
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Community ConnectionsIn uncertain times, relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness is essential. Meanwhile, large corporations may use renovations as a disguise for evictions and price hikes, leaving residents displaced. Stay informed and join forces to build and protect communities.

      Even in uncertain times, building strong community connections can bring hope and support. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in the realm of housing, large corporations like Core Spaces in Chicago and Austin are known for using renovations as a disguise for evictions and price hikes, targeting college towns and leaving many residents displaced. Organizations like the Santa Barbara Tenants Union are fighting against such practices and advocating for tenants' rights. It's crucial to stay informed and join forces to build and protect communities.

    • Community Organizing Stops EvictionsWhen faced with eviction threats, organizing and mobilizing the community can lead to successful outcomes.

      When faced with a large-scale eviction threat, organizing and mobilizing the community can lead to successful outcomes. The speaker, who had heard about mass evictions in their UCSB community affecting marginalized groups, took action by reaching out to the Santa Barbara Tenants Union. Initially hesitant, they were pleasantly surprised by the Union's quick response and support. Together, they went door-to-door, found allies, and grew a group to fight the eviction. Section 8 housing, which the speaker explained as a government-subsidized housing program for low-income and disabled individuals, was a significant part of their community. Despite the diverse backgrounds of residents, they united to challenge the eviction notices, which the speaker believed were not valid. The speaker's personal experience of being a recluse changed as they became more involved in the community and fought for their rights. The takeaway is that when faced with adversity, community organization and support can lead to positive change.

    • Communicating in a Diverse Community: Challenges for a Tenants UnionA diverse tenants union in a high-density apartment complex faces language barriers, misinformation, and unique needs among different resident groups, making effective communication and unity challenging.

      The Colonial Balboa Cortez Sweeps apartment complex in Isla Vista, California, is a diverse community with a large population of families, low-income residents, and students. This complex, which rents by the bed, has a high density of residents due to rising rent prices. The tenants union, SP 2, is autonomous and self-funded, allowing them to hire interpreters to help communicate during meetings. However, language barriers and the spread of misinformation by landlords and lawyers present challenges to maintaining unity within the community. The situation is frustrating and sad, with tensions escalating as eviction threats loom. The complex demographic differences make organizing efforts more complex, as different groups have unique needs and face different challenges. Despite these challenges, the tenants union continues to advocate for the rights and needs of all residents.

    • Tenants unite to fight evictionsCommunity organizing can lead to laws protecting tenants from unwanted evictions. Sharing stories and emotions builds support and leads to action.

      Organizing a tenants union can be an effective way for residents to come together and fight against unwanted evictions. The process begins with spreading awareness and building connections through group chats and meetings. By sharing their stories and emotions, tenants can gain the support of their community and convince local authorities to pass laws that protect them from eviction. In the case of the speakers, they were able to pass an amendment to the just cause ordinance in Santa Barbara City within a three-week period, preventing landlords from easily evicting tenants for the purpose of increasing rent. This success came after weeks of advocacy efforts and public rallies. Overall, the experience demonstrated the power of community organizing and the importance of using one's voice to effect change.

    • Tenants successfully lobby for eviction ordinanceTenants, without professional help, won city-level eviction ordinance through collective action and community mobilization, then passed it at county level in weeks.

      A group of tenants, without being paid staff or highly trained professionals, were able to quickly win an ordinance against evictions at the city level through collective action and information sharing. They then mobilized their community to attend county meetings and flood public comment sessions, leading to the passage of the same ordinance at the county level in a matter of weeks. This success came after a grueling 6-week campaign at the city level, and despite the challenges of transportation and work schedules. This story highlights the power of grassroots organizing and the importance of tenants coming together to advocate for their rights.

    • Tenants receive confusing notices from law firm during housing disputeDuring a housing dispute, a law firm attempted to scare tenants into self-evicting by sending confusing notices, leaving out crucial information, and implying potential additional charges. Clear communication and adherence to the law are crucial to prevent power imbalances between tenants and property management firms.

      During a housing dispute between tenants and a property management firm, Core Spaces, the eviction lawsuits they attempted to file against tenants were dismissed due to a new law requiring specific actions that the firm failed to take. However, shortly after, the tenants were met with disinformation and confusing notices from the law firm, Tyne Taylor, Fox Howard LLP. These notices implied that tenants might not receive relocation checks or face additional charges if they fought the evictions. The notices also left out crucial parts of the ordinance, which the tenants, most of whom were not lawyers, were unlikely to notice. The firm's intention was to scare tenants into self-evicting, which would save the firm time and resources. This situation highlights the importance of clear communication and adherence to the law, as well as the potential power imbalance between tenants and property management firms.

