
    Jocko Willink ON: Leading Like a Navy Seal & Taking Extreme Ownership of Every Problem in Your Life

    enMay 31, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective planning and preparation enhance travel experiencesPlanning and preparation lead to better travel experiences and improved overall wellness through services offered by companies like booking.com and CVS Health. Maintaining focus and discipline, as demonstrated by Jocko Willink, is crucial during challenging times.

      Effective planning and preparation, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience with booking accommodations through booking.com, can significantly enhance the quality of travel experiences. Additionally, CVS Health offers various services aimed at promoting overall wellness, from healthcare to mental health support. Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer, shares that the most challenging experience he's faced was losing friends in combat and the importance of maintaining focus and discipline during such difficult times. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of planning, preparation, and resilience in various aspects of life.

    • Leading through loss and adversityAcknowledge loss, mourn, celebrate life, and return to work. Empathy is crucial in understanding everyone's experiences.

      Effective leadership requires resilience and the ability to continue moving forward in the face of adversity, even when dealing with personal loss. The speaker shared his experience of losing a team member in combat and the challenge of leading his team through grief while still executing their mission. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging the loss, mourning, and celebrating the life of the fallen team member, but ultimately, returning to work and continuing the mission. The speaker also reflected on a personal experience of grappling with the perspective of someone dealing with seemingly minor problems while facing the extreme realities of war. He emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding that everyone's experiences are valid and meaningful in their own context.

    • Understanding Everyone's StrugglesEffective leaders empathize with others and develop skills to overcome weaknesses, making decisions that positively impact team members' livelihoods.

      No matter the circumstances, everyone experiences emergencies and challenges unique to their own lives. It's essential to empathize with others and understand that their struggles are just as significant as our own. Leaders, in particular, face immense pressure to make decisions that impact the livelihoods of their team members. Both natural instincts and acquired traits contribute to effective leadership, and individuals may possess some characteristics more than others. For instance, a loud voice can be an asset in a combat leadership situation, but not everyone is born with that trait. Through training and determination, individuals can develop new skills to overcome their weaknesses and become stronger leaders.

    • Leveraging team strengths to compensate for leadership gapsFocus on enhancing your abilities and building a team that complements your leadership gaps. Overcome procrastination and overthinking by taking immediate action and making educated guesses.

      Effective leadership involves recognizing and leveraging your team's strengths to compensate for your own weaknesses. The speaker shared an experience where he complemented his own articulation weakness by delegating this task to a team member. As leaders, we all have unique skills and areas for improvement. Instead of trying to be perfect in every category, focus on enhancing your abilities and building a team that complements your leadership gaps. Additionally, the speaker addressed the challenges of procrastination and overthinking. He suggested turning off your brain and taking immediate action when faced with tasks you'd rather avoid. For decision-making, he recommended making an educated guess, taking a small step in that direction, and analyzing the feedback to refine your approach. By applying these principles, you can become a more effective leader and overcome common productivity obstacles.

    • Test and adjust decisions iterativelyInstead of making big, infrequent decisions, test the waters with small ones and be open to feedback to achieve better outcomes

      Making small decisions rapidly and being open to feedback is a more effective and less risky approach to achieving your goals than making big, infrequent decisions. This iterative decision-making process allows you to test the waters and adjust your course as needed, ultimately leading to better outcomes. For instance, instead of quitting a stable job to pursue a passion without knowing if there's a market for it, try producing and selling a small batch of your product first. If it gains traction, you can gradually increase production and eventually make the leap. Similarly, when faced with a dilemma, don't rely solely on your gut. Instead, gather information, make a small decision, and be prepared to adjust if necessary. This approach can save you from costly mistakes and help you make the most of opportunities.

    • CVS Health's commitment to making healthier living accessibleCVS Health promotes collaboration and humility for better health outcomes, but creating a culture of teamwork takes effort and leadership.

      CVS Health is committed to making healthier living more accessible and practical for everyone, through various services like wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health support. Jacob's experience as a Navy SEAL highlights the importance of humility and collaboration, even in a competitive environment. However, not everyone can easily make the switch from comparison to collaboration. It takes effort and leadership to create a culture where individuals put their egos aside and work together towards a common goal. Despite the challenges, it's essential to recognize that we're not as good as we think we are and that there's always room for growth and learning from others.

    • The importance of humility in military leadershipEffective military leaders build strong teams through humility and communication, not rigid authority.

      Effective leadership in any field, including the military, requires humility and a willingness to listen to and value the input of others. The speaker's experience with a arrogant platoon commander who refused to listen to his team's feedback led to a mutiny, while a humble and legendary seal who took over later earned the respect and loyalty of his team. This lesson on the importance of humility in leadership has stayed with the speaker and continues to influence his actions today. It's important to note that this experience challenges the common misconception that leadership in traditionally masculine fields like the military requires a rigid, authoritarian approach. Instead, the most successful leaders are those who can build strong, collaborative teams through humility and effective communication.

