
    Julie Piatt On Sacred Commerce & SriMu

    enOctober 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Simplicity and InnovationTrust in natural ingredients and human capabilities, adopt healthy habits, and believe in your own value and creativity.

      Less is more, and simplicity is key to creating extraordinary experiences, whether in art, food, or life. Julie Piatt, a designer, chef, and podcast host, emphasizes the importance of preserving the purity of natural ingredients and trusting in our innovative and empathic human capabilities. Rich Roll, the podcast host, shares his commitment to helping others adopt healthy habits through convenient and affordable meal planning services. Additionally, Piatt discusses her entrepreneurial spirit and her various business ventures. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to believe in their own value and creativity, and to embrace the power of simplicity and innovation in their lives.

    • From Fashion to Cheese and Home Construction: Julie Pyatt's JourneyEmbrace impermanence, find joy in unexpected places, and stay connected during challenging times. Julie Pyatt's journey from fashion to plant-based cheese and home construction demonstrates resilience and adaptability.

      The conversation with Julie Pyatt was not just about her successful business ventures, but also the importance of embracing impermanence and finding love in unexpected places. Despite the challenges of quarantine, particularly for young people, Pyatt reminded us of the power of resilience and the importance of staying connected with loved ones. Her journey from fashion to plant-based cheese and home construction showcases her entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability. But beyond business, this conversation underscores the significance of finding peace within oneself and cherishing the relationships that bring us joy and growth.

    • Exploring identities and navigating challenges during uncertain timesEmbrace the rollercoaster of emotions, allow children to make choices, maintain spiritual practice, and recognize the importance of truth in uncertain times.

      The current global situation presents unique challenges for individuals and families, particularly for those with children. While there are concerns about safety and the unknown future, there are also opportunities for growth and deeper connections. The mental and emotional fallout is real, and young people are processing these changes in their own ways. It's important to allow them to explore their identities and make their own choices, even if it means pushing boundaries. The intensity of this experience can bring about a rollercoaster of emotions, from despair to sweet moments of stolen joy. Maintaining a spiritual practice and perspective can help navigate the challenges and remain grounded in the belief that we are all part of a greater plan during this unprecedented moment of transformation. The revelation of unprecedented darkness and discontent can serve as a wake-up call, revealing the truth of our collective actions and the importance of discerning truth from manipulation.

    • Connecting with our inner compassTo navigate life authentically, trust your heart and practice self-love, compassion, and mirror work to strengthen your connection to your inner self.

      To navigate the complexities of life and make meaningful connections, we must trust our inner compass - our heart. This requires spending time in self-communion and developing the ability to feel into situations rather than relying solely on external sources. Many people are disconnected from themselves and prone to manipulation due to their reactive nature. To reclaim our power and live authentically, we must cultivate self-love and compassion, and engage in practices like mirror work to look at ourselves truthfully and receive ourselves as sacred. The mirror work practice involves gazing into one's own eyes in a private area, intending to keep the eyes open, and observing the emotions that arise. By developing this connection to our inner selves, we can better discern what resonates with us and live in alignment with our true purpose.

    • Personal growth and social activismEmbrace personal growth and social activism together for a deeper connection to life and positive change in the world

      Personal growth and social activism are not mutually exclusive. It's important to reflect inward, develop self-awareness, and cultivate compassion, but this doesn't mean hiding from the world or opting out of important issues. Instead, we can be active participants in society from a place of neutrality and loving compassion. This requires acknowledging the mystery and fragility of life, and developing a reverence for the unknown. Practices like yoga and meditation can help us access this state of awareness and anchor us in the present moment. By embracing both personal growth and social activism, we can be a force of positive change in the world while also deepening our connection to the greater mysteries of life.

    • Fear of uncertainty and death drives us to cling to structures and beliefsEmbrace diversity of perspectives, foster curiosity and respect, and seek understanding instead of canceling or separating.

      Our fear of uncertainty and ultimately, death, drives us to cling to structures and beliefs that we perceive as permanent. However, these constructs are merely mental fabrications, and the current global instability is causing widespread fear as people question their permanence. It's essential to acknowledge and confront our fear of death and embrace the diversity of perspectives in the world. Instead of canceling or separating ourselves from those with differing viewpoints, we should seek to understand their experiences, fears, and motivations. By fostering curiosity and respect for all perspectives, we can create a more life-affirming and healing culture.

