
    Podcast Summary

    • Julie Piatt on self-reflection, meditation, and spiritual connectionPracticing self-reflection, meditation, eating right, and spiritual pursuit can lead to a beautiful and fulfilling life.

      According to Julie Piatt on the Rich Roll podcast, having the courage to practice self-reflection, meditation, and spiritual connection can lead to a more beautiful and fulfilling life than one could ever imagine. This can be achieved through meditation, self-reflection, eating right, and committing to a spiritual pursuit. This idea was shared during a Q&A session at an event in Melbourne, Australia. Additionally, Rich Roll mentioned his excitement about his new venture, Voicing Change Media, which is a consortium of thought leaders and content creators focused on fostering meaningful conversations on various topics. He also mentioned his partnership with ON, a company that creates high-performance running apparel using innovative technology.

    • Navigating Challenges in Embracing a Plant-Based LifestyleEmbrace personal growth, communicate effectively, seek support, and overcome obstacles to successfully adopt a plant-based lifestyle.

      Making a significant lifestyle change, such as going plant-based, can be a challenging journey, especially when it comes to navigating relationships and dealing with personal and external obstacles. The individual in this story found inspiration and support from a podcast and made the decision to embrace a plant-based lifestyle, experiencing positive physical and mental benefits. However, he faced challenges in convincing his wife to join him and dealing with social scorn. The podcast episode discussed in the preface offers insights on effective communication, embracing personal growth, and attracting support for lifestyle choices rather than debating them. Additionally, the episode addressed the importance of mental resilience and overcoming personal struggles. Overall, the story underscores the importance of self-discovery, determination, and seeking out resources and support to navigate life's challenges.

    • Stay true to yourself and live authenticallyFind success by staying true to yourself, investing in self-reflection, and expressing yourself honestly. Authenticity leads to unique impact.

      Finding success in sharing a message of wellness, plant-based nutrition, or any transformative lifestyle change, comes from staying true to yourself and living authentically. It's not about creating a business plan or mimicking others, but rather an organic outgrowth of living in faith and expressing yourself honestly. Additionally, investing in self-reflection, meditation, and spiritual connection can lead to discovering your unique expression and creating a beautiful impact on the world. Be discerning about what you affiliate yourself with and stay authentic to your own path. Your unique genius is needed to transform the world.

    • Embrace a positive mindset towards physical activity and nutritionRefrain from self-defeatism, focus on the present moment during exercise, and prioritize anti-inflammatory, antioxidant foods for improved joint health and overall fitness. Communicate effectively and show love in relationships to maintain harmony during lifestyle changes.

      Shifting one's mindset towards enjoying physical activity and focusing on anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich foods can significantly improve joint health and overall fitness. It's essential to refrain from mental self-defeatism and instead, approach exercise with patience and a focus on the present moment. Additionally, communication and unconditional love are crucial in maintaining relationships while making lifestyle changes. In the case of conflicting dietary preferences, finding common ground and prioritizing understanding and acceptance can help ease tensions.

    • Accepting and valuing someone for who they areInstead of trying to change others, focus on your own spiritual growth for a more fulfilling relationship

      Trying to control or change someone else's behavior through love can be counterproductive and lead to frustration. Instead, embracing the concept of divine love, which accepts and values someone for who they are, can lead to a more fulfilling and relaxing relationship. This was a pivotal realization for the speaker, who had spent years trying to get her partner to eat healthier with little success. By shifting her perspective and focusing on her own spiritual growth, she was able to release him to his own path and ultimately facilitate positive change in their relationship. This shift in mindset allowed them both to relax and enjoy their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Finding the courage to make decisions based on personal desiresTrusting one's own instincts and seeking reliable sources of information can lead to transformative shifts in personal decision-making, ultimately improving health and well-being.