    • Empowering team members builds trustGiving team autonomy and trust leads to increased productivity, collaboration, and trust between leader and team

      Building trust in a high-stress environment requires giving trust in return. According to the discussion, trust, listening, respect, and influence are essential for effective communication and collaboration in organizations. To build trust, a leader should allow team members to take charge, trust their judgment, and provide oversight rather than micromanaging. This approach fosters a sense of autonomy and empowers team members, ultimately leading to increased trust and respect between the leader and their team. The mistake made in leadership, as shared in the conversation, was not providing enough autonomy and trust to team members, leading to inefficiencies and a lack of trust. The lesson learned was to give more trust and allow team members to take ownership of projects, which led to improved collaboration and productivity.

    • Taking ownership of mistakes is crucial for effective leadershipLeaders take responsibility for their team's mistakes, learn from them, and implement solutions to prevent future occurrences.

      Taking ownership of mistakes is a crucial aspect of effective leadership. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, shared a personal experience of a friendly fire incident in Iraq where an Iraqi soldier was killed, and he was the one in charge. Despite various tactical mistakes and the temptation to blame others, Willink understood that as the overall leader, he was responsible for everything that happened on the battlefield. He took ownership of the situation, acknowledged his mistakes, and implemented solutions to prevent similar incidents in the future. This experience confirmed for Willink that taking ownership is the right thing to do, even when it's painful. In a workplace environment, if you don't get promoted despite expecting it, instead of pointing fingers, take ownership of the situation and focus on improving yourself to gain control over your own destiny. Extreme ownership is not about beating yourself up but rather propelling yourself forward. It's about understanding that you have the power to change and improve, and blaming others won't help you grow.

    • Taking ownership of mistakes for growthSeek feedback, analyze objectively, make necessary adjustments, and turn criticism into opportunities for growth

      Taking ownership of our mistakes and actively working to improve is crucial for personal and professional growth. The example given illustrates the importance of seeking feedback from others, analyzing it objectively, and making necessary adjustments. It's natural for our ego to protect us, but it's essential to put it aside and focus on self-improvement. By doing so, we can turn criticism into opportunities for growth and ultimately progress in our careers. The instinct to blame others or justify our actions may be strong, but it's counterproductive and leads to stagnation. Instead, we should listen to feedback, apply it constructively, and move forward. This mindset is something that will be emphasized in our recruitment, retention, and reward video. It's a simple yet powerful concept that can make a significant difference in our lives.

    • Transforming outdoor spaces and healthcareIKEA brings affordable dreamy getaways, CVS Health revolutionizes healthcare with virtual and in-person services, trust and respect in teamwork, and herbs like Ashwagandha support wellness

      Creating a relaxing and rejuvenating outdoor environment can enhance our daily experiences, from enjoying a good book to improving our overall health and wellness. IKEA offers affordable solutions to bring your dreamy getaways to life at home. Meanwhile, CVS Health is revolutionizing healthcare with virtual and in-person services, including mental health support and in-home evaluations. Another key takeaway is the importance of trust and respect in teamwork, particularly in high-pressure situations like the military. Decentralized command allows frontline personnel to make decisions while maintaining a strong bond with their superiors. In cases where orders don't align with safety or common sense, open communication and a solid working relationship can help navigate the situation. Lastly, incorporating herbs into your wellness routine, like Ashwagandha for stress relief, can lead to significant improvements in both physical and mental health. Nature's Way provides high-quality, tested herbal supplements to support your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

    • Effective communication and trust in the workplaceBuild strong relationships and trust, explain decision impacts, and be open to feedback to navigate challenges and achieve success.

      Building strong relationships and trust up and down the chain of command is crucial for effective communication and avoiding potential issues in the workplace. The speaker emphasized the importance of explaining the impacts of decisions to those at all levels, and being open to feedback from subordinates. He also highlighted the significance of self-discipline and understanding the reasons behind implementing it in various aspects of life, including work, finance, time management, and health, to achieve desired outcomes. By fostering good relationships, trust, and discipline, we can navigate challenges more efficiently and reach greater levels of freedom and success.

    • Discipline leads to freedomImplementing discipline allows us to control our desires and prioritize time, leading to greater freedom and fulfillment.

      Discipline equals freedom. It may seem counterintuitive, but implementing discipline in our lives leads to greater freedom rather than restriction. Discipline allows us to control our desires instead of being controlled by them. To build discipline, Joko recommends starting with small changes like waking up earlier in the morning and using that extra time for exercise or spending more time with family. This not only sets the tone for the rest of the day but also allows us to prioritize our time and make the most of it. By focusing on discipline as a means to achieve freedom, we can transform our perspective and unlock greater control and fulfillment in our lives.

    • Military Leadership Principles Resonate with Civilian WorldRetired Navy SEAL's leadership principles from military found application in civilian company and inspired children's books, resonating with people of all ages and industries.

