
    Journey to Pro-Gaming, Confidence, Family ft. Broxah

    en-usJanuary 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding individual experiences in gamingThrough personal stories, we can learn about the root causes of toxicity and work towards creating healthier and more inclusive gaming environments. Having mentors and role models, as well as one-on-one conversations, can help navigate the complexities of the gaming world.

      Understanding individual experiences can provide valuable insights into larger phenomena, such as toxicity in the professional gaming community. Broxah, a professional League of Legends player, shared his personal journey into gaming, starting from his early childhood experiences with Pokemon and World of Warcraft. He explained how he often struggled to understand the games' mechanics and relied on his older cousins for guidance. This pattern continued when he started playing League of Legends professionally, and he emphasized the importance of having mentors and role models to help navigate the complexities of the gaming world. Broxah also highlighted the importance of having one-on-one conversations to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and perspectives of individuals within the gaming community. By focusing on personal stories, we can learn about the root causes of toxicity and work towards creating healthier and more inclusive gaming environments. Additionally, Broxah expressed his desire to help others and share his knowledge and experiences to make a positive impact on the community. He emphasized the importance of learning from each other and working together to create a more supportive and inclusive gaming environment. Overall, the conversation between Broxah and the Healthy Gamers team highlighted the importance of understanding individual experiences and working towards creating a more supportive and inclusive gaming community.

    • Family Support Fueled Passion for GamingFamily involvement in a child's hobby can deepen their connection and lead to professional opportunities

      Gaming has played a significant role in the speaker's life, starting from a young age when they were introduced to it by their older relatives. Their experiences with games, such as World of Warcraft and Pokemon, were shaped by the guidance and support of their family members. The speaker's parents were not only accepting of their gaming hobby but also learned the games themselves to help their child progress. This unique family dynamic allowed the speaker to develop a deep connection with gaming and eventually pursue a professional career in League of Legends. The speaker's story is a testament to the power of familial support in fostering passion and skill in a hobby, leading to potential professional opportunities.

    • Supportive parents and cherished memoriesBalanced restrictions and family time shape a child's interests and appreciation for family bonds

      Supportive parents who allow for a balance of freedom and restrictions can help children develop a range of interests and appreciate family time. The speaker, who grew up with parents who were not wealthy but prioritized time together, shared how their parents' restrictions on gaming allowed him to explore other hobbies and value family bonding. He also expressed surprise at how his younger siblings, despite different interests and ages, showed signs of gaming tendencies. The speaker's parents, who were an accountant and a train conductor, provided him with the essentials and prioritized family time, creating cherished memories. While some parents may focus solely on providing material wealth, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of time and support in shaping a child's development.

    • The joys and pressures of gaming with a supportive family memberA family member's support can bring joy and motivation in professional gaming, while also allowing personal growth and appreciation beyond performance.

      Having a supportive family member, like a little brother, can bring both joy and pressure in the world of professional gaming. The speaker shared an experience of playing League of Legends with his brother, who cheered him on and even had a favorite champion skin for him. This brotherly bond extends beyond gaming, as the speaker's family values him for who he is outside of his professional performance. Unlike the concept of "tiger parents," who place immense pressure on their children to be successful, the speaker's parents are proud of him regardless of his career choices. This unique family dynamic allows the speaker to feel appreciated for his personal growth and achievements beyond the game, while also inspiring him to continue performing at a high level.

    • The Importance of Family Support and Balance in Personal GrowthFamily support and balance are essential for personal growth, even in the context of pursuing a passion like professional gaming. Use gaming as an escape, but also remember to maintain a positive outlook and learn valuable life lessons.

      Family support and balance are crucial in personal growth, even in the context of pursuing a passion like professional gaming. The speaker's experience of having caring family members who encouraged him to follow his dreams while also teaching him the importance of balance has had a significant impact on his life. Additionally, the speaker's experience with his parents' divorce showed him that even in difficult times, it's possible to maintain a positive outlook and use gaming as an escape, while also learning valuable lessons about life. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of family, balance, and resilience in the face of challenges.

    • Childhood Divorce and Gaming EscapadeThe speaker's parents' divorce led him to gaming as a source of comfort and stability, fueling his passion for competition and community in League of Legends.

