
    Keynote Saturday: How to Get Your Business the Most Attention Possible | From Sep 27, 2019

    enSeptember 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding and capturing attention is key to personal and professional successGary Vaynerchuk's success is rooted in his ability to understand and capture people's attention, learned through a lifetime of adjusting his approach based on audience perspective and observing the world around him.

      Attention is the most valuable asset for personal and professional success, and Gary Vaynerchuk's ability to understand and capture people's attention has been a key factor in his own achievements. From his humble beginnings as a child selling lemonade to his experience running his father's liquor store, Gary has spent his life chasing attention and adjusting his approach based on where it was most effectively focused. He learned early on that understanding the audience's perspective and adjusting accordingly could make a significant impact on sales and engagement. Even today, Gary consumes very little content and instead focuses on observing the world around him and engaging with people directly to better understand their needs and desires. By staying attuned to the attention economy, Gary has been able to build successful businesses and make a meaningful impact on the world.

    • Focusing on human behaviors and attention for marketing successEffectiveness of marketing channels depends on utilization skills and effort, not just the channel itself. Human behaviors and attention are key to growing a business.

      The effectiveness of marketing channels, such as social media, is not determined by the channel itself, but by how well it is utilized. The speaker shares his experience of growing his father's liquor store business from a small to a large enterprise by focusing on understanding and catering to human behaviors and attention, rather than relying solely on data or trends. He emphasizes that the ROI of a marketing channel depends on the skill and effort put into it. For instance, social media may not have worked for him personally, but it has proven successful for businesses like Wish and Fashion Nova. The key is to continuously evaluate and optimize marketing efforts to determine the best use of resources. Ultimately, the most important thing is to focus on growing the business and adapting to changing trends and technologies.

    • Leveraging Consumer Attention in the Digital AgeSuccessfully building businesses in today's digital world requires understanding and adapting to human behavior and attention, rather than relying on traditional factors like education or experience. Ignoring social media and other digital platforms can lead to irrelevance.

      Understanding and leveraging consumer attention in real-time is the key to building successful businesses in today's digital world. The speaker, who has a decade of experience in building businesses from scratch, emphasized the importance of human behavior and attention over traditional factors like college education or years of experience. He highlighted his expertise in this area, comparing himself to Mariano Rivera, a baseball legend known for his unique pitch. The speaker also criticized the sales-focused mindset prevalent in the industry, advocating for a long-term brand and marketing strategy. He warned that ignoring social media and other digital platforms would lead to irrelevance and urged the audience to adapt to the evolving digital landscape. The speaker's success stories, from building a $200 million business to a profitable one with no external funding, underscored his message. Overall, the speaker's keynote emphasized the importance of adapting to the digital age and leveraging consumer attention to build successful businesses.

    • Building a strong personal brand is crucial for future successEstablish a digital presence through content creation and build reputation and awareness to stay competitive in a digital landscape where personal brand equals reputation.

      The importance of building a strong personal brand will surpass search and conversions in the next decade. As technology advances, voice searches will become the norm, and only one business or individual will be able to meet the consumer's needs when they ask for a service. Therefore, it's crucial to establish a strong digital presence through content creation on platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram, and even starting a podcast, to build reputation and awareness. Traditional media and sales-driven strategies may no longer be enough to compete in a digital landscape where personal brand is synonymous with reputation. The speaker's past experiences with companies that ignored this trend, such as Uber disrupting the limo industry and Amazon's impact on bookstores, serve as cautionary tales. It's essential to understand the current customer behavior and historical trends to stay ahead of the competition.

    • Understanding the importance of valuable content and effective communication on digital platformsInvest time and effort into creating valuable content and communicating effectively on digital platforms to build equity in your personal brand and stay competitive in today's business world.

