
    Kari Lake on the Bribe Attempt, Plus Texas vs. Biden Border Showdown, with Andrew Klavan and Alan Dershowitz | Ep. 710

    enJanuary 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Border Crisis: Texas vs. Federal GovernmentTexas takes border security into its own hands, Supreme Court lifts injunction, Arizona GOP head leaked trying to bribe Senate candidate

      The situation at the southern border between Texas and the federal government has escalated into a constitutional crisis. Texas, along with several other southern states, has taken matters into its own hands by securing its border with barbed wire and suing the federal government for neglecting its responsibilities under federal immigration law. The Supreme Court has lifted an injunction that prevented the feds from cutting down Texas's border barrier, but Texas has vowed to resist any attempts to do so. Meanwhile, an audio recording was leaked of the head of Arizona's Republican Party apparently trying to bribe Carrie Lake, a prominent Republican and former gubernatorial candidate, to drop out of her US Senate race. The implications of these events are significant and could lead to further political tensions and legal battles.

    • Speaker's unwillingness to be bought or controlledSpeaker refuses to compromise principles, remains committed to representing people, and is determined to make a difference in politics despite being offered money and facing opposition from globalist agenda supporters.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of control versus ownership in politics, with the speaker expressing her unwillingness to be bought or controlled by powerful figures from the east coast who are pushing for a globalist agenda. She believes that this is detrimental to the country and refuses to compromise her principles. Despite being offered substantial sums of money, she remains committed to representing the people of Arizona and carrying their torch. She views the political landscape as a "back scratching club" where deals are made, but she refuses to play that game. She is offended by those who do not prioritize the country's interests and is determined to run for office to make a difference. The conversation took place 11 months ago, but it was a catalyst for her decision to enter the US senate race.

    • Encountering a bribe in politicsPolitical corruption is rampant in Washington D.C., and those who enter politics face potential bribes, which can be a challenge for those committed to transparency and truth.

      The speaker experienced an attempt to bribe them out of politics by an unknown powerful figure, which only strengthened their resolve to stay in the political arena. This incident highlights the pervasive corruption in Washington D.C. and the potential challenges good people face when entering politics. The speaker's suspicion is that this offer was not an isolated incident and that many other candidates might have been approached with similar offers. The mainstream media's lack of interest in investigating this matter further underscores their complicity in the political corruption. The speaker's popular status as a Republican in Arizona made them a valuable target for those wanting to control the election outcome. The resignation of the Arizona Republican Party chairman, who allegedly tried to bribe the speaker, adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The speaker remains committed to transparency and bringing the truth to light, despite the potential risks and challenges.

    • Betrayed by an unethical individual, speaker emphasizes common sense policiesSpeaker was betrayed by an unethical individual, maintains popularity, and advocates for common sense policies in Arizona

      Despite the speaker's efforts to build trust and maintain ethical standards, they were betrayed by someone who showed a blatant disregard for those values. The individual in question, who resigned in a controversial manner, made unapologetic and unethical demands, which were far from normal business practices. The speaker expressed embarrassment and disbelief that such behavior was attempted, and emphasized that the people of Arizona want common sense policies, not control from external forces. The speaker's popularity among independents and moderate Republicans, as evidenced by polling, raises questions about the true motivations behind the attempts to influence the election. The speaker's stance on securing the border, fair elections, and policies that benefit all Arizonans, resonates with a significant portion of the population. The speaker's refusal to engage in backscratching and commitment to starting an "ass kicking club" in Washington D.C., highlights their determination to address the issues that matter to the people of Arizona.

    • Different Perspectives on a Controversial ConversationBoth parties involved in a controversial conversation had contrasting views on its nature, with one emphasizing the importance of every legal vote and criticizing selective editing, while the other defended editing as necessary for newsworthiness. Allegations of bribery and ethical concerns were also discussed.

      Both parties involved in a controversial conversation had different perspectives on its nature. The speaker emphasized the importance of ensuring every legal vote counts and criticized selective editing of the conversation. The other party involved admitted to editing the conversation but defended it as necessary to convey the most newsworthy parts. The speaker accused the other party of attempting to bribe him to drop out of a potential political race, while the other party denied any wrongdoing and claimed they were only offering advice. The conversation also revealed that both parties have been involved in past recordings that raised ethical concerns. Despite the disagreements, it's clear that both parties believe that ethical behavior and transparency are crucial in politics.

