
    Journaling | The No Bullsh*t Guide to Journaling

    en-gbApril 26, 2022

    About this Episode

    Welcome to episode 28. Today I’m delving into the practice of journaling. If you’re looking for an easily accessible, highly effective and budget-friendly tool for your happiness toolkit, journaling could be for you! Grab yourself a notebook, a cup of tea and a nice pen and give it a try. In this episode I share my experience of writing a journal (something I’ve done for a while now) and the benefits it can bring if you’re feeling like the inside of your head is more circus than spa. Enjoy!

    In this episode:

    • I share a few different journaling techniques to help you for different states of mind
    • Why journaling doesn’t need to be perfect or consistent to be beneficial
    • How identifying themes in your writing can help unlock the mindset blocks you may not have realised were holding you back.


    Check out the gorgeous journaling kits and workshops available from Kimmy Drain at Nourishing Northern Mamas, mentioned in this episode.


    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my weekly clarity email and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Recent Episodes from The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    What Goes on Today’s List | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    What Goes on Today’s List | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 74. Getting productive and taking control of your day is a fast track to overwhelm for most of us. Why? Because we either give ourselves too much to do or we focus on the wrong things. In today’s episode, I recap the foundations we need to have in place to be productive, and I share my simple rule to help you stay in control, be more productive than ever, AND reach your goals. Ready to start? Let’s dive in!

    In this episode:

    ·         The golden rule for planning your list for the day – motivation not overwhelm.

    ·         Laying the foundations for productivity – meeting your needs and picking the tasks you enjoy.

    ·         Why appointments are not tasks – the key to structuring your day.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Clear Day

    Find out more about Helen and her business here:






    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Why We Struggle With Motivation | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Why We Struggle With Motivation | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 73. What’s really going on when we struggle to get through our to-do list? In this episode I want to get under the skin of your procrastination and address the root cause of why you’re not being productive. If you keep pushing yourself or beat yourself up when you struggle this episode is for you. By observing and understanding our own basic needs and making sure they are fully met, we can unlock the energy and focus we need to maximise our potential, get more sh*t done, and live a happier life. Let’s dive in!

    In this episode:

    ·         Necessity not luxury – Exploring the connection between unmet needs and motivation.

    ·         Challenging the notion that being ‘too busy’ is a valid excuse for lack of productivity.

    ·         Excessive self-kindness when we’re struggling is essential, so why do we find it so hard?

    Mentioned in this episode:  https://www.thoughtco.com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-4582571

    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with The Balance Box

    Find out more about Kathryn and her business here:





    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Time and Headspace | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Time and Headspace | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 72. There are two very distinct brain types when it comes to our perception of time and headspace. Neither are right or wrong but both will hinder our productivity if we don’t exercise some good foundations in our daily task planning. Which are you? In this episode we explore the practical strategies that can help us to overcome these challenges, the importance of rewards and how showing ourselves excessive kindness is always the key to a more productive and happier life. Let’s dive in!

    In this episode:

    ·      Understanding different brain types and our perception of time – headspace equals time vs wishful thinking.

    ·         Useful strategies for dealing with difficult tasks – timers, time blocking and rewards.

    ·         Is it time to outsource? How to stay in your zone of genius by bringing in some help.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Missycards

    Find out more about them here:





    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    How to Manage the List | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    How to Manage the List | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 71. If you’re juggling a million different tasks and haven’t got a system for managing them, then there’s every chance you’re feeling overwhelmed and pretty stressed out. It's time to take control and get sh*t done! Today we talk about the importance of writing everything down. From those quick distractions to long-term plans, keeping track of it all is essential for balancing our lives and keeping on-track with our goals. Tune in for practical ways you can manage your list and keep the headspace you need free for joy, freedom and happiness. Let’s dive in!

    In this episode:

    ·         Heads are for doing not remembering – how we can free up headspace to keep ourselves productive.

    ·         Apps, tech and tools to help you manage your to-do list and your life.

    ·         There is no ‘right’ way to create your list. Everyone is different so do what’s right for you.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Sam Brown Made Simple by Sam

    You can follow her here:
    Instagram @made_simple_by_sam

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sambrownmadesimplebysam/


    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    What Goes On The List? | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    What Goes On The List? | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 70. Do you often find yourself overwhelmed when by your to-do list? It’s time for a re-think! In this episode I’m sharing one of the fundamentals of productivity - understanding the difference between a project and a task. How can they both be recorded and managed effectively to make us more efficient? And how we can use our to-do list to build more fun and joy into our day… Are you ready to find out? Let’s dive in!

    In this episode:

    ·         The hugely important difference between projects and tasks and why tasks should be the only thing on your to-do list.

    ·         A project for one person may be a task for another – we’re all different!

    ·         Tools and tips to help manage your to-do list for maximum productivity, and joy!

