
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring BetMGM, Purdue Global, Permaculture, and Michigan ChronicleBetMGM delivers an engaging sports betting platform with bonuses and features. Purdue Global empowers career comebacks through education. Permaculture promotes sustainable agriculture and culture. Michigan Chronicle offers an authentic voice for Detroit's black community.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with easy sign-up, generous welcome bonuses, and a wide range of features including parlay selections, live betting, and daily promotions. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides an opportunity for individuals to earn a degree and make a comeback in their careers, backed by the reputable Purdue University. Permaculture, an ancient yet modern approach to sustainable agriculture and culture, aims to create circular economies and efficient energy use on land. First coined by Bill Mollison in the 1970s, permaculture has since spread globally and challenges the status quo of industrial agriculture. Lastly, the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily offers an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community, providing news and cultural insights beyond the headlines.

    • Designing sustainable systems inspired by naturePermaculture is a design philosophy that focuses on care for the earth, people, and community, emphasizing interconnectedness and multiple functions for sustainable systems.

      Key takeaway from the discussion on permaculture is that it's a design philosophy focused on care for the earth, people, and community. Permaculture seeks to learn from nature and establish sustainable systems that last for generations. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all elements and the importance of recognizing the functions each performs. For instance, banana trees provide shade, mulch, and protection, while chickens offer eggs, manure, and insect control. Permaculture also emphasizes the importance of waste as a resource and the transformation of barren landscapes into thriving ecosystems through the use of plants like banana trees. The process often involves revitalizing the soil through the use of mulch, manure, and fast-growing plants. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all elements and the multiple functions each performs, permaculture aims to create self-sustaining systems that benefit all life.

    • Observing sustainable farming practices in Trinidad and RwandaEffective use of local resources, circular systems, and biodiversity can minimize external inputs and maximize productivity in sustainable farming. Build healthy soil with organic waste and create circular ecosystems like rice-fish-rabbit system.

      Sustainable farming practices, such as those observed in Trinidad and Rwanda, involve the use of local resources and the implementation of circular systems to minimize external inputs and maximize productivity. In Trinidad, the use of organic waste for fertilization and the collection of potential ecosystem-building materials were effective ways to build and maintain healthy soil. Similarly, in Rwanda, the rice-fish-rabbit system created a circular ecosystem where waste from one element became a resource for another. These practices align with principles of a circular economy, such as reducing waste and maximizing the use of multiple elements to perform multiple functions. While external inputs may be necessary in the beginning, the ultimate goal is to establish and expand sustainable systems that can maintain themselves. A plant-focused system, with a diverse range of crops and trees, can also contribute to a sustainable food supply. By recognizing the role of so-called pests as optimizers, farmers can work to create balanced ecosystems that maintain themselves, reducing the need for chemical inputs.

    • Creating a Balanced System in PermacultureIncorporate diverse layers of plants, water, and energy sources in permaculture systems to ensure balance, self-sufficiency, and redundancy. Analyze zones and sectors to optimize resource use and harness natural energies.

      In permaculture, it's essential to create a balanced and interconnected system that supports various functions through multiple elements. This concept is exemplified in the food forest approach, which incorporates seven layers of plants that provide various benefits and support each other. Similarly, water and energy sources should be diversified to ensure redundancy and self-sufficiency. To design a permaculture system effectively, consider conducting a zone and sector analysis to harness natural energies and optimize the use of resources. By focusing on these principles, we can create sustainable and efficient systems that mimic the natural world.

    • Designing a Food Forest with Permaculture PrinciplesImplementing permaculture principles in a food forest design can minimize work, resources, and maintenance while increasing yields and resource recycling. Zones and biological resources are used to create a stable ecosystem, and energy cycling and trapping sunlight maximize productivity.

