
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Community ConnectionsNeighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. CVS Health prioritizes healthier living through various services. Prevention is crucial for addressing health concerns like shingles.

      In an uncertain world, building strong community connections is essential. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, healthier living is a priority at CVS Health, offering various services for quality care and support. Shingles, a painful rash affecting those over 50, is a potential health concern, making prevention a necessity. In history, Cuba's approach to homosexuality went from repressive to progressive, with influences from the Soviet Union. Andres Petrera, a PhD candidate in Latin American History, discusses this transformation and the misconceptions spread by American leftists. Overall, these stories remind us of the power of community and the importance of education and prevention.

    • Cuban Revolution's Persecution of LGBTQ+ IndividualsThe Cuban Revolution led to the persecution of LGBTQ+ individuals, with thousands sent to forced labor camps for reeducation and transformation into ideal citizens.

      During the Cuban Revolution in the late 1950s and 1960s, there was a significant persecution of individuals perceived as LGBTQ+. This was driven by the communist regime's desire to remake men into ideal citizens for the new society. The persecution began with isolated incidents, such as the detainment of Vigilio Pinera for walking effeminately. However, it escalated with the creation of forced labor camps in the 1960s, where thousands were sent for reeducation and hard labor, aimed at transforming them into real men. This social hygiene campaign targeted various groups, including Jehovah's Witnesses, rock listeners, and those seen as effeminate or degenerate. Despite some similarities with China's Cultural Revolution, the Cuban camps were not just about labor but also aimed at reeducating and transforming individuals' spirits and ethics. This campaign continued into the 1980s with the Strike Hard campaigns, where LGBTQ+ individuals were targeted as counterrevolutionaries and seen as threats to Chinese values.

    • Attempts to enforce traditional gender roles and suppress queer communities during revolutionary and nationalist movementsDuring certain political periods, queer people have been scapegoated and stigmatized as a sign of perceived ideological or moral degeneracy, intersecting with nationalist agendas and the need to mobilize society for economic purposes.

      During certain periods of revolutionary and nationalist movements, there have been attempts to enforce traditional gender roles and suppress queer communities. This was seen in China during the Maoist era, where egalitarian gender relations were initially promoted but later reversed under Deng Xiaoping. A similar pattern occurred in Vietnam and Cuba, where Soviet influences led to increased homophobia and the stigmatization of queer people as bourgeois or westernized. This phenomenon can be linked to the idealization of masculine values and the need to mobilize society for economic purposes, which often intersects with nationalist agendas. Ultimately, the scapegoating of queer people as a sign of perceived ideological or moral degeneracy is a recurring theme in various political contexts.

    • Use of moral and ideological incentives in Cuba's labor campsIdeological incentives alone are insufficient to motivate people in an economic system and can lead to harmful consequences. A balanced approach that includes material incentives is necessary for success.

      The use of moral and ideological incentives as a sole means to motivate people in an economic system can be ineffective and may even lead to harmful consequences. This was evident during Fidel Castro's rule in Cuba, where the implementation of labor camps for homosexuals was justified by spiritual and ideological reasons. However, this approach ultimately proved unsustainable and inefficient, leading to international and domestic pushback. The UMA labor camps, which operated from 1965 to 1968, were closed down in 1968, but the reasons for their closure remain unclear. Some argue it was due to international pressure, while others point to the domestic pushback and the role of the UNIAC union in filing complaints. Regardless, the use of moral and ideological incentives as a replacement for material incentives proved to be a flawed economic strategy. Che Guevara, who was heavily influenced by Chinese communism, had a more successful military strategy that was more akin to Maoist tactics. The use of labor camps as a means to address societal issues highlights the importance of understanding the limitations of ideological incentives and the need for a balanced approach that includes material incentives.

    • Cuban social disgrace units continued to operate into the 1970s despite labor camps closureReports suggest that social disgrace units, which targeted individuals for their nonconformity including those identified as gay, atheist, or non-conformist, continued to operate in Cuba after the closure of labor camps in the 1970s.

      Despite the closure of the labor camps in Cuba during the 1960s, reports suggest that social disgrace units continued to exist and operate into the 1970s. These units, which aimed to reform ideologies through labor, targeted individuals for their nonconformity, including those identified as gay, atheist, or non-conformist. The camps' closure narrative, popularized in a book called "Rainbow of Solidarity in Defense of Cuba" by Leslie Feinberg, has been criticized for its inaccuracies and apologetic tone. The book, published in the early 2000s, was a compilation of articles written for the Workers' World newspaper, which was part of the Marxist-Leninist Party USA (PSL) and Workers World Party (WWP), known for their controversial and often controversial stances on various global issues. The publication of the book was a response to the increasing recognition of LGBT rights in the United States and the criticism of Cuba's poor record on the issue.

    • Defense of Cuba's treatment of LGBT individuals during Mariel BoatliftFeinberg's defense relies heavily on contradictory and potentially unreliable sources, lacking depth and critical analysis.

