
    Podcast Summary

    • Design a custom ring online or find a new professional opportunity with easeBlue Nile lets you create a personalized ring, LinkedIn connects you to potential hires or jobs

      For significant life moments like proposing with a unique ring or hiring for a small business, utilizing online platforms like Blue Nile and LinkedIn can offer convenience, customization, and access to a wide range of options. Blue Nile allows you to design a custom ring online and have it delivered to your door, while LinkedIn offers access to a vast pool of professionals, even those not actively looking for new opportunities. Additionally, companies like Burrow provide durable, customizable furniture with fast, free shipping. Regarding recent news, it's important to avoid speculation on ongoing investigations, and Nicola Sturgeon's resignation was not due to the investigation but rather her exhaustion from leading the party and the country through the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • SNP faces major finance scandal with arrest of Peter MurrellThe SNP is under investigation for alleged misuse of £600,000 in donations and a £107,000 personal loan from Peter Murrell, the party's former CEO and husband of the First Minister. Nicola Sturgeon has been evasive about party finances, and the scandal may have influenced her resignation and the recent leadership contest.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) is facing a major scandal involving its finances, with the party's former chief executive and husband of the First Minister, Peter Murrell, being arrested in connection with the investigation. The investigation centers around allegations that £600,000 in donations meant for a second independence referendum were instead used for the party's day-to-day running costs, and that an interest-free personal loan of over £107,000 from Murrell to the party in 2021 is also under scrutiny. This development comes after Nicola Sturgeon's repeated evasive answers to questions about party finances during press conferences. The political implications are significant, as the new first minister will need to handle the situation within the constraints of the law, and opposition parties will also have a role to play. The scandal may also have influenced Nicola Sturgeon's abrupt resignation, and could have shaped the recent leadership contest. The SNP has pledged to conduct a review of governance and transparency in response to the investigation. This news adds to the challenges facing the SNP under its new leadership, as the party seeks to rebuild trust with both party members and the wider public.

    • Scottish politics: SNP support declines, Labor risesSNP's declining support and Labor's rise raise concerns about inclusivity and the need for respectful political discourse in Scotland's Holyrood chamber.

      The political landscape in Scotland is shifting, with SNP support declining and Labor support rising. The recent news about the S&P and Scottish politics did not help this trend. Regarding the last episode's discussion about the first minister's questions, Marion raised concerns about the tenor of Douglas Ross's contributions and the rules applied in the chamber. She suggested that Holyrood, designed to be less intense than Westminster, could benefit from cleaning up first minister's questions to avoid deteriorating standards. Jeff's email questioned the SNP's inclusivity, suggesting that if they cannot accommodate differing views within their party, it may be difficult for the electorate to believe they would be inclusive with independence. The importance of reflecting the 48% in government was also highlighted to present a unified front.

    • SMEs key to economic growth and public servicesThe SNP's success in promoting economic growth, particularly in SMEs, is crucial for funding public services and reducing inequality. Distinguishing between big businesses and SMEs is important, and supporting their transition to renewable energies and sustainable industries is essential.

      Economic growth, driven by small and medium enterprises (SMEs), is essential for funding public services and providing equality of opportunity, rather than being a right-wing notion. The Scottish National Party's (SNP) success in the past was built on incentivizing sustainable economic growth, particularly in the SME sector. The speakers emphasized the importance of recognizing the distinction between big businesses and SMEs within the economic chain and advocated for their support in transitioning to renewable energies and other sustainable industries. Hamza Yousaf, the Scottish Minister for Social Justice, Housing, and Local Government, is seen as making accommodations to include Kate Forbes, the Finance Secretary, in the government, signaling a willingness to engage with a larger percentage of the population.

    • New Scottish First Minister Hanza Yousaf's pragmatic approach to business growth in energy sectorNew Scottish First Minister Hanza Yousaf is taking a pragmatic approach to incentivizing business growth in the energy sector, aligning with the need for a balanced approach following intense leadership contest. Former MSP and health secretary Jean Freeman shares her encouragement.

