
    Johnny Pemberton

    enApril 19, 2024
    What embarrassing story did Johnny share about a Renaissance Fair?
    How did Johnny Pemberton feel about working with Brian Dolmori?
    What unconventional methods do doctors use to assess children's pain?
    Why is having a professional website important for artists?
    What is Lucy and how does it relate to nicotine?

    Podcast Summary

    • Laughs and Stories: Scottish Names, Vintage Chairs, and Embarrassing MomentsJohnny Pemberton and the host shared humorous stories about Scottish names, vintage chairs, embarrassing experiences, and weight during their conversation, creating an enjoyable and entertaining atmosphere.

      During this conversation, Johnny Pemberton and the host shared stories and jokes, touching on topics like Scottish names, vintage chairs, embarrassing experiences, and weight. Johnny mentioned being made fun of for his name, Corkery, and shared an amusing anecdote about a Scottish man mocking him. They also discussed the vintage chairs in the studio and reminisced about the smell of old bars. Johnny shared an embarrassing story about getting cut off at a Renaissance Fair, dressed up in vintage clothes. The conversation was filled with laughter and camaraderie, highlighting their shared experiences and sense of humor. Overall, it was an enjoyable and entertaining conversation between two friends.

    • Unexpected Resistance at FestivalsDespite the playful atmosphere, festivals have rules and expectations that must be respected, and commercialization can dilute their authenticity.

      Festivals, including the Medieval Fair, can provide a unique and playful experience where people can let go of their inhibitions and embrace their creativity. However, commercialization and strict regulations can sometimes disrupt the authenticity and spirit of these events. The speaker, who enjoyed dressing up and engaging in character, encountered unexpected resistance when ordering a beer at the fair, despite not appearing intoxicated. This incident may have been due to the server's perception of the speaker's behavior or his bloodshot eyes. The incident served as a reminder that even in playful and creative environments, there are rules and expectations that must be respected. The speaker also noted that commercialization and corporate involvement can dilute the essence of these events.

    • Unexpected theme park experiences and their costsTheme park vacations can bring unexpected joy and memories, but they can also come with significant expenses. Some people prefer to fully immerse themselves, while others prioritize saving money.

      Life can be full of unexpected experiences and expenses, much like theme park vacations. People may have different priorities and ways of approaching these situations. Some prefer to fully immerse themselves, while others might choose to save money. Regardless, the memories made can be cherished and shape our perspectives. The speaker shares his experiences of going all in during vacations, such as pretending to be a sorcerer in Harry Potter land, and the high costs associated with these experiences. He contrasts this with his own upbringing, where family vacations were less frequent and often involved long car rides. The speaker also mentions his father's job in the automotive industry and how his father didn't share the same passion for cars as the speaker does. Throughout the conversation, the speaker's tone is lighthearted and humorous, adding to the overall enjoyment of the discussion.

    • Growing up with Unique ExperiencesThe speaker's upbringing shaped his preferences and wariness, with memorable experiences influencing his love for rear-wheel drive manual cars and caution towards potato salad.

      The speaker grew up with unique experiences, from driving cars with unconventional modifications to dealing with unexpected incidents like food poisoning. These experiences shaped his perspective on various things, such as his preference for rear-wheel drive manual cars and his wariness towards potato salad. Another notable aspect is his playful nature, which he showcases through pranks during phone calls or leaving restaurants after being told of long wait times. Despite his mischievous side, he values the importance of honesty and respects those who don't engage in deceitful behavior. Overall, the speaker's story is a collection of amusing anecdotes that highlight his distinct upbringing and character.

    • Personal experiences and connections to places shape perspectivePersonal experiences and connections to places significantly influence who we are and how we view the world. Proper medical care and accurate diagnoses are crucial for overall health and well-being.

