
    Jew Hatred on Display in America, and Free Speech vs. Cancel Culture, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson

    enOctober 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Middle East Tensions: Hamas' Shocking Display of Compassion and Escalating Conflicts with Israel and LebanonHamas continues to hold Israeli civilians hostage, released a false video of compassion, tensions escalate along Israel's border with Lebanon, and international community urges negotiations, but the future remains uncertain.

      The situation in the Middle East, particularly in Israel and Gaza, remains volatile and disturbing. Hamas continues to hold at least 199 Israeli civilians hostage, and in a shocking move, has released a video allegedly showing Hamas terrorists with stolen Israeli children, labeling it as a display of compassion. The reality, however, is far from it. The video is a farce, and Hamas' actions are inhumane and evil. Meanwhile, tensions are escalating along Israel's northern border with Lebanon as Hezbollah fires anti-tank missiles at Israeli military targets, and Israel is evacuating residents from border communities. The international community, including the US, is urging for negotiations and de-escalation, but it's unclear if these efforts will be effective against the terrorists. The situation is dire, and the future remains uncertain.

    • The conflict in Gaza is complex and goes beyond HamasIt's crucial to educate ourselves on the facts and reject narratives supporting terrorism in the Middle East conflict

      The conflict in Gaza is complex and involves various political groups, with Hamas not representing all Palestinian people. Israel's role in the region is to ensure its security, and American involvement is not necessary or desired by most people. The anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian rhetoric, including support for Hamas, is prevalent in some circles and ignores the reality of Hamas' terrorist actions, such as the murder of innocent civilians. It's concerning to see this rhetoric, especially from college students and supposed allies, who may be misinformed or confused. It's important to educate ourselves on the facts and reject the narrative that supports terrorism.

    • Importance of Clear and Informed Decisions During ConflictAdults, including college students, should make clear and informed decisions during times of conflict, as their actions and statements can have serious consequences.

      While it is understandable that people have been misled in the past, especially regarding foreign policy issues, it is important for adults, including college students, to make clear and informed decisions, especially during times of conflict. The recent controversy surrounding student groups signing anti-Israel letters at elite universities is a clear example of this. While some argue that these students are simply experimenting with ideas, others believe that endorsing such statements, which blame Israel for terrorism, is unacceptable. Employers have the right to make their own hiring decisions based on these actions, and students should be aware of the seriousness of their statements and the potential consequences. This debate highlights the importance of critical thinking and informed decision-making, especially during complex and emotional issues. It is a reminder that adults, including college students, have a responsibility to understand the world around them and to make decisions that align with their values and principles.

    • Harvard students' letter on Palestine sparks debate on universities' role and corporate responsibilityMegyn Kelly criticizes students for supporting Palestine, labeling them 'terrorist sympathizers', and urges corporations to reject hiring them. She believes universities are indoctrinating students with harmful views and students should be held accountable for their words and actions.

      The controversy surrounding students signing a letter supporting Palestine and criticizing Israel at Harvard has sparked intense debate about the role of universities in shaping students' perspectives and the responsibility of businesses in hiring. Megyn Kelly expressed her strong opposition to the students involved, labeling them as "terrorist sympathizers," and urged corporations to reject hiring them. She believes that these students, who blame Israel for the conflict and cheer on Hamas, should not be welcomed in companies she is associated with. The broader issue, according to Kelly, is the influence of soft ideologies in universities, which she believes has led to the indoctrination of students with harmful views. She argues that these students, as adults, should be held accountable for their words and actions, especially in the aftermath of violent events. The debate also brought up the idea of rehabilitation and the possibility of changing these students' views. However, Kelly remains skeptical and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the reality of the situation and the harm caused by such statements.

