
    Podcast Summary

    • Building community connections and preparing for emergenciesIn uncertain times, fostering social bonds with neighbors and preparing for emergencies are crucial.

      Community connection and engagement are essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building meaningful social bonds with neighbors and preparing for emergencies. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" encourages self-expression and authenticity. In the realm of personal growth, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a smoke-free alternative for those looking to make a change. Regarding politics, there are concerns about Ron DeSantis' potential impact on a national scale, given his effective administration and controversial policies in Florida. Overall, these topics highlight the importance of community, self-expression, and staying informed in the face of change.

    • DeSantis' Florida Focus May Hinder National AppealDeSantis' reliance on Florida accomplishments and controversial policies may not appeal to moderate and swing voters, potentially hindering his national appeal.

      Ron DeSantis' strategy of focusing on his past accomplishments in Florida and embracing controversial policies may not be effective in winning over moderate and swing voters on a national level. While some Republicans believe he has the potential to beat President Biden due to his ability to articulate the party's stance more clearly than Trump, his association with Florida, which is often seen as the epitome of political madness, could be a liability. DeSantis' reliance on coverage of his legislative actions in Florida may be causing him to overlook the negative perception many people have of the state. Additionally, his focus on culture war issues, such as anti-immigrant and anti-LGBT policies, may not appeal to the moderate and independent voters he needs to win over. Instead, he should aim to appeal to these voters by highlighting issues that resonate with them and distancing himself from the more extreme elements of the Republican Party.

    • DeSantis' campaign struggles to expand beyond base supportDespite winning reelection, DeSantis trails Trump in polls and struggles to ignite broad support, likely due to lack of personal charisma and legislative achievements.

      Ron DeSantis' campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is facing challenges due to a lack of broad appeal beyond his base of older, higher income Republicans. While some believe he offers a more palatable alternative to Donald Trump, his economic arguments for support have not been convincing, and his popularity seems to stem more from Florida's conservative lean than personal charisma or legislative achievements. Despite winning reelection in Florida by a large margin, DeSantis trails Trump in current polling, and early backers have expressed disappointment in his inability to ignite the support they had hoped for. The DeSantis campaign's strategy of appealing to those who dislike Trump's personality but support his policies has not been effective, as many voters seem to value Trump's charisma and ability to "own the libs" over policy substance. The political class, including campaign insiders, may be in a bubble, underestimating the importance of Trump's personal appeal to his base.

    • Charisma's Impact on ElectionsCharisma is crucial for a candidate's electability. Lack of it can be a red flag. DeSantis, despite raising funds, may struggle due to low charisma and lack of national appeal.

      Charisma plays a significant role in a candidate's ability to win elections. The speaker shared his personal experiences and observations of various politicians, including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Ron DeSantis. He emphasized that the lack of charisma in a candidate can be a red flag for their electability. The speaker also mentioned that DeSantis, despite raising a large amount of money, has not shown significant growth in the polls and may struggle to continue fundraising if he doesn't make progress early in the primary season. Additionally, the speaker noted that DeSantis' history of not working with the same team of people for multiple campaigns suggests that he may not have national potential.

    • DeSantis's media strategy lags behind Trump'sDeSantis's refusal to engage with mainstream media hinders his ability to generate extensive free publicity and gain traction against Trump in the primary.

      Ron DeSantis's campaign strategy, particularly in handling the media, lags significantly behind Donald Trump's. Despite similar rhetoric towards the media and authoritarian measures, DeSantis lacks Trump's ability to manipulate media coverage to his advantage. Trump's media savvy, honed over years, allowed him to generate extensive free publicity during his campaign, attracting support and donors. DeSantis, on the other hand, has ignored the mainstream media and only engages with friendly outlets. This approach denies him the widespread coverage that Trump received, potentially hindering his ability to gain traction against Trump in the Republican primary.

    • Ignoring nonpartisan news sources as a campaign strategy can be detrimentalPoliticians ignoring the media can be ineffective in today's media landscape, as media has learned to adapt to Trump's tactics and the media landscape has changed.

      Ignoring nonpartisan news sources as a campaign strategy, as some politicians like Ron DeSantis are doing, can be detrimental. This approach was highlighted in a recent New York Times article about DeSantis' difficulty getting press coverage. DeSantis and his campaign have been criticized for barring certain reporters from events and shouting them down when they try to ask questions. This approach was successful for former President Trump in 2016, but it's not an effective strategy in today's media landscape. The media is no longer blindly reporting on every outrageous statement made by politicians. Instead, they have learned Trump's tactics and are less likely to give excessive coverage to similar behavior. Furthermore, the media landscape has changed, and issues like Hunter Biden's past controversies, which might have sunk a campaign in 2016, are now met with indifference. Therefore, ignoring the media altogether is not a winning strategy for politicians in 2023 and beyond. Instead, understanding why Trump's media bashing was effective and adapting that approach in a more nuanced way could be more productive.

