
    Karen Tumulty: The Sununu Effect in New Hampshire

    en-usNovember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New Hampshire Primary: A Race for Second Place and Chris Sununu's MomentDespite expectations, New Hampshire primary is not a given for Donald Trump. Nikki Haley is having a moment, and Chris Sununu's endorsement could make a difference. Voters are looking for candidates who align with their values, and the primary is heating up.

      Key takeaway from this discussion with Karen Tumulty, who is reporting from the ground in New Hampshire, is that the New Hampshire primary, known for its contrarian and independent voters, is not a given for Donald Trump. While he is expected to win, there is a race for second place, and Nikki Haley is having her moment. However, the most intriguing factor is the popularity of Governor Chris Sununu, who has broken with Trump and is expected to endorse one of the candidates. Sununu's deep and robust network, as a 2-generation name in New Hampshire politics, could potentially make a difference. The voters in New Hampshire, who are known for their independence and libertarian leanings, are eager to protect their tradition as the first primary and are looking for candidates who align with their values. The primary, which is relatively early and only 9 weeks away, is starting to feel close, and the race is heating up.

    • Potential Challenges to Trump's Dominance in New HampshireNikki Haley, Chris Christie, and Ron DeSantis could potentially challenge Trump's dominance in New Hampshire, but their chances depend on factors like voter preferences, strategic alliances, and campaign messaging.

      The New Hampshire Republican primary could be a repeat of 2016, with Donald Trump holding a significant lead over other contenders. However, if Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, and Ron DeSantis were to join forces, they could potentially challenge Trump's dominance. The New Hampshire electorate may be different from other states, and some voters seem to be shopping around for alternatives to Trump. DeSantis' supporters might not easily switch to another non-Trump candidate, and Christie's direct attacks on Trump have led to increased negatives among Republican base voters. Nikki Haley's pitch to voters emphasizes the need for generational change and a move beyond political drama, as well as her foreign policy credentials. She frequently mentions Ukraine and Israel on the campaign trail. The question remains whether any of the three contenders will step aside or be nudged out of the race, potentially benefiting Trump.

    • Nikki Haley discusses interconnected global issues and importance of border securityNikki Haley emphasizes the impact of global events on each other and the significance of border security, particularly the northern border, in her campaign. However, her reception among New Hampshire Republicans, known for their isolationist views, is uncertain.

      Nikki Haley, a potential Republican primary candidate, emphasizes the interconnectedness of global issues and how events in one region can impact others, such as Ukraine, the Middle East, and Taiwan. She also highlights the importance of border security, including the northern border, which resonates in New Hampshire due to its struggle with fentanyl coming in from Canada. However, her reception among Republicans in New Hampshire, known for its isolationist and anti-war sentiments, is uncertain. Unlike Chris Christie, who directly addresses the criminal charges against Donald Trump, Haley and other candidates mostly avoid the topic. Chris Christie, on the other hand, is seen as a one-man wrecking ball against Trump, sharpening his critique and enjoying his time on the campaign trail.

    • Governor DeSantis Distances Himself from Trump and Criticizes CongressGovernor DeSantis distinguishes himself from other Republican candidates by criticizing Trump and opponents' unrealistic promises, emphasizes bipartisanship, and criticizes Congress's ineffectiveness, but faces challenges securing the nomination due to MAGA base negatives.

      During the recent Republican primary debates, Governor DeSantis has been setting himself apart from other candidates by criticizing both former President Trump and his opponents for making unrealistic promises, such as sending the army into Mexico or shutting down the government. He also emphasizes his ability to work with Democrats, given his experience as a governor of a blue state. Additionally, DeSantis has been critical of the current Republican leadership in Congress, labeling them as clowns for their inability to pass legislation effectively. Despite his bold statements, it is unlikely that DeSantis will secure the Republican nomination due to increasing negatives among the MAGA base. Interestingly, the chaos and dysfunction in Congress do not seem to negatively impact Republican polling, as voters have grown cynical about Congress's ability to function effectively.

    • House Gridlock: Perpetuated by Those Claiming to Solve ItSpeaker Mike Johnson faces challenges from his caucus to pass appropriations bills, requiring Democratic support, while New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu's influence grows due to his criticism of Trump.

      The current political gridlock in the House, with its lack of regular order and inability to pass appropriations bills, is being perpetuated by the same individuals who claim to want it. The short window before the next potential government shutdown presents an opportunity for the House to pass some of these bills, a feat last achieved in 2016. However, the pragmatic approach of Speaker Kevin McCarthy's successor, Mike Johnson, is being challenged by the unpragmatic nature of his caucus. Johnson, despite his mild demeanor and lack of experience, will need Democratic support to navigate the chaotic House environment. Chris Sununu, the popular New Hampshire governor, is a key player in the upcoming primary season. He is known for his deep networks and support for candidates, but his decision on whom to back may depend on who he perceives as the strongest opponent to Donald Trump. Sununu's articulate criticism of Trump adds to his influence in the political landscape.