    • Challenges faced by tenants in a hyper-commodified real estate marketUnethical law firms prioritize profits over people, leaving tenants with limited legal support, highlighting the need for stronger protections and a more balanced legal system.

      Some law firms and real estate industries may prioritize profits over people, resorting to unethical tactics such as mass filing of illegal evictions or lying to intimidate tenants into leaving. These firms often have a disproportionate number of lawyers representing landlords, leaving tenants with limited legal support. This situation highlights the challenges faced by tenants in a hyper-commodified real estate market and the need for stronger protections and a more balanced legal system. It's crucial for individuals and communities to stay informed, support each other, and advocate for their rights when dealing with such situations.

    • Fostering community connection through volunteering and supporting local artistsBeing part of a community is important, but be aware of potential discomforts and power imbalances. Stand up for your rights and address issues through community organizing or legal assistance, and stay informed to ensure a safe and comfortable living situation.

      Community connection is essential and can be fostered through various means, such as volunteering with organizations like Neighbor to Neighbor or supporting artists like Amy Winehouse. However, it's important to be aware of potential discomforts and power imbalances, such as the presence of excessive security guards, which can create an uncomfortable living environment. In the case of the tenants in California, the sudden increase in security guards after the purchase of their property by Core Spaces raised concerns and created a sense of intimidation. It's crucial to stand up for one's rights and address any issues, whether it's through community organizing or seeking legal assistance. Additionally, staying informed and aware of one's surroundings can help mitigate potential risks and ensure a safe and comfortable living situation.

    • Tenants face emotional distress during eviction processTenants advocate for stronger eviction laws and mental health support to mitigate emotional distress and prevent evictions.

      The eviction process inflicts significant emotional distress on tenants, creating PTSD-like symptoms. The tenants' resilience lies in their determination to fight for stronger eviction laws, such as a no-fault eviction moratorium or right to re-rent, which would prevent evictions and ensure tenants are relocated and re-rented to at the same price. The process also highlights the need for comprehensive mental health support for those affected by these traumatic experiences. Despite the challenges, tenants continue to advocate for their rights and push for legislation to protect them from eviction.

    • Eviction of tenants by Core Spaces in Santa BarbaraCore Spaces' eviction of over 240 families in Santa Barbara is causing distress and uncertainty for tenants, particularly Spanish-speaking Latinos. The process is fraught with lies and disinformation, and if successful, could leave many essential workers and community members without a home.

      The eviction of tenants from their homes by Core Spaces in Santa Barbara is a complex issue with serious consequences. While the legality and timeline of the evictions remain uncertain, it's clear that the process is causing significant distress and uncertainty for the affected tenants. Many of them are Spanish-speaking Latinos who feel targeted and mistrustful of management's communication. The lies and disinformation being spread by Core Spaces only adds to the tenants' anxiety and confusion. If the evictions go through, the displacement of over 240 families could have a ripple effect on the entire community, leaving many essential workers and community members without a place to call home. The Core Spaces Tenants Association was formed to fight against this injustice and provide a united front for tenants facing similar issues, with the potential to grow into a national organization. The tenants' plight highlights the need for stronger tenant protections and a more equitable housing market.

    • Tenants Unions: A Powerful Force for ChangeOrdinary people can form tenants' unions, hold politicians accountable, and improve living conditions through collective action. Resources like the Autonomous Tenants Union Network and Core Spaces Tenant Association can help.

      Tenants' unions are formed by ordinary people, and anyone can join and make a difference. Tenants have the power to hold politicians accountable and push for change when they come together as a group. The Autonomous Tenants Union Network is a resource for those interested in tenant organizing and forming tenant associations. By organizing and taking action, tenants can leave a lasting impact and improve living conditions for themselves and their community. The Core Spaces Tenant Association, specifically, can be contacted through their social media handles @allcoursepaces, GoFundMe, and email [coursepacesta@gmail.com](mailto:coursepacesta@gmail.com). Joining forces and taking a militant approach to addressing housing crises can lead to significant progress. Neighbor to Neighbor is another resource for building stronger communities and fostering social bonds.