      The unexpected divorce of his parents during his childhood was a significant source of stress and confusion for the speaker. He found solace in gaming, particularly League of Legends, during these difficult times. The journey to becoming a professional gamer started as a hobby, but the competitive aspect resonated with him. He climbed the ranks, reaching the top 200 in Europe during his first year of high school. However, his primary motivation was the excitement of competing against and learning from professional players, rather than the goal of becoming a pro himself. The uncertainties and changes brought about by his parents' divorce made him appreciate the stability of his gaming community and the sense of belonging it provided.

    • Balancing personal passions and responsibilitiesMaking tough decisions and taking calculated risks are important for success, but having a solid foundation like education is crucial for long-term success.

      Balancing personal passions and responsibilities is crucial for long-term success. The speaker shares his experience of becoming a professional League of Legends player while prioritizing his education. He acknowledges the importance of making tough decisions and taking calculated risks. Despite the excitement and rewards of being a pro player, he also acknowledges the stress and downsides. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a solid foundation, in his case, a strong education, to fall back on when navigating the ups and downs of a career.

    • Professional Gaming: Dealing with Toxicity and CriticismProfessional gamers face unique challenges, including toxicity and criticism, which can impact mental health. It's crucial to differentiate between productive feedback and hateful comments and to seek support when needed. The gaming community can help reduce toxicity by promoting positivity and understanding.

      Being a professional gamer, especially in the League of Legends community, comes with unique challenges, including dealing with toxicity and criticism, which can significantly impact mental health. The pressure to perform and the public nature of the role make it difficult to escape negative comments, which can accumulate and become overwhelming. These messages can range from unproductive criticism to offensive language and even death threats. The constant exposure and the expectation to be mentally strong can lead to feelings of bullying and a desire to hide from the public eye. Despite the challenges, it's essential to differentiate between productive feedback and hateful comments and to seek support when needed. The gaming community, including pro players and influencers, can play a role in reducing toxicity by promoting positivity and understanding.

    • Online gaming communities can be harsh and hurtfulSeeking support and remembering everyone deserves respect can help cope with hateful messages in online gaming communities

      Online gaming communities, including those for professional players, can be harsh and hurtful places. When faced with hateful messages, individuals may question their worth, both as players and as people. This can be particularly challenging for those already dealing with personal or professional setbacks. Mental strength and self-confidence can help, but seeking support from trusted sources, such as teammates or coaches, can also be beneficial. It's important to remember that the hateful comments often come from people dealing with their own issues and may not reflect the truth. Ultimately, everyone deserves respect and kindness, especially in the online spaces where we spend a significant amount of time.

    • Dealing with hate and negative self-talk in online communitiesRecognize and challenge negative self-talk, seek support, and remember that everyone's mental strength varies. Share coping strategies and focus on learning from experiences rather than blame.

      Dealing with hate and negative self-talk in online communities can be overwhelming and can negatively impact mental health, especially for those who are already vulnerable. It's important to recognize and challenge the negative voice in one's head and build confidence in oneself. This can be achieved through the help of a sports psychologist or other supportive resources. It's also crucial to remember that not everyone experiencing toxicity has the same level of mental strength, and it's important to address this issue in a concrete way by sharing experiences and strategies for coping. While discussing specific cases can be helpful, it's essential to be mindful of potential consequences and focus on the lessons that can be learned rather than pointing fingers.

    • The origins of confidence are complex and multifacetedConfidence stems from self-belief and trusted sources, not just hard work or a structured mind.

      Confidence does not solely come from hard work or a structured mind, but rather from the inner voice of self-belief and validation from trusted sources. While hard work and a structured mind can contribute to confidence, they are not the sole sources. Confidence is the capacity to have an expectation in your performance, and having a structured mind and executing tasks can build confidence. However, the voice that reassures us and makes us believe in our abilities plays a crucial role in our confidence. It's essential to understand that the answer to the question of where confidence comes from is complex and multifaceted, and it's not a simple matter of pointing to one source. The discussion also highlighted that confidence can be influenced by external validation and the belief in oneself.

    • Growing Confidence as a Gamer: A Personal JourneyConfidence is developed through experiences and learning, recognizing its presence, and focusing on personal growth.