      Implementing the principles of permaculture in designing and managing a food forest can lead to reduced work, resources, and maintenance while increasing yields and resource recycling. The food forest is divided into zones, starting with a consumption and processing zone (Zone 0), followed by an intensive kitchen garden (Zone 1), local support and community space (Zone 2), production focus (Zone 3), and long-term sustainable plants (Zone 4), and a wilderness zone (Zone 5). Using biological resources, such as natural insecticides and companion planting, is essential for maintaining a stable ecosystem. Energy cycling, trapping sunlight, and recycling organic matter, are also important principles to minimize waste and maximize productivity. While larger-scale systems may be more common in permaculture discussions, small-scale solutions like grow boxes, deep litter beds, and aquaculture systems can also be effective. The use of natural plant succession and stacking layers of different plants ensures continuous production over time.

    • Fostering diversity and creating sustainable ecosystems through permaculturePermaculture goes beyond agriculture to promote diversity, unique niches, natural patterns, and ecosystem stewardship. It supports rare species, adapts to natural patterns, and has roots in indigenous knowledge, making a significant impact on food systems and political discourse.

      Permaculture is about more than just sustainable agriculture. It's about recognizing and fostering diversity, creating unique niches, observing natural patterns, and being good stewards of the ecosystems we inhabit. Permaculturists create systems that allow for the flourishing of rare and vulnerable species, and they continually adjust and tweak their systems to align with natural patterns. This is a long-term project that requires a positive attitude, experimentation, and community involvement. It's important to remember that permaculture is rooted in indigenous ways of knowing and doing, and it has the potential to make a significant impact on our world, particularly in areas related to food systems and political discourse. By embracing permaculture principles, we can make a positive change in our own lives and contribute to larger, revolutionary projects.

    • Authentic Perspectives and Shifts in Portland's Political LandscapeThe Michigan Chronicle offers unique insights into local and cultural news, while Portland has seen a decrease in right-wing rallies due to increased police presence, community resistance, and fear of negative publicity.

      The Michigan Chronicle provides an authentic perspective on local and cultural news that cannot be found elsewhere, while Meaningful Beauty focuses on making individuals feel confident in their skin at every age. Additionally, there has been a notable absence of violent right-wing rallies in Portland, Oregon, since 2020, which was previously a common occurrence leading to large-scale brawls. The reasons for this change include increased police presence, community resistance, and the fear of potential violence and negative publicity. These developments signify a shift in the political landscape of Portland and the broader implications of community resistance to hate groups.

    • Countering far-right activities with physical resistance and community unityPhysical resistance and community unity can deter far-right groups, but it requires long-term commitment, strategic planning, and acknowledgement of risks. Portland and Dallas serve as examples of effective resistance.

      Physical resistance and community unity have been effective in countering far-right activities in some cities, but it requires long-term commitment and strategic planning. Portland serves as an example where such tactics, including showing up armed and in armor, have deterred right-wing groups from causing chaos for over five years. However, it's essential to acknowledge the potential risks and challenges, such as legal repercussions and escalating violence, that come with this approach. The recent events in Texas, where armed groups have protected LGBT events, demonstrate the importance of denying the far-right groups both the ground to gather and the footage they crave. Cities like Dallas have managed to strike this balance effectively. It's crucial to remember that this kind of resistance takes discipline and commitment, as seen in the historical reference to the Battle of Cable Street in London in 1936. Overall, the success stories of cities like Portland and Dallas offer valuable lessons for other communities facing similar challenges.

    • Armed presence as a deterrent during protestsArmed presence during protests can prevent violence if organized and agreed upon collectively. Logistical support like medics and water suppliers are also crucial.

      The presence of armed individuals during protests can act as a deterrent for violence. This concept has been effective in reducing conflicts between opposing groups, much like the nuclear tensions between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. However, it's crucial that this presence is organized and agreed upon collectively, as individual attempts can lead to negative consequences. This phenomenon, often referred to as mutual deterrence, has been particularly noticeable in Portland, where the threat of injury or death from armed protesters has discouraged violent actions from far-right groups. Additionally, the importance of logistical support, such as medics and water suppliers, should not be overlooked, as they play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of larger protests.