    • Olive Trees: A Symbol of Palestinian Identity and LivelihoodThe olive tree holds deep symbolic and economic significance for the Palestinian people, but its survival is under threat due to Israeli settlements, climate change, and violent attacks, making it challenging for farmers to maintain their historic way of life and highlighting the complex conflict between Israeli and Palestinian communities.

      The olive tree holds deep symbolic and economic significance for the Palestinian people, representing their national identity and serving as a crucial source of income. However, these ancient trees have been under threat for decades due to Israeli settlements, climate change, and violent attacks, making it increasingly difficult for Palestinian farmers to maintain their historic way of life. This issue highlights the complex and ongoing conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian communities, with the destruction of olive trees symbolizing the encroachment on Palestinian land and livelihoods. It's important to note that this is just one aspect of the larger conflict, and finding a peaceful resolution that respects the rights and dignity of all parties involved is essential for long-term stability and prosperity in the region.

    • Israeli settlers uprooting olive trees from Palestinian farmers in the West BankIsraeli settlers continue to attack Palestinian farmers in the West Bank, uprooting olive trees and disrupting their livelihoods. Israeli laws and regulations make it difficult for farmers to access their land, incentivizing attacks and forcing them to constantly replant to preserve their ancient tradition.

      The conflict between Israeli settlers and Palestinian farmers in the West Bank continues to escalate, with farmers facing daily attacks and the loss of their livelihoods. In November 2022, Israeli forces uprooted 2,000 olive trees in the West Bank, an action that makes little sense and is deeply harmful to the affected communities. This incident, and others like it, are not isolated. Farmers like Hazem El Hajr Muhammad and Doha Azus have lost their crops and, in some cases, their eyes, in attacks by settlers. The situation is further complicated by Israeli laws and regulations that make it difficult for farmers to access their own land and that allow for the seizure of abandoned fields. These rules incentivize attacks, as farmers who are unable to tend to their land may be deemed to have abandoned it. Palestinian farmers are forced to plant new olive trees each year to prevent the ancient tradition from dying out. The violence against Palestinians has worsened in recent months, with settlers feeling emboldened by a climate of impunity. The Israeli government's support for settlers and the expansion of settlements further stifles Palestinian access to their land. The situation is expected to worsen as far-right parties gain more power in Israeli politics. The UN has documented a consecutive annual increase in Israeli attacks in the occupied territories since 2005, making 2022 the deadliest year in the West Bank since then.

    • The History and Significance of Palestinian Olive TreesThe ancient olive trees of Safuria, now producing high-quality olive oil under Israeli control, were cultivated by Palestinians for centuries. Their significance extends beyond agriculture, symbolizing rootedness, self-sufficiency, and peace in Palestinian art and literature.

      The ancient olive trees mentioned in the Hart's article, which received praise for their high-quality olive oil, did not just grow out of thin air. They were planted and cultivated by the Palestinian residents of Safuria for centuries. However, during the Nakba in 1948, the village was conquered by Israeli forces, and its inhabitants were expelled. The land, including the olive groves, was then leased by the Israeli state to companies like Rish Lakish. Ignoring the history and context of the stolen land is no different than ignoring the injustice that occurred. Olive trees hold deep symbolism in Palestinian art and literature as symbols of rootedness, self-sufficiency, and peace. Palestinian artists like Sliman Mansur, Mahmoud Darwish, and Nabil Anani have used the olive tree as a powerful national symbol. Despite the loss of their land, the memory of Safuria and its olive trees lives on through Palestinian art and literature.

    • The olive tree's cultural, economic, and historical significance for PalestiniansThe olive tree is a cherished symbol of Palestinian heritage, providing income, shade, food, materials, and inspiration, and its destruction is seen as an insult to the land and people.

      The olive tree holds significant cultural, economic, and historical importance for Palestinians. It's not just a source of income or artistic inspiration, but also a vital part of their diet and daily life. Olive oil is used in numerous recipes, and the trees provide shade, feed, and even materials for religious and artistic purposes. The olive tree's many uses extend beyond the dinner table, making it a cherished symbol of Palestinian heritage. Moreover, the destruction of olive trees and crops is seen as an insult to the land itself and a source of hate and spite. The olive tree's importance goes beyond its tangible uses, as it has inspired generations of poets, painters, and prophets. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, is a California volunteer network that aims to build more connected communities by encouraging people to help their neighbors and prepare for emergencies. The border wall, discussed in another part of the podcast, is a controversial issue with significant environmental and human impacts, as explained by Eric Mehta from Sierra Club.