      Feinberg's defense of Cuba's treatment of LGBT individuals during the Mariel Boatlift relies heavily on a few sources, specifically a section in a book by Allan Nairn and Noam Chomsky called "Hope in the Heart of the Empire." However, this section contains contradictory and potentially unreliable accounts. For instance, there are two stories about Fidel Castro's involvement in investigating alleged abuses in the camps for LGBT individuals. One story has Fidel personally infiltrating the camps, while the other has 100 communist youth members investigating. These stories contradict each other and lack credibility due to the lack of context and questionable sources. Additionally, Feinberg did not read the primary source she cites, Ernesto Cardenal's book, which may have provided more context and nuance. Instead, she copied and pasted from another activist's article that made similar arguments to her own, giving no real engagement with the primary source. Overall, the defense lacks depth and credibility due to the reliance on potentially unreliable sources and a lack of critical analysis.

    • Biased sources and superficial readings can lead to distorted historical narrativesCritically evaluate sources, consider multiple perspectives, and be aware of potential biases to create an accurate and nuanced understanding of historical events.

      Superficial readings and biased sources can lead to distorted and inaccurate historical narratives. The discussion highlights the example of a book about the Cuban revolution, where the author, Feinberg, made errors or selectively focused on certain information, likely due to his strong ideological leanings and desire to believe certain things about the revolution. This phenomenon is not unique to this case, as similar distortions can occur in the histories of other socialist countries. It's essential to critically evaluate sources, consider multiple perspectives, and be aware of potential biases to create a more accurate and nuanced understanding of historical events. The discussion also touches on the importance of acknowledging the complexities and complications of historical events and not shying away from them to maintain a preferred ideology.

    • LGBT Rights in Cuba: A Cultural and Political ShiftIn the late 1980s and 1990s, Cuba experienced a significant cultural and political shift towards accepting and supporting LGBT rights. This change was driven by the acceptance of LGBT-themed works and advocacy from figures like Mariela Castro, leading to tangible improvements for the community.

      The late 1980s and 1990s marked a significant shift in both popular culture and state policy towards LGBT rights in Cuba. This transformation is exemplified by the acceptance and distribution of works like Senelpas' "Strawberry Chocolates," which challenged societal norms and sparked dialogue. Simultaneously, figures like Mariela Castro, a prominent advocate for LGBT rights within the government, played a pivotal role in implementing policies that supported and protected the LGBT community. The intertwined nature of culture and policy led to a sea change in attitudes towards LGBT individuals, resulting in tangible improvements such as access to gender affirming surgery and education on LGBT issues in schools. This progress stands in contrast to countries like China and Vietnam, where LGBT rights have seen more incremental progress, if any.

    • LGBTQ+ rights and representation face challenges in countries like China and CubaDespite some progress, LGBTQ+ individuals in China and Cuba face discrimination and lack legal protection due to restrictions on representation and rights.

      Despite progress in some areas, such as the repeal of laws against unofficial gay marriages in Vietnam, there are still significant restrictions on LGBTQ+ representation and rights in countries like China and Cuba. Conversion therapy is still permitted for those identified as "fake" or not truly LGBTQ+, and media content depicting homosexuality or unnatural sexual relations is banned. These restrictions contribute to a culture where LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination and are not fully recognized or protected by the law. It's important to recognize that each country's situation is unique and should not be conflated with one another. For instance, Cuba's progress towards LGBTQ+ rights should not be projected onto China or Vietnam, as their legal and cultural contexts are distinct. Overall, the discussion highlights the ongoing challenges and complexities surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and representation in various parts of the world.

    • Cuba's New Family Code Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage and SurrogacyCuba's new family code legalizes same-sex marriage, adoption, and surrogacy for same-sex couples, addressing equal rights and having practical implications for various areas

      The recent passing of a new family code in Cuba, which includes the legalization of same-sex marriage, adoption by same-sex couples, and surrogacy for same-sex couples (on a not-for-profit basis), is the culmination of a process that began in 2019 when the government decided to postpone votes on more controversial parts of the constitution, including LGBTQ+ rights, due to pushback from conservative groups. The original constitution was passed with high approval, but the LGBTQ+ related provisions were put on hold. With the current crisis in Cuba, the government saw an opportunity for a win and passed these long-delayed provisions as part of the new family code. This not only addresses the principle of equal rights but also has practical implications for areas such as separation, inheritance, and immigration.

    • Recognizing Non-Traditional Family StructuresThe referendum expanded legal definition of family beyond blood ties to include affective ties, sparking controversy but marking a significant step towards recognizing non-traditional family structures and expanding individual freedoms.

      The referendum in question expanded the legal definition of a family unit beyond traditional blood ties to include affective ties, such as love and affection. This change, while positive for some, sparked controversy due to concerns over government legitimacy and potential shifts in parental rights. Despite the widespread support for the referendum, some opposed it based on religious beliefs or as a protest against the government. Overall, the referendum represented a significant step towards recognizing non-traditional family structures and expanding individual freedoms. However, the practical implications and long-term effects of these changes remain to be seen.

