
    Podcast Summary

    • BetMGM's Immersive Sports Betting Experience and Purdue Global's Tailored EducationBetMGM provides an engaging sports betting platform with user-friendly features and promotions, while Purdue Global offers a flexible education for adults based on their life experiences.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with easy sign-up, access to various parlay selection features, live betting options, and daily promotions. New customers can receive up to $1500 back in bonus bets if their first bet doesn't win. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides an education tailored to adults with life experience, backed by the respected Purdue University. Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," premieres in theaters on May 17th. Over the weekend, Tijuana, Mexico, experienced an increase in violence, with cars being burned and people ordered off public transportation vehicles. The situation began in Mexicali and affected both cities in the northwestern part of the US-Mexico border.

    • Unexpected drug trafficker blockades cause fear and disruption in TijuanaDrug traffickers caused unexpected blockades in Tijuana, leading to widespread fear, stranded people, and closed businesses. The military was deployed to respond, but the incidents were part of a violent week in several Mexican cities where civilians were killed.

      On a recent Friday in Tijuana, Mexico, there were unexpected and coordinated blockades of streets by drug traffickers, causing widespread fear and disruption. This was unusual for Tijuana, which has a reputation for drug violence but had never before seen such blockades. The authorities responded with a large deployment of police and soldiers, but people were left stranded without transportation and some businesses closed for safety reasons. The violence was much more severe in other cities, particularly Guadalajara and Ciudad Juarez, where there were reports of civilians being killed at gunpoint. The incidents came at the end of a violent week, with the army trying to capture drug lords in different cities. Despite efforts to maintain democracy and limit military involvement, the Mexican government has been increasing its military presence for public safety. The unexpected blockades caused significant fear and disruption in Tijuana, leaving many people stranded and uncertain.

    • Violence in Mexican Cities Linked to Cartel Jalisco New GenerationViolence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexicali, and Ensenada is linked to Cartel Jalisco New Generation, with unclear motivations for attacks, causing significant disruption and fear among civilians.

      The recent wave of violence in Mexico, specifically in cities like Ciudad Juarez, Mexicali, and Ensenada, is believed to be linked to the activities of various drug cartels, with Jalisco New Generation being the prime suspect. The violence, which included the deaths of several civilians and the destruction of public transportation systems, was reportedly in celebration of Mencho Oseguerra, the leader of Cartel Jalisco New Generation. The motivations behind the attacks are unclear, but it is believed that they may be a power grab or a way to challenge both each other and the authorities. The situation is complex, with multiple cartels operating in the region, including the Sinaloa Cartel and the Arellano Felix Drug Organization. The authorities are working to determine the extent of the cartels' involvement and to prevent further violence. The attacks caused significant disruption and fear among the civilian population, highlighting the ongoing threat of organized crime in Mexico.

    • El Chapo's cartel shuts down cities in MexicoMexico's El Chapo's cartel orchestrated city-wide shutdowns, disrupting daily life and bringing entire cities to a standstill, underscoring their immense power and reach.

      The criminal organization El Chapo's cartel, Jalisco New Generation, has demonstrated significant power in Mexico by orchestrating city-wide shutdowns, reminiscent of the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. These actions were likely in response to the Mexican government's attempts to capture their leaders. The impact was particularly noticeable in Tijuana, where the city's red light district, known for its vibrant nightlife, was virtually empty. The cartel's show of force has led to increased state presence in the form of military deployments, but the violence and homicides continue to rise in the region. The cartel's ability to disrupt daily life and bring entire cities to a standstill underscores the immense power and reach of these criminal organizations in Mexico.

    • Illegal Drug Trade and Fentanyl Trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico BorderMexican cartels, such as the Sinaloa Cartel and the Arellano Felix Cartel, are major contributors to the illegal drug trade, particularly Fentanyl, at the U.S.-Mexico border, leading to a surge in drug-related deaths in the U.S. (over 120,000 in the last year). Efforts to combat this issue are hindered by the lack of political will from Mexican leaders.