    ·         How incorporating fun and rewards into your list can bring more motivation and enjoyment.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Project Woman

    You can find more information about Project Woman and its founder, Abi Adams here:


    Instagram @abiadams_projectwoman



    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Why Get Shit Done | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Why Get Shit Done | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 69 and the first episode of series 4. Having a healthy approach to your to-do list can mean the difference between achieving your goals or letting them fade. It’s no surprise – achieving your goals and moving closer to the things you want to achieve creates a smooth path, ultimately, to a happier life. So HOW can we make sure we’re on track and make sure we get the right shit done? This episode is your call to clarify your goals – to ask yourself what you want and more importantly, WHY you want it. Only then can we put the practical things in place to make it happen. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

    In this episode:

    • What’s your why? Getting crystal clear on what you want to achieve and more importantly, why you want to achieve it.
    • Ways you can clarify your goals – journalling, visions boards and coaching.
    • Setting boundaries within your goals – why keeping things balanced will bring greater success.

    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with podcast producer Lisa Curtis, from LVC Projects.

    You can find more information about Lisa and her podcast services here:

    Website – www.lvcprojects.com

    LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/lvcprojects


    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Celebrating Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Celebrating Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 68. We’ve put in a lot of work exploring our relationship with ourselves this series, so it seems fitting to end on this episode. Let’s reflect on how far we’ve come and the amazing work we have done.

    Today I am talking about how we can nurture ourselves by celebrating the big life stuff, but more importantly the small wins in life. How often do you celebrate yourself for those achievements? Our conditioning means it’s probably not nearly enough. Learning to give ourselves a pat on the back will lead to a better relationship with ourselves and as result a happier life, but it’s not always easy. Listen in to find out more.

    In this episode:

    • Reflecting on series three and our new perspective on the relationship we have with ourselves.
    • Why our brains want us to fail – it’s up to us to switch the narrative.
    • How resentment can be the by-product of neglecting our need for self-celebration.
    • Meaningful ways of celebrate ourselves, without breaking the bank.

    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Cubed Thinking

    You can find more information about Leanne and her business here:

    Website – http://cubedthinking.com/

    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/leanneforshawjones

    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don’t miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Healing Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Healing Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 67. Imagine a life where you are unburdened by the pain of your past. Would there be space to fill with freedom and joy? How would you feel to release the shackles of past experiences and allow yourself the opportunity to heal? In today’s episode I explore the freedom and relief that can come from doing the work to release the heavy emotions that are weighing us down. Healing ourselves using acts of self-love and excessive kindness can be liberating in so many ways. Tune in to find out how to get started.

    In this episode:

    • The weight of things unsaid – how verbalising your feelings will unblock your emotions and make space for a happier life.
    • Tuning into our younger selves – we now have the vocabulary to express ourselves in a way we couldn’t before, so explore your younger self. How did she really feel?
    • Calling BS on toxic positivity – why we need to feel the pain, not stifle it to really heal.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with The Tummy Whisperer.

    You can find more information about Helen Brookes and her business here:


    Instagram  @thetummywhisperer


    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Promoting Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Promoting Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 66.  We all know the feeling of awkwardness that comes with self-promotion – that awful ick from within. But fear not! In this episode I will help you understand why you feel this way (believe me you’re not alone) and how to move past those uncomfortable feelings so you can confidently communicate your skills, talents, and abilities to your potential customers. So, if you're ready to break free from the mindset blocks around self-promotion, this episode is for you. Let's dive in and learn how to effectively promote ourselves without the ick-factor. Stay tuned!

    In this episode:

    ·         Simplifying the idea around what marketing actually is to help us move forward.

    ·         Why we feel so grossed out by self-promotion – what’s going on deep down?

    ·         Standing out in the noise - embracing what makes you different and finding your niche.

    ·         The importance of knowing your values so you can align with your ideal customer.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Clare Ferguson.

    You can find more information about Claire and her business With Agency here:


    Instagram  @with.agency

    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Spending Money on Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Spending Money on Ourselves | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 65. In this episode we dive into the often controversial topic of money. Does your mindset around money clash with or compliment those who are closest to you? Balanced finances are key to making sure the needs of you (and your family, if you have one) are met, so let’s take a closer look at how we can distribute the household contributions fairly and budget for joy, so everyone has the opportunity to live a happier and more fulfilled life.

    In this episode:

    ·     Your financial and non-financial input - money is just one contribution to a home filled with love. 

    ·      Investing in happiness - is it selfish to spend money on ourselves or is it an essential part of self-care?

    ·     Untangling our beliefs about money – do they serve you well or do they cause you stress and anxiety?


    Mentioned in this episode, money mindset coach Holly Dannhauser.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Caroline Boardman Consulting

    You can find more information about Caroline and her business here:


    Instagram @carolineboardmancbc



    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!