      The speaker's past experiences and connections to places, such as growing up in Minnesota and dealing with health issues, have shaped who they are and their perspective on life. The Mayo Clinic, a significant institution in Minnesota, holds a special place in the speaker's life due to its role in their medical history. The conversation also touches on the importance of accurate diagnoses from doctors and the speaker's personal experiences with various medical professionals. The speaker's background and health challenges have led them to develop a one-man show about their experiences, which they call "Minnesota reggae colostomy bag." Overall, the conversation highlights the impact of personal experiences and the importance of proper medical care.

    • Healing process after colon removal surgeryAfter a colectomy, a colostomy bag is used during healing, normal bowel movements resume after another surgery, regular check-ups and colonoscopies are necessary, and individuals may face other health challenges like prostatitis.

      Undergoing a colon removal surgery, also known as a colectomy, results in significant lifestyle changes. During the healing process, which lasts for a few months, a colostomy bag is necessary to collect waste. After the healing, another surgery is performed to reconnect the intestines, and normal bowel movements resume. While some complications may occur, requiring additional surgeries, most individuals are able to live a relatively normal life post-surgery. However, regular check-ups and colonoscopies are essential to ensure proper healing and prevent potential issues. Additionally, individuals may face other health challenges, such as prostatitis, which can cause significant discomfort and pain. Overall, while the experience can be challenging, the benefits of undergoing the surgery outweigh the risks for those suffering from colon-related health issues.

    • Nerve pain can lead to deep despair and suicidal thoughtsNerve pain can cause severe depression and thoughts of suicide, emphasizing the need for effective treatments and supportive therapists.

      Nerve pain can lead to deep despair and suicidal thoughts due to its debilitating nature. The speaker shares his experience with nerve pain and how it has affected his mood, causing him to contemplate dark thoughts. He also mentions how the lack of a reliable treatment and the constant frustration can push some people to the brink. The speaker also mentions how he has never considered suicide but has had thoughts of grave depression. He also mentions how books like "The Mindbody Connection" by John Sarno have helped him cope with his pain and related health issues. The conversation also touches upon the importance of finding a good doctor and therapist, and the potential for therapists to share information about their clients. The speaker expresses his discomfort with the idea of sharing therapists but appreciates the humor and perspective that a good therapist can bring. The conversation also touches upon the speaker's history of car problems and his father's love for cars.

    • Assessing a Child's Pain: Unconventional MethodsTickling or yelling can help determine if a child's crying is due to pain or attention-seeking. Professionals emphasize the importance of having a professional website for wider reach and effective sales.

      Doctors and medical professionals sometimes use unconventional methods to assess a child's pain level. For instance, tickling or yelling can help determine if a child's crying is due to actual pain or just attention-seeking behavior. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a professional website, as discussed during the promotion of Squarespace. Having a beautiful, optimized, and easy-to-navigate website can help artists, businesses, and individuals reach a larger audience and sell their products or services effectively. Lastly, Lucy, a nicotine product, was introduced as a tobacco-free alternative for those looking to quit smoking or enhance their nicotine experience, offering various forms, strengths, and delicious flavors.

    • Exploring Personal Growth Through Unique ExperiencesThe speaker expresses a deep desire for transformative experiences, acknowledges the importance of present responsibilities, and shares past experiences with psychedelics.

      The speaker expresses a deep desire to experience significant life events, such as a solar eclipse or psychedelic experiences like Ayahuasca, which they believe can bring about personal growth and rebirth. However, various logistical and personal reasons prevent them from pursuing these experiences at the moment. Despite their disappointment, they acknowledge the importance of being present with loved ones and prioritizing responsibilities. They also share past experiences with psychedelics, particularly Ketamine and mushrooms, and discuss the varying effects and challenges associated with them. Overall, the conversation reveals the speaker's strong curiosity and desire for transformative experiences.

    • Cannabis tolerance to THC varies greatlyIndividuals' tolerance to THC in cannabis use can differ significantly, requiring varying doses to feel effects, and the science behind how tolerance is built up is not fully understood.