    • Border wall's environmental impactThe border wall harms wildlife habitats, disrupts natural flow, and causes ecological damage through the use of explosives, fragmentation of corridors, and disregard for sacred sites and vegetation

      The border wall in the Southwestern United States, while intended to control human movement, also has significant environmental impacts. The wall, which spans a vast area and stops randomly throughout, has caused ecological damage through the use of explosives, the destruction of habitats, and the fragmentation of wildlife corridors. For instance, in the Buenos Aires National Refuge near Sasabe, there are 26 gaps in the wall, which have been used by migrants but also serve as important passageways for wildlife. Elsewhere, the wall has been built over sacred sites and important habitats, disrupting the natural flow of the land. The use of materials like dynamite and old train tracks for wall construction has also led to erosion and damage to vegetation. Overall, the border wall's environmental impact highlights the need for a more holistic approach to border security that considers the natural world and the communities that depend on it.

    • Impact of US-Mexico border wall on wildlifeThe US-Mexico border wall fragments wildlife habitats and migration routes, negatively affecting populations of jaguars, bighorn sheep, black bears, and other unique species in the Sonoran Desert, and disrupting vital water sources.

      The construction of the border wall along the US-Mexico border has significant negative impacts on wildlife, particularly larger animals like jaguars, bighorn sheep, and black bears. The wall and accompanying roads have fragmented habitats and migration routes, leading to decreased populations and potential long-term consequences. The Sonoran Desert, home to unique species like jaguars and ocelots, is particularly affected. These animals rely on large territories and migration corridors to find resources, and the wall obstructs their movements. Additionally, the construction of the wall and roads has disrupted water sources, affecting rivers like the San Pedro and Santa Cruz, which flow between the US and Mexico. The loss of these vital habitats and resources could have lasting consequences for the survival of these species.

    • Border wall construction disrupts desert ecosystems and sacred landsThe border wall's construction negatively impacts desert ecosystems, disrupts sacred lands, and highlights the need for greater consultation and collaboration between governments and indigenous communities.

      The construction of the border wall has led to significant issues with water flow and drainage in the desert regions, negatively impacting both plants and animals that depend on it. Additionally, sacred sites and ancestral lands, including those of the Tohono O'odham and Kumeyaay tribes, have been destroyed or disrupted without proper consultation or survey. The desert landscapes, contrary to popular belief, are rich in biodiversity and unique ecosystems that deserve protection and appreciation. The Roosevelt Reservation, an area managed by CBP or Border Patrol within 60 feet of the border, is a contentious issue as it can't be privately owned and can be taken by the government at any time. The lack of proper consultation and consideration for these environmental and cultural impacts highlights the need for greater respect and collaboration between governments and indigenous communities in the planning and execution of infrastructure projects.

    • Deserts come alive at nightDeserts are rich in biodiversity but crossing them, especially the border wall, can be dangerous and lead to environmental damage, causing severe consequences

      Deserts are not as barren and lifeless as they may seem. They come alive at night with a variety of species, and their biodiversity is worth protecting. However, crossing deserts, particularly the border wall, can be dangerous and hazardous for people. The wall, designed to be 30 feet high with a metal plate on top, is lethal for some who attempt to climb it. The increasing human presence in these areas also leads to environmental damage, including the destruction of fragile soils and the loss of dark skies. The consequences of these impacts are severe, with hundreds, if not thousands, of lives lost each year. It's essential to appreciate the beauty and importance of deserts while acknowledging the challenges and risks associated with crossing them.

    • Desert Border Challenges: Extreme Temperatures, Lack of Water, and Harsh ConditionsConsider the environmental impact and ask questions about border policies. Support organizations advocating for humane and environmentally-friendly border policies, like the Sierra Club Borderlands.

      The desert environment at the U.S.-Mexico border is incredibly challenging for people attempting to cross it, with extreme temperatures, lack of water, and harsh conditions posing significant risks. Additionally, the resources spent on constructing a border wall could be used more effectively to address root causes and prioritize environmental concerns. It's crucial for individuals to consider the environmental impact and ask questions about border policies when voting. The Sierra Club Borderlands is an organization dedicated to advocating for humane and environmentally-friendly border policies, and they invite people to learn more about their efforts on their website and social media channels.

    • Communities taking action against border wall construction and preparing for environmental challengesCommunities are challenging illegal border wall funding and suing the government for change. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages social bonds and resilience, while practical steps can be taken for indoor air quality. Prepare for disasters with essential tools and connect with your community.

