
    Podcast Summary

    • Defending Vulnerable Communities: BetMGM and Real-Life ActivismBetMGM provides an engaging sports betting experience, while activists in New York City protect vulnerable communities from right-wing aggression, particularly at LGBT-friendly events and reproductive health care resources.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with easy sign-up, generous welcome bonuses, and access to various features like parlay selections, live betting, and daily promotions. Simultaneously in New York City, there have been escalating attacks on LGBT-friendly events and reproductive health care resources. Activists like Talia, Tom, and Berry have been present at these events, defending organizations from right-wing aggression. Notably, the Planned Parenthood clinic on Bleecker in lower Manhattan faces regular protests from anti-abortion religious groups, who intimidate people seeking necessary health services. These same individuals have also been seen at anti-vax rallies, led by Christopher Muncinski. BetMGM encourages responsible gambling, while in real life, activism remains crucial in defending vulnerable communities.

    • Disruption of Public Spaces by Extremist GroupsExtremist groups cause disruptions in public spaces like clinics and drag queen story hours, police response often favors disruptors, organizers adapt with smaller, in-person groups and avoid public announcements, NYPD's resources and surveillance pose challenges for effective response.

      Extremist groups, such as Red Rose Rescue and far-right conspiracists, continue to disrupt public spaces, including clinics and drag queen story hours, despite the risks of arrest or public backlash. The police response to these events is consistent, with officers often siding with the disruptors and using excessive force against counter-protesters. Organizers have had to adapt by using smaller, in-person groups and avoiding public online announcements to avoid drawing larger police presence. The NYPD's vast resources and surveillance capabilities present significant challenges for activists looking to respond effectively to these events.

    • The Link Between Anti-Vaxx Beliefs and Far-Right ExtremismUnderstanding the connection between anti-vaxx beliefs and far-right extremist activities is essential for anti-fascist activists. Engage in community building, consistent gatherings, and use identification and exposure tactics to combat both types of rallies.

      The connection between anti-vaxx beliefs and far-right extremist activities is undeniable, yet many people still struggle to separate the two. This is a challenge for anti-fascist activists who face personal costs, including trauma and risk, when engaging in protests. To cope with burnout, it's essential to rely on a community of people and encourage everyday anti-fascists to get involved. Smaller, consistent gatherings like mutual aid events can help build strong connections and prevent burnout. Identification and exposure tactics are effective against both types of rallies, but those attending events like Drag Queen Story Hours may be more reluctant to reveal their affiliations due to the desire to present a legitimate image. It's crucial to continue organizing and supporting each other in the fight against hate and extremism.

    • Identifying and Monitoring Drag Story Hour HarassersAuthorities have identified a core group of individuals harassing Drag Story Hours. Their actions have been traced and monitored, making it easier to take legal action against them. While some groups have failed to make an impact, the issue remains a risk for attracting extremists.

      The people who have been harassing Drag Story Hours have been identified as part of a specific core group. Their actions have been traced and monitored, making it easier for authorities to take action against them. This group, which includes individuals like Orin Levy and others, has been known to follow national trends and attach themselves to hot-button issues. While some groups, such as TFP, have attempted to join in, their lack of success is due to their violent and unconvincing tactics. However, the issue of Drag Story Hours remains at risk for attracting Neo-Nazi groups and other extremists, as seen in Orlando and New York. Overall, the identification of these harassers and the exposure of their tactics have helped to reduce their impact and deter new members from joining their ranks.

    • Recognizing and Addressing the Presence of Hate Groups and IndividualsAcknowledging and addressing the actions of hate groups and individuals, such as the Goyim Defense League and Jovy Val, is necessary to deter others from engaging in hate speech and violent behavior. Consequences, whether legal or social, are crucial in creating a safer and more inclusive society.

