
    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing and addressing instances of violence and injusticeRecognize and address instances of violence and injustice, fostering a world where everyone feels safe and valued.

      Building strong community connections and standing together in times of need is essential, as shown through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. However, it's crucial to recognize and address instances of violence and injustice, such as the recent events at Al Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, where Israeli security forces mercilessly beat Palestinian worshipers. These actions not only cause harm but also fuel public anger and potentially lead to further escalation. It's important to remember that everyone deserves respect and dignity, especially during vulnerable moments like prayer. As individuals and communities, we must strive to create a world where everyone feels safe and valued. For more information on Neighbor to Neighbor, visit caneighbors.com. To learn about the ongoing situation in Palestine and ways to support, stay informed through trusted sources.

    • Jerusalem's sacred spaces and violent clashesDuring Ramadan, Israeli air raids on Gaza and Lebanon led to violent clashes and arrests of Palestinians at Jerusalem's sacred sites, including the Al Aqsa Mosque, underscoring the complexities and ongoing tensions in the region.

      The sacred spaces of Jerusalem, particularly the Temple Mount, are a site of profound contrasts between peace and violence. The Israeli air raids on Gaza and Lebanon following the disputed eviction of Palestinian families from the area was seen as a provocative act, and the ensuing clashes resulted in widespread violence and arrests of Palestinians during Ramadan. The use of excessive force against worshipers in the Al Aqsa Mosque, including the elderly and children, during their religious practices, highlights the indiscriminate nature of the violence and the lack of respect for the sacredness of the site. The Arab League condemned the attacks and called for an end to the escalating confrontations, but the continued detention of hundreds of Palestinians without reason underscores the ongoing tensions and the need for a peaceful resolution. Ultimately, the juxtaposition of sacred spaces and violence in Jerusalem highlights the complexities and challenges of the region, and the need for respect and understanding among all parties involved.

    • Israeli Forces Preventing Paramedics from Reaching Worshipers at Al-Aqsa MosqueIsraeli actions prevent paramedics from helping those in need at Al-Aqsa Mosque, causing international condemnation, but major world powers have yet to take meaningful action.

      Israeli forces have prevented paramedics from reaching those in need during conflicts at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, creating difficult situations for those seeking help. This recurring issue, as discussed in the podcast, raises questions about Israel's actions and their justifications. The Palestinian Red Cross and other organizations have condemned these incidents, while some countries, including Jordan and Egypt, have spoken out against Israel's assaults on worshipers. Despite this, there is a lack of meaningful action or reprimand from major world powers. The tensions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque are significant for Palestinians, who see it as a national symbol and fear encroachment by Jewish groups. The US diplomacy to prevent further escalation has been unsuccessful, with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions contributing to the instability in the region.

    • Deadliest year in 16 years for West Bank conflictDeep-rooted tensions persist, requiring meaningful dialogue and respect for holy sites to prevent violence and perpetuate peace

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine reached a critical point in 2022, with the deadliest year in the past 16 years for the occupied West Bank, resulting in the killing and injuring of hundreds of Palestinians. The holy site of Al Haram al Sharif, significant to both Muslims and Jews, became a potential flashpoint for violence during the coinciding holy months of Ramadan and Passover. Despite regional meetings aimed at preventing escalations, violence ensued, with Israel continuing to disregard international commitments and Palestinian resistance growing. The situation underscores the deep-rooted tensions and the need for meaningful dialogue and respect for the sanctity of holy sites. The cycle of violence and retaliation only perpetuates the conflict, and the international community must take a more active role in fostering peace and understanding.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict over Al Aqsa Mosque could lead to religious warIsraeli actions at Al Aqsa Mosque and denial of burial rights to Muslims provoke anger, Israeli govt encourages violence, Hamas mobilizes Palestinians, potential for religious war despite being primarily about occupation and colonialism.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, particularly regarding the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, has the potential to escalate into a larger religious conflict due to the sacred significance of the site in Islam. Israeli actions, such as raids on the mosque and denial of burial rights to Muslims, have provoked widespread anger among Muslims worldwide. The Israeli government, under the leadership of Netanyahu, has encouraged violence as a distraction from domestic protests and to establish greater control over the region. Hamas, on the other hand, has tried to encourage popular Palestinian mobilization as a means to protect the mosque and prevent further encroachment. The potential for a religious war is real, as Jordan's ambassador to the UN has warned, despite the fact that the conflict is primarily about occupation and colonialism. The desecration of religious sites can unite people in opposition and alienate billions, making it a dangerous and volatile situation.

