
    JRE MMA Show #59 with Kamaru Usman

    en-usMarch 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • From humble beginnings to global phenomenonThe UFC has evolved from a niche sport with unpolished athletes to a global phenomenon featuring highly skilled and enduring fighters.

      The UFC and its athletes have come a long way since their early days. Joe Rogan, a longtime commentator and interviewer for the UFC, shared his experiences of discovering the sport and being amazed by its progression. In the late 90s, the UFC was still growing and the athletes were not as polished as they are today. Rogan recalled the early days of the UFC, where there was less pressure and fewer eyes on the sport. He noted that the athletes back then were not as skilled as they are now, with many coming in with only one specialty. However, as the sport has grown, so too have the athletes. Today, there are even 10-year-old kids training in MMA and becoming formidable fighters. Rogan was impressed by the level of endurance and skill that modern UFC fighters possess, making it a vastly different world from the UFC of the late 90s.

    • From dismissing MMA to facing a championUnexpected encounters can lead to significant experiences and remind us to cherish life's moments, even those with challenges

      A chance encounter with a friend led to an unexpected journey into the world of mixed martial arts, ultimately leading to a historic moment in the sport. The speaker had initially dismissed the sport during a house party viewing of The Ultimate Fighter in 2005. However, years later, he found himself facing the then-champion, Tyron Woodley, in the octagon. Woodley's mother, whom the speaker had previously met and admired, was present, adding emotional significance to the moment. Despite feeling a sense of obligation to provide a better life for his family, the speaker expressed regret for taking the title from Woodley and felt he was taking away from what Woodley was doing for his own family. The experience served as a reminder of the unpredictability of life and the importance of cherishing moments, even those that come with challenges.

    • Embracing the human spirit in MMAMMA isn't just about competition and winning or losing, it's also about sportsmanship, respect, and family values. Roma Downey's graciousness towards a victorious fighter and his opponent highlights the importance of unity and respect in the face of competition.

      The sports world, particularly MMA, is not just about competition and winning or losing. It's also about sportsmanship and respect, as shown in a touching video of Roma Downey embracing a victorious fighter. Her graciousness towards both the winner and his opponent, Tyran, highlights the importance of family values and unity in the face of competition. The video also highlights the contrast between the pre-fight trash talk and the post-fight respect, reminding us that the sport is not just about hate and animosity but also about the human spirit and the desire to compete. The discussion also touched upon the pressure to conform to the current trend of trash talk and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • Using trash talk and creating a persona can boost recognition and attentionEffective trash talk and a compelling persona can generate buzz and increase fan interest, leading to media coverage and success in the UFC.

      Creating a compelling persona and trash talking effectively can help a fighter earn recognition and attention, even if it means being universally hated. George St. Pierre and Conor McGregor are prime examples of this, as they have both built a reputation for being unapologetic and provocative, which has led to increased media coverage and fan interest. Their ability to generate buzz and create adversarial relationships with their opponents has been a key factor in their success in the UFC. Additionally, refining one's skills and staying focused on the competition can lead to significant improvements in performance, as seen in Georges St. Pierre's evolution from a powerful wrestler to a more fluid and efficient striker.

    • Building a successful fighting career through smart decisions and effective coachingEffective coaching and smart decision-making are crucial for a successful fighting career. Knowing when to take calculated risks and finding the right support system are essential.

      Successful fighting careers are built on a foundation of smart decision-making and effective coaching. The speaker's journey began with Rashad Evans, who, along with Glenn, started a training facility. The speaker has been with Henry Hoof, a striking coach, since then, praising his simple and effective teaching style. The importance of assessing risk and reward was highlighted through the example of Chris Wiman's ill-timed wheel kick against Luke Rockhold, which led to a career-altering defeat. The speaker acknowledged the criticism of not trying "cool shit" but emphasized the importance of knowing when to take calculated risks. The conversation also touched on the natural evolution of weight classes and the importance of finding the right support system, such as the speaker's partnership with Clint Winkberg and Trifecta Nutrition.

    • Conor McGregor's Diet and Training EvolutionAs Conor McGregor ages and deals with injuries, he recognizes the importance of researching optimal nutrition for peak performance, while maintaining his friendly and easygoing personality outside the ring.