    • A woman's encounter with a suspicious Republican figure and her desire to run for SenateA woman, Meghan, shared her alarming encounter with a high-ranking Republican figure and her ambition to run for US Senate in Arizona to support President Trump and fight corruption

      A woman, identified as Meghan, shared her experience of being approached by a high-ranking Republican figure, who made suspicious comments and attempted to visit her in person. She recorded their conversation out of concern and later released it due to its alarming content. Meghan felt compelled to speak out after sharing her story repeatedly without media attention. She also expressed her desire to help the Republican Party by running for a US Senate seat in Arizona, aiming to replace Kyrsten Sinema, who has become more liberal since changing her party affiliation. Meghan's ultimate goal is to support President Trump and help him in his fight against corruption. She holds a strong belief that Trump is the greatest president and the only one who stands up to those who cannot be bought or bribed. Despite some opposition from Trump supporters, Meghan remains committed to her goals and is eager to contribute to the Republican Party.

    • Texas Governor Accuses Biden Admin of Neglecting Border DutiesThe border crisis between Texas and the federal government continues, with Texas taking action against the Biden administration for neglecting its constitutional duty to enforce immigration laws and secure the border.

      The ongoing border crisis between Texas and the federal government is escalating, with Governor Greg Abbott accusing the Biden administration of violating its constitutional duty to enforce immigration laws. Abbott has deployed razor wire at the border and issued a statement asserting that the states have a sovereign interest in protecting their own borders, as per the US Constitution. The Biden administration, on the other hand, has been criticized for ignoring federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegals and enticing them to cross at dangerous points. The situation has become so tense that the Supreme Court has given the green light for Texas to take action against the federal government. Meanwhile, Carrie Lake, a political candidate, has been advocating for stronger border protection and criticizing the federal government for its handling of the crisis. The debate highlights the deep divide between those who believe the federal government should secure the border and those who believe it is the states' responsibility. The border crisis is a critical issue that requires immediate attention and action from all parties involved.

    • Texas-Biden border dispute: A potential constitutional crisisThe ongoing Texas-Biden border dispute raises questions about the balance of power between the federal government and states, with Texas arguing that the federal government's failure to secure the border is a violation of the social contract and the rule of law.

      The ongoing dispute between Texas and the Biden administration over border security has escalated into a potential constitutional crisis. Governor Abbott's argument is that the federal government's failure to secure the border and prevent an invasion is a violation of the social contract and the rule of law. The Supreme Court's decision to lift an injunction allowing the federal government to remove border barriers has raised questions about the balance of power between the federal government and states. Abbott's stance has gained momentum due to the Biden administration's perceived inaction on border security and the public's growing concerns. The PR war is on, and if the federal government takes active measures to remove border barriers, it could lead to a prolonged media frenzy. The stakes are high, and the outcome of this dispute could set a precedent for future border disputes.

    • Concerns over Immigration and AssimilationSpeaker raises concerns over high immigration numbers, lack of assimilation efforts, growing backlash against media's portrayal of Trump's policies, Biden's waning popularity, and frustration among Democrats over lack of federal support.

      The current political climate revolves around immigration and the perceived inability of the Biden administration to effectively address it. The speaker expresses concern over the large number of immigrants entering the country and the perceived unwillingness of the establishment to promote assimilation. They also note the growing backlash against the media's portrayal of Trump and his policies, particularly on immigration. The speaker suggests that Biden's popularity may be waning, and that Trump's policies, while offensive to some, are not as extreme as they are portrayed. The speaker also mentions the frustration of Democrats in cities dealing with the influx of immigrants and the lack of federal support. Overall, the speaker expresses a sense of unease and uncertainty about the direction of the country on this issue.

    • Rebuilding Trust: The Importance of Being TrustworthyPeople are turning away from traditional media due to distrust and seeking alternative sources for news. Policies and improvements to people's lives will influence their voting decisions, not personal feelings towards candidates.