      The Goyim Defense League and individuals like Jovy Val are known for being hardcore Nazis who openly display symbols of hate, such as the swastika, and harass communities, including Jewish neighborhoods and pediatric clinics offering gender affirming care. Despite facing consequences for their actions, they continue to spread hate and recruit others. It's important to acknowledge and address the presence of such individuals and groups in society, as their actions can create a dangerous environment and potentially inspire others to follow in their footsteps. The consequences of their actions, whether it be legal or social, are necessary to deter others from engaging in hate speech and violent behavior. It's crucial to stand against hate and promote inclusiveness and acceptance for all communities.

    • Counteracting far-right actions through community unityCommunities can effectively counteract far-right actions by coming together, standing up for their values, and peacefully asserting their collective power.

      The far-right's radicalization and mainstreaming of hateful ideologies have made it more challenging to disrupt their events, but it's essential to recognize that everyday people, including neighbors, friends, and local community members, can effectively counteract their actions. The media and pundits play a role in making it harder for communities to build and act together, but when a significant number of people come together, they can outnumber and outvoice the far-right. It's crucial to understand that militant action, including violence, is a divisive issue, and most people support trans rights, drag queen story hours, and other progressive causes. However, there is a cultural disconnect regarding the definition of violence and its appropriateness. Ultimately, it's up to each community to come together, stand up for their values, and peacefully assert their collective power.

    • Countering far-right extremist groupsActively opposing far-right extremist actions and making their cause unwelcome in society is crucial. Constant vigilance is necessary as they seek new targets. Everyday antifascism and standing up against hate are essential to counteract their influence.

      When dealing with far-right extremist groups, such as Nazis and fascists, it's crucial to make it as costly as possible for them to continue organizing. This means actively opposing their actions and making it clear that their cause is not welcome in society. The conversation also highlighted the importance of constant vigilance, as these groups are always looking for new targets and opportunities to spread their hateful ideologies. The discussion also touched upon the need for everyday antifascism and the potential danger of normalizing hate speech, even if it's not directly expressed in public spaces. It's important to remember that these groups thrive on division and intimidation, and the only way to counteract their influence is through collective action and a commitment to standing up against hate.

    • Communities coming together to support each otherWhen communities unite against hate, venues are less likely to cancel events and bigots are sent a message that intolerance won't be tolerated. Resources like the IFAC fund can help individuals protect themselves and their communities.

      Community support is crucial in countering hateful events and protecting venues from cancellation. When communities come together to support each other and outnumber the bigots, it sends a powerful message that hate and intolerance will not be tolerated. Venues that cancel events due to potential disruptions only embolden the bigots and give them a sense of victory. Instead, venues should feel brave enough to call for community support when facing such situations. Additionally, resources like the IFAC fund exist to provide individuals with the tools they need to protect themselves and their communities. Ultimately, self-defense and community event defense go hand in hand, and everyone has a role to play in creating a safer and more inclusive world.

    • Largest national protests in China since 1989Protests challenge CCP's authoritarianism and labor conditions, potentially making China's profitable system unsustainable.

      The ongoing protests in China, which have spread across the country since late November, mark a significant shift from what we've seen in the last 30 years. These protests, which have been fueled by a fusion of labor rebellion, anti-police brutality, and anti-authoritarian sentiment, are the largest and most widespread national protests China has experienced since the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. The protests, which have taken place in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, among others, have been sparked by various issues, including the CCP's COVID-19 policies and labor conditions at companies like Foxconn. The importance of these protests lies in their potential to challenge the CCP's authoritarianism and the brutal conditions faced by the working class. Despite the CCP's efforts to maintain control, the growing discontent among the population and the memory of China's militant working class could make even the most profitable system unsustainable. The protests are not yet a full-scale uprising, but the bear is starting to open its eyes.