    • Florida Success May Not Translate Nationally for DeSantisDespite charisma and town hall success, DeSantis campaign acknowledges struggles in states other than New Hampshire and seeks more investment based on assets as a candidate, but memo's language and admission of challenges may cause unease among experienced GOP politicos.

      Ron DeSantis' tactics that worked in Florida for gaining political power may not be effective in the United States or against Trump in a national race. The memo leaked to high-dollar donors reveals that the campaign acknowledges the challenges they face in states other than New Hampshire, where they plan to focus their resources. The memo also highlights DeSantis' charisma in town hall engagements but admits that there's little evidence of this translating to impressive polling numbers. Despite this, the campaign is trying to persuade donors to invest more in DeSantis based on his assets as a candidate. However, the memo's language and admission of struggles in other states may cause unease among experienced Republican politicos.

    • DeSantis' Immigration Strategy May Not Win Over Wider AudienceTo appeal to a wider audience and show electability, DeSantis should emphasize his personal background, successes in parental rights and economic leadership, and avoid divisive messages like 'forgotten man' narrative and economic populism.

      Ron DeSantis' strategy of focusing on being harder on immigration and border control to win over voters beyond Trump's base may not be effective. Instead, to appeal to a wider audience and show electability, it's suggested that DeSantis should emphasize his personal background as a dad and veteran, as well as his successes in areas like parental rights and economic leadership. Additionally, the memo mentions the use of the "forgotten man" narrative and economic populism, but it's noted that these messages could come across as divisive and potentially reminiscent of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Overall, it's recommended that DeSantis demonstrate a clear understanding of what resonates with voters and effectively communicate that message to differentiate himself from Trump.

    • Military background may not guarantee conservative votesFormer military officers face backlash for past actions, Trump gained support without service, libertarian right supports 'legal insurrection', and deep state perceived as enemy by some Republicans.

      The military background of political candidates might not be the decisive factor in winning conservative voters as it once was. The discussion highlighted the case of a former military officer who tried to leverage his past service to appeal to conservatives but faced backlash due to his past actions at Guantanamo. The speaker also noted that Trump, who is not a military veteran, was still able to gain significant support from this demographic. Additionally, there's a segment of self-proclaimed libertarian right supporters who believe in the idea of a "legal insurrection," but their stance is criticized as contradictory, as insurrections by definition are illegal. The conversation also touched upon the perception of the deep state as an enemy among some Republicans, and their belief in the need to build a counterbalance to these federal agencies.

    • Governor DeSantis' paramilitary force faces criticism for poor management and internal turmoilGovernor DeSantis' attempt to create a state paramilitary force faces criticism for poor management and internal turmoil, potentially limiting its effectiveness in protecting Florida from natural disasters, illegal aliens, and civil unrest.

      Governor DeSantis' campaign has received criticism for various weaknesses and questionable actions, but a potential strength lies in his resistance to the federal government and his attempt to create a state paramilitary force. This could appeal to Trump's base, but the execution has been poorly managed and met with internal turmoil, leading to recruit dropouts and criticism from veterans. The New York Times reported that the training has been poorly structured, with an excessive focus on military-style drills and yelling at volunteers with military experience. The governor's office claims the mission is to protect Florida from natural disasters, illegal aliens, and civil unrest, but critics argue it's a dangerous step towards creating a private paramilitary force answerable only to the governor. Despite the potential dangers, DeSantis' ineptitude in managing the situation may limit its effectiveness.

    • Florida Governor's Controversial State Guard ProposalDeSantis's state guard idea faces criticism, resistance, and uncertainty, but sets him apart from other candidates with unconventional strategies.

      Ron DeSantis's attempt to establish a state guard in Florida, reminiscent of brownshirt tactics, may appeal to some Trump voters but is unlikely to win a general election. The idea has faced criticism and resistance, as seen in the forced removal of a former marine captain from the program. Despite this, DeSantis's unconventional approach sets him apart from other candidates, making him an intriguing figure in the political landscape. However, the success of his campaign remains uncertain, and it may be a risky move that could alienate some voters. Overall, the DeSantis campaign continues to evolve, with its unique strategies and challenges shaping the political discourse in Florida and beyond.

    • Writers Strike for Fair Compensation and Working ConditionsThe WGA and SAG-AFTRA are on strike due to disagreements over writer pay and working conditions in TV. Writers want increased residuals, upfront pay, and changes to policies that allow streaming platforms to bypass traditional writer's rooms, which they argue negatively impacts creativity and collaboration.