      Creating valuable content and effectively communicating on digital platforms are essential for business growth in today's world. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of providing value without mixing in sales calls and building equity in your personal brand. He also encouraged individuals to understand their unique communication style and utilize it to reach their audience. Vaynerchuk emphasized that not embracing contemporary communication methods puts businesses at a disadvantage and may hinder their ability to adapt to new technologies and trends. In essence, it's crucial to be thoughtful about your digital presence and invest time and effort into creating valuable content and communicating effectively with your audience.

    • Staying Ahead in Digital Communication LandscapeConsistently produce content at scale on established and emerging platforms, be authentic, and provide valuable educational content to build trust.

      To stay ahead in the digital communication landscape, it's essential to consistently produce content at scale on various platforms. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes this point, explaining that being a "digital native communicator" will help you adapt when new trends emerge. He suggests allocating a significant portion of your marketing budget to established platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, while also experimenting with emerging ones. However, he warns that most people will be hesitant to do this, and many will give up within the first 100 days due to a decline in leads. To build trust on social media, Gary recommends being authentic and not coming off as a "douchebag." He believes that by providing valuable educational content, you can establish a connection with your audience. Ultimately, the world is abundant, and there's room for everyone to succeed, but only those who are willing to put in the effort and adapt to new trends will thrive.

    • Focus on providing value and building community presenceInstead of competing directly, provide value and build a strong community presence for organic growth and opportunities. Lean into experience and expertise to bring value and reach a large audience.

      Instead of focusing on direct competition with others in your industry, aim to provide value and build a strong community presence. This can lead to organic growth and opportunities that may not come from traditional advertising methods. Age and experience are valuable assets, and sharing insights and lessons learned can bring significant benefits to both yourself and your business. Start small, consistency is key, and even a single post can reach a large audience on platforms like LinkedIn. Embrace the opportunity to lean into your experience and expertise, and watch as the value you bring to the community comes back to you.

    • Facebook Advertising for BusinessesFacebook's dominance and targeted ads make it ideal for businesses on a budget to reach specific audiences. Prioritize content creation with limited resources and allocate ad dollars for amplification.

      For businesses looking to reach a wider audience, especially those with limited marketing budgets, Facebook advertising is a practical and effective solution. The platform's dominance among older demographics, combined with its targeted advertising capabilities, makes it an ideal choice for businesses trying to reach specific audiences. Content creation should be prioritized with minimal resources, such as an iPhone, while marketing dollars should be allocated towards Facebook ad amplification. Even in rural areas or where established competitors exist, Facebook ads can help build brand awareness and differentiate a business. Ultimately, the key is to create contextually relevant content and effectively communicate value to the target audience.

    • Leveraging Targeted Social Media Ads for Business Growth in the Legal IndustryFocus on specific areas and demographics for effective social media ads, educate yourself on best practices, and don't let biases hinder progress. Start running ads in the legal industry for business growth.

      Harnessing the power of targeted social media advertising can significantly grow a business, especially in the legal industry. The speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on specific areas and demographics, rather than casting a wide net with organic social media content. He also encouraged the audience to educate themselves on best practices for creating effective ads and to not let personal biases or opinions hinder their progress. The speaker's own success story as a practitioner and his belief in the transformative potential of social media advertising were compelling, and he urged the audience to take action and start running ads as soon as possible.

    • Targeting specific audiences with tailored contentFocus on creating content that resonates with your audience and execute ad campaigns effectively to stand out in the digital marketing landscape.

      In today's digital marketing landscape, being specific and contextual is key to standing out from the competition. The speaker shares his experience of growing his personal injury law business through referrals, but expresses frustration as larger firms begin to invest in video ads on social media. He emphasizes the importance of targeting specific audiences with tailored content, drawing an analogy to the evolution of buying wine. The speaker's success on Instagram stories comes from his authentic and personal approach, but he struggles to grow his audience when running ads. The takeaway is to focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience and to execute ad campaigns effectively.