    • Protests at Foxconn factories over broken promisesDuring the pandemic, Foxconn workers protested over unmet wage promises and poor living conditions, leading to violent clashes with police. Elsewhere, a fire during a lockdown raised suspicions and sparked protests over pandemic response and labor rights.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers at Foxconn factories in China, which produce iPhones for Apple, staged massive protests due to broken promises about wages and living conditions. Workers were lured into closed loops with promises of bonuses and higher wages, only to discover they would have to work for much longer than expected and be paid less than promised. The situation escalated into violent clashes with police. Meanwhile, in Urumqi, a fire in a residential building during a strict lockdown prevented firefighters from reaching the scene, leading to widespread speculation about the cause and blame being placed on the families. These incidents, captured in viral videos, sparked protests and highlighted issues of labor rights and pandemic response in China.

    • Protests over unsanitary conditions in Chinese COVID centersThe Chinese government's lack of investment in medical infrastructure and harsh COVID policies have led to protests and unsanitary conditions, straining the already overtaxed medical system and sparking debate about China's COVID response.

      The conditions in COVID centers in China have been atrocious, with failing drainage systems leading to unsanitary conditions and sparking protests across the country. The Chinese government's refusal to invest in medical infrastructure has put immense strain on the already overtaxed medical system. Protests in Arunqi and other cities were met with censorship and accusations of foreign interference, but the lack of attention from the western media has muddied the debate around China's COVID policy. While it's true that China's strict COVID policy is necessary to prevent a large number of deaths, the execution of the policy has resulted in draconian police state abuses and war against the working class. It's important to distinguish between the state of government policy and its execution. The rest of the world's failure to contain the virus has contributed to the crisis in China, but it's not necessary to resort to extreme measures like forcibly confining people to contain the pandemic. Throughout history, pandemics have been contained without such extreme measures.

    • Protests in China: Beyond Mask MandatesThe Chinese protests go beyond mask mandates, focusing on fair treatment, human rights, and scientific pandemic responses. The government's heavy-handed tactics and exploitation of workers have intensified societal contradictions, making lasting change unlikely but necessary.

      The ongoing protests in China, despite being portrayed as similar to anti-maskers in the West, have unique demands and motivations. The protests are not just about mask mandates but also about fair treatment, respect for human rights, and scientific pandemic responses. The Chinese government's heavy-handed response and exploitation of workers have intensified the traditional contradictions within Chinese society, making it unlikely that these issues will disappear. The protests may not lead to immediate change, but they have highlighted the need for a more compassionate and equitable response to the pandemic and societal challenges. The situation in China serves as a reminder that there are alternative ways to handle crises, and it's essential to consider the complexities and nuances of each situation instead of making simplistic comparisons.

    • Railroad Worker Strike: Historical Roots and Political ImplicationsDespite workers' push for sick days, the railroad strike was prevented due to complex regulations and political considerations, leaving the debate around workers' rights and compensation ongoing.

      The ongoing railroad worker strike in the United States is a complex issue with deep historical roots and significant political implications. The workers, who are essential for the functioning of the country's transportation system, have been pushing for better working conditions, including sick days, for years. However, due to the unique regulatory framework governing railroads, striking is a lengthy and complicated process. President Biden, with the support of Congress, ultimately decided to prevent the strike and push the workers to accept the negotiated contract without the inclusion of sick days. Some progressive politicians, including Bernie Sanders, had advocated for paid sick leave as part of the resolution, but the legislation did not pass in the Senate. The situation highlights the challenges of labor negotiations in a politically charged environment and the ongoing debate around workers' rights and compensation.

    • Precision Scheduled Railroading: Chaos and InefficiencyDespite the name, Precision Scheduled Railroading has led to long wait times, poorly planned schedules, and massive trains that are often late, causing chaos and inefficiency in the railroad industry, with workers bearing the brunt of the hardships.

      The railroad industry's implementation of precision scheduled railroading has led to numerous issues, including long wait times for trains, poorly planned schedules, and trains that are too large and unwieldy for the existing infrastructure. This has resulted in a nightmarish situation for railroad workers, who are often forced to work long hours with little rest and are legally prohibited from using their phones to pass the time. The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that these massive trains, which can carry hundreds of cars, often don't show up on time and can cause catastrophic accidents when they do derail. Despite the name, precision scheduled railroading has resulted in anything but precision, leading to widespread chaos and inefficiency in the industry.

