
    Podcast Summary

    • Building community connections amidst uncertaintyNeighbor to Neighbor promotes community preparedness and support, while Title 42's continuation challenges immigration and public health policies.

      Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building strong community connections in uncertain times. This California volunteer network encourages individuals to help their neighbors and prepare for emergencies together. Meanwhile, Title 42, a US federal law, has been a contentious issue in immigration policy for the past three years. The law, which gives the government the authority to suspend the right to introduce persons and property from foreign countries to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, has been used to expel migrants seeking asylum at the US-Mexico border without giving them a chance to plead their case. Despite opposition from public health experts, the policy has persisted under both the Trump and Biden administrations, resulting in over 3 million expulsions. While the end of Title 42 on May 11, 2023, marks a change in immigration law, it also highlights the ongoing challenges and complexities in addressing migration and public health issues.

    • Title 42: Changes to US Asylum Policy at the BorderTitle 42, implemented in 2020, led to thousands of expulsions of asylum seekers to Mexico, resulting in families being stranded and increased border deaths.

      Title 42, a policy implemented in March 2020 during the Trump administration, significantly changed how asylum seekers are treated at the US-Mexico border. While immigration was complicated and cruel for migrants before and after Title 42, this policy led to distinct changes, including the expulsion of thousands of migrants to Mexico and the implementation of congregate settings like buses and planes for transportation. These expulsions resulted in families being stranded in unfamiliar towns without resources, and many migrants died attempting to cross the border in more remote areas due to increased difficulty and danger. Title 42 did not stop people from trying to come to the US but made the journey more difficult, leading to an increase in deaths along the border. The policy did not provide a safe way for asylum seekers to exercise their human right to claim asylum.

    • Title 42's Impact on Migrant SafetyThe use of Title 42 under the Biden administration has led to increased violence and danger for migrants, forcing them to take more dangerous routes and resulting in thousands of incidents of kidnapping, torture, rape, and other violent attacks, with no opportunity for contestation of expulsion on persecution grounds.

      The implementation of Title 42 under the Biden administration has led to a significant increase in violence and danger for migrants attempting to enter the United States, pushing them to take more dangerous routes and resulting in thousands of incidents of kidnapping, torture, rape, and other violent attacks. The lack of opportunity for these individuals to contest their expulsion on the grounds of persecution in their home countries has left them vulnerable and without protection. Despite the administration's claims that they are not encouraging migration, the messaging and actions taken have resulted in an increase in arrivals, and the subsequent harsh treatment of migrants, particularly Haitian migrants, has only worsened the situation. The use of Title 42, a public health order, as a tool for border control has been a bipartisan decision, but its impact on the lives of individuals and families fleeing persecution and violence is devastating.

    • Biden administration's actions contradict compassionate statements towards migrantsThe Biden administration's immigration policies, driven by border crisis and political rhetoric, have led to the expulsion of thousands of migrants to dangerous situations, contradicting their compassionate statements.

      While the Biden administration has made public declarations of compassion towards migrants, actions such as sending Haitians back to their crisis-stricken country during the pandemic and refusing asylum to those arriving by sea contradict these statements. The administration's hardline stance on immigration, driven in part by perceived border crisis and influenced by political rhetoric, has led to the expulsion of thousands of migrants to dangerous and hopeless situations. The use of Title 42, initially implemented under false public health justifications during the Trump administration, has been continued and expanded by the Biden administration, despite its inhumane consequences and legal challenges. The inconsistency between words and actions, particularly towards migrants from certain countries, raises concerns about the true intentions behind the administration's immigration policies.

    • CBP One App: Streamlining Asylum Applications or Excluding the Vulnerable?The CBP One app, while intended to streamline asylum applications, faces criticism for disproportionately benefiting certain groups and relying on technology that may exclude the most vulnerable migrants, raising concerns about fairness and effectiveness.

      The CBP one app, intended to streamline asylum applications and reduce crowds at the border, has become a contentious issue due to its reliance on technology that may not be accessible to the most vulnerable migrants. The app, which requires a smartphone and reliable internet connection, has been found to disproportionately benefit Russian nationals, who make up only a small percentage of the overall migrant population. Furthermore, the app's facial recognition technology, which has been criticized for its lack of diversity in training data, raises concerns about its effectiveness and fairness. The Biden administration had planned to end Title 42, a policy that allowed for the expulsion of migrants under the guise of public health concerns, but the process has been delayed due to legal challenges from Republican-led states. The ongoing debate highlights the complexities and challenges of implementing technology-driven solutions to address humanitarian crises at the border.