    • Cuban opposition's complex ideologiesThe Cuban opposition is a diverse group with various ideologies, including far-right with Catholic influences, liberal, and accelerationist. The far-right has become more cautious, while accelerationists support embargo and oppose change, believing a strike will bring down the government.

      The Cuban opposition is a complex mix of various ideologies, including a historical far-right branch with Catholic influences, a growing liberal contingent, and a significant number of accelerationists. The far-right wing of the opposition has become more cautious in expressing their homophobic views due to shifting societal norms in Cuba. Accelerationists in the opposition believe that any improvement in the country will only make the government stronger, and therefore, support the embargo and oppose any changes to laws. They believe that bringing the country to a standstill through a general strike is the solution to overthrow the government. Some members of the opposition have resorted to terrorism, such as the case of Posada Carriles who blew up a Cuban hotel and killed tourists in the 1990s. The opposition's strategies and beliefs reflect the diverse and complex nature of the political landscape in Cuba.

    • Advocating for Affordable Prescription DrugsPatients For Affordable Drugs empowers individuals to share their stories and advocates for policies to lower prescription drug prices, emphasizing the human impact and need for action.

      The high cost of prescription drugs in America is a significant issue that directly impacts the lives of many individuals. David Mitchell, the founder and president of Patients For Affordable Drugs, shared his organization's mission to lower drug prices by collecting patient stories and advocating for policies to address this issue. The human impact of exorbitant drug prices was emphasized, and the importance of amplifying these stories to policy makers and elected officials was highlighted. Patients are also trained and empowered to become advocates and share their experiences directly with those who set policy. The conversation underscored the need for action to make essential medications more affordable for all.

    • High cost of prescription drugs in US affects millionsPatients with chronic conditions pay exorbitant prices for essential drugs, rationing or going without can harm health, reform needed for affordable access

      The high cost of prescription drugs in the United States is a significant issue that affects millions of people, particularly those with chronic conditions who require expensive medications to survive. The speaker, a patient with multiple myeloma, shared his personal experience with the exorbitant cost of his oncology drugs and the systemic issue of drug companies exploiting patients and charging exorbitant prices. The lack of price negotiation between drug companies and the government in the US results in Americans paying almost four times more for brand name drugs than citizens in other developed countries. The high cost of drugs can lead to patients rationing their medication or even going without, which can have serious health consequences. The speaker emphasized the need for a framework that ensures drugs are affordable and accessible to those who need them while still providing a reasonable return to drugmakers. The speaker's advocacy work highlights the urgent need for reform in the US drug pricing system.

    • Government Funding Drives High Drug PricesThe government's investment in drug research leads to high prices due to drug companies acquiring intellectual property and charging exorbitant prices, with insulin and cancer drug pomelisotomid selling for over 600% and 1000% their production costs, respectively.

      The high prices of certain drugs in the United States are largely driven by taxpayer-funded research and development, with drug companies acquiring the intellectual property and charging exorbitant prices. For instance, insulin and cancer drug pomelisotomid sell for more than 600% and 1000% their production costs, respectively. The government agencies, such as NIH, DARPA, and BARDA, have invested billions of dollars in research that leads to drug discoveries. However, drug companies do not invest in high-risk, early-stage research, leaving taxpayers to fund this critical work. The case of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 is a prime example, where the government paid for the research, manufacturing, and late-stage clinical trials, while drug companies took credit for the development. This profit-driven model prioritizes treatments for those who can afford them, neglecting diseases that primarily affect underserved populations. The need for a fairer pricing system that considers the government's investment and the cost of manufacturing and distribution is crucial to address this issue.

    • Drug companies' profit-driven approach leaves neglected diseases and populations in needHistoric legislation, Inflation Reduction Act, allows Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, imposes rebates for excessive price increases, sets annual out-of-pocket limit, caps insulin costs, challenges drug industry's pricing power, saves millions of Americans money, more efforts needed for equitable access to essential medicines

      Drug companies prioritize profits over affordability and accessibility, leaving neglected diseases and populations in need without sufficient investment. The Inflation Reduction Act, a historic legislation, aims to address this issue by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices for drugs, imposing rebates for excessive price increases, setting an annual out-of-pocket limit, and capping insulin costs. These changes begin to challenge the drug industry's dictatorial pricing power and will save millions of Americans significant amounts of money. However, more efforts are needed to ensure equitable access to essential medicines for all, regardless of their location or financial situation.

    • Pharmaceutical Industry's Noninterference Clause in Medicare LawThe pharmaceutical industry's noninterference clause in Medicare law has cost taxpayers billions by preventing direct negotiations on drug prices, while industry spent over $200 million to maintain this status quo. To lower healthcare costs, we need to focus on both lowering out-of-pocket costs and drug prices, and advocate for benefit design changes.

