
    Keynote Saturday: THE ENTREPRENEUR'S MINDSET | From April 16, 2019

    enAugust 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the difference between being an entrepreneur and a successful oneGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and authenticity in entrepreneurship, distinguishing it from mere coolness or popularity.

      Self-awareness is crucial for entrepreneurs. Gary Vaynerchuk believes that the coolness of entrepreneurship has led to an era of fake entrepreneurship. He thinks that it's important to understand the difference between being an entrepreneur and being a successful one. He compares entrepreneurship to sports, where one can improve skills but may not have the opportunity to reach the top. Gary emphasizes the importance of knowing one's strengths and being authentic. This message resonated with the students at USC, who were excited to have him speak and missed other classes to attend. His talk, which went viral, emphasized the importance of authenticity and self-awareness in entrepreneurship.

    • Embrace your unique qualitiesEntrepreneurs should focus on their strengths, delegate weaknesses, and prioritize authentic success over metrics and fundraising

      Entrepreneurs should focus on strengthening their unique abilities and delegate or outsource their weaknesses, rather than wasting time trying to improve areas where they may never excel. The entrepreneurial landscape is currently flooded with easy access to funding and resources, but this does not guarantee success. Instead, emotional intelligence and a deep understanding of one's strengths are crucial for entrepreneurs to thrive. The current focus on metrics and fundraising in the startup world can create a false sense of success, and it's essential to remember the importance of serving the end consumer and building a sustainable business. In short, entrepreneurs should embrace their unique qualities, work on their strengths, and strive for authentic success.

    • Redefining Success: Beyond Wealth and Material PossessionsSuccess is about finding happiness and overcoming adversity, not just wealth or material possessions. Emphasize work ethic, gratitude, and personal growth in raising children, and avoid judgment of different backgrounds.

      Success is not just about wealth or material possessions, but also about finding happiness and overcoming adversity. The speaker grew up with significant challenges, yet managed to build a successful business and maintain a humble lifestyle. It's important to reset our perspective on what constitutes success and to focus more on happiness and personal growth. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of raising children with a strong work ethic and a sense of gratitude, rather than spoiling them with excessive wealth. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding different backgrounds and avoiding judgment. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of resilience, humility, and a focus on personal happiness in defining success.

    • Valuing experiences and natural abilities in entrepreneurshipRecognizing unique abilities and experiences can lead to confidence and success in entrepreneurship. Embrace hustle, determination, and the entrepreneurial spirit, regardless of traditional academic achievements.

      Valuing experiences and natural abilities, even at a young age, can lead to confidence and success in entrepreneurship. The speaker shares his belief that entrepreneurship is a talent similar to singing or playing sports, and his extensive experience in the field, which began when he was a child, has given him a unique perspective and advantage. He encourages recognizing the value of hustle and determination, even if traditional academic achievements may not be present. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of identifying and recruiting individuals with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, regardless of their test scores or other metrics. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing unique abilities and experiences, and the potential rewards of following one's passion from a young age.

    • Recognizing talent and living happilySuccess is about joy, growth from failure, and long-term building, not just making money or keeping up with societal norms.

      True entrepreneurship requires recognizing the immense talent involved and understanding that success is not just about making money, but about living a happy life. Failure is a necessary part of the process, and taking risks during the formative years of adulthood (22-30) is crucial for personal growth. The focus should be on starting businesses for the joy and lifestyle they provide, rather than just to sell them. Society's obsession with keeping up with the Joneses and the desire for quick wealth can be detrimental. Instead, success should be defined as waking up happy and able to do what one wants, with an emphasis on living within means. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who take risks, learn from failures, and build businesses for the long term.

    • The importance of getting back up after failureEntrepreneurship involves experiencing setbacks and learning from failures to grow as individuals and contribute to the game of business

      Failure is an essential part of entrepreneurship and personal growth. The speaker uses the analogy of boxing to explain this concept, highlighting that getting knocked down and getting back up is a crucial aspect of both sports and business. He believes that experiencing failure allows us to learn valuable lessons and become stronger individuals. Additionally, he criticizes those who try to manipulate capitalism and hoard wealth, arguing that they should be willing to lose money when they're no longer able to contribute to the game. Ultimately, the speaker asserts that the process of entrepreneurship itself is the true success, and that the ability to bounce back from failure and start anew is an exhilarating experience.

    • The Journey of EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship is a lifelong journey filled with resilience, love for the process, and calculated risks. Gratitude for finding one's place and joy in competition are essential. Criticism and societal acceptance do not determine success.