      The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) are currently on strike due to disagreements over writer pay and working conditions in the television industry. The WGA is specifically asking for increased residuals and upfront pay, as well as changes to policies that allow streaming platforms to bypass traditional writer's rooms. The decline in writer pay, which has seen a 14% decrease over the last five years when adjusted for inflation, has left many writers struggling financially. Despite the increase in TV consumption, writers have not seen a corresponding increase in pay. A writer's room is a collaborative workspace where writers come together to brainstorm ideas, develop storylines, and write scripts for a television show. Streaming platforms have been trying to eliminate the concept of a writer's room by implementing different strategies, such as having writers work remotely or only bringing them in for table reads. This has raised concerns among writers about the potential loss of creativity and collaboration that comes from working in a writer's room. The ongoing strike is a response to these issues and a push for fair compensation and working conditions for writers in the television industry.

    • The Writing Process for Television Shows: Traditional vs Streaming PlatformsTraditional networks require larger writing teams for efficient production and post-production, while streaming platforms aim to reduce costs by hiring fewer writers and releasing episodes over longer periods of time, potentially impacting episode quality.

      The writing process for television shows, particularly those produced for traditional networks, involves a large team of writers due to the simultaneous production and post-production processes. This team allows for efficient handling of various tasks such as writing, editing, and table reads. However, with the rise of streaming platforms, there have been efforts to reduce costs by hiring fewer writers and writing entire seasons before shows are officially greenlit. This can result in smaller writing teams and a more intense workload for individual writers, potentially leading to a loss of quality and the absence of certain types of episodes, such as bottle episodes. Streaming platforms also have the flexibility to release episodes over longer periods of time, which can save on costs related to advancing writers to the next season.

    • Streaming's Impact on TV Writers: Innovation vs. InequalityThe streaming era brings innovation and longer episodes but creates less reliable jobs and decreased compensation for writers. Hollywood studio CEOs earn billions while writers seek transparency and fair compensation, raising ethical concerns.

      The streaming era has brought about significant structural changes to television, allowing for innovative content and longer episodes. However, it has also resulted in less reliable jobs for writers and decreased compensation due to opaque streaming data and business models. Despite the financial success of streaming platforms and the increase in TV consumption, the 8 major Hollywood studio CEOs earn billions in salary while writers seek transparency and fair compensation. The WGA is advocating for more information on streaming viewership to ensure writers are paid properly. This situation raises questions about the ethics of the streaming industry and the need for greater transparency and fairness for those who create the content we enjoy.

    • Building community and connections during the writers' strikeThe writers' strike fosters a strong sense of community and connection among participants, potentially leading to future collaborations and job opportunities. It also highlights larger issues of executive compensation and the impact of technology on employment.

      The ongoing writers' strike has brought a unique sense of community and connection among the strikers. Being on the picket lines every day provides a sense of purpose and allows for the building of new relationships, potentially leading to future collaborations and job opportunities. These connections, formed during the strike, could lead to the creation of new writing teams and projects, as well as filling the pipeline when the strike ends. Furthermore, the strike is not just about the entertainment industry; it's a reflection of the larger issue of executive compensation and the hollowing out of companies, which has been happening for decades. This inflection point goes beyond Hollywood, with AI and the use of technology being a significant concern for the future of employment. The strike, led by writers, actors, and other industry professionals, has brought attention to these issues and highlights the importance of solidarity and shared interests in facing these industry colossuses.

    • Power and money at the top leading to exploitationThe ongoing strikes in various industries highlight the need to address systemic issues caused by power and wealth concentration, ensuring fairness and stability for all.

      The ongoing strikes by various companies are a result of consolidated power and money at the top, leading to exploitation of those at the bottom. This dynamic, as seen in the entertainment industry, is causing a wave of solidarity among unions and the public. A threatening statement made by an anonymous studio executive, suggesting waiting for writers to lose their homes, was rightly called out as a violent threat, highlighting the moral equivalence between harming someone's financial stability and physical well-being. This moment in time offers an opportunity for recognition and action towards addressing systemic issues. It's essential to acknowledge the stress and challenges that come with these situations, especially when one has enjoyed a stable and rewarding job before being affected by these industry shifts.

    • Fighting for the future of the industry and aspiring writersThe ongoing WGA strike is not just about current writers' wages, but also about preserving the industry's quality and craft, and ensuring opportunities for new writers.

      The ongoing Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike is not just about the current writers and their wages, but also about the future of the industry and the next generation of writers. The speakers emphasized that the benefits and good working conditions they enjoy today are a result of past strikes, and it's their turn to fight for the industry's future. They also highlighted the parallels between the current situation in the TV industry and the decline of journalism due to automation and the gig economy. The writers are not only striking for themselves but for the future of the art form and those who aspire to join the industry. The speakers also expressed their concern about the impact of AI on the industry, as studios aim to save costs by using AI-generated scripts that writers then have to fix. Overall, the strike is about preserving the quality and craft of the industry and ensuring opportunities for new writers to learn and grow.

    • Soren Bohlke's Podcast and UPS StrikeSoren Bohlke's podcast marks a casual conversation between friends, while the UPS strike could impact 340,000 workers, potentially eliminating a raw deal classification, and reflects a historic period of private sector strikes in the US.