      New Scottish First Minister Hanza Yousaf is focusing on taking a pragmatic approach to incentivizing business growth in the energy sector. This was evident during his recent visit to Aberdeen with Mary McCallum, the net zero cabinet secretary. Jean Freeman, a former MSP and health secretary, shared her encouragement after hearing Yousaf's words, which align with the need for a balanced approach following the intense leadership contest. Freeman, who has been involved in politics since her childhood, discussed her motivation for entering politics and her experiences as Social Security and health secretary. When asked about her decision to step down as health secretary during the COVID-19 pandemic, she acknowledged that she didn't feel she could give the job her full commitment, but couldn't definitively say if the pandemic was the sole factor.

    • Regret over missed discussions on NHS future before pandemicThe NHS needs cross-party discussions involving stakeholders to reevaluate its structure and provide efficient care at the point of need, despite UK's relatively poor health outcomes.

      The UK's NHS is facing significant challenges, particularly in the aftermath of COVID-19. The speaker expresses regret over not being able to initiate discussions with the Royal Colleges and other healthcare professionals regarding the future of the health service before the pandemic hit. He believes that these conversations are crucial for making the best use of resources while staying true to the founding principles of the NHS. The speaker also raises concerns about the UK's relatively poor health outcomes compared to other countries despite similar funding. He suggests that it's time for a cross-party effort to reevaluate the structure of the NHS and find more effective ways to provide taxpayer-funded care at the point of need. The speaker emphasizes the importance of involving clinical teams, Royal Colleges, and other stakeholders in this process, rather than relying solely on politicians to lead the way. He also shares a personal anecdote about the importance of efficient care, such as "door to balloon time" in heart attack treatment.

    • Empowering everyone in healthcareEngaging and valuing ideas from all healthcare staff, including those in non-clinical roles, can lead to efficient improvements and effective changes during times of crisis.

      Involving everyone in the healthcare system, from receptionists to janitors, can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and patient care. This was demonstrated through the example of a hospital that implemented a suggestion from a janitor to move a drinks machine, resulting in faster response times. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this approach was adopted more widely, with frontline clinical teams making decisions without the need for extensive committees and policies. Instead, focusing on the ideas and needs of those directly involved in the healthcare system could lead to effective changes, such as expanding hospital at home services and utilizing digital technology. Therefore, starting discussions for NHS reform with those who are using the service or working in it could yield the most beneficial results.

    • Navigating complex decisions during a crisisDespite the best efforts, mistakes were made during the pandemic. Decision-makers relied on available information and learned from their experiences to make progress incrementally.

      During the pandemic, decision-makers faced complex situations with no risk-free options, requiring constant evaluation of potential harms and risks. Jean, as a former health secretary, acknowledges that the best decisions were made with the available information at the time, but mistakes were inevitable. Jason Leach's recent comments on potentially reconsidering school closures reflect this ongoing learning process. Hamza Yousef's tenure as health secretary was also subject to scrutiny, but the complexities of managing the health service mean that progress is made incrementally, and responsibility for its failings should not solely rest on one person.

    • Politicians should approach complex issues with rational thinking and fairnessPoliticians should engage in open, constructive debates and foster grown-up discussions for effective solutions and increased public trust

      It's essential for politicians to approach complex issues like health and social care with rational thinking and fairness, avoiding quick sound bites that may not fully address the complexities of the situation. The health secretary role is particularly challenging due to the constant barrage of bad news and the public's expectation for easy solutions. Instead, politicians should engage in open, constructive debates about difficult issues and be respectful of differing views. The SNP, as an example, could benefit from such an approach, treating the population of Scotland as adults and fostering a grown-up discussion about the economy, public services, and independence. This approach could lead to more effective solutions and increased public trust in the political process. Additionally, it's important to remember that health and social care are inextricably linked, and both areas need to be addressed together for meaningful progress.

    • Complacency and disconnect from public can harm partiesParties in power must stay responsive to public concerns to avoid complacency and potential loss of support.

      Complacency and disconnect from the public can be detrimental for political parties, even those currently performing well. The recent polling data suggests a potential shift back towards Labour from the SNP, with independent support remaining strong. However, it's important to note that Scottish voters can make a clear distinction between their preferences for a general election versus a Holyrood election. The risk for any party in power is becoming too complacent and out of touch with the public, which could lead to a disconnect and potential loss of support. The Scottish National Party (SNP) must avoid being perceived as assuming their right to victory and instead continue to respond to public concerns and refresh their approach to avoid complacency. The parallels between the SNP's views on Labour in 2007 and their current stance can serve as a reminder of the potential risks.