      The pharmaceutical industry successfully lobbied for a noninterference clause in the Medicare prescription drug benefit law in 2003, preventing the secretary of health and human services from negotiating directly with drug companies. This prohibition has cost taxpayers billions of dollars over the years as drug prices continue to rise. The industry spent over $200 million alone in the last two years to prevent Medicare from negotiating drug prices. Despite this historic breakthrough in allowing Medicare to negotiate prices, there is still much work to be done, including extending these negotiations to the private sector and people without insurance. It's essential to understand the difference between cost and copay. While copays are what patients pay at the pharmacy counter, costs refer to the overall price of the drug. Lowering copays without lowering prices results in higher premiums, taxes, or less money in people's paychecks. To truly lower healthcare costs, we need to focus on both lowering out-of-pocket costs and drug prices. Co-payments can be a useful tool to steer patients towards less expensive, equally effective drugs, but they are misused when patients are required to pay for drugs they cannot afford or do not have a cheaper alternative for. We must continue to advocate for benefit design changes that steer patients towards more affordable options.

    • Manipulating the System to Maintain High Drug PricesSome drug companies use various tactics to delay generic competition and keep prices high, leading to a lack of affordable alternatives for many drugs.

      The Hatch Waxman Act, passed in the 1980s, grants drug companies exclusivity for a certain period after bringing a new drug to market, but at the end of that period, generics and biosimilars enter the market to drive down prices. However, some drug companies manipulate the system by filing additional patents, signing deals with generic companies, and making small changes to their drugs to prevent competition and maintain high prices. This results in many drugs lacking affordable generic alternatives. Self-production of medicines, while potentially revolutionary, is risky and unregulated, and as a patient, I prefer the Food and Drug Administration's role in ensuring drug safety and effectiveness.

    • The pharmaceutical industry's profit-driven nature hinders access to necessary medicines, especially in reproductive health care.The pharmaceutical industry's profit focus leads to high drug prices, causing hardship for those in need, while taxpayers bear the cost of research and development.

      The pharmaceutical industry's current system for making nicely regulated, safe, and effective drugs is broken. People's access to these life-saving medicines is hindered by the system, and it's particularly challenging in the case of reproductive health care. The industry's profit-driven nature, exemplified by figures like Martin Shkreli and the Moderna billionaires, is heartbreaking when compared to the financial struggles of those in the greatest need. The NIH funds both the research and the labs where these drugs are developed, making it a double cost for taxpayers. The situation is frustrating and unjust, with the pharmaceutical industry's wealth seemingly unrelated to the struggles faced by patients. To address this issue, organizations like Patients for Affordable Drugs (P4AD) encourage people to share their stories and advocate for change. You can learn more about P4AD here: patientsforaffordabledrugs.org.

    • Russia's military mobilization and its impact on DagestanThe complex relationship between Russia and Dagestan is further strained by military mobilization, economic underdevelopment, and heavy-handed police tactics, leading to ongoing tension and unrest.

      The relationship between the Russian state and the region of Dagestan, particularly in the context of Russia's recent military mobilization, is complex and contentious. Dagestan, the largest republic in the North Caucasus, has a significant Muslim population and a history of resistance to Russian rule. The announcement of mobilization and the resulting impact on extended families, as well as the lack of civic Russian identity and heavy-handed police tactics, contribute to the ongoing tension. The economy in Dagestan, which is rich in fuel resources, has historically been underutilized, leading many young men to join the military as a means of employment. However, with the invasion of Ukraine, these men have been sent to fight abroad, causing further unrest. The fear of abductions, disappearances, and murder is prevalent among protesters in Dagestan, making the situation even more volatile.

    • Protest art in Dagestan expresses opposition to Russian occupationDagestan's high unemployment and poverty make it easier for the government to suppress dissent, but protest art and the mobilization of political Islam have allowed opposition to Russian occupation to cross ethnic lines and gain broader support.

      In Dagestan, high unemployment and poverty have led to a large reliance on the state for jobs and security, making it easier for the government to suppress dissent. The Islamic community within Dagestan has used protest art, such as the drawing "The invader doesn't become a martyr," to express opposition to Russian invasion and occupation. The mobilization of political Islam as an oppositional identity has been significant due to its ability to cross ethnic lines and gain broader support, making it a threat to Moscow. Mosques and religious communities have historically been important spaces for social movement mobilization due to their independence from state surveillance. The legacy of violence and war in Chechnya, combined with the role of Ramzan Kadyrov and his security services, has made protests less common in Chechnya compared to Dagestan. As for what to hope for in terms of resistance to conscription and the Russian state's imperial aims, further discussion is needed.

