
    JRE MMA Show #48 with Henry Cejudo & Eric Albarracin

    en-usOctober 31, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Believing in oneself and determination lead to great achievementsBelieving in your abilities and not giving up can help you overcome adversity and achieve greatness, as demonstrated by Henry Cejudo's victory over Demetrius Johnson.

      Determination and belief in one's abilities can lead to great achievements. Henry Cejudo, a wrestling Olympic gold medalist and UFC champion, discussed his victory over Demetrius Johnson, who is widely regarded as the best pound-for-pound fighter ever. Cejudo shared how he was inspired by Johnson's greatness but also believed in his potential to beat him. After being stopped in the first round, Cejudo went on a quest to improve and traveled the world to learn from different coaches. He ended up beating Johnson in the championship rounds, becoming a two-sport world champion. Cejudo's story highlights the importance of believing in oneself and the dedication required to achieve greatness. Despite facing setbacks, Cejudo's determination and belief in his abilities helped him overcome adversity and make history.

    • Henry Cejudo's Journey: From Olympic Gold to UFC ChampionHenry Cejudo overcame burnout after the Olympics, adversity in MMA, and mental challenges to become an Olympic gold medalist and UFC champion. His relentless dedication and unwavering determination were crucial to his success.

      Henry Cejudo's journey to becoming an Olympic gold medalist and a UFC champion was marked by intense dedication, adversity, and a relentless drive to overcome challenges. Cejudo's early retirement from wrestling after winning the Olympics left him feeling burnt out, but he was reinvigorated when he faced adversity again in his MMA career. After losing to Demetrius Johnson, Cejudo was determined not to feel the pain of losing again. He trained relentlessly and improved significantly in just one year, ultimately defeating Johnson in a rematch. Cejudo's mental fortitude and unwavering determination were key factors in his success in both wrestling and MMA.

    • Maintaining Composure in High-Pressure SituationsIn high-pressure situations, maintaining composure is crucial for success. Pain of loss and fear of repeating it can motivate more than desire to win. Mental healing and scientific approach to training are essential.

      Composure plays a crucial role in success, especially in high-pressure situations like a boxing match. The speaker shares his personal experience of being knocked down early in a fight against Demetrius Johnson and how maintaining his composure was the key to coming back and eventually winning. He emphasizes that the pain of losing and the fear of feeling it again motivated him more than the desire to win. The speaker also discusses the importance of mental healing and how the weight cut and preparation for a fight can impact a fighter's performance. He uses the example of Roy Jones Jr.'s losses to illustrate this point. The speaker also highlights the importance of a scientific approach to training and recovery, which sets him apart from many fighters who used to "wing it." Overall, the takeaway is that maintaining composure, both physically and mentally, is essential for success in any challenging situation.

    • The Power of a Positive MindsetFighters need more than physical and technical skills to succeed, mental fortitude and a positive attitude are crucial.

      Champions not only need physical and technical skills but also an unstoppable mindset. This was exemplified in a conversation about a knee injury sustained during a fight, where the fighter discussed how he drew inspiration from Michael Chandler's experience and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and belief in oneself. The fighter also shared his personal mind training methods, which include reading biographies and watching other athletes' celebrations to visualize and experience the feeling of accomplishment. The conversation also touched on the possibility of the fighter facing TJ Dilshaw for the Bantamweight title, and the potential for him joining ONE FC, a major Asian MMA organization. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of mental fortitude and motivation in achieving success in sports.

    • Ben Askren's Success in ONE Championship due to Respect for Martial Arts and Absence of Trash TalkBen Askren, a wrestling expert, thrives in ONE Championship due to its respect for martial arts and lack of trash talking. He dominates opponents with his wrestling skills and confidence.

