
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing BetMGM and Purdue Global, the importance of being informedBeing informed is crucial when dealing with BetMGM's sports betting features and Purdue Global's education opportunities, as well as potential threats like power infrastructure attacks.

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with various features, live betting options, and daily promotions, while Purdue Global provides flexible education opportunities for working adults. However, the discussion also highlighted the importance of being informed and responsible in the face of misinformation and potential threats, such as infrastructure attacks. The aftermath of the North Carolina power substation attack led to fears of a right-wing insurgency, but the situation is more complex. There has been an increase in power infrastructure attacks in recent years, and this is a long-standing goal of some extremist groups due to the ease and high impact of such attacks. It's crucial to approach such topics with accurate and well-informed perspectives.

    • Growing trend of individuals disrupting power infrastructureIndividuals, some with extremist ideologies, are disrupting power infrastructure, but not all are motivated by such beliefs. The risks for perpetrators are low, but the potential impact is significant.

      There is a growing trend of individuals, some of whom are Nazis, seeking to cause widespread disruption by attacking power infrastructure. These individuals believe that such attacks could lead to larger societal upheaval. However, it's important to note that not all individuals who damage electrical grids are motivated by extremist ideologies. In fact, many people find it appealing to cause such disruptions for various reasons. The recent focus on these attacks, particularly in the wake of high-profile incidents, has led to a perception that there is a surge in such activities. However, this is not entirely accurate. It's crucial to approach this topic analytically and avoid spreading misinformation. Additionally, it's worth noting that the risks and rewards for those carrying out such attacks are different. For the perpetrators, the stakes are relatively low, as failure usually means trying again later. On the other hand, the potential impact of these attacks can be significant. Understanding this dynamic is essential for responding effectively to this issue.

    • Power substation attacks: Understanding the contextPower substation attacks have been happening for some time, with various groups responsible, including white supremacists and ISIS-inspired terrorists. It's essential to investigate the context beyond headlines to gain a more accurate understanding.

      The recent reported power substation attacks, including those at Duke Energy in North Carolina and in the Pacific Northwest, should be viewed with a critical and informed perspective. These incidents, while concerning, have been happening for some time and are not exclusively linked to specific groups or motives. Disinformation and misinformation can easily spread in the aftermath of such attacks, leading to a distorted understanding of the situation. It's essential to look beyond headlines and investigate the context to gain a more accurate and comprehensive understanding. For instance, attacks on power infrastructure have been a growing trend since 2016, with various groups, including white supremacists and ISIS-inspired terrorists, being responsible. Random acts of violence or accidents cannot be ruled out either. The Metcalf Sniper attack in 2013, which has been referenced extensively in extremist circles, is a case in point. The attack's motive remains unclear, and it serves as an example of how successful such attacks can be, making them a potential inspiration for future incidents. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain a balanced and informed perspective when evaluating reports of power substation attacks.

    • Not limited to Nazi motivationsThe 18 USC 1366 statute covers various reasons for damaging energy facilities, including personal grievances, environmental concerns, and mental health issues, highlighting the importance of considering context and motivations in assessing potential threats

      The federal statute 18 USC 1366, which deals with damaging or conspiring to damage energy facilities, is not limited to cases involving Nazi motivations. The discussion highlighted several cases where individuals were charged under this statute for various reasons, including personal grievances, environmental concerns, and mental health issues. These cases demonstrate that a diverse range of individuals can be drawn to such actions, and it's crucial to consider the context and motivations behind each incident when assessing potential threats to energy infrastructure.

    • Recent power substation attacks linked to extremist behavior and anti-queer sentimentsTwo power substations were attacked in North Carolina and the Pacific Northwest, causing significant power outages. The attacks are believed to be motivated by extremist behavior and anti-queer sentiments.