      The illegal drug trade, particularly the trafficking of Fentanyl, is a significant problem at the U.S.-Mexico border, with San Diego being a major entry point. This issue is compounded by the fact that Mexican cartels, such as the Sinaloa Cartel and the Arellano Felix Cartel, have become increasingly powerful and lucrative, leading to a surge in drug-related deaths in the U.S. The Sinaloa Cartel, led by Ismael El Mayo Zambada, is primarily focused on manufacturing and sending methamphetamine and fentanyl to the U.S., while the Arellano Felix Cartel, based in Tijuana, has historically been known for its entrepreneurial approach and its significant power and influence in the 1990s when they were one of the most powerful drug organizations in the world. These cartels have contributed to the rise in drug-related deaths in the U.S., with over 120,000 people dying from overdoses linked to opioids in the last year alone. Despite efforts from local and state authorities, the lack of political will from Mexican leaders hinders effective action against the cartels.

    • New cartels emerge and expand in Mexico's drug tradeNew cartels like Jalisco New Generation Cartel and Arellano Felix Cartel formed from larger organizations, using violence, intimidation, and diversified activities to control territories and extort money, spreading fear through social media and causing instability and chaos, affecting ordinary citizens and businesses.

      The drug trade in Mexico has led to the formation of new cartels, such as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Arellano Felix Cartel, which started as offshoots of larger organizations but have since expanded rapidly and diversified their criminal activities. These cartels use violence and intimidation to control territories and extort money from local businesses, as well as engage in trafficking of illegal drugs and gasoline. The use of social media to spread fear and misinformation has added to the anxiety and uncertainty for people living in areas affected by cartel violence. Political feuds also contribute to the instability and chaos in some regions. It's important to note that the impact of cartel activities extends beyond the criminal underworld, affecting ordinary citizens and businesses in significant ways.

    • Blurred Lines Between Crime, Government, and Media in Baja California, MexicoCorruption, drug organizations, and propaganda create a dangerous environment for truth in Baja California, Mexico. Journalists and investigators face immense pressure and danger in uncovering the truth, while the murder of reporters highlights the risks they face.

      In Baja California, Mexico, the lines between crime, government, and media have become increasingly blurred. Jaime Bonilla, a former governor, was recently accused of corruption and links to the Ariana Felix drug organization. He owned a television station where he spread inflammatory messages against the current governor, adding to the political unrest. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the government itself spreads propaganda denying any wrongdoing. This creates a dangerous environment where it's difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Unfortunately, this issue is not unique to Baja California, but is a global concern. The murder of reporters in Mexico, including a recent one in Sonora and four employees of a radio station in Ciudad Juarez, highlights the risks journalists face in uncovering the truth. Despite the challenges, there are investigators and journalists willing to put their lives on the line to bring transparency to their communities. However, they often face immense pressure and danger in doing so.

    • Dangerous reporting: 15 journalists killed in Mexico this yearOver 90% of crimes against civilians and 98% of crimes against journalists go unsolved in Mexico, yet journalists continue to report on sensitive topics, providing essential information to the public

      Journalism in Mexico is a dangerous profession, with at least 15 journalists or media workers killed this year, many of whom were targeted for their investigative work. The killing of Margarito Martinez, a photographer, is believed to be linked to his reporting on a drug trafficking cell, while the motive behind the death of Lourdes Sandoval remains unclear. Despite arrests in both cases, the identities of those who ordered and paid for the killings remain unknown. The environment for journalists in Mexico is volatile, with drug lords and other criminals often targeting those who dig into sensitive topics. The level of impunity for crimes against journalists is alarmingly high, with estimates suggesting that over 90% of crimes against civilians and 98% of crimes against journalists go unsolved. Despite these risks, journalists continue to play a crucial role in providing accurate information to the public, particularly in young democracies like Mexico, where reliable information is essential for informed decision-making.

    • Staying informed in Mexico's complex media landscapeBe aware of potential biases and sources of information, approach smaller independent outlets with caution, compare information from multiple sources, and be vigilant and critical in news consumption.

      In today's media landscape, it's crucial to be aware of potential biases and sources of information. Mexico, like many other countries, faces issues with media control, with both governments and drug trafficking organizations attempting to influence the narrative. Traditional media is becoming less relevant, and good journalism is often found in smaller, independent outlets. However, even these sources should be approached with caution and carefully evaluated for potential biases. Consumers of news should aim to compare information from multiple sources and be conscious of potential conflicts of interest. The general public may not have the time or resources to deeply analyze media, so it's important for informed individuals to help them navigate this complex landscape. The media landscape is more opaque than ever before, and it's essential to be vigilant and critical in our consumption of news.

    • Historically blurred lines between government, business, and media in MexicoWith the rise of social media and citizen journalism, it's crucial to differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources, ensuring accurate and trustworthy information reaches the public.