      Ben Askren, a highly respected martial artist and wrestling expert, has found a home in ONE Championship due to its respect for martial arts and absence of trash talking. Askren, who is known for his exceptional wrestling skills, has dominated opponents like Conor McGregor would not be a good match for. His confidence and dominant wrestling make him a dangerous opponent. Despite his average striking abilities, Askren relies on his superior wrestling skills to control the fight. A real challenge for him would be an opponent who can keep the fight standing. If Askren were to join the UFC and win a belt, his teammates, who include multiple UFC champions, would also have a significant number of belts. The UFC may eventually open a 165-pound division, which Askren is aiming for, but a more logical weight division adjustment would be a 10-pound increment at each weight class.

    • The Importance of Adaptability in MMAVersatility in MMA is crucial as even the best strikers or grapplers can be defeated if they can't adapt to their opponent's strengths.

      Tyron Woodley's victory over Darren Till in their UFC welterweight title fight showcased the importance of adaptability in MMA. Woodley, known for his grappling skills, proved himself as a formidable striker, knocking out Till and then submitting him. Till, a sensational striker, was unable to defend against Woodley's unexpected striking ability and grappling. The fight highlighted the need for versatility in MMA, as even the best strikers or grapplers can be defeated if they cannot adapt to their opponent's strengths. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the impressive grappling skills of Ben Askren and his ability to dominate opponents, making a potential fight against him at welterweight an intriguing matchup.

    • Interim Titles in UFC: Controversial and FleetingInterim titles in UFC can be taken away due to various reasons, leaving fans disappointed. Khabib Nurmagomedov and Tony Ferguson's title situation and Kobe Cobington and Ben Askren's potential fight were discussed.

      The interim titles in UFC can be controversial and disappear quickly, as seen in the case of Khabib Nurmagomedov and Tony Ferguson. Fans were disappointed when Nurmagomedov was stripped of his interim title due to his weight cutting issues, especially since he had been in the process of challenging for the undisputed title. The conversation also touched on Kobe Cobington and Ben Askren's potential fight, with Askren having held the interim title for a brief period. Additionally, Askren shared his experiences with weight cutting during his wrestling days and how it differed from MMA.

    • The Science of Athletic PerformanceProfessional athletes prioritize science and a disciplined approach to training and nutrition for optimal performance. Meal prep and scientific nutrition based on training schedules, expert teams, and advanced training methods like neural stems and hyperbaric chambers can lead to success.

      Successful athletes, like the speaker in this conversation, prioritize science and a disciplined approach to training and nutrition to optimize performance. The speaker, who is a professional mixed martial artist, shares how he used to struggle with diet and weight cutting but now relies on a meal prep company and a scientific approach to nutrition based on his training schedule. He also mentions how legendary boxer Bernard Hopkins changed his training philosophy to a more scientific one as he aged, using methods like neural stems and hyperbaric chambers. The speaker also discusses the importance of planning and organization in setting up a training camp, starting the preparation process about three months in advance. He emphasizes the importance of a team of experts, like his physical therapist Captain America, who helped him recover from an injury and introduced him to the science-focused company Neural Force One. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of a scientific and disciplined approach to training and nutrition for optimal athletic performance.

    • UFC Fighters' Injuries and Neural Force's Accelerated Recovery TechnologyNeural Force's accelerated recovery technology using neurostem machines helped UFC fighter Alexander Pantoja recover from a serious elbow injury in just 10 days, highlighting the importance of mental and physical health in training and Neural Force's focus on the role of the gut and mind in conjunction with physical training.

      During UFC training camp, injuries are common and can significantly impact a fighter's ability to perform. When Kevin Longoria, the Chief Science Officer for Neural Force One and a neurophysiologist, sustained a hand injury, he was introduced to Neural Force and their accelerated recovery technology. This technology, which uses neurostem machines, helped UFC fighter Alexander Pantoja recover from blown ligaments in his elbow in just 10 days, allowing him to fight and win. The importance of mental and physical health in training is often overlooked, and Neural Force focuses on the role of the gut and mind in conjunction with physical training. They use comprehensive baseline assessments, such as DC brain potentials, to measure a fighter's central nervous system potential and coordinate neuromuscular and metabolic efficiencies. This objective measurement helps trainers optimize their athletes' performance and recovery.