    • End of Title 42 leads to changes in immigration processingThe end of Title 42 on May 11, 2023, will result in immediate removal and a 5-year ban on reentry for those entering illegally, while the Biden administration's plans to address the situation have been criticized for lacking logistics, potentially causing bottlenecks and overcrowding.

      The end of Title 42 on May 11, 2023, will result in significant changes to immigration processing at the U.S.-Mexico border. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will begin processing migrants under Title 8, leading to immediate removal and a 5-year ban on reentry for those who enter illegally. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's plans to address the end of Title 42 have been criticized for lacking on-the-ground logistics, potentially leading to bottlenecks and overcrowding at border towns. Despite these challenges, the administration has faced criticism for its handling of the situation, including lawsuits and public backlash over plans to release migrants into communities without proper tracking or immigration proceedings. The situation highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding immigration policy and its implementation at the border.

    • Harsh Conditions for Detained Migrants at US-Mexico BorderGovernment failed to provide adequate shelter and resources for migrants, leaving them to endure harsh conditions. Community support and prioritizing people's well-being are crucial.

      During the ending days of Title 42, the US government failed to provide adequate shelter and resources for migrants detained at the US-Mexico border. Thousands of people, including Afghans, Colombians, Vietnamese, and others, were left to endure harsh conditions between border fences in San Ysidro, waiting for processing. Despite having months to prepare, the Department of Homeland Security provided little more than tarps and cardboard boxes for shelter. Meanwhile, volunteers from Neighbor to Neighbor were working to build stronger communities and support those in need. In contrast, the US government spent millions on expanding detention capacity, ramping up removal flights, and deploying troops to the border. Despite these efforts, the conditions for detained migrants remained bleak, with reports of medical emergencies and inadequate resources. The situation highlights the importance of community support and the need for governments to prioritize the well-being of all people.

    • Hundreds of asylum seekers trapped between border walls with no access to basic necessitiesVolunteers, religious groups, and mutual aid organizations provide essential aid to asylum seekers trapped between border walls, highlighting the need for a more humane and effective approach to addressing the issue.

      The implementation of the Trump-era border walls in San Diego has resulted in a dire situation for asylum seekers, with hundreds of people being detained in between the walls with no access to basic necessities or means of communication with their families. The use of the CBP 1 app, which requires a phone and an appointment to solicit asylum, has proven to be a significant challenge for those detained, as they often cannot charge their phones or obtain appointments. The situation has led to volunteers, religious groups, and mutual aid organizations providing essential aid, including food, water, and phone charging, to help alleviate the suffering of those trapped between the walls. The situation underscores the need for a more humane and effective approach to addressing the complex issue of asylum seekers at the border.

    • Desperation at the border as Title 42 endsThe end of Title 42 caused a surge in border crossings, leaving hundreds stranded and vulnerable, with misinformation fueling panic and the journey fraught with danger but also acts of kindness.

      The impending end of Title 42 at the U.S.-Mexico border led to confusion and desperation among migrants, resulting in a surge of crossings. The matter-of-fact situation of hundreds of people, including children, being stuck between the border fence with no resources, struck the speaker the most. Misleading information about immigration laws and the potential consequences of being caught contributed to the panic. Many migrants believed this could be their last chance to cross without permanent consequences, leading them to take the risk. The journey north for migrants is dangerous and common, with instances of extortion, robbery, and threats. Despite these challenges, acts of kindness and generosity from strangers also occur along the way.

    • Understanding the Complexities of MigrationRecognize the challenges faced by migrants, from home countries to arrival, and the importance of treating them with dignity and respect. Challenge inaccurate portrayals and strive for understanding.

      The journey of migration is complex and filled with both challenges and acts of kindness. Migrants, like those encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border, have faced hardships such as extortion, kidnapping, and violence in their home countries. They risk their lives to seek safety and a better future for their families. However, they often face contempt and xenophobia upon arrival, making their journey even more difficult. It's essential to recognize that being an immigrant is not easy and that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Networks and media have a significant role in shaping public perception, and it's crucial to challenge inaccurate or xenophobic portrayals of migrants. Instead, we should strive to understand the complexities of the migration experience and the reasons why people choose to leave their homes.