    • Student groups supporting Palestine and their refusal to withdraw statements despite reports of atrocities raises concernsUniversity leaders need to address hateful rhetoric and promote peace, while students must consider accurate info and critical thinking

      The recent controversy surrounding student groups supporting Palestine and their refusal to withdraw their statements, despite the ongoing atrocities in Israel, raises concerns about their genuine concern for Palestinian civilians and their potential biases. Many of these students have not disavowed their statements, even after being confronted with reports of rapes, murders, and other horrors. Their continued support for the Palestinian cause, coupled with their calls for violence and chants glorifying martyrs, seems incoherent and inconsistent with calls for equal concern towards Palestinian civilians. This situation has highlighted the need for university presidents, administrators, and other adults to take a stand against such rhetoric and promote understanding and peace. The reports of atrocities in Israel are not only shocking but also serve as a reminder of the importance of accurate information and critical thinking. The hateful rhetoric and potential anti-Semitic sentiments expressed by some students are alarming and require attention and action.

    • Intolerance of dissenting opinions in universitiesUniversities facing criticism for intolerance towards dissenting opinions, leading to harassment, silencing, donor withdrawal, and public shaming. Urgent need for intellectual freedom and protection of unpopular opinions.

      The current state of academic freedom in certain universities, such as Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, has been criticized for being morally backward and intolerant of dissenting opinions. This intolerance has led to a culture where students feel harassed and silenced, and administrators have been slow to respond to controversial issues. The consequences of this culture include donors withdrawing support and public shaming of university leaders. The case of Roland Fryer, a black professor at Harvard who was suspended for controversial research, highlights the issue. The recent controversy surrounding Harvard President Claudine Gay's handling of a situation involving free speech further illustrates the problem. To reverse this trend, it may take years, and it's important for universities to embrace intellectual freedom and protect the rights of students and faculty to express unpopular opinions.

    • Universities limiting free speech, fueling hateful ideologiesUniversities enforcing narrow hate speech definitions stifles intellectual curiosity, allowing extreme ideologies to persist and divide society. Proper context in media reporting is essential to prevent amplification of harmful voices.

      Universities have been enforcing a narrow definition of hate speech for decades, often targeting conservative viewpoints. This has led to the metastasization of extreme ideologies in the shadows, with students being shielded from challenging perspectives. However, the recent controversy over a professor's controversial statements has highlighted the presence of antisemitic and anti-American sentiments on campus, which predate these incidents. The failure to address these issues has allowed hateful ideologies to persist, fueling the divide in society. The media's role in amplifying these voices without proper context also contributes to the problem. It's crucial for universities to foster open dialogue and intellectual curiosity to challenge students and prevent the spread of harmful ideologies.

    • Brutal tactics of Hamas inflict horrors on civiliansHamas' violent actions cause innocent civilians to face impossible choices, while moral clarity and leadership in addressing these horrors are lacking in the U.S.

      The violence in the Middle East, specifically the actions of Hamas, has resulted in unspeakable horrors for innocent civilians. Dashcam footage and eyewitness accounts reveal the brutal tactics used by Hamas gunmen, including indiscriminate shooting and grenade attacks on shelters. The terror inflicted on civilians led to a terrible choice: die from smoke inhalation and burn to death, or risk being shot trying to escape. The lack of unity and moral clarity in addressing these horrors in the U.S. is concerning, with some arguing for free speech for those expressing antisemitic views while silencing others during the Black Lives Matter movement. Leaders, particularly at educational institutions, are urged to show some leadership and express their personal views on these events. The coalition of voices opposing Israel continues to grow, with figures from both the left and right joining forces, leaving many to question the direction of the country.

    • Criticizing Unfounded Accusations Against IsraelAvoid spreading misinformation and extreme positions during discussions about conflicts like Israel-Hamas, and rely on factual information to establish a fair understanding.