    • Normalization of violence towards holy sitesThe normalization of violence towards Muslim and Christian holy sites, such as Al Aqsa, risks further instability in the region and requires a harsher stance from the international community to prevent escalation.

      The normalization of violence and disregard for human rights, as seen in instances like the treatment of Palestinians at Al Aqsa Mosque, is a dangerous and self-centered perspective. This issue, rooted in power dynamics and historical context, has the potential to escalate into larger conflicts if not addressed. The continued aggression towards Muslim and Christian holy sites, such as Al Aqsa, by Israeli forces, with the support of their government and coalition, risks further instability in the region. The international community must take a harsher stance against these actions to prevent further emboldening of far-right allies and potential violence. The normalization of such violence is a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment, and it is crucial to acknowledge and address the root causes before it's too late.

    • Mothers and medical staff share terrifying experiences during Israeli airstrikes in GazaChildren in Gaza face constant fear and trauma, stunted development, and lack of resources due to ongoing violence and destruction

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza continues to put civilians, particularly children, at great risk. Reports from El Dora Children's Hospital detail the terrifying experiences of mothers and medical staff during Israeli airstrikes, which have resulted in fear, destruction, and potential injuries. The perpetual state of trauma experienced by children in Gaza is a major concern, with studies showing they are stunted in their development due to the constant fear and violence. The bombing of empty lands and destruction of homes have left families without resources and struggling to survive. Despite these challenges, there are calls for accountability and an end to the violence, with figures like Bernie Sanders publicly condemning Israel's actions as racist. The situation in Gaza remains dire, with no easy solution in sight.

    • Distinguishing between criticizing Israeli policies and being anti-SemiticSupporting Palestinian rights doesn't equate to being anti-Semitic. Critics call for democratic values and accountability in Israeli government with US aid.

      It's important to distinguish between criticizing Israeli policies and being anti-Semitic. Jewish allies who support Palestinian rights are valuable allies in this regard. Regarding current events, there are concerns about democracy being imperiled in Israel and the US providing significant financial aid to the Israeli government. Critics argue that strings should be attached to this aid, as racist governments should not receive funds from American taxpayers. The discussion also touched on the historical significance of the Deir Yassin massacre, which occurred 75 years ago and is a reminder of the atrocities committed during the establishment of Israel. These events serve as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the past and striving for peace and justice in the present.

    • The Nakba: The Catastrophic Expulsion of PalestiniansThe Nakba was a deliberate and systematic expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and homeland during Israel's establishment, rooted in political Zionism and the UN's biased partition plan.

      The Nakba, or "Catastrophe" in Arabic, refers to the violent expulsion of approximately 75% of Palestinians from their homes and homeland during the establishment of the State of Israel between 1947 and 1948. This was a deliberate and systematic act intended to establish a Jewish majority state in Palestine, which was not the decision or choice of the Palestinian people. The roots of the Nakba and the ongoing problems in Palestine and Israel today can be traced back to the emergence of political Zionism from the late 1800s, when European Jews decided to establish a state for Jews in Palestine, leading to the dispossession of indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinians. The UN's partition plan, which gave over half of Palestine to the proposed Jewish state despite Jews owning only 7% of the private land and making up only 33% of the population, set the stage for the expulsion of Palestinians by Zionist militias. The Nakba was a terrible and horrific event that resulted in the new state of Israel covering 78% of Palestine, and it's important to acknowledge and understand the truth of this history, as depicted in films like "Farha," despite efforts to control the narrative and minimize the impact of this event.

    • Untold stories of Jewish volunteers in the Spanish Civil WarExamining history from the perspective of individuals and their experiences preserves complex stories and sheds light on significant historical events, like the massacre at Dar Yassin during the 1948 Nakba.

      There are untold stories of individuals who held strong principles against fascism and colonialism, and many of them were Jewish volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. These individuals faced erasure from history due to their anti-Zionist beliefs and the shifting political landscape post World War 2. They were willing to fight for others and adhere to their principles despite the changing world around them. History from below, or examining history from the perspective of the people, is crucial in preserving these stories and understanding the complexities of the past. For instance, the massacre at Dar Yassin during the 1948 Nakba led to the expulsion of approximately 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland. This is just one example of the significant impact of examining history from the perspective of those who were affected.