    • Personal struggles and hopes of Jamaican migrant at U.S.-Mexico borderJamaican migrant Joseph shared his personal struggles and hopes for a better life, but uncertainty and hardship awaited him and others at the border due to the expiration of Title 42 and limited resources.

      The experiences of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border are complex and filled with uncertainty. Joseph, a Jamaican migrant, shared his personal struggles and hopes for a better life for himself and his son. However, the expiration of Title 42 left many migrants in limbo, unsure of their futures and facing difficult conditions at the camps. The lack of clear information and limited resources added to their stress and anxiety. Despite these challenges, Joseph and others remained hopeful and expressed gratitude for the support they received. It's important to recognize that coming to the USA is not an abandonment of home but a pursuit of a better life. Unfortunately, the reality for many migrants is one of uncertainty and hardship.

    • Community rallies to help migrants in crisisDuring a crisis, the power of community and human connection can provide essential support and resources to those in need.

      Language barriers and physical walls can make it difficult to help those in need, especially during a humanitarian crisis. Despite this, people found ways to connect and support each other in the face of adversity. In Okumba, a community rallied together to help over a thousand migrants stranded in the desert without access to basic necessities like food, water, and shelter. Volunteers from the town and beyond came together to provide assistance, and even those who didn't live there felt compelled to help due to their connections to the community. The experience was deeply emotional for many volunteers, particularly when they encountered the basic necessities, such as diapers and sanitary napkins, that highlighted the vulnerability of the situation. Overall, this story underscores the power of community and human connection in times of crisis.

    • Women's struggles during menstruation at migrant campsVolunteer Katie's experience revealed the stark realities of migrant camps, where basic needs often go unmet, and the importance of direct aid.

      The experience of Katie, a volunteer, at the migrant camp in Jacumba, California, highlighted the harsh realities and unforeseen challenges faced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States. She was moved by the situation of women on their periods, lacking basic supplies. Despite her lack of political opinion, she felt compelled to help out of love for humanity. The supplies she purchased directly reached those in need, contrasting her past experience of fundraising where only a portion reached the intended recipients. Many migrants were misled by people smugglers, believing they were entering the US easily, only to face detention with insufficient water, food, and shelter. These unfortunate circumstances underscore the complexity and human cost of immigration issues.

    • Border conditions in Jacumba, California are inhumaneMigrants face dire conditions with lack of water, food, shelter, and sanitation, putting their health and safety at risk, while border patrol detains them in the open desert.

      The border situation in Jacumba, California, is dire. The cost of border security measures, such as the wall and border patrol agents, is astronomical, yet the basic needs of migrants are not being met. The lack of water, food, shelter, and sanitation is putting their health and safety at risk. The conditions are unsanitary and inhumane, with reports of medical incidents going unaddressed for extended periods. Despite this, border patrol is detaining people in the open desert, leading some to agree that without the aid of volunteers, they would not survive. This situation raises serious concerns about the human rights of migrants and the effectiveness of current border policies.

    • Migrants face challenges at the U.S.-Mexico border, including lack of medical care and confusion about asylum processA woman from Afghanistan and an 8-year-old girl from Honduras are among those who faced dangerous situations and lack of proper care while seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, emphasizing the need for improved policies and resources to ensure their safety and well-being.

      The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is dire, with many migrants facing significant challenges, including lack of access to adequate medical care and confusion about the asylum process. The story of a woman from Afghanistan, who was sent back to the U.S. without proper documentation or care after an emergency situation, highlights the complexities and potential dangers faced by migrants. Another tragic example is the case of an 8-year-old girl from Honduras, Anadis Tanevarez Alvarez, who died in CBP custody despite her parents' repeated pleas for medical attention. These incidents underscore the need for improved border policies and resources to ensure the safety and well-being of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. The asylum process itself is also rigorous and complicated, making it a significant challenge for those seeking refuge.

    • Migrants face challenges during asylum process at U.S. borderMigrants undergo lengthy interviews, confinement, and waits for court hearings, often without legal representation or work to afford it. Contractors profit off their struggles.

      The asylum process for migrants at the U.S. southern border involves being bused to processing facilities for interviews, confinement in hotels with strict rules, and potentially years-long waits for court hearings. These migrants may face significant challenges, including lack of resources for legal representation and difficulty finding work to afford it. Private contractors, including security firms, also play a role in the system, making money while the poorest people risk their lives and finances to cross the border. Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network, is an example of community-building initiatives that aim to create meaningful social bonds and support during challenging times.