      Conor McGregor, a professional UFC fighter, has always taken charge of his own diet and training due to his long experience in wrestling and self-discipline. However, as he gets older and deals with injuries, he recognizes the need to research optimal nutrition for peak performance. Despite his tough exterior in the ring, McGregor is a friendly and easygoing person outside, and his routine hasn't changed much since his last fight, except for increased recognition from fans. His prayer before fights is for protection and the ability to display his best abilities, and he transforms into a different, focused persona when he steps into the cage. McGregor's commitment to his craft and self-discipline have been instrumental in his success in the UFC.

    • Embrace a positive attitude and focus on enjoying the experienceFocusing on the present moment and enjoying the competition can lead to success despite pressure and expectations

      Having a positive attitude and focusing on enjoying the experience rather than the pressure and expectations can lead to success in competition. The speaker shares how they've learned to deal with negative thoughts and pressure by putting them in a mental jar and smashing it, and seeking support from mental coaches and loved ones. They also reflect on how some fighters, like Anderson Silva and Georges St. Pierre, have been negatively affected by the pressure and expectations that come with being champions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the present moment and the goal of competing and doing one's best, rather than getting caught up in external factors.

    • The Cost of Being a Professional FighterPro fighters invest thousands in training, food, and equipment, endure injuries, and push through to compete due to the fear of missing opportunities.

      Being a professional fighter involves significant financial and physical sacrifices. The fighter in this discussion shared his experience of spending thousands of dollars on training camps, clean food, and equipment, while dealing with injuries that required extensive treatment and recovery time. Despite the challenges, he felt compelled to continue fighting due to the rare opportunities to compete and the fear of missing out on future chances. His dedication and intense training regimen were evident in his impressive performance in the ring, which showcased his exceptional cardio and fighting spirit. Ultimately, the fighter's story highlights the immense commitment and resilience required to succeed as a professional athlete.

    • Finishing the Fight with IntensityMMA fighter Conor McGregor believes in going all out to finish fights and leave no doubt in opponents' defeat, a mentality rooted in his wrestling background.

      During a intense MMA fight, Conor McGregor described how he went all out in a final barrage of attacks, believing his opponent Tyron Woodley was hurt and near defeat. McGregor's mindset was to empty the tank and finish the fight, as he had seen the opportunity to put a definitive stamp on the match. This mentality comes from his wrestling background, where he aimed to "skunk" opponents by tech falling them and achieving a large point gap. Despite some critics questioning his finishing abilities, McGregor remains focused on dominating his opponents and leaving no doubt in their defeat.

    • Underestimating Opponents Can Lead to DefeatAlways respect opponents and be well-rounded in combat skills to avoid underestimating and ensure success.

      The speaker aims to completely dominate his opponents in fights, leaving them with the desire to never face him again. He shares his experience of underestimating an opponent in his second MMA fight, which led to his first loss. He explains how he had relied on his wrestling skills, assuming his opponents couldn't match up. However, he encountered an experienced opponent who used effective jiu-jitsu techniques, leaving the speaker feeling unprepared and ultimately defeated. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being well-rounded in combat sports and not underestimating opponents based on past success.

    • Impact of financial instability on decision-making during high-pressure situationsFear of financial instability can lead individuals to make decisions that go against their principles, but perseverance and goal-setting can help overcome adversity.

      The fear of financial instability and the desire to provide for oneself can significantly impact a person's decision-making during high-pressure situations, such as a martial arts competition. Joe shared his experience of coming close to losing a fight and the thoughts that went through his mind as he considered the potential consequences of tapping out and being suspended for six months, which would have left him unable to earn money. This fear drove him to make a decision that went against his principles and tap out, a decision he later regretted. However, this experience also motivated him to redouble his training efforts and eventually earn his black belt. The experience taught him the importance of perseverance and the value of setting and achieving goals, even in the face of adversity. Joe's story highlights the power of external pressures to shape our decisions and the importance of staying true to one's values and principles.

    • The Importance of Balancing Training and NutritionProper nutrition fuels workouts and enhances overall performance. Customized meal plans from services like Trifecta can optimize training and recovery.