    • SNP-SGP alignment creates complex dynamics for both partiesThe SNP and SGP's political alignment brings unique challenges, including clear communication, maintaining distinct identities, and reassuring the business community of economic growth commitments.

      The current political alignment between the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Scottish Green Party (SGP) presents unique challenges for both parties, particularly in regards to their public image and messaging towards the business community. The bunker mentality that once united the SNP during adversity now extends to include the SGP, creating a complex dynamic that goes beyond traditional left-right divisions. The need for clear communication and boundaries within their agreement is crucial to avoid confusion and maintain distinct identities. This complexity also raises questions about how the SNP can reassure the business community of their commitment to economic growth while collaborating with a party that advocates for the replacement of capitalism. The ongoing conversation between the parties about the nature of their agreement and the balance between cooperation and distinctiveness is essential to ensure transparency and understanding from the wider public.

    • Scottish Greens' influence extends beyond policy areas agreed with SNPEffective partnerships require clear lines of divergence and respect towards junior partners. Scottish Greens' impact goes beyond their agreed policy areas, particularly in oil and gas. Understanding SNP's leadership discipline is essential, but insights from those who've worked with Sturgeon directly can provide a more nuanced perspective.

      While the Scottish Government agreement excludes certain policy areas for the Scottish Greens, in practice, their influence extends beyond those boundaries, particularly in areas like oil and gas. For the success of the partnership, it's crucial that the Scottish National Party (SNP) establishes clear lines of divergence and demonstrates respect towards the Greens as the junior partner. Additionally, learning from the past experiences of respectful interactions between politicians, regardless of party affiliations, can contribute positively to the political landscape. The SNP's discipline under Nicola Sturgeon's leadership is often highlighted as an example of effective party management. However, to understand the true nature of this discipline, it would be beneficial to ask those who have worked directly with her in cabinet.

    • Effective leadership through respect and autonomyRespect team intellect and work ethic, encourage open discussions, and grant autonomy for success.

      Effective leadership involves respecting the intellect and work ethic of your team, encouraging open and constructive discussions, and allowing them to do their jobs once appointed. Nicola Sturgeon, as described by the speaker, was an excellent example of such a leader. She was known for her broad grasp of issues, willingness to engage in discussions, and giving her team the autonomy to do their jobs. Her leadership style contributed significantly to the unparalleled success of the SNP from 2007 to 2014. However, the speaker also notes that success is not guaranteed indefinitely and that the current political climate may present challenges. Additionally, the speaker expresses respect for Sturgeon's influence and wishes she might have left a clearer platform for her successor. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of leaders trusting their team and allowing them to work effectively.

    • Remembering the audience beyond the chamberPoliticians must remember their primary responsibility is to serve and represent the people who have elected them.

      Importance of focusing on the audience beyond the political chamber. Jean Freeman, a former Scottish government member, emphasized that during First Minister's Questions, politicians should remember they are speaking to the public watching outside, rather than just their colleagues in the chamber. Freeman also highlighted the power of the electorate, who have lent their power to elected officials, and the importance of listening to their needs and concerns. The conversation concluded on a positive note, with potential for a fresh and energizing chapter for the SNP, but it ultimately depends on the actions of those involved. The key takeaway is that politicians must remember their primary responsibility is to serve and represent the people who have elected them.

    Recent Episodes from Holyrood Sources

    To Bet Or Not To Bet

    To Bet Or Not To Bet

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says “the culture of politics" needs to change in light of the investigations into allegations of gambling on the general election from both Conservative and Labour figures. Calum, Geoff, Andy and Cat Headley discuss what can be done to address the relationship between politics and gambling, and whether anything should be done at all. 

    Plus, if IndyRef2 becomes a fading prospect, what is the point of the Scottish Conservatives? Who's had a good election campaign? And who's had a bad one? All in today's episode. 

    This episode is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen. Find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 26, 2024

    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?