      There are two significant events happening: Soren Bohlke promoting his podcast "Quick Question with Soren and Dan," and the potential UPS strike involving 340,000 workers. Soren's podcast is a casual conversation between friends living on opposite coasts. In contrast, the UPS strike could involve all inside warehouse workers, delivery drivers, feeder drivers, and potentially 22 fours, a classification of workers with a raw deal. The strike, which could start soon, affects various classifications, and the union has already reached a tentative agreement to eliminate the 22 fours classification. The podcast also highlights the current labor militancy in the US, marking a historic period of private sector strikes.

    • Labor Market Shift: Potential Union Strikes and Record-Breaking ProfitsUnions like SAG-AFTRA, Writers Guild, and UAW are considering strikes, which could impact over a million workers. Grievances include insufficient pay, long shifts, and lack of cooling systems. Companies with record profits, like UPS, are being urged to share the wealth.

      The current labor market is experiencing a significant shift, with various unions, including SAG-AFTRA, the Writers Guild, and potentially the UAW, considering strikes. This could result in an unprecedented number of workers on strike, potentially reaching over a million. The low union density, despite widespread support for unions, is seen as an opportunity to reverse the decline and set new standards for industries like logistics and even beyond. The grievances leading to these potential strikes are numerous and include economic and non-economic issues, such as insufficient pay and hours for part-time workers, long shifts for full-time workers, and escalating temperatures without proper cooling systems. Companies like UPS, which reported record-breaking profits, are being called upon to share the wealth they've created with their workers.

    • Workers face hazardous conditions and unfair wagesWorkers in warehouse and transportation industries face hazardous conditions and receive inadequate protections, while MRAs allow companies to decrease wages, leaving them financially unstable during sickness. A demand for $25 an hour wages has emerged, but heat protection and fair wages remain major concerns.

      Workers, particularly in the warehouse and transportation industries, face hazardous conditions such as extreme heat, with inadequate protections and no guarantees for fair wages. The use of Market Rate Adjustments (MRAs) by companies allows them to decrease wages, leaving workers vulnerable to financial instability, especially during times of sickness. A grassroots demand for a starting wage of $25 an hour has emerged, but the issue of heat protection and fair wages remains a significant concern. The speaker personally experienced a decrease in pay from $27 to $15.50 an hour, and the lack of hourly guarantees at their hub leaves them working only a few hours a week with no safety net during sickness. The issue of heat protection and fair wages is a critical one, with workers' lives and wellbeing at stake.

    • Companies' Profits Soar, But Workers StruggleCompanies report record profits, yet workers face pay cuts and struggle to afford basic needs due to inflation. A proposed livable wage falls short, and addressing larger economic issues is crucial.

      Workers, despite contributing to record-breaking profits for their companies, have faced significant pay cuts and inflation, leading to a struggle to meet their basic needs. The discussion highlighted the absurdity of companies claiming they cannot afford higher wages when they have doubled their profits. The speaker emphasized that even a proposed livable minimum wage of $26 an hour falls short when considering the rising costs of housing and healthcare. The recent news of the Teamsters settling for a historic contract is a positive step, but the focus remains on establishing a solid foundation for workers' wages and addressing the larger economic issues.

    • Teamsters Propose New UPS Agreement with Immediate Wage Increase for Part-TimersThe Teamsters Union proposed a new agreement with UPS, which includes an immediate wage increase for part-timers to $21 per hour, but concerns over transparency and potential for a strike remain due to the lack of information provided to members and the lengthy ratification process.

      The Teamsters Union has proposed a new agreement with UPS, which includes an immediate wage increase for part-time workers to $21 per hour. However, the full agreement is not yet available to members, leading to concerns about transparency and involvement in the decision-making process. Existing part-time seniority workers earning more under market rate adjustments will still receive all new general wage increases. The ratification process could take up to 3 weeks, and if membership votes to reject the agreement, a strike could ensue. The lack of open bargaining and limited information provided to members has been a source of frustration, as contracts are often large and written in legalese. The TDU, a reform caucus within the union, will likely play a role in shaping the membership's response. The union's push for a yes vote on the agreement is a departure from earlier demands for a contract that members agree with or a last best final offer from UPS by July 5th. The transparency concerns and potential for a strike add complexity to the situation.

    • Teamsters Union's potential strike against UPS hits a roadblockDespite a need for better working conditions, the Teamsters Union's potential strike against UPS faces hurdles due to constitutional requirements and the importance of member engagement and mobilization.