      During a discussion about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, it was criticized that certain individuals, including Brianna Joy Gray, were making unfounded accusations against Israel and using misinformation to establish a moral distinction. The criticism focused on Gray's claims of decapitated babies and rapes, which were disputed with evidence and on-the-ground reporting. It was argued that both Hamas and Israel disregard international law, and the US support for Israel should not be based on false narratives. The conversation also touched upon the issue of population growth in Palestine and the accusations of ethnic cleansing. The overall message was that it is essential to rely on factual information and avoid spreading misinformation or taking extreme positions.

    • Hamas' use of civilians as human shields and refusal to evacuate civilians from conflict zonesRecognize Hamas' responsibility for civilian casualties due to their deliberate use of civilians as human shields and refusal to evacuate civilians from conflict zones.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to heated debates and misinformation, with some individuals questioning the validity of reports regarding the number of civilian casualties and the moral distinction between the two parties. However, it is crucial to recognize that Hamas' use of civilians as human shields and their refusal to evacuate civilians from conflict zones make them responsible for the civilian casualties. The Israeli government and media have provided evidence of Hamas' actions, including pictures and videos of dead civilians and damaged infrastructure. It is important to avoid spreading misinformation and to acknowledge the moral distinction between Hamas' deliberate targeting of civilians and Israel's efforts to minimize civilian casualties. The focus should be on finding a peaceful solution to the conflict rather than engaging in divisive and harmful rhetoric.

    • Distinguishing facts from manipulated narratives during conflictsDuring conflicts, it's crucial to recognize the moral distinction between parties and avoid being swayed by manipulated narratives or religious/ethnic differences. International rules dictate minimizing civilian casualties and avoiding non-military targets. Israel adheres, Hamas intentionally uses civilians as shields and broadcasts misleading footage.

      During times of conflict, such as the ongoing situation between Israel and Hamas, it's essential to distinguish facts from manipulated narratives. The international rules of war dictate that parties involved should make efforts to minimize civilian casualties and avoid targeting non-military targets. Israel, for instance, drops warning bombs and sends text messages to evacuate before strikes, unlike Hamas, which intentionally uses civilians as human shields and broadcasts misleading footage. It's crucial to recognize the moral distinction between the two and not be swayed by attempts to question the reality of the situation or to incite animosity based on religious or ethnic differences. The international community, including media outlets and individuals, should focus on accurate reporting and upholding the principles of international human rights law.

    • Discussion on Israel's actions towards Hamas during warIsrael's right to defend itself justifies actions towards Hamas, despite infringing on certain rules and causing civilian suffering. Hamas's use of civilians as human shields and war crimes justifies Israel's response. Proportionality in war and moral high ground are questioned, suggesting Israel's actions, while not ideal, are measured and thought out.

      During times of war, international laws and moral dilemmas come into question. The discussion revolved around the legality and morality of Israel's actions towards Hamas in Gaza, specifically regarding bombing a hospital and starvation. The speaker argued that Israel has the right to defend itself, even if it means infringing on certain rules, and that Hamas's actions, such as using civilians as human shields and committing war crimes, justify Israel's response. The speaker also questioned the concept of proportionality in war and the moral high ground, suggesting that Israel's actions, while not ideal, are measured and thought out, and not necessarily war crimes. The speaker acknowledged the suffering of civilians but emphasized the need for Israel to protect its citizens from harm. The conversation also touched upon the concept of historical warfare and the changing nature of war in the digital age.

    • Media bias against IsraelThe speaker argues that media outlets often hold Israel to higher standards and focus disproportionately on Israeli actions during conflicts, conflating Palestinian and Israeli deaths, and failing to place blame on Hamas. This bias perpetuates uninformed and nuanced discussions.

      There is a disproportionate focus on holding Israel and Israelis to higher standards of human rights and war crimes than other nations, which some argue is a form of antisemitism. The speaker believes that this bias is evident in media coverage, particularly during times of conflict, where the focus is often on Israeli actions rather than the actions of other parties involved. The speaker also criticizes the media for conflating the deaths of Palestinians and Israelis, and for failing to place blame on Hamas for its actions. The speaker argues that these biased perspectives have been present for decades, and that it is important for media outlets to provide a platform for diverse viewpoints in order to promote informed and nuanced discussions.