    • Railroad Workers' Crisis: Long Hours, Unpaid Days, and RetirementThe US railroad system faces a crisis as workers endure long hours, unpaid days, and an imminent workforce collapse due to privatization and retirement. The industry's focus on short-term profits risks leaving critical infrastructure without an adequate workforce.

      The railroading system in the US is in crisis, with workers facing inhumane conditions, long hours, and even unpaid days for medical appointments. The recent contract signed did little to address these issues, and the system's collapse is imminent due to its privatization and the impending retirement of a large workforce. The situation is unsustainable, with workers having no choice but to endure the hardships for the pension benefits they'll receive in a few years. The railroad industry's focus on short-term profits and disregard for workers' well-being risks leaving crucial infrastructure without the necessary workforce to operate effectively.

    • Railroad labor crisis rooted in 1980 deregulation actDeregulation led to consolidation, prioritizing profits over worker conditions and efficient scheduling, resulting in the current labor crisis

      The current railroad labor crisis can be traced back to the deregulation act of 1980, which gave more power to rail companies to close down less profitable lines and set their own freight rates. This led to a wave of corporate consolidation and the formation of a few large rail companies, which have been criticized for prioritizing short-term profits over worker conditions and proper train scheduling. The situation is complex, as the previous regulatory body, the Interstate Commerce Commission, was also ineffective. Some have suggested solutions such as nationalizing the railroads, but past experiences with nationalization have had mixed results. It's important to note that illegal strikes, like the one happening now, carry different risks than legal strikes, as workers could face termination or even arrest. Ultimately, the situation calls for a comprehensive solution to address the root causes and ensure fair labor practices and efficient rail operations.

    • Challenges in US railway operationsThe lack of investment and prioritization in railway infrastructure and operations, as well as a focus on profits over safety and efficiency, has led to frequent delays, crashes, and safety concerns. To address these challenges, increased investment in infrastructure and technology, and a shift in priorities towards safety and efficiency, are necessary.

      The current state of railway operations in the US is facing numerous challenges, including the implementation of autonomous trains, inadequate scheduling, and faulty automation systems. These issues have led to frequent delays, crashes, and safety concerns. The root cause of these problems is a lack of investment and prioritization in improving railway infrastructure and operations, as well as a focus on maximizing profits over safety and efficiency. The potential consequences of these issues are significant, including increased risks to public safety, economic losses, and potential disasters. To address these challenges, there is a need for increased investment in railway infrastructure and technology, as well as a shift in priorities towards safety and efficiency over profits. Additionally, there is a need for better coordination and collaboration between various stakeholders, including rail companies, regulators, and the broader business community, to ensure that the railway system is functioning effectively and safely for all.

    • The worsening infrastructure and working conditions in American industriesRailroad workers consider better jobs at tech companies due to better conditions, but strikes and government support are crucial for workers' rights and addressing infrastructure issues.

      The current state of American infrastructure and working conditions, particularly in industries like railroads, is a pressing issue. While some argue that liberalism is intentionally allowing these issues to worsen to save capitalism from itself, others are fighting for better pay and working conditions through social democracy. For instance, railroad workers are considering moving to jobs at companies like Amazon due to better working conditions. However, as technology advances, these jobs may not be worth it in the long run. It's crucial to support workers, especially if they decide to go on strike, and resources will be available to help them during such times. The US government could also play a role in supporting these workers. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of addressing the worsening infrastructure and working conditions in the US and finding solutions to support workers.

    • Comparing Current Protests to Tiananmen May Overshadow ComplexityWhile some see similarities between current protests and Tiananmen, experts warn against oversimplifying the situation. Each protest wave in China has its unique context and outcomes.

