
    Podcast Summary

    • BetMGM's Sports Betting Experience vs Defend the Atlanta Forest MovementBetMGM provides a rich sports betting experience, while the Defend the Atlanta Forest movement faces intense repression, raising concerns about misuse of domestic terrorism charges

      BetMGM offers an immersive sports betting experience with easy sign-up, generous welcome bonuses, and a wide range of features including parlay selections, live betting, and daily promotions. Meanwhile, in a different context, the Defend the Atlanta Forest movement is facing intense repression from law enforcement, with six individuals charged with domestic terrorism for their involvement in the anti-police training facility protests. This use of the domestic terrorism label against activists highlights the potential for broad misapplication of such laws, which were originally intended for violent extremist groups.

    • Frustration of law enforcement leads to increased repression against Atlanta forest defendersLaw enforcement and allies use fear and extreme charges to intimidate and shut down effective social movement opposing police mega compound construction in Atlanta.

      The increased repression and high charges against protesters in the Atlanta forest defenders movement can be attributed to the frustration of law enforcement and their allies over the effective social movement that has challenged the construction of a police mega compound. The authorities are using fear and extreme charges to try and scare people away from the movement and shut it down. This comes despite the large public opposition to the project and the significant increase in the police budget in Atlanta since 2020. The pressure to charge nonviolent protesters with domestic terrorism is coming from corporate sponsors. The use of fear tactics and unprecedented charges is an attempt to intimidate and separate supporters from the movement.

    • Corporations Framing Activists as Domestic TerroristsLarge corporations use the label of 'domestic terrorist' to deter activists from opposing their projects, leading to vital resources like the Atlanta Solidarity Fund supporting those facing charges.

      Large corporations, including those represented by figures like Bank of America and Home Depot's Arthur Blank, are facing significant delays in a project due to environmental concerns and inability to prove environmental friendliness. In response, these corporations are attempting to frame decentralized activist movements, such as those opposing the project, as organized domestic violent extremist groups. This tactic is used as a deterrent to prevent people from organizing or even showing up to the forest. The Atlanta Solidarity Fund, which formed in 2016 to support activists with bail and legal funds, has become a vital resource in these situations, providing support to hundreds arrested during the George Floyd uprising and continuing to support those facing charges related to activism and land defense movements.

    • Supporting Jail and Bail FundsDonating to local bail funds, joining jail support teams, and offering emotional and logistical support are crucial ways to help activists facing legal issues continue their work and remain active in social movements.

      Supporting jail and bail funds is a crucial aspect of social movements and activism. These organizations provide essential services to those facing state repression, including legal representation, financial assistance, and emotional support. They help ensure that activists are not completely sidelined when they encounter legal issues, allowing them to continue their work and remain active in the movement. Jail support and bail funds often operate on a volunteer basis and rely on donations. People can get involved by donating to local bail funds, joining jail support teams, and offering support through visits, letters, or transportation after release. These organizations play a vital role in protecting the rights and well-being of activists and maintaining the momentum of social movements.

    • Understanding and combating repression against social movementsRecognizing repression tactics like media manipulation and false terrorism charges, and supporting organizations like the Atlanta Anti-Repression Committee, are crucial for social movements' success.

      Supporting those involved in social movements, especially during times of repression, is crucial. The Atlanta Anti-Repression Committee is an organization that focuses on political defense in addition to legal defense. They recognize the importance of understanding and combating the specific mechanisms of repression, such as media manipulation and false terrorism charges. These tactics have been used against various social movements throughout history, and the Atlanta Anti-Repression Committee aims to increase awareness and develop strategies against them. It's essential to remember that social movements encounter repression and that understanding its mechanisms is vital for their success. The freedom to travel and show solidarity with others' struggles should be encouraged, not discouraged or labeled as terroristic.

    • Labeling protestors as 'outside agitators' is a propaganda tacticPropaganda tactics like labeling protestors as 'outside agitators' divide communities and discredit movements, but human empathy and the freedom to choose causes matter most.