      Communities are coming together to challenge the illegal use of funds for border wall construction, and there's hope for positive outcomes in terms of environmental remediation and wildlife passages. The Sierra Club, in collaboration with the Southern Border Community Coalition, has sued the federal government over the misuse of military and drug-related funds, and a settlement is imminent. This is just one example of community action leading to potential change. Meanwhile, in the face of environmental challenges like wildfire smoke, it's essential to prepare and support each other. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages building social bonds and community resilience. And when it comes to dealing with indoor air quality issues, there are practical steps you can take using everyday items. Stay tuned for more tips on filtering indoor air during times of poor outdoor air quality. Lastly, the It Could Happen Here podcast offers valuable insights into preparing for disasters and the importance of having essential tools on hand before they sell out or get looted. It's a reminder that being proactive and connecting with your community can make a significant difference.

    • DIY Air Filtration Solution: The Corsi Rosenthal BoxThe Corsi Rosenthal box is an affordable and effective DIY air filtration solution made from a box fan and multiple air filters, cleaning the air in a 500 sq ft room up to 5 times per hour. It fosters community connection and resilience during air quality crises.

      During times of air quality crises, such as wildfires or extreme smog events, having access to air filtration systems can make a significant difference in maintaining indoor air quality and overall health. However, not everyone may have the means to purchase expensive HEPA filters or central air systems. Enter the Corsi Rosenthal box, an affordable and DIY air filtration solution. Invented during the early stages of the pandemic, the Corsi Rosenthal box is a simple yet effective system made from a box fan and multiple air filters. This low-cost alternative can effectively clean the air in a 500 square foot room up to five times per hour. While the cost may vary depending on availability and location, the materials needed are generally accessible and affordable for most people. Beyond its practical benefits, the Corsi Rosenthal box also fosters a sense of agency and community connection during disasters. By creating and sharing these filters, individuals can help those in need and contribute to a stronger, more resilient community. This innovative solution is a testament to the power of collaboration and solidarity, especially during challenging times.

    • An accessible solution for individuals during air quality eventsThe Corsi Rosenthal filter is an affordable and accessible air purification solution for individuals during times of poor air quality, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and mutual aid in addressing this pressing issue.

      The Corsi Rosenthal filter for air purification is an accessible solution for individuals during times of poor air quality, which has become a pressing issue for many people in areas not accustomed to such conditions. The filter, which typically comes with a 20-inch box fan and four filters, is a more accessible alternative to other equipment like respirators and standalone HEPA filters. The Clean Air Act, enacted in 1963, significantly improved air quality in the United States, but this success came at the cost of exporting negative externalities to other parts of the world. In 2018, approximately 8.7 million deaths were caused by air pollution, primarily from fossil fuel burning. This history underscores the importance of accessible solutions like the Corsi Rosenthal filter during air quality events. It also highlights the need for solidarity and mutual aid as we navigate these challenges together.

    • Air pollution: A global crisis causing 9 million annual deathsAir pollution reduces life expectancy, disproportionately affects women and children, and can lead to heart attacks, lung damage, weaker immune systems, and increased cancer risk. Protect yourself with masks and collective action is necessary to reduce emissions and protect the most vulnerable.

      Air pollution is a global crisis with devastating consequences. The Lancet reports that air pollution causes 9 million annual deaths worldwide, a toll equivalent to the Holocaust. In India, the average resident of Delhi has had their life expectancy reduced by nearly a decade due to smog. Globally, the average reduction is 2 years. This crisis disproportionately affects women and children, and those in developing countries. The poor outside of the US have been dealing with this issue for years, while wealthier nations have only recently begun to experience it. Wildfire smoke in New York City, for instance, can shorten your lifespan, similar to smoking half a pack of cigarettes daily. Exposure to air pollution with high Air Quality Index (AQI) can lead to heart attacks, lung damage, weaker immune systems, and increased cancer risk. To protect yourself, wear masks like N95 or KF94, especially when outdoors during high pollution episodes. Half or full face respirators offer the best protection. This crisis calls for solidarity and collective action to reduce emissions and mitigate the impact on the most vulnerable populations.

    • Protecting Against Wildfire Smoke with RespiratorsFind a 3M half mask respirator with P100 filters for wildfire smoke protection. Convenient, less expensive than full face masks, and suitable for most bearded individuals.