    • Community comes together to aid refugees in Jacumba, CaliforniaA group of individuals transformed an old petrol station into a mutual aid hub, providing essential supplies and organizing volunteers to support refugees following the end of Title 42. The community's compassionate response demonstrates the power of coming together during times of crisis.

      A group of individuals in the tiny desert town of Jacumba, California, came together to provide aid and support to refugees following the end of Title 42. They transformed an old petrol station into a mutual aid hub, providing essential supplies and organizing volunteers for the cleanup effort. The community, which includes former international aid workers, students, and locals, showed immense compassion and love towards those in need. Despite the challenges, they managed to make a significant impact, demonstrating the power of community and mutual aid. The town, which is undergoing a revival, offers stunning views of the border wall and is home to natural attractions like a hot spring and a lake. It's a reminder of the importance of coming together to help those in need, especially during times of crisis.

    • Unexpected Humanitarian Crisis at the BorderVolunteers provided essential resources and community support saved over a thousand people from a dire situation during an unexpected humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border.

      The beautiful hotel and lake area near the US-Mexico border was the unexpected site of a humanitarian crisis on May 11th, where over a thousand people were left stranded in the harsh desert environment. The volunteers, including Sam and Katie, quickly responded and provided essential resources like food, shelter, and water. The situation could have been dire if not for their intervention, as the border patrol was overwhelmed. The people trapped in the desert were largely unprepared for the harsh conditions they faced, having been misled by coyotes about what to expect. The community rallied together through social media and donations to help those in need. The experience highlights the importance of preparedness and community support in times of crisis.

    • Community response during a crisisDuring a crisis, the community's collective effort and individual actions can make a significant impact, even without the involvement of large organizations.

      During a humanitarian crisis, the community's response can be just as impactful as larger organizations. Katie, a friend of Natalie's, was moved by a social media post and decided to help raise funds and buy supplies for those affected in Hukumba. With the support of her family and friends, they were able to gather essentials and make a difference. The absence of large organizations like the Red Cross was noticeable, but a woman from California Senator Steve Padilla's team played a crucial role in facilitating aid and advocating for the rights of volunteers to be present. The community's collective effort and the support of individuals like Katie and her friends proved that even without the backing of large organizations, meaningful change can still occur.

    • The power of community in times of needIndividual contributions, organization, and communication can make a big impact in times of crisis, demonstrating the resilience and compassion of communities

      Volunteering and coming together as a community can make a significant impact, even in the face of overwhelming suffering. Natalie's experience of seeing the immediate impact of her actions and the collective efforts of her friends and community members demonstrates the power of individual contributions. The story also highlights the importance of organization and communication in providing aid effectively. Despite the challenges, volunteers adapted and found creative solutions to meet the needs of those in need, showing the resilience and compassion of individuals and communities.

    • Empathy and Community in Humanitarian CrisesDuring crises, empathy and community support are essential. Volunteers, driven by personal experiences and compassion, provide crucial assistance.

      During a humanitarian crisis, community and empathy play a crucial role in providing support. The speaker described a chaotic process of managing phones for migrants at the US-Mexico border, involving matching names with phones and finding space for charging. Despite the challenges, volunteers showed up in large numbers, driven by personal experiences and a desire to help those in need. Lan Thai, a volunteer from the Asian Solidarity Collective, emphasized the importance of empathy and shared her own family's history as immigrants. The crisis involved families, including young children and infants, who faced difficult decisions and endured hardships. The Afghan family's actions of reaching out to other families and sharing supplies demonstrated the power of empathy and community in bringing comfort and hope during challenging times.

    • Communities come together to support asylum seekersAmidst political divisions, volunteers provided essential supplies and support to asylum seekers, showcasing the power of compassion and solidarity

      Despite political divisions and opposing viewpoints, communities came together to provide essential supplies and support to asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Volunteers, like Hamayra Yousefey from PANA, worked tirelessly to help those in need, while some individuals held strong anti-immigrant beliefs. Marissa encountered vocal opposition, but was struck by the stark contrast between the arguments made against immigration and the reality she witnessed on the ground. The outpouring of support demonstrated that, even in the face of adversity, compassion and solidarity can prevail. However, questions remain about the systemic challenges that prevent such support from being more sustainable and effective in the long term.

    • Encountering Opposition at the BorderMisinformation can influence individuals to oppose aid efforts and spread propaganda, potentially hindering positive change at the US-Mexico border.