      The framing of protests as being instigated by outside agitators is a propaganda tactic used to divide communities and criminalize participation in social movements. This tactic was evident in the recent repression against the Defend the Atlanta Forest movement, where people from various states were arrested and labeled as "domestic violent extremists." However, this labeling was based on flimsy evidence, and the real goal was to discredit the movement as a whole and discourage local participation. This tactic has been used in the past and has been a failed strategy, especially in cities with a strong history of civil rights activism like Atlanta. Instead of focusing on individual actions, it's essential to recognize the beauty of human empathy and the freedom to choose where we live and get involved in causes we care about.

    • Charging Activists with Conspiracy, RICO, and Domestic Terrorism Threatens Peaceful ProtestGovernment's use of conspiracy, RICO, and domestic terrorism charges against activists is a threat to peaceful protest and constitutional rights. Support those facing these charges by donating, writing letters, and attending court support.

      The use of conspiracy, RICO, and domestic terrorism charges against individuals involved in social movements is a disturbing trend that threatens to criminalize peaceful protest and activism. These charges, which have been used recently in Atlanta to target those defending the Atlanta forest, are likely unconstitutional and may not hold up in court. However, they represent a serious threat to social movements across the country, as the government seeks to suppress dissent and maintain stability. To support those facing these charges, individuals can donate money, write letters, and attend court support. Organizations such as the Atlanta Solidarity Fund and the Alien and Entire Question Committee can provide more information and opportunities for involvement. It's essential to pay attention to and discuss this issue, as it goes beyond local concerns and has national and even international implications.

    • Solidarity Actions for Stop Cop City Movement ContinueDespite high charges, solidarity actions persist globally, driven by belief in defending community spaces and standing against state repression. Platforms like scenes.noblogs.org report on actions and raise awareness.

      Despite the high charges against activists involved in the Stop Cop City movement in Atlanta, solidarity actions continue to take place both locally and internationally. From France to the United States, individuals and groups have shown their support through various forms of direct action, including protests, banner hangings, and office attacks. These actions are driven by the belief in the importance of defending community spaces and standing up against state repression. The digital world has become a crucial space for organizing and sharing information, with websites like scenes.noblogs.org serving as platforms for reporting on these actions and raising awareness. It's a reminder that the principles of collaboration, sharing, and community that underpin the Internet should not be overshadowed by capitalism and privatization. The ongoing actions serve as a call to continue supporting those facing state repression and to work towards creating a more equitable digital and physical world. To learn more and get involved, check out Defend the Atlanta Forest, the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, and scenes.noblogs.org.

    • The Power of Digital Commons: Sharing and Collaboration in the Digital WorldDigital commons, like online creation communities, enable the free flow and collaboration of digital information, resulting in the collective creation of valuable knowledge resources.

      The Internet has evolved into a landscape dominated by a few large corporations, limiting communication and access to resources. However, the concept of the commons, which refers to shared resources accessible to all members of a society, can be applied to digital resources and communities. Digital commons, such as online creation communities, allow for free flow and collaboration of digital information, leading to the collective creation of knowledge resources. An example of this is the fictional movie "Gonsharrow" that only exists through the collective co-creation on Tumblr, demonstrating the power of digital commons and the potential for sharing and collaboration in the digital world. The reestablishment of commons, including digital commons, is essential in transitioning towards a more communal and sustainable way of life.

    • Online communities fuel collaborative creation and information sharingThe Internet enables fans to create intricate worlds and lore through online communities, but not all resources remain accessible

      The Internet has the capacity to foster incredible collaborative creation and information sharing through online communities. The discussion of the "Gone Shiro" fandom is an excellent example of this, where a simple comment about a movie led to a vast and intricate development of characters and lore. Other examples include role-play communities, digital libraries, and even Wikipedia. However, it's important to note that not all online resources are accessible or remain available indefinitely. The loss of the library mentioned in the conversation is a reminder of this. Despite some challenges, the spirit of collaborative creation and open access to information continues to thrive on the Internet.

    • Discussion on Wikipedia's perceived bias and Elon Musk's proposed buyoutCollective efforts in digital commons like Wikipedia, open-source software, and peer-to-peer file sharing preserve information and foster a culture of collaboration and self-organization, despite potential biases or manipulation attempts.