      The leadership principles learned in the military have a wide-ranging application and can benefit various organizations and individuals, regardless of age or industry. The speaker, a retired Navy SEAL, discovered this when he was asked to speak about leadership in a civilian company and saw the principles resonate with everyone. He later wrote children's books to instill these principles in younger generations and received positive feedback from kids around the world. If he could meet any leader in the world, he would choose Colonel David Hackworth, an American soldier in the Korean and Vietnam war, for his leadership abilities.

    • Learning from mentors through their teachingsJocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and author, mentored the interviewer through his books and teachings. He values functionality, listening, and good neighborliness.

      You can find mentors and gain valuable lessons from people you've never met through their books and teachings. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and author, was a mentor to the interviewer despite never having met him in person. Jocko's purpose in joining the SEALs was to be a good team player, and his purpose now is to help and mentor others. He values functionality over material possessions, such as expensive watches. The best advice he ever received was to listen more than speaking, and his one law for the world would be to be good to your neighbor. Jocko emphasizes the importance of listening and learning from others, and his podcast and books are great resources for those seeking wisdom and guidance. Overall, Jocko's message is to focus on helping others, valuing functionality, and practicing good neighborliness.

    • Two companies, two different services, one goal: making life easierBooking.com simplifies travel planning with a vast selection and easy mobile booking, while CVS Health revolutionizes healthcare with accessible virtual care and wellness services.

      Booking.com and CVS Health are two companies dedicated to making your life easier in different yet significant ways. Booking.com offers a vast selection of travel accommodations and an effortless booking process, making your dream vacations a reality. CVS Health, on the other hand, focuses on health and wellness, providing various services such as virtual doctor consultations, in-home evaluations, and mental health support, ensuring that everyone has access to the care they need. Booking.com's commitment to offering a wide range of travel options tailored to individual preferences, along with the convenience of mobile booking, makes it an excellent choice for planning unforgettable getaways. CVS Health, with its wellness destinations, virtual care services, and partnerships with companies like Oak Street Health, Signify Health, and Aetna, is revolutionizing healthcare by making it more accessible and convenient for everyone. Furthermore, BetterHelp's online therapy platform adds to the conversation by offering mental health support on your schedule, making therapy more flexible, simple to use, and affordable than traditional in-person sessions. Overall, these companies are leading the way in their respective industries by catering to the needs of their customers and making life easier in meaningful ways.

    Recent Episodes from On Purpose with Jay Shetty

    Rob Dial: How to Break the Cycle of Procrastination & 3 Ways to Change Your Repeated Thoughts

    Rob Dial: How to Break the Cycle of Procrastination & 3 Ways to Change Your Repeated Thoughts

    Why do we always put things off until the last minute?

    How can we stop the habit of procrastinating?

    Today, let's welcome Rob Dial, host of the Mindset Mentor Podcast and author of "Level Up." Jay and Rob reminisce about their seven-year friendship, sharing how their mutual interests in mindset and Eastern spirituality brought them together. 

    The conversation delves into the role of fear in holding people back, with Rob distinguishing between primal fears (like pain and death) and intellectual fears (like failure and rejection). He offers strategies to overcome these fears by focusing on positive outcomes instead of negative possibilities. They also explore the topic of procrastination, with Rob emphasizing the importance of having a strong "why" to drive motivation and action. 

    Rob reflects on his spiritual journey and how silence and introspection have helped him find peace and purpose. He also shares the key lesson he has learned: what we seek externally is often something we need to find within ourselves.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to overcome fear

    How to connect with your 'WHY'

    How to overcome procrastination

    How to change negative thought patterns

    How to accept and love all part of yourself

    Let's continue to seek deeper understanding and connection with themselves, emphasizing the value of inner peace and presence.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:53 Starting a Podcast
    • 04:04 Why Do We Struggle to Focus?
    • 09:17 Dealing with Intellectual Fear
    • 14:44 What’s Your Most Repeated Thought?
    • 18:20 What is Your WHY?
    • 24:49 Overcoming the Fear of the Unknown
    • 30:32 Going for the Things You Aspire
    • 35:39 There Are Different Forms of Addiction
    • 41:53 Our Truth is Always within Us
    • 46:50 Take a Pause to Reconnect with Yourself
    • 50:22 The Duality of What We Value
    • 55:44 How Do You Pick Yourself Up?
    • 59:40 What Life Lesson That Changed You?
    • 01:04:41 Lesson Learned the Hard Way
    • 01:07:48 Rob on Final Five

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    Why Love Is Not Enough & 5 Things to Focus On More in Dating & Relationships

    Why Love Is Not Enough & 5 Things to Focus On More in Dating & Relationships

    Do you and your partner share values?

    How do you support each other emotionally?

    Today, Jay taps into the  idea that love alone is not sufficient to sustain a healthy relationship. While love is important, other elements such as shared values, emotional maturity, consistent patterns of behavior, and trust are crucial for long-lasting partnerships. Societal norms often romanticize love, leading people to overlook these essential factors.