      The Teamsters Union's potential strike against UPS has hit a roadblock due to a constitutional requirement for a 2/3 majority to reject a contract and go on strike. This requirement has since been changed to a simple majority. The lack of information about market rate adjustments from the Teamsters and UPS's desire to avoid a workers' insurgency and potential disruption to operations are possible reasons behind the push for a tentative agreement. However, some argue that collective action and the threat of a strike are essential for making significant gains. The disparity in approach to unionism between the Teamsters and more organizing-focused unions highlights the importance of member engagement and mobilization in achieving better working conditions.

    • Effective union leadership and communication for member engagementClear and consistent communication, onboarding processes, and member involvement foster a stronger sense of unity and understanding among union members, ensuring everyone is aware of their rights and benefits.

      Effective union leadership and communication are crucial for member engagement and understanding of union benefits. The lack of engagement from union leadership can lead to misinformation, low turnout in elections, and a perception of apathy towards part-time workers. Additionally, there exists a harmful narrative that people don't want to strike and that striking is undesirable. However, historical precedents, like the experiences of union workers such as the speaker's grandmother, demonstrate the importance and power of collective action through strikes. To address these issues, unions must prioritize clear and consistent communication, onboarding processes, and opportunities for member involvement. This will foster a stronger sense of unity and understanding among union members, ensuring that everyone is aware of their rights and the benefits the union provides.

    • Labor strikes gaining popularity among workersWorkers are striking more often, leading to stronger labor movements and positive changes for workers and their communities.

      There's a growing desire and excitement for labor strikes among workers, regardless of their political alignment. This trend, which has been fueled by the Great Resignation and the increasing awareness of labor's value, is causing fear among some politicians and union bureaucrats due to the potential power shift it represents. However, strikes also offer several benefits for workers, including community support, bonding, and a realization of their power. These experiences can lead to stronger labor movements and positive changes for workers and their communities.

    • Chicago Teachers' Strikes: A Reminder of the Power of Collective ActionThe Chicago teachers' strikes demonstrated the importance of collective action in addressing issues like poverty wages and unsafe work conditions, despite economic indicators not always reflecting the day-to-day experiences and needs of workers.

      The Chicago teachers' strikes in the past have led to significant community support and changed the city's dynamics. The potential loss of this strike wave, which includes a lack of large-scale private sector strikes, could be enormous. A wage increase for part-time workers, while a step in the right direction, may not be enough for the future as the economy continues to evolve. The speaker also emphasizes that economic indicators often do not reflect the day-to-day experiences and needs of workers. The strikes served as a reminder of the importance of collective action to address issues like poverty wages and unsafe work conditions. The speaker's personal experience highlights the long-term struggle for economic security and the need for more proactive measures.

    • New UPS agreement may not significantly improve situation for all employeesThe agreement creates new full-time positions but lacks clarity on if they'll be inside jobs or for drivers, and only a small percentage of UPS's workforce will be affected.

      The new tentative agreement at UPS may not significantly improve the situation for all employees, particularly those who are not eligible for full-time positions or those who are waiting for openings in inside jobs. While the agreement includes the creation of new full-time positions and the fulfillment of open positions, it's unclear if these positions will be for inside work or for drivers. Additionally, the number of new full-time positions represents only a small percentage of UPS's workforce, most of which is made up of part-timers. The lack of clarity regarding specifics in the agreement, such as cost of living adjustments and market rate adjustments, also adds uncertainty for employees. Overall, while the agreement may bring some improvements, it may not address the main concerns of all UPS employees, especially those who have been waiting for full-time positions for an extended period.

    • UPS Workers Face Challenging Conditions and UncertaintyUPS workers deal with tough labor, disregarded safety concerns, and uncertainty during contract negotiations, emphasizing the need for fair labor practices, clear communication, and effective union representation.

      Working at UPS comes with physically demanding labor and harsh working conditions. Workers are expected to lift heavy packages, sometimes weighing up to 150 pounds, thousands of times a day. Management pushes employees to work faster, disregarding potential safety concerns. Despite these challenges, many workers stay due to the job's pension benefits. However, the current contract negotiations have left workers feeling underrepresented and uncertain about their future, potentially leading to a delayed opportunity for a strike. The lack of union representation and communication further complicates the situation. The contract, which is over 300 pages long, has yet to be fully analyzed, leaving many questions unanswered. Overall, the situation highlights the importance of fair labor practices, clear communication, and effective union representation.

    • Labor strikes and Ron DeSantis' campaign finance discussedTeamsters for a Democratic Union may lead labor strikes, Ron DeSantis spent over $212,000 daily on campaign expenses, and sonnets are part of his social media strategy.

      If you want to support or get updates on potential labor strikes, following the Teamsters for a Democratic Union is recommended. The organization is likely to be at the forefront of any union-organized movements. Additionally, Ron DeSantis' campaign finances have been a topic of interest, with the Florida governor having spent about 40% of his $20 million fundraised amount as of last week, equating to an average daily spending rate of over $212,000. These expenditures are significant for a first-time presidential candidate. The discussion also touched on DeSantis' use of sonnets in his social media posts, following the release of a 2-part episode on the topic. Overall, the conversation provided insights into labor strikes and campaign finance, as well as the ongoing developments in Ron DeSantis' campaign.