    • News outlets' dismissal of Hamas' ideology and actionsUnderstanding Hamas' ideology is crucial to grasping the motivations behind the Israel-Hamas conflict and acknowledging the harm caused to Jews historically and currently is necessary for balanced reporting.

      The reporting on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas by certain news outlets, such as MSNBC, has been criticized for being biased and dismissive of Hamas' ideology and responsibility for the violence. The speakers expressed concern that this dismissal of Hamas' ideology and actions strips the group of agency and ignores the harm caused to Jews both historically and in the present. They argued that understanding Hamas' ideology is crucial to understanding the conflict and the motivations behind the violence. The speakers also emphasized the importance of acknowledging the harm caused to Jews and the antisemitic ideology that is pervasive in Palestinian society, particularly among Hamas members. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for nuanced and balanced reporting on complex conflicts, particularly those with historical and ideological dimensions.

    • Comparing Hamas rule in Gaza to Taliban in AfghanistanDespite international criticism, Hamas's medieval ideology and unequal rules for Israelis and others result in conflict, with Trump's pro-Israel actions maintaining support among pro-Israel voters

      The situation in Gaza, run by Hamas, is compared to the autocratic and theocratic rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The ideology is medieval, with a concept of martyrdom and unequal rules for Israelis and others. Proportionality and deescalation are not demanded of Hamas, unlike in other conflicts. Israel is expected to help its enemies without international pressure. Hamas's responsibility for the conflict and holding its own fate is often overlooked. Trump's comments about Hezbollah and Netanyahu sparked political controversy, with Trump defending his actions and critics condemning them. Despite this, Trump's pro-Israel actions, such as moving the embassy to Jerusalem and starting the Abraham Accords, make it difficult for opponents to convince pro-Israel voters that he's not on their side. The Netanyahu criticism was seen as a desperate attempt to attack Trump by trailing candidates.

    • US foreign policies towards Israel and Iran under scrutinyTrump criticizes Biden for enabling anti-American sentiments and indirectly funding terrorists through Palestine aid, while Biden's Iran policy is seen as weak and potentially leading to conflict. Israel's security is emphasized, but US reliance on handouts criticized.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial US foreign policies towards Israel and Iran, with Trump accusing the Biden administration of enabling anti-American and anti-Semitic sentiments in universities and indirectly funding terrorists through financial support to Palestine. The speaker agrees with Trump's assessment of the situation regarding Israel but criticizes his attacks on Biden and his focus on the past election. The Biden administration, on the other hand, is seen as vulnerable on its Iran policy, which is perceived as weak and potentially leading to conflict. The speaker emphasizes the importance of Israel's responsibility for its own security and criticizes the US for relying too heavily on handouts to the country. The ongoing lawsuit against the Biden administration for funding terrorists in Palestine adds to the complexity of the issue, highlighting the potential risks of US foreign aid.

    • Biden administration's relationship with Iran under scrutinySome argue no direct involvement in Israeli attack, but critics point to past policies, potential conflicts of interest, and ongoing investigations, making the issue complex and nuanced.

      There is ongoing debate about the Biden administration's relationship with Iran and whether there was prior knowledge or involvement in the recent attack on Israel. While some argue that there is no evidence of direct involvement, others point to a history of Obama administration policies aimed at improving relations with Iran and a perceived ideological shift in Democratic foreign policy. Critics also highlight potential conflicts of interest and investigations into administration officials' past ties to Iran and its allies. Ultimately, the issue remains complex and nuanced, with valid arguments on both sides. However, given the Biden administration's record and the ongoing investigations, it's hard to take the president's recent reserved tone at face value.

