
    Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard on leaving a cult, growing up with 18 siblings & the problem with reality TV

    enJanuary 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • IBLP's strict rules and control: Wearing pants, holding hands, and kissing forbidden until certain milestones reachedThe Institute of Basic Life Principles (IBLP) imposed strict rules on members, including prohibitions on wearing pants, holding hands, and kissing until certain milestones were achieved, and discouraged engagement with the outside world.

      The Institute of Basic Life Principles (IBLP), as depicted in the Amazon documentary "19 Kids and Counting," was known for its strict rules and control, isolating members from the outside world and imposing rigid guidelines on their behavior. Jill Duggar, who grew up in such a household, shared in the podcast "Happy People" that wearing pants, holding hands, and kissing were forbidden until certain milestones were reached. The IBLP also advocated for having as many children as possible and discouraged engagement with the outside world, including restaurants and finances. Jill felt that the documentary accurately portrayed the organization, distinguishing between true Christianity and a cult-like environment. A notable example of the IBLP's rules was the prohibition of dancing, even if it was just jumping for joy. These rules aimed to exert control and isolate members, creating a unique and restrictive upbringing.

    • IBLP's Encouragement of Large FamiliesIBLP families often had many children due to community teachings, with older siblings helping care for the younger ones, ensuring no child was neglected.

      The Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) community, which is known for its large families with numerous children, encourages having as many kids as possible. Families often had 10 to 12 children, and some even more. This was due to one of the core teachings that limiting the number of children was not encouraged. As a result, families with many children were common at IBLP conferences. The logistics of raising such a large family were impressive, with older siblings often helping to care for the younger ones. This teamwork ensured that no child was neglected. Older siblings were paired with younger ones as buddies, and they helped ensure that the younger siblings got their needs met when the parents couldn't be there. However, this lifestyle came with challenges, such as struggling to afford meals at restaurants that offered free meals for children. Despite these challenges, the community's focus on teamwork and caring for each other helped keep everyone afloat.

    • Growing up in a large family: Shared resources and creative solutionsLarge families require resourcefulness and innovation, but also foster closeness and community.

      Growing up in a large family meant shared resources and creative solutions for everyday needs. The speaker shared stories of sleeping arrangements, taking crockpots to music lessons, and even using the freezer to cool down sheets during hot summers before they could afford air conditioning. These experiences highlight the financial challenges and resourcefulness of large families. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the nurturing and involved role of their mother, who took care of the children even during the night. Despite the hardships, the speaker expressed gratitude for the closeness and community that came with having many siblings.

    • Investing in a good-fitting diaper saves time, money, and hassleA good-fitting diaper like Huggies provides leakage protection, prevents diaper rash, and offers up to 12 hours of protection, saving parents time, money, and hassle in the long run. Some production companies may also offer decorations or furniture as incentives.

      Investing in a good-fitting diaper, such as Huggies, can save parents time, money, and hassle in the long run. The Huggies diapers' curved and stretchy fit provides excellent leakage protection, ensuring a comfortable and dry baby. Additionally, the diapers' ability to prevent diaper rash and offer up to 12 hours of protection during longer sleep stretches is a significant advantage. Furthermore, the financial benefits extend beyond the diapers themselves, as some production companies may provide decorations or furniture for filming, allowing families to keep or purchase these items. Overall, prioritizing a well-fitting diaper can lead to numerous benefits for both parents and babies.

    • The Reality of Filming a Reality TV ShowFilming a reality TV show can involve sacrifices, miscommunications, and power dynamics, potentially leaving some feeling taken advantage of.

      The reality of filming a reality TV show can be quite different from the perception. While it may seem exciting and glamorous from the outside, it can also involve significant sacrifices and challenges. For instance, taking time off work or vacation, dealing with miscommunications, and even feeling taken advantage of. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of having to hire a taxi driver to pretend to take them to the airport for filming purposes, which left the driver confused and probably feeling taken advantage of. Additionally, it's unclear if the participants in the show are paid for their time or if they volunteer. The speaker also mentioned that some people might be more than willing to help out, while others might unintentionally get taken advantage of due to the power dynamics involved in the filming process. Overall, the reality of reality TV can be a complex and nuanced issue, and it's important to consider the potential costs and benefits before getting involved.