      The collaborative nature of projects like Wikipedia and the open-source software movement allows for self-regulation and the preservation of information, despite potential biases or attempts at manipulation. This was highlighted in a recent discussion about right-wing critics wanting Elon Musk to buy Wikipedia to address perceived bias, which was firmly rejected by the founder. Similar themes were explored in relation to the importance of peer-to-peer file sharing for preserving cultural products and the philosophy of the free software movement, which emphasizes access and collaboration. These digital commons enable people to create, run, redistribute, and modify software, fostering a culture of courtesy, collaboration, and self-organization. Ultimately, these projects demonstrate the power of collective efforts to create, share, and regulate information in the digital age.

    • Open-source projects foster innovation and accessibilityOpen-source projects promote collaboration, self-governance, and access to digital commons, contributing to sustainable consumption and production.

      Open-source projects, which promote collaboration and self-governance, offer a greater potential for innovation and accessibility compared to proprietary projects. The idea of a digital public square, where communication and collaboration can take place freely, is crucial for fostering community and connection. Digital commons, which emphasize access to information, knowledge, and resources, align with the degrowth movement in promoting sustainable consumption and production. However, it's essential to consider the environmental impact of the infrastructure required to support digital commons. Overall, the human need to create and collaborate is at the core of digital commons, and these conversations are essential for creating a more equitable and sustainable future. For further exploration, resources such as Mayo Fuster Morell's work and Eleanor Ostrom's research on the commons are great starting points.

    • Former Republican candidate arrested for hiring men to shoot at Democrats' homesA former Republican candidate was arrested for orchestrating shootings at Democrats' homes, heightening fears of political violence in the US, and underscoring the need for safety measures and dialogue.

      In early January, a former Republican candidate named Solomon Pena was arrested for hiring men to shoot at the homes of elected Democrats in New Mexico. This incident, which occurred amidst a backdrop of political violence and shootings at protests, caused widespread fear and concern. Pena, who had donated to Lyndon LaRouche in the past, was not only the mastermind but also an active participant in the shootings. The arrest came just a couple of days after the incidents, and the police found evidence that Pena himself attempted to fire at one of the targets. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily reported on this story, providing an authentic perspective on the events and their impact on the community. This incident underscores the escalating political violence in the United States and the need for increased safety measures and dialogue to address these issues.

    • Politically Motivated Shootings in AlbuquerqueFormer county commissioners, a state senator targeted in politically motivated shootings in Albuquerque. Community responds with concern and calls for increased security.

      The shootings targeting local elected officials in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in early January 2023, were politically motivated, and the community responded with concern and calls for increased security. The shootings began in late December when two former county commissioners and a state senator were targeted. The suspect, Shawn Pena, was arrested shortly after the first shooting, and a search warrant was executed with a SWAT team due to his prior violent actions. The community, including ProgressNow New Mexico, where the speaker works, responded by acknowledging the potential political motivation and expressing concern for the safety of elected officials. The speaker, who has experienced political threats and doxxing, emphasized the clear political motivation based on Pena's social media history and threats towards the secretary of state. The shootings served as a reminder of the ongoing issue of political violence and the need for increased security and awareness.

    • Blurry Line Between Political Attacks and CrimesCommunities must be informed and prepared for potential political violence. Difficult decisions to raise alarm and disseminate info must be made carefully. Safety measures and open dialogue are key to finding solutions.

      The line between politically motivated attacks and non-political crimes can be blurry, and it's important for communities to be informed and prepared for potential violence. The decision to raise the alarm and disseminate information can be a difficult one, as seen in cases where assumptions about political motivations turned out to be incorrect. However, given the increasing threat of political violence, organizations and institutions are taking steps to prioritize safety and protect those in power. For instance, the installation of metal detectors and gun bans in legislative buildings. On the left, there is a push for gun control measures, such as assault weapons and high capacity magazine bans, in response to the escalating violence. However, it's important to note that these conversations can be complicated, as gun owners and advocates for gun rights may have valid concerns and perspectives. Ultimately, it's crucial for all sides to engage in open and respectful dialogue to find solutions that prioritize safety and protect individual rights.

    • Gun Control Complexities and Tragic ConsequencesDespite restrictions, felons can acquire guns, highlighting the complexities of gun control laws. Education, safe storage, and enforcing laws are crucial. Failure to address connections between individuals can lead to dangerous situations.