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    Could Cringe Kamala Really Replace Biden, and False Media Narratives on Immunity Ruling, with Mike Davis and Andrew Klavan | Ep. 828

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, to talk about the major Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, the full scope of the ruling and its implications, the left worries and the truth about what it means, the definition of "official acts" and "absolute immunity," the false narratives after the Supreme Court ruling in the press, Rachel Maddow worrying about "death squads," the left jailing the right rather than the other way around, how the Supreme Court ruling could help Trump's New York conviction get overturned or even potentially delay his sentencing, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith that could affect the D.C. and Florida cases, and more. Then Andrew Klavan, editor of "The New Jerusalem" on Substack, joins to talk about alarming new details about the true nature of Biden's cognitive decline now leaking out through the media, the collapsing narratives that we're seeing after the debate, whether liberals will see the media has been lying to them, a cringe new Kamala Harris video trying to seem cool, whether Governors Gretchen Whitemer or Andy Beshear could be the new nominee, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse firing the first public shot at Biden after the terrible debate, and more.



    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the very real possibility President Joe Biden could drop out as the nominee by the end of the week, as corporate media outlets favorable to Biden are now calling for him to drop out. But will he listen? Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk, author of "Right Wing Revolution," joins to talk about whether Democratic politicians will start turning on Biden, the corporate media no longer willing to engage in the Biden cognitive decline cover-up anymore, whether it could be Jill Biden that takes over as the nominee, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski pushing ridiculous pro-Biden spin this morning, one Biden surrogate assuring there's a "team of people that will help govern," who really might be running the country, whether Democrats will look to avoid a "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" situation by pushing Biden out as nominee, the initial calls for Biden to step down but then the push to blame Biden's advisers, Trump's smart debate strategy of letting Biden fail, CNN moderators' surprisingly strong performance, the massive ruling for Trump when it comes to immunity, the difference between official and unofficial acts as president, how the ruling could affect the Georgia and Florida cases too, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith as part of the SCOTUS immunity ruling, Justice Amy Coney Barrett's alarming recent judicial rulings, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joining with the conservatives on January 6 ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor "treason" comment, and more.

    Kirk- https://45books.com/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Steve Bannon, host of "Bannon's War Room," to talk about the massive political fallout from President Biden's disastrous presidential debate, the way Joe Scarborough, one of the biggest Biden's sycophants in the media, has gone from telling critics to "f off" if they say Biden isn't mentally sharp, to saying Biden should step aside as the nominee, the national security threat of having Biden in charge after the debate, the potential constitutional crisis ahead, the truth about Biden's mental fitness, the potential massive political damage to Democrats in the House and Senate if Biden stays in, who Democrats might replace Biden with, the likelihood of Michele Obama being the pick, how Republicans should play it politically, the significance of the New York Times and prominent Democrats going public with their Biden criticism, the donors who are dropping from Biden now, how the right should fight Democratic lawfare against Trump, the massive Supreme Court Fischer ruling that will help Trump and January 6 defendants, Supreme Court clamping down on big government, his prison sentence starting on Monday, the Biden administration's weaponization of the courts, and more. Plus, Megyn and Bannon discuss Breitbart's past attack on Megyn, her rocky relationship with Bannon for years, the lawfare that ended up bringing her and Bannon to this interview, how Megyn differentiates her personal life and her public "brand," and more.

    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by giving her candid assessment of the debate, declaring it a disaster for President Joe Biden and that the campaign "is over." Then Rich Lowry, Emily Jashinsky, Dave Rubin, and Eric Bolling join to talk about the most alarming debate moments for Biden, how they could officially be the end of his candidacy, Democrats and the media panicking after Biden's debate, how Biden could be replaced as the nominee and as the president, who could realistically replace Biden now, Trump's excellent debate performance, and more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the huge stakes in the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, how Donald Trump might act and the strategy he could employ to win, the way Biden might struggle or perform well, CNN’s debate rules that seem to favor Joe Biden, their bizarre TV segment explaining how microphones work, whether Biden speaking freely without interruption will actually hurt him, the bias against Trump from moderators, the disaster Chris Wallace debate, what to expect from Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, J.D. Vance’s odds in the veepstakes, Vance's skills in dealing with the elite media and incredible life story, what VP candidates could help stop a Trump impeachment, and more. Plus, Megyn Kelly previews her interview with Steve Bannon - her first interview with him ever, and she and The Fifth Column discuss Bannon's role in our political environment for the last decade.