    Jay discusses the significance of understanding and respecting each other's values, as well as recognizing and addressing patterns of behavior. Emotional maturity, which involves managing and expressing emotions healthily, is highlighted as a key component of a stable relationship. Support and partnership are deemed more critical than love alone.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to communicate your value to your partner

    How to develop emotional maturity

    How to support your partner's emotional growth

    How to build trust in your relationship

    Remember, love is important, but building a relationship on trust, values, and emotional maturity is key.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:07 Do They Love Me?

    04:42 #1: Love Makes Us Forget the Importance of Values

    08:56 #2: Love Makes You Forget Patterns of Behaviour

    16:09 #3: Love Makes You Forget How They Treat You

    19:29 #4: Love Versus Support

    21:46 #5: You Forget the Importance of Trust

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    Jonathan Haidt: Why Social Media Has Caused a Collapse in Mental Health & #1 Way to Solve Your Anxiety

    Jonathan Haidt: Why Social Media Has Caused a Collapse in Mental Health & #1 Way to Solve Your Anxiety

    How are smartphones linked to anxiety?

    What mental health issues are linked to excessive social media use?

    Today, let's welcome Jonathan Haidt is a renowned social psychologist, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, and a widely published author. He is known for his research on morality, culture, and the psychology of happiness. Jonathan's influential books include "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion" and "The Coddling of the American Mind." His latest work, "The Anxious Generation," examines the profound impact of social media on young people's mental health.

    Jonathan highlights the unprecedented global collapse of mental health among youth, describing it as more significant than the COVID-19 pandemic, with girls being particularly affected by anxiety and depression, and boys showing significant social development issues.

    The conversation also addresses the academic debate regarding the root causes of this mental health crisis, with Jonathan presenting compelling data and experimental evidence to support his view that social media is a primary driver. He offers actionable solutions, including delaying smartphone and social media use until later ages, implementing phone-free school policies, increasing outdoor play, and advocating for collective action by parents and communities. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to create a healthier digital environment for kids

    How to implement age-appropriate tech usage

    How to encourage outdoor play and physical activities

    How to talk to children about the risks of social media

    How to foster resilience and emotional strength in kids

    How to create a supportive community for parents

    Together, let's take a comprehensive look into the mental health crisis the youth is facing today and take note of the practical strategies for creating a healthier environment that supports their well-being.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:55 Global Synchronized Collapse of Mental Health
    • 08:12 Social Media is for Adults to Network
    • 10:20 The Science Behind Anxiety
    • 14:51 Variation of Emotions is Necessary for Kids
    • 17:45 Play Helps Kids Learn
    • 19:12 How to Make Playtime More Effective?
    • 22:59 The Effects of Technology on Different Genders
    • 29:24 Going Through Puberty on Social Media
    • 32:08 How Parenting Has Changed with Technology
    • 34:27 Efforts to Regulate Smartphones Use for Children
    • 44:21 Women Are Always Judged for Their Looks
    • 49:26 Verified Social Media Account
    • 56:58 Why Tap Into Our Spirituality
    • 01:03:56 What is Happening to Us?
    • 01:11:31 The Greatest Distraction of Human Value
    • 01:16:23 Jonathan on Final Five

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    If You've Been Feeling Drained... Listen To This (9 Steps To Recover And Avoid Burnout)

    If You've Been Feeling Drained... Listen To This (9 Steps To Recover And Avoid Burnout)

    Do you often feel exhausted or burnt out?

    Are you struggling to manage your stress levels?

    Today, Jay talks about exhaustion, burnout, and stress, highlighting their prevalence with statistics showing that a significant portion of young adults and women report feeling drained. He introduces a practical approach to tackle these challenges, encapsulated in the "triple A" formula—Accept, Action, Attention—which encourages acknowledging negative feelings, taking actionable steps to address them, and paying mindful attention to one's mental state

    Jay also introduces the concept of "reset periods," whether it's an hour, half-day, or full day, to allow for complete mental and physical rejuvenation. The importance of self-compassion is also emphasized, encouraging individuals to replace inner criticism with supportive self-talk, which can significantly improve overall well-being.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to break negative thought cycle

    How to manage your energy levels

    How to use stress strategically

    How to practice self-compassion

    How to get out of stressful situation

    Don’t let exhaustion control your life—take action today and start feeling refreshed and empowered. Listen now and share with someone who needs a boost!

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:06 Do You Feel Drained?