      There have been recent attacks on power substations in North Carolina and the Pacific Northwest, resulting in significant power outages. The agencies investigating these attacks have identified two potential motives: extremist behavior, specifically accelerationist rhetoric and anti-queer sentiments. The North Carolina attack occurred on December 5, 2022, and resulted in a power outage affecting around 45,000 people, lasting for over five days. The investigators have found shell casings from high-powered rifles at the scene, but the agencies have not disclosed much information about the attackers or their methods. A week prior to the North Carolina attack, another substation was deliberately disabled in eastern North Carolina, affecting around 12,000 homes and businesses. The companies involved described both incidents as vandalism, but investigators believe the attacks may be connected to a wave of anti-queer activities and online calls to action against critical infrastructure. The investigations are ongoing.

    • Growing Concerns Over Power Grid AttacksPower grid attacks, carried out with ease due to visibility and lack of security, have been increasing since 2015. Not just right-wing extremism, the problem is larger and more complicated.

      The recent attacks on power grid infrastructure, such as the one in North Carolina, are a growing concern and not isolated incidents. These attacks, which can be carried out with relative ease due to the visibility and lack of security of these important pieces of infrastructure, have been increasing in frequency since 2015. The problem is larger and more complicated than just right-wing extremism, and it's not helpful to label every incident as terrorism. The FBI has been issuing warnings about threats to electricity infrastructure from extremist groups. The attacks can be carried out from a distance, making it difficult to catch the perpetrators. The area where the North Carolina attack occurred is significant because it's near Fort Bragg, home to a large community of military personnel and unconventional warfare specialists. It's worth noting that simple measures like placing sandbags in front of coolant systems could help prevent these attacks. The ease of carrying out these attacks, combined with the availability of guns and the pandemic-induced boredom, contributes to the problem.

    • Military training of civilians: Unintended consequencesMilitary training of civilians can lead to individuals with military skills causing harm to power infrastructure, raising concerns due to proximity of military bases and history of military involvement in such incidents.

      The practice of training civilians or untrained fighters in unconventional warfare, as seen in Robin Sage, can have unintended consequences. This training can result in a large number of individuals with military skills who may use them for malicious purposes, such as attacking power infrastructure. Recent attacks on North Carolina power infrastructure, including the successful one in December 2022, have raised concerns due to the proximity of military bases and the history of individuals associated with the military being involved in such incidents. Additionally, there have been numerous warnings and incidents of planned attacks on power grids by domestic violent extremists. However, not all incidents should be assumed to be related to these groups, as some may be random acts unconnected to power infrastructure. It's essential to differentiate between actual attacks and misreported incidents to avoid unnecessary panic.

    • Military Radicalization: A Growing ThreatThe military has seen numerous cases of radicalization among soldiers and individuals with military backgrounds, posing a threat to public safety through acts of terrorism and extremist activities.

      There have been numerous cases of radicalized soldiers and individuals with military backgrounds, specifically from Fort Bragg and other military bases, engaging in extremist activities or committing acts of terrorism. Instances include the founding member of the League of the South, Michael Tubbs, and special forces soldier Killian Ryan, who were both discovered to have Nazi affiliations. Additionally, notorious figures like Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, and a marine planning a synagogue shooting have also had military backgrounds. The Pacific Northwest has also seen deliberate attacks on the electrical grid, with at least 6 incidents reported since mid-November, and the FBI issuing a warning about potential violent anti-government attacks on critical infrastructure. These incidents underscore the importance of addressing the issue of radicalization within military ranks and the potential threats it poses to public safety.

    • Targeted attacks against power companies increasingExtremist groups are planning and executing targeted attacks against power companies and other critical infrastructure, aiming for maximum impact and chaos, with potential for additional acts of terrorism.