    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," to discuss JFK’s inappropriate behavior at the White House, how he preyed on innocent young women, how the Kennedys have learned to kill bad press and continue to do so to this day, the cruelty of JFK when it came to losing a child, truth about Jackie's relationship with JFK, bizarre new details about Jackie's final moment with her husband's body, JFK and RFK's affairs with Marilyn Monroe, the terrible way they treated her, whether Bobby Kennedy could have had something to do with her death, JFK Jr.'s status as the most eligible bachelor at the time of his death, his odd obsession with danger, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Rowe, writer and star of "Something to Stand For," to discuss the decline of patriotism in America, the polarization we see today, the freedom we have in America and the risk that comes with it, how this country is different from so many others that aren't capitalistic, an incredible story about prominent American leaders and "bull testicles," the erosion of trust Americans have in the corporate media, the way today's journalists are no longer skeptical of those in power, why a journalist’s goal shouldn’t be gaining power and popularity, and more. Then Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," joins to discuss AOC's embarrassing attempt to connect with young voters trying to hype them up, it's failed attempt to help Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman as he lost big in his primary race, Hillary Clinton’s cringe new book cover that looks nothing like her, how out-of-touch her New York Times column about her debate technique is, Jennifer Lopez' relentless focus on herself, her inability to convince America that she's really just "Jenny From the Block," and more.



    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

    In this "First Person" special, Megyn Kelly is joined by detransitioner Prisha Mosley and IWF Director Kelsey Bolar to discuss doctors pushing Prisha to a medical "gender transition" as a teenager after she went to be treated for an eating disorder, discovering gender dysphoria on Tumblr, the dangers of puberty blockers and other treatments that most people don't know, the moment Prisha found out she was pregnant, the challenges during her pregnancy, the pain she's dealing with postpartum, what it means to be one of the first detransitioners to have a baby, suing doctors who medically transitioned her, and more.


    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    What Israel Does Now After Terror Attack, and America's Next Move, with Ben Shapiro, Amb. David Friedman, and Lt. Col. Daniel Davis | Ep. 644

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the horrifying stories coming out of Israel after the terror attack by Hamas, and shares why they must be seen and not ignored. Then Ben Shapiro, host of The Ben Shapiro Show, joins to discuss the brutality of Hamas, the truth about how Israel cares more about the Palestinians than Hamas does, Egypt refusing to help the Palestinians or Israel's effort, our American media's deference to Hamas propaganda, the outrageous anti-Semitism we're seeing from some progressives liberals and the media, the awful pro-Hamas protests in America and Australia, the faction in the GOP pushing "America first" over stronger support for Israel, the response at the United Nations to the Hamas terror attack, the instinct by many on the world stage to critique Israel even as they are being attacked, and more. Then Lt. Col. Daniel Davis to talk about the tactics Israel will have to deploy to rescue hostages from Gaza, the possibility for negotiations ahead to get women and children, the added element that there are Americans being held hostage too, challenges ahead for America because of the uneasiness in the world right now, and more. Then David Friedman, former U.S. ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration, joins to discuss  the possibility a cyber attack could have led to the Hamas terror attack, Iran's role in the planning of the attack on Israel, why America got "duped" in dealings with Iran, the Biden administration blindness on Iran matches with the Obama administration's, Ilhan Omar's outrageous comments about "collective punishment," Harvard students attacking Israel and not Hamas, and more.