    03:10 #1: Learn to Break Repetitive Thoughts

    06:27 #2: You Don’t Need to Be on Full Energy All the Time

    10:20 #3: Learn to Say NO

    14:05 #4: Be Strategic with Your Time

    17:02 #5: Have a Reset Day

    18:35 #6: Be Kind to Yourself

    19:59 #7: Allow Yourself to Vent and Let It Out

    21:24 #8: Get a Restful Sleep 

    23:00 #9: Wash Your Mind the Night Before

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    Taylor Hill: How to Navigate Emotional Challenges & Ways to Practice Gratitude in Lifes’ Unexpected Hard Times

    Taylor Hill: How to Navigate Emotional Challenges & Ways to Practice Gratitude in Lifes’ Unexpected Hard Times

    How does gratitude aid during emotional struggles?

    How does focusing on positives improve our emotional well-being?

    Today, let's welcome supermodel, content creator, actor, and philanthropist Taylor Hill. Discovered at the age of 14, Taylor has worked with fashion houses and luxury brands around the globe and has graced the covers of prestigious fashion magazines, including Vogue. Beyond her modeling career, Taylor is the founder of Tate and Taylor, a media content platform and community inspired by her late Labradoodle, Tate. 

    Taylor speaks candidly about her emotional journey with her late Labradoodle, Tate and the profound bond she shared with him,  describing how he was more than just a pet – he was a soulmate and a source of unwavering support. She also opens up about the challenges and triumphs of starting her modeling career as a teenager, highlighting the pressures and responsibilities that came with her rapid rise to fame.

    Inspired by her journey with Tate, Taylor founded Tate and Taylor, a media content platform and community for pets and their humans. She explains the mission behind this venture, which aims to support pet owners and raise awareness about animal welfare.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to handle emotional challenges

    How to manage early career success

    How to stay fit mentally and physically

    How to manage grief and loss

    How to pursue your purpose

    How to find joy and gratitude everyday

    Taylor's story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the healing power of unconditional love, an inspiring message for anyone facing their own struggles and searching for meaning in their experiences. 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 03:50 Earliest Childhood Memory
    • 09:30 Modeling at 14 
    • 12:52 Going to School Wasn’t For Me
    • 15:26 Victoria Secret Model
    • 18:18 Audition Process for Models
    • 20:20 Having the Right Team
    • 24:52 Discipline of a VS Model
    • 33:32 VS Comeback
    • 38:55 Experiencing Burnout
    • 42:12 Losing Tate
    • 51:33 The Signs and Symptoms
    • 01:13:01 Healing From Losing Your Pet
    • 01:19:40 Pregnancy and Miscarriage 
    • 01:44:52 Alone Time While Grieving
    • 01:53:02 Emotional Support From Your Partner
    • 02:04:01 Everyone’s Journey is Different
    • 02:10:39 Building the Tate and Taylor Brand
    • 02:20:52 A Brand for a Cause
    • 02:24:48 Taylor on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

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    Do You Compare Yourself or Your Relationship to Others? 5 Surprising Ways to Stop Letting Comparison Steal Your Happiness

    Do You Compare Yourself or Your Relationship to Others? 5 Surprising Ways to Stop Letting Comparison Steal Your Happiness

    Do you compare your relationship to others?

    How can you identify and manage your triggers for comparison?

    Today, Jay introduces the concept of social comparison theory, explaining the differences between upward - where we compare ourselves to those we perceive as better off, can lead to feelings of inadequacy if done with envy rather than a mindset of learning, and downward comparisons which involves comparing ourselves to those worse off, which can provide a temporary boost in self-esteem but is ultimately unproductive and unkind.

    He shares practical strategies for reducing comparison, such as being mindful of social media usage, identifying personal triggers, and investing in self-improvement. Jay also stresses the importance of understanding the deeper, often hidden aspects of people's lives and why we usually compare our internal struggles with others' external successes, leading to a distorted and unfair self-assessment.

    In the episode, you'll learn:

    How to identify your goals

    How to set mutual goals

    How to be mindful of your triggers

    How to invest in self-improvement

    By seeking deeper connections and understanding the full context of others' lives, we can develop more empathy and reduce the impulse to compare and shift our focus from external comparisons to internal growth and relational strength, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:28 Comparing Ourselves to Other People

    04:32 Social Media Makes Unhealthy Comparison

    05:27 The Two Social Comparison Theory

    12:53 Everyone Has Different Values

    14:26 Focus More on the Good You’re Doing

    16:11 Focus on What It Take For You to Get There

    17:39 Get to Know People Deeply

    19:33 Be Conscious of Your Own Triggers

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    Dr. Casey Means: 5 Early Warning Signs of Disease & What Your Body is REALLY Trying to Tell You

    Dr. Casey Means: 5 Early Warning Signs of Disease & What Your Body is REALLY Trying to Tell You

    Do you want to be able to detect the early warning signs of disease? 

    Do you want to learn how to manage your stress effectively? 

    Today, Jay welcomes Dr. Casey Means, a Stanford-trained physician, a leading voice in the field of metabolic health, and the co-founder of Levels, a company dedicated to improving health through continuous glucose monitoring. She is also an author, with her latest book, "Good Energy," focusing on metabolic health and its impact on overall well-being. Dr. Means has been featured in prominent publications such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. 

