHafez al-Assad established a calm and bloodless rule in Syria after a coup, focusing on national unity and easing repressive policies. However, his rule led to a pervasive sectarian divide, widespread corruption, and an Alawite elite with control of military and government.

      Hafez al-Assad's rise to power in Syria was a turning point that led to significant changes in the country's political landscape. Despite the chaos and violence that preceded his coup, Assad was able to establish a calm and bloodless rule. He differed from his predecessor, Jadid, by focusing on national unity and easing repressive policies, which won him support from the Syrian people. Assad's image became synonymous with the Syrian government, and he had the final say in all government decisions, leading to a pervasive cult of personality and widespread corruption. Additionally, Assad increased the Alawite dominance of the security and intelligence sectors, creating an Alawite elite with full control of the military and the government. However, this control came at a cost, as the state bureaucracy began to use its positions for personal gain, leading to a significant increase in corruption.

    • Corruption and Islamic uprising under Hafez Al Assad's ruleHafez Al Assad's rule in Syria was marked by rampant corruption, favoritism towards certain groups, and violent repression of the Islamic uprising, leading to a culture of fear and terror.

      During Hafez Al Assad's rule in Syria, the misappropriation of external funds through the state to private enterprises led to rampant corruption and self-enrichment among state elites. This, coupled with the Ba'ath party's favoritism towards certain groups and the growing disillusionment among the Sunni population, fueled the rise of the Islamic movement, with the Muslim Brotherhood becoming the vanguard of anti-Ba'athist forces. The government's response to the Islamic uprising was marked by increasing repression, violence, and state terrorism, culminating in the Hama massacre of 1982, where thousands were killed. Hafez Al Assad's rule was characterized by a culture of fear, with the government maintaining power through terror and repression.

    • Desperate Times in Syria during the Iran-Iraq WarThe Assad family maintained power through manipulation and deceit during Syria's Iran-Iraq War, leaving the people with little faith in their leaders.

      During Syria's Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988, the country faced desperate times. Food and resources were dedicated to war efforts, leading to scarcity. Elections were fraudulent, with only yes or no options, ensuring Hafez's rule forever. This era of Syrian history under the Assad family's rule was marked by desperation and a lack of trust in the government. The Assads maintained power through manipulation and deceit, leaving the people with little faith in their leaders. The discussions also hinted at Bashar's eventual rise to power and the continuation of this oppressive regime. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages building community connections, while Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" invites us to remember her as she was. Clorox Scentiva offers a tropical escape through scents, and JCPenney's spring fashion caters to all shapes, sizes, and colors.

    • Assad Family's Determination to Stay in PowerThe Assad family, led by Bashar, has prioritized their power over the well-being of Syria and its people, leading to widespread destruction and displacement.

      The Assad family, led by Bashar al Assad, has destroyed large parts of Syria and left millions displaced or dead. The phrase "Assad or we burn the country" reflects the regime's determination to stay in power at any cost, even if it means turning entire areas into rubble. Hafez al Assad, Bashar's father, came to power through a military coup in 1971 and ruled until his death in 2000. His son Bashar was not initially meant to be his successor, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, the Assad regime faced a crisis and needed to present an image of reform. Bashar, an army officer, fit the traditional image of an Arab leader and was brought up to take over. However, in 1983, Hafez al Assad had a heart attack, and his younger brother Rifat attempted to seize power. Rifat, who had served as vice president and was believed to be responsible for the Hama massacre in 1982, where thousands were killed, was not supported by the inner circle. Despite this, Rifat had been considered a potential successor by some, and the power struggle led to a violent crackdown on opposition.

    • Power struggle between Hafez and Rafat weakened Syrian governmentHafez Assad's power struggle with his brother Rafat in the late 1980s weakened the Syrian government, setting the stage for ongoing political instability

      The power struggle between Hafez Assad and his brother Rafat in the late 1980s led to a significant weakening of the institutionalized power structure in Syria. Rafat, who had amassed a powerful paramilitary group and sought to overthrow his brother, was eventually unsuccessful in his coup attempt. Hafez, in response, sought to protect his power by giving a larger role to his oldest son, Bashar, who was rumored to be his chosen successor. This move led to jealousy within the government and further instability. Despite Rafat's continued claims to the presidency, he was eventually confined to exile in France and Spain. The power struggle between the two brothers ultimately weakened the government and set the stage for the complex and ongoing political situation in Syria today.