      The line between government, business, and media in Mexico has historically been blurred, leading to ethical dilemmas and even danger for reporters. However, with the rise of social media and citizen journalism, there's a new wave of information sources, but it's crucial to differentiate between reliable and unreliable outlets. The government's relationship with the media has shifted over the years, with reporters sometimes receiving privileges or even becoming too close to power. This coziness has put journalists in danger when drug trafficking organizations became powerful regional players. Now, with the proliferation of social media, there's a need for discernment as anyone can claim to be a reporter. Tijuana Press, an online native media outlet, aims to provide in-depth, investigative journalism in Spanish, with some English content on Twitter. The importance of transparency and ethical reporting remains paramount to ensure accurate and trustworthy information reaches the public.

    • Unions and reproductive rightsUnions advocate for workers' rights, including reproductive autonomy. They represent workers' interests and provide a collective voice to address important issues, such as access to healthcare and opposition from employers.

      The power of unions lies in their ability to represent the interests of workers, even in the context of sensitive and complex issues like reproductive rights. Crystal Grabowski and Elizabeth Villanueva from UE local 696 discussed how the labor perspective is often overlooked when it comes to the debate around reproductive autonomy. They emphasized that access to healthcare, which is crucial for reproductive rights, relies on labor provided by workers. These workers face not only the potential loss of Roe v. Wade but also the opposition of their employers. By being part of a union, workers can have a collective voice and make informed decisions that benefit them and their communities. The union can also evaluate and address important issues when necessary. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of unions in advocating for workers' rights and well-being, including the right to reproductive autonomy.

    • A tidal wave of emotional, mental, and bodily harm for abortion workersAbortion workers face overwhelming calls, long travels, and high prices for clients seeking services post-Roe v Wade, causing immense emotional toll

      The fall of Roe v Wade and the Dobbs decision have been deeply traumatic experiences for those working in abortion access. Crystal described it as a natural disaster, a tidal wave that swept them away, leaving emotional, mental, and bodily harm in its wake. The knowledge that it was coming did little to prepare them for the reality. The influx of calls from people seeking abortions, traveling long distances, was overwhelming. Unionized abortion workers, already understaffed, were taking on this man-made disaster while giving every last ounce of their energy. The situation is a never-ending nightmare, with people driving hours, taking planes, and paying high prices for transportation. The emotional toll is immense, and the situation is far from over.

    • Healthcare workers face overwhelming calls and emotional strain during post-Roe v. Wade eraHealthcare workers in reproductive healthcare face emotional and physical toll due to lack of adequate staffing, wages, and resources amidst increased demand for services post-Dobbs decision.

      The Dobbs decision, which restricted access to abortion services in several states, led to an overwhelming influx of calls to abortion clinics and hotlines. Healthcare workers, who were already understaffed and emotionally drained, had to answer these calls and provide support to distressed patients. The situation was particularly challenging in Ohio, where a fetal heartbeat bill went into effect, leading to the cancellation of appointments for many patients. The staff at these clinics, despite being exhausted and underpaid, came together to help answer the phones and support the patients, showing a deep commitment to their work and their patients. However, the lack of adequate staffing, wages, and working conditions took a heavy toll on their mental and physical health. This situation highlights the urgent need for better resources and support for healthcare workers in the reproductive healthcare sector.

    • Emotional burden of understaffed healthcare systemsHealthcare workers face difficult choices, emotional manipulation, and burnout due to understaffing, particularly during crises or rapid change. Self-care is crucial to avoid burnout.

      The emotional and moral burden of understaffed healthcare systems, including reproductive health services, can lead to emotional manipulation and burnout for workers. This is particularly true in times of crisis or rapid change, where workers are constantly faced with making difficult decisions about who to prioritize and feeling overwhelmed by the constant influx of needs. The speaker equates this to emotional gaslighting and the trolley problem, where limited resources force difficult choices. It's important for healthcare workers to recognize their own limits and take time for self-care to avoid burnout. The ongoing nature of these demands can be frustrating and overwhelming, especially when compounded by external factors such as political crises or emergencies.

    • Limited resources and staffing in healthcare lead to traumatic experiencesHealthcare staffing shortages during crises can lead to long wait times, difficult decisions, and unmet needs, causing emotional distress for both patients and workers.