    • Engaging with Differences: Compassion, Understanding, and TruthBe compassionate and understanding towards those with different opinions, discern truth from falsehood, and be mindful, authentic, and respectful in online interactions

      Engaging with people who hold different opinions requires compassion and understanding, rather than attacking or canceling them. However, it's important to discern truth from falsehood and fact from fiction in a world where information is abundant but not always accurate. Social media can be a double-edged sword, connecting us to communities and opportunities, but also manipulating and mining our data. Therefore, it's crucial to consider the purpose and intent behind sharing content on these platforms. Ultimately, we should strive to be mindful, authentic, and consistent in our online presence, while also being kind and respectful to others, even when we disagree.

    • Social media's double-edged swordWhile social media offers opportunities for deep connections and meaningful experiences, it can also manipulate and use us without our full awareness. Be mindful of your use and make conscious choices.

      Social media, while providing opportunities for deep connections and meaningful experiences, can also manipulate and use us without our full awareness. The speaker, who has had successful business ventures before social media and has used it to build a career and connect with guests for her podcast, recognizes the need to use the tool in a healthier and safer way. She is in the process of creating her own subscription service to provide a safer environment for her communities. It's important to remember that social media use can have a darker reality than what meets the eye and it's up to us to be aware and make conscious choices. The speaker's entrepreneurial spirit, which led her to successful businesses before social media, is an important aspect of her story that often gets overlooked. She went from having a garment line and a robust interior design business pre-internet to her current venture. Despite not having a business degree, she pursued her dreams and learned valuable skills through her experiences.

    • From unexpected hardships to remarkable opportunitiesLife's twists and turns can lead to unexpected opportunities. Resilience and seizing opportunities are key to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

      Life's unexpected twists and turns can lead to remarkable opportunities. The speaker's mother, a high society Chilean woman, faced instability early in life with her father leaving her and her family. She became a secretary and eventually met her future husband, a Texan explorer, in the most unlikely circumstances. The speaker grew up working in her mother's dress shop and learned business skills from her. Despite her natural talent for art, she didn't discover it until her late twenties when she pursued a career in fashion design. Her journey highlights the importance of resilience and the power of seizing opportunities when they arise. Additionally, the speaker's experiences in the fashion industry underscore the prevalence of challenges and inappropriate behavior in certain workplaces.

    • From fashion to cookbooks: Unexpected success through creativity and business acumenCreativity and business skills can lead to success, even in unexpected industries. Stay persistent and focused on your goals.

      Creativity and business acumen can lead to unexpected success. The speaker, a cookbook author, shared her experience of transitioning from the fashion industry, where she created a high-end fashion line despite the industry's complexities and challenges. With no prior experience, she built relationships with subcontractors, navigated production, and sold her designs to major retailers. However, appearances were deceiving, as many of these retailers were struggling financially, and the speaker herself was barely making ends meet. The fashion industry's manic and relentless pressure to innovate and present a certain lifestyle led her to realize that success is not always what it seems. To truly thrive, one must stay persistent and focused on their goals.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the Fashion IndustryThe fashion industry's fast pace and need for large cash infusions can lead to burnout. Cutting out the middleman and selling directly to consumers offers more control and autonomy.

      The fashion industry is a high-pressure, manic environment where constant change is required to succeed. It's unlike most other businesses because growth often requires massive cash infusions rather than incremental improvements. This can lead to burnout and a relentless cycle of mania. I made the decision to close my fashion company and pivot to direct-to-consumer sales due to a challenging experience working with a celebrity partner. The industry's unfair dynamics, such as markdowns and leasing fees, can make it feel like a rigged game. However, by cutting out the middleman and selling directly to customers, I gained more control and autonomy over my business. This experience shaped my approach to entrepreneurship and led to the creation of SriMu.

    • Strong network and passion for product not enough for entrepreneurship successUnderestimating logistics and challenges can lead to financial strain and burnout for entrepreneurs, even with a strong network and passion for their product.

      Having a strong network and believing in your product can lead to successful entrepreneurship, but it's important to consider the logistics and potential challenges that come with growing a business. The speaker, Julie, had a passion for fashion and a strong support system, which allowed her to sell clothing in advance and travel to different cities for trunk shows. However, she underestimated the amount of work required to produce and deliver the orders, as well as the loss of profit from producing extra sizes that weren't sold. Additionally, she didn't have the necessary infrastructure or business expertise to manage the growth of her company, leading to financial strain and eventual burnout. Despite the challenges, Julie's line was beautiful and she was a prolific designer. If she had received the necessary support and resources at the right time, she may have been able to overcome these obstacles and continue growing her business.