    • The Nakba: Forced Displacement and the Establishment of IsraelThe Nakba resulted in the displacement of over 750,000 Palestinians and the deaths of an estimated 15,000. Approximately 4 million acres of Palestinian land were stolen, and about 400 Palestinian cities and towns were destroyed or repopulated with Jews. The UN will commemorate this tragic event for the first time in May 2023.

      The massacre at Deir Yassin was a significant atrocity during the Nakba, leading to the displacement of Palestinians and the establishment of Israel as a Jewish majority state. Over 400 Palestinian cities and towns were destroyed or repopulated with Jews, and approximately 7.2 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants were denied their right to return to their homeland. About 4 million acres of Palestinian land were stolen during and after Israel's establishment in 1948. These events are often overlooked in history, but it's essential to remember that these were not empty lands; people had lived there for generations. The massacre at Deir Yassin was one of many violent acts committed during the Nakba, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 15,000 Palestinians and the displacement of 750,000. The UN will commemorate this forced displacement for the first time in May 2023.

    • The Tragic Event of Deir Yassin: A Palestinian VillageIn 1948, about 700 Palestinians were killed in Deir Yassin, a Palestinian village west of Jerusalem, during a violent confrontation with Israeli militias. The event, marked by massacres and displacement, remains a symbol of Palestinian suffering and a contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      The massacre at Deir Yassin, a Palestinian village west of Jerusalem in 1948, is a significant and tragic event in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. About 700 Palestinians lived there, and when Israeli militias attempted to take the village, stiff resistance led to brutal retaliation. Reports of the aftermath describe massacres, including women, children, and the elderly, being killed and buried in mass graves. The Israeli narrative claims this was a necessary response to resistance, but Palestinian and some Israeli historians argue that the villagers had a non-aggression agreement with the Israeli forces. Regardless, the violence was severe and had a profound demographic and political effect, leading to the displacement of thousands more Palestinians from nearby villages. The massacre at Deir Yassin is a symbol of the suffering inflicted on Palestinians during this period and remains a contentious issue in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • Challenging Israel's Past: A Historian's PerspectiveHistorian Ilan Pappe's work sheds light on overlooked or denied historical facts about Israel's past, including the planned depopulation of Palestine and the massacre at Deir Yassin, contributing to the ongoing conflict by blurring the distinction between civilians and combatants.

      History is a process of constant revision and understanding from different perspectives. Historian Ilan Pappe, labeled a "revisionist historian," challenged the dominant narrative about Israel's past by shedding light on the planned depopulation of Palestine during the 1948 war, which led to a cycle of violence and counter-violence. His work confronts Israel with historical facts that are often overlooked or denied, such as the massacre at Deir Yassin, which was carried out by the Haganah, the main Jewish militia. The reluctance to acknowledge these events contributes to the ongoing conflict and perpetuates the blurred distinction between civilians and combatants. It's essential to acknowledge the biases and perspectives of historians and engage in open dialogue to better understand the complexities of history. The denial or minimization of historical facts only serves to fuel the cycle of violence and conflict.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict labeled as apartheid, despite defense and supportThe Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex issue with human rights concerns, labeled as apartheid. Some defend and support Israel through weapon sales, leading to violence and human rights abuses. Stay informed and support those affected by following trusted sources.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine continues to be a contentious issue, with human rights organizations labeling Israel as an apartheid state due to its policies towards Palestinians. Despite this, some continue to defend and support Israel, including through the sale of weapons. The situation has led to violence and human rights abuses, with individuals and organizations documenting and sharing information through various channels, including social media and news outlets like Al Jazeera. It's important for individuals to educate themselves on the situation and follow trusted sources to stay informed and support those affected.

    • Exploring Different Ways to Build Community ConnectionsVolunteering, social casinos, shared interests, determination, and historical exploration are all effective ways to build community connections.