    • Diverse tactics and support are crucial for effective anti-fascist activismEffective anti-fascist activism requires a diverse range of tactics and support from individuals, including physical confrontations, transport, intel, filming, music, and organizing through groups like PopMob and Popular Mobilization.

      Effective anti-fascist activism requires a diverse range of tactics and support. While some individuals may be willing and ready to engage in physical confrontations, others can contribute by providing transport, intel, filming, or even playing music to distract and disrupt. Consistently showing up and organizing through groups like PopMob, Popular Mobilization, and various antifascist collectives is crucial for outnumbering and outmaneuvering fascist groups. This diversity of tactics not only makes the environment more sustainable for activists but also helps build a broad-based alliance, allowing for a quick and effective response when needed. The key is to recognize and value the contributions of all members of the anti-fascist community, no matter how different their tactics or opinions may be.

    • Effective resistance against hate groups in PortlandBuilding a strong community network and encouraging participation can help outnumber and deter hate groups, reducing their impact and protecting individuals.

      The persistent resistance against hate groups in Portland, Oregon, was effective due to a strong sense of community and solidarity among diverse groups of people. When the right showed up, people mobilized and created safe environments for counter-protests, which helped to outnumber and deter the hate groups. The importance of building a strong community network and encouraging participation cannot be overstated, as it instills a sense of support and empowerment among marginalized groups. This is especially crucial when far-right groups attempt to disrupt peaceful events or communities. By getting the message out and rallying large numbers of people, the impact of hate groups can be significantly reduced, and the feeling of community support can help to protect individuals and prevent potential harm.

    • Counter-protesting with diverse strategiesIncorporating various tactics and groups to demoralize and waste resources of opposing protesters can lead to their disintegration.

      Effective counter-protesting involves incorporating various strategies and groups to create a diverse response. This can include setting up support areas to demoralize and waste the time and resources of opposing groups, such as the Proud Boys. The goal is to make them feel that their efforts are futile and not worth the investment. This can lead to infighting and disintegration within the opposing movement. It's important to note that fear is not the only factor in countering opposing groups; hopelessness is also a powerful deterrent. By consistently defeating them and wearing them down, their internal group dynamics can unravel, ultimately leading to their demise.

    • The Impact of Meaningful Beauty and Self-ExpressionAmy Winehouse's music and life story resonate deeply, while a controversial right-wing cultural center faced consequences for offensive content.

      Meaningful beauty and self-expression, whether through music or personal identity, can have a profound impact on individuals and communities. Amy Winehouse's music and life story resonate with many, and her film, "Back to Black," offers a meaningful experience for audiences. On the other hand, the Centro Cultural Kyle Rittenhouse in Argentina, while intended to be a right-wing alternative to leftist community spaces, has faced consequences for its controversial content. The raid by Argentinian anti-terrorist police on the center, which features offensive murals and is run by a controversial figure named Jose Dedman, highlights the importance of responsible expression and the potential consequences of hate speech. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the power of art and self-expression, as well as the need for respect and understanding in diverse communities.

    • Online Controversial Art Center Dedicated to Kyle Rittenhouse and Political FiguresAn online platform showcases crude art of political figures including Kyle Rittenhouse, with creators holding divisive views and a history of violence.

      A group of individuals, likely inspired by political and societal unrest during the lockdown, have created an online space called the Kyle Rittenhouse Cultural Center, which features controversial art depicting various political figures and events. The art, which some may not consider true art due to its crude nature, includes depictions of figures like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, and Kyle Rittenhouse himself. The center's creators seem to hold controversial and divisive views, with some having a history of violence and extremism. The art itself often contains inaccuracies, such as the depiction of Rittenhouse's hat, which is a significant detail used to identify him in real life. The center also displays symbols and flags associated with various political movements and conflicts. The origins of the censorship of Dragon Ball Zed mentioned in the discussion are unclear, but it seems to have sparked the creation of this online space.