      Maintaining a healthy balance between training and nutrition is crucial for optimal performance. The speaker, who was focused solely on training without proper nutrition, eventually learned the importance of fueling his body from a trendy conditioning coach. He started working with a meal prep service, Trifecta, to receive pre-cooked meals that he could customize to feel fresh. The meals were tailored to his specific workout schedule and caloric needs. This change resulted in improved energy levels during training sessions and a significant difference in his overall performance. The UFC Performance Institute, which he later joined, was an ultimate training facility that emphasized the importance of balance and recovery, inspiring many athletes to relocate to Vegas to make it the center of their training.

    • Two Heavyweight Champions: Francis Ngannou and Kane StewartMMA showcases the greatness of athletes from diverse backgrounds, with unexpected outcomes making it all the more exciting. Francis Ngannou and Kane Stewart, two heavyweight champions, faced off, with Ngannou's striking abilities and late start contrasting Stewart's experience and strength from a long hiatus.

      The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) showcases the greatness of athletes who come from diverse backgrounds and possess unique skills. The discussion revolves around two heavyweight champions, Francis Ngannou and Kane Stewart, and their impressive performances in the ring. Despite the immense pressure on Kane to return to his former glory after a long hiatus, he faced the scariest heavyweight ever, Francis Ngannou, and weathered the storm. On the other hand, Francis, who started training late and had superior genetics, showcased his extraordinary striking abilities and speed. The sport of MMA provides an even playing field for everyone, regardless of their background or experience, and the unexpected outcomes make it all the more exciting. Both Kane and Francis have made significant strides in their MMA careers, starting around the same time, and have impressive striking credentials. Despite the challenges they faced, they continued to push themselves and prove their worth in the ring.

    • Meeting Rashad Evans inspired a career change in MMAAn unexpected encounter with a successful MMA fighter led the speaker to shift his focus from wrestling for the Olympics to pursuing a career in MMA.

      A chance encounter with Rashad Evans during a training session at King Mo's gym in Denver was a turning point for the speaker in his career. Until then, the speaker had been focused on wrestling for the Olympics, but meeting Evans, who was a successful MMA fighter and a fellow wrestler, inspired him to consider a future in MMA. The speaker was impressed by Evans' wrestling skills and was surprised by how easily they connected as if they had known each other for a long time. After the training session, Evans gave the speaker his number and encouraged him to stay in touch. This interaction left a lasting impression on the speaker and ultimately led him to pursue a career in MMA.

    • Unexpected encounters and relationships can change our pathsRelationships and external influences can shift our focus and goals, leading us down unexpected paths.

      Sometimes, unexpected encounters and relationships can significantly shift our focus and goals in life. In this case, the speaker's interaction with a MMA fighter led him to abandon his Olympic wrestling aspirations and instead, pursue a career in MMA. The fighter's persistence and influence, combined with the speaker's injuries and the realization that his body might not be able to compete at the Olympic level anymore, led him to make the switch. This experience shows how impactful relationships and external influences can be in shaping our paths and goals. Additionally, the speaker's discussion of his numerous injuries and surgeries highlights the physical toll that competitive sports can take on the body, and the potential benefits of alternative treatments like stem cell therapy.

    • Exploring Alternative Treatments for InjuriesProfessional fighter emphasizes importance of considering alternative treatments like stem cell therapy and CBD for injury recovery. Adapts training to accommodate injuries with water workouts and modified squats.

      The interviewee, a professional fighter, shares his experience undergoing various treatments for injuries, including stem cell therapy in another country due to more lenient regulations. He emphasizes the importance of exploring alternative options for recovery, especially during the recovery phase. The fighter also discusses his training adaptations, including water workouts and modified squats, to accommodate his injuries. He mentions his use of CBD for inflammation and overall health, and shares his negative experience with smoking marijuana.

    • Nicknames Shape Identities and Influence PerceptionNicknames can significantly impact an individual's identity and how they are perceived, especially during extraordinary achievements. The speaker's experiences of receiving 'Kush' from Mayhem Miller and 'Marty' from his wrestling coach demonstrate the power of nicknames in shaping recognition and success.