      Tolerance to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in cannabis use varies greatly among individuals. Some people may only need a small dose to feel the effects, while others may require much larger doses due to their high tolerance. The body processes and stores THC in some way when tolerance is built up, but the exact science behind this is not fully understood. The discussion also touched upon various unrelated topics, including fake insults and their origins. It's important to remember that using derogatory terms can be hurtful and offensive to certain groups of people. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of cannabis use and the ongoing scientific exploration of its effects on the body.

    • Origins of Words with Spanish RootsMany words have interesting origins, like 'Marooned' from 'cimarron' and 'buckaroo' from 'vaquero'. Understanding these roots provides insights into diverse linguistic landscapes.

      Many words and names have interesting origins, particularly those with Spanish roots. For instance, the original title of a Tom Hanks movie was "Marooned," which comes from the Spanish word "cimarron," meaning "wild" or "untamed." Similarly, "buckaroo" originates from "vaquero," a Spanish term for cowboy. The speaker also shared his experiences with various accents, including those from the deep south and Jersey, which can blend together in certain areas. These insights offer a fascinating look into the origins of words and the diverse linguistic landscape of different regions.

    • Unexpected connections and experiences in SeattleEmbrace spontaneity and openness to create memorable moments in life through unexpected connections and experiences

      Life's most memorable days often involve unexpected connections and experiences. The speaker shares stories of meeting new people, trying new foods, and having coincidental encounters during a day in Seattle that stood out as one of the best of his life. These experiences felt effortless and natural, and the timing and coincidences seemed to align perfectly. The speaker also expresses a fondness for exploring new places, such as Boise and Utah, and the unique experiences they offer. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing spontaneity and openness to new experiences in creating meaningful and memorable moments in life.

    • Understanding the World: Sun's Middle Age and Wolverines' ResilienceThe sun's middle age and wolverines' resilience serve as metaphors for stability and adaptability in a changing world.

      Wolverines, an animal species known for their tenacity and adaptability, have faced challenges such as habitat loss and genetic diversity issues. Despite these challenges, they continue to survive and adapt. Meanwhile, the sun, which is halfway through its life, can be seen as metaphorically entering its middle age, much like humans. This perspective offers a unique way to understand the world around us, with the sun representing stability and the wolverines embodying resilience. Ultimately, both the sun and wolverines remind us of the importance of adaptation and perseverance in the face of change.

    • Aversion to day drinking at the beach, prefers rocky beaches with shadeThe speaker values authenticity, creativity and prefers environments with ample shade, away from crowds and traffic, reflecting on their career evolution in stand-up comedy and acting, and the stigma attached to stand-up despite their success in it.

      The speaker has a strong aversion to day drinking at the beach due to the intense sun and lack of shade. They prefer environments with ample shade, such as a "Rocky Beach" with large boulders. The speaker also shared their frustration with the traffic and crowds associated with the beach. Additionally, they reflected on how the stand-up comedy scene has evolved significantly over the years, and how people's careers can take unexpected turns. Despite starting in stand-up comedy, the speaker has also found success in acting, but still feels a stigma attached to it, particularly from those who see stand-up as a lesser form of entertainment. Overall, the speaker values authenticity and creativity, and isn't concerned with fitting into preconceived notions of what they should be doing.

    • Learning to Prioritize and Advocate for Ourselves in the Entertainment IndustryAs we gain experience, we learn to prioritize and advocate for ourselves in the entertainment industry, trusting our instincts and finding what works best for us.

      As we age and gain experience in our careers, we learn to prioritize and let go of things that don't matter to us. This can include canceling commitments or standing up for ourselves in negotiations. The entertainment industry is constantly evolving, with new players and business models emerging. Some actors, like Terrence Howard, have unique approaches to dealing with the industry and its challenges. Howard's unconventional number system is just one example of how he thinks outside the box. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to find what works best for them and to trust their instincts. The entertainment industry can be slimy at times, but it's important to advocate for ourselves and not get marooned in unfavorable situations. And finally, it's important to remember that everyone has their quirks and pet peeves, and it's all part of the human experience. So, let's keep jazzing each other and have some shits and giggles along the way.