    • Assad's Unexpected SuccessionBashar Al-Assad's rise to power was manipulated by his family to maintain control, despite his initial image as a reformer, and Western governments were deceived by his modern facade, overlooking the regime's authoritarian nature.

      The unexpected death of Basil Al-Assad in 1994 led to his younger brother, Bashar, becoming president of Syria at the age of 34. The regime manipulated Basil's death to elevate the Assad name and secure a smooth transition for Bashar. Initially, Bashar was seen as a reformer and modernizer, but in reality, he was being mentored by hardliners who instructed him to be as ruthless as his father. Western governments were deceived by Bashar's modern image and believed they could do business with him, despite his regime's cynical intentions. Bashar's marriage to a British-Syrian woman of Sunni origin, who was educated and had a career, further reinforced the perception that he was different from his father and more suitable to Western interests. However, this perception was a facade, and the regime remained as authoritarian as ever.

    • Bashar al Assad's Promised Reforms Hid a Repressive RegimeBashar al Assad promised economic reforms but kept control, monopolized economy by a few including his cousin, economic crisis worsened when Lebanese banks collapsed, regime demanded back taxes from elite, despite promises, economy remained controlled by a select few

      Bashar al Assad's rule in Syria was presented as a reform, opening up the economy and allowing for modernization. However, beneath the surface, the regime remained tightly controlled and repressive. The economy was heavily monopolized by a select few, including Bashar's cousin Rami Makhlouf, who amassed vast wealth and controlled nearly 60% of the economy. Before the Syrian civil war, Syrians often kept their savings in Lebanese banks, which served as an economic safety valve. But when Lebanon's banking system collapsed in 2019, Syrians lost access to their savings, exacerbating the economic crisis in Syria. In response, Bashar turned to the capitalists he had empowered earlier, including Rami, and demanded large sums of money as back taxes. This marked a significant falling out between the president and the business elite, but most complied as the regime urgently needed cash to keep the economy afloat. Despite the initial promise of reform, the Syrian economy remained heavily controlled by a small elite and the regime.

    • Power Struggle Between Assad and Business Tycoon Exposes Rift in Syrian RegimeA power struggle between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and business tycoon Rami Makhlouf has exposed a rift within the regime and the Alawite community, leading to concerns about deeper divisions and the regime's ability to maintain control amidst widespread poverty, unemployment, and inflation.

      The inner workings of the Syrian government, specifically the relationship between President Bashar al-Assad and business tycoon Rami Makhlouf, have resulted in a power struggle that has exposed a rift within the regime and the Alawite community. Makhlouf, a businessman and cousin of the president, was pressured to hand over billions of liras due to tax evasion allegations, which led to his assets being seized and his arrest. The motivations behind this move are believed to be a result of competition between businessmen loyal to the Syrian first lady and Makhlouf, as well as the Syrian authorities' desire to find resources prior to US sanctions. This power struggle has raised concerns about a deeper divide within the regime and the Alawite community, which has provided the bulk of the fighting forces for the regime. Despite the Assad regime's attempts to present itself as the ultimate power in Syria, it is facing significant challenges, including widespread poverty, unemployment, and inflation, as well as ongoing opposition from the Syrian people. The regime's rule by fear has had mixed results, leading to both uprisings and the destruction of the country. The Syrian civil war has resulted in an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 deaths as of March 2022.

    • Syrian people's fight for democracy leads to persecution and sufferingDespite the Syrian people's quest for democracy and human rights, their efforts led to widespread destruction, persecution, and imprisonment. Building strong community bonds and connections, like Neighbor to Neighbor, offers hope in uncertain times.

      The Syrian people's quest for democracy and basic human rights under Bashar al Assad's rule led to a series of events that ultimately resulted in widespread destruction and suffering. The ilan dimashq petition, which aimed to initiate an open conversation with the government, instead led to the persecution and imprisonment of its signatories, marking the beginning of the end for any remaining liberties. Despite this, Syrians continue to fight for dignity and justice, with the cost of their struggle being an insurmountable toll on their lives and communities. In a different context, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds and connections, offering a beacon of hope in uncertain times. Meanwhile, the world continues to grapple with various political and humanitarian crises, such as the ongoing situation at the US-Mexico border, which inflicts immense suffering on innocent people.