      Nicknames can significantly impact an individual's identity and influence how they are perceived, particularly when they are excelling in a field or pursuing something extraordinary. The speaker's experiences of receiving the nickname "Kush" from Mayhem Miller and "Marty" from his wrestling coach demonstrate how these names stuck and became widely used, ultimately contributing to his recognition and success in wrestling. The speaker emphasizes that without these nicknames, his names, Joseph Kamaru Dean or Marty, would not have held the same significance or resonance. The coach's decision to call him Marty, despite it not being close to his actual name, proved to be a powerful and effective way to rally the team and eventually attract attention from college coaches. Ultimately, nicknames serve as a reminder that the names we call people can shape their experiences and even alter the course of their lives.

    • Impact beyond retirementFocusing on abilities and ignoring negativity can lead to opportunities and recognition even after retirement. Appreciate unique talents and styles, regardless of circumstances.

      Making an impact in a particular field or community can lead to opportunities and recognition, even after one's active involvement has ended. This was evident in the speaker's experience as a wrestler, where his past achievements brought attention from Ben and the fans, despite his retirement. The importance of not paying attention to negative comments and focusing on one's own abilities was also emphasized. Additionally, the speaker felt that some fighters, like Tyrone and Wonderboy, didn't receive their fair share of recognition due to circumstances beyond their control, and that they should be appreciated for their unique styles and talents. The speaker's appreciation for the platform to reach and impact many people was also mentioned, drawing a parallel to the movie "What Women Want" where the protagonist's ability to hear women's thoughts led him to save a life.

    • The Importance of Engaging with ResponsibilitiesRecognize unexpected responsibilities, engage with messages, and consider the potential impact of small actions.

      With great influence comes great responsibility. The speaker shares a personal experience of intervening in a suicidal situation and the potential impact it could have had on the other person's life. He acknowledges that he didn't ask for this role but recognizes the importance of engaging with messages and comments, even the negative ones, as they could hold valuable interactions or opportunities. The conversation then shifts to the Robbie Lawler vs Ben Askren UFC fight and the debate on whether the referee made a mistake in stopping the fight. The speaker argues that Robbie may have knocked Ben out and regained consciousness, but ultimately acknowledges that Robbie's experience and explanation could also support the referee's decision. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and engaging with responsibilities, even when they are unexpected, and the potential impact of small actions.

    • Continuing a choke hold in MMA fightsFighters should apply chokes until referee intervenes or opponent is clearly unconscious to ensure safety and effectiveness.

      During a mixed martial arts fight, releasing a choke hold prematurely due to a referee's intervention or thinking an opponent is out can have serious consequences. The discussion revealed that a fighter should continue applying the choke until the referee pulls him off or the opponent is clearly unconscious. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the effectiveness of bulldog chokes in MMA and the importance of maintaining control during a fight. The speakers also emphasized the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and the potential for unexpected events, such as getting taken down or receiving big shots. Overall, the conversation provided insights into the mental and physical aspects of MMA fighting and the importance of remaining focused and disciplined throughout a match.

    • Heated Exchange Between Ben Askren and Robbie LawlerThe unpredictable nature of MMA leads to unexpected situations, such as a heated press conference altercation between Ben Askren and Robbie Lawler, which may result in a potential rematch.

      The world of mixed martial arts, specifically in the UFC, can be unpredictable and full of tension, both in and out of the ring. An altercation between fighters Ben Askren and Robbie Lawler during a press conference led to uncertainty about Askren's consciousness and ultimately, the potential for a rematch. Despite the heated exchange, there is mutual respect between the two fighters, and the UFC has the power to make the decision on whether or not to run the fight back. The unpredictability and intensity of the sport can lead to unexpected situations and emotions, showcasing the passion and dedication of the fighters involved.

    • Backstage altercation between UFC fightersProper security measures should be in place to prevent physical altercations between UFC fighters, keeping the focus on the fights.