    • Protests in Dagestan reveal deep-seated identity cracks and dissatisfaction with Russian governmentProtests in Dagestan mark a shift from previous local authority-focused protests, targeting Putin and the Russian government, with unprecedented mobilization and regime response

      The ongoing protests in Dagestan, Russia, reveal deep-seated identity cracks and dissatisfaction with the Russian government, marking a shift from previous protests targeting local authorities. This wave of protests, which has seen unprecedented mobilization, has forced the regime to respond, with Putin and local leaders releasing some drafted professionals and acknowledging mistakes. The protests are not just against local authorities but against Putin himself, and the regime may be intentionally deflecting blame to the regional authorities. For those interested in learning more or supporting the cause, independent Russian-language Telegram channels are a source of information. However, limited opportunities exist for outsiders to directly help the situation.

    • Understanding the Complex Situation in Dagestan, RussiaThe leaderless, horizontal social movement in Dagestan is a response to Russia's war on terrorism and resulting repression, making it harder for authorities to suppress protests.

      The situation in Dagestan, Russia, is complex and requires attentive coverage. Two recommended sources for English language news are the Russian news site Medusa and the Twitter account of researcher Harold Chambers. The context of Russia's war on terrorism in the North Caucasus and resulting repression has led to a leaderless, horizontal social movement. People are tired of the repression and the protests are spontaneous, making it harder for authorities to suppress the movement. This trend of horizontal movements is seen globally as a response to governments targeting movement leaders. Corinna Milborn is starting a podcast called ObscuraStan to discuss the bizarre and complex nature of Eurasian history and politics, which is increasingly relevant given the energy crisis and rising food prices tied to the conflict in the region. Lastly, she encourages listeners to learn about the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    • Armenia's weapons, Neighbor to Neighbor, Amy Winehouse biopic, ZYN, High Five Casino, Georgia Milani's leadershipArmenia prioritizes self-defense with effective weapons. Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community bonds. Amy Winehouse's biopic connects audiences. ZYN offers nicotine without smoke, spit, or odor. High Five Casino provides Vegas-style games with real winnings. Georgia Milani's leadership raises complexities of female power and scrutiny of beliefs.

      Armenia's access to effective weapons is crucial for self-defense against foreign aggression. Meanwhile, Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building and social bonds through volunteering and mutual aid. In the entertainment realm, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," invites audiences to connect with her story and music. ZYN offers a nicotine alternative with no smoke, spit, or lingering odor. High Five Casino offers Vegas-style games with real winnings. The rise of Georgia Milani as Italy's prime minister from the Brothers of Italy party, with fascist roots, highlights the complexities of female leadership and the importance of scrutinizing political figures' beliefs and associations. Media coverage of Milani has been criticized for downplaying her fascist views and portraying her as a "girl boss," potentially oversimplifying the issue.

    • Controversy over Georgiou Milani's 'Girl Power' ImageThe perception of Georgiou Milani as a 'girl boss' or 'girl power' symbol has sparked debate, with some seeing it as empowering and others arguing it oversimplifies her political journey and detracts from serious issues like far-right use of tokenized women.

      The perception of Georgiou Milani, Italy's potential first female prime minister, being praised as a "girl boss" or a "girl power" symbol has sparked controversy and criticism due to her past involvement with far-right political groups. This perception was fueled by a viral tweet from Politico Europe, as well as comments from Hillary Clinton during an interview at the Venice Film Festival. While some find the focus on Milani's gender empowering, others argue that it oversimplifies the complexities of her political journey and detracts from the serious issues at hand, such as the far-right's use of tokenized women to uphold patriarchy and conservatism. The debate highlights the need for nuanced discussions about women in politics and the potential risks of reducing their accomplishments to simplistic narratives.

    • Discussing the significance of the first female prime minister and women in politicsHillary Clinton emphasized the importance of evaluating leaders based on actions, not just gender, and acknowledged the complexity of women's roles in politics, urging nuanced discussions and a deeper understanding of context.

      During an interview, Hillary Clinton discussed the significance of the first female prime minister in government and the need to judge leaders based on their actions, not just their gender. She also shared her admiration for Margaret Thatcher's determination, despite disagreeing with some of her policies. The conversation then shifted to the topic of women in politics, specifically those on the right who uphold patriarchal structures. Clinton acknowledged the complexity of the issue, noting that it's important to consider the full context of a person's statements rather than focusing on select quotes. She also shared her thoughts on the inclusion of Toadette in Mario Kart and the importance of understanding the underlying context of actions. Overall, Clinton emphasized the need for nuanced discussions and a deeper understanding of complex issues.

    • Media downplays Melania's fascist background, focusing on her being a female prime minister candidateMedia overlooked Melania's fascist past during elections, emphasizing her gender instead, potentially undermining her long-term legitimacy

      During the Italian elections, there was a widespread perception that the mainstream media downplayed the fascist elements of Giorgia Melania's background and instead focused on her being a female prime minister candidate. This was evident in various headlines and op-eds that emphasized her girl power angle over her fascistic roots. The media coverage was deeply disappointing to many, as it gave a pass to Melania and her party's fascist past. Despite her party, Brothers of Italy, being the biggest party in the new parliament with only 26% of the votes, the long-term legitimacy of her leadership is uncertain due to the diverse composition of her coalition. Melania's image as a defender of women and her flowing pastel outfits could be perceived as female empowerment by uninformed foreigners, but her party has rolled back women's rights and her political stance is far from feminist. This phenomenon is an example of gender washing, where female politicians adopt a nonthreatening image to mask their extremism.