      True release from external expectations can lead to a transformative shift in personal decision-making. The speaker shares an experience of realizing that her decisions should be based on what she wants for herself, not to please others. This realization allowed her to reconnect with her own desires and make a significant change in her life. In the context of health and well-being, this means trusting one's own instincts and seeking reliable sources of information, like the podcast "The Proof," to make informed decisions. The inspiring stories of individuals who have made positive changes through plant-based diets, like the speaker's own experience with ultra-running, demonstrate the power of self-motivation and the importance of finding sources of inspiration that resonate with personal values.

    • Exploring Self-Actualization with Ultra CommitmentPush beyond comfort zones, read inspiring books, balance relationships, and strive for authentic self-expression to live an inspired life.

      The word "ultra" represents a deep commitment to personal growth and self-discovery. It's about pushing beyond comfort zones to uncover unique and meaningful aspects of oneself, and striving to express that authenticity in daily life. The journey towards self-actualization can be inspired by various resources, such as books. Some recommended titles include "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahamsa Yogananda and "Oneness" by Rasha. Depending on individual needs, other influential books may focus on health, nutrition, motivation, or spiritual discovery. From the spiritual perspective, it's crucial to explore and balance various aspects of our lives, including mastering relationships and avoiding negative practices. A teacher like David Deida offers valuable insights on masculine and feminine qualities in relationships. Ultimately, the word "ultra" embodies the pursuit of living an authentic, inspired life.

    • Lead by example and educate yourselfFocus on living a plant-based lifestyle and educating yourself to effectively advocate for it, rather than engaging in debates or imposing beliefs on others

      Becoming a strong advocate for a whole food, plant-based diet in the face of conflicting information requires being a living example of the lifestyle and approaching conversations from a place of strength and knowledge. The Internet provides an abundance of information, but it can also be disorienting and lead to debates that don't help in convincing others. Instead, focusing on educating oneself and leading by example is a more effective way to attract people to the lifestyle. It's essential to remember that our power lies in beingness and love, and avoiding making our beliefs into new dogmas that we impose on others. By remaining open and accepting, we can inspire change over time.

    • Staying committed and supporting each otherAthlete: Stay committed and race your own race. Crew: Be well-prepared, focused, and ready for an emotional rollercoaster.

      During challenging experiences, it's essential to stay committed and support each other, both for the athlete and the crew. The crew role is demanding and requires focus, preparation, and emotional resilience. While there will be highs and lows, the experience can be transformative and worth the effort. Advice for the athlete includes staying committed and racing one's own race, while crew advice includes being well-prepared, focused, and ready for an emotional rollercoaster. Overall, the bond between the athlete and crew is integral to success in endurance events like Ultraman.

    • Staying true to your beliefs inspires othersConfidently sharing your passions and beliefs can lead to unexpected opportunities for connection and influence

      Staying true to your beliefs and passionately advocating for them can lead to unexpected opportunities for connection and influence. In the story shared, the speaker's manager initially dismissed her interest in plant-based nutrition, but later approached her for advice due to his own newfound interest in running and potential dietary changes. The speaker's unwavering commitment to her beliefs served as a beacon for her manager, drawing him to her for guidance. This experience highlights the importance of confidently sharing your passions and beliefs, even in the face of initial skepticism or dismissal. By standing in your truth, you may inspire and influence others in unexpected ways.

    • Win 'Build the House' t-shirts and access meal planner, merchandise, and discountsListeners can win free t-shirts, access meal planner, receive inspiring emails, and purchase merchandise or get discounts

      There are exciting opportunities for both listeners and those interested in plant-based eating. For listeners, there's a chance to win free "Build the House" t-shirts by sharing their favorite podcast episodes on social media using the hashtag #RRPfave. For those looking to make the transition to a plant-based diet, the new meal planner offers a solution with thousands of recipes, personalized meal plans, grocery lists, and 24/7 customer support, all for just $1.90 a week. Additionally, those interested can sign up for a free weekly email from Rich Roll with inspiring content. The podcast also offers various merchandise for sale and sponsor discounts on luggage and life insurance. Overall, the podcast provides value and opportunities for both entertainment and practical lifestyle changes.