    • Online harassment and a controversial cultural centerA figure of online harassment may be linked to a cultural center's stance against censorship and 'feminist Bolsheviks'. Their history of anti-communist activism and use of fascist symbols aligns with violent anti-communist groups' past.

      The Kyle Rittenhouse Cultural Center, which has gained attention for its controversial stance against "feminist Bolsheviks" and censorship of Dragon Ball Z, may be connected to a long-standing figure of online harassment and gender-based violence. This individual, who has been documented sending unsolicited images and has a history of anti-communist activism, may have been motivated by the public backlash against a voice actor, Vic Mignogna, who was accused of sexual harassment and assault. The use of fascist symbols and rhetoric in the cultural center's messaging aligns with the history of violent anti-communist groups in Argentina, some of which have been linked to Nazis and other far-right extremists. The connection between these seemingly disparate issues highlights the complex and interconnected nature of online harassment, political ideologies, and historical contexts.

    • Argentinian group vandalizes Mothers of Plaza de Mayo monument, promotes Kyle Rittenhouse cultural centerAn Argentinian group, calling themselves 'vawcells,' have vandalized a monument to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and promoted a cultural center themed after Kyle Rittenhouse. Influenced by anti-communist and far-right propaganda, they use Rittenhouse as a symbol of resistance and spread hateful rhetoric, even while claiming Jewish ancestry.

      The actions of a group of individuals in Argentina, who went against the peaceful protests of the "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo" by vandalizing a monument to them and promoting a cultural center themed after Kyle Rittenhouse, showcase the dangerous intersection of online radicalization and the spread of hateful ideologies. These individuals, who claim to be "vawcells" rather than incels, have been influenced by anti-communist and far-right propaganda, using Rittenhouse as a symbol of resistance against perceived "communist" threats. The group's online presence includes parroting controversial talking points and even attempts at deception, such as a punk band pretending to fundraise for their cause while using the money for anti-fascist efforts. The disturbing nature of their actions is further complicated by their claims of Jewish ancestry, making their hateful rhetoric even more troubling. Overall, this situation highlights the need for increased awareness and education to combat the spread of hateful ideologies and the potential harm they can cause.

    • Argentine man's extremist views lead to police raidAn Argentine man's obsession with gender critical issues and history of threatening statements led to a police raid on his cultural center, uncovering incriminating materials and a mortar shell.

      The individual in question's extreme views on gender and politics, along with his history of making threatening statements, led to his raid by armed police in Argentina. His obsession with gender critical issues and calls to violence are not unique in the Argentine context, as the country has a powerful and well-organized trans movement that has led to significant pro-trans legislation. However, these views have put him at odds with progressive legislators and have led to previous discussions about prosecuting him for crimes committed under the dictatorship. The most recent incident involved a livestream celebrating an assassination attempt on the Argentine vice president, which led to the discovery of a mortar shell and other incriminating materials during the raid on the individual's cultural center.

    • Online obsession leads to offline consequencesPosting controversial content online can lead to real-world repercussions, especially when it advocates for violence or hate speech.

      The line between online and offline actions can have serious consequences. A man's obsession with online content led him to create a Kyle Rittenhouse-themed hangout spot, which resulted in police raids and potential legal trouble. This incident serves as a reminder that posting controversial content online can lead to real-world repercussions, especially when it involves advocating for violence or hate speech. Additionally, the man's history of gender-based violence highlights the connection between such behavior and other forms of harmful actions. It's essential to be mindful of the impact of our online presence and to avoid crossing the line into dangerous or harmful territory.

    • The Evolution of 9/11 Jokes in Popular CultureWhile the passage of time may make tragic events more acceptable for humor, it's crucial to consider the context and potential sensitivity of the subject matter. Be mindful of the potential consequences of our words.