    • Milani's win not solely due to policies or charisma, but also endorsements from center right politiciansMilani's victory in Italian election was influenced by endorsements from center right politicians, despite her controversial past and softening policies, while the Italian left's lack of clear vision and economic alternative led to confusion and ineffectiveness.

      Milani's victory in the Italian election was not solely due to her softening policies or her personal charisma, but also because the center right politicians endorsing her gave her a veneer of respectability and credibility. This comparison was drawn to Wario's appearance in "Super Smash Bros. Brawl," where he was allowed to play despite wearing inappropriate attire because other characters let it happen. The center left attempts to label Milani as a reincarnation of fascism failed to resonate with voters. The Italian left, represented by the 5 Star Alliance, has been criticized for lacking a clear political vision or economic alternative, leading to confusion and ineffectiveness. The alliance, which started as an astroturf party and included a diverse range of ideologies, struggled when its leaders with no political experience took power. Italy's history of anti-fascism is deeply rooted in its political culture, but the relevance of this creation myth has waned, much like in the United States.

    • Italian political figures' historical ties to fascismMelania Trump and Brothers of Italy party have ties to fascist regimes, showing anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-globalization stances, affinity for authoritarian leaders, and censorship.

      The historical context and ideologies of Italian political figures, such as Melania Trump and the Brothers of Italy party, have deep roots in fascist regimes, including a strong anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-globalization stance. These figures have also shown affinity for authoritarian leaders and censorship. For instance, Melania has criticized LGBTQ+ lobbies, called George Soros an international speculator, and expressed support for banning same-sex adoption and travel for gay Italians. Additionally, her party, Brothers of Italy, has a direct lineage to Mussolini's National Fascist Party and still uses the same logo. This historical context sheds light on the current political landscape and the potential implications of these figures' beliefs and actions. Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize the dangerous rhetoric and historical parallels when listening to fascist leaders, as the history of the 1930s serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of ignoring such rhetoric.

    • Historical instances of US and European fascist leaders aligningBe cautious of leaders' statements, as historical fascists didn't express animosity towards minorities but acted against them. Criticisms of capitalism can be veiled attempts for authoritarianism or racism.

      Throughout history, there have been instances of fascist leaders in the United States and Europe attempting to align themselves and pool resources, often in secret, with their counterparts in Europe. It is crucial to be cautious and not take such claims at face value when these leaders express no animosity towards minority groups, as history has shown us the opposite. The recent controversy surrounding a political figure's statements about international capital and traditional identities should be viewed in this context. It's essential to understand that such criticisms of capitalism are not necessarily a good critique but can be a veiled attempt to promote an authoritarian capitalist modernity. Furthermore, it's important to recognize that some politicians may use Marxist terminology to push right-wing agendas and stoke racism. In the case of Matteo Salvini, his use of the term "reserve army of labor" was not an anti-capitalist critique but a racist one. It's crucial to distinguish between these two perspectives to avoid being misled.

    • Media oversimplified Melania's political ideology as Italy's first female prime ministerMedia failed to acknowledge historical context of fascism and white supremacy's reliance on women's active enforcement, instead focusing on her gender

      The media's portrayal of Melania's election as Italy's first female prime minister oversimplified her political ideology and the historical context of fascism. While some headlines and articles acknowledged her party's fascist roots, others trivialized her role by focusing solely on her gender. This oversight overlooked the fact that white supremacy and fascist ideologies have historically relied on the active enforcement by white women. Overall, the media's coverage of Melania's election demonstrated the need for a more nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between gender and political ideology.

    • Right-wing populism evolves and gains sophisticationRight-wing populism continues to adapt and find new ways to gain power and influence, as shown by the rise of leaders like Georgia Melani in Italy and the expected role of the Sweden Democrats in Sweden's new government.

      Right-wing populism is evolving and becoming more sophisticated in its approach to politics. The example of Georgia Melani, Italy's new leader, illustrates this trend. Melani has been trying to align herself with modern conservative movements in the United States, including speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and joining the Aspen Institute. However, her past associations with figures like Steve Bannon raise concerns about her true political intentions. Despite the attempts to label her as a simple "Italian Donald Trump" or "Viktor Orban," the right-wing populist movement is not dying off. In fact, the conditions are ripe for a resurgence in Europe, as evidenced by the success of the Sweden Democrats, a party with Neo-Nazi roots that is now expected to play a major role in the new Swedish government. Headlines that reduce these leaders to simplistic labels do a disservice to the complexity of the political landscape. It's important to recognize that right-wing populism is adapting and finding new ways to gain power and influence.