      The UFC world can be a complex and volatile environment, with tensions boiling over even outside the octagon. In this specific instance, a heated encounter between two fighters nearly escalated into a physical altercation backstage. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it seemed that proper security measures were lacking, allowing the fighters to come into close proximity and exchange words. The aftermath of the incident saw one fighter attempting to defuse the situation, while the other was cautioned by security. It's clear that better security measures should be put in place to prevent such incidents from happening, and to ensure that the focus remains on the fights themselves. Additionally, it's important to remember that the build-up to a fight can often involve heated exchanges, but it's crucial that these remain verbal and don't escalate into physical confrontations.

    • Conor McGregor's Personal Journey and ChallengesMcGregor's upbringing, father's incarceration, and personal struggles have shaped him into a resilient and focused competitor.

      The conversation revealed the depth of Conor McGregor's personal journey and the challenges he has faced in his life. Despite not winning impressively against RDA, McGregor expressed that he has bigger concerns and doesn't want to deal with hate and petty nonsense. He shared his upbringing in Nigeria, the struggles of adjusting to a new country and school system, and the incarceration of his father since 2009. These experiences have shaped him into the person he is today and have given him a sense of responsibility. His focus is on being the best he can be, and he refuses to let external distractions hinder his growth. Ultimately, McGregor's attitude and resilience are what make him a great competitor.

    • Trusting Employees Can Lead to Legal ConsequencesBusiness owners must thoroughly vet hires, maintain active involvement, and prevent employee misconduct to avoid severe legal and financial consequences.

      Business owners cannot turn a blind eye to the actions of their employees, even if they believe they have hired competent individuals. In this case, a man who owned an ambulance company trusted his employees to run the business while he focused on his family. However, these employees defrauded the government, and despite the business owner's ignorance, he was held responsible and sentenced to 15 years in prison. It's crucial for business owners to thoroughly research and vet potential hires, and maintain active involvement in the company's operations to prevent such situations. The consequences of employee misconduct can be severe, leading to financial ruin and personal hardship for the business owner and their family.

    • Experience of injustice in the justice systemUnfair treatment in the justice system can fuel a deep-seated desire to succeed and prove oneself, possibly due to corruption and biases.

      The justice system can be biased and unfair, leading to feelings of injustice and a deep-seated desire to prove oneself. The speaker shares his experience of his father being falsely accused and sentenced to prison, despite raising a hardworking family and earning scholarships for his children. The speaker felt a strong sense of injustice and a chip on his shoulder, fueling his determination to succeed at all costs. He also believes that corruption in the justice system, such as judges receiving kickbacks for longer sentences, may contribute to these unfair outcomes. This experience has shaped the speaker's perspective and drives him to compete with intense energy.

    • Immigrants face discrimination and prejudice in various industriesDespite contributing significantly to the US economy, immigrants face discrimination and prejudice, but their hard work and determination make America great.

      The UFC welterweight situation in Dallas, Texas, served as a reminder of the discrimination and prejudice faced by immigrants in the US. The speaker shared his personal experiences of encountering such attitudes towards immigrants in various industries, from nail salons to hotel services. He emphasized that immigrants contribute significantly to the country and its economy, and their hard work and dedication help make America great. The upcoming fight symbolizes the attitude of entitlement and exclusion towards immigrants, and the speaker expressed his determination to represent the wrath of every immigrant who has come to the US seeking a better life. He also highlighted the success of Nigerian immigrants in the country, attributing it to their family values and focus on high-demand careers.

    • The Power of Hard Work and PerseveranceHard work and perseverance, instilled from a young age, can lead to great success and personal growth despite challenges.

      Hard work and perseverance, instilled in individuals from a young age, can lead to great success and achievement. The speaker's experiences growing up in Nigeria, with the pressure to excel academically and financially, shaped him into the person he is today. Similarly, his own experiences in sports, particularly in MMA and wrestling, required immense dedication and resilience. The speaker expresses gratitude for every person who contributed to his journey, no matter how small the impact. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that the hardships and challenges faced in life are essential for personal growth and development.

    • From Fortune to Fulfillment: The Speaker's Journey to UFCDetermination, mental strength, and hard work, coupled with influential figures and trusted advisors, led the speaker to UFC success.