      The passing of time can make tragic events more acceptable for humor, but it's crucial to consider the context and potential sensitivity of the subject matter. The discussion revolved around the evolution of 9/11 jokes in popular culture, starting with an episode of South Park and the infamous incident involving comedian Gilbert Gottfried at the 2001 Hugh Hefner roast. Although these jokes may bring laughter, it's essential to remember the gravity of the event and the impact it had on people's lives. The line between humor and insensitivity can be blurry, and it's essential to be mindful of the potential consequences of our words.

    • The West Wing and South Park responded to 9/11 with unique perspectivesThe West Wing and South Park provided insight into the 9/11 aftermath through humor and confusion, reflecting the complex emotions of the time

      The 911 episode of The West Wing, as well as satirical works like South Park, provided unique responses to the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. While some parts of the episodes were controversial and seemingly insensitive, they also reflected the confusion, fear, and even dark humor that many people felt during that time. For instance, the scene in The West Wing where kids are stuck in the White House due to a lockdown mirrored the anxiety and uncertainty that children, including the speaker, experienced. Similarly, South Park's depiction of the absurdity and overreaction to the attacks resonated with the speaker's memory of the memes and jokes that emerged in response to the seriousness of the situation. Overall, these works serve as a reminder of the complex emotions and reactions that defined the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

    • Impact of 9/11 attacks on baby boomers' psychological stateBaby boomers, who grew up during the Cold War era, experienced widespread depression, difficulty concentrating, and sleeping problems post-9/11. Fear and worry about another attack were common. The attacks marked a shift, with reality and fiction blurring, leading to an increase in magical thinking and deep fakes.

      The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, had a profound impact on the psychological state of Americans, particularly the baby boomer generation who grew up during the Cold War era. The study conducted by Pew Research in the days following the attacks showed that a large percentage of adults felt depressed, had difficulty concentrating, and had trouble sleeping. Television was the dominant news source, and the televised images of death and destruction had a powerful impact on viewers. Fear was widespread, with most Americans expressing worry about another attack. The generation had spent their formative years living with the fear of nuclear annihilation, and the end of the Cold War brought relief. However, 9/11 brought back all that fear with abandon. The attacks marked a significant shift, with reality and fiction colliding, leading to a rise in magical thinking, deep fakes, and other forms of media that blurred the lines between reality and fiction.

    • The intersection of reality and fiction in politicsThe desire for a return to a perceived pre-9/11 reality has driven political allegiances and responses to global events, with nuanced perspectives often overlooked.

      The intersection of reality and fiction, as exemplified by the West Wing and the presidency of Donald Trump, has played a significant role in shaping political allegiances and responses to global events, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11. The desire for a return to a perceived pre-lapse reality has driven both liberal and conservative factions, with each side finding different ways to address this longing. George W. Bush's invasion of Afghanistan, for instance, was met with widespread support from both sides due to the shared belief in protecting the sanctity of the American state. However, the motivations behind this response were not solely rooted in religious beliefs or conflicts with Islam, but rather in the fundamentalist belief in the American state reacting to an attack on its core values. The left's response to this was more complex, with some embracing the war on terror as a means of preserving secularism and keeping religion and public power separate. The failure to recognize this nuanced perspective has led to misunderstandings about the motivations behind political actions in the aftermath of 9/11.

    • The 9/11 attacks as a clash of civil religionsThe aftermath of 9/11 was marked by differing interpretations, but a shared belief in America as a sacred entity united Americans beyond sectarian beliefs.

      The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks saw various interpretations of the significance of the event, with some viewing it primarily as an attack on American economic might and others seeing it as a clash of civil religions. Christopher Hitchens, for instance, saw it as a fight against theocracy, while many Americans saw it as an attack on their secular American identity and purpose in the world. The Twin Towers, symbols of American economic might, were seen as icons of capitalism and American supremacy. The response to the attacks was not based solely on religion, but rather on a civil religion that transcended sectarian beliefs and united Americans on a higher ground. This civil religion was rooted in the belief in America as a sacred entity, and the attacks were seen as an assault on that sacredness. The Left's interpretation of the period as a clash between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists missed the mark, as both sides were driven by a fundamentalist belief in their respective ideologies.