    • Melania Trump's Potential Italian Prime Minister Role Sparks ControversyThe discourse surrounding Melania Trump's potential Italian prime minister role ignited intense reactions, with some expressing enthusiasm and others raising concerns about fascist overtones. Tucker Carlson's segment highlighted the tension between voters' desires and societal taboos.

      The discourse surrounding Melania Trump's potential election as Italy's prime minister sparked intense reactions, with the right expressing enthusiasm and liberals raising concerns about fascist overtones. The conversation on social media included debates about the use of labels like "fascist" and discussions on the economic potential of right-wing governments. Tucker Carlson's segment on the topic highlighted the tension between voters' desires and societal taboos, with Carlson arguing that voters are not allowed to discuss certain issues freely. The overall sentiment reflected a deep divide in perspectives, with some viewing Melania's rise as a positive sign for conservative values and others expressing concern over potential authoritarian tendencies.

    • Italy's Far-Right Shift: A Laboratory for International CounterrevolutionThe far-right's mainstreaming in Western politics, with figures like Giorgia Melani in Italy and the Brothers of Italy, is a dominant story, leaving the left without viable alternatives. Remembering the power of community and connection is crucial amidst these changes.

      The election of Giorgia Melani in Italy as the new Prime Minister represents a significant shift in European politics, with the far-right gaining ground and becoming more normalized in various countries. Guy Debord's quote about Italy being a laboratory for international counterrevolution holds true as this trend continues. Melani's success can be attributed to her ability to present fascist ideologies in a contemporary US-style conservative way, leaving the left without viable alternatives. The far-right's mainstreaming is a dominant story in Western politics, with parties like the Brothers of Italy in Italy, and the Sweden Democrats in Sweden, gaining significant power. This trend has been met with various reactions, from humor and derision to serious concern. As communities continue to feel disconnected, initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor aim to foster meaningful social bonds and prepare for potential disasters. Amidst these changes, it's essential to remember the power of community and connection.

    • Personal nicotine satisfaction with ZYN pouches amid UK's challengesZYN pouches offer personal nicotine satisfaction during UK's cost of living crisis and political instability. High 5 Casino offers rewards without real financial commitment, contrasting the UK's political system and citizens' feelings.

      The ZYN nicotine pouches offer a personal nicotine satisfaction experience, while the UK continues to grapple with a cost of living crisis and political instability. During the ZYN 10 challenge, feel free to share your feedback after trying the product. Meanwhile, in the world of entertainment, High 5 Casino provides an opportunity to win rewards without real financial commitment. Contrastingly, the UK's political system and its citizens' acceptance of it have been a topic of discussion, with some expressing disappointment in the quality of life compared to other countries. Liz Truss, the UK's Prime Minister, is seen as implementing changes, much like a cultural revolution, but her background and upbringing have been subjects of debate.

    • Lack of effective opposition in UK politicsBritish political leaders, like Liz Truss, often come from elite backgrounds, leading to a lack of accountability and opposition in the UK's political landscape.

      The UK's political landscape is dominated by a lack of effective opposition from the Labour Party, leaving figures like Liz Truss free to implement policies with little to no accountability. Truss's educational background at Oxford University, where she studied Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE), is seen as a common trait among British political leaders. The discussion also touched upon the perceived elitism and insularity of the British political class, with Truss's past involvement in the Oxford University Liberal Democrats. Despite her gradual shift to the right, the Lib Dems once provided a left opposition to the neoliberal Labour Party during Tony Blair's tenure. Overall, the conversation highlighted the challenges of holding those in power accountable and the ongoing issues with the UK's political system.

    • British Politics: A Shakespearean Epic or Game of Thrones?The power struggle among UK politicians, including Liz Truss and Boris Johnson, can resemble a dramatic epic or fantasy series, but it's essentially a disagreement among elite individuals with similar backgrounds and beliefs.

      The current political situation in the UK, as discussed, can come across as more dramatic and epic than it actually is. The ongoing power struggle among politicians, including Liz Truss, can seem like a Shakespearean epic or a Game of Thrones-like battle, but it's essentially a disagreement among a group of people who attended the same schools and read the same newspaper columnists. Truss's unexpected rise to prime minister, which wasn't based on a popular vote but rather on a vote among Conservative party members, can be seen as a result of affirmative action for white people and the party's inherent racism. Boris Johnson, a previous prime minister, was also described as a wealthy and chaotic figure who was eventually ousted due to scandals, not his policies or actions. These observations shed light on the unique dynamics of British politics and the unexpected ways that power can be wielded.

    • British public's perception of parties shaped by handling enjoyment and austerityLabour seen as serious, Tories criticized for having too much fun. Austerity measures, cost of living crisis, and Boris Johnson's perceived excesses fuel public disapproval. Privatized energy sector exacerbates crisis and fuels anti-French sentiment. Government's response raises concerns about long-term sustainability.