      There has been a notable increase in targeted attacks against critical infrastructure, specifically power companies, in the United States. These attacks are not random acts, but rather part of a larger, organized effort by extremist groups. The incidents involve significant planning and preparation, often timed for maximum impact, such as holidays or periods of high power usage. The ultimate goal is not just to cause chaos and inconvenience, but to use the resulting darkness and disruption to carry out additional acts of terrorism, including targeted assassinations. These attacks have been occurring more frequently in recent years, with cases dating back to the late 1990s. Federal authorities have issued warnings about the potential for further violence against critical infrastructure, and the targets include not only power stations but also public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, and government facilities.

    • White supremacists targeting energy infrastructureSince 2016, 60% of violent extremist attack planners were white supremacists, with 87% of their attacks focusing on power grids. Groups like Atomwaffen Division and National Socialism Movement are involved, and members have detailed manuals for infrastructure attacks.

      The white supremacist movement has seen a significant increase in planned attacks on critical infrastructure, particularly the energy sector, over the past few years. According to data from 2016 to 2022, approximately 60% of violent extremist attack planners were identified as white supremacists, with 87% of those incidents involving critical infrastructure attacks focusing on power grids. Notable groups and organizations, such as the Atomwaffen Division and the National Socialism Movement, have been linked to some of these plots. Additionally, individuals associated with these groups have been found to possess detailed manuals on how to attack energy infrastructure, demonstrating a high level of planning and execution. The use of propaganda and digital design elements has also become more sophisticated, making it easier for these groups to disseminate their messages and recruit new members. The trend towards targeting energy infrastructure aligns with global insurgent movement tactics and poses a significant threat to national security.

    • Online networks amplify inspirational terrorismNeo-Nazi groups use algorithms to spread propaganda, inspiring more people to carry out attacks. Identifying and exposing these individuals can lead to arrests and prevention of terror acts.

      The production and spread of propaganda through online networks have made inspirational terrorism, like that seen in neo-Nazi groups, more accessible and contagious than ever before. Anyone with access to these networks can be inspired by detailed instructions for carrying out attacks, leading to a wider reach and potential for more incidents. The use of algorithms to spread propaganda is a new evolution of inspirational terrorism, and it's important to recognize this distinction when discussing the role of technology in terrorism. Additionally, recent neo-Nazi groups have taken cues from both Islamic terrorism and anarchist writings, focusing on attacking public infrastructure and inspiring regular people to damage it. However, there is a silver lining: the work of identifying and exposing these individuals through leaks and doxxing can lead to their arrests and the prevention of potential acts of terror.

    • Researching resistance against fascist groups saves livesStay informed, empowered, and connected through legal means to make a difference against hate and intolerance.

      The information obtained from researching and planning potential acts of resistance against fascist groups, such as the Nazis, can literally save lives. This research is crucial and effective in preventing harm and danger. However, it's essential to remember that engaging in illegal activities like shooting power substations or building a radio out of sticks to listen to podcasts is not the answer. Instead, staying informed, empowered, and connected through legal means, such as subscribing to authentic news sources and supporting films that elevate voices and stories, is the way to make a difference. The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch story is an excellent example of how individuals can come together to create a safe haven and stand up against hate and intolerance. It all starts with taking small steps, like Penelope Logue, a veteran and country girl, who, along with her partners, decided to rent land and set up a farming co-op to rescue alpacas and escape the city's transphobia. This story, like many others, is a reminder that everyone has a role to play in creating positive change in their communities.

    • From a queer safe haven to a sustainable alpaca ranchThe Alpaca Ranch in Colorado transformed from a refuge for the queer community into a thriving business by caring for neglected alpacas and selling their fiber as yarn, despite facing challenges like rental issues and COVID-19.

      The Alpaca Ranch in Westcliffe, Colorado, started as a safe haven for the queer community during a time of political and social unrest. The founders, inspired by the neglect of aging alpaca ranches, transformed the operation into a sustainable business by caring for neglected alpacas and selling their fiber as yarn. However, they faced challenges, including unexpected rental agreement issues and the onset of COVID-19. Despite these challenges, the community came together to support the ranch's relocation, and the ranch continued to grow, providing a home for various animals and a sense of belonging for its members. The daily life on the ranch involves caring for numerous animals, including alpacas, sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, dogs, and cats. While the work is constant, the ranch offers an idyllic environment that provides a sense of purpose and community for its members.