    Recent Episodes from The Rich Roll Podcast

    Michael Chernow Is A Creature Of Habit: A Story of Sobriety, Resilience & Redemption

    Michael Chernow Is A Creature Of Habit: A Story of Sobriety, Resilience & Redemption
    Michael Chernow is a restaurateur, entrepreneur, and the founder of Kreatures of Habit.   This conversation explores Michael’s cinematic journey of sobriety, resilience, and redemption. We discuss his traumatic childhood, the depths of his addiction, the heights of culinary success, and how fitness and recovery eclipsed a life beyond his dreams. Michael emphasizes the power of daily habits, morning routines, stacking small wins, and breathwork in his transformative process. With no-nonsense insights, Michael discusses healing one’s inner child and his unwavering belief that anyone can change their life—no matter how far gone they think they are. Michael is an incredible individual. And this conversation is powerful. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order 👉 seed.com/RichRoll  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉 livemomentous.com/richroll  This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% OFF their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJuly 01, 2024

    The New Science Of Intuition: Neuroscientist Joel Pearson On Leveraging The Unconscious Mind For Better Decisions & Actions

    The New Science Of Intuition: Neuroscientist Joel Pearson On Leveraging The Unconscious Mind For Better Decisions & Actions
    Dr. Joel Pearson is a cognitive neuroscientist, author of “The Intuition Toolkit,” and a pioneer in objectively measuring human intuition. This conversation explores the fascinating science behind intuition, revealing its influential role in decision-making. We discuss Joel’s groundbreaking research, the SMILE framework for cultivating reliable intuition, the hidden benefits of aphantasia, the illusion of free will, and the manipulative influence of AI on our choices. This conversation is itself a toolkit—covering the difference between intuition, instinct, and impulse; what influences the reliability of intuition; and when to use or avoid it. I greatly admire Joel’s work in understanding the mind and consciousness, which tackles the root of humanity’s most fundamental problems. It will change the way you think about gut feelings. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order 👉seed.com/RichRoll  Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com  Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF  👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL  Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 24, 2024

    Your Brain On Food: Dr. Uma Naidoo On The Intersection Of Nutrition & Mental Health

    Your Brain On Food: Dr. Uma Naidoo On The Intersection Of Nutrition & Mental Health
    Dr. Uma Naidoo is a nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, and nutrition specialist. This conversation explores the intersection between food and mood, with Dr. Naidoo sharing her expertise on how what we eat impacts our mental well-being. We discuss the gut-brain connection, foods that fight anxiety and depression, practical nutrition tips, and much more. Throughout the conversation, Dr. Naidoo provides actionable advice and fascinating insights into the world of nutritional psychiatry. Dr. Naidoo is a true pioneer in this field. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone interested in using food as medicine for the mind. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Peak Design: Save 20% OFF 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Brain.fm: Get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll Birch: Unlock 20% off ALL mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs  👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Squarespace: Save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer

    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer
    Dr. Alan Goldhamer is a pioneering researcher, founder and director of TrueNorth Health Center, and a leading expert on water-only fasting. This conversation explores the science behind fasting and its potential to reverse chronic diseases. We examine Dr. Goldhamer’s groundbreaking research, which involves fasting patients for upwards of 40 days, their success stories, the importance of a whole-food, plant-based diet, and the challenges of integrating fasting into mainstream medical practices. Throughout our discussion, Dr. Goldhamer provides insights into the obesity epidemic, details the connection between fasting and longevity, and offers his thoughts on the future of healthcare. Dr. Goldhamer is a maverick, and this conversation is instructive for anyone seeking to optimize their health. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF 👉on.com/richroll Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll  This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% OFF 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 17, 2024