    • Reflecting on the Significance of Time and ExperiencesThe speaker ponders the number of shits in his lifetime, reflecting on time and experiences. He shares a historical tale of a con artist and adopts the term 'Joshing'. The conversation touches on visual acuity and focus.

      The speaker has pondered the number of times he has taken a shit in his lifetime and calculated it to be a significant number, leading him to reflect on the concept of time and the various experiences he has had during those moments. He also shared a historical tale of a con artist named Josh Tatum who passed off electroplated nickels as $5 gold pieces, which the speaker found intriguing and adopted the term "Joshing" to describe someone conning others. The conversation also touched on the topic of visual acuity and focus in the absence of auditory distractions. Overall, the discussion revolved around the importance of reflection, the appreciation of history, and the human capacity for creativity and deception.

    • Media representation and societal normsThe complexity of authentic representation in media continues to evolve, with ongoing debates about voice acting and apologies for past controversies. Personal preferences for travel and vacation can also shape our perspectives.

      The conversation touched upon the complexities of representation in media and the evolving societal norms. The discussion revolved around the controversy surrounding the Indian character Apu from "The Simpsons," and the ongoing debate about authenticity and apologies in voice acting. The speaker also shared his personal preferences for traveling and vacationing, specifically mentioning the Big Island of Hawaii for its unique microclimates and lack of tourism. The conversation then shifted to discussing Mark Twain and his alleged actions, leading to a reflection on the power of collective thought and the impact of stories, even if they are not factually accurate. The conversation ended with a hypothetical discussion about robbing Dollar General stores due to their perceived exploitation of low-income consumers.

    • A small interaction with Brian Dolmori left a big impression on Johnny PembertonActors like Brian Dolmori can make a big impact with small roles through physicality and subtle acting techniques, inspiring aspiring artists.

      Brian Dolmori, an actor known for his small yet impactful roles, left a lasting impression on Johnny Pemberton during their collaboration on Children's Hospital. Pemberton shared a story about how a simple interaction with Dolmori made him feel like they were friends, inspiring him and reinforcing his dreams of acting. Dolmori's ability to bring depth to small roles through physicality and subtle acting techniques impressed Pemberton, who has since admired his work in various projects, including his uncredited role in Caddyshack. Pemberton also expressed his love for Children's Hospital and his desire to perform in cities like New York and Minneapolis, where he has had successful experiences in the past. The conversation highlights the importance of small moments and interactions in the entertainment industry and the impact they can have on aspiring artists.

    • Opinions on art and celebrities differ greatlyPeople have diverse opinions on art and celebrities, with some finding beloved shows' themes annoying while others cherish them. Unexpected celebrity pairings and long-standing feuds also fuel media discourse.

      People's opinions towards art, be it music or television themes, can vary greatly, even for beloved shows and celebrities. For instance, while some found the Seinfeld theme annoying, others cherished the show despite it. Similarly, unexpected celebrity pairings, like 50 Cent and Chelsea Handler, can intrigue and captivate audiences. Furthermore, long-standing feuds between celebrities, such as between 50 Cent and Diddy, can dominate media discourse for years. Ultimately, these disparities in opinions and interactions showcase the complexity and diversity of human connections and relationships.

    • Exploring the Power of Rap Lyrics and Memorable PhrasesRap music's impact on popular culture is evident through the use of catchy, explicit lyrics and memorable phrases, which often revolve around themes of wealth, power, and sexuality. Artists like Diddy have played a significant role in shaping this genre and its influence on society.

      The use of repetitive, explicit lyrics and catchphrases is a common technique in rap music. These lyrics often revolve around themes of wealth, power, and sexuality. In the discussed excerpt, the speaker references several popular rap songs and their memorable lines, highlighting their impact and enduring popularity. The speaker also touches upon the role of artists like Diddy and the influence of their music on popular culture. While some of the lyrics may be seen as crude or offensive, they serve to underscore the power of language and its ability to resonate with audiences. Additionally, the speaker promotes a live show by Johnny P and encourages listeners to check it out. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the enduring influence of rap music and its ability to shape and reflect societal values and trends.