      While there are similarities between the current protests in China and historical events like Tiananmen Square, the comparisons may not be entirely accurate or helpful. Eli Friedman, an expert on Chinese labor and development at Cornell University, emphasizes that the focus on Tiananmen may overshadow the complexity and diversity of protests in China over the past 20 years. While there have been instances of labor unrest and citizen protests, the motivations, scale, and outcomes vary greatly. The Chinese government places a high priority on maintaining social stability, which can lead to a harsh response to any perceived threats. The international community's reaction to these events can be influenced by geopolitical considerations, potentially leading to simplistic or inaccurate comparisons. It's crucial to understand the unique context and nuances of each protest wave in China to gain a more accurate and nuanced perspective.

    • The current protests in China are smaller and fractured compared to the 1989 protestsStudents' deal with the state for political acquiescence in exchange for economic growth may be unraveling, leading to renewed dissent, but current protests differ in class composition and nature from the 1989 protests

      The current protests in China, while showing signs of dissent, are relatively small and fractured compared to the large-scale collective actions seen during the 1989 protests. This can be attributed to various factors such as the different class composition of students and workers today, the disappearance of the Chinese working class as it once existed, and the transformation of Chinese cities over the past 30 years. After Tiananmen Square, students and workers had vastly different social trajectories. Students received a deal with the state for political acquiescence in exchange for economic growth and upward mobility. In contrast, workers were subjected to privatization, dispossession, and job losses, leading to widespread protests in the 1990s. However, the current protests indicate that the students' deal with the state might be coming undone, leading to renewed dissent. Despite these signs of unrest, it's important to note that the current situation is not comparable to the 1989 protests, with significant differences in class composition and the nature of urban protests.

    • Protests and Unemployment during China's Economic Transformation under Jiang ZeminDuring Jiang Zemin's leadership, China experienced significant protests due to unemployment and resistance to privatization, pension theft, and private profiteering. These events led to a two-tier labor system with a stable core workforce and a large contingent of temporary and flexible workers.

      China's economic transformation under Jiang Zemin in the late 1990s and early 2000s led to massive unemployment and worker uprisings, particularly in regions with weak economies. This period saw the largest protests since 1989, as people resisted privatization, pension theft, and private profiteering. However, the losses suffered during this time have contributed to China's current economic situation, where state-owned enterprises function like capitalist firms, offering better pay and benefits to their core workforce while relying on a large contingent of temporary and flexible workers who face instability and low wages. This shift towards market pressures and a two-tier labor system began during Jiang Zemin's tenure and has continued under Xi Jinping's leadership.

    • Marginalization of rural-to-urban migrant workers in ChinaChina's Hukou system marginalizes rural-to-urban migrant workers, denying them basic services and social equality, despite their essential role in the economy. COVID-19 lockdowns have worsened their situation, with many facing food shortages and lack of information.

      China's household registration system, or Hukou, has led to the marginalization of rural-to-urban migrant workers, who face social and institutional discrimination despite being essential to the economy. This issue came to a head in 2003 with the case of Sundar Gang, a university student wrongfully detained and killed during a custody and repatriation sweep. While the practice has since been abolished, migrant workers continue to face discrimination and lack access to basic services. More recently, COVID-19 lockdowns have exacerbated these issues, with many workers facing food shortages and lack of information due to their registration status. Overall, the Chinese economy relies on the labor of these migrant workers, yet they are treated as second-class citizens, highlighting a significant contradiction in the system.

    • Different lockdown experiences for migrant workers in ChinaMigrant workers in China, due to their informal housing and lack of official registration, were often overlooked during lockdowns, leaving them dependent on the state for essentials and vulnerable to subsistence crises and even deaths.