      The lack of sufficient resources and staffing in healthcare facilities, particularly in reproductive healthcare services like Planned Parenthood, can lead to traumatic experiences for both workers and patients. This is especially true during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, where staffing shortages and increased demand for services can result in long wait times, difficult decisions, and the inability to help everyone in need. The consequences of these decisions can be severe, both for the individuals turned away and for their families and communities. The emotional toll on healthcare workers, who must make these decisions and deliver the disappointing news, can be significant. It's important to recognize that the trauma doesn't just affect those seeking abortions, but also extends to the workers who must manage the limited resources and turn people away.

    • Healthcare Workers' Frustration with Prolonged Contract Negotiation ProcessThe prolonged contract negotiation process between healthcare workers and employers causes frustration, disrespect for time, and potential resignations due to exhaustion and lack of livable wages. Fair and respectful labor practices are essential for both workers and patients.

      The prolonged contract negotiation process between healthcare workers and their employers is a source of significant frustration and disrespect for the workers' time and dedication. Witnessing the resignation of individuals who reach their breaking point in their personal lives and health due to the demands of their jobs adds to the trauma and tragedy of the situation. The 14-month-long negotiation process is exhausting and disrespectful, with employers constantly stalling and bringing in mediators, while workers are expected to continue showing up and providing excellent care to their patients. The lack of a livable wage and the employers' attempts to delay negotiations further add to the workers' frustration and sense of being taken advantage of. Overall, the situation highlights the need for fair and respectful labor practices, and the strength and determination of healthcare workers to secure a better future for themselves and their patients.

    • Larger organizations' lack of support leaves reproductive rights in the hands of volunteersGrassroots movements and individual support are driving progress for reproductive rights, despite lack of action from larger organizations

      The lack of support and action from larger, well-funded organizations in the reproductive rights space has left the issue in the hands of underpaid volunteers and grassroots organizations. The failure of these larger organizations to effectively advocate for abortion access and unionize their workforce has created a grim situation, leaving many feeling hopeless. However, the community's response, through donations and support from individuals and local businesses, has shown that there is hope and strength in unity and solidarity. The most significant progress and support for reproductive rights have come from regular people, rather than those with significant financial or political power. This highlights the importance of building strong, grassroots movements and communities that actively listen and respond to the needs of those on the ground.

    • The Power of Community SolidarityCommunity support can subsidize workers and create opportunities for meaningful change, even when organizations don't prioritize the issue.

      Community support plays a crucial role in driving change and addressing issues that organizations may not prioritize. Using the metaphor of China's migrant labor system, this interview highlights how collective action and community resources can subsidize workers, allowing them to thrive despite being underpaid and undervalued by their employers. Similarly, Krystal and Elizabeth from UE Local 696 have mobilized their community to support their cause, filling the gaps left by organizations and ensuring their voices are heard. Whether it's through labor rights, education, or other social issues, the power of community solidarity can create opportunities and bring about meaningful change.

    • Decisions in reproductive health impact patients deeply, healthcare staff bear the bruntHealthcare staff in reproductive health face complex situations, prioritizing patient wellbeing amidst emotional and practical challenges.

      The individuals making decisions in the healthcare system, particularly in the context of reproductive health, often don't face the full consequences of those decisions. They never have to see the emotional turmoil or the dire circumstances their decisions create for patients. The speaker shares harrowing experiences of patients calling for abortion services while in abusive relationships, with partners actively obstructing the process. The healthcare staff deals with a wide range of situations, providing comprehensive services beyond just the procedure, including counseling, housing, and legal support. Patients come in fragile and their needs vary greatly, requiring patience and understanding. The healthcare staff sees everything and prioritizes the wellbeing of the patients above all else.

    • The importance of emotional support in healthcare for stigmatized health needsCreating safe spaces and normalizing conversations can reduce the negative impact of stigma on individuals and their relationships, making it easier for them to access essential services.

      The healthcare system often fails to provide adequate emotional support and care for patients, particularly those with stigmatized health needs like abortion and hormone therapy. Patients may face social stigmatization in addition to legal barriers, leading to isolation and a lack of open dialogue about their experiences. This can make accessing essential services even more challenging. The speaker's personal experiences highlight the importance of creating safe spaces and normalizing these conversations to reduce the negative impact of stigma on individuals and their relationships.

    • Intimidation Tactics Silence Healthcare WorkersHealthcare workers face intimidation from anti-union groups, leading to fear and self-censorship, making it hard for the public to understand their experiences and advocate for change.