      The speaker's experiences and mindset have played a significant role in his success in martial arts and reaching the UFC. He has been fortunate to cross paths with influential figures in his life, but he also put in the hard work and discipline to become a champion. The speaker's determination and mental strength have been crucial to his journey, even if it comes with concerns about potential physical limitations. He believes that everyone has a time to shine and that pushing oneself to the limit is necessary to achieve greatness. The speaker values the input of his coaches and trusted confidants to ensure he doesn't overdo it and risk injury. Ultimately, his mindset and work ethic have forged him into a champion.

    • UFC Fighter Kane's Inspiring Journey of Determination and ResilienceDespite physical injuries and personal struggles, UFC fighter Kane's unwavering spirit and commitment to his craft inspires others, leaving a lasting impact in the heavyweight division.

      Despite the challenges and hardships faced by UFC fighter, Kane, including physical injuries and personal struggles, there's always a chance for a comeback. His determination, resilience, and unyielding spirit are evident in his dedication to his craft and his unwavering commitment to providing for his family. Even in the face of adversity, Kane continues to push forward, inspiring those around him and leaving a lasting impact in the UFC heavyweight division. His story serves as a reminder that no matter the obstacles, one can always find the strength to keep going.

    • Personal experience of panic attack in MRI machineAnxiety and claustrophobia can be triggered in confined spaces like MRI tanks, causing panic attacks. Effective communication and addressing concerns can help manage these feelings in medical settings.

      The experience of being in a confined space, such as an MRI tank or a sensory deprivation tank, can trigger intense feelings of anxiety and claustrophobia for some individuals. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of having a full-blown panic attack while in an MRI machine, despite having undergone the procedure multiple times before. He describes the sensation of being trapped, losing track of time, and struggling to calm himself down. Even after the experience, the thought of undergoing another MRI causes him significant anxiety. This highlights the importance of addressing and managing anxiety and claustrophobia, especially in medical settings where such procedures are common. It also underscores the need for effective communication between patients and healthcare providers to ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed.

    • The Power of Having ChildrenHaving children can bring unexpected joy, motivation, and inspiration, fueling personal and professional growth.

      Having children can be a powerful source of motivation and transformation in one's life. The speaker shares his personal experience of initially resisting the idea of having children but eventually coming to appreciate the newfound fire and drive they brought into his life. He describes how watching his daughter grow up and support him in his career as an ultimate fighter was a source of joy and inspiration, pushing him to work harder and achieve more. The speaker also highlights the importance of having a strong support system, such as a manager and coach, in helping him navigate the ups and downs of his career. Ultimately, he expresses gratitude for the unexpected ways in which becoming a father has enriched his life and fueled his success.

    • New business model for pay-per-views in sportsESPN+ subscription required for access, potential revenue increase for fighters, importance of exploring new opportunities

      The new business model for pay-per-views in sports, such as UFC, moving to ESPN+ is a significant change. This model requires fans to subscribe to ESPN+ in order to access pay-per-view events. While some may see this as an inconvenience, others believe it could potentially increase revenue for fighters and broaden their income streams beyond their sport. The speaker shares a personal experience of discovering the humor of a comedian he once doubted, highlighting the importance of exploring different paths and opportunities outside of one's comfort zone or initial perception. Additionally, the speaker expresses his aspirations to expand his career beyond commentating, aiming for opportunities in movies. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of adaptability, exploring new opportunities, and the potential benefits of diversifying income streams.

    • Appreciating the value of hard work and continuous learningThe interviewee emphasizes the importance of hard work and continuous learning in both acting and other creative pursuits, and values genuine, talented individuals who don't take themselves too seriously.

      The interviewee values hard work and continuous learning, whether it's in acting or other creative pursuits. He respects the art of acting and wants to learn more about it, but also sees the appeal of less resource-intensive endeavors like podcasting. He's an addict of pushing himself and training, and when he can't do that, he feels restless. He admires genuine, talented people who don't take themselves too seriously, like Jimmy Fox, and values their normalcy and down-to-earth energy. Despite his success, he remains grounded and doesn't appreciate being dismissed or belittled by others.

    • Inspiring lives beyond the ringBecoming a world champion goes beyond winning the title, inspiring and touching lives of people globally through the universal language of fighting.