      The ease of access to guns and the complexities of gun control laws can lead to tragic outcomes. The perpetrator of a recent shooting in New Mexico, who was a felon and restricted from owning firearms, was able to acquire them through other means. The speaker, who works on policy issues including gun control, emphasizes the difficulty of outright bans and the importance of education and safe storage. The failure to enforce gun control laws in some areas can lead to dangerous situations, as those with restricted access in liberal areas may acquire guns in conservative areas and bring them to places with more restrictive gun control. The speaker also highlights the importance of identifying and addressing the connections between individuals involved in such incidents, as donations and past actions can provide valuable context.

    • Community's Role in Preventing ViolenceWhile law enforcement works to prevent violence, community members play a crucial role in monitoring potential threats and documenting concerning behavior. Effective prevention involves a collective responsibility and community activism and awareness.

      While it's important for law enforcement to do their job and prevent violent incidents, there are limitations to their abilities and the community plays a crucial role in monitoring potential threats. The case of a New Mexico political candidate's associates raising questions about their sources of income and violent tendencies highlights the need for vigilance and documentation. However, the challenge lies in determining how to effectively prevent such individuals from carrying out violent acts before they occur, as there are numerous legal and moral complexities involved. Ultimately, it's a collective responsibility to address this issue, and community activism and awareness can go a long way in preventing potential harm.

    • Documenting and reporting threats can lead to arrestsWorking together to document, report threats, and attend public meetings can help prevent potential harm and ensure accountability in the current political climate.

      Identifying and stopping potential threats from armed individuals requires a proactive and constant approach. As seen in the case of Coy Griffin and his organization, Cowboys for Trump, documenting and reporting threats made publicly can lead to their arrest. However, with the vast number of individuals making threats, it's crucial to have groups of people working together to ensure accountability. This can include documenting threats, reporting them to authorities, and attending public meetings to hold individuals and organizations accountable. While it may not be a satisfying solution, it's a necessary one in the current political climate. The incident in Portland serves as a reminder that this is a complex issue that requires a collective effort to prevent potential harm.

    • Grassroots activism can make a difference in local politics despite oppositionGrassroots activism can impact local politics, but corporations, especially those in oil and gas, often fund opposition. Stay informed on NM politics with Progress Now NM, and get up to $1500 back in bonus bets with BetMGM using code CELEBRATE.

      Grassroots activism can make a significant impact in local politics, even when facing opposition from well-funded corporations and extremist groups. The speaker emphasized that showing up and standing firm against these forces can lead to their retreat. However, it's essential to remember that mega corporations, particularly those in the oil and gas industry, are significant backers of the political movement fueling this opposition. This connection is not a coincidence and underscores the importance of addressing the influence of corporate money in politics. To stay informed about New Mexico politics, follow Progress Now NM on Twitter. Remember, every play and every game matter more than ever with BetMGM. Sign up using code CELEBRATE and receive up to $1500 back in bonus bets if you don't win your first bet. Make your comeback with Purdue Global and create opportunities for yourself, your family, and your future.

    • Exploring the History of Debtor Slaves and Their Power DynamicsThe debtor slaver's psychology is marked by a complex mix of shame, righteous indignation, and frantic urgency, driven by the need to pay off debts. This history serves as a reminder of the far-reaching consequences of debt and the power dynamics it can create.

      Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers, while the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed and empowered. Meanwhile, the podcast "It is Here" explores the history of the debtor slaver, a figure who holds immense economic and military power despite being deeply in debt. An example of this is Hernan Cortes, who, despite his role in the conquest of Mexico, ended up broke due to his excessive spending and debt. The debtor slaver's psychology is marked by a complex mix of shame, righteous indignation, and frantic urgency, driven by the need to pay off debts. This history serves as a reminder of the far-reaching consequences of debt and the power dynamics it can create.

    • The toxic combination of debt, shame, and power can lead to extreme violenceHistorically, debt, shame, and power have led to dehumanization and extreme violence, reducing individuals to merchandise and justifying exploitation.