      There are various ways to build connections within communities, whether it's through volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor, social casinos like High Five Casino, or even through shared interests like playing paradox games. In the discussion, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network that empowers individuals to grow their community by helping neighbors in need and preparing for natural disasters. Malcolm Gladwell, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of elbow grease and determination in transforming old cars through Ebay Motors. Lastly, Andrew Islam shared his interest in the game Crusader Kings 3 and the historical existence of religious anarchism, emphasizing the complexity of the relationship between religion and anarchism. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of community, determination, and historical exploration in creating meaningful connections.

    • Early Anarchist Thought in Islam: Living Without a CaliphAn early form of anarchist thought emerged in Islam around 800 AD, proposing the idea of self-governance without a caliph or central ruler, influenced by neighboring societies like the Bedouins.

      Throughout history, there have been movements and ideas that challenged centralized authority in various forms of government, including Islam. One such movement, which can be considered an early form of anarchist thought, emerged in Basra, Iraq around 800 AD. This movement proposed the idea of living without a caliph or central ruler, and argued that society could function without one if no consensus could be reached. Some even advocated for the complete abolition of the state. These ideas were influenced by the observation of neighboring societies, such as the Bedouins, who lived without rulers. Despite the radical nature of these ideas, they reflect the persistent human desire for self-determination and the ability to govern oneself, even in the absence of a central authority.

    • The Interplay of Anarchism and Islam Throughout HistoryIndividuals and groups have combined anarchist and Islamic beliefs, defying societal norms and leading to complex interplays between the two systems throughout history.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals and groups who defied societal norms and combined elements of anarchist and Islamic beliefs. The Kalendariya, a 12th-century wandering ascetic Sufi group, rejected societal values and embraced voluntary poverty and nudity, defying Islamic traditions. Later in the 19th century, figures like Ivan Agueli and Isabelle Eberhard converted to Islam while maintaining anarchist beliefs, challenging societal norms in their own ways. During the same period, European anarchists in the Ottoman Empire formed connections with Muslims, leading to the first recorded instances of Muslims and anarchists fighting together. In the 20th century, the fall of the caliphate led to the emergence of various Islamic currents, including the Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudis, as well as Islamic liberation theology and neo-Sufi groups. Today, there are individuals who publicly identify as Muslim Anarchists. While not all of these individuals or groups can be considered perfect examples of anarchism or Islam, they demonstrate the complex and evolving interplay between these two belief systems throughout history.

    • Exploring Islamic Anarchism: A Valid Perspective or a Rejected Ideology?Despite criticisms, engaging in dialogue about Islamic anarchism offers unique perspectives and insights, and throughout history, anarchists have shown solidarity with marginalized communities.

      The concept of Islamic anarchism, while challenging traditional Islamic teachings on authority and governance, can still be seen as a valid exploration of religious and political philosophy. However, it faces criticisms, including the potential rejection of the concept of Tawhid and the promotion of individualism over collective obedience to God. Despite these criticisms, there is value in engaging in dialogue and exploring the history of various ideologies, including Islamic anarchism, as they offer unique perspectives and insights. Moreover, throughout history, there have been instances where anarchists and other leftist groups have shown solidarity with marginalized communities, such as Moroccan Muslims in Spain, in the face of colonialism and oppression. These conversations have been ongoing for centuries, highlighting the importance of understanding diverse perspectives and engaging in meaningful dialogue. As we continue to navigate complex and often divisive issues, it's essential to remember that there is room for exploration and understanding, even when we may not agree with all aspects of a particular philosophy or ideology. By engaging in open and respectful dialogue, we can build stronger communities and foster greater understanding among people of all backgrounds.

    • Exploiting Conflict for Personal Gain on Social MediaBritish man Lord Miles Rutledge uses travels to conflict zones for social media fame, exemplifying modern war tourism and grifting behavior

      There are individuals like Lord Miles Rutledge who exploit situations of conflict and disaster for personal gain, often through social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Miles Rutledge, a British man born in 1999, is an example of such an individual. He attended the University of Loughborough as a physics student and later secured an internship at an investment banking firm. Despite his young age and supposed financial background, he had the means to travel extensively, starting with a visit to the Chernobyl exclusion zone in 2019. While some may find his actions impressive, there is a concerning aspect to his behavior, as he seems to be using these experiences to boost his online presence. This trend of war tourism for social media exposure is a modern manifestation of grifting and conmen who thrive at the edges of war and disaster. While some may find it less depressing than the more violent attempts to conquer nations, it is still a frustrating and morally questionable behavior.