      Workers at a healthcare facility are facing intense pressure and intimidation from anti-union groups. A worker named Crystal shared her experience of having her name discovered by the protesters, leading her to change her patterns and even lie about her workplace. The bosses have also been threatening disciplinary action for union-related activities, creating a culture of fear and silencing. This intimidation tactic is designed to prevent workers from speaking to reporters and sharing their experiences, making it difficult for the public to understand the national health crisis they are facing. Crystal, a member of the bargaining team and emcee of their rally, feels the weight of this pressure and intimidation, but draws strength from her father's union background and refuses to be silenced. The situation highlights the urgent need for healthcare infrastructure and the importance of workers' rights to speak out and advocate for themselves.

    • Employer fear leads to harmful consequences for reproductive rightsEmployer fear of lawsuits creates a culture of defeatism, affecting providers and potentially endangering patients, underscoring the importance of strong values and commitment to essential healthcare services.

      The fear and defeatism surrounding reproductive rights and access can lead to harmful consequences for both employers and employees. This was highlighted in a conversation about labor activism and the experiences of working in a call center for an abortion provider. The impression given was that employers are acting out of fear of lawsuits, creating a culture of defeatism that not only affects them but also inflicts fear on providers and potentially endangers patients. This situation is particularly concerning given the increasing restrictions on reproductive rights, which may force individuals to travel across state lines for care, putting them in potentially dangerous situations. The conversation underscored the importance of strong values and a commitment to ensuring access to essential healthcare services for all.

    • The Power of Community Support for WorkersCommunity support can significantly improve workers' morale, productivity, and overall well-being through essentials like food and solidarity during challenging times. Everyone can contribute to supporting workers in their communities.

      Community support is crucial for workers, especially during challenging times. The speaker shared her experience of feeling unsupported and disbelieved when raising concerns about workplace issues, but found solace and strength in the solidarity of her union and community. The provision of food and other essentials from the community not only improved the workers' morale and productivity but also highlighted the importance of well-fed and cared-for workers. The speaker emphasized that everyone can contribute to supporting workers in their communities, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant their offerings may be. The power of community support can lead to significant improvements in workers' lives and overall well-being.

    • Abortion care workers raise awareness and funds through creative protestAbortion care workers used a pinata to symbolize their concerns, sparking discussions and raising awareness, emphasizing the importance of being heard as union members during a crisis.

      Abortion care workers, represented by various unions including UE Local 696, are using creative and engaging ways to raise awareness and funds for their cause. During a rally, they symbolically "busted open" a uterus-shaped pinata, highlighting their concerns over low wages, SCOTUS decisions, and understaffing. The event received widespread attention, including on podcasts, and sparked discussions about the misconceptions surrounding abortion and the cervix. The union members emphasized the importance of being platformed as abortion care workers and union members during a crisis, and expressed their appreciation for the extensive coverage of abortion-related topics on the podcast. They also hinted at an upcoming April Fools episode dedicated to the cervix glitter phenomenon. Overall, the union's unique approach to advocacy demonstrates the power of creativity and community in driving change.

    • Elevating Black Voices and Stories in the CommunityStay informed about lesser-known issues like chronic wasting disease, which can significantly impact human and animal populations, and work towards solutions.

      The Michigan Chronicle is more than just a news source. It's a platform that elevates black voices, culture, and stories in the community. Meanwhile, in a different context, professor Calvin Norman discussed the importance of addressing lesser-known issues, such as chronic wasting disease. This prion disease, which affects the brain and moves copper around, can have significant impacts on human and animal populations. It gained mainstream attention during the mad cow disease outbreak in the 1990s. While we may have health food standards in place to prevent similar incidents in the US, it's crucial to stay informed about potential threats and work towards solutions. Subscribe to the Michigan Chronicle to stay connected and informed on issues that matter to you.

    • Misfolded proteins prevent essential copper absorption in the brain, leading to neurological disordersMisfolded proteins cause a chain reaction that leads to brain malfunction and eventual sponge-like structure, resulting in neurological disorders like mad cow disease, scrapie, and Krommeltjacob's disease. No known cures, but understanding causes is crucial for prevention.

      Prion diseases are a type of neurological disorder caused by misfolded proteins that prevent the brain from getting essential copper. These diseases, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease), feline spongiform encephalopathy (scrapie in cats), and Krommeltjacob's disease in humans, result in the brain turning into a sponge-like structure due to the cellular damage caused by the lack of copper. The misfolded proteins cause a chain reaction that eventually leads to the brain's malfunction. These diseases can be transmitted through contaminated food or, in the case of Kuru, through cannibalism. Diagnosis typically involves examining the brain under a microscope, which is usually not feasible in humans or other animals due to ethical and practical concerns. Prion diseases can take a long time to develop and can be fatal. While there are no known cures, understanding the underlying causes of these diseases is crucial for preventing their spread.

    • Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids: Symptoms and TransmissionChronic wasting disease is a prion disease affecting deer, elk, and moose, causing dementia-like symptoms and death. Humans have hunted and consumed these animals for centuries, and their management is crucial due to the disease's transmissibility and potential impact on the entire cervid population.

      Chronic wasting disease is a prion disease that affects the cervid family, including deer, elk, and moose. It causes symptoms similar to dementia in animals, making them act strangely and leading to their death. This disease is concerning because it can impact all members of the cervid family, which are popular for hunting and human consumption. Humans have been hunting and consuming deer for centuries, and in some areas, they are the primary predator, making their management essential. Farming and domesticating cervids have been attempted, but they don't thrive in captivity. Chronic wasting disease is transmissible and can be spread through direct contact with an infected animal's saliva, urine, or feces. As the disease can impact the entire cervid population, it's crucial to monitor and manage it to prevent its spread.

    • Chronic wasting disease in deer: A fatal brain disease spreading across North America and beyondChronic wasting disease is a fatal brain disease affecting deer populations, primarily spread through deer-to-deer interaction and the environment, and difficult to control due to its long-lasting effects in the soil

      Chronic wasting disease, a fatal brain disease in deer, was discovered in the 1960s and has since spread to over 30 states in the US, 4 Canadian provinces, Scandinavia, and Korea. The disease is believed to have originated from farming deer and is now primarily spread through deer-to-deer interaction and the environment. It's difficult to control once it's in a state as it can remain in the soil for at least 2 years and requires extreme measures to destroy. If left unchecked, it can lead to extinction of deer populations. The disease is not fun to study due to its fatal nature and the risks involved. While we may not be deer ourselves, the collapse of deer populations can have negative impacts on local ecosystems.

    • Impact of Chronic Wasting Disease on Human Health and EnvironmentChronic wasting disease is a prion disease affecting deer and other cervids, residing in soil and surfaces, potentially entering the food chain, and difficult to eliminate, posing a significant concern for human health and food sources.

      Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease affecting deer and other cervids, and its potential impact on human health is a significant concern due to its ability to persist in the environment and potentially enter the food chain. CWD is known to reside in soil and on various surfaces, making it difficult to eliminate. It can also affect other animals that consume contaminated plants. Although it hasn't yet jumped to humans, the potential damage could be immense, as it could contaminate food sources, especially since it's challenging to eliminate it during food processing. CWD is different from other prion diseases like BSE (Mad Cow Disease) as it doesn't require direct contact between infected and healthy animals. Instead, it can spread through the environment and potentially enter the food chain, making containment an even more significant challenge.

    • Potential Risks of Chronic Wasting Disease for Humans and EconomyChronic wasting disease, a prion disease affecting deer and other cervids, could potentially harm humans and cause significant economic losses due to export restrictions and impacts on agriculture.

      Chronic wasting disease (CWD), a prion disease that affects deer and other cervids, has the potential to jump to humans and cause harm. While it hasn't been definitively proven that humans can contract CWD, studies on monkeys and hamsters suggest that it's a possibility. The human side of this issue is scary, as symptoms of prion diseases can take decades to appear, and there's no definitive way to diagnose them until then. The economic implications are also significant, as CWD can impact agriculture, particularly livestock, leading to potential export restrictions and significant economic losses. While there are currently no definitive solutions to prevent CWD from jumping to humans or livestock, increased awareness and research are crucial steps towards mitigating the potential risks.

    • Preventing chronic wasting disease in deer populationsHunting, regulation, research, and ethical considerations are key to preventing the spread of chronic wasting disease in deer populations. Hunting reduces population levels and tests for the disease, regulation of captive cervid industry prevents farm-related outbreaks, and governments allocate resources towards research and prevention.

      Addressing chronic wasting disease in deer populations requires a multi-faceted approach. Hunting deer to reduce population levels and test for the disease is crucial in preventing its spread. Regulation of the captive cervid industry is also essential to prevent the disease from spreading through farms. Additionally, governments and legislatures need to allocate more resources towards research and prevention efforts. Furthermore, it's important to consider the ethical implications of farming animals not naturally intended for domestication. The consequences of neglecting environmental issues, such as chronic wasting disease, can be severe and far-reaching. A notable example is the presence of chronic wasting disease in Florida, which also hosts colonies of wild macaques. Addressing these issues requires a serious and collaborative effort from all stakeholders.