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World
    Sam Harris is a renowned neuroscientist, philosopher, bestselling author, and host of the wildly popular Making Sense podcast. This conversation explores the crisis of misinformation and the erosion of critical thinking in society. Sam shares his journey of understanding consciousness through meditation and psychedelics, and how recognizing the illusion of the self can lead to profound inner freedom.  We discuss the importance of reason, science, AI, and open conversations to navigate the challenges of our time and build a more rational, cooperative future. Sam's insights are thought-provoking and timely. This is a conversation not to be missed. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  LMNT: get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL ROKA: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself 👉join.whoop.com/roll Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF 👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    Roll ON: Journaling, Creativity & Process—Plus Transformative Books, Thoughts on Regenerative Agriculture & Remembering Swimming's Greatest Coach

    Roll ON: Journaling, Creativity & Process—Plus Transformative Books, Thoughts on Regenerative Agriculture & Remembering Swimming's Greatest Coach
    Mr. Adam Skolnick and I are back in the saddle for Roll On—ready to unpack all that’s transpired in our worlds and beyond!  Specific topics include the creative anxieties of book publishing (Adam finished his novel!), a recent podcast kerfuffle (i.e., Ozempic), my trip to India and meeting with the Dalai Lama, heading to Paris for the Olympics, paying respect to legends lost, book recommendations, and wading into the Sage Bistro regenerative farming debate.  Let’s make up for lost time, shall we? Put us in your earholes! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Peak Design: Get 20% OFF my favorite products 👉 PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Inside Tracker: Enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉 insidetracker.com/richroll On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order   👉on.com/richroll  Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll Squarespace: Use code RichRoll for a FREE trial + 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL AG1: REE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

    Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It
    Phil Stutz is a renowned psychiatrist, author, and the protagonist in the Netflix documentary “Stutz”. This conversation explores the intersection of spirituality and Phil’s iconoclastic perspective on personal growth, which emphasizes actionable tools over traditional talk therapy. We discuss Phil’s backstory, his therapeutic philosophy, the drivers of happiness, the importance of embracing reality and uncertainty, the role of faith, finding purpose through service and action, and many other topics. Along the way, Phil expertly psychoanalyzes me. Phil is a treasure. And this conversation is a gift. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF my favorite products 👉 livemomentous.com/richroll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Brain.fm: Get 30 days FREE of science-backed sound 👉brain.fm/richroll This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month by visiting 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 03, 2024

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More
    This week, I’m joined by Matthew Hussey, the celebrated relationship expert and bestselling author, to discuss the intricacies of modern dating and to raise standards for authentic connections. With honest truths, he addresses embracing self-worth, setting boundaries, and cultivating a mindset that attracts an equal partnership based on decency, kindness, and respect. Exploring internal fears, anxieties, and the allure of chaotic relationship dynamics, Matthew discusses unreliable instincts and recognizing red, amber, and green lights. He provides a practical roadmap for breaking destructive cycles, navigating vulnerabilities, and nurturing healthy interdependence. Additionally, we examine gender differences in dating insecurities and societal pressures. Matthew emphasizes the importance of open communication, productive arguments, and empowering your partner’s growth. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use code Rich Roll for 15% OFF your first purchase 👉gobrewing.com  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    How Do You Define True Health? Plus: Ruminations On Aging, Death & The Importance of Open Communication
    I'm hitting a groove. Although I definitely have some sustainability concerns about posting two weekly editions of the show (have I said how much work this is?), I'm keeping my promise. So here we are again with another installment of Ask Me Anything — a twist on my typical guest interview format where we answer questions submitted by you, the listener. But this week it's a twist on that twist. In addition to entertaining a few listener inquiries, I gave Julie the latitude to raise a few issues and themes currently on her mind. I think the recipe worked — it's quite a revelatory exchange. This conversation explores: * Appreciating Diversity Among RRP Guests * How To Define True Health * What It Means To Live In Balance * Eating In Harmony With Nature * Perspectives On Aging * Mindful Ruminations on Death * Cultural Objectification Of Women * Successful Marriage & Open Communication The show concludes with Mother of Mine, written and performed by Julie (aka SriMati), accompanied by our sons Tyler & Trapper Piatt. I sincerely hope you enjoy our discussion. How Do YOU define ‘True Health”? Let me know in the comments section below. Peace + Plants, Rich