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    Sal Vulcano

    Sal Vulcano
    Sal Vulcano is a comedic dynamo best known for his role on the hit TV show "Impractical Jokers." A master of pranks and spontaneous humor, Sal's infectious laughter and quick wit have earned him a dedicated fan base. Whether he's pulling off outrageous dares or performing stand-up, Sal's unique blend of charm and hilarity never fails to entertain. With a heart of gold and a penchant for mischief, he's a true king of comedy. Check out his new special: Terrified - Out Now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X49375Hah8 #salvulcano #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com KIKOFF GET YOUR 1ST MONTH FOR $1 https://kikoff.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Erin Hatzikostas interviews Amy Lacey, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Cali'flour Foods, about how she turned her Lupus diagnosis into a $20M+ business. They talk about everything from healthy eating, healthy living, entrepreneurship, and family. Amy discusses her difficult upbringing, and how it shaped her into who she is today. She also talks about her diagnosis with Lupus and how it inspired her to start a health coaching business, which led her to taking her homemade cauliflower crusted pizza from her kitchen to farmers' markets to grocery freezers everywhere. Amy talks about the health + entrepreneurial twists and turns her life has taken and provides insights on how to be a successful businesswoman, without losing track of what's important in your life. To follow Cali'flour Foods and to learn more about Amy, check out the links below: Instagram: @heyamylacey Facebook: Amy Lacey Company: Book: Califlour Kitchen Learn more about Erin's In-Person Growthshop, "Your Richest Life": If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration! Here are some options... Check out the b BRILLIANT career coaching program @   b Cause Podcast Facebook group @ We share even more crazy stuff here (you probably thought that was impossible).  Take our simple, fun and insightful "What Kind of Dog Are You At Work?" by going to  We have so much fun stuff going on...we wouldn't want you to miss out - join the authenticity movement and our community by adding your email just about anywhere @  Check out our blog for more of our no-BS career advice @ We have fun and inspiring t-shirts @ DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsuitable for younger audiences.  Tweetable Comments: "There's a power in meeting new people - the mutual opportunity to authentically develop and support each other, and inspire each other." "Junk food was therapy for me, and even as a little girl I remember that." "I had always worked, because if I wanted anything I had to work for it." "I bought clothes from the off-season in New Zealand, sold them in the U.S, and in the first month I made $4000." "One day I became very sick, and my whole world as I knew it turned upside down." "Within about 6-8 months I started getting really healthy. I was off the medication, and so I wanted to be a health coach." "The whole purpose was to gain my health and my life back, but I started to get sick again because my business was consuming everything." "I was lying in bed, with these conditions that I've been teaching and coaching people how NOT to get, and I just thought 'How did I get here?'" "What's the choice? To lay in bed with no life, and not be there for the people you love?" "If you look at our county vs other countries, we are in really bad shape." "I'm diagnosed with non-alcoholic liver disease. I realized it was the stress." "I was back to where I was ten years ago, so I decided to make some changes." "I put my ego aside, I hired a CEO so I could take a step back and focus on my health and be innovative." "You can have it all, you just have to define what 'all' is." "There are so many solutions to a problem." "Make your customers the hero. Don't make it about your product or your services, make it about your customers using your product." "We get letters, almost daily, from people telling us how we've affected their lives." "You can always reinvent yourself." "If you pay it forward it always comes back to you."

    Redefining Success with Trina Lamm: Prioritizing Joy, Freedom, and Authenticity in Business and Life

    Redefining Success with Trina Lamm: Prioritizing Joy, Freedom, and Authenticity in Business and Life

    Join Lisa Desilet as she interviews her guest, Trina Lamm - a top producing real estate agent, property manager, travel enthusiast, and mom of 3 - as she shares her journey and the challenges she's faced. Trina opens up about her experiences with guilt, imposter syndrome, and the ever-present pressure to be "good enough." We delve into the impact of social media, religious organizations, family, and friends on our self-perceptions as women. 