    • DeSantis' Campaign Faces Financial ChallengesDeSantis' campaign has been spending heavily on staff, private jets, and luxury venues, leading to financial struggles and staff cuts. He's now adopting a new media strategy to engage more with mainstream media.

      Ron DeSantis' campaign has been burning through cash at an alarming rate, with questionable returns in terms of positive poll numbers. This has been attributed to an inflated staff, heavy use of private jets, and luxury event venues. Additionally, DeSantis' heavy dependence on high contributors has limited his funding sources, leaving him with a maxed-out donor base. As a result, his campaign has undergone massive cuts to staff, eliminating over a third of his payroll. DeSantis' team is now adopting a new strategy, dubbed the "DeSantis is everywhere approach," which involves engaging with mainstream media more than before. However, this strategy has been criticized for its ominous tone. Insiders have described DeSantis as experiencing a "challenging learning curve," leaving him "jarred" by the campaign's financial challenges. Overall, DeSantis' campaign faces significant logistical problems, including a shrinking donor base and dwindling advertising budget, which could impact his ability to compete effectively in the primary and beyond.

    • Controversial Videos from DeSantis CampaignDeSantis campaign faced scrutiny over two videos with homophobic and Nazi imagery, produced in-house by a campaign aid and shared by a staffer, raising concerns about the team's understanding of political strategies and effective communication.

      Ron DeSantis' campaign has faced scrutiny over two controversial videos, one with homophobic content and another with overtly Nazi imagery. The homophobic video was initially thought to have been posted by a third-party account, but it was later revealed that it was produced in-house by a DeSantis campaign aid. The second video, which surfaced shortly after the first one, was also shared by a DeSantis campaign staffer. The incidents have raised concerns about the campaign's staff and their understanding of effective political strategies. The videos have been described as accelerationist and fascist, and they have drawn criticism from various quarters. The incidents come at a time when DeSantis is facing a challenging adjustment period in campaigning against a formidable opponent like Joe Biden. Despite his effectiveness as a governor, DeSantis is reportedly less skilled at the machinery of politics compared to Trump, who is better at holding power within the GOP and being a showman.

    • The Doomer Wojak meme represents disillusioned individuals, sunset happy Wojak finds renewed hopeThe Doomer Wojak meme symbolizes disengagement from society due to perceived societal issues, while sunset happy Wojak depicts renewed hope and excitement for a fresh perspective or solution.

      The "doomer Wojak" meme represents individuals who have disengaged from society due to their beliefs that it has become irredeemably flawed. These beliefs can stem from various issues, such as political ideologies or social trends. The meme depicts a figure who appears disillusioned and apathetic, often sitting in front of a computer as they observe society's perceived downfall. The meme can be found on both the right and left political spectra, with doomers reacting to different societal issues. The sunset happy Wojak meme, specifically, represents a doomer who finds renewed hope and excitement in the emergence of a figure like Ron DeSantis, who offers a fresh perspective or solution to the perceived societal issues. This meme can be linked to the Sky King phenomenon, where an individual's existential crisis and disillusionment with society led them to take drastic actions, albeit non-violent ones. While the Sky King's actions may resemble accelerationist terrorism, his intentions were not to harm others, making these memes more complex than they initially appear.

    • Ron DeSantis campaign video contains troubling imagery and hateful contentA Ron DeSantis campaign video was shared with concerning imagery, including the Sonnenrad symbol, and hateful messages, reinforcing divisive and exclusionary themes, emphasizing the importance of accountability in political discourse.

      A video promoting Ron DeSantis' campaign contained troubling imagery, including the use of the Sonnenrad symbol, which has historical ties to Nazis. The video, shared by a former National Review writer and campaign staffer, employed accelerationist propaganda tropes and emulated memes known to inspire mass shootings and fascist ideologies. The video's style was similar to other content from the Ron DeSantis fan cams account, which openly embraced fascist themes. The use of the Sonnenrad symbol, a cultic version of the swastika, is deeply concerning and unacceptable in political discourse. The video's content, which included military imagery and anti-immigration, anti-diversity, and anti-education messages, further reinforces the divisive and exclusionary nature of the campaign. This incident underscores the importance of holding political figures and their supporters accountable for the messages they disseminate, particularly when they contain hateful or dangerous content.

    • DeSantis Campaign's Hire of Controversial Speechwriter BackfiresThe DeSantis campaign's attempt to appeal to the far-right youth vote through controversial content backfired, leading to criticism and negative media attention. The risks of relying on niche political upbringings and outdated tactics were highlighted by the incident.