    • 9/11 did not lead to a religious surge in USDespite common belief, 9/11 attacks did not result in significant increase in religious practices or beliefs in US. Americans saw Ground Zero as sacred, but opposed mosque construction due to civic religion, not religious fervor.

      The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks did not lead to a significant surge in religious practices or beliefs in the United States, despite the widespread belief that it did. Instead, Americans saw the site of the attacks as sacred ground and opposed the construction of a mosque nearby due to a civic religion that viewed Islam as an enemy. This reaction was not limited to Christians but was also seen among atheists and secular individuals. The belief that 9/11 led to a turn back to God is a common perception among Americans, particularly evangelical Christians, but it is not supported by demographic evidence. This misconception has led to a fetishization of the period right after 9/11 and has contributed to the deterioration of interfaith relations in the US.

    • A clash between two groups within the American right after 9/11After 9/11, the American right was divided between those who saw it as an attack on capitalist order and sought military intervention, and those who saw it as a religious crusade and sought a holy war.

      The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks led to a clash between two groups within the American right: those who saw the events as an attack on the neoliberal capitalist order and sought to respond with military intervention and neoconservative policies, and those who saw it as a religious crusade and sought a holy war. This division was rooted in different interpretations of the significance of the attacks and the role of America in the world. The former group, which included neocons and those who would later form the Lincoln Project, saw the attacks as an assault on the historic inevitability of the American way of life. The latter group, primarily evangelical Christians, saw it as a call to war against Islam. This clash played out in the Bush administration's response to the attacks and continued to shape American politics in the years that followed. Understanding this dynamic is important for making sense of the complex and often contradictory ways that Americans have responded to the 9/11 attacks and their ongoing impact on American society and foreign policy.

    • 9/11 should not be glorified, just remembered9/11 was a tragic act of mass murder, not a sacred event. Remember it, but avoid justifying violence.

      The events of 9/11, as tragic and violent as they were, should not be elevated to a sacred or divine level. Instead, we should recognize them for what they were: a horrific act of mass murder against innocent people. This perspective is important because it prevents justification for any sort of retaliatory violence, which can lead us down a dangerous path. Hunter S. Thompson, in his writing after the attacks, warned of the potential long-term consequences of the war on terror, including economic hardship for future generations. For many people growing up in the early 2000s, 9/11 is their first memory, shaping the world they live in. It's important to remember the past while also recognizing that the world has moved on, and we should strive for optimism and security for all.

    • Lazarus Naturals' Transparent Farm-to-Door Production ProcessLazarus Naturals sets itself apart with a farm-to-door production process, ensuring high potency, consistency, and safety through in-house handling. Consumers can verify this with scannable labels providing access to test results.

      Lazarus Naturals stands out in the hemp industry for its commitment to transparency and quality control through its farm-to-door production process. This model ensures that every step of the production process is handled in-house, leading to high potency, consistency, and safety. Consumers can verify this through scannable labels that provide access to test results. Lazarus Naturals is more than just a brand; it's a company dedicated to enhancing people's lives and contributing to the world. Unfortunately, their products are not available in Idaho, Iowa, or South Dakota. On a different note, NASCAR and Lazarus Naturals share a commitment to excellence in their respective domains. NASCAR, the voice of motor racing, brings excitement and thrill through live coverage of Cup, Xfinity, and Craftsman Truck Series races on hometown radio stations and mrnornascar.com. The anticipation builds as races take place at iconic tracks like Martinsville and Talladega. With side-by-side action and last-lap passes, the outcome is always uncertain, making for an unforgettable experience. Ryan Blaney is a name to watch as he competes in these races. Both Lazarus Naturals and NASCAR embody the spirit of competition and the pursuit of excellence, offering unique experiences to their audiences.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Show Notes: permaculturevoices.com/105