      During a volunteer event at the US-Mexico border, the speaker encountered individuals who opposed their efforts and were likely influenced by local news outlets known for spreading misinformation. These individuals, who identified with Christian nationalist views, were observed watching the volunteers from a distance and did not contribute to the aid efforts. The speaker felt that these individuals did not fully understand the situation at hand and were simply there to intimidate and spread propaganda. This incident highlights the potential impact of misinformation on public perception and behavior.

    • Volunteering in Challenging Situations: Empathy, Compassion, and UnderstandingEmpathy, compassion, and understanding are crucial when volunteering, even in challenging situations. Small acts of kindness, like bringing toys or packages, can make a big difference. Community activism and finding solutions together are more effective than relying on the government.

      Volunteer work, especially in challenging situations like helping those displaced by harsh circumstances, requires empathy, compassion, and understanding. Katie and Marissa, two volunteers, shared their experiences of helping at a shelter and encountering a difficult situation where they were falsely accused of racial profiling. Despite this setback, they emphasized the importance of caring for one another and creating solutions instead of relying on the government. They also highlighted the emotional impact of finding children's toys in the shelter and the significance of small acts of kindness, like bringing a toy or a package, in making a difference. Overall, their stories illustrate the importance of community activism and the power of small actions to create a large impact.

    • Impact of small actions on people's livesSmall actions, like helping neighbors or winning prizes, can create meaningful social bonds and bring joy, while recognizing interconnectedness and supporting each other is crucial, especially during uncertain times. Historical and social contexts shape our world, highlighting the need to address complex issues.

      No matter how small our actions may seem, they can make a significant impact on people's lives. This was emphasized in the discussion about the California volunteers network, Neighbor to Neighbor, where even a simple act of helping a neighbor can create meaningful social bonds and prepare communities for natural disasters. This concept was further illustrated in the context of social casinos, where winning free spins or prizes can bring joy and excitement. However, the discussion also highlighted the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of all people and the need to support one another, especially during uncertain times. Additionally, the history of border enforcement in the United States was explored, revealing the long and complex history of attempts to prevent people from migrating to the country. Despite this, people have continued to migrate due to factors such as climate change and US imperialism. The discussion also highlighted the significant power and reach of border enforcement agencies, which can extend beyond the physical border and infringe on individual rights. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of community, connection, and compassion, and the potential for small actions to create big impacts. It also emphasized the need to recognize and address the complex historical and social contexts that shape our world.

    • The Complex and Contentious History of the US-Mexico BorderThe US-Mexico border, drawn arbitrarily, has led to the desecration of sacred sites, separation of communities, and violent enforcement, while the current situation requires sensitivity towards labor needs and human rights.

      The border between the United States and Mexico, particularly in areas inhabited by indigenous peoples like the Kumeyaay, has a complex and contentious history. The border, which has seen violent enforcement and encroachment, was drawn arbitrarily and has resulted in the desecration of sacred sites and the separation of communities from their ancestral lands. The construction of walls and the enforcement of immigration policies have further complicated matters, with people risking their lives to cross despite the harsh conditions. Reagan and Bush's views on migration in the past contrast with the current situation, where the issue is seen as a problem that needs to be solved, but with sensitivity towards labor needs and human rights. Ultimately, the issue is about understanding the fundamental human needs and creating a better relationship between neighboring countries.

    • Addressing root causes and creating legal avenuesInstead of focusing on physical barriers or harsh enforcement tactics, a more productive approach is to address the root causes and create legal avenues for migration, leading to safer and more effective solutions.

      Rather than focusing on building physical barriers or deterring migration through harsh enforcement tactics, a more productive approach could be to address the root causes of migration and create legal avenues for people to come and work in the US. This was attempted in the past with Operation Gatekeeper in 1994, but its impact on migrants was largely negative, leading to increased deaths in more isolated and dangerous crossing areas. The strategy also came at a time when the North American Free Trade Agreement made it easier for capital to move across the border, potentially contributing to economic pressures driving migration. Despite the increase in apprehensions and funding for border enforcement, the unintended consequence was an increase in migrant deaths. A more compassionate and effective approach could involve recognizing and addressing the mutual problems, creating legal work permits, and fostering open dialogue and cooperation between countries.

