
    JRE MMA Show #44 with John Kavanagh & George Lockhart

    en-usOctober 08, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Disappointment and Lessons from McGregor vs KhabibDespite McGregor's loss, coaches Lockhart and Kavanaugh found positives, including his third round success and Khabib's impressive overhand right. They learned valuable lessons and will apply them to future fighters.

      George Lockhart and John Kavanaugh discussed their disappointment over Conor McGregor's loss to Khabib Nurmagomedov at UFC 229, but found positives in the fight, including McGregor's unexpected success in the third round and Khabib's impressive overhand right. They prepared extensively for Khabib's takedowns, but were surprised by his ability to tie both of McGregor's legs up with his own. McGregor weighed around 171 pounds when he entered the cage, significantly heavier than his weight during his boxing match with Floyd Mayweather. Lockhart and Kavanaugh aimed to keep McGregor as big as possible during camp and then have him cut the weight. Despite the loss, they learned valuable lessons that they can pass on to the next generation of fighters.

    • Extreme weight cuts in MMA come with risksTrainers help fighters safely cut weight, understanding nutrition and hydration is crucial, and formal education in weight cutting may not exist but gaining knowledge is essential.

      While extreme weight cuts in mixed martial arts can be impressive, they come with significant health risks. Drew Dober, for instance, had to cut nearly 20% of his body weight to make the 155-pound limit. This is a challenging feat due to muscle being mostly water, making it easier for those with more muscle to cut weight. However, it's important to note that weight cutting is not easy or healthy for everyone. The process of learning how to effectively cut weight involves a lot of trial and error, as well as a deep understanding of nutrition and hydration. Trainers like the one in the discussion work closely with fighters during training camps, ensuring their meal plans and supplements are optimized for their specific needs. While formal education in weight cutting may not exist, gaining knowledge through experience and research is crucial. Ultimately, the goal is to help fighters reach their weight goals safely and effectively, while also maintaining their overall health and performance.

    • Tailoring meals for optimal performance and weight managementUnderstanding individual dietary needs and adjusting meals based on workout schedule and body composition is crucial for achieving specific weight goals and optimizing performance during intense training periods.

      Every person's diet needs are unique and vary based on factors such as their daily routine, workout schedule, and body composition. Nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving specific weight goals and optimizing performance, especially during intense training periods like fight camps. The timing, type, and portion size of meals are essential considerations, with the body requiring different fuel sources depending on the nature and intensity of the workout. For instance, a person who wakes up early for training may require an earlier breakfast consisting of fruits and healthy fats, while someone with a later workout schedule may eat a similar meal later in the day. The importance of tailoring meals to individual needs cannot be overstated, as the same workout can burn different amounts of calories and require varying nutrient ratios. In essence, providing the body with the right fuel at the right time is the key to unlocking optimal performance and weight management.

    • Using multiple carbohydrate transporters for optimal absorptionCombining different types of carbs and ensuring conditions for each transporter can enhance carbohydrate uptake and storage for athletes.

      The body can process and synthesize carbohydrates more efficiently when using multiple transporters at once. These transporters, such as sodium-dependent (Glute 1 and 4), insulin-dependent (Glute 4), and fructose-activated (Glute 5), each have unique characteristics and requirements. By combining different types of carbohydrates and ensuring the necessary conditions for each transporter, athletes can potentially enhance their carbohydrate uptake and storage. Additionally, caffeine consumption post-workout has been shown to increase glycogen storage in muscles, although the reason behind this is not yet fully understood. Oral rehydration methods, such as consuming sodium, fructose, and dextrose, are generally more beneficial for the body compared to intravenous methods, especially when athletes have ample time to recover.

    • The Balance of Nutrients in MMA PerformanceMMA athletes need a balanced intake of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for optimal performance. Magnesium helps maintain the balance, and deficiencies can lead to serious issues. Omega-3 reduces inflammation caused by omega-6.

      Optimal athletic performance in MMA relies on a delicate balance of various nutrients and minerals, including sodium, potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Sodium and potassium, for instance, work together in the body, with sodium helping muscles contract and potassium aiding in muscle relaxation. Magnesium is crucial for maintaining this balance, and deficiencies can lead to serious issues. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids also play essential roles, with omega-3 helping to reduce inflammation caused by omega-6. The lack of consensus on proper training and nutrition methods in MMA, as well as the unique challenges posed by weight cutting and rehydration, make it especially important for athletes to work with knowledgeable professionals who truly understand their bodies and the science behind optimal performance.