    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?
    We discuss the recent launch of the SNP manifesto for the upcoming general election. We explore the purpose of a manifesto in a general election and the tactics at play. Plus, we discuss the potential impact of the polls on the outcome of the election and the future of the Scottish Conservative Party. We take your questions on the achievements of the SNP at Westminster and the possibility of a leadership contest within the Scottish Conservatives.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 20, 2024

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    We're diving deep into the various economic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Scotland.


    Kate Forbes MSP (SNP), Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic.

    Murdo Fraser MSP (Conservative), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Business, Economic Growth and Tourism.

    Michael Marra MSP (Labour), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance.

    Willie Rennie MSP (Liberal Democrat), Spokesperson for Education, Economy and Communities.

    We'll be discussing key concerns raised by investors regarding infrastructure projects, planning, and the general business environment. Plus, we'll address the ambiguous terminology often used in policy-making, like the phrases "wellbeing economy" and "startup," which can hinder real progress. Our discussion today will also cover persistent issues of poverty and social mobility, the critical state of Scotland's education sector, the impact of Brexit on skilled workers, and the urgent need for immigration policies that support economic growth. We delve into the energy sector, focusing on offshore wind development, the fiscal constraints facing green prosperity plans, and the importance of a just transition from oil and gas to renewables. Moreover, we'll explore the impact of tax policies on the economy and public services, highlighting the need for a reevaluation of the taxation system to foster growth and retain talent.

    Holyrood Sources is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen, find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    This special episode is brought to you with our delivery partners, Scottish Financial Enterprise and in association with EY.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 19, 2024

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    Ipsos’ first Scotland poll since the General Election indicates the SNP and Labour in Scotland share 36% of the country's voting intention. Managing Director of Ipsos in Scotland, Emily Gray, joins the podcast to discuss what it means. Plus, after predicting it would happen, Calum, Andy and Geoff assess what next for the Scottish Conservatives after Douglas Ross announced he would stand down as leader.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 12, 2024

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP
    Douglas Ross has U-turned on a pledge to quit Westminster to focus on leading the Scottish Conservatives at Holyrood and will once again stand as a candidate at the general election. He will replace David Duguid, who was sacked last night as the candidate for Aberdeenshire North & Moray East because he suffered a serious spinal injury.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 06, 2024

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss
    Calum, Geoff and Andy are joined by former Labour candidate Cat Headley to pick apart the key moments from last night's first television debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. There was a lot of back and forth, and interrupting, but what cut through? Plus, Nigel Farage is back - so what does that mean for the Conservatives, or for the future of the of the Right of politics?

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 05, 2024

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    The podcast episode features post-debate analysis with the deputy leaders of Scottish political parties.


    5:05 - Jackie Baillie (Labour)

    The discussion covers the recent debate, party strategies, and key messages. It also delves into the topic of GB Energy and its potential impact on the energy sector. The conversation concludes with a discussion on Keir Starmer's U-turn on Diane Abbott's candidacy.

    23:02 - Kate Forbes (Deputy First Minister, SNP)

    The conversation covers party positioning, funding, oil and gas, campaign strategies, the SNP's election prospects, and EU funding. The discussion also delves into the SNP's economic policies, alliances with other parties, and the implications of Michael Matheson MSP maintaining the support of the party.

    49:55 - Meghan Gallacher (Conservative)

    The discussion delves into the performance of Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative Party's approach to campaign issues, and the impact of UK politics on the Scottish election. The conversation also explores the role of Rishi Sunak and the timing of the general election.

    1:05:17 - Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat)

    Wendy Chamberlain from the Liberal Democrats discusses the recent TV debate, the party's stance on Brexit, and their strategy for the upcoming election. The conversation also delves into the relevance of the Liberal Democrats in the current political landscape and their approach to environmental issues.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 04, 2024

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed
    Our first (maybe last, if you don't like it) Election Bulletin to catch you up on events from the week including: Michael Matheson, Diane Abbott, policy announcements and TikToks. Plus, Tales from the Campaign Trail where some of our journalist friends drop in to let us know how they're getting on. And we tell you what's on the agenda today.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enMay 31, 2024

    Polls, Diane Abbott and Campaigning Tales... with Allan Faulds

    Polls, Diane Abbott and Campaigning Tales... with Allan Faulds
    Ballot Box's Allan Faulds and former Labour Scottish Parliamentary candidate Cat Headley join Calum, Geoff and Andy to pick apart what new polling, the treatment of Dianne Abbott by the Labour party and also reflect on some of their favourite (or not-so-favourite) memories of being on the campaign trail.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enMay 29, 2024

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    How’d he get there? Tune in to find out all about the tools, tips, and life hacks he used to get where he is today.  