      If you're looking to protect yourself from wildfire smoke, you can find a 3M half mask respirator with filters at places like Grainger.com, Amazon.com, Lowe's, or Home Depot. These respirators, specifically air-purifying ones, filter out various particles and are sufficient for protecting against wildfire smoke. The filters you want are the particulate filters, often identified by a P100 rating and a pink label from 3M. Half face masks are more convenient and less expensive than full face masks, which offer additional eye protection. While gas masks can also provide protection against particulate matter, they are more expensive and designed for more hazardous environments. Beards may affect the seal of half face masks, but this is generally not a problem for those with reasonably trimmed beards. If you already have a gas mask, it will also offer protection against wildfire smoke.

    • Military gas masks not the best solution for smoke and air pollutionInvest in a high-quality respirator and improve home air quality for better protection against smoke and air pollution

      While military surplus gas masks can filter out particulate matter, they are not the most effective or comfortable solution for protecting against smoke and air pollution. These masks are bulky, heavy, and uncomfortable, and their use is best reserved for emergency situations where other options are unavailable. Additionally, effective measures for mitigating the danger of smoke, such as, high-quality respirators and creating a clean room for animals and children, often require resources that may not be accessible to everyone. It's important to remember that the costs of climate collapse are often heaviest on those who can least bear them. Instead, investing in a high-quality respirator and taking steps to improve the air quality in your home, such as sealing windows and doors, can provide better protection against smoke and air pollution.

    • Preparing for Wildfires: Improve Indoor Air QualityDuring wildfires, seal doors and windows, change filters, run HVAC in fan-only mode, use high-efficiency filters, turn off outdoor intakes, and prepare for disasters with resources like masks for pets.

      During wildfires, sealing doors and windows with foam tape or other materials can help keep out smoke and particulate matter. Another important action is to change air filters frequently and run the HVAC system in fan-only mode to improve indoor air quality. Having a high-efficiency air filter with a high minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) is also recommended. Additionally, turning off outdoor air intakes for appliances like portable air conditioners and ensuring a tight seal around them can help keep out polluted air. Preparing for potential disasters, including having resources on hand for unlikely but possible situations, such as a respirator, is essential for staying safe. For pets, there are respirators and masks available for them as well. It's important to acclimate pets to wearing the masks gradually and reward them for their cooperation.

    • Being Prepared: Practical Measures and Mental PreparationHaving necessary supplies and being open-minded to various scenarios can help individuals effectively deal with disasters or emergencies, reducing anxiety and increasing control.

      Being prepared for potential disasters or emergencies involves both practical measures and mental preparation. It's essential to have necessary supplies on hand, such as masks, pads for pets, emergency blankets, and even small items like eye drops. However, it's also crucial to be flexible and open-minded in thinking about various scenarios and the equipment that could help address them. Prepping can be a collaborative activity, and discussing potential issues with friends or experts can lead to valuable insights. Additionally, prepping can reduce anxiety rather than increase it by providing a sense of control and readiness. As the speaker notes, the world is experiencing an increased frequency of disasters, and being prepared can make a significant difference in dealing with them effectively.

    • Preparing for potential threatsAcknowledging and preparing for potential threats can reduce anxiety and increase a sense of agency. Building resilient communities and looking out for each other during crises is also essential.

      Acknowledging and preparing for potential threats or challenges can help reduce anxiety and increase a sense of agency. Using the example of forest fires, the speaker suggests that thinking through potential scenarios and taking necessary precautions can alleviate fear and provide peace of mind. However, it's important to remember that not all predators or threats are visible, and some require building new social norms to address, such as wearing masks during emergencies. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of looking out for each other during times of crisis and building resilient communities. In summary, acknowledging and preparing for potential threats can help reduce anxiety and build a sense of agency, while also emphasizing the importance of community support and social norms.

    • Empowering communities for preparedness and resilienceTalk to friends and neighbors about preparedness, build strong communities, consider smoke-free alternatives like ZYN pouches, and explore free entertainment on Xumo Play

      In the face of increasing intensity and uncertainty in the world, it's important to make preparedness a part of our culture. This can be done by talking to friends and neighbors about it, and empowering communities to help each other out during natural disasters or other emergencies. Neighbor to Neighbor is an organization that encourages this kind of community building. For those looking to make a personal change, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a smoke-free alternative. And for endless entertainment, check out Xumo Play, which offers a diverse lineup of free live channels, movies, and TV series. Remember, building strong communities and making positive personal changes can help us navigate the uncertain world around us.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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