    • A community's response to threats and adversityDespite facing hate speech and violence, the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch community chose to band together and defend themselves, demonstrating the power of solidarity and community defense.

      The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch community, despite facing threats and adversity, chose to band together and save themselves rather than wait for external help. This was evident during their struggles with sick animals, as well as during the siege instigated by external forces. The story of the ranch goes beyond guns and bigotry, it's a story of solidarity and community defense. The community's response to the siege was a result of online hate speech and the realization that they were not safe. The siege began with a fascist parade in their town, which was a wake-up call for the community. Despite the intimidation and violence, the community refused to back down and instead chose to stand up for themselves. This story is a reminder of the power of community and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

    • Local parade turns into fascist event, leading to online harassment and threats of violenceOnline harassment can escalate into real-world threats, highlighting the importance of awareness, support, and solidarity.

      Social media can be both a powerful tool for raising awareness and a dangerous platform for harassment. In this case, a local parade turned into a fascist event, leading to online harassment and even threats of violence against a group of people trying to live peacefully. The harassment came from various sources, including a notorious online forum dedicated to targeting and harassing trans people. The situation escalated to the point where the group felt threatened enough to arm themselves and patrol their property at night. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of being aware of online harassment and the potential for it to escalate into real-world threats. It also highlights the need for support and solidarity in the face of such threats.

    • Reaching out for help leads to unexpected encountersAccountability, community support, and vigilance are crucial when helping others. Be prepared for unexpected situations and trust your instincts.

      When someone reaches out for help, no matter the circumstances or how far away they are, it's important to lend a hand. This was demonstrated by an individual who, after seeing a plea for help on social media, drove several hours to assist the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch. Upon arrival, they encountered suspicious behavior, including vehicles following them and attempting to tailgate. The individual used various tactics to disorient the pursuers and ensure their own safety, ultimately losing them in the process. The takeaway from this story is the importance of accountability, community support, and vigilance in the face of potential threats. It also highlights the need to be prepared for unexpected situations and to trust one's instincts.

    • Encountering intruders at the Tenacious Unicorn RanchStay alert, work together, and trust in teammates during potential threats for effective security.

      The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch was under threat from unknown individuals, causing the ranch's defenders to lose sleep and stay on high alert. The defenders, including Aldo, were working to secure the property and keep everyone safe. The author, who joined later, helped by assessing the property, creating a plan, and conducting a foot patrol. However, the author was alone and in the dark, relying on the moonlight and their instincts. They encountered individuals attempting to enter the property multiple times, and despite their suspicions, continued their patrol alone. Eventually, they were able to observe the intruders at the gate, but their lack of discipline gave them away. The experience was a reminder of the importance of situational awareness, teamwork, and trust during potential threats.

    • Staying alert and prepared can help deter intruders, but unexpected situations require quick thinking and adaptabilityBeing prepared and alert can help keep you safe, but unexpected situations may require quick thinking and adaptability to ensure your safety and the safety of your property.

      Being prepared and alert can help deter potential trespassers and intruders, but unexpected situations can still arise. The author successfully verbally warned and chased away two unarmed individuals who were attempting to tamper with the gate of the property. However, a more serious threat emerged later in the form of two armed intruders. Despite having the high ground, the author moved to a safer position and gave clear commands for the intruders to drop their weapons. When they didn't comply, the author pursued them to prevent any further danger. It's important to stay vigilant and adapt to changing situations to ensure safety. The night also involved other unexpected events, such as a fox scream, which added to the overall experience of protecting the property.

    • Defending the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch: Unity and PreparednessThe importance of unity and preparedness in defending a community against hostile intrusions, demonstrated at the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch through physical protection and solidarity.

      The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch community relied on both physical protection and the power of solidarity to defend themselves against hostile intrusions. While some members were comfortable using guns, others contributed in different ways. The incident with the local bigots demonstrated the importance of preparedness and standing up against aggression, but also the need for a supportive community that goes beyond those on the ground. The ranch, which attracts hundreds of queer visitors annually, is a testament to the power of unity in sustaining a project and creating a safe space for people. It's a reminder that everyone has a role to play in ensuring the safety and well-being of their community. Whether it's through physical protection or other means, the focus should be on building a strong, supportive network.

    • An unexpected visit to an anarchist alpaca farmAnarchist community rallies around a farm under threat, demonstrating the power of solidarity and resilience.

      The anarchist alpaca farmer, Aldo, shared his unexpected experiences on social media, which led to the author's visit to the ranch. During their stay, they faced threats from unknown individuals, requiring them to go on high alert and defend the property. The incident attracted an overwhelming amount of support from the community and beyond, providing them with resources and protection. This experience showcased the power of solidarity and the resilience of individuals coming together to stand up for their beliefs, even in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges, the ranch became a symbol of resistance and unity within the anarchist community.

    • Online and offline community support during a time of fearDuring uncertain times, online and offline community support can empower marginalized groups to stand up for their beliefs, despite opposition.

      During a time of fear and uncertainty, the sense of community and solidarity, both online and offline, played a crucial role in helping a ranch in Colorado stand up against threats. The Internet allowed anti-fascist organizations and individuals from all over the world to show support through donations of supplies and resources. Locally, the ranch had already established itself as an important part of the community through volunteer work, such as recycling waste when the county stopped doing so. Despite the challenging political climate and a lack of engagement from some, a small group of dedicated individuals came together to keep their conservative community strong. However, even in this conservative paradise, they faced opposition from a liberal local newspaper, which further fueled their determination to stand up for their beliefs. The story of this ranch illustrates how online organizing and community solidarity can give power and coherence to marginalized groups, even in the face of adversity.

    • Rural areas have more liberal papers than expectedFounders of Christian conservative newspaper saw opportunity to rally supporters against perceived liberal threats to gun rights, regardless of actual significance in the community.

      In rural America, liberal papers have been found to exist in higher numbers than expected due to their influence on the local population. This was the motivation behind starting a Christian conservative newspaper in a rural community, as perceived by its founders. However, it's important to note that there's ongoing competition between local publications, and accusations of lying and creating controversy, such as gun control, can be used to justify a newspaper's existence. For instance, in the case of the Sentinel in Westcliffe, Colorado, its founders saw an opportunity to rally supporters against perceived liberal threats to gun rights, even if such threats were not actual or significant in the community. This highlights how political tensions and perceived threats can be used to drive the agenda of local newspapers.

    • Peaceful Protest Turns into Massive Armed Event, Cancels July 4th ParadeBiased reporting by local newspaper escalated a peaceful protest into a culture war victory parade, causing community tension and safety concerns

      A peaceful Second Amendment protest during a small town's July 4th parade in Colorado turned into a massive event with over 500 armed citizens participating, leading to the cancellation of the parade by the town council due to safety concerns. The local conservative newspaper, The Sentinel, turned the incident into a culture war victory parade in their reporting, despite the family-friendly nature of the event. The Sentinel's biased and often inaccurate reporting on the incident and the local trans community became a significant issue for the community. The incident highlighted the tension between gun rights and community safety, as well as the potential for media to influence public perception.

    • Local Newspaper Sentinel Criticized for Biased ReportingSentinel, a local Colorado newspaper, faces criticism for aggregating content without permission and spreading inflammatory language and conspiracy theories, potentially impacting local communities.

      Sentinel, a local newspaper in Colorado, has been criticized for aggregating content from other sources without permission, particularly from the far right of the Internet. An article about the Unicorn Ranch in High Country News was negatively featured in the Sentinel, with the publication labeling the ranch's supporters as "fascists" and "hate-filled xenophobes." The Sentinel's editor, George Grimlich, is a member of the Oath Keepers, a far-right organization. The Sentinel's stance on vaccines aligns with its overall right-wing perspective. Despite having a relatively small readership, the Sentinel's inflammatory language and conspiracy theories can have significant impact on local communities. It's important to be aware of the potential for biased and inaccurate information in local news sources.

    • Perception of military prioritizing diversity over culture leads to recruitment strugglesThe military's focus on diversity and inclusion can create a perception of disregard for traditional military culture, leading potential recruits to feel alienated and mistrustful, impacting recruitment efforts.

      The military's struggle to recruit is linked to the perception that it's not valuing traditional military culture and instead prioritizing diversity and inclusion. This perception, fueled by identity politics and media portrayals, can lead to a sense of alienation and mistrust among potential recruits. Furthermore, the shift in rhetoric from COVID restrictions to culture war topics, such as transgender issues, can be hostile and even dangerous. The example of the ATF visit and the unicorn ranch illustrates this, as the mere existence of queer people is seen as a threat. These attitudes can make safe spaces like the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch even more important for queer folks in rural America. It's crucial to remember that these attacks on marginalized communities, while they may not always succeed, can still cause harm.

    • A welcoming and inclusive queer community beyond the ranchThe Tenacious Unicorn Ranch defies stereotypes, bringing heart, empathy, and a sense of belonging to rural areas through its resilient and authentic queer community.

      The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch, despite the challenges it has faced, is a welcoming and inclusive community that values its members and extends beyond the ranch and valley. The community's resilience and ability to overcome adversity are evident, as they have become active members of the larger community and are valued for their presence. Contrary to stereotypes, queer people have always been a part of rural communities, and their presence brings heart, empathy, and a sense of belonging that can be lacking in some rural areas. The unicorns serve as a reminder that everyone deserves to live authentically and be accepted for who they are. Additionally, it's important to remember that rural spaces have historically been queer spaces, and the contributions of queer people to these areas have been essential.

    • The existence and experiences of queer people in unexpected placesQueer individuals have faced hostility and isolation due to societal norms, but the importance of community and solidarity has helped them thrive in various settings, from rural areas to the military.

      Queer people have always existed in various communities, including rural areas and the military, despite facing hostility and the need to hide their identities. The history of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the military and the experiences of Penny, a cavalry scout, highlight the damaging consequences of being forced to hide one's identity. This compartmentalization and the resulting isolation can negatively impact mental health. However, the importance of community and solidarity cannot be overstated, as seen in the case of the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch, where guns were not the only factor contributing to their safety and success. The presence of queer individuals in unexpected places, such as Family Dollar in a small town, demonstrates that queer communities have always been a part of diverse landscapes, even if they have become less visible in recent decades.

    • Anarchist principles in action: Mutual aid and community buildingAnarchist communities can offer essential services and support systems, while fostering a strong sense of community and inclusivity, even in areas without traditional structures like building codes or the state.

      Anarchist principles, such as mutual aid and community building, can provide essential services and support systems in areas where traditional structures like the state or building codes may be lacking. Penny and Jay's experiences in Custer County demonstrate this, as they provide necessary repairs and construction work in a county without building codes, and offer a safe haven for those in need. However, the absence of regulations can also lead to exploitation and shoddy construction, which Penny and Jay address by prioritizing local support and building community. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of open communication and asking questions to ensure a safe and inclusive environment, as demonstrated by Jay's thorough inquiry before joining the ranch. Overall, this anarchist community in Custer County serves as a reminder that alternative structures can provide essential services and support systems, while also fostering a strong sense of community and inclusivity.