    • Helping UFC Fighters Optimize PerformanceProper guidance in nutrition and exercise science is crucial for elite athletes to perform at their best, and common misconceptions include neglecting hydration and nutrition, and cutting weight unsafely.

      Even elite athletes, like UFC fighters, don't always have the necessary knowledge in nutrition and exercise science to optimally prepare for their performances. The speaker, who works in the industry, aims to change that by working with every UFC fighter to improve their training regimens. He shared examples of common misconceptions, such as not understanding the importance of proper hydration and nutrition, and the need for precise weight management. He also emphasized the importance of cutting weight responsibly and not sacrificing health for competition. The speaker's dedication to helping athletes reach their full potential underscores the significance of proper guidance in optimizing athletic performance.

    • Loyalty and Consistency in MMALoyalty and consistency are vital in MMA, impacting both fighter's success and emotional well-being. Building long-term relationships is crucial for a fighter's growth and success.

      Loyalty and consistency are crucial in the world of mixed martial arts. The speaker shares an experience with a fighter who, despite showing impressive results, was treated dismissively by his team when he decided to leave and join another camp. The speaker expresses disappointment in this behavior, emphasizing the importance of loyalty and the emotional impact it has on fighters. He also highlights the unique challenges and dangers of the sport, making the need for a supportive team even more vital. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for building long-term relationships and recognizing the value of those who have contributed to a fighter's success.

    • Lessons from the Marine Corps on Helping Others SucceedBalancing discipline and adaptability is crucial for success. Understanding individual needs is key to providing optimal support.

      Success in various fields, such as MMA or military service, requires a balance between discipline and adaptability. Brian Stan, a friend and former Marine, served as a significant influence on the speaker's career. Their shared experiences in the Marine Corps taught them the importance of helping others perform at their best, whether it meant cutting weight or providing the right nutrition. The speaker's success in MMA, including defending his title and defeating top opponents, is a testament to his ability to apply these lessons. However, it's essential to find the right balance between pushing oneself and knowing when to back off. This balance is not always clear-cut and requires a deep understanding of individual circumstances. In the case of nutrition, for instance, some people may thrive on a ketogenic diet, while others may need more carbohydrates. Ultimately, it's about providing the body with what it needs to perform optimally.

    • Understanding Your Body's Unique Nutritional NeedsFocus on fueling your body according to its unique needs, provide right nutrients at right time, consider quality of carbs, proper hydration and electrolyte replenishment are crucial.

      The key to optimal nutrition and energy levels lies in understanding your body's unique needs and fueling it accordingly, rather than following rigid dietary rules. Our bodies use different fuels depending on our activities, and it's essential to provide the right nutrients at the right time. For instance, after a high-intensity workout, our bodies require a large amount of carbohydrates to replenish energy stores. Instead of asking whether certain foods are "good" or "bad," focus on when and how they can best support your body. Additionally, it's important to consider the quality of the carbohydrates you consume, as refined options may not provide the same benefits as whole foods. Lastly, proper hydration and replenishment of electrolytes, such as sodium, are crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall health.

    • Understanding the right time, amount, and consistency in consuming certain foods or diets is crucial for optimal performance and health.Consume carbohydrates post-workout for glycogen replenishment, avoid excessive intake or wrong types, consider individual needs, and maintain consistency for optimal results.

      While certain foods or diets can be beneficial, it's important to understand the right time, amount, and consistency in consuming them. For instance, carbohydrates, like glucose gels or twizzlers, can be useful post-workout for replenishing glycogen stores. However, excessive intake or consuming the wrong types, like chocolate milk, can lead to issues. Consistency in following a diet, even if it's not the "best" one, is crucial for seeing results. It's also essential to consider individual needs and limitations, such as lactose intolerance, when recommending specific foods or diets. Ultimately, it's about finding a sustainable and consistent approach that works best for each person.

    • Nutrition and hydration are essential for fightersCustomized nutritional plans based on lean muscle mass help fighters recover and perform optimally post-workout.

      Proper nutrition and hydration play crucial roles in both prepping for and recovering from physical exertion, particularly for fighters. During extreme conditions or before a fight, the body prioritizes survival mechanisms over digestion. However, eating carbohydrates post-workout can help promote their usage in the body. Fighters' nutritional plans are customized based on their lean muscle mass, which determines how much glycogen their bodies can store. Tools like hydrostatic testing are used to accurately measure this mass. Overall, understanding the body's responses to food intake and optimizing meals for specific situations can significantly impact performance.

    • Muscle growth and fat loss can't happen at onceTo effectively lose body fat, be in a caloric deficit, but avoid excessive muscle loss by focusing on resistance training and proper nutrition.