      The Davos meeting this year focused on rebuilding trust, but trust cannot be regained without being trustworthy first. The incompetence of global leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic and their continued demonization of certain groups have led many people to question the information they receive from traditional media outlets. As a result, these outlets are experiencing massive layoffs, and people are turning to alternative sources for news. The author of "The House of Love and Death," Andrew Clavin, argues that policies matter, and people are growing tired of being labeled as "far right" or "conspiracy theorists" for holding certain views. Ultimately, individuals will vote for the candidate whose policies will improve their lives, regardless of personal feelings towards them. The collapse of mainstream media is not a cause for concern for some, as it's a consequence of their dishonest reporting. However, those still clinging to the notion that they are the gatekeepers of information are experiencing a meltdown as they lose control over the narrative.

    • Media outlets struggling due to digital media and shifting audience preferencesMedia outlets are facing financial struggles due to ideological biases and the violation of human standards, leading audiences away and contributing to their downfall

      The media landscape is undergoing significant changes and facing numerous challenges, leading to the decline of various traditional outlets. Journalists are struggling with stagnant or declining salaries, and the industry as a whole is grappling with the impact of digital media and shifting audience preferences. The speaker also highlights the role of ideological biases and the violation of human standards in driving away audiences and contributing to the financial struggles of some media outlets. The speaker argues that these outlets are dying not just because of the Internet, but because they no longer tell the truth and adhere to human standards. Instead, they prioritize pushing their own distorted versions of reality, which turns off audiences and ultimately leads to their downfall.

    • Media's bias and silencing opposing viewsThe media's bias and silencing opposing views can lead to a disconnect from the public and attempts to control information, but these efforts are unsustainable in a free society.

      The media's leftist takeover and their inability to hear opposing viewpoints is leading to a significant disconnect from the general public. This was evident in the LA Times' headlines and the backlash against a reporter who claimed that only a few transphobes speak for women. The media's failure to acknowledge the existence of opposing viewpoints and their attempts to silence those voices is reminiscent of past attempts to control information, such as the Catholic church's attempt to control translations of the Bible. However, these efforts have never truly succeeded in the free west, and attempting to oppress people while maintaining a free market is not a sustainable solution. The flow of information is crucial, and efforts to shut it down will only lead to backlash and the erosion of freedom.

    • The suppression of diverse voices and abandonment of objectivity in mediaIndependent connections between audiences and trusted hosts or journalists are crucial for a thriving society, as people increasingly distrust corporate media with potential biased agendas. Allowing all ideas to be heard is essential for a creative and diverse society.

      The suppression of diverse voices and the abandonment of objectivity in media are significant reasons for the current struggles faced by media companies. The desire for free expression and the importance of allowing all ideas to be heard is crucial for a thriving and creative society. The future of media lies in independent connections between audiences and trusted hosts or journalists, as people increasingly distrust corporate conglomerates with potential biased agendas. The silencing of certain perspectives, particularly those on the right, not only stifles the exchange of ideas but also alienates a significant portion of the population. Companies that fail to recognize this risk losing their audience and ultimately, their relevance.

    • The importance of open dialogue for progress and understandingSuccessful commentators and hosts invite diverse perspectives and engage in civil debates, while the left's divisive and entitled approach has led to controversy and the Oscars' lack of relevance.

      Open and respectful dialogue is essential for progress and understanding. According to the speaker, a successful commentator or host invites diverse perspectives and isn't afraid to engage in civil debates, even with those holding opposing views. The left, on the other hand, has tried to silence opposing voices, as seen in their attempts to shut down free speech and manipulate institutions like the Oscars. The speaker argues that the Oscars' lack of relevance and the controversy surrounding the Barbie movie's nominations are a result of the left's divisive and entitled approach. By fostering a culture of open dialogue and acknowledging the value of diverse perspectives, we can create a more inclusive and productive society.

    • Oscars overshadowed by politics and controversiesThe Oscars and film industry should focus on creating culturally significant movies, rather than getting bogged down in political debates and controversies, to resonate with audiences and inspire change.

      The Oscars and the film industry as a whole have become a hotbed for political debates and controversies, overshadowing the importance of creating culturally significant and engaging movies. The discussion around the snubbing of "Barbie" and the subsequent reaction from Hillary Clinton highlights this issue. While the movie was a commercial success, its lack of narrative drive and weak direction made it an unlikely contender for awards. However, some argue that the lack of female representation in the nominations is a result of the "patriarchy" in the industry. Regardless, the focus on these debates takes away from the importance of creating movies that resonate with audiences and inspire change. The shift towards streaming platforms and YouTube is a reflection of this disconnect between the film industry and its audience. Ultimately, the Oscars and the film industry need to refocus on creating meaningful and engaging content that speaks to the lives of ordinary people, rather than getting bogged down in political debates and controversies.