    • Target specific interests or locations for effective adsProvide value, build relationships, and establish trust through personalized ads and genuine interactions to increase marketing success

      Effective advertising requires creating context and building a connection with your audience. Instead of running generic, vanilla ads, target specific interests or locations to add context and keep viewers engaged. Additionally, giving value without expecting anything in return can lead to greater success in marketing. Be genuine in your approach, and don't manipulate or sell too aggressively. Instead, offer free consultations or advice, and share those interactions on social media to generate leads. Remember, the goal is to build relationships and establish trust with your audience, not just make a sale. By providing value and creating a personal connection, you'll stand out from the competition and increase your chances of success.

    • Authentic storytelling builds strong reputationFocus on sharing valuable insights and knowledge to build trust and authenticity, rather than asking for testimonials or creating content solely for marketing purposes.

      Building a strong reputation and legacy in business goes beyond just sharing testimonials or creating content for personal gain. Instead, it's about telling authentic stories and educating others from a place of expertise. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of focusing on reputation over business when creating content. He advises against asking for testimonials or creating content solely for marketing purposes, and instead encourages sharing valuable insights and knowledge. This approach builds trust and authenticity, leading to a strong reputation and potential business opportunities. The framework for building a strong reputation digitally is similar to building it in person – networking and sharing valuable insights with others. To be early adopters in the field, professionals can focus on creating authentic content, staying informed about industry trends, and building relationships with their audience.

    • Provide value to potential clients to build trust and grow a successful practiceEmpathize with clients, offer free advice, start a podcast or Q&A show, and utilize social media to expand reach and offer value

      Providing value to potential clients is key to building trust and growing a successful practice, especially for lawyers who want to stand out in a crowded market. This can be achieved through various means, such as starting a podcast or Q&A show to address common legal questions, or offering free advice to up-and-coming individuals in your community. Empathy and understanding the unique needs of different demographics are also essential in building trust and establishing a strong reputation. Additionally, utilizing various social media platforms to reach potential clients and offer value can be an effective way to expand your reach and grow your practice.

    • Facebook and LinkedIn offer unique value for businessesPatience and empathy are crucial in advocating for change in a family business. Facebook and LinkedIn provide targeted ads and organic reach, respectively, making them underpriced platforms for businesses.

      Facebook and LinkedIn are underpriced platforms for businesses due to their targeted ads and organic reach, respectively. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being contextual and empathetic when using these platforms to connect with potential clients or customers. In a business context, particularly in a family business, it's essential to practice patience and empathy when advocating for new ideas or strategies, recognizing the value of the experience and hard work of those who came before. The speaker's own experience of pushing for change despite initial resistance serves as a reminder of the importance of persistence, but also the need for sensitivity to the context and relationships involved.

    • Building a business from scratch doesn't always mean being the face or owning itUnderstand your worth, charge accordingly, trust your team, and focus on being a better operator to maintain brand value and stand out from competition.

      Building a successful business and personal brand doesn't always mean being the face of the operation. The speaker, Edward Lake, shared his experience of building a business from scratch and growing it to $60 million, but never owning it or making significant personal wealth due to pouring all the money back into the business. He then started his next business, VaynerMedia, from a conference room with no rent money. He emphasized the importance of understanding your worth and charging accordingly to maintain the value of your brand and team. While some may want to work directly with you, it's essential to trust your team to deliver the same level of quality and service. By doing so, you can focus on being a better operator and educating your team, ultimately making your business stand out from the competition.

    • The paradox of online reviewsPeople's actions may not align with their online reviews, focus on your own actions and beliefs to grow your business.

      While negative reviews can be concerning, especially for businesses heavily invested in advertising like law firms, people may not believe other people's reviews as much as we think they do. Ed, who has been running 5-6 figure Facebook ad campaigns for a couple of years, shared his experience of receiving mostly negative reviews despite getting a consistent stream of leads. This paradox can be explained by the fact that people's actions often don't align with their words. Society is filled with social media activism and expressing strong opinions online, but in reality, people may not follow through with their stated beliefs. This disconnect can make us question the validity of online reviews and focus more on our own actions and beliefs in growing our businesses.

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    On veut sortir au max sur Google.