      Your body cannot be in a state of muscle growth (anabolic) and fat loss (catabolic) at the same time. While it's possible to gain muscle and lose body fat simultaneously, this doesn't mean you're losing actual fat. Instead, your body fat percentage decreases due to an increase in muscle mass, making you appear leaner. To effectively lose body fat, you must be in a caloric deficit, which will result in muscle loss if not addressed. It's essential to understand the unique challenges of weight loss for men and women, and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between muscle gain and fat loss.

    • Impact of weight cutting and fight camps on fighter's performanceWeight cutting and fight camps can enhance skills and abilities, but must not compromise health. Individual body responses determine optimal fighting weight. Personal biases should not interfere with training. Overcoming language and other challenges through dedication and hard work is crucial for success.

      Weight cutting and fight camps can significantly impact a fighter's performance. The speaker emphasizes that the goal of a fight camp should be to increase skills and abilities, not just make weight. He also mentions that some fighters, like Frankie Edgar, have performed better at lighter weights and could potentially fight at even lower weights. However, it ultimately depends on the individual and their body. The speaker also notes that he works with various fighters, and while they may be rivals in the octagon, he doesn't allow personal biases to interfere with his training. Instead, he focuses on making each fighter the best version of themselves possible. Additionally, the speaker mentions that language barriers and other challenges can also impact a fighter's performance, but with dedication and hard work, these obstacles can be overcome.

    • Maintaining Proper Hydration for Optimal Performance and Weight ManagementDehydration negatively impacts performance and weight loss efforts. Proper hydration is crucial for effective training and a healthy approach to weight management.

      Proper hydration plays a crucial role in an athlete's performance and weight management, even if it may seem counterintuitive. Dehydration can lead to negative effects on the body, such as releasing hormones that make it harder to sweat and maintain optimal blood pressure. John's experience working with MMA fighter Connor McGregor illustrates this. Although Connor tried to cut weight by avoiding water intake, it ultimately led to less effective training sessions and a risky weight loss approach. When they brought in a new coach, George Lockhart, who focused on proper weight cutting techniques, Connor's training became more productive and effective. The importance of understanding the body's response to dehydration and maintaining proper hydration is a valuable lesson for athletes and trainers alike.

    • McGregor's Defensive Mindset and Quick Adjustments Impacted His LossMcGregor's defensive focus and quick adjustments during training camp may have influenced his loss to Khabib Nurmagomedov. Preparation and the right mindset are crucial for making each fight count, especially when facing opponents like Anthony Pettis.

      Conor McGregor's coach, John Kavanagh, believes that McGregor's defensive mindset during his training camp for the Khabib Nurmagomedov fight may have contributed to his loss. Kavanagh also mentioned that they specifically prepared for Nurmagomedov's takedowns during the camp but had to quickly adjust when Tony Ferguson emerged as a potential opponent. McGregor's focus on big fights and his personality could limit the number of fights he has, making it essential to make each one count with thorough preparation and the right mindset. Additionally, McGregor's next fights could be against opponents like Anthony Pettis, who offer stylistic matchups and opportunities to improve timing and sharpness.

    • McGregor's Prep for Rematch: Offense vs DefenseTo excel in a 5-round title fight, fighters need a balance of offensive & defensive training, conditioning, and a well-planned taper off period. Overtraining & anxiety can hinder performance.

      Conor McGregor's preparation for his rematch against Khabib Nurmagomedov could have benefited from a more offensive strategy and a better balance between defensive training and conditioning for the five-round fight. The trainer in the discussion acknowledges that Khabib's grappling style and McGregor's defensive focus in training camp took a toll on his ability to land effective strikes in the fight. Additionally, the idea of training for a three-round fight instead of a five-round title bout to avoid excessive wear and tear on the body was suggested as a potential solution. Overtraining and the anxiety leading up to the fight were also identified as factors that can negatively impact a fighter's performance. Ultimately, striking a balance between offensive and defensive training, along with proper conditioning and a well-planned taper off period, are crucial elements for a successful fight camp.

    • The intense emotions and unpredictable actions of UFC fighters, as seen in the Conor McGregor vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov fightThe UFC world is filled with intense emotions, trash talking, and unpredictable actions, leading to divisive opinions on fighters like Conor McGregor, who continues to be a cultural icon and highest-paid fighter despite controversy

      The UFC world is filled with intense emotions, trash talking, and unpredictable actions, as seen in the recent Conor McGregor vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov fight. The two-week tapering off period after training was shortened due to the limited time for preparation. The aftermath of the fight resulted in a brawl and legal issues, potentially delaying a rematch. Conor McGregor's trash talking and provocative behavior are a significant part of his appeal and success, but some consider it disrespectful and going too far. The line between what sells a fight and what crosses the boundary of respect is a subjective matter. Ultimately, McGregor's actions and persona continue to divide opinions, but his status as a cultural icon and highest-paid fighter is undeniable.