    Dr. Casey Means highlights the alarming rise of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, which she attributes to the modern lifestyle and its impact on our metabolic systems. She emphasizes the importance of understanding metabolic health, which she describes as the body's ability to efficiently convert food into energy at the cellular level and encourages us to take control of our health by becoming more attuned to our bodies and the signals it sends. 

    Jay and Dr. Means focus on the importance of a balanced diet, adequate sleep, regular physical activity, stress management, and reducing exposure to environmental toxins. And the inspiring stories and scientific evidence to illustrate how simple lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements in health. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to improve metabolic health

    How to manage stress effectively

    How to make dietary changes

    How to optimize sleep

    How to trust your own body

    How to stay physically active

    This compelling vision for a future where individuals are empowered with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their health, leading to happier, healthier, and more fulfilled lives is attainable. 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:55 Who Do We Trust with Our Health?
    • 12:12 Become the Healthiest Version of You
    • 18:27 What is Metabolic Health?
    • 25:39 2 Ways Your Body Communicates with You
    • 34:56 The Concept of Inflammation within the Body
    • 40:15 How Does the Health System Work?
    • 51:33 Why Ban Pharmaceutical Company Ads?
    • 56:42 How Banning Pharma Ads Will Affect the Economy
    • 01:02:47 Academic Research Funded by Pharma
    • 01:05:35 Eliminate Added Sugar in School Lunch
    • 01:11:05 The 5 Essential Biomarkers
    • 01:23:10 How You’re Eating Matters
    • 01:24:37 The Benefits of 7000 Steps
    • 01:29:37 What is Social Jetlag?
    • 01:34:51 We Are a Process Not an Entity
    • 01:44:57 Casey on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

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    8 Signs You Are Subtle Settling In Your Relationship & Overcome the Fear of Being Alone

    8 Signs You Are Subtle Settling In Your Relationship & Overcome the Fear of Being Alone

    Do you often feel unappreciated by your partner?

    Do you avoid addressing issues to keep the peace?

    Today, Jay tackles a common yet often overlooked issue in relationships: subtle settling. He begins by acknowledging the pervasive uncertainty many people face about their partners and the fear of being alone that often drives them to stay in unfulfilling relationships. Is it true that the lack of current excitement or passion necessarily indicates settling.

    One of the key questions Jay poses is whether individuals feel they can be their true selves with their partners. He highlights the importance of authenticity in relationships, sharing anecdotes about how people often hide or underplay parts of themselves to be more likable, which ultimately leads to losing their true identity.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to foster emotional availability

    How to deal with unrealistic expectations

    How to ensure mutual respect in your relationship

    How to discuss important issues in a healthy way

    Healthy communication is another crucial aspect in all relationships. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to ensure they are not compromising their happiness and well-being in their relationships.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:24 Subtle Settling

    02:26 #1: Do You Feel Like You Can Truly Be Yourself?

    07:18 #2: Do You Discuss Important Things In A Healthy Way?

    13:19 #3: Do You Feel A Sense Of Respect?

    15:36 #4: Are You Scared Of Being Lonely?

    20:58 #5: Do You Compare Your Partner To Other People?

    22:23 #6: Do They Understand Why You Are The Way You Are?

    23:53 #7: Can They Tolerate Your Weaknesses And Can You Tolerate Theirs?

    24:53 #8: You're Subtle Settling If It's A Financial Decision

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    Anitta: 6 Ways to Heal Your Inner Child & Let Go of Past Trauma

    Anitta: 6 Ways to Heal Your Inner Child & Let Go of Past Trauma

    What does healing your inner child mean?

    How can you heal from past trauma?

    Today, let's welcome Grammy-nominated global superstar, Anitta, who has become a leading artist of a new generation of Latin American music. Her album "Versions of Me" surpassed 1 billion streams on Spotify, and she earned a Grammy nomination for Best New Artist in 2023. Known for her energetic performances and bold personality, Anitta is also deeply spiritual, integrating various practices to maintain her well-being and authenticity.

    A significant part of the episode focuses on the duality of Anitta's identity. She explains how she balances her stage persona with her true self, Larissa, and the importance of nurturing both. Anitta shares the struggles she faced with comparisons, societal expectations, and the pressure to maintain a certain image. Her journey towards self-acceptance and self-love is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. 

