
    Jonathan Pageau - on Christianity, Culture & The Story of Christmas

    enDecember 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reclaiming Christianity in the post-atheist eraDuring the festive season, seek intellectual analyses, deep conversations, and divine ideas to find hope and meaning in a materialistic society, symbolized by the winter solstice, and reclaim Christianity as a meaningful ideology.

      During this festive season, it's essential for intelligent and awakened individuals to reclaim Christianity as a meaningful ideology in the post-atheist era. The story of Christmas, as told in the podcast, provides a good analogy. It takes place during Roman tyranny, representing the materialistic, rationalist, and reductive society we live in today. The winter solstice, symbolizing darkness and despair, can be compared to our current state of moral drift and longing for divinity. However, just as a candle is lit at the bottom of the world in the story, we must look for seeds of change and hope in the darkness. Through intellectual analyses, deep conversations with thought leaders, and access to divine ideas, we can find our way back to Christ and the divine.

    • Hope found in opposition to tyrannyRediscovering transcendent values can provide purpose in a materialistic and authoritarian society.

      Hope is found in opposition to tyranny, as depicted in the story of Christmas. The world may seem to be running out of authentic experiences and values, with the old systems and authorities failing, but this creates an opportunity for rebellion and new beginnings. Traditional values, such as Christianity, individualism, and decent living, can be the most rebellious acts in today's society, which has become increasingly authoritarian and masked in the language of compassion and kindness. We are at a crossroads where materialism and individualism have led us to a crisis of meaning, and it is essential to resist the tyranny and rediscover the transcendent and ulterior values that give our lives purpose.

    • The Role of Government in Filling the Vacuum of IdentityThe Christian belief in transforming the state through self-transformation and sacrifice, rather than revolution, offers a radical solution to the crisis of identity caused by individualism and materialism without the risk of tyranny.

      As society moves towards individualism and materialism, it creates a vacuum that can be filled by authoritarian structures. The history of the 60s and the rebellion against intermediary structures like family, religion, and schools, opened the door for the government to step in and impose order. However, the solution to this crisis of identity is not a surrender to the state or material possessions, but rather a self-sacrificing surrender to something higher. The Christian belief in transforming the state through self-transformation and sacrifice, rather than revolution, is a radical proposition that can lead to positive change without the risk of tyranny. The image of the Christian standing between gladiators and stopping the fight symbolizes the power of holding onto one's beliefs and being willing to sacrifice personal desires for a greater cause.

    • The American Revolution and the Rise of Global AutocracyThe American Revolution's shift towards autocracy on a larger scale coincides with globalism and societal idiosyncrasies, making individual freedom and tyranny coexist. Christianity's adaptability might offer resistance against global corporatism and transnational power structures.

      The American Revolution, though an exception to the rule in terms of its colonial context and lack of immediate brutality, is now moving towards autocracy, albeit on a larger, global scale. This shift towards autocracy coincides with the rise of globalism and the increasing idiosyncrasy of society, creating a complex dynamic where individual freedom and tyrannical structures seem to exist hand in hand. Christianity, with its adaptability to various cultural contexts, may serve as a kind of "vaccine against opposing tyranny," offering a sense of private resistance in the face of global corporatism and transnational power structures. However, it's essential to consider whether this plasticity is the reason for Christianity's ascendancy or if there's an inherent truth that drives its success. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the need to reevaluate historical contexts and consider the interconnectedness of seemingly disparate global phenomena.

    • Christianity builds upon pagan traditionsChristianity transforms and incorporates elements from pagan beliefs, offering a new perspective on life after death

      Christianity and paganism are not mutually exclusive, but rather, Christianity incorporates and builds upon the truths and stories of pagan cultures. The myth of Christ, with his death and resurrection, represents the end of the dying-and-resurrecting God stories found in various pagan traditions. By incorporating these stories and transforming them, Christianity offers a new perspective and hope for life after death. This process of incorporation is referred to as "baptizing" or "raising up" elements from the old world and bringing them into the new world of Christianity. This understanding of Christianity's relationship to paganism also explains why it has been able to adapt and remain relevant throughout history.

    • Christianity as a transformative force in societiesChristianity introduced concepts of redemption, resurrection, and divine presence, acting as a check on societies and offering a reminder of life's cyclical nature and potential for renewal

      Christianity, as a transformative force, acts as a check on societies and systems, including the Roman Empire, by introducing concepts like redemption, resurrection, and the divine presence in everyday life. These ideas, while rooted in theology, can also be appreciated from a secular perspective as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and death, and the potential for renewal and rebirth in the face of adversity. The story of Christ serves as an extreme example of this transformative process, offering a foundation for experiencing life's ups and downs and providing a framework for personal growth and renewal. Miracles and saints are also part of this narrative, representing limit cases of the world's natural cycles and offering examples of extraordinary resilience and dedication.