      Confidence is not solely an inherent trait, but rather something that is shaped and developed through experiences and learning. The speaker, Braxha, shares his personal journey of growing confidence as a League of Legends player, where he initially struggled with self-doubt and second thoughts. However, he learned to overcome these inner battles and gained confidence through professional training and practice. Yet, Braxha emphasizes that confidence was always present within him, even during his early gaming experiences. The key to building confidence, therefore, lies in recognizing its presence and learning to harness it effectively. Additionally, it's essential to understand that everyone's confidence-building journey is unique, and comparing oneself to others can lead to frustration and misconceptions. Ultimately, trusting one's instincts and focusing on personal growth are crucial steps in developing and maintaining confidence.

    • Embracing unfamiliar situations builds confidenceConfidence grows when we challenge ourselves, learn from new experiences, and trust in our abilities to succeed

      Confidence is built through challenging ourselves and stepping out of our comfort zones. Going in blind and unprepared, while initially daunting, can lead to greater confidence growth than being well-prepared. This is because when we are put in unfamiliar situations, we have the opportunity to learn, adapt, and ultimately succeed on our own merit. As Alok shared in the discussion, he found that he felt more confident and proud after acing an oral exam, despite feeling less prepared going in, compared to a written exam where he had all his notes at hand. This experience highlights the importance of embracing challenges and trusting in our abilities to overcome them. However, it's important to note that confidence can also be cultivated through learning and preparation. But the key is to strike a balance and not rely solely on external factors for validation. Instead, we should aim to build a strong foundation of self-belief that empowers us to tackle new challenges head-on, even when we go in blind. Additionally, confidence is not just something that is innate, but rather something that can be taught and developed over time. By seeking out opportunities to challenge ourselves, learning from our experiences, and surrounding ourselves with supportive people, we can grow our confidence and become more resilient in the face of adversity.

    • Parents' belief and support shape our confidenceParents' belief and encouragement significantly impact our confidence, enabling us to navigate uncertainty and face challenges with resilience.

      Confidence is not solely based on individual effort or personal achievements, but also significantly influenced by the support and belief instilled in us by significant figures in our lives, such as parents. This belief, in turn, helps us navigate uncertainty and face challenges with resilience. Psychological research suggests that our brains learn a great deal from others, and the intrinsic sense of value instilled in us by our parents plays a crucial role in our confidence. This sense of value allows us to face uncertainty and adversity, as we understand that our worth goes beyond the results we produce. For instance, in the case of a professional League of Legends player, the support and belief from parents during childhood enabled him to develop the mental fortitude necessary to handle the uncertainties and challenges that come with a professional career. Overall, the combination of personal effort and the support and belief from our loved ones is essential in fostering confidence and mental strength.

    • Embrace the uncomfortableConfidence comes from facing the uncertain and adapting on the fly, not being overly prepared or putting pressure on oneself to win.

      Confidence comes from pushing yourself into uncomfortable situations and not being ready for them. It's not always about being ready or having a simple yes answer, but rather having the mental strength to face the uncertain and adapt on the fly. This mindset allows us to approach challenges one step at a time and react effectively when things don't go as planned. Confidence is not about having unrealistic expectations or putting immense pressure on oneself to win at all costs, but rather being prepared and focused on the action, not the result. Brock's experience of pushing himself into uncomfortable situations and learning to take things one step at a time is a valuable lesson for anyone looking to build mental strength and confidence.

    • Mindset and expectations in gamingMaintaining a positive attitude and taking responsibility for mistakes can help improve performance and prevent toxicity in gaming communities. The jungler role requires resilience and acceptance of challenges.

      Our mindset and expectations can significantly impact our performance and attitude in video games, such as League of Legends. Going on a losing streak or having a bad game can lead to tilting and blaming others, while maintaining a positive attitude and taking responsibility for mistakes can help us navigate through tough situations. The jungler role in games like DOTA and League of Legends, although sometimes blamed, requires resilience and acceptance of various challenges. Ultimately, being responsible for our actions and the way we treat others is crucial in preventing and addressing toxicity in gaming communities.

    • Treating others with kindness onlineBe professional and respectful online to create a positive community and set a good example for others.

      Treating others with kindness and respect, especially in the digital age where communication can be instant and anonymous, is crucial. While it's natural to feel frustrated or competitive, it's important to remember the impact our words can have on others. The anonymity of the internet can sometimes bring out the worst in people, but it's up to us to be responsible and set a good example. As influencers and gamers, our actions and words can have a ripple effect on our audiences. By striving to be professional and treating others with respect, we can help create a positive online community. It's not an easy task, but it's a step in the right direction towards reducing hateful messages and creating a more inclusive and respectful digital world.