    • Blurred lines in family ministry or businessWorking in a family ministry or business can blur personal boundaries and autonomy. Clear communication, setting boundaries, and advocating for personal autonomy are crucial.

      Working in a family ministry or business, especially during the formative years of one's adult life, can blur the lines of personal boundaries and autonomy. The speaker in this discussion shares her experience of being in a reality TV family and working full-time while filming, all while feeling obligated to continue due to cultural expectations and the view of the show as a ministry. This combination led to a prolonged sense of perpetual adolescence and lack of control over her own life. Even when the speaker and her husband attempted to transition out, they were met with resistance due to the family's expectations and the idea that the ministry or business should remain within the family. This experience highlights the importance of setting clear boundaries and advocating for personal autonomy in family ministry or business contexts.

    • The IBLP culture emphasizes obedience to authority, with parents' blessing being a crucial protection.In the IBLP culture, obeying parents' authority is essential for receiving their blessing and avoiding harm. This principle influences major life decisions and can limit personal autonomy.

      The IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles) culture emphasized the principle of authority, creating a ranking system with God, parents, and children. Obeying parents' authority was crucial for receiving their blessing, which protected individuals from evil and bad things. This principle applied to both men and women, influencing major life decisions like buying a house or getting married. Diverging from these cultural norms could be perceived as harmful and potentially jeopardizing one's salvation. The reality TV show only intensified this control issue, with financial gains and the label of a ministry providing justification for continued filming. It's essential to note that the adults in the family did not have the freedom to make decisions against filming guilt-free. This rigid adherence to authority created a complex dynamic within the family, blurring the lines between personal autonomy and collective obedience.

    • Balancing Family Privacy and Public ExposureFamilies must consider the long-term impact of public platforms on their children's privacy and relationships. Setting boundaries and prioritizing family values is crucial.

      Families need to continually evaluate and reconsider their involvement in public platforms like social media, considering the potential long-term impact on their children. The speaker, who grew up on reality TV, shares her experience of feeling like a pawn in the industry, leading her to question the balance between family privacy and public exposure. She also mentions the financial aspect, acknowledging that she and her family didn't receive any significant financial gains despite their personal moments being broadcasted to millions. This conversation emphasizes the importance of families setting boundaries and prioritizing their relationships and privacy over external influences.

    • IBLP courtships: Parental approval and involvementIn IBLP, courtships involve parents' approval and active involvement, with a focus on Christian values and guidance.

      In the insular world of IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles), the dynamic of seeking permission and involvement from parents in courtships is deeply rooted, with courtships being a far cry from typical high school dating. This intricate process includes seeking parents' approval and blessings, having them involved in the relationship, and limiting physical contact. The concept of courtship is so intertwined with the IBLP culture that it even extends to pre-courtship stages and reality TV appearances. The ultimate goal is to ensure that relationships are built on a strong foundation of Christian values and parental guidance.

    • Rules and Pressure in Relationships during Group TripsFocus on personal well-being, including mental and physical health, for a happier and more productive new year. Consider therapy as a resolution to find strengths and make lasting changes.

      Growing up, there were strict rules regarding relationships, especially during chaperoned group trips. These rules varied, but often included age restrictions and limitations on physical contact. For instance, some people couldn't hold hands until they were engaged, and the first kiss often occurred on their wedding day. These rules, while seemingly antiquated, were meant to ensure accountability and maturity. However, the pressure to conform to these rules could be overwhelming, leading to feelings of being taken advantage of or even regret. In the context of the speaker's personal experience, they shared a story of their first kiss being on television during their wedding episode. The editing and commentary added to the pressure, and the speaker felt they had been taken advantage of during a vulnerable time in their life. As for resolutions for the new year, the speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on personal well-being rather than just business goals. This could include goals related to physical and mental health, which would ultimately improve all areas of life. The speaker also suggested considering therapy as a resolution, as it can help individuals find their strengths and make lasting changes.

