
    JOURNAL: What Comes Easy

    en-gbSeptember 15, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Identify and focus on your strengthsRecognizing and acknowledging our natural strengths can lead to increased positivity and success in our lives. Try identifying five strengths and focusing on them to harness their power.

      Recognizing and acknowledging our strengths can help guide us in personal and professional growth. Kate Cocker, from Everyday Positivity on Volley, encourages listeners to identify five strengths that come naturally to them. These strengths may be overlooked, as some individuals, like the musician in Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions, might not realize their own talents. By making a conscious effort to identify and focus on our strengths, we can harness their power and use them to our advantage. Join the Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker Facebook group to share and discuss your strengths with like-minded individuals. Remember, acknowledging and embracing our strengths can lead to increased positivity and success in our lives.

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    Hi everyone,


    My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader show. I am happy to have you here. After listening to this episode please share your feedback about this topic and episode in general in the comments below. I really appreciate your support.


    Some of the main questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


    • Are you motivated by a paycheck or opportunity to learn and grow? What motivates new employees when opportunities present themselves, and how can leaders determine if an employee is there to grow with a business, or just there for a easy ride and paycheck?
    • What should a leader or manager pay attention to during an interview with a potential candidate? It is only which answers that candidate provides that matter or there's more things to keep in mind and pay attention to? What about dress code, is that important?
    • What are some critical steps that leaders and manager must pay attention to and follow in new talent discovery and development? Why some people create and live in false reality when being yourself is soo much easier and comfortable?
    • If you are not ready to invest time and energy into your own development, no one can help you until you are ready to invest into yourself
    • Which are the characteristics of an employee who is committed to their personal and professional development, learning and growth, and how can leaders unlock their potential?
    • Developing a detailed plan for growth and goal-setting is a must in employee development. What are responsibilities of a leader and an employee?



    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it


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    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it