      The DeSantis campaign's hiring of 25-year-old speechwriter Nate Hockman, who secretly made and shared Nazi-themed videos under a fan account, has backfired. The campaign's attempt to appeal to the far-right youth vote through such content has been met with criticism from older Republican voters and negative media attention. Hockman's actions, which were discovered after the New York Times linked his video style to the fan account, led to his termination from the campaign. The incident highlights the risks of relying on niche political upbringings and the changing political landscape, as tactics that may have worked in the past may not be effective today. The DeSantis campaign's approach to recruiting the far-right youth vote through meme-heavy content has been criticized as outdated and ineffective, especially given the current political climate and the evolution of online communities.

    • The Rise and Challenges of Young, Radical Right-Wing FiguresDespite their potential influence, young radical right-wing figures face challenges such as lack of strategy, premature extremist views, and ineffective propaganda tactics. Counter-measures from the left continue to limit their impact.

      The rise of young, radical right-wing figures in politics, if left unchecked, could pose a significant problem as they grow in numbers and influence. However, their lack of a cohesive strategy and tendency to reveal their extremist views prematurely can hinder their progress. The use of controversial tactics, such as fast wave videos, may also lose favor as they fail to resonate with key voter demographics and negatively impact campaigns. The failure of such strategies can potentially mark the end of their relevance as a powerful form of propaganda. It's important to note that the left, while not perfect, continues to work towards countering the spread of fascist ideologies and propaganda.

    • The spread of unattractive memes and aesthetics to the mainstreamEfforts to spread unattractive memes and aesthetics can be intentional or accidental, and their impact on social movements depends on their reception and virality.

      The spread of memes and aesthetics, such as Fashwave, can become unattractive to their original niche groups when they are seized and popularized by the mainstream. This was seen with the phenomenon of "dark Brandon," where antifascists and leftist posters attempted to appropriate Fashwave's aesthetics to disarm its dangerous aspects. However, virality cannot be forced and works best when it appears natural. While some efforts were intentional to spread dark Brandon, the mainstream liberal spread was accidental and ultimately contributed to its success in reaching a wider audience. This collaborative effort between intentional and accidental efforts highlights the complex nature of meme culture and its impact on social movements.

    • Child Labor Persists Due to Societal Biases and Perceived BenefitsChild labor continues to exist due to societal acceptance, biases, and the belief that children are less valuable or deserving of fair wages, leading to exploitation and lower wages for others.

      The issue of child labor is far from resolved, despite some arguing that it has been eliminated or that it is acceptable in certain circumstances. The moral acceptance of child labor in some communities, as well as the belief that children are less valuable or deserving of fair wages, allows capitalists to exploit children and drive down wages for others. The acceptance of child labor in certain industries or within families can also lead to a slippery slope of increasing exploitation. This historical issue continues to persist due to societal biases and the perceived benefits for employers. The quote from a 9-year-old miner from the early 1900s illustrates the harsh reality of child labor and the desperate circumstances that push children into such work.

    • Lawrence Textile Strike: Children Caught in the CrossfireThe Lawrence textile strike of 1912 saw children endure harsh working conditions and violence, but some opposed labor unions and regulations to protect them, believing child labor was essential for economic growth.

      During certain historical periods, the use of child labor was a contentious issue, particularly in industries like coal mining and textiles. In some regions, the prevalent sentiment was that children didn't object to working, and it took a long time for serious anti-child labor campaigns to gain traction. One notable example is the Lawrence textile strike in 1912, where workers, including children, faced harsh working conditions and police brutality when they protested against longer hours. The adults in the strike sent the children to New York for safety, but they were met with violence and attacks from law enforcement. Despite the horrific treatment of these children, there were those who argued against labor unions and regulations that would protect them, viewing child labor as necessary for economic prosperity.

    • Child Labor in Early 20th Century USADespite public opposition, effective federal child labor laws weren't established until 1938, and even then, enforcement was lax. Child labor still exists in the US, mainly in unregulated industries or through outsourcing.

      The use of child labor in the United States during the early 20th century was a deeply entrenched issue, with children as young as 7 working in dangerous conditions, including in mills. Despite public outcry and investigations, laws against child labor were met with resistance, even reaching the Supreme Court. The first effective federal child labor law wasn't established until 1938, when FDR threatened to expand the Supreme Court if they didn't change their stance. However, even after this law was passed, it wasn't effectively enforced, and child labor continued to exist in various forms. The first half of the 20th century saw a decline in child labor participation, but it never truly disappeared. Today, while child labor is often associated with other countries, it still exists in the United States, primarily in less regulated industries or through outsourcing.

    • Three 16-year-olds have died in hazardous jobs, and child labor laws are being weakened, leading to a surge in illegal child labor.Three teenagers have died in hazardous jobs, and child labor laws are being weakened, resulting in an increase in illegal child labor, with thousands of unaccompanied minors at risk of exploitation.