      The experience of lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic has been vastly different for migrant workers in China compared to many Western countries. In China, due to the nature of their informal housing and lack of official registration, migrant workers are often overlooked by the state during lockdowns. This leaves them completely dependent on the state for essentials like food and medicine. In some cases, they were physically unable to leave their apartments, leading to subsistence crises and even deaths due to lack of access to medical care. The situation was particularly dire during the Shanghai lockdown in the spring of 2020, where migrant workers were trapped with no way to earn a living or obtain necessary supplies. Understanding these class differences is crucial to appreciating the unique challenges faced by migrant workers during the pandemic.

    • The recent protests in China can't be fully understood through a materialist lens, as cultural and societal factors are at play.The 'lying flat' attitude shift reveals pressure and competition felt by young and middle-aged people in various aspects of life, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and unrest.

      The recent protests in China can't be fully understood through a crude materialist lens, as there are cultural and societal factors at play. The concept of "lying flat" emerged last year as a collective expression of disillusionment with the Chinese social system's promise of shared prosperity. This attitude shift was significant, as it revealed the pressure and competition felt by young and middle-aged people in all aspects of life, from education to employment and housing. The changing economic landscape and rising costs of social reproduction have made it increasingly difficult for individuals to keep up, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and unrest.

    • Protests driven by hopelessness, societal pressure, and 'lying flat'Protests arise from societal pressure, longer hours, and 'lying flat' in response to fewer good jobs and a desire for better living conditions, personal freedoms, and economic opportunities.

      The ongoing protests in China, particularly among students and the middle class, are driven by a sense of hopelessness and pressure to meet societal expectations. This pressure is due in part to fewer good-paying jobs and longer working hours, leading some to "lie flat" and reject societal norms. The normalization of long working hours, particularly in industries like tech, contributes to this issue, with many working beyond legal limits. Despite this, there have been inspiring movements, such as the 996 movement, where workers have revolted against these unacceptable work conditions. Ultimately, these protests reflect a desire for better living conditions, personal freedoms, and economic opportunities.

    • Protests in China: Beyond LockdownsProtests in China go beyond lockdowns, addressing deeper social issues, Uighur treatment, and migrant worker status. Understanding their complexity requires exploring underlying causes and potential for cross-class solidarity and change.

      The ongoing protests in China, particularly those related to the end of lockdowns, are complex and multifaceted. While the demands for democracy and free speech are clear, there are deeper grievances and desired outcomes that are not always explicitly stated. These include concerns about social issues, the treatment of Uighurs, and the status of migrant workers. The protests, which span various cities and socioeconomic groups, suggest a diverse range of issues and a desire for change beyond just the end of lockdowns. The information available is limited, and it remains unclear how urban Han people view the backdrop of repression and discrimination against minorities. Understanding the full scope of these protests requires examining the underlying issues and exploring the potential for cross-class solidarity and systemic change in China.

    • Conflicts with police in China's lockdown areasDespite differing scales, residents in Guangzhou, Xinjiang, and other lockdown areas face similar struggles against heavy-handed police responses and lack of empathy and support during COVID-19 lockdowns.

      The response to COVID-19 lockdowns in China, particularly in areas with informal housing and high populations of migrant workers, has led to intense conflicts with the police. These areas, which include cities like Guangzhou and Xinjiang, have been under lockdown for extended periods, leading to anger and desperation among the residents. The lack of empathy and support from local populations and the heavy-handed police response have escalated tensions, resulting in riots and confrontations. Additionally, business owners, especially those in urban areas, have also been negatively impacted by the lockdowns. While the experiences may differ in scale and intensity, it's essential to recognize the common struggles against the lockdown policies faced by various communities in China.

    • Protests in China lack cohesive identityDifferent protest groups in China have distinct grievances and ways of organizing, making it difficult to maintain a unified political vision and sustain protests against COVID-19 policies.