    Rdv sur ma chaine YouTube pour en savoir plus.

    6 ■ É𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬 𝐮𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 é𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥

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    Trouve des solutions selon les ressources.

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    Reste en veille sur tes requêtes récurentes en MP, les questions en commentaires, les retours de tes clients.

    9 ■ 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬

    Ce qui ne se mesure pas, ne s'améliore pas.

    Observe tes retombées positives et négatives chaque semaine.

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    Teste de nouvelles choses, en permanence.

    Sans peur de te planter, sans à priori, sans peur du ridicule.

    Les réponses viennent toujours du terrain et de la pratique.

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    Podcast Outline

    [01:15] What's going on everyone 

    [01:51] Social X was an event I hosted

    [02:22] Nick why don't you give us a little bit of a breakdown

    [02:52] They classified me with hand heart syndrome

    [03:15] They told my parents I had a 30% chance to live 

    [03:53] Focus equals an emotion, your emotion then leads to an action

    [04:55] One of my biggest challenges was...

    [05:31] These are where our limiting beliefs stem from

    [05:48] The secret sauce I was looking for was confidence

    [07:13] Non negotiables are

    [08:03] From there I wanted to become a wrestler 

    [08:47] You have to adapt to the world

    [09:22] If you run away from failure

    [10:59] The doctors amputated 5 inches off this arm

    [11:23] What are we willing to sacrifice 

    [12:22] Love from afar

    [13:24] It went internationally viral

    [13:37] Becoming a bodybuilder

    [13:57] Started a speaking company 

    [14:26] Daily non negotiables in team building

    [15:25] My ultimate driving force is 

    [16:42] You need time that's not business

    [17:06] Allocate time for your personal life

    [19:29] Compassion

    [21:02] The big lesson was 

    [23:21] BREAK

    [23:56] What are you focusing on right now?

    [24:32] High ticket coaching 

    [25:41] Not everyone is gonna relate

    [27:06] Thats the purpose of this podcast

    [28:22] Ask yourself better question

    [28:46] See you next week


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    Nick Santonastasso Instagram

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    The Future of Telemedicine, ft. Charles Nader (CEO of Doc.com) with Alex Quin

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    Charles Nader is the founder and CEO of Health Consultation apps and services Doc Health, Doc Emotions, Doc.com. The Forbes cover entrepreneur has worked with country governments from around the world including the United Nations to bring the power of health consultations from real certified physicians and therapists to people’s smartphones. In this podcast you will get an in depth look at the beginnings, challenges, and successes that have been had through Charle’s consistent determination to bring free health consults to the world.

    Podcast Outline

    [01:45] Behind the creation of Doc.com

    [05:35] What is Doc.com?

    [07:21] The value of the data Doc.com collects

    [09:54] The future of technology and misinformation

    [13:32] The power of BlockChain technology

    [15:48] The importance of data transparency

    [17:47] Charle’s recognition for helping with mental health

    [18:48] The challenges of starting Doc.com in Mexico City

    [20:31] How to use Doc.com (app)

    [21:16] Why Doc.com was created

    [23:25] Where Doc.com (app) is available

    [23:56] East Africa UN deal to help with terrorism

    [27:30] No idea is too crazy

    [29:10] What Charles learned from his mother in his youth

    [31:20 ] Where to find Charles on social media

    Check us out on Facebook: @HustleInspiresHustle | @AlexQuin

    Follow us on Instagram: @HustleInspiresHustle | @AlexQuin

    Want more info? : http://hustleinspireshustle.com | http://alexquin.com

    Resources Mentioned

    Charles Nader on Instagram

    Charles Nader on Twitter


    App store: Doc Health / Doc Emotions

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    In This Episode Of The Brand Doctor Podcast:

    – How branding directly improves your sales
    – How sales directly impact your branding
    – What to do on social media to improve both your branding and sales



    Connect with Henry:


    Continue the conversation with Henry’s https://bit.ly/TheBrandDoctor_FacebookGroup

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