    Jay and Anitta also talk about the importance of staying grounded amidst success, sharing her daily routines that include meditation, energy cleansing, and connecting with nature. Despite facing criticism and backlash, she remains committed to expressing and celebrating her culture through her music and public appearances.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to stay grounded amidst success

    How to overcome comparisons

    How to heal from past trauma

    How to manage your health

    How to cultivate self-love

    How to handle criticisms

    Anitta's story is a reminder that true success is not just about external achievements but also about inner peace, self-love, and staying connected to one's roots.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 03:39 How Do You Prepare for a Performance?
    • 05:05 Meditation Practice
    • 08:17 How Elevate Your Energy
    • 11:06 Comparison is Making Us Unhappy
    • 16:04 Successful But Unhappy
    • 29:24 Doing Things for Your Happiness
    • 37:04 Health Scare
    • 38:10 Healing Emotional Trauma
    • 42:46 What Are You Here For?
    • 45:19 Getting Off Birth Control
    • 51:12 Two Energy in One Body
    • 58:32 Society’s Double Standard in Dating
    • 01:01:38 Different Religion and Faith
    • 01:11:30 We All Have a Choice
    • 01:16:10 Challenges and Hardships Along the Way 
    • 01:24:22 Dealing with Conflicts
    • 01:29:14 Opportunities for Better Exposure
    • 01:34:14 Finding Balance in Life
    • 01:35:21 Anitta on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    7 Habits to Be Present When Everything Feels Like It’s Moving Too Quickly (Busy People Listen Now)

    7 Habits to Be Present When Everything Feels Like It’s Moving Too Quickly (Busy People Listen Now)

    How can you recognize when you need to slow down?

    And what are the benefits of slowing down in everyday life?

    Today, Jay addresses the growing concern about how to slow down in our fast-paced world. Many of us feel like time is flying by, and Jay offers practical tips to help us feel more present and in control. 

    Jay recommends connecting with ourselves, looking at our schedule, and reaching out to loved ones. By waking up 20 minutes earlier than needed, this small change can set a calm tone for the day. And there is power in silence and spending time in nature. Silence helps reduce our brain's cognitive load, and being in nature makes us feel more present and less rushed.

    Throughout the episode, Jay provides easy-to-follow advice to help us slow down and enjoy life more fully, reminding us that slowing down is about being more present, not doing less.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to slow down time

    How to change your daily habits

    How to plan for your day

    These small changes can make a big difference in how you experience time. Remember, there's more to life than increasing its speed. Let's slow down together and savor every moment.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:31 Time Flies By So Fast

    04:21 #1: Wake Up 20 Minutes Before You Actually Have To

    08:40 #2: One Device At A Time

    11:35 #3: Take 30 Seconds To Engage All Five Senses

    13:44 #4: Obey Speed The Limit

    16:32 #5: Being Present With Your Breath To Align Your Body And Mind

    18:25 #6: Find And Create Moments Of Silence Everyday

    21:19 #7: Observe And Be Present In Nature

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Related Episodes

    EP 77: Creating a Magnetic, People First Culture - With Joey Havens

    EP 77: Creating a Magnetic, People First Culture - With Joey Havens

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of Practice Growth HQ we’re talking about how to lead with significance, so that you can attract more success and growth for your practice. 


    You’ll meet Joey Havens, the Managing Partner of Strategic Growth for Horne, and the author of ‘Leading with Significance’.  


    In this episode Joey shares his biggest career regrets, the inspiration behind his book, and his best tips for improving the culture in your workplace. 


    If you're curious to learn what it means to lead your team with significance, you’ll love this episode! 


    What you’ll learn: 


    • (05:13) Joey shares his the two biggest career regrets 

    • (08:50) Discover the inspiration behind Joey’s latest book, ‘Leading with Significance’ 

    • (11:49) Learn why it’s important to ask yourself honestly about the culture in your practice   

    • (14:08) Find out how to improve the culture in your business and take it from merely ‘good’ to ‘great’   

    • (17:22) Is the customer always right? Joey shares his thoughts   

    • (19:00) Uncover why some healthcare professionals can struggle with narrow-mindedness   

    • (21:23) Learn why it’s critical to demonstrate love and care as the leader of a team  

    • (23:30) Discover the importance of flexibility in the workplace (it could be the one thing that prevents your employees from jumping ship!)  

    • (27:26) Find out how leading with significance leads to more success 

    • Plus loads more! 


    Links and Resources: 

    Website: www.joeyhavens.com

    Book: Leading with Significance  

    Denise Shamlian – Beauty Endures

    Denise Shamlian – Beauty Endures

    Bio for Denise Shamlian 

    Denise Shamlian, Health Education Advocate and owner of Get Up Get Out Get Well Health Coaching, has successfully worked with clients around the world helping them achieve their health and happiness goals. 

    Episode highlight

    As an Armenian-American, Denise Shamlian was raised to be straightforward and direct in her communication and pursuit of goals. Listen in on how she uses her talents and abilities to create a productive solutions-based existence in the health and wellness industry.


    Email: deniseshamlian@gmail.com 

    Website: www.getupgetoutgetwell.com


    “Health and wellness is something that sets you up for success in so many places in your life.” 

    “Anything is possible, anything is achievable.”

    “Feedback is just feedback… it’s neither good nor bad; it just is.”