      The British public's perception of their political parties is shaped by how they handle enjoyment and austerity during times of crisis. Labour is seen as abstemious and serious, while the Tories are criticized for having too much fun at the expense of the public. This dynamic was highlighted during the 2010 austerity measures and the ongoing cost of living crisis. Boris Johnson's perceived excesses also contributed to public disapproval. The UK's privatized energy sector, which allows companies like the French National Energy Company to charge higher prices, has further exacerbated the cost of living crisis and fueled anti-French sentiment. The government's response to the crisis, including energy bill subsidies, has been met with relief but also raises concerns about the long-term sustainability of these solutions.

    • Prepaid energy meters causing financial struggles for low-income householdsPrepaid meters can lead to disconnections for low-income households due to inability to pay, exacerbated by poorly insulated homes and rising energy costs.

      The use of prepaid energy meters can lead to financial hardships for households, particularly those on fixed incomes. These households, often unable to afford adding credit to their meters, end up disconnecting from their electricity or gas supply. The issue is compounded by the fact that UK houses are poorly insulated, leading to high energy consumption and increasing costs. The average pensioner in the UK, earning £17,000 a year, faces significant challenges in meeting these expenses. Recent energy bill caps, while providing some relief, do not guarantee that families will not pay more than the stated limit. The government's approach, which includes the lifting of the fracking ban, is seen as prioritizing free-market principles and tax cuts over addressing the root causes of energy affordability issues.

    • UK's commitment to free market principlesDespite potential risks to public health and welfare, the UK government's pursuit of free market policies under Liz Truss' leadership has led to rising inequality and economic instability, with negative consequences for the most vulnerable populations.

      The UK's decision to pursue fracking despite potential earthquake risks and the government's fiscal measures under Liz Truss' leadership, such as tax cuts for high earners and corporate tax reductions, have raised concerns about increasing inequality and economic instability. This ideology is rooted in the free market principles of a significant group within the Conservative Party, as outlined in their book "Britannia Unchained." However, the consequences of these policies, including cuts to public services and the social safety net, have led to rising poverty, food bank usage, and even a decline in life expectancy for the most vulnerable populations. The UK's commitment to free market principles, even at the expense of public health and welfare, continues to be a source of controversy and concern.

    • The Shifting Nature of Political Consent in the UKPoliticians no longer feel the need to pretend to care for less privileged groups, leading to policies that widen the gap between rich and poor, while the lack of fixed election terms raises questions about consent.

      The nature of political consent in the UK seems to be shifting, with politicians no longer feeling the need to pretend to care for the less privileged groups. Boris Johnson's leveling up agenda, for instance, has been called into question, with some arguing that there isn't even a shadow minister for this agenda. The government's response to economic hardships, such as rising utility prices and energy costs, has been met with plans for lower taxes for high earners and deregulation of the financial sector. This approach, critics argue, will only widen the gap between the rich and the poor. The lack of fixed election terms in the UK also raises questions about how the British government obtains and maintains consent from the governed. These issues, while concerning, highlight the importance of staying informed and engaged in political discourse.

    • UK's political and economic systems face a crisis of legitimacyThe UK's ruling elites and the general population are increasingly at odds, with growing tensions over issues like climate change and living conditions potentially leading to significant change.

      The UK's political and economic systems are facing a crisis of legitimacy, with growing tensions between the governing elites and the general population. The speaker highlights the example of Greta Thunberg's conflict with the monarchy and the conservative climate change stance, which represents the interests of the wealthy and powerful. The speaker also mentions the potential withdrawal of consent from the British people, who may refuse to pay bills or protest in the streets as living conditions worsen. The speaker questions what the future holds for the UK, suggesting that the outcome of the game may become more important than the rules, potentially leading to significant change. The speaker expresses concern over the British people's ability to take action, but also notes instances of mass mobilization against deportations and blocked flights as signs of hope.

    • The power of community organizing and empowermentFocusing on community organizing and empowerment can make a significant impact on neighborhoods and create lasting change.

      Instead of relying solely on voting as a solution to societal issues, it's essential to organize and take extrapolatory actions. This message was inspired by past events, such as the removal of an exploitative entity from Barrio Logan in 2020. While extreme examples like forming a guerrilla army or using violence were mentioned in passing, the core message emphasizes the importance of community organizing and empowerment. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, embodies this idea by encouraging people to build meaningful social bonds with their neighbors and prepare for emergencies. In contrast to the uncertainty and disconnection that can sometimes pervade communities, Neighbor to Neighbor offers a beacon of hope and a platform for growing stronger, more interconnected neighborhoods. For those seeking inspiration, Harry Potter's journey to overthrow the corrupt government can serve as a metaphor for the power of community organization and resistance. However, it's important to remember that peaceful and legal means should always be the first priority in addressing societal issues. In summary, the key takeaway is that by focusing on community organizing and empowerment, individuals can make a significant impact on their neighborhoods and create lasting change. Whether it's through joining networks like Neighbor to Neighbor or finding inspiration in stories like Harry Potter, the power to make a difference lies within each of us.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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