    • Effective conflict resolution is key to addressing toxicity onlineOpen dialogue, education, resources, and safe spaces can help resolve toxicity and foster a positive online community.

      Everyone, especially those with a significant following, has a responsibility to be a positive influence and set an example of good behavior online. However, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone may see themselves as toxic, and conflict resolution may require active engagement rather than just relying on individuals to behave responsibly. The challenge lies in finding effective ways to engage and resolve toxicity between individuals, rather than simply expecting them to act as models of good behavior. Conflict resolution may not be a straightforward concept, but it's an essential aspect of addressing toxicity in online communities. Engaging in open and respectful dialogue, providing education and resources, and creating safe spaces for individuals to express their concerns and work through conflicts are potential steps towards resolving toxicity and fostering a more positive online community.

    • Exploring new ways to bring communities together onlineConsider family-friendly streams, online counseling, and support groups to foster positive online interactions. Practice meditation for personal growth and improved focus.

      While people may behave differently online compared to in person, it's essential to remember that everyone has their reasons for acting the way they do. The internet can bring out the best and worst in people, and it's crucial to find ways to engage and understand each other better. One idea is to explore new ways to bring communities together, such as family-friendly streams on platforms like Twitch. Another idea is to consider the potential benefits of online counseling or support groups for those who struggle with online interactions. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a more positive and inclusive online environment where people can learn, grow, and connect with one another. As for personal growth, the speaker suggested exploring meditation as a tool for improving focus, reducing stress, and boosting confidence. It's never too late to start learning and practicing new skills, and who knows, you might just discover a new hobby or passion along the way.

    • Confidence is given, not madeBuilding confidence involves facing uncertainty and growing from experiences, not cheating or manipulating situations

      Confidence is not something you can build or acquire on your own, but rather something that is instilled in you by the people and experiences around you. It's important to understand that the voice in your head that tells you "you can do it" is not something you create, but rather something you're given. When faced with uncertainty or moments of self-doubt, it's natural to try to remove the uncertainty by cheating or manipulating situations. However, the most effective way to build confidence is to face uncertainty head-on and come out on top, even if you fail. This means stepping into new situations, not knowing if you can handle them, and growing from the experience. For those who didn't receive a positive foundation of confidence, it can be challenging to reframe negative self-talk. However, it's important to remember that every experience, whether successful or not, can contribute to building confidence. The key is to be willing to face uncertainty and trust that you'll be okay, no matter the outcome.

    • Practice 'bee's breath' meditation to disconnect and reveal a more authentic selfRegular practice of 'bee's breath' meditation can help neutralize negative self-talk and reveal a more authentic, confident self by disconnecting from external distractions and focusing the mind through buzzing sounds and finger placements.

      Practicing the "bee's breath" meditation technique can help neutralize negative self-talk and reveal a more authentic, confident self. This technique involves closing the "9 gates" by placing fingers on specific areas around the nose, eyes, and ears to disconnect from external distractions. The buzzing sound produced during the breath helps to focus the mind and let go of self-critical thoughts. Although it may feel awkward at first, powering through the initial discomfort and committing to regular practice can lead to a more neutral and confident state of being.

    • Explore the calming effects of breathworkRegular practice of breathwork can help reduce anxiety, bring calm and centering, and improve overall well-being by allowing the brain to acclimate to different levels of CO2 and oxygen.

      Practicing breathwork can help reduce feelings of anxiety and bring about a sense of calm and centering. During the practice, individuals may feel weird or lightheaded at first, but as they continue, they can achieve a neutral state by focusing solely on their breath. This technique is not necessarily about building confidence, but rather about wiping away negative thoughts and feelings. By sitting quietly with eyes closed for an extended period after the practice, individuals can allow their brain to acclimate to different levels of CO2 and oxygen, eventually leading to balance and peace. It's important to note that everyone's experience may be different, and individuals should go at their own pace. Practicing regularly can lead to greater benefits over time.

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    You are unconditionally loved!





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    Join me at one of my upcoming group medium readings!

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    Reserve your spot at the event(s) of your choice at 💫https://jeannestreet.com/events/



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