    • Researching Chronic Wasting Disease in Wild Macaques and Unique Government of San MarinoExploring macaque transmission of chronic wasting disease and San Marino's unique government could yield valuable insights. Prepare for health crises and appreciate nature.

      There are intriguing possibilities for research on chronic wasting disease in the wild, specifically in relation to macaques in Florida. This could involve studying whether macaques can contract the disease naturally, which could provide valuable insights into its transmission and potential prevention strategies. Another interesting topic discussed was the unique dual government of San Marino, a European micro-nation. The speakers also emphasized the importance of being aware of potential diseases like chronic wasting disease, drawing parallels to the predictions and warnings about COVID-19 before its outbreak. They encouraged building structures into societies to better prepare for and manage such health crises. Additionally, they shared their appreciation for various unconventional topics and encouraged embracing the unexpected. Lastly, they plugged the importance of trees, getting outside, and replacing Twitter with tweets from birds for mental health.

    • Opportunities for career advancement and community engagementPurdue Global offers flexible degree programs for working adults and the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily delivers authentic news to the black community in Detroit. Both serve as reminders of the importance of continuous learning, community engagement, and staying informed, including a historic heat wave affecting over 900 million people in China.

      Both Purdue Global and the Michigan Chronicle offer valuable opportunities for individuals looking to advance their careers or stay informed about their communities. Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to earn recognition for their experience and knowledge, while the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily delivers authentic and empowering news to the black community in Detroit. Additionally, the podcast episode discussed a historic heat wave in China affecting over 900 million people, making it a significant global issue. These opportunities and issues serve as reminders of the importance of continuous learning, community engagement, and staying informed.

    • Extreme weather conditions cause significant issues worldwide, with Sichuan province and India heavily affectedRecord-breaking temperatures, low rainfall, and power outages disrupt industries and daily life in areas like Sichuan, where 80% of power comes from hydroelectric sources, and the Yangtze River is at its lowest recorded level. Human suffering often goes unreported amidst media focus on economic impact.

      The extreme weather conditions, particularly droughts and heatwaves, are causing significant issues around the world, with China's Sichuan province and India being heavily affected. The human impact of these events is immense, with record-breaking temperatures, low rainfall, and power outages leading to disruptions in industries and daily life. The situation in Sichuan, home to 83 million people and a significant industrial base, is particularly dire as 80% of its power comes from hydroelectric sources, and the Yangtze River, which provides the majority of that power, is at its lowest recorded level. The consequences of these weather events extend beyond China, with similar issues occurring in Texas and other areas, leading to power outages, supply chain disruptions, and even fatalities. The human toll of these events often goes unreported in the media, which tends to focus on the economic impact, but the human suffering is a significant and often overlooked aspect of these crises.

    • Devastating effects of extreme heatwaves on populationsExtreme heatwaves can lead to power outages, health risks, and even death, particularly for workers in labor-intensive industries, and addressing this issue requires a multifaceted solution including labor law enforcement and worker protections.

      Extreme heat waves, particularly those without significant cooling at night, can have devastating effects on populations, leading to power outages, health risks, and even death. This was highlighted in the discussion about the ongoing heatwaves in China, where cities like Shanghai and Chongqing have experienced record-breaking temperatures, with no relief at night. The situation is particularly dire for workers in labor-intensive industries, who are forced to work long hours in extreme heat with little to no protection or compensation. The story of a migrant worker in a freight depot outside Shanghai, who collapsed and died despite working in temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, underscores the urgent need for action to protect workers and ensure they are not forced to choose between their health and their livelihoods. The lack of enforcement of labor laws and the financial vulnerability of workers exacerbate the problem, making it a complex issue that requires a multifaceted solution.

    • Workers dying in China's heatwave face struggles to receive benefits due to lack of formal contractsDuring China's heatwave, many workers dying lack formal contracts, denying families essential benefits, contributing to widespread suffering and financial instability.

