
    John Roa: Get Rich And Die Trying

    enNovember 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Confusing Reality of WealthUnexpected wealth can lead to confusion and self-destructive behaviors, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and personal growth.

      Wealth, while it may bring freedom and opportunities, can also be a source of confusion and self-destructive behaviors. This was the experience of John Roa, who sold his startup for a substantial fortune but struggled with how to manage his newfound wealth. He describes feeling foreign to his new lifestyle and admits to making questionable decisions, including excessive partying. This discussion underscores the importance of self-reflection and prioritizing personal growth, especially when faced with unexpected wealth or success. Additionally, the episode touches on the potential pitfalls of wealth, such as isolation and a lack of direction, which can lead to destructive behaviors. Overall, the conversation with John Roa serves as a reminder to stay grounded and focused on personal development, even in the face of financial abundance.

    • Money opens doors, but it's up to us to decide what we want to do with themMoney provides opportunities, but finding meaning and motivation beyond financial security is essential for fulfillment.

      Money itself may not be inherently interesting or fulfilling, but the opportunities and experiences it can provide are. However, having too much money without a clear purpose or motivation can lead to stagnation and dissatisfaction. The speaker's own experiences, from struggling academically and becoming an entrepreneur out of necessity, to building a business and eventually realizing the limitations of wealth, highlight the importance of finding meaning and motivation beyond financial security. Money can open doors, but it's up to the individual to decide what they want to do with those doors and what truly drives them.

    • Reflecting on what truly mattersConsider values and goals when making decisions, question if fantasies would hold up in reality, and strive for making a difference in the world.

      Money and experiences can bring great joy and fulfillment, but it's important to reflect on what truly matters and how we can make a positive impact. The speaker shared his experience of leaving a high-stress job and buying a mansion in Greece as a form of escape, but later realized it was a frivolous use of resources. He also imagined renting a storefront to solve people's problems as a more meaningful way to use wealth. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of considering our values and goals when making decisions with our resources, and questioning whether our fantasies would hold up in reality. It's a reminder to strive for making a difference in the world, rather than just pursuing personal pleasure or material possessions.

    • Redefining the Fear of FailureWealth or means doesn't eliminate fear of failure, it shifts to maintaining success and reputation. Failure is a part of life, an opportunity to learn and grow, and must be approached with resilience and determination.

      Having wealth or means does not eliminate the fear of failure, but rather redefines it. The fear may shift from basic survival to maintaining success and reputation. People can still fail in various aspects of life, such as personal relationships or health. The fear of failure can be paralyzing, making it difficult to decide what to do next and how to do it. However, it's essential to remember that failure is a part of life and an opportunity to learn and grow. It's important to reorient one's mindset and approach challenges with resilience and determination.

    • The realities of entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship can be a challenging journey with hardships and consequences, but also rewarding.

      Entrepreneurship, while glamorized, can be a challenging and ugly journey. John Roa, the host of "Where I'm At," shares his experiences and writes about it in his book "A Practical Way to Get Rich and Die Trying and Die Trying." He emphasizes that not everyone can be an entrepreneur, just as not everyone can be a celebrity chef or a race car driver. The romanticized image of entrepreneurship often leaves out the hardships and consequences. John's message is to shed light on the realities of entrepreneurship, which can be brutal and frightening, but also rewarding. Meanwhile, for those considering a weekend adventure, the all new Hyundai Santa Fe offers the opportunity to explore with available H track all wheel drive and 3 row seating. So, instead of the "same old whatever," hit the road and conquer the weekend with the all new Hyundai Santa Fe. Visit HyundaiUSA.com or call 562-314-4603 for more details.

    • Embracing the Unconventional for Unexpected SuccessPushing boundaries and taking risks can lead to unexpected success, but it's important to be aware of potential outcomes and maintain caution.

      Sometimes, embracing the unconventional and pushing the boundaries of what seems reasonable can lead to unexpected success. The speaker shares his experience of running a legitimate business, Okta, while harboring imposter syndrome and fearing the imminent crash and burn. He describes his daily internal struggle and the self-destructive mindset that led him to make seemingly irrational decisions, such as renting an unnecessary office space for illegal poker games. However, these decisions unexpectedly led to significant business growth and the acquisition of major clients. The speaker acknowledges the fine line between crazy and innovative ideas and emphasizes that the outcome ultimately determines the perception of the idea and its creator. History is written by the winners, and the success of the iPhone is a prime example of this principle. The speaker encourages pushing boundaries and taking risks, but with caution and an awareness of the potential outcomes.

    • Entrepreneurship and Mental Health StrugglesEntrepreneurship can lead to mental health issues, and it's crucial to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed.

      The pressure and stress of building a successful business can lead to mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. The speaker's experience of growing a company, despite personal struggles, ultimately led to a psychotic break in the fourth year. The success of the business masked the internal turmoil, but the financial commitments and expansion plans exacerbated the pressure, leading to a need to sell the company for personal well-being. Mental health is an often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurship, and it's crucial to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed.

    • Fear of Business Failure and Personal InvestmentDeep personal investment in a business can cause irrational fears of instability and failure, even when the company is successful. Maintaining a healthy separation between personal and professional life can help reduce unnecessary stress and anxiety.

      Excessive personal investment in a business can lead to irrational fears of instability and failure, even when the company is healthy. This was the experience of the speaker, who was so deeply invested in his company, Okta, that he believed it was on the brink of collapse, despite its success. This fear was fueled by personal guarantees he had made, which would have followed him for decades if the company had gone bankrupt, and his belief that his personal and professional future were intertwined with the business. After leaving the hospital, he made the decision to sell Okta and cut ties with Salesforce, leading to a strange sense of liberation. This story underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy separation between personal and professional life to avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety.

    • Feeling disconnected as a business leaderEntrepreneurs and leaders can experience mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and it's crucial to create a supportive culture where they feel comfortable seeking help.

      Entrepreneurship and leadership roles can be isolating and challenging, even for those who have achieved great success. The speaker shared his personal experience of leaving a multimillion-dollar company and feeling disconnected from his identity as a business leader. He described the strange sensation of waking up without any work responsibilities or obligations, leading him to question his sense of self and purpose. It's important to remember that entrepreneurs and leaders are human beings, and they are not immune to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. In fact, the statistics show that entrepreneurs are more likely to experience these conditions than the general population. The speaker's bravery in sharing his story highlights the need for greater openness and acceptance of vulnerability in entrepreneurship and leadership roles. We should strive to create a culture where entrepreneurs and leaders feel comfortable seeking help and addressing their mental health needs.

    • The Pressure to Present a Flawless Image in PublicPublic figures face intense scrutiny to hide their imperfections, but revealing vulnerabilities can lead to acceptance and success.

      There's a disconnect between our private and public personas, and we're often expected to present a flawless image in public despite our human flaws. This is particularly true for public figures, who may face intense scrutiny and pressure to hide their imperfections. The example of Ben Affleck, who publicly acknowledged his struggle with alcoholism and was welcomed back into the industry after rehab, illustrates this phenomenon. It raises questions about why some individuals feel the need to hide their humanities while others are accepted when they reveal their vulnerabilities. This issue becomes even more complex in the age of social media and easily accessible information. It's important to create a dialogue around this issue and challenge the stigma surrounding imperfection. John Roa, a guest on a previous episode of Sand Hill Road, has since raised $15 million in series A funding for a new company. Stay tuned for more interviews with influential entrepreneurs on Sand Hill Road.

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