    Childhood Incidents

    Denise is a first-generation Armenian-American on her father’s side and second generation on her mother’s. Her family taught her to be tenacious, direct, straightforward, open and free-spirited in her communication. Being an older sister in a single-parent household, Denise also learned to stand up for her mother, and become a solution-seeker who took charge. 

    Influential Groups 

    Denise grew up in Queens, New York in a middle-class community composed of people from different backgrounds, cultures and religions. Even though she is not a religious person, being born into a Christian Armenian family taught her to be tolerant of all practices. 

    She also gets her love for food from the Armenian culture, which she has extended into her practice as a wellness coach, teaching people how to use food to heal. Denise belongs to the Central Park Dance Skaters Association and has skated all over the world. 

    Temperament and Personality Influences

    Denise has always been a “persister”, throwing tantrums if she didn’t get what she wanted as a child. She is working to go with the flow of the universe and pick her battles now. 

    Cultural Epiphanies

    In her travels, Denise found that her direct style of communication was not always a good fit, especially in the more “proper” areas of Europe. Even in her professional life, she has found that there can be a big gap between what is being communicated and what is understood. 

    Advice to an Employer 

    Denise wants her clients to know that she is committed to their happiness and using the therapeutic relationship for all-around growth. 

    More Great Insights! 

    Visit Denise’s website to avail of her offerings in health coaching, business advisory and beauty and aesthetics tips. 

    Support the show

    Episode 113 - Investing in Yourself

    Episode 113 - Investing in Yourself
    Today, I share my top list of ways to invest in yourself for a successful and healthy future.

    Host: Paul Falavolito

    Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

    Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast or @paulfalavolito


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    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 Star rating, share on your social media, and comment on iTunes.

    Send questions, feedback, or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com

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    The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast

    EMS Talk

    The Daily Pfav

    The KEMA Podcast

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    - Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store

    Sponsored by the following companies:

    - White Oak EMS - whiteoakems.com
    - Cornerstone Adminisystems - cornerstoneadminisystems.com
    - Alerts USA - alertsusa.com
    - Ridge Wallet - ridgewallet.com
    - MuscleMX - Musclemx.com
    - Laurel Print and Graphics - laurelprint.com

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    - The 7 Minute Leadership Handbook is available through Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Apple Books.
    - Get your copy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2nXWax5
    - Get your copy at Barnes and Noble: https://bit.ly/2lJwIdR

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    Follow me on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/thepfav

    Episode 109 - Your Leadership Health

    Episode 109 - Your Leadership Health
    This might be the most important episode I have ever recorded, because within it contains a message you might not know or might not be getting from any of your co-workers, family, or friends.

    Host: Paul Falavolito

    Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

    Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast or @paulfalavolito


    Listen on Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, Audacy & Spotify

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 Star rating, share on your social media, and comment on iTunes.

    Send questions, feedback, or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com

    Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323

    Help support the show by becoming a PATRON: CLICK HERE or search Paul Falavolito on Patreon.com

    Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:

    The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast

    EMS Talk

    The Daily Pfav

    The KEMA Podcast

    Alexa Skills:

    - Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store

    Sponsored by the following companies:

    - White Oak EMS - whiteoakems.com
    - Cornerstone Adminisystems - cornerstoneadminisystems.com
    - Alerts USA - alertsusa.com
    - Ridge Wallet - ridgewallet.com
    - MuscleMX - Musclemx.com
    - Laurel Print and Graphics - laurelprint.com

    Listen to each episode for your special Paul Falavolito discount code to save with our sponsors.


    - The 7 Minute Leadership Handbook is available through Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Apple Books.
    - Get your copy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2nXWax5
    - Get your copy at Barnes and Noble: https://bit.ly/2lJwIdR

    Take the Paul Falavolito Eat the Earth Challenge today by visiting www.paulfalavolito.com

    Click on the Podcast website and scroll down to enter your name and email. The Eat the Earth template will be emailed directly to you.


    Follow me on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/thepfav

    The Life, Death, & Rebirth Of MarleyAyo

    The Life, Death, & Rebirth Of MarleyAyo

    This episode was assigned to me by Spirit a few nights after returning from Sharm and the first Hold Us Sacred Retreat. It is a tribute to MarleyAyo, and eulogy of sorts, that I believe Oya, compelled me to record and rewatch to aid me in my own grieving process, and to give me full permission and power to rebuild MarleyAyo from my deepest desires and knowing. 

    I also believe I was called to record this episode to liberate anyone struggling in their decolonized entrepreneurship journey. One breath at a time, one intention at a time. We are building a new world. Let's be gentle.

    If you are new to Shaping The Shift Podcast, Welcome! We have many delicious episodes for you to binge and would love to earn your positive reviews, shares, and listenership. This episode is also available (imperfections and all!) on YOUTUBE, which gives it another level of life.

    Thank you for tuning in, subscribing, and becoming a part of our shiftshaping community!

    With Joy,

    Thea Monyeé

    @theamonyee on IG @shapingtheshiftpodcast on IG www.theamonyee.com