    • Traveling to Dangerous Places During Conflict: Unintended ConsequencesVisiting dangerous places during conflict can have unintended consequences and potentially divert resources from those in need. Consider the potential impact of travel decisions, especially in sensitive areas.

      Visiting dangerous places like Afghanistan, especially during times of conflict, can have unintended consequences and potentially divert resources from those in need. In May 2021, Miles Rutledge made a controversial decision to travel to Afghanistan for a vacation due to the lack of a vaccine mandate. His actions were met with criticism, as his visit could have caused issues for local populations and military personnel during the US evacuation. Despite his claims of potential safety, the Taliban had no incentive to harm him and ultimately released him. Rutledge's actions highlight the importance of considering the potential impact of travel decisions, especially in sensitive areas.

    • British man's false claims of being saved by 4chan during Taliban takeoverActions in conflict zones should be justified and not cause harm to locals, taking away valuable escape opportunities

      During the chaos of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, a British man named Miles Rutledge claimed to have been saved by 4chan users while he posed as a tourist, journalist, and philanthropist. However, his actions led to someone else not being able to escape, causing frustration and anger. The Taliban, despite being a dangerous group, did not benefit from harming individuals like Rutledge. Instead, those who remained in Afghanistan faced constant anxiety and uncertainty about their families' safety. If one chooses to go to conflict-ridden areas, they have a responsibility to have a valid reason and not make things worse for those who cannot leave. Rutledge's actions, in this case, took a valuable escape opportunity from someone who needed it.

    • British journalist turns dark tourist influencer, faces criticismA British war journalist gained fame on social media for his experiences in Afghanistan, then shifted to promoting dangerous travel as an influencer, drawing criticism for prioritizing personal gain and exposing himself to unnecessary danger, and for associating with right-wing meme culture and Christian extremism.

      Miles Routledge, a British war journalist, gained a large social media following after posting about his experiences in Afghanistan. He then pivoted to a career as a dark tourist influencer, traveling to dangerous and controversial locations. Routledge's actions and public persona are deeply enmeshed in right-wing meme culture and Christian extremism. He has been criticized for prioritizing his own experiences and personal gain over the needs of local communities and for exposing himself to unnecessary danger. Routledge's claims about entering Afghanistan on a tourist visa with a statement reading "fun" have been called into question, and his actions have been criticized as morally free and fascist in nature. Despite the risks and controversies surrounding his travels, Routledge continues to present himself as a brave and independent journalist, drawing on the provincialism and fear of the unknown that many in the West have about places like Afghanistan and Ukraine.

    • Chet's association with a far-right publishing company raises concernsChet's involvement with a publishing company promoting Nazi literature and his aggressive stance towards critics reveal a potentially dangerous individual, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the company one keeps and the dangers of extremist beliefs.

      Chet's problematic behavior extends beyond what was discussed in the initial context. His association with a far-right, fascist publishing company, Antelope Hill Publishing, is concerning. The recommended books beneath his own on the Antelope Hill page include works by known Nazi figures and Nazi-sympathizing authors. Chet's repeated attempts to enter Afghanistan, his fundraising efforts, and his aggressive behavior towards those who criticize his beliefs all add to the picture of a divisive and potentially dangerous individual. Despite his failures, he remains committed to his controversial pursuits, highlighting the importance of being aware of the company one keeps and the potential consequences of extremist beliefs.

    • Man's reckless actions endanger himself and othersA man's disregard for laws and potential harm to others led him to make reckless decisions, including visiting a protected island and entering a foreign country with a fake visa.

      The individual discussed in the podcast made a series of reckless decisions, putting himself and potentially others in harm's way. He shared provocative tweets about visiting North Sentinel Island, an area with a tribe known for protecting their land and people, despite the potential danger of spreading diseases. He then entered Afghanistan with a fake visa and posted a video bragging about it, breaking Taliban law. In the video, he expressed excitement about the availability of weapons, including poor quality Turkish shotguns, and even did a sponsor ad for a financial app in an unexpected and jarring way. These actions highlight a disregard for the law, potential harm to others, and a lack of judgment.

    • Ignoring warnings and disregarding local laws can lead to dangerous situationsBe aware of cultural sensitivities, understand local regulations, and exercise caution to avoid dangerous situations while traveling, especially to conflict zones.