    • Partisan loyalty keeps many Republicans supporting TrumpWhile some Republicans criticize Trump, many will likely vote for him due to party loyalty. Biden struggles to connect with older Republicans and voters due to concerns about his age and the country's mood.

      Despite some Republicans distancing themselves from Donald Trump due to his divisive nature, many are still expected to support him as the nominee. This is due in part to the strong pull of partisan loyalty. On the other hand, Joe Biden is having trouble connecting with voters, particularly older Republicans, due to concerns about his age and the general sour mood in the country. However, it's important to note that polls this far out may not be dispositive as many voters are still in denial about the likely match-up between Trump and Biden. An election is ultimately a choice, and people's opinions of the candidates can shift as the race heats up. Additionally, the impact of the ongoing global situation on voter turnout remains to be seen.

    • The power of personal connection in politicsAuthenticity and relatability are crucial for a leader to build a strong connection with the public, even if their policies are successful.

      The connection between a president and the American public can greatly impact their approval ratings, even if their policies are successful. Using the example of President Joe Biden and the Jimmy Carter presidency, the discussion highlights how a lack of personal connection can hinder a leader's ability to garner support, despite accomplishments. Rosalynn Carter, the former first lady, is brought up as a contrast, as her decision to wear the same dress to her husband's inaugural balls showed her humility and intent to not be just an ornament in her husband's presidency. This anecdote underscores the importance of authenticity and relatability in building a strong connection with the public.

    • Rosalynn Carter's Bold Actions as First LadyRosalynn Carter defied traditional expectations, actively participating in politics and cabinet meetings, and paved the way for future first ladies to define their roles.

      Rosalynn Carter defied traditional expectations for first ladies during her time in the White House. Unlike many of her predecessors, she made no attempt to hide in the background and instead actively participated in politics and cabinet meetings. This was a radical act in the 1970s when second wave feminism was gaining momentum. Despite facing criticism, Carter was encouraged by her predecessor Betty Ford to do what she wanted, paving the way for future first ladies to make their own decisions and define the role for themselves. However, Carter's instincts were not always perfect, and she played a significant role in persuading her husband, Jimmy Carter, to give his famous crisis of confidence address, which came to define his presidency in a way he may not have intended. Despite her husband's public persona, Rosalynn Carter carried the scars of their political losses and faced criticism in her own right. Overall, Rosalynn Carter's bold actions and determination to shape her own role as first lady made a lasting impact on the position and those who followed in her footsteps.

    • Challenges for Political Spouses: The Cases of Nancy Reagan and Melania TrumpNancy Reagan's tenure as First Lady was marked by notable conflicts with other political spouses, while Melania Trump is considered one of the least impactful first ladies in recent history, with an unusual dynamic between her and her husband.

      Being the spouse of a political figure comes with unique challenges, including taking the brunt of criticism without the ability to respond in kind. This was particularly true for Nancy Reagan, who felt her husband's achievements were underappreciated and held grudges against political rivals like Barbara Bush and Rosalynn Carter. Their strained relationships were rooted in past political rivalries and personal disagreements. Nancy Reagan's attempts to assert control during her time as First Lady, such as raising funds for White House renovations and asking the Carters to leave early, further fueled tensions. Despite the influential roles many first ladies have played in American history, Nancy Reagan's tenure stands out for its notable conflicts. Melania Trump, while glamorous, is considered one of the least impactful first ladies in recent history, with her anti-bullying initiative not likely to be remembered as a turning point in American civility. The current dynamic between Donald Trump and Melania Trump is also unusual, with Melania rarely seen at her husband's side during his presidency. A Netflix documentary based on Lady Bird Johnson's diaries offers an intriguing look into the personal lives of political figures and their complex relationships.

    • Melania Trump's hidden diaries reveal a complex side to her public personaMelania Trump's diaries show her influence and support for her husband during his struggles, but she chose to keep them private, highlighting the complexity of people's public and private selves.

      Melania Trump's diaries, which were kept hidden until after her death, reveal a different side to her public persona. Karen Tumulty, a columnist for The Washington Post, discussed how Melania's diaries show her influence and support for her husband during his struggles with depression. However, Melania chose to keep these diaries private, suggesting she didn't want to reveal the extent of her influence. While this is not the image we typically have of Melania, it's a reminder that people are complex and multifaceted. As the holiday season approaches, it's important to remember that despite the challenges and complexities of the world, there is still much to be thankful for. The Bulwark podcast, hosted by Charlie Sykes, is a platform for insightful discussions on current events, and we look forward to more thought-provoking conversations in the future.

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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Megan Pratz, Gerry Holmes, Cheryl Corley and Olivia Hampton.It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Ben Abrams and Kaity Kline. We get engineering support from Stacey Abbott. And our technical director is Zac Coleman.

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