      The toxic combination of debt, shame, and power can lead to extreme violence and the dehumanization of individuals. This was evident in the actions of the conquistadors, who saw the world and even human relationships as a matter of cost-benefit calculation. Debtors, particularly those with power, became debtor slaves, reducing human beings to merchandise to be exploited. This dynamic was seen again in the plantations of the American South during the 1800s, where plantation owners, despite the advancements of the era, were constantly in debt and attempted to solve their financial problems through slavery and increased violence. The system was built on profound human violence, with plantation owners whipping people harder as a solution to their debt. The dehumanization of individuals due to debt and power dynamics has been a recurring theme throughout history and remains a significant issue today.

    • Financial Network for Enslavers in LouisianaDuring the 1820s, Southern planters established the Consolidated Association of Louisiana Planters (CAPL), a financial system that allowed them to mortgage their slaves and land, generating multiple income streams. However, this system led to overproduction of cotton and a financial collapse, ultimately exploiting enslaved and indigenous populations.

      During the 1820s, Southern planters created the Consolidated Association of Louisiana Planters (CAPL), a financial network based on the value of their slaves and land. This innovative banking system allowed enslavers to mortgage their slaves and land, borrowing up to half of their assessed value, and use the borrowed money to generate more income. The CAPL convinced the Louisiana legislature to back $2,500,000 in bonds, which were then sold on European securities markets, converting slaves into multiple income streams. This system allowed enslavers to monetize their slaves and gain significant control and flexibility. However, the horror of this situation lies in the fact that these financial instruments were backed by human beings, who were being forced into slavery and worked under inhumane conditions. The financial language used to explain this process conceals the reality of the horrific situation. The CAPL model led to an overproduction of cotton, causing a financial collapse that spread from European markets to the United States, ultimately imploding the entire financial system. This system was just one example of how the financialization of slavery led to immense profits for a few at the expense of the enslaved and indigenous populations.

    • Slavery's Expansion: A Story of Conquest and ExploitationSlavery's expansion led to the exploitation of indigenous people and the establishment of new slave states, driven by violent filibusters seeking debt repayment and slave ownership. The US backed various invasions and conflicts, continuing a colonialist mindset.

      Slavery was not a contained system but an expansionary one, constantly seeking new land and new slaves to work it. This expansion led to the exploitation of indigenous people and the establishment of new slave states. The people driving this expansion were often violent and disruptive, leading to US attempts to halt their progress. Despite failures, these individuals, known as filibusters, continued to launch invasions in the name of debt repayment and slave ownership. The legacy of this colonialist mindset continued throughout history, with the US backing various invasions and conflicts, such as the Contras in Nicaragua. The story of slavery and its expansion is one of constant conquest and exploitation, shaping the history of the Americas in profound ways.

    • Individuals and groups using violence and debt to gain control and profitThroughout history, some have gained power and control through violent means and debt, leaving a destructive legacy for communities and individuals.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals and groups who have accumulated power and control through violent means, leaving a destructive legacy. The filibusters of the 19th century, who attempted to seize control of Nicaragua, were mostly unsuccessful bands of marauders who killed, enslaved, and raped, leaving a trail of devastation. Similarly, corporate raiders of the late 20th century, like those behind mergers and acquisitions, took over companies by accumulating massive debt and stripping assets, often leaving employees and communities devastated. These individuals and groups, despite the passage of time and different contexts, share a common thread of using violence and debt to gain control and profit at the expense of others.

    • Understanding the psychological motivations of harmful capitalistsDespite causing immense harm, harmful capitalists aren't always rational or calculating, but desperate, angry, and frantic. Understanding their motivations is crucial to recognizing the potential violence in the capitalist system.

      The people who cause significant harm to the world through capitalism aren't always cold, calculating individuals. Instead, they're often desperate, angry, and frantic. This was explored in the discussion of individuals from the 1980s and 1990s who were in debt and displayed intense vengefulness and indignation. These individuals, such as Donald Trump and Elon Musk, have caused immense harm and are likely to continue doing so. Understanding their psychological motivations is crucial, as it reveals that the capitalist system isn't driven by rational, calculating individuals but by desperate, angry ones. This understanding doesn't make these individuals more sympathetic, but it does highlight the violence that can result from their emotions.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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