    • Finding a balance between being true to oneself and smart business in combat sportsIn combat sports, being true to oneself and building strong relationships with training partners, while also being smart about the business aspect, are crucial for success.

      In the world of combat sports, personalities and approaches to training and competition vary greatly. Some fighters, like Conor McGregor, relish in the trash talk and theatrics, while others, like Fedor Emelianenko, prefer to keep a low profile. Regardless of personality, the ultimate goal is to be true to oneself and focus on the task at hand, which is to make money through prize fighting. When it comes to training for a specific event, building a strong connection and good working relationship between athletes is crucial, even if they have different personalities. For instance, George St-Pierre and Conor McGregor worked well together due to their compatibility. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between being true to oneself and being smart about the business aspect of combat sports.

    • Learning from various sources and adapting techniquesContinuously improve through open learning, personal connections, and strong work ethic. Adapt to unique situations and opponents.

      Effective training involves learning from various sources and adapting techniques to fit one's personal style and situation. Personal connections and compatibility with trainers or training partners can greatly enhance the learning experience. While bringing in high-level athletes for intense sparring sessions can provide valuable pressure and experience, it may not completely replicate the unique skills and abilities of an opponent like Khabib Nurmagomedov. Ultimately, continuous improvement and a strong work ethic are key to success in any sport or discipline. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open to learning from others and not being overly concerned with keeping techniques secret. He also shares an anecdote about Dan Henderson's unconventional warm-up routine for Jiu-Jitsu tournaments, which helped him build rapport with competitors and improve his performance. The speaker acknowledges that while it's impossible to find a perfect training partner or replicate an opponent's exact skills, it's essential to make the most of available resources and continue striving for improvement. Connor McGregor, despite being disappointed with his performance against Khabib, demonstrates a strong work ethic and determination to learn and grow. Effectiveness often trumps convention, and the ability to adapt and evolve is crucial in any competitive environment.

    • Conor McGregor's Unique Training Style and Competitive NatureConor McGregor's frequent and intense sparring sessions contribute to his success, but other fighters may risk damage by sparring too often. McGregor's competitive nature drives him to compete in every session and switch to boxing to be the best.

      Conor McGregor's unique training style, which includes frequent and intense sparring sessions, plays a significant role in his success as a fighter. McGregor's elusive fighting style and ability to judge range make him able to spar frequently without taking too much damage. However, for other fighters, especially those lower in the gym hierarchy, sparring too often can lead to taking too many shots. McGregor's preparation for the Mayweather fight was unexpectedly short, but Floyd Mayweather may have deliberately scheduled it to prevent McGregor from getting too acclimated. McGregor's competitive nature ensures that every training session and competition is a fight to him, and his drive for competition led him to switch to boxing and aim to be the best in that sport as well.

    • A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Connor to fight Floyd MayweatherDespite the challenges, Connor found the experience of training for and competing in a professional boxing match rewarding

      The boxing world, despite its inherent risks and damage, holds a tremendous allure for those who dream of making it to the top. For Connor, the prospect of competing against a world champion like Floyd Mayweather was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, regardless of the challenges that came with it. The sparring sessions between Pauli Malanaji and Connor were intense and dominated by Malanaji, but Connor remained confident, believing that the fight would be competitive. The night of the fight was filled with uncertainty for Connor, but the entertaining and hard-fought match left no one in the crowd feeling it was a waste of money. Floyd Mayweather's defensive skills and impressive career were awe-inspiring to Connor, even as he found himself in the ring against him. Overall, the experience of training for and competing in a professional boxing match was a head-scratching, yet rewarding, journey for Connor. If the Pauli Malanaji sparring sessions were scored as a fight, it's unclear who would have come out on top, but the documentary on Netflix will give viewers a chance to make their own assessments.

    • Observing Floyd's boxing strategies and McGregor's endurance challengesMcGregor's boxing match against Mayweather was more competitive than perceived, revealing Floyd's energy management and McGregor's struggle with MMA-to-boxing pacing.

