
    Podcast Summary

    • When life throws challenges, remember it gets betterLife's challenges are temporary, hold on for better days ahead, connect with supportive community for extra encouragement

      No matter how difficult or overwhelming life may seem, it gets better. Kate Cocker shared a personal story about feeling overwhelmed when she had a newborn and accidentally ruined an important piece of equipment. She felt like everything was falling apart, but a friend's reassuring words helped her get through it. The friend reminded Kate that things would improve, and that's a message we can all take to heart. When life throws challenges at us, it's important to remember that they are temporary and that better days are ahead. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged today, take a deep breath and hold on. It gets better, I promise. And if you need some extra support, join the Everyday Positivity hangout where you can connect with others and work on creating a positive vision for your future. Remember, you're not alone, and there's always a community of people ready to help you through the tough times. So, keep pushing forward, and don't give up on yourself or your dreams. It gets better.

    Related Episodes

    CWTP 23 | Navigating the Complex Emotions of Christmas (Tony McVickers)

    CWTP 23 | Navigating the Complex Emotions of Christmas (Tony McVickers)
    Discover the true essence of Christmas with Pastor Andy McDaniel and Pastor Tony Mcvickers in a conversation that promises to kindle a deeper understanding and appreciation of this festive season. We'll navigate through the glittering joy and the profound spiritual significance, while also acknowledging the pain and struggle that can accompany the holidays for some. Let us help you keep Jesus at the heart of your celebrations, as we share insights into expressing faith through generosity, kindness, and forgiveness. Whether you're basking in the warmth of family traditions or seeking comfort amidst grief, our dialogue is a beacon of hope, offering an uplifting message of love and encouragement.

    Plunge into the transformative power of Christmas with us. As we discuss the personal nature of salvation and the journey towards joy and healing, you'll find solace in the stories and biblical truths we explore. Pastor Tony and I dissect the importance of visible signs of faith during the season and how they can guide others to witness Christ's presence in their lives. We invite you to witness how personal transformation can emerge from within the holiday's commercial bustle, illuminating a path of hope and forgiveness for those mourning or grappling with life's challenges.

    As we wrap up the year, we reflect on the unparalleled gift of Christ and the simplicity of His message. We tackle misconceptions that cloud the joy of life and the necessity of embracing God's transformative love to discover our true purpose. Pastor Tony and I stand ready to support and offer encouragement to anyone in need, as we eagerly anticipate another year of enriching conversations on Coffee with the Pastor. Let the spirit of hope and love we've shared resonate with you this Christmas and guide you into a new year filled with faith and blessings.

    Highlight Timestamps:

    (00:00) Christmas Joy and Encouragement
    Christmas is a time of joy and reflection, but can also bring pain; we discuss keeping focus on Jesus, hopelessness, and offering encouragement.
    (06:07) Helping Others See Christ at Christmas
    Embodying Christ during Christmas by showing love, joy, peace, and forgiveness through intentional actions and attitudes.
    (20:29) Hope and Personal Transformation's Power
    Rediscover the personal nature of Christmas amidst commercial chaos, emphasizing salvation and forgiveness, and navigating grief and joy through fellowship and truth.
    (32:21) Finding Hope and Purpose Through Christ
    Understanding the difference between existing and living, finding identity and hope through salvation, and addressing church disputes.
    (40:24) Embracing the Gift of Christ
    Christmas, Christ's gift, simplicity of Scripture, shalom, faith's impact, salvation through belief in Jesus.
    (52:18) Support and Encouragement From the Pastor
    Encouragement, support, and Jesus celebrated as we close out the year on Coffee with the Pastor.

    4 Couples, 4 Views on Retirement and Their Encore Life Part 4: Group Discussion 029

    4 Couples, 4 Views on Retirement and Their Encore Life Part 4: Group Discussion 029

    In this final episode of this series, we will be having an open discussion as a group.  You have heard 3 different couples talk about their future or current retirement and their hopes for living their encore life.  In this open discussion between the eight of us, you will hear some of this:

    Group:  Spend time with family, planning, changed plans, timeframes changed as far as long range planning, God’s plan not our plans, Study the Word, God will give you a purpose every day.  Fear of the unknown….What if?  God is in control.  Reflect on events in your life and see how God’s plan has unfolded.  God speaks to you through His Word. Ask yourself “What can I do for God to build His kingdom.

    Action Item:  Listen to or read the resources provided in the show notes from Billy Graham and John Piper about how God speaks to us. Take time intentionally to spend time in God’s Word, asking Him to speak to you and giving you ears to hear what He has to say to you.

    Tune in next week as we have an interview with a gentleman that has experienced his encore life after a long career in law enforcement.


    Billy Graham Answers: How Does God Speak to Us Today?

    John Piper: Does God Verbally Speak to Me?

    Roger Whitney: Rock Your Retirement

    Planning for Retirement: AARP

    48 Days Resources: Dan Miller

    Bible Gateway

    Contact Craig

    4 Couples, 4 Views on Retirement and Their Encore Life Part 3 028

    4 Couples, 4 Views on Retirement and Their Encore Life Part 3 028

    Due to this unprecedented pandemic all of us are experiencing 2020 very differently from what our 2020 vision may have been.  Many have had their careers, retirements, travel plans, and just day to day living disrupted that may cause us to lose our vision for what we want in our encore life, or even wonder if we will ever get there. It is OK and quite normal to experience some levels of fear over the unknown (episode 24), grief over loss of loved ones, loss of health, loss of jobs or careers, and loss of what may have been plans and dreams disrupted. I recently listened to a special Easter message by Rick Warren titled “Expecting a Resurrection When Life Falls Apart”. I found his explanation of the normal emotions people go through starting with fear, then grief, then ultimately transforming to joy, relating it through the experiences of Jesus’s disciples and how we will experience this many times through our life to be extremely insightful. We must have hope to get through the hard things, and how we respond to these emotions will determine how we move through these emotions to a point of having hope again for the joy that we look forward to once we move through major disruptions and tragedies that we are going to face in life. I encourage everyone to listen to this message by Rick Warren.

    In this episode we talk with Fred and Becky, both who retired within the last few years from a lengthy career with the same school system that my wife and I recently retired from.  Becky retired twice from the system, while Fred spent some time in the department of corrections as an educator before moving to a public school system.  You will also get to meet my wife Kelli as she discusses our retirement and encore lives from her perspective.

    Topics that were discussed in this episode include:

    Find new identity/purpose. 

    Selling house/downsizing/lifestyle transition to affordable desirable. 

    Find purpose to help and do more for others. 

    More reach out/be the Church.

    Roadblocks have been caring for parents.

    Caring for Grandchildren.

    Action Item:  Your action item for this week is a repeat of the last two weeks which is to check out the resources that I have provided or others that you know of and plan your next step to get you closer to where you need to be to live your encore life.  If you have done this in the previous 2 weeks, then plan what your 2nd or 3rd steps may need to be.

    Isaiah 61:3  To those who have sorrow in Zion I will give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes. I will give them the oil of joy instead of sorrow, and a spirit of praise instead of a spirit of no hope. Then they will be called oaks that are right with God, planted by the Lord, that He may be honored.

    Please check out the show notes for resources that I have included during this entire series


    Expecting a Resurrection When Life Falls Apart: Rick Warren

    Roger Whitney: Rock Your Retirement

    Planning for Retirement: AARP

    48 Days Resources: Dan Miller

    Bible Gateway

    Contact Craig

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