      In the past few months, at least three 16-year-old children have died while working in hazardous jobs in the US. This tragic trend is part of a larger issue, as there has been a significant increase in the number of children working illegally in hazardous jobs since 2015. The situation is worsening, with some states weakening child labor laws and a surge in unaccompanied minors entering the US. Biden's immigration policies have also contributed to the problem, resulting in thousands of children being placed with sponsors who may exploit them. The children are working long hours in dangerous conditions, including factories, slaughterhouses, and food production. Despite this, many children are going unreported, and efforts to investigate and enforce child labor laws are often inadequate. The situation is intolerable for many children, and it's essential to raise awareness and take action to protect their rights and ensure their safety.

    • Complex reasons fuel surge in unaccompanied minors at U.S. borderThe surge in unaccompanied minors at the U.S. border is a complex issue driven by labor trafficking, housing affordability, and policies that leave children vulnerable to exploitation.

      The surge in unaccompanied minors at the U.S. border is a complex issue with deep roots in labor trafficking, housing affordability, and the prioritization of profits over people. The Biden administration's policies have inadvertently contributed to the problem by preventing families from entering the country, leaving children vulnerable to exploitation. Most human trafficking is labor trafficking, but it receives less attention due to a lack of moral panic and the complicity of businesses that profit from it. Children, as young as 13, are forced into debt bondage and work long hours in industries like agriculture and manufacturing. The American housing market further exacerbates the issue, making it impossible for children to afford rent. The situation is spiraling out of control, with companies actively seeking out child labor and regulatory agencies either turning a blind eye or profiting from the situation. The systemic failure to protect these children is unacceptable, and the lack of accountability for those who profit from their suffering is a moral crisis.

    • Raids on companies employing child labor leave families facing legal repercussions, while the companies face no consequencesDespite raids on companies using child labor, families bear the brunt of legal consequences, while employers face no accountability, perpetuating a cycle of dangerous working conditions and potential deportation or imprisonment for families

      While raids on companies employing child labor result in the imprisonment or deportation of the families of the children involved, the companies themselves face little to no consequences. The families, often impoverished and desperate, are the only ones facing legal repercussions. This systemic issue is not new, as hazardous child labor has long existed in various industries, including agriculture and slaughterhouses. The Obama administration, which was supposed to address labor violations, instead made the situation worse by deporting undocumented workers, giving employers control over the situation. The problem is particularly prevalent in anti-immigrant border states, where politicians can exploit the situation by hiring undocumented immigrants while whipping up anti-immigrant sentiment to discipline and crush them. The horrific cycle continues, leaving children in dangerous working conditions and their families facing imprisonment or deportation.

    • Systemic exploitation of immigrant workersThe systemic exploitation of immigrant workers, particularly in agriculture and meat processing, is a long-standing issue perpetuated by those in power for financial gain, with little concern for the wellbeing of workers.

      The systemic exploitation of immigrant workers, particularly in industries like agriculture and meat processing, is a long-standing issue that has been deliberately designed and perpetuated by those in power for financial gain. The justice system often targets the workers themselves rather than the companies hiring them, leaving vulnerable individuals with few options and no support. This issue intersects with other forms of systemic oppression, such as anti-trans legislation, which disproportionately affects marginalized communities. The lack of empathy and concern for the wellbeing of these workers is inhumane and disgusting. It's essential to raise awareness and acknowledge that this issue is not new and has existed for a long time. While it may seem overwhelming, history shows that powerful regimes have been brought down, and it's our responsibility to work towards a point where the exploitation of children and vulnerable workers is no longer acceptable. The insidiousness of the issue may make it harder to address, but we must persist in our efforts to bring about change.

    • Building Stronger Connections and Prioritizing Personal Well-beingForm meaningful social bonds through organizations like Neighbor to Neighbor, prioritize personal wellness with resources like Lazarus Naturals CBD, and utilize services from organizations like CVS Health for holistic health and well-being.

      Building strong community connections and ensuring personal wellness are essential for a happier and more resilient life. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of forming meaningful social bonds with those around us, not only for personal growth but also for preparing for unexpected events. Meanwhile, Lazarus Naturals offers transparency and quality assurance in the CBD market, empowering consumers to make informed decisions about their health. CVS Health is another example of an organization dedicated to improving lives through various means. They offer wellness destinations, virtual and in-person care, in-home evaluations, and mental health services, demonstrating their commitment to holistic well-being. In the face of uncertainty, it's essential to focus on the positive aspects of our communities and personal health. Neighbor to Neighbor, Lazarus Naturals, and CVS Health are just a few examples of the many resources available to help us build stronger connections and prioritize our well-being. By taking advantage of these opportunities, we can create a more connected and healthier world for ourselves and those around us. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor and how you can get involved, visit caneighbors.com. For those interested in Lazarus Naturals' CBD products, visit lazarusnaturals.com. Lastly, to explore the range of services offered by CVS Health, visit cvshealth.com/healthierhappens together.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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