    • Harmful beliefs exclude non-binary trans individuals and limit trans identityEmbrace diversity and biodiversity in all aspects of life, including gender identity, and reject harmful beliefs that limit trans identity and exclude non-binary individuals.

      There exists a harmful belief within certain trans communities that only those who conform to the gender binary and undergo specific surgeries are "real" trans people. This mindset not only excludes non-binary individuals but also perpetuates a narrow definition of trans identity. Moreover, the ranch Jay has found refuge in is a place where queer people, including trans individuals, are accepted and valued for their unique contributions. The ranch's focus on regenerative agriculture and permaculture practices serves as a metaphor for the importance of embracing diversity and biodiversity in all aspects of life. It's crucial to acknowledge that these practices have roots in indigenous cultures and to give back to these communities. The threat of external harm may have lessened, but it's essential to remain vigilant and continue fostering inclusive and accepting environments for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

    • Police encounter: Whose account is accurate?Objective evidence is crucial for resolving disputes and preventing misunderstandings in police reports. Conflicting accounts can raise concerns about law enforcement tactics and motivations.

      The accounts of a police encounter can vary greatly depending on who is telling the story. The deputy's initial report of a hostile and armed group at the gate contrasted significantly with the unicorns' account of a polite and courteous interaction. The truth was revealed when the body camera footage was released, showing that the unicorns' version was the accurate one. This incident highlights the importance of objective evidence in resolving disputes and the potential for misunderstandings or exaggerations in police reports. The conflicting accounts also raised concerns about the local sheriff's department and their relationships with local businesses, leading to questions about their tactics and motivations.

    • Lack of trust between law enforcement and community during crisis situationDuring a crisis, strong relationships between law enforcement and communities are crucial for effective response and preventing harm. Open communication and transparency are essential to build trust and mitigate the harmful effects of hate speech.

      During a crisis situation, the trust between law enforcement and the community can be severely tested. In the case of the Station Unicorn Ranch, witnesses reported that law enforcement were present while harassers were actively targeting the property. However, when the situation became public, the law enforcement denied any knowledge of the threats. This lack of support and understanding from the authorities led the community to rely on their own network for security instead. The incident also highlighted the harmful effects of hate speech and its potential to incite violence. The community's experiences underscore the importance of building strong relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve, and the need for open communication and transparency during times of crisis.

    • Hateful rhetoric leads to violence against LGBTQ+ communityHateful speech from certain individuals and organizations contributes to a dangerous environment for the LGBTQ+ community, resulting in violence and attacks on queer spaces and individuals, particularly trans people.

      The hateful rhetoric and propaganda from certain organizations and individuals on the right have led to an increase in violence against the LGBTQ+ community, particularly trans people. This was evident in the Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs, where two trans individuals lost their lives, and the defacement of the Focus on the Family headquarters. These incidents are not isolated, as there have been multiple attacks on queer spaces and events across the country. It's important to hold accountable those who spread hateful ideologies, as they contribute to the dangerous environment that puts lives at risk. The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch, and similar queer havens, become even more crucial in such a climate, providing safe spaces for the community. However, it's essential to remember that these incidents are not just local issues, but a reflection of the larger transphobic and queer eliminationist rhetoric and genocide campaign happening in the country. It's crucial to stand up against hate and support the LGBTQ+ community in any way possible.

    • From Rescue to Thriving Business: The Mothear Alpaca RanchThe Mothear Alpaca Ranch started as a rescue for unwanted alpacas and has grown into a sustainable business, providing a sanctuary for over 190 alpacas and preventing the euthanizing or splitting up of herds. Despite facing adversity, the ranch continues to thrive and bring comfort to its owners and community.