      The use of unsuitable weapons, such as 3D printed guns, in unfamiliar environments can lead to dangerous situations and potential legal consequences. The discussion also highlights the complexities and risks of traveling to conflict zones, even with the best intentions. The individual in question, Miles Rutledge, ignored warnings and disregarded local laws, leading to his detainment by the Taliban. The incident underscores the importance of being aware of cultural sensitivities, understanding local regulations, and exercising caution when engaging in activities that could potentially harm oneself or others.

    • Individuals seeking attention in volatile situationsEntering volatile situations for attention is irresponsible and potentially dangerous, disregarding laws can lead to severe consequences, consider positive alternatives like Neighbor to Neighbor for building meaningful social bonds.

      Some individuals, like Miles Rutledge, have a habit of seeking attention by entering volatile situations, such as war zones or countries with controversial governments. In the case of Miles, he boasted about feeling safer in countries like Afghanistan and attempted to go there to create content. His actions led to his arrest and criticism from various parties. This behavior is not only irresponsible but also potentially dangerous. It's essential to remember that governments, like the Romanian and the Taliban, are not the same, and disregarding their laws can result in severe consequences. The older story of individuals venturing into war zones to write about it or gain attention is not a new phenomenon. However, it's crucial to consider the potential risks and respect the laws and safety of the places we visit. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, offers a positive alternative to building meaningful social bonds and creating a more connected community.

    • The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior: A Terrorist Attack for Nuclear DisarmamentThe Rainbow Warrior sinking was a terrorist attack motivated by the anti-nuclear movement, which was about more than just opposing nuclear power but also fighting for nuclear disarmament, highlighting the devastating consequences of nuclear testing and the importance of disarmament.

      The Earth Day episode of It Happened Here discusses the sinking of the Greenpeace boat Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand's waters in 1985. This was not an accident but a terrorist attack using limpet mines. The motivation behind this act of terrorism was the anti-nuclear movement, which was not just about opposing nuclear power but also fighting for nuclear disarmament. The movement was larger than commonly believed, and countries conducting nuclear tests often did so on indigenous lands, leading to increased cancer rates and deaths that were difficult to track. This episode highlights the devastating consequences of nuclear testing and the importance of nuclear disarmament.

    • Devastating Effects of Nuclear Testing on Humans and EnvironmentNuclear testing exposed thousands to radiation, harmed ecosystems, and involved ethical dilemmas, with the US and France keeping tests secret from local populations

      Nuclear testing by various countries, including the US and France, has had devastating effects on human populations and the environment. Examples include testing in the Marshall Islands, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Kazakhstan, and Polynesia. These tests exposed large numbers of people to radiation, with estimated tens of thousands being infected. The US and French tests were kept secret from local populations, who were not informed or provided with protection. The environmental consequences of nuclear testing are also significant, with long-term damage to ecosystems and wildlife. Despite the known risks, some individuals involved in the testing, such as scientists, were also exposed to radiation. The discussion also touched upon the ethical implications of conducting such tests on human populations and the long-term health consequences for those affected.

    • Greenpeace's activism against nuclear testingGreenpeace's commitment to nonviolent direct action against nuclear testing brought attention to the issue and contributed to the group's formation as an environmental advocacy organization.

      The activism of Greenpeace against nuclear testing in the late 1960s and 1970s led to direct actions, such as sailing boats into testing areas, which resulted in significant confrontations with military forces. One of the founders, Dave McTaggart, sailed his boat into a French nuclear testing area in 1972, refusing to leave despite being rammed by a French Navy ship. This commitment to nonviolent direct action helped bring attention to the issue and contributed to the formation of Greenpeace as an environmental advocacy group. Despite the risks involved, their actions were based on a strong conviction to protect the environment and prevent nuclear testing.

    • French government's violent response to Greenpeace's efforts to stop nuclear testingGreenpeace's peaceful efforts to halt nuclear testing were met with violence, leading to international pressure and eventual agreement to end atmospheric testing, but opposition continued from governments including France and the US.

      Greenpeace's efforts to stop nuclear testing through peaceful means, such as going to the International Court of Justice and sending a flotilla of boats, were met with violence and disregard from the French government in the 1970s. Despite international pressure and evidence of the harm caused by nuclear testing, the French Navy resorted to physical force to prevent Greenpeace activists from interfering. The public exposure of the French Navy's brutal treatment of the activists led to political pressure and ultimately, the French government's agreement to stop atmospheric testing in 1974. However, the French government did not agree to stop all nuclear testing, and Greenpeace continued to face opposition in later years, including from the US during their testing of nuclear weapons in the Pacific.

    • The human cost of nuclear testingNuclear testing forced evacuations and left innocent communities at mercy, governments went to great lengths to cover up their actions, causing harm to activists like Greenpeace.

      The US nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands forced the evacuation of local residents, leaving them at the mercy of their own devices. Greenpeace stepped in to help, but even they were not safe from harm when the Rainbow Warrior was bombed. The French CIA was revealed to be behind the attack, but only due to the vigilance of local boat enthusiasts. The incident underscores the devastating impact of nuclear testing on innocent communities and the lengths governments will go to cover up their actions. It's a grim reminder of the human cost of geopolitical power plays.

    • French Intelligence's Bombing of Greenpeace and Mitterrand's InvolvementFrench President Mitterrand, a socialist, ordered a bombing against Greenpeace, revealing his dual role as a socialist and neoliberal leader.

      The French intelligence agency, despite its seemingly comical name, has a vast surveillance and sabotage network. In 1985, two of their spies, Gene Kamas and Gene Luke Castare, were caught for their involvement in a bombing against Greenpeace. The French government initially denied any involvement, but an investigation by the French media revealed that the bombing was ordered by French Defense Minister Charles Hernu and possibly President Francois Mitterrand. Mitterrand, a socialist, was known for his amnesty program for Italian communist terrorists and refusing to extradite them, making his involvement in the bombing surprising. Mitterrand can be classified as a "socialist neoliberal," a leader who implements neoliberal policies while maintaining a nominally socialist image. The discussion also touched upon the different types of neoliberal politicians, including the right-wing hardliners, third-way neoliberals, and socialist neoliberals.

    • French bombing of Rainbow Warrior leads to international conflict and economic sanctions for New ZealandThe French bombing of the Rainbow Warrior resulted in a nationalist upswell in France, economic sanctions against New Zealand due to its export-dependent economy, and highlights the complexities and power dynamics in international relations.

      Despite France's nominally socialist president Mitterrand's commitment to nuclear deterrence, his actions, such as supporting colonialism and bombing the Rainbow Warrior, have led to international conflict and consequences. The bombing incident resulted in a nationalist upswell in France, with people demanding the release of two French intelligence agents serving prison sentences in New Zealand for their involvement. In response, New Zealand faced economic sanctions due to its agricultural-based export economy, particularly its significant dairy industry. The history of New Zealand's involvement in the Iraq war for its milk-for-oil deal adds context to this situation, highlighting the power dynamics and the lengths countries will go to protect their economic interests. Overall, this incident underscores the complexities and consequences of geopolitical actions and the role of economic factors in international relations.

    • Greenpeace's Persistence Leads to Nuclear Test BanGreenpeace's activism against French nuclear testing led to the signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, saving millions of lives from radiation poisoning.

      The activism of organizations like Greenpeace, even in the face of adversity and violence, can lead to significant victories in the long term. The French government's nuclear testing faced strong opposition from Greenpeace, resulting in catastrophic defeats and significant financial consequences for the organization. However, their persistence paid off as France and China eventually signed the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1996, marking the end of nuclear testing by major world powers. Greenpeace's actions saved millions of lives by preventing the harmful effects of radiation poisoning. The story serves as a reminder that powerful entities may use force to maintain their power, but the resilience and determination of individuals and organizations can ultimately bring about change.

    • A journey to coexist: Hope for a better future in 'Kingdom of the Apes'In 'Kingdom of the Apes', a young ape fights for a future where humans and apes can live together. The film explores themes of empathy and unity, and its release in IMAX offers an immersive cinematic experience.