    • Assessing Readiness for Training with Advanced TechnologyUsing advanced technology, athletes can optimize training by assessing their autonomic nervous system, DC brain potentials, and metabolic systems, leading to improved performance and injury prevention.

      Using advanced technology, such as the Omega Wave device from the UFC Performance Institute, athletes can assess their autonomic nervous system, DC brain potentials, and metabolic systems to determine their readiness for training. This data helps dictate when it's a good day to push hard or when it's better to take it easy. This approach, which includes comprehensive baseline assessments, pinpointing functional strengths and deficiencies, and optimizing nutrient timing, can lead to improved performance and injury prevention. The dynamic nature of this approach avoids plateaus and ensures athletes are always performing at their best.

    • Optimizing Athlete Performance: A Holistic ApproachFocusing on glycogen replacement, gut health, and individualized supplementation, companies use custom supplements and data-driven solutions to enhance athlete performance while ensuring quality control.

      Optimizing an athlete's performance involves a holistic approach, focusing on various aspects such as glycogen replacement, gut health, and individualized supplementation. The use of custom supplements and data-driven solutions ensures the athletes receive the necessary nutrients while maintaining quality control. Gut health, often overlooked, plays a significant role in recovery, mood, and overall performance. The company, having a background in mobile medical-grade diagnostic testing, aims to provide data-driven solutions to athletes, helping them make positive reinforcements in their training. Currently, they are working with a select group of professional athletes for research and development.

    • An Olympic gold medalist MMA fighter and a physiologist join forcesTraditional strength training isn't always necessary for building strength in sports like wrestling and MMA. Velocity-based training, which measures an athlete's maximum velocity at no weight, can be safer and more effective.

      Henry, an Olympic gold medalist MMA fighter, and a physiologist formed an unlikely yet productive partnership. The physiologist, who specializes in body recovery and adaptation, recognized his lack of knowledge in MMA and took the initiative to learn the sport from Henry. Through their collaboration, they discovered that traditional strength training is not always necessary for building strength, especially in sports like wrestling and MMA where making a low weight while maximizing strength is crucial. Instead, they focused on velocity-based training, which measures an athlete's maximum velocity at no weight and can be safer than traditional one-rep max assessments. This innovative approach to training has the potential to revolutionize the gym industry, with a focus on low-risk, effective methods for building strength and adaptability.

    • Training for Absorbing Force in Combat SportsProperly training to absorb force effectively during deceleration phases is crucial for athletes in combat sports. Advanced wearable technology measures form consistency and relative velocity to ensure ideal biomechanical patterns, preventing further dysfunction.

      Modern training for athletes, particularly in combat sports like MMA, goes beyond just building strength and power. It's also crucial to focus on the ability to absorb force effectively during deceleration phases, which is often overlooked. This is achieved through various training methods, including resistance bands and functional trainers, and the use of advanced wearable technology that measures relative velocity and form consistency. This technology, such as the one worn on the wrist and foot, can also track heart rate, heart rate variability, oxygen saturation, and even hydration levels. Its future capabilities include measuring ideal form and unlocking remote programming and monitoring. The ultimate goal is to ensure athletes have proper biomechanical patterns before adding muscle to prevent further dysfunction. However, the use of multiple devices for tracking requires careful synchronization and coordination, which is a complex process. While this technology is currently not applicable to the average person, it's an exciting development for professional athletes and could revolutionize the way they train and prepare for competition.