    • Border patrol's actions against Tohono O'odham Nation cause tension and harmThe U.S. border patrol's militarization and violence towards the Tohono O'odham Nation in Arizona have caused tension, fear, and destruction of sacred sites, despite opposition from the tribe. Cover-ups and justification of lethal force have continued, leading to mistrust and ongoing conflict.

      The Tohono O'odham Nation in Arizona has faced militarization and violence from the U.S. border patrol since 9/11. This includes vehicle barriers, surveillance technology, and even the construction of a wall on their reservation, which destroyed sacred sites and caused harm to tribal members. The border patrol has a history of investigating incidents involving their own agents, leading to cover-ups and the justification of lethal force. Despite opposition from the tribe, these practices have continued, causing tension and fear within the community. In 2021, the critical incident teams were supposedly disbanded, but it's believed they simply moved and changed names. This longstanding issue highlights the complex and often harmful relationship between border security and indigenous communities.

    • White supremacist groups and rhetoric in U.S. border enforcementHistorically, border enforcement in the U.S. has been linked to white supremacist groups and language, leading to harmful consequences for marginalized communities, including fatal violence.

      The history of border enforcement in the United States has been intertwined with white supremacist groups and rhetoric, leading to harmful consequences for marginalized communities. As early as the late 1970s, the Ku Klux Klan established border watch groups, using CB radios to report illegal crossings to border patrol. In the 1980s, the KKK's Texas leader established paramilitary camps and trained children in deadly tactics. More recently, border patrol agents have used derogatory language towards migrants and asylum seekers, referring to them as "invaders" and "subhuman," with some agents even expressing violent sentiments. This language and attitude towards migrants is not unique to border patrol and has been perpetuated by political figures and militia groups. Tragically, interactions with these militias and border patrol have resulted in fatal violence, such as the murder of Raul Flores Jr. and his 9-year-old daughter by members of the Minuteman American Defense group. The border patrol's Explorer program has also recruited high school-aged children for border patrol, raising concerns about the normalization of violent and racist rhetoric towards immigrants. It's important to recognize and address the historical and ongoing role of white supremacy in border enforcement and its impact on communities of color.

    • Border Patrol's Explorer Scout Program Teaches Kids Border Patrol Skills and Offers High SalariesThe Border Patrol's Explorer Scout Program targets disadvantaged kids in border towns, offering high salaries and teaching skills related to border patrol work, but critics argue it indoctrinates young people and instills hatred towards certain groups.

      The Explorer Scout program run by the U.S. Border Patrol, chartered through Learning for Life, offers disadvantaged kids in border towns a starting salary of $62,000, but also teaches them skills related to border patrol work, including handling undocumented migrants. Critics argue that this program indoctrinates young people, starting from elementary school, into border patrol culture and potentially instilling hatred towards certain groups. The program's recruiting has shifted from drawing on humanitarian aid experience to appealing to military veterans since the post-9/11 era, and the Border Patrol's oversight moved from the Department of Justice to the Department of Homeland Security. Despite concerns regarding human rights violations and spying on citizens, the Border Patrol's budgets have continued to grow, and the agency has acquired more resources for surveillance and enforcement. Former agents have spoken out about the challenges they faced, including sexual assault and harassment in the academy, and the moral dilemmas they encountered when enforcing laws that separate families seeking asylum.

    • Dangerous immigration rhetoric has real-world consequencesImmigration rhetoric fueled by fear and xenophobia contributes to overreach of border agents, incites violence, and disregards international and national law.

      The discourse surrounding immigration in the United States has reached alarming levels, with some media outlets and political figures demonizing migrants and spreading fear-mongering rhetoric. This rhetoric, which paints migrants as invaders and criminals, disregards international and national law, and fuels xenophobia, has real-world consequences. For instance, it contributes to the overreach of border agents who operate in a "constitution-free zone" and have the power to conduct suspicion-free searches and sweeps of data. This rhetoric also incites violence, as seen in the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, where the shooter was obsessed with the idea of a migrant caravan as an invasion. It's crucial to recognize and challenge this dangerous and divisive rhetoric to promote understanding, respect, and the rule of law.

    • US targeted journalists, activists, and social media influencers during migrant caravan crisisThe US government, under the Trump administration, targeted journalists, activists, and social media influencers during the migrant caravan crisis, subjecting them to increased border scrutiny and lengthy inspections, creating a hostile environment for their work and travel.