    Trina's story is one of self-discovery, resilience, and the power of setting boundaries. She shares her insights on finding purpose, reevaluating goals, and the invaluable role of therapy in her life. We also explore her passion for real estate and do a coaching "hot seat" to help her hire the right assistant.

    Join us as we unravel the complexities of success, motherhood, entrepreneurship, and personal growth in this thought-provoking episode of #Uncommon with Lisa Desilet.

    To connect with Trina Lamm, check out her listings over at www.trinalammrealestate.com or follow her on social media @trinalamm_realestate

    If you want to stay connected to Lisa, explore coaching and education, you can find all the things over at www.lisadesilet.com or follow her on Instagram @lisadesilet

    Episode 7: Health & Routines Part 2

    Episode 7: Health & Routines Part 2
    This Episode is Part 2 of our Health and Routines topic. In this episode the Altru crew talks about their perspective on routines in fitness and nutrition. A routine is a customary or regular course of procedure.

    Follow us on Instagram: @altrupodcast

    Justin & Rodney: @Trainingwell
    Chantelle: @coachchantelle
    Listen in every week for a new episode from the AlTru Crew via Youtube, Apple, Spreaker, iheart and Spotify.

    38: Don't Change for the Job, Change the Job (and the Bathroom)

    38: Don't Change for the Job, Change the Job (and the Bathroom)
    Erin and Nicole sit down to catch up on everything from crashing webinars to mental health days to them both meeting inspiring people.  Erin Hatzikostas discusses hosting a webinar for over 400 women... before her computer decided to interrupt said meeting with a crash and a freeze-frame. But should you let that crash you as well? Heck no!  You join straight back in (straight after 8 minutes anyway) make light of it and continue authentically. Erin talks as CVS' Women in Technology Annual Summit - but the kids had a day off, so how do you manage that schedule? They discuss giving keynote speeches and the difference between huge crowds and podiums, and small crowds and intimacy. They even throw in some coaching from Erin's kids, because who are more authentic than children? They both discuss recent meetings with inspiring people, Erin met Kate Duffy (listen to Episode 34for the interview with her). While Nicole discusses her follow up meeting with NPR, followed by her WTF moment of the week - ever turned up to work and your desk is gone? Looking over sizzle reels on mental health days, and eating Mexican food with margaritas from bodegas. And watch your back, Nicole and Erin start to plot a corporate bathroom takeover.  Tune in for another great episode. If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration! Here are some options... Check out the b BRILLIANT career coaching program @   b Cause Podcast Facebook group @ We share even more crazy stuff here (you probably thought that was impossible).  Take our simple, fun and insightful "What Kind of Dog Are You At Work?" by going to  We have so much fun stuff going on...we wouldn't want you to miss out - join the authenticity movement and our community by adding your email just about anywhere @  Check out our blog for more of our no-BS career advice @ We have fun and inspiring t-shirts @ DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsuitable for younger audiences.  Tweetable Comments: "I may or may not have one of my video studios in my bedroom." "Your ironing board doubles as a production desk." "A good leader is somebody who is confident, and humble, and always gets people what they need more than what they want." - Mick Hatzikostas "Trust your creative process." "By physical comedy I mean I wore my sneakers and mu jumpsuit, and I was able to get down and dirty with these people." "I don't like podiums, I don't like physical barriers. I would rather be within a sea of people and find my place in that sea." "Do it your way." "It's about figuring out your uniqueness, and how to exploit that in the service of others." "Stop following the formula that works for everybody else." "You have to apply your authenticity flexibly." "Authenticity in action is not supposed to be self-serving, perhaps self-reflecting." "I hate the term networking, we're connecting." "It's really important that the pieces of my life don't exist in silos, I have to connect them." "Sometimes I just need to say no." "What does my vagina and its proclivities have to do with optimization?"

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