      Becoming a world champion is not just about winning the title, but also about inspiring and touching the lives of people around the world. The universal language of fighting transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, making it a powerful tool for connection and motivation. The speaker's story of immigrating to the US and overcoming challenges to become a champion serves as an inspiration for others, no matter where they come from. The legacy of other great athletes, such as Christian Okoye and Samuel Peters, also played a role in inspiring the speaker to strive for greatness. Ultimately, the impact of a champion's achievements goes far beyond the ring, touching and motivating countless individuals around the globe.

    • Beyond just winning fights: Inspiring, staying true, and being exceptionalChampions inspire, stay true to themselves, and excel in their sport, bringing in revenue for themselves and the UFC.

      Becoming a champion goes beyond just winning fights. It's about inspiring others, staying true to oneself, and being exceptional. The speaker, a humble Nigerian fighter, shared his gratitude for the opportunity to become a champion and his commitment to continuing to train and dominate in the ring. He acknowledged the attention and perks that come with the title but emphasized that his approach to every fight remains the same. He also noted that while trash talk can sell pay-per-views, being exceptional is another way to capture fans' attention. The speaker admired George St. Pierre, who was exceptional without resorting to trash talk, and acknowledged the business side of the sport, with the UFC favoring fighters who bring in revenue. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized that he cares about one thing above all: green, as in making money for himself and the UFC.

    • Stay true to yourselfEmbrace your uniqueness and make decisions based on personal values for true success and happiness

      Authenticity is key to personal success and happiness. Habib's story emphasizes that it's essential to stay true to oneself and make decisions based on personal values, rather than trying to emulate others. At the end of the day, the only opinion that truly matters is your own. Look in the mirror and be proud of who you are and what you've accomplished, regardless of what others may think. As long as you can be content with yourself, that's all that matters. So, be true to yourself, make decisions that align with your values, and don't be afraid to embrace who you are. That's the real key to success and happiness.

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    As we progress, we delve into the world of Ironman, spotlighting the recent decline in race participation, especially among women in the 50+ age group. Gain insight into Ironman's decision to host a separate race for women and its potential ripple effect on the endurance sports landscape. Finally, we gear up for the upcoming Leadville race, offering strategies to conquer endurance sports. The sheer thrill of this episode will leave you on the edge of your seat, eager for more. Tune in as we navigate the exhilarating world of endurance sports together.

    Perform Podcast E015 - Patrick Bet David

    Perform Podcast E015 - Patrick Bet David

    Tune in time #nutrabolicsnation, this week's podcast features the founder of PHP Agency and Valuetainment media, the one and only Patrick Bet-David. Jayson digs into Patrick's complex and tumultuous history as he progressed from the streets of Tehran to become a successful entrepreneur and media mogul. Patrick gives some exclusive tips to staying driven and focused in your pursuits.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nutrabolics. We are proud to offer 100% transparent clinically dosed sports supplements. https://www.nutrabolics.com/collections/all
    Are you being ripped off? Many brands use proprietary blends to hide the fact that their formula contains very little of the key active ingredients. Others will create the illusion that they use prop blends to prevent competitors from stealing the details of their “exclusive” formulas. If their formulas were so great, wouldn’t they want customers to see them? As an innovative world leader in sports supplements with fully transparent formulas and clinically-dosed ingredients, we are dedicated to disrupting the industry and empowering consumers to be able to choose potent and effective supplements that actually contain what they say they do.
    Visit our website to what you need to know about proprietary blends and the importance of supplement transparency
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    About the Host
    Jayson Wyner is a Canadian entrepreneur, motivational speaker, author and advisor to world leading brands, professional athletes and entertainment icons. Jayson’s rise to prominence took shape in the early 2000’s after co-founding the supplement start-up, Nutrabolics, where he is currently the Co-CEO. From his initial investment of only five thousand dollars, Nutrabolics has grown into multi-million dollar brand with distribution spanning over thirty countries.
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jayson_wyner/?hl=en
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jayson.wyner
    Twitter https://twitter.com/jaysonwyner?lang=en
    LinkedIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayson-wyner-8943792?originalSubdomain=ca

    Perform Podcast E012 - Jamie Kingston

    Perform Podcast E012 - Jamie Kingston
    Get pumped #nutrabolicsnation, episode 12 of the PERFORM Podcast features Online Fitness Trainer and IG Influencer, Jamie Kingston. An accomplished personal trainer and fit lifestyle adherent, Jamie’s positive energy is seriously contagious! #nodaysoff Jamie shares key tips for a successful social media presence, his extensive all-week training and meal schedule, a few techniques to boost your pre-gym hype-up, and the importance of doing what you love.