    • DC's Busing Crisis: Community Response Overpowers Government InactionThousands of migrants have been bused to DC seeking asylum, met with community support and essential services despite government inaction.

      While the DC government has turned a blind eye to the ongoing crisis of busing of migrants from the border to DC, the community response has been remarkable. Thousands of people have been bused to DC since April, mostly seeking asylum, and have arrived with minimal resources. Volunteers have stepped up to welcome and support these individuals, providing food, shelter, and assistance with their next steps. Despite the DC government's lack of action, the community has developed a robust mutual aid response, offering essential services and support to help newcomers settle and navigate their new environment. This compassionate and collaborative response stands in stark contrast to the divisive and xenophobic intentions behind the busing of migrants to DC.

    • Bike share program for asylum seekers in US involves extensive government surveillanceGovernment surveillance of asylum seekers in US feels like humiliation, involves cell phones with tracking capabilities, selfies, ankle monitors, and is profit-driven, requiring a more compassionate and equitable approach

      The bike share program for asylum seekers in the US involves extensive government surveillance, which goes beyond the legal process and feels more like a form of humiliation. Asylum seekers, who are primarily immigrants, are given cell phones with tracking capabilities at the border and are required to check in regularly with selfies or face ankle monitors. The process can be complicated, with asylum seekers needing to apply for asylum within a year and navigate the broken asylum system. The surveillance system is profit-driven, with companies receiving federal funding and private contracts to provide surveillance services. The discussion also touched upon the lack of action from authorities like Muriel Bowser in addressing these issues. The system, which is intended to ensure the whereabouts of asylum seekers, can be seen as a form of control rather than a means of ensuring safety and order. The discussion highlighted the need for a more compassionate and equitable approach to dealing with asylum seekers and immigrants in general.

    • Mutual aid network supports asylum seekers in D.C.The mutual aid network is crucial for welcoming and supporting asylum seekers, but their efforts are often underrecognized and underfunded. Effective response to increasing number requires sustainable and equitable support for both mutual aid networks and NGOs.

      The mutual aid network plays a crucial role in welcoming and supporting asylum seekers arriving in Washington D.C., but their efforts are often underrecognized and underfunded. The speaker highlights that while some individuals may have family or friends to help them settle, the vast majority of asylum seekers do not. Recently, an NGO received a grant from FEMA to support bus arrivals, but when the mutual aid network needed a break due to COVID exposures and lack of resources, the NGO failed to show up, leaving people stranded. This incident underscores the importance of the mutual aid network's work and the need for government and community support to ensure a sustainable and effective response to the increasing number of asylum seekers. The speaker expresses frustration that resources and attention are often diverted to NGOs, which may not be as effective in meeting the needs of asylum seekers.

    • The US asylum system is failing asylum seekersThe US asylum system is not providing adequate support for asylum seekers, leaving them without housing, employment, or basic necessities, and hindering their ability to thrive in their new environment.

      The current system for handling asylum seekers in the United States is failing them in numerous ways. The state is not providing adequate support, leaving people without housing, employment, or even basic necessities. Instead, they are being met with obstacles that prevent them from living and thriving in their new environment. This situation is not just an abandonment of responsibility, but an active hindrance to their survival. The resources needed to help these individuals are available, but they are not being effectively utilized. The situation is particularly apparent in places like Washington D.C., which is supposed to be a sanctuary city, yet still struggles to provide for its residents, both new and old. This issue is not unique to DC and is prevalent throughout the country. The system needs a fundamental overhaul to ensure that asylum seekers receive the care and assistance they deserve upon arrival in the United States.

    • Sanctuary cities: Perception vs. RealityDespite the intended meaning, sanctuary cities can hide exploitative practices, like child detention centers. Border control and immigration policies cause harm globally, and until borders are abolished, suffering and exploitation of immigrants will persist.

      The concept of a "sanctuary city" does not always align with its intended meaning of welcoming immigrants. The speaker recalls experiences in Chicago, where organizations claiming to be human rights and anti-poverty groups were running child detention centers. This highlights the disconnect between the perception and reality of sanctuary cities. Furthermore, the issue of border control and immigration policies is not unique to the United States; it's a global issue with countries like Spain also implementing racist border systems and causing harm and even death to migrants. The speaker emphasizes that until borders are abolished, the suffering and exploitation of immigrants will continue. The situation at the US border is particularly dire, with thousands of migrants risking their lives to enter the country, and many losing their lives in the process. Ultimately, immigrants are often used as political tools, and the speaker reflects on the importance of empathy and solidarity in the face of these injustices.

    • The Power of Community in Supporting Immigrants and RefugeesCommunity efforts, like volunteering and fundraising, can make a significant impact in supporting immigrants and refugees. Historical examples, like the British family sponsorship program, offer valuable lessons. Join the movement towards building welcoming communities and providing essential resources.

      The power of community and collective action can make a significant impact in addressing social issues, such as supporting immigrants and refugees. The speaker shares their experience of witnessing the beauty and effectiveness of volunteer efforts in Washington D.C., where over 200 volunteers have come together to raise funds and provide essential resources for those in need. The speaker expresses optimism and frustration in equal measure, acknowledging the vast resources being invested in detention, surveillance, and border militarization, while emphasizing the importance of creating welcoming communities and providing basic needs for new arrivals. The speaker encourages listeners to learn from historical examples, like the successful British family sponsorship program, and to join the movement towards building a world where people can live, work, and thrive. For those interested in supporting the cause, the speaker recommends visiting the DC TX Solidarity's Linktree, where they can learn more about the organization, make donations, and get involved as volunteers.

    • Exploring Community Connections, Self-Expression, and Personal ImprovementBuilding strong community connections, expressing oneself genuinely, and continuously improving can bring joy and make a difference in uncertain times.

      In uncertain times, building strong community connections can make a significant difference. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, encourages people to help each other and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, in a different context, Amy Winehouse's biopic "Back to Black" emphasizes the importance of self-expression and being true to oneself. In the realm of everyday life, upgrading to better cleaning products like Clorox Scentiva or refreshing your wardrobe at JCPenney can bring joy and improve your living experience. Lastly, in a more philosophical discussion, the origins of human cooperation and the misconception of constant competition were explored. These various topics remind us of the importance of community, self-expression, and personal improvement in our lives.

    • Challenging the Concept of the State and Its OriginsHumans and great apes exhibit high levels of care and empathy, challenging the notion of competition as the primary driving force in evolution. Social bonds and care have played a crucial role in our evolution into intelligent, complex beings.

      The concept of a state as a solution to the "state of nature" with its competitive, patriarchal, and violent nature has been challenged by thinkers like Proudhon and later, anthropologists and primatologists such as Sarah Blaffer Hurdie. They argued that the relationship between mothers and children, and how humans raise their young, plays a crucial role in our evolution and becoming human. Contrary to popular belief, humans and other great apes, like bonobos, exhibit high levels of care and empathy. The notion of competition being the primary driving force in evolution, popularized by Darwin, has been overstated. In reality, cooperation has been a more potent force shaping our evolution. Despite the differences between human societies and those of other great apes, the importance of social bonds and care in the development of intelligent, complex beings cannot be ignored.

    • Cooperation and alloparental care in human evolutionCooperative breeding, a reproductive strategy involving non-parent care, allowed humans to thrive in diverse environments and create unique cultures worldwide, setting us apart from other primates.

      Human cooperation and alloparental care played a crucial role in our evolution and success as a species. Cooperative breeding, which involves non-direct parent care provided by individuals other than the parents, was a reproductive strategy that allowed us to establish ourselves in various environments and create unique cultures around the world. This cooperative nature is what sets us apart from other primates and has contributed to our remarkable success. While we may joke about other species, it's important to remember the significant impact humans have had on the planet, and the role our cooperative tendencies have played in shaping our world.

    • Animals' immense power and the challenges of containing themThe speaker discussed the natural instincts and immense power of animals, like Baki, and how they challenge us to contain them. He also touched upon our cooperative breeding nature and the strong bond between humans and animals, as seen in a war zone sanctuary.

      Some animals, like the powerful character Baki from the anime, possess an innate ability to break free from their enclosures, reminding us of their immense power and the challenges of containing them. This concept resonated with the speaker's experience with his pet turtle, which also seems uncontainable due to its potential longevity and powerful instincts. The discussion also touched upon the human tendency to adopt various species as pets, which may be linked to our cooperative breeding nature and the prosocial impulses we inherited from our ancestors. The speaker shared an anecdote about a war zone in Ukraine, where people turned a heating system into a makeshift animal sanctuary, further emphasizing the strong bond between humans and animals.