    • Understanding and supporting relationships through different stagesEffective relationships require open communication, acceptance of differences, and clear boundaries. BetterHelp offers a convenient solution for accessing therapy to address relationship concerns.

      Building and maintaining healthy relationships involves understanding and accepting different backgrounds, setting guidelines, and allowing for growth and independence as children mature. BetterHelp provides a convenient and flexible option for accessing therapy to work through relationship issues. During marriage, couples combine their families of origin to create their own unique identity. When children reach adulthood, parents will have less control, but they can still influence their dating experiences and relationships. In the past, one partner may have unknowingly signed a contract during wedding preparations, which highlights the importance of transparency and clear communication. The discussion emphasized the importance of therapy for addressing relationship concerns, the role of understanding and accepting differences, and the significance of clear communication and boundaries. BetterHelp offers a convenient and flexible solution for accessing therapy services, making it an excellent resource for individuals seeking support for their relationships.

    • Transparency and clear communication prevent misunderstandingsBeing transparent and communicating openly builds trust and avoids potential harm. Hiding information and making mistakes without admitting them can lead to significant consequences.

      Transparency and clear communication are crucial in preventing misunderstandings and potential harm. In the discussed situation, the lack of transparency led to hidden information and a feeling of being screwed over. The father figure, in this case, made it a habit of apologizing for past mistakes but not being fully transparent about the situation. This approach may work for a while, but eventually, it can lead to significant consequences. The daughters in this situation felt they had been kept in the dark about important financial matters and decided to take action when they received a tax document that revealed discrepancies. They demanded transparency and accountability from their father figure. It's essential to learn from this situation and understand that being transparent and communicating openly is the best approach to building trust and avoiding potential harm. It's better to admit mistakes and make things right than to hide information and hope for forgiveness.

    • Fairness goes beyond numbersFairness is about recognizing and valuing individuals' contributions, not just the numbers on paper.

      The principle of fairness goes beyond just numbers on paper. In the discussion, it was clear that the family in question felt undercompensated for their work and wanted to be treated fairly. However, it wasn't just about the numbers; it was about the principle of being recognized for their contributions and being treated equally. The family felt that their worth was not being acknowledged, and they wanted tangible evidence of change. The tax law is intended to create fairness, but when individuals manipulate it for their benefit while denying others their rightful compensation, it undermines the very purpose of the law. The family's experience serves as a reminder that fairness is about more than just numbers; it's about recognizing and valuing the contributions of individuals.

    • Personal experiences with hair loss and NutrafolNutrafol offers personalized hair growth supplements, emphasizing differences between men and women's needs, and acknowledges the complexities of relationships.

      Everyone experiences both positive and negative aspects in their relationships, including the speaker's experience with her family. Her fine hair and the concern about hair loss led her to try Nutrafol, a hair growth supplement that is conveniently purchased online without a prescription. The importance of addressing hair loss differently for men and women is emphasized, and Nutrafol offers tailored formulas to cater to individual needs. The speaker also shares her appreciation for the candidness and respect shown in her book about her family, acknowledging the complexities of relationships and the importance of recognizing both the benefits and challenges they bring.

    • Sharing the complexity of individual storiesIt's important to share the full story, including positive and negative aspects, and acknowledge the responsibility that comes with increased influence.

      Presenting the full complexity of one's story, including both positive and negative aspects, is valuable and important, even if it intersects with others' stories. It's crucial to remember that good deeds do not justify bad actions and that with increased influence comes increased responsibility. The speakers, who grew up in the public eye through reality TV, felt a stewardship to share their experiences and warn others of potential pitfalls, despite any controversy it might bring. They acknowledge that there are people with even more impactful stories that could benefit more people, but lack the platform to share them. Overall, the goal is to validate and normalize the complexity of individual stories, rather than pitting them against each other. The speakers also mentioned that discussing sensitive topics with their parents, who have been involved in their public lives, can be a delicate matter and should be approached with care.