      The boxing match between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather was more competitive than the one-sided perception portrayed in the released clips. As a trainer, it was fascinating for McGregor's trainer to observe Floyd's energy management and strategic switching between styles. McGregor, known for his efficient MMA fighting style, struggled with the pacing and endurance required for a 12-round boxing match. Despite attempts to utilize clinch work, immediate breaks prevented any significant advantage. The contest was unique with both fighters showing respect and communication throughout, creating an entertaining dynamic. The rumors of potential future fights involving McGregor, Mayweather, or other big names continue to circulate.

    • Possible MMA vs. Boxing Match Between McGregor and Mayweather UnlikelyDespite rumors, Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather hybrid fight with leg kicks unlikely due to significant rule change and potential quick end for McGregor

      There have been rumors about a potential MMA vs. boxing match between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather, specifically with hybrid rules allowing only leg kicks. However, both fighters have expressed no interest in such a match, as it would significantly change the way they fight and could potentially end the contest quickly in McGregor's favor due to his MMA background. The pain and impact of leg kicks are unlike anything a boxer is used to, as evidenced by past examples of boxers trying their hand in kickboxing. Overall, it seems unlikely that this hypothetical match will come to fruition.

    • McGregor's focus on fighting sets him apart from other starsMcGregor's singular focus on fighting and obsession to compete regularly have kept him at the top of UFC, despite Hollywood offers.

      Conor McGregor has managed to avoid the pitfalls of Hollywood stardom and maintain his focus on fighting. Despite offers for movies and TV shows, McGregor has chosen to prioritize his career in the UFC. His obsession with fighting and desire to compete regularly have set him apart from other fighters who have been distracted by Hollywood opportunities. This singular focus has allowed McGregor to remain at the top of his game and maintain his formidable fighting skills. Additionally, McGregor's unique personality and trash-talking style have made him a fan favorite and a compelling opponent for other fighters. The potential matchup between McGregor and Diaz, with their contrasting fighting styles and personalities, would be a highly anticipated and exciting fight for fans.

    • Conor McGregor's resilience to trash talk and tenacity in the ringMcGregor's ability to ignore trash talk and continue fighting fiercely is a major factor in his UFC success. His return to the ring is predicted for summer 2023, but potential consequences from his last fight may impact his plans.

      Conor McGregor's ability to not be affected by trash talk and his tenacity in the ring, even when faced with a challenging opponent like Nate Diaz, is a key aspect of his appeal and success in the UFC. His personality and unique approach to training and sparring also contribute to his popularity. As for his return to the ring, it is speculated that it may happen next summer, but the exact date and location are yet to be determined. However, it's important to note that his actions during his last fight may have consequences, including potential visa issues, due to the illegal shot he threw.

    • UFC incident: Zubaria jumps cage to attack MakachevMaintaining order and discipline is crucial in UFC, both inside and outside the cage. Respecting rules and professionalism is essential for the sport.

      During a UFC event, an unexpected incident occurred involving two fighters, Zubaria and Islam Makachev, who were scheduled to face off three weeks later. Witnesses reported seeing Zubaria bragging about the incident on social media and jumping the cage to attack Makachev. Despite initial confusion, it was confirmed that Zubaria was the instigator. The incident highlights the importance of maintaining order and discipline both inside and outside the cage. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of weight cutting in MMA, with George Lockhart shedding light on the intricacies of the process. The discussion also featured some light-hearted moments, including jokes about cognitive abilities and statistics. Overall, the conversation provided valuable insights into the world of UFC and the challenges that fighters face both in and out of the cage. It also underscored the importance of respecting the rules and maintaining professionalism in the sport.

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    I can’t even express how crazy amazing it is for me to take in the fact that BlackBeltBeauty Radio is officially 1 year old!

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    In this episode you will gain some rich wisdom gems that serve as thought provoking tools, supportive reminders, undeniable motivation + elevating inspiration along with some of my personal thoughts on closing this year; making it an amazing episode to take in during in the final days of the year to PRIME your mindset + keep you on the path of turning your BEST into BETTER as 2019 begins.

    From the launch of this podcast last year to every minute creating each and every episode for all of you throughout this one, it has been an absolute labor of LOVE. I am going to BRING IT in 2019 on this podcast for all of you by bringing on more incredibly inspiring guests and creating content that will continue to support your process and path and keep you kicking serious ass, on ALL fronts of your life.

    To all of my incredible guests that carved out time to share your wisdom, your story + your INSPIRING approach to your life with all of us; THANK YOU with ALL of MY HEART. You are true leaders and contributors in this life and you inspire all of us to keep reaching for our best- every single day.

    🎉Happy New Year everyone!! 🎉