      Entrepreneurship is a lifelong journey, regardless of societal acceptance or economic conditions. The speaker shares his experience of being an entrepreneur during a time when it was not popular, and his intention to continue even when it goes out of style. He emphasizes the importance of the process and the gratitude for finding one's place. The speaker also shares a story about a time when he was criticized for his belief in a company's potential, which later proved to be worth billions. He encourages a shift in perspective, focusing on the joy of competition and the practicality of making a living through the internet. Overall, the speaker's message is that entrepreneurship is a rewarding endeavor that requires resilience, a love for the process, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

    • The Power of GratitudeExpressing gratitude for being human and to others can lead to fulfilling and successful lives. Focus on small things and being mean undermines progress. Verbally stating goals and committing to them can help achieve them. Dr. Glenn Fox's expertise highlights gratitude's positive effects on health, recovery, and overall well-being.

      Gratitude plays a crucial role in leading a fulfilling and successful life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being grateful for the opportunity to be a human being, and expressing gratitude to others and oneself. He believes that focusing on the small things and being mean to others, like Starbucks employees, is a broken perspective. He suggests that verbally stating goals and committing to them can help achieve them. The speaker also mentions the expertise of Dr. Glenn Fox in the field of gratitude and its positive effects on health, recovery, and overall well-being. In essence, he encourages embracing a mindset of gratitude to improve personal and interpersonal relationships and achieve greater success.

    • The power of connections and determination in sports agencyEven in a competitive industry, personal relationships and determination can lead to unexpected opportunities. Maintain connections and stay committed to your vision for long-term success.

      The power of connections and determination can lead to unexpected opportunities, even in a competitive industry like sports agency. The speaker shares a personal story about how they came close to signing a top NFL draft pick, Sam Darnold, but ultimately missed out. However, instead of regretting the missed opportunity, the speaker expressed gratitude and hope that Darnold would succeed with the Jets. The speaker also emphasized the importance of maintaining relationships, even in a digital age, and how technology and social media have changed the selling process but not the importance of personal connections. The speaker's long-term vision and commitment to his business, Vayner Sports, demonstrate his marathon runner mentality and his belief in the power of patience and persistence.

    • Emphasizing consumer engagement and authentic connectionsPredicts improvement in mental health care, prioritizes self-awareness and networking in community building, and advises against overvaluing time

      The speaker prioritizes consumer engagement and values authentic connections over selling to businesses or investors. He believes that social media is just a platform and the impact comes from the individuals using it. Regarding mental health, he predicts a significant improvement in the next decade with the consumerization and destigmatization of mental health care. For those building communities, he emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and networking to find safe spaces and like-minded individuals. Lastly, he advises that people should not overvalue their time and be open to opportunities, especially when they have little to no income.

    • Embrace new opportunities and learn from failuresBe open-minded to new experiences, learn from failures, and know when to move on for personal and business growth. Maintain a perspective on what truly matters and have a 'disproportionate comfort with failure'.

      Being open-minded and willing to explore new opportunities, while also being aware of when to cut losses, is essential for personal and business growth. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of saying "yes" to new experiences and learning opportunities, but also knowing when to move on if they're not worth the investment. He encourages having a "disproportionate comfort with failure" and maintaining a perspective on what truly matters. Additionally, he shares his unique background and experience of working for his family business for over a decade before striking out on his own, emphasizing the importance of patience and gratitude. For veterans transitioning to business, Gary suggests that the disciplined and clear chain of command mindset from the military can be valuable assets.

    • Military experience and discipline benefit upper management and personal goalsStaying true to oneself and focused on personal goals, even amid external pressures, is valuable for entrepreneurs and individuals. Military veterans bring teamwork skills and discipline to the workforce.

      Military experience and discipline can greatly benefit upper management roles, and the ability to stay focused on personal goals despite external pressures is a valuable skill for entrepreneurs and individuals alike. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting external opinions sway personal goals, drawing parallels to overcoming peer pressure in high school and college. Raj, a fan and worker in the emergency room, highlighted the importance of health and gratitude for life as the most valuable things, echoing Gary's emphasis on staying focused on what truly matters. Military veterans, in particular, can bring valuable teamwork skills and discipline to the workforce, and Gary encouraged veterans to seek opportunities to share their experiences and expertise.

    • Focus on positivity and spread it onlineMaking positive choices and sharing them online can lead to meaningful connections and spreading positivity, even if we can't know the alternative outcomes.

      Perspective plays a significant role in how we approach life and the content we put out into the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on positivity and spreading it through social media, starting with just one platform. He also highlights that we cannot know the alternative outcomes of our choices, so we should make a decision and move forward with confidence. The speaker's personal experience of passing up opportunities, including potentially missing out on investing in Uber, illustrates this point. Ultimately, the goal is to bring positivity to others and create meaningful connections through our content.

    • Discussing Economic Collapses, Networking, and LeadershipEffective leadership and networking require understanding and catering to unique needs and desires.

      Leadership involves putting others before yourself and bringing value to diverse groups of people. Anir asked about the next economic collapse, with his hope being centered around the college debt crisis. Gary shared that he has no crystal ball but emphasized the importance of accountability. Annette asked for networking tips, and Gary emphasized the importance of understanding different people's desires and goals at networking events. Gary also shared his partnership with K Swiss, which started as a cold email and has become a successful collaboration, teaching him valuable lessons about refurbishing iconic brands. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that effective leadership and networking involve understanding and catering to the unique needs and desires of those around you.

    • Stay true to yourself and find happinessAuthenticity is key to happiness and success, even if it means taking risks and distancing from negativity

      Trusting your gut and staying true to yourself are crucial for finding happiness and success, especially in the age of social media where people often prioritize external validation over authenticity. As Henry David Thoreau once said, most men live in quiet desperation, and it's essential not to lose sight of your own path. Listening to others' opinions and valuing their validation over your own can lead to regret and even depression. Authenticity is the key to remaining true to yourself and making a positive impact on others' lives. Don't be afraid to take risks and lose your way if it means staying true to your passions and beliefs. And remember, even those closest to us can unintentionally bring us down with their negativity. It's essential to surround yourself with positivity and support, even if it means distancing yourself from those who bring you down. In the end, trusting yourself and staying true to your path is the only way to live a fulfilling and authentic life.

    • Following one's own path leads to success and making a positive impactAuthenticity and hard work, regardless of path, lead to success and positively impacting others. Stay true to oneself and put in the work.

      Authenticity and hard work, no matter the path chosen, lead to success and making a positive impact on others. Nipsey Hussle, as an entrepreneur and a man, embodied these qualities and left a lasting impression. Anmol's question highlights the ongoing debate about the importance of higher education versus entrepreneurship. The speaker encourages following one's own path and not being swayed by external opinions. Shiva's experience in entrepreneurship, with its failures and successes, demonstrates the importance of perseverance and believing in one's vision, even with a family to support. Ultimately, the speakers' stories emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and putting in the work, no matter the chosen path.

    • Communicating with Family About Career ChoicesBe open with family about career choices, strive for balance, seek support, take risks, be self-aware, network, and build relationships

      It's important to communicate openly with your family about your career choices and priorities. It's natural to feel guilty or selfish, but everyone should strive for a balance between selflessness and selfishness. If your family supports your decisions, then you're on the right track. However, if not, it may be necessary to reevaluate your situation. Additionally, success often requires taking risks and putting in the effort, even if it means being away from home for extended periods. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and using the experiences of others as a framework for making decisions. Furthermore, networking and building relationships in your industry can lead to opportunities, so don't be afraid to reach out to influential figures and take chances.

    • Maintaining family bonds and effective task execution in businessRespect, communication, and execution are crucial when working with family in a business setting. Build confidence in their leadership abilities through successful task execution and maintain strong family bonds.

      When working with family in a business setting, it's essential to maintain a strong family bond while also executing tasks effectively. Gary Vaynerchuk suggested that love for your dad or brother is more important than money, and respecting their position is key to avoiding fractured relationships. In the context of marketing, Devin shared his experience of having to bridge the technology gap between himself and his father in his family's manufacturing business. He emphasized the importance of communication with respect and executing tasks to build confidence in your family member's leadership abilities. Additionally, Simon Sinek's advice for getting close to a CEO and getting promoted quickly is to get close to the CEO, get things done, and don't go above and beyond without being asked. Overall, the importance of respect, communication, and execution were common themes in the discussions around working with family and getting ahead in business.

    • Emphasizing the importance of patience and progress in small stepsSuccess often takes time and small improvements, focus on progress, avoid trying to do too much too soon, and be given opportunities to prove oneself.

      Success often requires patience and focusing on small improvements rather than trying to achieve grand results all at once. In the conversation, the speaker emphasized the importance of being given opportunities to prove oneself and the potential consequences of trying to hit a home run every time at bat. They also acknowledged that they had been doing a good job so far and were making progress, but recognized that it might take time to see significant results. The speaker's father's mistake was not providing enough opportunities, while the biggest mistake the speaker could make would be to try to do too much too soon. The conversation suggests that success is a game of patience and persistence, and that it's important to focus on making progress in small steps rather than getting discouraged by setbacks or the lack of immediate results.

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