      In the "Planet of the Apes" universe, even in a world where humans and apes are at odds, there is still hope for a future where they can coexist. This theme is explored in the upcoming film, "Kingdom of the Apes," where a young ape embarks on a journey to save both species from a ruthless king. This story serves as a reminder that no matter the circumstances, it's important to fight for a better future for all. The film, set to be released in IMAX on May 10th and theaters everywhere, promises an immersive cinematic experience. The audience will be transported to this unique world, filled with action, drama, and the possibility of hope. It's a call to action for viewers to reflect on the importance of empathy and unity, even in the face of adversity. Moreover, the film's release in IMAX adds an extra layer of excitement. The larger-than-life format will bring the stunning visuals and intricate details of the "Planet of the Apes" universe to life. It's an opportunity to fully immerse oneself in the story and connect with the characters on a deeper level. So, whether you're a fan of the "Planet of the Apes" franchise or new to the series, "Kingdom of the Apes" is a must-see film that offers a thought-provoking and entertaining experience. Get your tickets now and join the journey to a future where humans and apes can thrive together.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Violence spreads at US universities over pro-Palestinian protests

    US House speaker confronts students, calling the protests anti-Semitic and demanding they stop, while protesters fear loss of free speech. After six months of conflict in Gaza, we look at the impact on the Israeli and West Bank economies. Also: President Zelensky welcomes the long-awaited US aid package to Ukraine. We ask how likely it is to change events on the ground. Portugal's surprise mea culpa as it says it wants to take full responsibility for its involvement in the slave trade, and how easy is it to reconnect with old friends?

    View From Tehran: Piers vs Mohammad Marandi

    View From Tehran: Piers vs Mohammad Marandi

    The general view in the West is that Iran’s attack on Israel was an abject failure.

    Whether or not it was a genuine attempt to wound the Israeli state or just a billion-dollar fireworks display, it didn’t work.

    Ninety-nine per cent of the drones and missiles were shot down by Israel’s allies and its Iron Dome.

    Israel looks tough again. Iran looks weak.

    With a view from Tehran, Professor Mohammad Marandi joins Piers to give his perspective.

    That's followed by a debate with the Current Deputy Mayor for Jerusalem and Special Envoy for the Foreign Ministry for Israel, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum.

    Founder and Leader of the Palestinian National Initiative, Mustafa Barghouti 

    And for a US perspective, commentator and podcast host, Francesca Fiorentini.

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    #63 - Lobbies de la viande : quelle influence ? Laure Ducos

    #63 - Lobbies de la viande : quelle influence ? Laure Ducos

    Assemblée nationale, cabinets médicaux, école républicaine : les lobbyistes s’immiscent partout avec un objectif : nous faire manger plus de boeuf, de porc ou de poulet. D’où cette question : quelle est l’influence des lobbies de la viande ?

    Pour y répondre, nous recevons Laure Ducos, ingénieure agronome de formation, chargée de campagne agriculture et alimentation chez Greenpeace et autrice d’un rapport sur l’influence exercée par ces lobbies.

    Royal Family coverage, BBC World Service expansion, & Greenpeace's investigative journalism

    Royal Family coverage, BBC World Service expansion, & Greenpeace's investigative journalism
    Florentin Collomp, UK Correspondent at Le Figaro, and Jess Best, Deputy News Editor at MirrorOnline, join Paul Blanchard to discuss the latest media headlines. This episode: Does the media spend a disproportionate amount of time reporting on the Royal Family? Would the launch of BBC TV and radio services in Russia and North Korea be a good use of public money? And will campaign groups like Greenpeace play a bigger role in funding investigative journalism in the future?

    MCÖ-Podium "Nachhaltigkeit - Megatrend oder Daily Business"

    MCÖ-Podium "Nachhaltigkeit - Megatrend oder Daily Business"

    In diesem Podcast Spezial des Marketing Club Österreich (MCÖ) hören Sie eine Aufzeichnung der MCÖ-Veranstaltung am 1. Juli im IKEA Westbahnhof. Im Rahmen des Events fand eine spannende Diskussion rund um das Thema "Nachhaltigkeit - Megatrend oder Daily Business" statt.

    Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung und interessanten Inputs zum autofreien Stadt-IKEA am Westbahnhof diskutierten fünf Experten und Expetinnen unter der Moderation von Birgit Schaller, Contentagentur BiSness.

    Am Podium waren Susan Brunner, Senior Sustainability Positioning Managerin der Mondi Group International, Florian Thalheimer, Country Sustainability Manager IKEA, Ursula Bittner, Wirtschaftsexpertin bei Greenpeace, Thomas Schmidt, Studiengangsleiter FHWien der WKW und Paul Kolarik, Geschäftsführer und Inhaber der Luftburg im Prater.