      The Mothear Alpaca Ranch has grown significantly since the siege two years ago, with over 190 alpacas now on the property. The ranch started as a rescue for unwanted alpacas and has since become a sustainable business by selling their fiber and turning it into yarn. The ranch's expansion as a rescue organization has helped prevent the euthanizing or splitting up of herds from aging ranchers. The alpacas have become a source of love and comfort for the ranch's owners, with their unique personalities and snugglable appearances. However, the ranch has faced adversity, including animosity from some in the community, which was highlighted by a Nazi parade in town. The community's reaction to this event and the lack of condemnation from local authorities has shifted the cultural norms in the area, allowing for more reactionary militancy and intolerance. Despite these challenges, the Mothear Alpaca Ranch continues to thrive and provide a sanctuary for these beloved animals.

    • Unicorns Overcome Resistance and Build Strong Community BondsInitially facing resistance, unicorns have thrived by becoming involved in local community efforts and forming strong bonds, despite macrocosmic trends towards far-right Christian vanguardism.

      Despite facing initial resistance and pressure from a small group in their new community, the unicorns have managed to not only survive but thrive and build strong bonds. Their efforts to harm or pressure the unicorns out of the community have failed, and the unicorns have become beloved locals. Initially, community building was challenging due to the pandemic and the unicorns' self-focused start. However, they have since become more involved in the local community, assisting with recycling and hosting weekly game nights. The unicorns' experiences reflect the shift from economic conservatism to a rising brand of far-right Christian vanguardism, where the goal is to spread their system across the world. Despite this macrocosmic trend, the unicorns have found ways to build a supportive community and remain resilient.

    • A hostile climate towards those who stand in the wayIn the face of a millenarian belief in utopia and hostile attitude towards those who stand in the way, building supportive communities can help resist threats and offer solace to those facing discrimination and persecution.

      The current political climate on the right is characterized by a millenarian belief in utopia, which fuels a hostile attitude towards those who stand in the way, including liberals and the LGBTQ+ community. This mindset can lead to violent and harmful actions, but the power of community and solidarity can help resist these threats. The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch serves as a microcosm of this, as the ranchers faced threats and violence but were able to build a supportive community that helped them resist and even offer support to others in need. As hate speech and actions continue to rise, places like the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch become even more important as havens for those who face discrimination and persecution.

    • A Queer Safe Haven Thrives in ColoradoThe Tenacious Unicorn Ranch in Colorado provides a vital space for queer people to recharge, build connections, and foster community despite challenges, expanding to new properties to accommodate more people and offer more support.

      The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch in Colorado serves as a vital safe haven for queer people, offering a space for recharge, building connections, and fostering community. Despite the challenges, including limited space and the increasing need for emergency assistance due to climate collapse and encroaching fascism, the ranch continues to grow and expand its networks to help more people. The importance of solidarity and community-building cannot be overstated in ensuring the continued existence of queer havens like the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch. The ranch's ongoing expansion to new properties in the valley and Boulder County will allow for more housing, income, and opportunities for support groups and events. To learn more or support the ranch, visit tenaciousunicornranch.com or find them on Patreon and GoFundMe.

    • Exploring New Things: Podcasts, Community News, and Old CarsStay informed and connected through various sources, including podcasts, community news, and personal projects. Discover new passions and bring them to life with the help of resources like Ebay Motors. Anticipate exciting events, like the 2024 NFL season schedule.

      There's always something new and interesting to explore, whether it's a podcast series, a community news source, or even reviving an old car. The podcast "It Could Happen Here" promises to deliver intriguing episodes every week, while the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps Detroit's black community informed and connected. Ebay Motors offers the necessary parts to bring old cars back to life, and the 2024 NFL season schedule is eagerly anticipated. Additionally, it's important to stay informed and empowered through various sources, such as the Michigan Chronicle, which elevates black voices and culture. Malcolm Gladwell's "Revisionist History" adds depth to our understanding of the world, and Ebay Motors provides the tools to bring our passions to life. The anticipation builds for the 2024 NFL season, with every game revealed in May. In essence, there's always something new to discover, whether it's through media, community, or personal projects. Stay informed, stay connected, and keep exploring.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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