    • Navigating challenging family dynamics is an ongoing journeyPersevere through family challenges, prioritize self-care, and communicate effectively for healing and better relationships.

      Healing from complex family dynamics involves ongoing effort and hard choices. The speakers shared their experience of navigating a challenging family situation, which included infrequent contact with their parents and siblings, emotional challenges during interactions, and the decision to prioritize their own well-being. They emphasized that the process of improving family relationships is not a one-time event, but an ongoing journey with ups and downs. They also acknowledged the potential benefits of sharing their story through a book and podcast to reach out to others in similar situations and offer them hope and resources. Overall, their message highlights the importance of perseverance, self-care, and communication in the quest for healing and better relationships within families.

    • Maintaining a healthy relationship with family despite disagreementsExpress love, focus on respect, and agree to disagree in family relationships, recognizing that they come with both good and challenging aspects.

      The importance of maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship with family members despite disagreements. Jill Dillard shared her experience of navigating her relationship with her parents after the release of their family book, "Counting the Cost." She emphasized the importance of expressing love and the desire for a healthy relationship while acknowledging that both parties may have different ideas of what that looks like. Jill and her husband, Derek, have chosen to focus on mutual respect and agreeing to disagree, recognizing that they are their own family and can make their own decisions. The analogy of roses and thorns was also shared, emphasizing the idea that relationships come with both good and challenging aspects. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, love, and respect in maintaining family relationships. If you're interested in learning more about the Dillard family, be sure to check out their book, "Counting the Cost," available on Kindle, Audible, and other platforms, as well as their Instagram and YouTube channel.

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    2800 You Are Seen

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    In today’s world, there’s confusion as to what’s really valuable. But instead of the what, how about the who? “You are seen,” is a fundamental thirst with our kids, their fountain for living.

    We can sit it here and complain all we want about what we don't like with the world right now. We can debate the reasons our upcoming generations are struggling.

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    I want our time together to be productive. So I want you and I to look at it through the eyes of a child.

    Every child what's to be seen (and heard, too). 

    And unfortunately, that's not the case.  However, being seen is a major pain point for most kids. 

    Take a look at social media.

    Why do you think our kids want to be on social media?

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • TikTok
    • SnapChat
    • YouTube

    They don't care about being discovered. They want to be SEEN!

    So why not do what most can't and make something go viral?

    It's then I'll be noticed. It's then that I'll finally be seen.

    Everyone gets a trophy, yet no one still feels like they are seen.

    How sad is it that our children have to go out and do something on social media to feel seen?

    Wouldn't it be nice to give our children a safe place to be seen?

    The K.I.S.S. ~ S.E.E. your child!

    You are seen; a comfort, desire, a thirst.

    1. S - STABILIZE your child's environment. Make what you do together special, even dinners. See them right in front of you. Have you ever watched a child try to get his mom's attention? They come from all different angles and even are specific about their actions to get attention from mom. Don't make your child search for your attention. Stabilize your child's environment.
    2. E - EXPERIENCE your child. You and I have to get out of our own way and see our kiddos. What you do is important. However, seeing your child is more important. When I went from driving my son to school to him driving by himself, I wasn't concerned about his capabilities. I now had to figure out how I was going to get the scoop of the day. That's when we talked. That's when we had our time, no interruptions. That's when he would tell me everything. Now, I had to find another way. And if I'm honest, I miss those times so much. 
    3. E - EMBRACE your child. Hugs are great. But here is where you show up as a mom with no judgment, only unconditional love! See your child from their reflection. Understand their heart. 

    You are seen, my child!

    CHALLENGE: Where can you see your child more often?

    CAUTION: Even us great moms can do better. So look at your day with a different eye. That will keep your focus fresh.

    CELEBRATE: Your child deserves to be celebrated, not on social media but by YOU!

    Make that go viral and you will change your relationship!

    You are seen!

    "Master today to impact tomorrow!" ~ Kristanne Wargo

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


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    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    @Kristianne Wargo






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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.