    About Russ Perry:
    Russ Perry is the Founder and CEO of one of the world’s most successful flat-rate creative services companies, Design Pickle. Under his leadership, Design Pickle has grown from 2 team members to over 700 globally, completing over 1 million creative requests.

    Russ also penned the book “The Sober Entrepreneur: Change Your Family Tree,” where he shares his personal journey from battling addiction to building a seven-figure empire. This powerful tale reveals the precise steps he took to transform his life, providing insights as well as inspiration for entrepreneurs looking to reach their fullest potential.

    For a comprehensive book review, check out this page.

    On today’s episode:

    • Meet Russ Perry, Founder, and CEO at Design Pickle - 01:16
    • Where does Russ see himself on his entrepreneurial journey today? - 03:40
    • How focussing on personal growth helped Russ grow tremendously in his journey as an entrepreneur - 08:04
    • How the Wake Up Program in California helped Russ push himself out of the comfort zone - 12:33
    • The kind of balance you need for personal and business development (according to Russ) - 15:54
    • Why Ray Dalio’s principle of making a practical list of the things you want to achieve is essential in your personal and business growth - 19:33
    • How do reevaluating and resetting your goals help you to move forward? - 21:57
    • Why Russ thinks unified and holistic experiences are the next big thing in the business space - 27:23
    • What is the difference between the Shiny Object Syndrome and Value Continuity? - 31:08
    • How Russ defines his own success as an entrepreneur (and why choosing his challenges is a big part of it) - 34:51

    Key Takeaways: 

    • Involving yourself with the right business groups can give you a wider view of what’s possible in the world. Russ went from being chained to in-person meetings to a business in the online space.
    • To map out where you want to go next, ask yourself what you need to do to get there and be willing to course-correct if you’ve gotten off of the path. 
    • By leveling up your own personal skills, you can build a better business and be of more value to others. 
    • The key to setting your future state is working on your present state. A good way to do this is to make a list of the real things you want and then determine who you need to work on becoming today to set yourself up for what you want. 
    • Dedicating yourself to the process of self-improvement not only benefits you, but also your business, and the other people in your life. 

    How do your personal skills create value in business?

    “The more that I am able to level up my own personal skills the better that I can build a business and build value to others which is really what a business is all about.” [9:00]

    What is the one skill that you value most in your business? Share with us what personal skills helped you grow your business and follow Beyond 8 Figures on social media - we share a ton of helpful content there!

    Connect with Russ Perry:

    Follow Beyond 8 Figures:

    Connect with Insights Lab: 

    Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links in this episode are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only promote products/services we believe will benefit your entrepreneurial journey. 

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    23 Year Old Sets Up From Scratch

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Start your 14 Day FREE Trial for the Entrepreneurs University at: https://jamessinclair.net/

    In this episode of the Business Broadcast James speaks to Lucy Grant who is a 23 year old starting from scratch. Lucy has ambitions to setup a coffee shop with turnover of £250,000 in the first year. Find out what James has to say about Lucy's business plan.


    “If I can help somebody along the way”!

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    This is the mantra of small business financial planner Claudeth Forbin. She is a passionate person who is driven to help people to make the right financial decision. She is extremely bright, committed in her cause to help people, honest, and with loads of passion. It is her job to make sure everyone she works with understands the financial parts of their world. We discussed many of the areas people struggle with when dealing with financial issues. She is an educator and works to eliminate the “Uncle Louie” (the wrong information and the wrong source of information) in her clients life. She gets Uncle Louie out of their life and replaces him with concrete knowledge so her clients have the best change of making the right financial decision for themselves based on where they are in life.  


    Claudeth Forbin 

    Ascending Financial Strategies Group 


    To schedule a free discovery, no obligation call with claudeth: https://letsmeet.io/claudethforbin/business-dna-discovery-call