    • New approach to fitness training using technology for personalized recommendationsNew technology aims to eliminate guesswork and subjectivity in fitness training by measuring fitness variables and providing personalized, scientifically-backed recommendations, eventually offering remote and in-house options and scaling to a wider audience

      A new approach to fitness training is emerging, which utilizes technology to measure various fitness variables and provide personalized, scientifically-backed recommendations. This approach aims to eliminate guesswork and subjectivity, making training more effective and efficient. The technology is already available for diagnostic testing and the goal is to make it user-friendly and accessible to everyone, including those outside of elite sports. The eventual plan is to offer completely remote training, in-house training, and hybrid options. The diagnostic testing and data collection are the current focus, with the long-term goal of scaling this to provide training to a wider audience, including those looking to lose weight or improve their fitness for various activities. The assessment process helps individuals understand their starting point and develop a roadmap to their goals, which is seen as a way to make a positive impact on healthcare. The company plans to be open to the general public in about six to eight months, with the initial assessment requiring an in-person visit and future consulting available online or through an application.

    • A new approach to fitness and trainingCombines in-person assessments and remote programming, prioritizes science and recovery, and requires trust in data for better results

      The future of fitness and training may involve a combination of in-person diagnostic assessments and remote programming based on individual data. This approach, which prioritizes science and recovery over traditional training methods, can lead to better results and improved overall health. However, making this shift can be challenging and may involve resistance from those used to more traditional training methods. Ultimately, this new approach requires trust in the data and a willingness to adapt and adjust training based on individual needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This is a universal concept in strength and conditioning and can lead to better outcomes, even if it goes against the common belief that more training equals better results.

    • Optimizing recovery for athletesAdequate sleep and techniques like light microcurrent therapy to the temporal lobes can enhance recovery and improve performance.

      Optimal recovery, including adequate sleep, is crucial for athletes to make adaptations and perform at their best. The body needs time to repair and rebuild after training, and lack of sleep can hinder this process. Techniques such as light microcurrent therapy to the temporal lobes can help increase serotonin and melatonin and decrease cortisol for better sleep and recovery. The Russians have been pioneering this type of training for some time, focusing on using less energy and getting better results. While mental toughness is important in sports, wrestlers stand out for their unique training methods and constant state of exhaustion, which may contribute to their extra level of mental and physical endurance.

    • The Toughness of Wrestling: Mental and Physical FortitudeWrestling requires exceptional mental and physical toughness. Athletes' dedication and warrior-like qualities make it a unique culture. We can learn from their mental fortitude in our own fields.

      Wrestling, as a sport, requires an exceptional level of mental and physical toughness. The athletes who excel in it possess an indomitable spirit and an iron will, which is essential for success at the highest level. Wrestling is not just a sport but a culture, and once an individual is a part of it, there's an honor and a warrior-like quality to it. The grueling nature of the tournament, with no significant financial rewards, makes the athletes' dedication even more impressive. As professionals, we can learn from the mental fortitude of wrestlers and apply it to our own fields. However, until an athlete has that toughness, other skills and methods may not be as effective. The fine line between pushing oneself to the limit and compromising is what makes wrestling and other sports so fascinating. Ultimately, each individual's approach to success will vary, and it's essential to find what works best for you.

    • Proper use of modern wrestling techniques and tools for neck stabilityModern wrestling techniques require correct execution to avoid harm. Neck stability tools like halo neck braces and mindfulness practices, including meditation and yoga, enhance performance and well-being by improving cognitive function, focus, and core stability.

      Modern wrestling techniques, such as bridging and neck stretches, can be harmful to wrestlers if not done correctly. Neck stability and strengthening are crucial, and tools like the halo neck brace can help. Additionally, mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga are essential for mental and physical preparation and recovery. These practices improve cognitive function, focus on deep breathing, and encourage core stability. The use of technology, like float tanks and sensory immersion rooms, can further enhance athletes' performance and overall well-being.

    • Henry Cejudo's Individualized Breathing Techniques and Upcoming Fight with TJ DilishawHenry Cejudo's individualized breathing techniques led to performance benefits, and he's open to fighting TJ Dilishaw at either bantamweight or featherweight.

      Individualized breathing techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can have performance benefits. However, it's best not to overthink it during training. A notable example is Henry Cejudo, who became the standard for a training system after sticking to it for eight weeks and challenging TJ Dilishaw for the bantamweight title. Cejudo is open to fighting Dilishaw at either 25 or 35 pounds, depending on the offer. The division is in a state of change, and Cejudo might consider competing at both weights. It's worth noting that Cejudo came close to fighting Dilishaw when he was the champ, but he declined the opportunity at the time. Now, three years later, Cejudo has the title and the chance to face Dilishaw once again.

