
    John Avlon: Winning Back the House from the MAGA Minions

    en-usFebruary 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • John Avlon's upcoming interview and Michigan primary discussionJohn Avlon encourages focusing on what's right for the country instead of artificial benchmarks and expectations in the Michigan primary debate

      During the discussion, the host announced the upcoming interview with John Avlon, who has left his commentator role to run for congress as a democrat in New York's 1st congressional district. Avlon took a moment to indulge the host in a punditry question about the recent Michigan primary, where 13% of Democrats voted uncommitted. Avlon argued that the media and political debates often focus on artificial benchmarks and expectations, rather than reality. He suggested that the concern over the progressive vote in Michigan is overblown, and urged everyone to take a deep breath and focus on doing what's right for the country, as John McCain used to say. Additionally, the host mentioned various other topics such as the Shield of the Republic podcast, JBL's appearance on the Just Between Us podcast, and the availability of a Spotify playlist for the outro music used in the episodes.

    • Understanding the past for a united futureJohn Avalon's work emphasizes the importance of learning from history to promote unity and reconciliation in the face of political fragmentation and divisiveness.

      John Avalon's passion for politics was deeply influenced by his upbringing as a grandson of immigrants and his fascination with American history. He believes that understanding the past can provide valuable perspective on the present and help unite a divided nation. Avalon's appreciation for history led him to write history books in addition to his work as a columnist, editor, and analyst anchor. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the echoes of past fragmentation and divisiveness in current political debates and offers solutions for promoting unity and reconciliation. Avalon's work, as well as his involvement with organizations like The Bulwark, reflects his commitment to addressing the dangers of hyperpartisanship and polarization in American politics.

    • Moral urgency and the need for action in politicsA former media professional turned politician feels compelled to run due to threats to democracy and the radicalization of the Republican Party, focusing on political reform and finding common ground within the Democratic coalition.

      The current political climate calls for action, not just commentary. The speaker, who previously worked in media, felt compelled to run for office due to moral urgency and the threat to democracy presented by authoritarian platforms and lies used as litmus tests for party loyalty. He sees this as an "all hands on deck" moment and a real sacrifice, but necessary to make a difference. The speaker also addressed the radicalization of the Republican Party and the loss of moderate voices, leaving the Democratic Party as the only functioning political party in America. In New York's Democratic coalition, which includes a wide range of ideologies, the speaker sees himself as focused on political reform and finding common ground to move the party forward.

    • Emphasizing the importance of centrist Democrats and swing districtsTo foster a healthy political system, prioritize centrist Democrats, competitive districts, and constructive compromise, reducing the influence of ideological extremes. Learn from successful local politicians like Tom Suozzi who play offense and offer solutions consistent with Democratic values.

      A healthy political system requires big tent parties capable of constructive compromise and competitive districts that encourage representatives to act in the national interest. The speaker emphasized the importance of centrist Democrats in New York and the need for more swing districts to reduce the influence of ideological extremes. He criticized partisan redistricting and expressed a desire to reach out to independent voters and even some former Trump supporters. The speaker also shared lessons learned from a local politician, Tom Suozzi, who successfully played offense on issues and offered solutions consistent with Democratic values. In summary, the speaker advocated for a pragmatic, centrist approach to politics that prioritizes problem-solving and democratic compromise.

    • A new Democrat enters NY's 19th District race, vowing to shake things upA new Democrat aims to win primary, energize base, and make a statement in NY's 19th District, emphasizing the importance of finding common ground and solving problems together

      The Democratic primary in New York's 19th Congressional District is heating up, with the entrance of a new candidate, who is determined to shake up the race and energize the base. The candidate, who has been labeled as a radical left liberal hack by opponents and the National Republican Congressional Committee, aims to win the primary first and then focus on defeating the incumbent Republican, Nick Faso. The candidate believes that the seat was not being treated as a swing district due to a lack of contested races in the past, and that the Democratic Party has a chance to make a strong statement in New York. The candidate also emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and reasoning together to solve problems, rather than resorting to negative stereotypes and political boilerplate. Despite attempts to paint the candidate as a scary far left liberal, the candidate's record and personal beliefs do not align with that label.

    • Rebuilding the middle class and preserving democracyDemocrats aim to address disillusionment and frustration by focusing on the middle class through infrastructure and child tax credit, while also addressing immigration reform with a comprehensive approach.

      Preserving democracy and rebuilding the middle class are top priorities in the upcoming election. While these issues may not be the primary concerns for all voters, they are crucial for the future of the country. Many people have felt disillusioned and frustrated with the failure of democracy to address their needs, and the hollowing out of the middle class has exacerbated these feelings. Democrats, led by President Biden, have proposed solutions such as the infrastructure bill and expanding the child tax credit to help rebuild the middle class and put more money in people's pockets. Another important issue is immigration reform, which requires a comprehensive approach that includes both legal and illegal immigration. The abandonment of a bipartisan border security bill in favor of fearmongering and fundraising is a prime example of the cynicism and cowardice that has undermined trust in politics. Overall, the election is about more than just preventing a specific candidate from holding office; it's about addressing the underlying issues that have left many Americans feeling abandoned and forgotten.

    • Politics hindering national interest in Ukraine aidPoliticians failing to put national interest first, hindering Ukraine aid, jeopardizing democracy and setting dangerous precedents.

      The current political climate, specifically in the context of the debate over Ukraine aid, demonstrates the frustrating inability of politicians to put the national interest above party politics. The refusal of some Democrats to support the deal due to concerns over appearing anti-immigrant in a primary, and the obstructionist tactics of the GOP in blocking aid to Ukraine, are examples of this issue. History shows that constructive compromise is essential for getting deals done in a democracy. The failure to support Ukraine and stand up to authoritarian aggression not only undermines democracy but sets a dangerous precedent for future conflicts. The inability of the Republican party to govern in the national interest and their continued fealty to extremes within their party is a major concern. These actions not only harm the people of Ukraine but also jeopardize the trajectory of the 21st century. It is crucial that politicians put aside party affiliations and work towards the common good.

    • Historical context shapes political debatesUnderstanding history helps us navigate current political issues and defend individual freedoms, like women's reproductive rights, from extreme ideologies.

      Understanding history and recognizing the rhymes between past and present events can provide valuable perspective and moral clarity in the political landscape. The speaker recalls his experiences debating political issues with his wife and the significance of historical context in shaping political slogans and ideologies. He also emphasizes the importance of defending women's reproductive freedom and the threat it faces from extreme ideologies. The speaker believes that the issue will be a major focus in the 2024 election and that the government should not interfere in personal decisions that should be between a woman, her doctor, and her God. The historical context of the fight for women's reproductive freedom and the ongoing threat to this freedom underscores the importance of remaining vigilant and standing up for individual freedoms.

    • Political radicals threaten democracy18 Republican representatives disregard democratic principles, and it's crucial to protect our democracy by building a broad coalition

      The political process has been hijacked by radicals and extremists who are running against majoritarian democracy, and this is a dangerous and extreme situation that requires everyone's involvement in protecting our democracy. Mike Johnson, a Christian radical, could be scarier than Trump for some, especially in a New York district. It's important to understand that being a person of faith doesn't make one a bigot or someone who ignores fundamental tenets of our country. The 18 Republicans who represent districts Biden won in 2020, including Mike Johnson, have shown disregard for democratic principles. We need to build the broadest possible coalition to win and protect our democracy. I had the opportunity to work for Rudy Giuliani early in my career, and while he was a Republican with progressive views on issues like abortion, immigration, healthcare, and gay rights, his more recent actions and beliefs have been a departure from that. It's crucial to remember the context of his political evolution and the importance of upholding democratic values.

    • The dangers of partisan politicsGetting too deeply entrenched in partisan politics can cloud judgment and lead to reputational damage. Remember the importance of putting the greater good above short-term self-interest and defending democracy.

      Getting too deeply entrenched in partisan politics can cloud judgment and potentially lead to reputational damage, as seen with Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump. A more meaningful takeaway comes from the 9/11 experience, where the unity and heroism of the city and nation in the face of tragedy serve as a reminder of the importance of putting the greater good above short-term self-interest and the power of democracy. The sacrifice and heroism of first responders like the firefighters offer a powerful example of this, and their memory should inspire us to come together as a nation and defend our democracy.

    • Jon Avlon's Campaign on Bullhorn PodcastJon Avlon shared about his campaign on Bullhorn podcast, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to connect and encouraging listeners to learn more. Bullhorn team showed support and shared heartfelt sentiments, highlighting the power of community and supportive networks.

      Jon Avlon, the candidate for New York's First District, was featured on the Bullhorn podcast. Avlon shared about his campaign and encouraged listeners to learn more about his efforts on jonavlon.com. The Bullhorn team expressed their support and gratitude for the opportunity to speak with Avlon. The podcast episode ended with heartfelt sentiments, with Avlon expressing his appreciation for the Bullhorn team and their impact on his life. The Bulldog podcast is produced by Katie Cooper and edited by Jason Brown. It serves as a platform for important conversations and stories, including Avlon's campaign for New York's First District. Overall, the episode highlights the power of community and the impact that supportive networks can have on individuals and their endeavors.

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    Funding for this podcast was provided through a grant from Florida Humanities with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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    music credit:

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    Music by Sam Kyzivat and Breakmaster Cyclinder: 



    Production by Simon Close and Alistair Somerville

    Design by Sarah Diebboll

    Communications by Charlie Fritz and Laura Rodriguez


    Twitter and Instagram: @theeuropedesk

    If you would like a transcript of this episode, or have any feedback, please email: theeuropedesk@gmail.com

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    Join the Progressive Legal Movement Today: ACSLaw.org

    Today's Host: Christopher Wright Durocher, ACS VP of Policy and Program

    Guest: Alejandra Caraballo, Clinical Instructor, Harvard Law School

    Guest: Mary Kelly Persyn, Founder and Principal, Persyn Law & Policy

    Link: LGBTQ+ Legislative Tracker

    Link: "Extradition Post Roe," by Alejandra Caraballo, et al

    Link: "We Are All Transgender Now: On Resisting Tyranny," by Mary Kelly Persyn

    Link: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

    Visit the Podcast Website: Broken Law Podcast

    Email the Show: Podcast@ACSLaw.org

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    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2023.

    Broken Law: About the law, who it serves, and who it doesn’t.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2024.