    • Lessons from personal and business failuresFailure and success shape personal growth and entrepreneurship. Unified and true brands require highest quality and purest ingredients, leading to success in both business and personal life.

      Personal growth and resilience are the results of both success and failure in business. The speaker shared stories of her experiences starting and closing a clothing company, attending motivational seminars with Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins, and building homes after the business collapse. These experiences informed her current venture, SriMu, a vegan cheese brand. She learned that creating a unified and true brand requires the highest quality and purest ingredients. SriMu is not just a cheese brand but a beauty brand offering an invitation to a beautiful life. The speaker's background in cooking and plant-based lifestyle led to their successful co-authored cookbooks and retreats. Through it all, she emphasized the importance of perseverance and creativity in entrepreneurship.

    • A passion for creating delicious plant-based cheese leads to a successful startupPassionate individuals can turn their obsession into a successful business, offering innovative and healthier alternatives in growing markets.

      Passion and persistence can lead to the creation of innovative and high-quality products, even in established markets. In this case, a person named [Name], after becoming obsessed with creating delicious plant-based cheese, spent years experimenting in their kitchen to develop a better-tasting alternative to what was available in stores. Their friends and acquaintances, including Parisian expats, were so impressed that they urged the person to sell their cheese. After considering various options, the person decided to launch a startup called SriMu, creating a beautiful, direct-to-consumer product line of artisanal plant-based cheeses. The success of SriMu demonstrates the potential for transforming a personal passion into a scalable business that caters to a growing demand for plant-based alternatives while providing healthier options for those with dietary restrictions.

    • Starting a high-end cheese brand takes patience and deliberate decisionsPatience and deliberate decisions lead to a more fulfilling and impactful outcome when starting a high-end cheese brand. Stay true to values and intentions, and build a community through a subscription model.

      Creating something authentic and extraordinary often requires patience, simplicity, and a clear mission. The speaker, who went through the process of starting a high-end cheese brand, learned that taking the time to make deliberate decisions, even if it means starting at the top and working your way down, can lead to a more fulfilling and impactful outcome. She also emphasized the importance of staying true to one's values and intentions, and the benefits of having a direct relationship with consumers through a subscription model. By focusing on the spiritual aspect of food and the community it builds, she was able to raise funding and start her brand with a strong foundation.

    • Cheese Business Thrived During PandemicA cheese subscription business adapted to the pandemic by continuing operations as an essential business, shifting to home delivery, increasing prices, and expanding offerings to thrive.

      The COVID-19 pandemic presented numerous challenges for businesses, especially those in the food industry. However, for a cheese subscription business, the situation also presented opportunities. The business was able to continue operating as an essential business and shifted to home delivery to bring the cheese experience to customers. Despite the challenges of shipping and increased costs, the business discovered it was undercharging for its high-end subscription box and was able to increase prices while grandfathering in existing subscribers. The business also expanded its offerings with new flavors and sizes to cater to different budgets. Through careful financial analysis and adaptation to the changing market, the business was able to not only survive but thrive during the pandemic.

    • Discovering unexpected flavors in vegan cheeseA vegan cheese company's unique 'ham and cheese' flavor brings nostalgia and highlights the power of taste and memory in food. The company's talented team creates innovative, delicious vegan cheeses, and their growth shows the potential for creativity in the plant-based dairy market.

      Creativity is an unpredictable and mysterious process that can lead to unexpected results. The founder of a vegan cheese company discovered that one of her flavors tasted exactly like ham, cheese, and mustard, despite being made with turmeric and cashews. This "ham and cheese" flavor brought about a sense of nostalgia for some tasters, highlighting the power of taste and memory in food. The company's products, which include a variety of vegan cheeses, are made with care and dedication, and their unique flavors cannot be easily replicated at home. The success of the company and the growing market for plant-based alternatives to dairy products demonstrate the potential for innovation and creativity in this space. The founder's team is composed of talented vegan chefs and kitchen staff, and they are constantly exploring new recipes and flavors. The company's offerings include a range of cheeses, each with its unique characteristics and uses. The founder's vision goes beyond just making delicious vegan cheese; it's about creating a beautiful and sacred experience for consumers. The company's packaging is designed to be reusable and versatile, and the cheeses are carefully crafted to provide an authentic and satisfying experience. The timing for the launch of this company and its products could not be better, as the market for plant-based alternatives to dairy products continues to grow and gain mainstream acceptance.