    This podcast is brought to you by Nutrabolics. We are proud to offer 100% transparent clinically dosed sports supplements. https://www.nutrabolics.com/collections/all
    Are you being ripped off? Many brands use proprietary blends to hide the fact that their formula contains very little of the key active ingredients. Others will create the illusion that they use prop blends to prevent competitors from stealing the details of their “exclusive” formulas. If their formulas were so great, wouldn’t they want customers to see them? As an innovative world leader in sports supplements with fully transparent formulas and clinically-dosed ingredients, we are dedicated to disrupting the industry and empowering consumers to be able to choose potent and effective supplements that actually contain what they say they do.
    Visit our website to what you need to know about proprietary blends and the importance of supplement transparency
    FOLLOW Nutrabolics
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nutrabolics/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nutrabolics/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/nutrabolics
    LinkedIN https://www.linkedin.com/company/nutrabolics-inc-?originalSubdomain=ca
    About the Host
    Jayson Wyner is a Canadian entrepreneur, motivational speaker, author and advisor to world leading brands, professional athletes and entertainment icons. Jayson’s rise to prominence took shape in the early 2000’s after co-founding the supplement start-up, Nutrabolics, where he is currently the Co-CEO. From his initial investment of only five thousand dollars, Nutrabolics has grown into multi-million dollar brand with distribution spanning over thirty countries.
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jayson_wyner/?hl=en
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jayson.wyner
    Twitter https://twitter.com/jaysonwyner?lang=en
    LinkedIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayson-wyner-8943792?originalSubdomain=ca

    Orgain: Andrew Abraham

    Orgain: Andrew Abraham

    A life-threatening diagnosis changed the course of Andrew Abraham’s career and led him to found some of the most popular nutritional drinks and powders on the market. After recovering from his illness and attending med school, Andrew noticed that some of his patients—just as he had—struggled with keeping food down. So during his first year of residency, he developed the same kind of organic nutritional shakes that he’d made for himself when he was sick. Andrew launched Orgain in 2009 as a side business, but after he got a big order from Whole Foods, the business quickly grew, despite the fact that he was running it pretty much on his own—while practicing medicine. Only after joining his father’s clinic did Andrew realize his side business needed his full-time attention. He has continued to grow Orgain into a substantial wellness company, in which Nestle acquired a majority stake in 2022.

    This episode was produced by Liz Metzger, with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Sam Paulson.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Mastering Endurance Sports at Any Age: Eugene's Triathlon Journey

    Mastering Endurance Sports at Any Age: Eugene's Triathlon Journey

    Get ready to be inspired! Our guest today is Eugene, a remarkable 72-year-old athlete, who has been racing in half-Ironman distance since 2010, demonstrating his strength in skill all disciplines. Join us as we explore his world of competitive racing, the lessons he's learned along the way, and the secrets behind his unyielding spirit and determination. 

    We huddle around the significance of maintaining a positive attitude and an appreciation for endurance sports, regardless of age. Eugene, with his infectiously bright spirit, underscores the importance of a balanced lifestyle, always getting his chores done before training - a simple, yet profound mantra that has guided him through his journey. We also delve into the role of perseverance in racing, discussing how challenging yourself and embracing the unique experiences that endurance sports offer can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    In a thrilling segment, Eugene shares his experience qualifying for the Triathlon World Championships in Finland, highlighting the crucial role his wife played in his journey. It's not just about physical preparation and strategy, as Eugene emphasizes – it's also about mental strength, a positive attitude, and a strong support system. So, whether you're an athlete, a sports enthusiast, or simply someone seeking inspiration, this episode offers a compelling narrative of resilience, motivation, and success. Join us in this insightful conversation as we uncover the life of an exceptional athlete navigating his golden years with vitality and wisdom.