      The ongoing protests in China against the strict COVID-19 policies lack the cohesive social identity and physical unity seen in past movements like Occupy Wall Street. The protests are segmented, with different groups, such as workers in factory dormitories, the middle class, and students, having distinct grievances and ways of organizing. While all groups oppose the COVID-19 policies, their political visions and risks they are willing to take differ significantly. For instance, students are more likely to focus on freedom of speech and censorship, while workers face unsafe conditions and lack access to basic infrastructure. The physical arrangements of where people live and the online censorship further contribute to the segmentation of the protests. Despite shared opposition to the COVID-19 policies, maintaining a unified political vision and sustaining protests may be challenging.

    • Protests in China reveal societal divide and demands for changeMiddle class shocked by govt power, minorities, workers long suffer, protests mark shift in societal discourse, but constructive dialogue lacking

      The ongoing protests in China, particularly in Shanghai, have exposed the stark divide between the experiences and demands of different societal groups. While the middle class has been shocked by the realization of the government's unchecked power, minorities, workers, and migrant workers have long been subjected to it. The protests reflect the underlying tensions in Chinese society, with the media focusing on the grievances of students and the cheaper classes, while labor issues have been sidelined. The protests also mark a rare moment where people have openly called for the downfall of the government, indicating a potential shift in the societal discourse. However, the risks of political organizing and lack of constructive spaces for dialogue make it extremely challenging for various groups to come together. Despite not yet losing control of the country, the regime's terror and fear have weakened slightly, allowing for a brief moment of open expression.

    • Chinese students abroad express discomfort with reprisals for political viewsChinese students studying abroad voice concerns over CCP retaliation, but protests won't topple the government yet, economic decay and state weakness may lead to future large-scale protests, small victories already achieved such as Foxconn workers receiving compensation

      The recent protests in China mark a significant shift in the willingness of people to speak openly about political issues, both online and offline. This change is evident among Chinese students studying abroad, who express a growing discomfort with the real danger of reprisals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for expressing their views. Despite this, the speaker doubts that the current protests will pose a serious challenge to the Chinese government. However, the frequency of such protests has been increasing, and the speaker speculates that economic decay and the state's decreasing ability to prevent mass movements may lead to another large-scale protest in the future. In the present moment, the speaker acknowledges the small victories that have already been achieved, such as Foxconn workers receiving compensation after rioting.

    • Protests in China bring financial gains and government responseProtests over quarantine conditions led to financial gains, but the government responded with increased vaccinations and possible restriction loosening. Economic challenges, social protections, and geopolitical conflict remain obstacles.

      The recent protests in China over COVID-19 quarantine conditions resulted in financial gains for the protesters, but the government has responded by increasing vaccination efforts and signaling possible loosening of restrictions. However, the ability to suppress larger-scale protests remains a concern, and the ongoing economic challenges, including the need for more equitable growth and increasing domestic consumption, remain significant obstacles for the Chinese government. The political problem of addressing these economic issues and providing social protections for working class people is a major hurdle. The ongoing geopolitical conflict with the US also adds to the challenges China faces. Overall, while some progress has been made, the long-term solutions to these issues are far from clear.

    • Expansion of Surveillance States During COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an expansion of surveillance states, making people's lives more difficult. While some argue this is for future political storms, skepticism about long-term success is encouraged, and resistance is urged.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an expansion of surveillance states in various societies, making people's lives more difficult. Eli Friedman, a guest on the podcast "It Could Happen Here," argues that this could be an attempt to weather future political storms. However, Friedman expresses skepticism about the long-term success of this approach. He encourages listeners to resist and challenge governments until they stop existing. Friedman can be found on Twitter @Eli_d_Friedman, and his work is available online. The podcast covers topics related to politics and society, aiming to inform and empower listeners. For more information, visit coolzonemedia.com or listen on podcast platforms. Stay informed and connected with the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for the authentic black perspective. Xumo Play offers free, endless entertainment with a diverse lineup of channels, movies, and TV series. Ebay Motors provides guaranteed fit parts for your vehicle, ensuring a successful transformation of your ride. Listen to Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell, and visit eBay Motors for your automotive needs.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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