    • UFC Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Henry Cejudo Planning to Retire and Focus on Motivational SpeakingHenry Cejudo, a UFC champion and Olympic gold medalist, plans to retire within the next 3-4 years to focus on motivational speaking and sharing his underdog story.

      Henry Cejudo, a UFC champion and Olympic gold medalist, has accomplished most of his career goals and plans to retire from fighting within the next three to four years. He aims to focus on motivational speaking and sharing his underdog story with companies and audiences. Cejudo acknowledges the importance of mental discipline and consistency in becoming a successful fighter, but finds the stress of being a coach too much to handle. He admires the potential in some athletes but finds it frustrating when they fail to perform at their best in competition. Cejudo's unique combination of Olympic gold medal and UFC championship makes him a rare candidate for greatness in combat sports.

    • Handling Pressure for SuccessMentally prepare, game plan, study opponents, and adapt to perform at one's best under pressure for success in high-stakes situations

      Embracing pressure rather than shying away from it is crucial for success in high-stakes situations. The speaker shares anecdotes from his own experiences in martial arts, where talented individuals who couldn't handle pressure underperformed during competitions. He emphasizes the importance of mental preparation and game planning to thrive under pressure. The speaker also highlights the significance of studying opponents' patterns and adapting strategies accordingly. Ultimately, the ability to perform at one's best under pressure separates champions from the rest.

    • Overcoming Adversity with Determination and PassionThrough determination and passion, individuals can overcome adversity and achieve their goals, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Leverage both physical and mental strength to overcome obstacles and never give up.

      Determination and passion can help individuals overcome adversity and achieve their goals, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. This was evident in a fighter's journey to win a title, as he prepared for the fight by implementing quotes from a motivational book and drawing on his own experiences, including surviving a devastating fire. Despite close fights and injuries, he remained focused and determined to finish strong. His story serves as an inspiration to never give up and to believe in one's ability to overcome obstacles. Additionally, the importance of leveraging different types of strength, both physical and mental, was emphasized. The fighter's transformation over eight weeks was documented in a forthcoming documentary, adding another layer to his inspiring journey.

    • Surviving a Hotel Fire: Being Prepared Saves LivesStaying alert to fire alarms and having an escape plan can save lives. Being prepared with clothes and shoes can make a difference during an emergency.

      Being prepared and aware of your surroundings can mean the difference between life and death. The speaker shares his harrowing experience of surviving a hotel fire, where he narrowly escaped with his life. He recounts how he first heard the fire alarm at 2:30 AM but didn't wake up until he was engulfed in smoke at 4:30 AM. He was unable to find his shoes or put on clothes and had to jump out of a window with his right foot catching on fire. Despite these obstacles, he managed to escape and was rescued by a fire truck. The experience left him shaken, and he realized that fires can spread quickly, and having an escape plan and being prepared can save lives. Tragically, he also learned that 50 people had died in the fire. This incident serves as a reminder that being aware of your surroundings, having a plan, and being prepared can help you survive unexpected emergencies.

    • Ignoring Warnings Can Lead to Severe ConsequencesTaking warnings seriously is crucial for safety and avoiding unnecessary risks, as ignoring them can lead to irreversible damage or loss of life.

      Underestimating danger can have severe consequences. The speaker shared a personal experience where he ignored warnings and went into a burning building, leading to injuries for himself and the death of 50 people. He even continued to fight a opponent despite having severe burns on his foot. This incident happened before his fight with Sergio Batas, but he still went through with it, feeling the need to make it up to his opponent. The importance of taking warnings seriously cannot be overstated. Ignoring them can lead to irreversible damage or even loss of life. It's crucial to prioritize safety and heed warnings to avoid unnecessary risks.

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