      During the current heatwave in China, many workers are dying due to the extreme temperatures, but their families are struggling to receive government benefits, including insurance payouts, because these workers do not have formal contracts. This issue is widespread in China's economy, where many state-owned firms outsource labor to contracting agencies, and the resulting lack of contracts denies workers access to essential benefits. The family of one worker, Jong, who died during the heatwave, spent weeks harassing government officials and employers to receive the insurance money they were entitled to, but they only received a fraction of what they were owed. This situation is not unique, as the Chinese economy is built on this system, and many companies would be bankrupt if they paid out the required insurance benefits. The heatwave is estimated to have caused tens of thousands of deaths, and the lack of official death tolls and records adds to the suffering. The heatwave also has far-reaching impacts, such as damaging agriculture, melting glaciers, and increasing energy demand, which further exacerbates the situation. Overall, the combination of extreme weather and the capitalist system in China is resulting in a devastating toll on human lives.

    • Extreme heat waves and their environmental impactHeat waves contribute to melting glaciers, forest fires, energy disruptions, and increased carbon emissions, creating a vicious cycle of crisis and destruction for both the environment and human health.

      Extreme heat waves contribute to a vicious cycle of environmental damage and human crisis. As glaciers melt, less surface area is available to reflect light, leading to more warming and more frequent heat waves. These heat waves can then cause forest fires, weakening ecosystems and reducing their ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Additionally, heat waves can disrupt energy production, particularly hydroelectric and nuclear power, leading to further environmental damage and increased energy consumption. Wet bulb temperature, a measure of how effectively sweat can evaporate to cool the body, is a growing concern as temperatures rise. At a certain point, the body can no longer cool down, leading to heat stroke and death. These extreme heat events pose a significant threat to human health and the environment, creating a feedback loop of crisis and destruction.

    • Climate change causing devastating events with more to comeDespite efforts to reduce emissions, climate change will continue to bring extreme weather events, potentially causing massive loss of life. Policymakers must take bold action, but even then, unintended consequences from geoengineering are a risk.

      Climate change is leading to increasingly devastating events, such as extreme heatwaves, which are expected to continue and potentially cause massive loss of life in the coming decades. Even if we take drastic action now to reduce emissions, the carbon cycle means that we're still locked in for more heatwaves and other climate-related disasters. The Chinese heatwave, for example, was a result of specific weather phenomena coinciding, but it's a sign of things to come. Policymakers need to take bold action, but even if they do, we may still see more disasters like this. The idea of geoengineering as a solution is risky and could lead to unintended consequences. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated.

    • Capitalism's inability to address environmental issuesCapitalism's profit-driven mentality worsens environmental crises through privatization and competition, leading to conflicts and unsustainable practices. A new system prioritizing the common good is needed.

      The current capitalist system, with its profit-driven mentality, is ill-equipped to handle the pressing environmental issues we face, such as climate change and resource scarcity. Instead, it tends to exacerbate these problems through privatization and competition. For instance, the discussion touched upon the potential privatization of the atmosphere and water resources, which could lead to more conflicts and unsustainable practices. The failure to imagine solutions outside of the profit-and-loss framework has resulted in issues like the water dispute among states in the US and the impending heating crisis in the UK. The proposed solution is not to nationalize corporations but to reimagine a system that prioritizes the common good over profit.

    • Rising costs of essentials outpace political support in UKPolicymakers need to address root causes of rising essential costs for vulnerable populations, not just bicker over minor issues, to prevent social unrest.

      While some countries, like the UK, may have political systems in place to support their citizens, such as a winter fuel allowance, the rising costs of essentials like heating may still outpace these benefits. Furthermore, political parties in the UK, including Labour under Keir Starmer, seem more focused on bickering over minor issues than addressing the root causes of these rising costs for the most vulnerable populations. Additionally, infrastructure projects, like a desalination plant in the Thames Estuary, can face unexpected challenges that may exacerbate financial struggles. Ultimately, these issues could potentially lead to social unrest, with people taking drastic measures like protesting or even violence, if they feel their basic needs are not being met. It's crucial for policymakers to consider the long-term consequences of their decisions and work towards finding sustainable solutions to address the needs of their citizens.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Find Ainhoa on Instagram: @_.ginia.ainhoa._

    Mentioned resources
    Climate Strike Switzerland: https://climatestrike.ch/
    Debt for Climate Movement: https://www.debtforclimate.org/
    Global Youth Biodiversity Network: https://www.gybn.org/
    Fridays for Future: https://fridaysforfuture.org/
    The Outlaw Ocean Podcast: https://www.theoutlawocean.com/the-outlaw-ocean-podcast/
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    If you have an essential topic, thought-provoking observation, or experience to share that needs to be amplified with increased awareness, reach us at theupfrontpodcast@gmail.com.

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