      During the migrant caravan crisis in 2018, the US government, under the Trump administration, targeted journalists, activists, and social media influencers who were associated with the caravan, subjecting them to increased border scrutiny and lengthy inspections. This was part of an operation called Operation Secure Line, which created a database of individuals tied to the caravan. Despite Trump's characterization of the caravan as an invasion, it was merely a group of migrants moving towards the US border. The long-term impact of this targeting was the creation of a hostile environment for these individuals, making their work and travel more difficult.

    • A journalist's account of the hostile US-Mexico borderThe US-Mexico border is a deadly and dangerous place for migrants, with the border itself causing many tragic deaths through harsh conditions and long, dangerous journeys. The border wall only increases these risks, using death as a deterrent.

      The US-Mexico border is a deadly and hostile environment for migrants, with many losing their lives due to the harsh conditions and the long and dangerous journeys they are forced to undertake. The speaker, a journalist, shares her personal experience of being detained multiple times at the border, describing it as invasive, hostile, and disgusting. She also highlights the tragic stories of migrants who have lost their lives in the desert while trying to cross the border. The border wall, which has only grown longer since her last crossing in 2018, forces people to travel deeper into the desert, increasing the risks they face. The desert itself does not kill people, but the border, which uses death as a deterrent, is the real cause of these tragic losses. The speaker's poignant account serves as a reminder of the humanitarian crisis at the border and the urgent need for compassionate and humane policies towards migrants.

    • End of Title 42 leads to increased border enforcement and detentionDespite opposition, border enforcement continues, causing uncertainty and hardship for migrants, with organizations working to support them

      The end of Title 42 has led to increased immigration enforcement and detention of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. This is despite growing awareness and opposition to such practices, which have been compared to historical atrocities such as the Spanish Civil War. The border surveillance industrial complex has grown significantly over the past two decades, making it difficult to change the situation. ICE has continued to conduct removal flights, and many migrants are waiting for days to present themselves at the border to claim asylum, only to be turned away. It's important to note that people have been losing contact with those they met at the border and may never know their ultimate fate. Organizations such as the Asian Solidarity Collective, Palo Trolaro, the American Friends Service Committee, Border Kindness, Borderlands Relief Collective, the Haitian Bridge Alliance, the Partnership For the Advancement of New Americans, and Prevencasa are working to support migrants and asylum seekers and can be donated to for those who wish to help. It's crucial for people to take action and show up to demand that migrants be treated as humans with rights.

    • A delicious tribute to barbecue legendsSlow-roasted chicken breast infused with hickory smoke, coated in a barbecue rub, and finished with a natural honey glaze. A must-try at your local deli.

      Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken is a delicious and authentic barbecue experience, available at your local deli. This slow-roasted chicken breast is infused with hickory smoke flavor, coated in a barbecue rub blend, and finished with a natural wildflower honey glaze. It's a tribute to the legends of barbecue, expertly crafted by the masters of the deli. Whether you're looking for a quick lunch or a flavorful dinner option, Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken is a must-try. It's a sweet, smoky, and savory ode to the art of barbecue, ready for you to savor at your local deli counter.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Trump Mug Shot & Border Gates Open | 8.25.23

    Trump Mug Shot & Border Gates Open | 8.25.23

    Trump posts his mug shot on X, the border gates are open, Wall Street firms abandon New York and mask mandates on the rise. Get the facts first with Morning Wire.

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    Tech Stocks Slammed; New Bloomberg Presidential Poll

    Tech Stocks Slammed; New Bloomberg Presidential Poll

    On today's podcast:

    1)  Microsoft Corp., Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. — three companies working harder than nearly anyone to weave artificial intelligence into their products — are finding that investor expectations for the technology are hard to meet. 

    2)  Six in 10 swing-state voters say President Joe Biden bears responsibility for a surge in migrants at the US-Mexico border, a downbeat signal for his reelection prospects as Republicans largely avoid blame on the issue, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found. 

    3)  Elon Musk’s $55 billion pay package at Tesla Inc. was struck down by a Delaware judge after a shareholder challenged it as excessive, a ruling that would take a giant bite out of Musk’s wealth and put the fate of his companies in question. 

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    Abbott Biden Border Faceoff & Trump vs. Biden 2.0 | 1.25.24

    Abbott Biden Border Faceoff & Trump vs. Biden 2.0 | 1.25.24

    A constitutional battle over the southern border is brewing in Texas, Biden and Trump are likely to face each other in the general election, and the Anti Defamation League targets conservative content creators as dangerous extremists. Get the facts first with Morning Wire.

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