    • Texas-Federal Border Fence Dispute: A Constitutional CrisisThe Texas-federal border fence dispute represents a constitutional crisis, with both parties seeking to protect their interests. The lack of resolution and politicized nature of the issue suggests it will continue to be a significant issue in the 2024 election, potentially requiring Congressional action.

      The current situation between Texas and the federal government over the border fence represents a constitutional crisis, with both parties holding legitimate interests. Texas aims to protect itself from illegal immigration and crime, while the federal government seeks to control the national borders. The case has resulted in a 5-4 unsigned decision, with potential for conservative justices to join Texas' side after hearing further evidence. The lack of clear resolution and the politicized nature of the issue suggests that a constitutional crisis is inevitable, and it is likely to be a significant issue in the 2024 presidential election. The resolution of this crisis may require Congress to pass legislation addressing border control and the division of responsibilities between the state and federal governments.

    • Supreme Court lifts injunction on Texas border fence constructionTexas can continue constructing border fences, but must comply with Supreme Court's ruling, and cannot use razor wires or other provocative measures.

      The Supreme Court's decision to lift an injunction against federal authorities from interfering with Texas's construction of a fence along the border does not prevent Texas from taking actions to secure its border. However, Texas must comply with the Supreme Court's ruling and cannot directly defy it. The fence issue arose due to concerns over the safety of the razor wire fencing and alleged incidents of people being hurt or drowning while trying to cross the border. The Supreme Court's decision does not require the removal of existing fences, but it may limit the types of barriers Texas can construct in the future. Texas Governor Abbott has argued that the federal government's failure to protect the states against invasion justifies the states' right to defend their borders. Ultimately, the resolution of this issue may involve building more border barriers, but without the use of provocative measures like razor wires.

    • Texas-Federal Border Dispute: Balancing Federal and State PowersTexas argues for border protection autonomy based on US Constitution's self-defense clause, potentially leading to a Supreme Court decision on federal-state power balance.

      The border dispute between Texas and the federal government raises complex constitutional issues, specifically concerning the supremacy clause and states' rights to self-defense. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has invoked Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution to argue for the state's authority to defend its border against an invasion, despite federal statutes asserting federal control over immigration. The constitutional argument hinges on the balance of power between the federal government and states, with the Supreme Court ultimately deciding the outcome. If successful, this could result in a significant legal victory for Texas and other border states, allowing them greater autonomy in protecting their borders. The situation underscores the ongoing tension between federal and state powers and the potential for future constitutional debates on border security and immigration.

    • Texas vs Biden: A Constitutional Crisis Over Immigration?The ongoing legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration over immigration policy could have significant constitutional implications, potentially leading to a crisis and shaping future debates and law school teachings.

      The ongoing legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration over immigration policy is a significant constitutional issue that could have long-lasting implications. According to constitutional experts, if the federal government had the power to force a state to allow an invasion, the constitution would never have been ratified. The case, which is currently pending in the 5th Circuit and has been temporarily allowed to proceed by the Supreme Court, could potentially cause a constitutional crisis. Politically, the issue is expected to thrust the immigration debate back into the spotlight and could benefit the Republicans while hurting the Democrats. The outcome of the case could set a precedent and be taught in law schools for years to come.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Enjoy this pre-recorded short series of The Ben Shapiro Show on the illegal immigration spike. We'll be back with our regularly scheduled programming next week!

    We examine Joe Biden’s history on illegal immigration – and how he morphed from a border hawk to an open border president.


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    Why The Border Bill Is Absolute TRASH (Ep 2180)

    Why The Border Bill Is Absolute TRASH (Ep 2180)
    You just got screwed last night. In this episode, I analyze and discuss the disastrous "border bill" unveiled by the Senate. Trump Opens 2024 as Frontrunner Against Biden The Migrant Standoff in Eagle Pass, Texas Scope and History of Section 212(f) Presidential Authority to Suspend/Restrict Entry by Proclamation Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices