
    JOURNAL: Your Mental Preparedness

    en-gbNovember 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Create a personal mental health training planIdentify daily practices for mental health, commit to them for 2-3 months, and make them a consistent part of your routine for better mental and emotional well-being.

      Just as we have physical health practices to improve our bodies, we also need mental and emotional health practices to improve our minds. Kate Cocker from Everyday Positivity suggests creating a personal mental health training plan by identifying daily practices that can be committed to for the next two months. These practices could include activities like meditation, positive affirmations, or any other mental health-boosting habits. The key is to make these practices a consistent part of your routine, just as one might train for a pull-up by gradually increasing the resistance. By focusing on our mental health every day, especially during the darker and busier end-of-year months, we can better prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead. So take some time to reflect and write down a few daily practices that you can commit to for the next 30 to 60 days, and remember that small, consistent actions can lead to significant improvements in mental and emotional well-being.

    • Use Amazon Echo for better sleep with Guided SleepAmazon Echo's Guided Sleep feature offers calming audio experiences to help prepare for sleep and promote better rest

      The use of technology, specifically Amazon Echo, can provide a simple solution for improving sleep quality. By asking your Echo to "Open Guided Sleep," you can access a calming audio experience designed to help you focus, relax, and prepare for sleep. This is an effective and convenient way to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine and promote better rest. Additionally, it's a great reminder that technology can offer more than just entertainment and productivity tools – it can also contribute to our overall well-being. So, next time you're having trouble winding down, give Guided Sleep a try and see how it can make a difference in your sleep experience.

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