    • Understanding Human Cooperation and CommunicationHumans are cooperative breeders with unique physical features and language abilities that have evolved to facilitate communication and cooperation.

      Humans have a complex nature. We are capable of empathy and cooperation, but we also have a capacity for conflict and competition. Modern humans are cooperative breeders, and our behavior, anatomy, and emotion illustrate this. Our physical features, such as our eyes and vocal cords, have evolved to help us communicate and cooperate. The origins of language are still debated, but it may have started as a way to help us survive and communicate during pregnancy and childbirth. It's possible that the first language was not spoken but a form of sign language. Our ability to communicate with animals, such as dogs, may have also played a role in the development of language. Ultimately, humans have a unique ability to work together and communicate, which has helped us survive and thrive as a species.

    • The Importance of Acceptance and Cooperation in Human DevelopmentHumans have evolved to rely on acceptance and cooperation to raise children, while other primates tend to be protective and isolating. The costs of having numerous offspring necessitate strong support systems, but infanticide has historically been used when those systems fail.

      Acceptance and cooperation are fundamental aspects of the human experience, as seen in the welcoming environment of Corgi Con and our unique ability to share child-rearing responsibilities with others. Humans and other great apes differ in this regard, as other primates tend to be protective and isolating with their young. Despite the significant costs involved, humans have evolved to have numerous offspring and rely on support systems to help raise them. However, it's important to note that throughout history, infanticide has been a practice used when support systems were lacking. This highlights the importance of maintaining and strengthening our connections with others, as we are not designed to face the challenges of raising children alone.

    • The Importance of Families in Child DevelopmentHistorically, families, whether biological or chosen, have contributed significantly to child upbringing. Communal living arrangements offer benefits like multiple caregivers and diverse skills. However, modern times have led to a shift towards nuclear families, potentially impacting children's empathy, mind reading, and collaboration skills.

      Throughout history and across various cultures, both biological and chosen families have played essential roles in the upbringing and development of children. Extended families and communal living arrangements have provided numerous benefits, such as multiple caregivers, diverse skill sets, and a sense of belonging. However, in modern times, the shift towards nuclear families and individual property ownership has led to a potential loss of communal nurturing and cooperation. This could impact the development of empathy, mind reading, and collaboration skills in children during their crucial first years of life. The future evolution of human development may depend on finding ways to maintain and strengthen the art of nurturing and cooperative breeding, even in the context of modern society.

    • The early years of a child's life impact social developmentIsolation during childhood can hinder empathy, cooperative skills, and attachment, but cooperation can counteract negative influences and create positive change.

      The early years of a child's life play a crucial role in their social development. Isolation during these formative years can lead to a lack of empathy, cooperative skills, and attachment, potentially causing negative consequences. However, it's important to note that trauma doesn't necessarily prevent people from reproducing these behaviors. The speaker expresses curiosity about the future of human empathy and cooperation, questioning whether it will be shaped by our ancient heritage or by the systems we have in place. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of cooperation in counteracting negative influences and creating positive change. In the context of current political and social issues, the speaker argues that sustained cooperation among a larger group of people is necessary to challenge the power of those who have amassed power through cooperation. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of cooperation and social connections in shaping our future.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    The July 21 Conversations On The Green will explore the courts' new direction and what it means for the way we live and for the country with three of the most celebrated court watchers. 


    Jeffrey Toobin, Staff writer at The New Yorker and senior analyst for CNN

    Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, author and SCOTUS authority

    Joan Biskupic, Journalist, author and Supreme Court legal analyst at CNN

    Produced by Susan McCone

    Moderated by Jane Whitney, former NBC News correspondent & talk show host. Audience members are encouraged to participate in the interactive town-hall style format.

    All proceeds benefit:

    Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc. - Helping members of the Litchfield County Community and beyond find access to compassionate and high-quality mental health and related care.

    New Milford Hospital - helping to secure the latest technology, attract the best medical staff and provide the compassionate, patient-centered care for which they are nationally recognized.

    Susan B. Anthony Project - promoting safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.