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    Israel at War, Hamas Terror, Biden Response, Anti-Semitic Uprisings in U.S., with Sen. Ted Cruz, Ric Grenell, and Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 643

    Israel at War, Hamas Terror, Biden Response, Anti-Semitic Uprisings in U.S., with Sen. Ted Cruz, Ric Grenell, and Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 643

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the horrific details of Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israel, why this is like Israel's 9/11, the terrorist's targeting of women and children, the Americans killed and taken hostage, and more. Then Megyn is joined by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, to discuss what could really be behind Hamas' horrific attack on Israel, the Biden administration's past financial positions that could have encouraged and enabled the attack, what Iran's association with Hamas could mean for America's foreign policy, anti-Semitism coming from some in the House of Representatives and others on the progressive left, the alarming pro-Hamas and anti-Israel rallies happening in New York City and beyond, the Biden administration's tepid response to the terror attack, and more. Then Ric Grenell, former acting DNI Director, joins to discuss what the U.S. should be doing in order to get back the hostages taken by Hamas, the Pentagon negotiations and how Donald Trump succeeded in diplomacy when he was in office, the media's outrageous response to the terror attack, and more. Then Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The Dying Citizen," joins to discuss the Biden administration’s foreign policy and how it relates to Hamas’ attack on Israel, the chilling details behind Iran meeting with Hamas, and more.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


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    Biden Ties Israel To Ukraine, and Anti-Semitic Campus "Crying Bully," with Dave Marcus and Noah Pollak | Ep. 652

    Biden Ties Israel To Ukraine, and Anti-Semitic Campus "Crying Bully," with Dave Marcus and Noah Pollak | Ep. 652

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Dave Marcus, Daily Mail columnist, and Noah Pollak, contributor to the Washington Free Beacon, to talk about President Biden’s Oval Office address on the Israel-Hamas war, why he appears to be downplaying the American hostages in Israel, the connection Biden made between Israel and Ukraine, the Iran foreign policy mistakes the Obama administration made, the DEI “wake-up call” within universities and high schools, woke liberals drifting toward anti-Semitism even without thinking it through, the reality of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in America, Megyn's memorable interview with Ward Churchill about his hatred of America after 9/11, how the drift on campuses has grown over the decades, the consistent hatred of Jews shown in America and college campuses, how "crying bully" is happening on campuses among professors and students, whether these Ivy League schools really care about free speech, the Washington Post and more media outlets embarrassing themselves while covering Israel and Gaza, how the lies in the media about the Gaza hospital could ruin lives in America and abroad, Western outlets taking Hamas propaganda as fact, and more.

    Marcus: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12646983/gaza-hospital-tlaib-omar-hamas-israel-david-marcus.html

    Pollak: https://freebeacon.com


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


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    4/16/24: US Greenlights Israel Iran Response, Politicians Make Millions Off Israel War, Judge Threatens Trump Arrest, Trump Stock Investors Screwed, Israeli Settlers Rampage In West Bank, RFK Says He Turned Down Trump VP, FBI Raids Baltimore Bridge Collapse Ship, NYT Says No Using 'Palestine' Or 'Occupied' '

    4/16/24: US Greenlights Israel Iran Response, Politicians Make Millions Off Israel War, Judge Threatens Trump Arrest, Trump Stock Investors Screwed, Israeli Settlers Rampage In West Bank, RFK Says He Turned Down Trump VP, FBI Raids Baltimore Bridge Collapse Ship, NYT Says No Using 'Palestine' Or 'Occupied' '

    Krystal and Saagar discuss the US greenlighting Israel's Iran response, politicians making millions off Israel war, judge threatens to arrest Trump if he misses trial, Trump stock investors screwed, Israeli settlers rampage through West Bank, RFK says he turned down Trump VP, FBI raids Baltimore bridge collapse ship, NYT memo says not to use the word 'Palestine'.


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