    • Sacred stories reveal a deeper truthSacred stories offer comfort, meaning, and connection in times of challenge, revealing a pattern of dissent and assent present in everyday life

      Sacred stories, like the resurrection of Jesus, offer a deeper truth that goes beyond material reality. They reveal a pattern of dissent and assent that is present in our everyday lives, even though it may not always be apparent. This deeper truth can provide a sense of meaning and connection that is missing in a purely materialistic worldview. Even in times of personal challenge or crisis, turning to these sacred stories can offer a sense of comfort and teachability, allowing us to let go of our need to understand everything and simply embrace the presence of something greater. As Rick Warren's prayer illustrates, sometimes the simplest expressions of faith can offer the most profound insights.

    • Christianity views suffering as an opportunity for growthChristianity sees suffering as a chance to identify attachments, reveal what truly matters, and foster communal growth.

      Christianity presents a unique perspective on suffering. Instead of offering a solution to eliminate suffering, it views it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Suffering can help us identify our attachments and passions, revealing what truly matters. This concept is accessible to all, regardless of background or education, making Christianity a scalable and communal faith. While individual transformation is important, it is also meant to overflow into our relationships with others, creating a communal experience of worship and living life together. This holistic approach allows Christianity to touch all aspects of society, from personal moments to public events.

    • Change from within through individual actsTrue transformation comes from personal growth and modeling saintly behavior, not revolution or opposition.

      True transformation in society doesn't come from revolution or opposition but from within, through individual acts of humility and saintly behavior. The Christian faith, with its focus on saints and their transformative actions, offers a non-dual approach to change that doesn't require defeating or replacing one side with another. This perspective challenges the notion that power and authority are simple and that change can be achieved through conflict or external means. Instead, it encourages personal growth and the modeling of saintly behavior, which can lead to societal transformation from within.

    • The Power of Asceticism: Inspiring Positive ChangeAsceticism, or self-denial, can inspire positive change by providing shining examples of self-sacrifice and devotion, encouraging others to prioritize higher goods over immediate pleasures and strive for personal growth and transformation.

      The most impactful transformations are those that don't increase polarization or duality, but instead inspire and attract people towards positive change. This idea is exemplified in the concept of asceticism in Christianity and other faiths, where individuals become shining examples of self-sacrifice and devotion, inspiring others to prioritize higher goods over immediate pleasures. Ascetics, such as those who live in seclusion and dedicate their lives to prayer, serve as examples for everyday people to follow and strive for personal growth and transformation. Ultimately, the goal is for all individuals to become saints and reach their full potential for joy, freedom, and spiritual growth.

    • Rediscovering the power of spirituality and faithDuring times of crisis, spirituality and faith offer potential for personal growth and joy. Ancient stories and teachings can provide a roadmap for seeking meaning and purpose.

      During this time of crisis and disillusionment with modern life, there is a growing need for people to rediscover the purpose and transformative power of spirituality and faith. The encounters with saintly beings and the access to inner bliss mentioned in the conversation highlight the potential for personal growth and joy. However, it's important to note that this journey requires dedication and a willingness to move beyond material desires. The stories and teachings of spiritual traditions, such as Christianity, can provide a roadmap for seeking meaning and purpose. In today's culture, where the entertainment industry is running out of fresh ideas, there is an opportunity to revitalize and retell ancient stories with a modern, engaging voice. This can help people connect with these teachings and embark on their own transformative journeys.

    • Exploring deeper themes in ancient storiesAncient stories like fairy tales offer valuable lessons and a chance to explore deeper themes, such as the importance of chastity and the dangers of giving in to one's own darkness, through symbols like the poisoned apple and the dark mother figure.

      There's a growing need for meaning and celebration in modern times, even amidst postmodern cynicism. This can be seen in the re-emergence of ancient stories like fairy tales, which offer both valuable lessons and a chance to explore deeper themes. For instance, in the case of Snow White, there are underlying social codes and ethics, such as the importance of chastity and the dangers of giving in to one's own darkness. The poisoned apple, a potent symbol of deceit and temptation, also reflects the Jungian concept of the dark mother who can give us toxic gifts. Postmodernism, with its emphasis on exposing the gritty and dark aspects of stories, has its merits but can also contribute to a crisis of meaning. A solution lies in acknowledging and integrating both the margins and the center of stories, rather than focusing on just one or the other.

    • Discovering true self and finding completeness through marriage and motherhoodSnow White's journey illustrates the dangers of self-consciousness and the importance of discovering one's true self, ultimately leading to completion through marriage and motherhood.

      In the story of Snow White, the dwarves represent fragmented masculinity and Snow White's journey is about discovering her true self and finding her prince, who embodies the complete transformation of puberty into marriage and motherhood. The queen's attempts to give Snow White decorative items symbolize the danger of self-consciousness and weaponized beauty, ultimately leading to Snow White's "death and rebirth." The apple, originating from the biblical story of Adam and Eve, represents knowledge and self-consciousness, with Snow White's encounter reversing the original tale where the queen, rather than Adam, seeks to gain knowledge and destroy through self-consciousness.

    • Exploring societal pressures and human experiences in classic fairy talesClassic fairy tales like Snow White and Jack and the Beanstalk reflect societal pressures and explore themes of self-consciousness, transformation, and objectification. They resonate through generations due to their human experiences.

      Many classic fairy tales, such as Snow White and Jack and the Beanstalk, explore themes of self-consciousness, transformation, and the objectification of the ineffable. These stories often reflect societal pressures, particularly on women, to conform and seek external validation. For instance, Snow White's preoccupation with her reflection and the comments she receives represents the modern-day pressure of social media validation. Jack and the Beanstalk, on the other hand, deals with the discovery of masculinity and the value of ideas or patterns without physical bodies. These tales, both male and female-centric, have resonated through generations due to their exploration of human experiences and societal pressures.

    • Understanding the depths of manhood and the world's patternsThe Pied Piper story shows the importance of honoring deals, understanding the power of strangers, and exploring the depths of manhood and the world's patterns.

      The journey of a man, symbolized by the character Jack in the story, involves more than just acquiring riches. It's about discovering the source of wealth, understanding the pattern of production, and ultimately, grasping the ineffable, ethereal reality that underlies it all. This journey can be seen in various mythologies and folktales, such as the golden goose or the music of the spheres. The male role is often associated with the unembodied potentiality and the straddling of the unrealized and manifest realms. The tale of the Pied Piper illustrates the importance of honoring deals with strangers and being aware of the power and influence they bring. In essence, the story explores the depths of what it means to be a man and the importance of understanding the patterns and realities that shape our world.

    • The impact of technology and external influences on vulnerable populationsBe mindful of the technologies and external influences we let into our lives to protect vulnerable populations, as unchecked power can lead to negative consequences.

      Technology and external influences, if not managed properly, can overpower us and negatively impact our lives, especially the lives of the vulnerable. This was discussed in relation to the Pied Piper story, where we add powerful technologies to ourselves to get rid of problems but risk losing control. The breakdown of intermediary institutions and the rise of individualism have left many people vulnerable to these influences. To protect the vulnerable, it's essential to be attentive and mindful of the technologies and external influences we let into our lives. The technological and communication power harnessed today could lead to mass decentralization and democratization, but to maximally oppose that power requires vigilance and care. We must be aware of the potential dangers and take steps to protect ourselves and our communities.

    • Continuing the Dialogue: A Tradition of Meaningful ConversationsOpen and ongoing communication can lead to new ideas, mutual understanding, and strengthened relationships. Make time for meaningful conversations to enrich your life.

      Russell and the speaker had a productive and enjoyable conversation, and they both expressed their interest in continuing this dialogue annually, perhaps making it a tradition for every Christmas. This demonstrates the value of open and ongoing communication, which can lead to new ideas, mutual understanding, and strengthened relationships. It's essential to make time for meaningful conversations, as they can provide fresh perspectives and enrich our lives. So, let's strive to maintain these connections and engage in meaningful dialogues regularly.

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    Assumptions is sponsored by ATB Financial’s Entrepreneur Centre and the Alberta Podcast Network. We also mention another Alberta Podcast Network show dedicated to sports, Tight Ends. Kyle’s new content creation company is Media Lab YYC. Go show them some love!

    The film Jigsaw and the rest of the Saw franchise is discussed. We briefly mention our previous episode dedicated horror films. Kyle alluded to the video he created on his experience watching all 8 of the Saw films.

    Daniel mentioned Earworm, Vox’s excellent YouTube series devoted to appreciating pop music.

    Daniel also mentioned the biblical story of Job. An excellent and beautifully created video overview of Job can be found here.

    More information on David Lowery’s films can be found here. Daniel’s interview with the director is here. 

    We mention the Canadian philosophy Charles Taylor and his book, A Secular Age

    The band Arcade Fire’s is discussed, including the cover art for the second LP, Neon Bible. Win Butler’s Twitter account can be found here.

    For my information on Bono’s faith, check out this YouTube series where he discusses the Psalms. 

    Daniel’s unnamed online friend is Michael Wright with Fuller Studios, whose interview with David Lowery can be found here.

    Here is the music video for the song ‘We Exist’.


    Further Reading: 

    After this podcast was recorded, the following essay was written that does a terrific job discussing the yearning for transcendence found at the end of Arcade Fire’s latest album.



    Assumptions is written and produced by Daniel Melvill Jones and Kyle Marshall.

    This episode edited by Kyle Marshall.

    Our soundtrack comes from The Parson Red Heads, whose new acclaimed album, Blurred Harmony, is available everywhere. 

    Podcast artwork designed by Chris Taniguchi, who has his own YouTube channel

    Photography by Jen Hall


    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, listen on Soundcloud, or look us up wherever you get your podcasts. 

    Email feedback or questions at assumptionspod@gmail.com, or drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter. We'd love to hear what you have to say and hope to include it on future episodes. 

    Don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes (that really helps us get the word out!), and share and follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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    Get notes on this podcast here: 


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    Signals of Transcendence: Listening to the Promptings of Life” by Dr. Os Guinness

    "The Great Quest: Invitation to an Examined Life and a Sure Path to Meaning" by Dr. Os Guinness

    Check out Os' website

    Follow Os on X/Twitter