    • Plant-based industry's growth and challenges for dairy companiesDanone's acquisition of WhiteWave highlights plant-based food's growth. Despite labeling regulations, SriMu remains optimistic, raising funds for expansion and prioritizing sustainability.

      The plant-based food industry is experiencing significant growth and traditional dairy companies are facing resistance as consumers shift towards lactose-free alternatives. Danone's $10 billion acquisition of WhiteWave, a plant-based company, is a testament to this trend. However, labeling regulations can pose challenges for businesses in this space. For instance, SriMu, a cheese alternative company, faced issues with retail permits due to messaging restrictions. Despite these hurdles, SriMu's founder remains optimistic, emphasizing the importance of creating a positive mindset and innovative solutions during challenging times. She is currently raising funds for a 4-year strategy to expand her business. Additionally, SriMu prioritizes sustainability by using recyclable packaging, except for the cheese paper that comes in contact with the product. Overall, the plant-based food industry's growth underscores the need for businesses to adapt and innovate in response to changing consumer preferences.

    • Julie Pyatt's Mission and Commitment to ShreemuStay true to yourself, identify unique passions, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to build a successful business. Consumer trends towards cruelty-free, sustainable, and healthier options provide opportunities for innovation.

      The founder of Shreemu, Julie Pyatt, is deeply committed to her mission and her product, and is open to collaborating with like-minded individuals to make it a global brand. She emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and identifying unique passions to build a successful business. The changing consumer trends towards cruelty-free, sustainable, and healthier options are symbolized by Miyoko's Creamery's victory in using terms like "butter," "lactose-free," and "cruelty-free" on their product labels. Julie encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to identify their unique strengths and stay true to their vision, even when faced with challenges. Julie's offerings, including her cheese company, podcast, and community, provide various avenues for individuals to learn from her and deepen their spiritual understanding.

    • Julie Pomero discusses techniques for deeper connectionsPractice self-care, be present, and explore various meditation methods to foster deeper connections with oneself and others. Check out Julie's website, podcast, and spiritual community for more information.

      Julie Pomero, a frequent guest on the show, shared her experiences with various techniques and meditations to help foster deeper connections with oneself and others. She emphasized the importance of self-care and being present in the moment. For those interested in learning more about Julie and her work, check out her website, subscribe to her podcast, and sign up for her spiritual community. Don't forget to leave a question for the upcoming AMA session and support the show by subscribing, rating, and sharing episodes. The production of the show is made possible by the efforts of Jason Camiolo, Blake Curtis, Jessica Miranda, Ali Rogers, DK, and Tyler, Trapper, and Harry. Thanks for tuning in and until next time, be well. Peace. Plants. Namaste.

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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    WANT THE FULL EPISODE? Check out yesterday's episode Ep.88 I Spencer Klavan I Deciding to Save the West, or download it directly using this link.

    Spencer Klavan joins the show to discuss the modern crises that threaten Western civilization and the decisions required to overcome them.

    Aristotle’s lasting influence on modern decision-making.
    The pseudo-religious tendencies of Stoicism.
    The 5 modern crises that threaten the fabric of our civilization.

    Order your copy of Spencer’s book, “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
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    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

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    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002

    Instagram: @sklavan
    Twitter: @spencerklavan
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpencerAKlavan/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencer-klavan-0a963631/
    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456
    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002
    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-heretics/id1513602173

    Spencer Klavan is a scholar, writer, and podcaster who has harbored a lifelong devotion to the great works and principles of the West. After studying Greek and Latin as an undergraduate at Yale, he spent five years at Oxford University to earn his doctorate in ancient Greek literature. Now an editor at the Claremont Institute, he has written for many outlets, including The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, City Journal, Newsweek, the Claremont Review of Books, The Federalist, The American Mind, and The Daily Wire.

    His most recent work sounded the alarm on the cultural decline of the Western world, titled “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”. Spencer’s deep understanding of the roots of Western civilization makes him a trustworthy guide for navigating our evolving culture, and what we can do to help. His analysis: The situation is dire. But every crisis we face today we have faced—and surmounted—before.



    Hi everyone! We made it through another year and another decade!

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    Connect with Savage Babe:
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    Non-profit Charities that Savage Babe is donating proceeds towards:
    Best Friends Animal Society:

    The Movemeant Foundation: