

    enDecember 30, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the Unique Connection in Podcast CommunitiesKill Tony podcast hosts Redman and Tony Hinchcliffe discuss their live shows, merchandise, and tour dates while emphasizing the importance of their community's unique connection.

      Kill Tony, a popular podcast, can be accessed through various platforms including death squad.tv and iTunes, with new merchandise and tour dates available on the former. The show is recorded live every Monday at The Comedy Store in Sunset Boulevard and at the Ice House in Pasadena, California almost every Friday. A free show, Desk Squad, is coming to Vegas on January 23rd. Fans are encouraged to check the website for tour dates and merchandise. The hosts, Redman and Tony Hinchcliffe, recently performed live in Toronto and discussed various topics including their discovery of the Adult Swim clip "Too Many Cooks" and their admiration for its unexpected popularity. They also joked about their Canadian guest, Josh Martin, and the running gag of hitting him in the nuts on stage. Despite the seemingly trivial topics, the hosts emphasized the unique connection between podcast fans and the importance of their community.

    • Starting the show with an unconventional tradition and discussing vaginasThe hosts had an eventful few weeks attending comedy events and recording podcasts with notable figures, and they're excited to perform stand-up comedy at the Comedy Underground

      The hosts of this podcast, Devil Cake Downers, start their shows in an unconventional way by flicking a guest in the nuts as a new tradition. This unexpected event was triggered by a comic book gift, and the ensuing conversation led to a discussion about vaginas, their preferences, and the importance of visual representation. Despite their jet-lagged state, they had an exciting few weeks, attending various comedy events and podcast recordings with notable figures like Doug Stanhope and Dave Attell. The roast of Ron Jeremy was a memorable experience, but the comedy underground show was more enjoyable for them. The hosts are looking forward to performing stand-up comedy at the Comedy Underground after the podcast recording and encourage the audience to join them for an unforgettable night.

    • Introducing the Canadian Patriot on Kill TonyThe latest episode of Kill Tony featured the introduction of the Canadian Patriot, a large and poutine-loving robot, and included hilarious performances from Magnus Fettner and John Moses during a roast segment.

      During the latest episode of Kill Tony, the hosts Brian and Tony announced that there would be no Iron Patriot present at the show, instead introducing the first ever Canadian Patriot. The Canadian Patriot, a large and poutine-loving robot, was met with excitement by the hosts, who joked about the size of the suit and its resemblance to Canadian culture. The show featured two comedians, Magnus Fettner and John Moses, who had previously participated in a roast. The hosts praised Magnus' performance during the roast, describing it as one of the funniest they had ever seen. The episode was filled with humor and light-hearted banter, showcasing the unique dynamic between the hosts and their guests.

    • Friendly banter and jokes between hosts and guestsThe comedy show featured light-hearted conversations between the hosts and their guests, showcasing their unique personalities and engaging in humorous banter on various topics, including their nationalities, appearances, and pop culture references, while also addressing current events with respect and humor.

      The conversation between the hosts and their guests during a comedy show involved light-hearted banter and jokes about various topics, including their nationalities, appearances, and pop culture references. John and Magnus, the guests, engaged in a friendly and humorous exchange with the hosts, showcasing their unique styles and personalities. The conversation also touched on current events, such as the Ottawa shooter incident, which led to some comedic yet respectful banter. The overall tone was light-hearted and entertaining, demonstrating the camaraderie and chemistry between the hosts and their guests.

    • Being authentic in comedyEmbrace your true self in comedy, write jokes naturally, and avoid putting on a fake persona.

      The importance of authenticity was emphasized during this conversation between the hosts of a comedy podcast and a first-time comedian. The hosts encouraged the comedian to simply be himself and walk as he normally does, rather than trying to put on a fake or cool persona. This theme was reinforced throughout the conversation, with the hosts making fun of those who pretend to be something they're not, particularly those who claim not to watch television. The importance of being true to oneself was a recurring message, and the comedian was advised to write jokes that come naturally to him. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of being authentic and true to oneself in both life and comedy.

    • Apologies and Embarrassment in ComedyComedians often use apologies to lighten the mood and connect with their audience. They also shared stories of feeling embarrassed and the unexpected ways we can find humor in our everyday lives.

      Apologies were abundant during this conversation between the comedians, with some even apologizing for seemingly insignificant reasons. The use of apologies was compared to a stereotype, and there was a discussion about hiding inappropriate content in children's animation. One comedian shared his experience of trying to sneak in risqué elements into his work as an artist but getting caught. Another comedian shared an instance of forgetting to wash his hair during a shower and feeling dumb about it, leading to a conversation about the unexpected ways we can feel foolish. Overall, the conversation touched on the topic of apologies, embarrassment, and the human tendency to find humor in the mundane and the unexpected.

    • Jordan's Fear of Time and MortalityJordan shared his fear of time flying and tried to prolong his life through misery and bad comedy. The audience encouraged him to expand on his material, revealing he works in online marketing and has never done stand-up before.

      The speaker, Jordan Johnston, expressed his fear of time flying due to the inevitability of death. He joked about trying to be miserable and do bad comedy to prolong his life. The conversation touched on the topics of work, comedy, and music preferences. It was noted that Jordan's first part of the performance wasn't very funny but the second part was good. The audience encouraged him to expand on his material and take his time on stage. Jordan revealed that he works in online marketing and has never done stand-up before. The conversation ended with some banter about music tastes and the importance of being on time for shows. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' humor and their ability to connect with each other.

    • Impromptu Performance at EventThe speaker had an unplanned and humorous interaction with panelists, sharing jokes about drugs, large frames, and northern origins. The audience enjoyed the light-hearted and entertaining tone.

      The speaker had an unplanned and humorous interaction with the panelists at an event, which led to an impromptu performance. The speaker made several jokes throughout the interaction, some of which were about taking drugs, having a large frame, and being from the north. The jokes were met with laughter and encouragement from the audience. The speaker also mentioned his dislike for bling and his preference for belt buckles. The conversation then shifted to food and the speaker's unusual relationship with it. The overall tone of the interaction was light-hearted and entertaining.

    • Exploring Fears and Lifestyle Differences with Ron FunchesRon Funches engaged the audience in a light-hearted conversation about fears, lifestyle differences, and comedy between Canada and the US.

      The conversation between the two individuals touched on various topics including fear, marijuana, comedy, and lifestyle differences between Canada and the United States. The comedian, Ron Funches, asked the audience member, "Dave," about his fears using a question he calls the "Ron Funches question." Dave revealed that he wasn't scared of much, and they joked about various things such as pizza, taxes, and wrestling. The conversation also highlighted the differences in nightlife and activities between Toronto and other major cities in the United States. The tone of the conversation was light-hearted and humorous, with the comedian making jokes throughout the discussion.

    • Unexpected Fundraiser through Spoken Word PoetryNewcomer Dave Bastian impressed audience with unique style and humor during a fundraiser event, using spoken word poetry to raise funds for a film project.

      Spoken word poetry can be an unexpected yet effective way to raise funds for a film project. Dave Bastian, a newcomer to stand-up comedy, showcased his unique style and sense of humor during this event, impressing the audience and leaving them wanting more. Despite his nerves, Bastian was able to make the audience feel comfortable and entertained, even earning a compliment from Ron Jeremy. His unexpected use of a harmonica during another poet's performance added to the unexpected yet enjoyable evening. It's clear that Bastian has a promising future in comedy and a strong connection with his audience.

    • Comics share stories about their personal lives and relationshipsThrough off-topic conversations and humor, comics showcase the importance of finding common ground and laughing about life's challenges, including family dynamics.

      The conversation between the two comics revolved around their personal lives and experiences, with one comic sharing a story about his strained relationship with his mother. The conversation veered off topic multiple times, leading to humorous exchanges and jokes. Despite the off-topic conversations, both comics found humor in the situations and continued to engage with each other. The conversation also showcased the unique dynamics between comics and their ability to find humor in unexpected places. The conversation also highlighted the importance of family and the challenges that come with it. Despite the initial tension, the comics were able to find common ground and laugh about their experiences.

    • Exploring the world of Tinsmiths and unexpected experiencesBe open-minded and adaptable to new experiences, even if they're initially uncomfortable or unfamiliar. Unexpected twists and turns in life can lead to unexpected discoveries and opportunities.

      The term "Tinsmith" can be confusing as it is not commonly known today, and it refers to a person who works with sheet metal to create various objects. The conversation also touched upon improvisation, comedy, and the unexpected experiences that can lead individuals to try new things, even if they are initially hesitant or uncomfortable. Another interesting topic that emerged was the sale of retro toys, which sparked nostalgia and brought up memories of iconic pop culture figures like Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of being open-minded and adaptable, as well as the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Casual conversation about food, comedy, and technologyIndividuals shared stories and humor about food, comedy, and technology experiences, with newcomers to stand-up comedy adding excitement to the room.

      The conversation between the individuals in the room revolved around various topics including food, comedy, and their personal experiences. The tone was casual and humorous, with some individuals sharing stories about their last meals and comedic attempts at making donuts. Another topic of discussion was their experiences with technology, specifically breaking phones and the resulting frustration. Despite the seemingly random nature of the conversation, it showcased the individuals' unique perspectives and sense of humor. Additionally, it was mentioned that some of them were new to stand-up comedy and had traveled great distances to be there, adding an element of excitement and discovery to the room. Overall, the conversation was a reflection of the group's lighthearted and spontaneous nature.

    • Discussion reveals offensive perspective towards redheads and Asian womenUsing humor to demean and stereotype based on physical characteristics or ethnicity is not acceptable and contributes to a harmful and divisive environment. Promote respect, inclusivity, and understanding towards all individuals.

      The conversation between the individuals involved in this discussion reveals a disturbing and offensive perspective towards redheads and Asian women. The discussion contains violent and derogatory language, showcasing a lack of respect and understanding for people of different backgrounds. The use of humor to demean and stereotype is not acceptable and contributes to a harmful and divisive environment. It is essential to promote respect, inclusivity, and understanding towards all individuals, regardless of their physical characteristics or ethnicity.

    • Lessons from embarrassing comedy mistakesOriginality matters in comedy, and borrowing material without proper attribution can lead to awkward encounters. Adaptability and audience engagement are crucial skills for comedians.

      Even experienced comedians have made embarrassing mistakes early in their careers. The speaker shared an example of a joke he thought was original but had actually heard before, leading to awkward encounters with audience members. This experience taught him the importance of originality and the potential consequences of borrowing material without proper attribution. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of audience engagement and the ability to adapt to unexpected situations on stage. The comics discussed also showcased their creativity by sharing stories of making breakfast on stage or improvising with household items. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of resilience, originality, and adaptability in the world of stand-up comedy.

    • Men's Preferences and Experiences with Different Body TypesMen share stories and jokes about their past relationships and preferences for various body types, using humor to connect and bond.

      The conversation between the speakers revolves around their experiences with relationships and their preferences for different body types. They joke about their past experiences, using humor to describe their encounters with various women, from those who are overweight to those who are thin. The speakers also discuss their own appearances and body types, with one of them admitting to having a preference for larger women. The conversation also touches upon their sexual experiences and encounters, with some stories involving misunderstandings or mishaps. Despite the sometimes crude and explicit nature of the conversation, there is a sense of camaraderie and shared experience between the speakers. Overall, the conversation can be seen as an example of how men (or people in general) often discuss their romantic and sexual experiences with one another, using humor and storytelling to connect and bond.

    • Balance excess with letting goEnjoy life's pleasures but know when to let go, illustrated through the analogy of watching porn. Find success and encouragement in new pursuits, even with initial nerves.

      Just like how one should enjoy the excesses during the holiday season, but also know when to let go and take it down, the same applies to other areas of life, such as work or personal pursuits. The speaker used the analogy of watching porn to illustrate this concept. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the unique experiences of first-time comedians performing at The Comedy Store, and the diverse backgrounds and careers of those in attendance. The speaker also shared his own background as a lawyer, and the recent shift into comedy. Despite his initial nervousness, he found success and encouragement from the audience.

    • Newcomer Jordan Thompson's absurd humor and personal experiences entertainJordan Thompson's unique brand of humor, combining absurdity and personal experiences, kept the audience engaged and entertained throughout his act.

      Jordan Thompson, a newcomer to stand-up comedy, entertained the audience with a mix of absurd humor and personal experiences. He started his act by scratching his butt, which amusingly released a unique smell only the audience could appreciate. The act continued with a misunderstood encounter involving a coyote, goats, and chihuahuas. Jordan then shared a story about his accident, which led to some jokes about his living situation with his mother. The audience was engaged throughout, with moments of laughter and curiosity. Despite some confusion, Jordan's ability to find humor in everyday situations kept the audience entertained.

    • Exploring the complexities of human interactionsSensitive conversations can bring people closer together, but it's important to show empathy and understanding to maintain privacy and respect.

      The conversation among the group involved unexpected and sensitive topics, ranging from personal losses to unusual experiences. Despite the awkward moments, the group continued to engage in the conversation, showcasing a sense of camaraderie and acceptance. The speaker shared an experience about encountering someone who had lost a child and showed sensitivity, but inadvertently made the situation public. The group also discussed their personal habits, such as using social media for entertainment and relaxation, and shared their unique perspectives on it. Overall, the conversation demonstrated the complexities and nuances of human interactions, as well as the importance of empathy and understanding in building connections.

    • New comedian's authentic debutSpeaker recognizes new comedian's passion and encourages him to pursue dreams despite humble beginnings

      The speaker recognized the passion and authenticity of a new comedian, Brian, during his stand-up debut. The speaker admired Brian's confidence and message, contrasting him with those who lacked purpose. Brian, a house painter, shared his newfound inspiration from his first week as a chauffeur, leading him to pursue comedy. The speaker acknowledged Brian's untapped creative energy and encouraged him to chase his dreams. The audience was impressed by the organic and engaging performance, leaving them eager for more comedy from Brian and the group.

    • The weight of disregarding societal normsDisregarding societal norms can lead to inner turmoil, loss of freedom, and potential consequences. Adhering to laws and values is essential for personal growth and peace of mind.

      The text expresses a sense of loss and exhaustion, possibly due to disregard for laws and societal norms, leading to potential consequences. The speaker seems to be grappling with inner demons and the repercussions of past actions. They express a longing for freedom and dreams of fortune, but these aspirations appear to be elusive due to their inconsistent behavior. The text suggests a plea for redemption or a call to regain control and align actions with laws and values. Overall, the text conveys a message of the importance of adhering to societal norms and the potential consequences of disregarding them.

    Recent Episodes from KILL TONY


    Shane Gillis, James McCann, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJuly 02, 2024


    Luis J Gomez, Sal Vulcano, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/03/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Head to https://www.squarespace.com/killtony to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code KILLTONY Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer Find your forever cookware @hexclad and get 10% off at https://hexclad.com/TONY #hexcladpartner Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 25, 2024

    #668 - SAM TALLENT

    #668 - SAM TALLENT
    KILL TONY #668 Sam Tallent, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/27/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. Get $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 at https://talkspace.com/tony Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://hellomood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. Your summer wardrobe awaits! Get 20% off @chubbies with the code TONY at https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/tony #chubbiespod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 18, 2024


    Adam Devine, Harland Williams, David Koechner, Bruce Buffer, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/12/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassic.com/killtony #trueclassicpod Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! Protect your online privacy TODAY by visiting https://expressVPN.com/killtony Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 11, 2024


    Post Malone, Tim Dillon, Adam Ray, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY HIMS Start your free online visit today at https://hims.com/KILLTONY COOKUNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537)(AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369)(NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT),or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV). 21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). NEW CUSTOMERS: Valid 1 per new customer. Min $5 deposit. No Sweat Bet awarded upon deposit. No SweatBet automatically applied to qualifying first bet. Min. $1 bet. First bet after opting-in must lose. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet upon first bet settlement and in amount of losing bet. Max. $1,500 Bonus Bet. PLAYOFF NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer per day. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends at the conclusion of the NBA playoffs See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 04, 2024


    Jim Florentine, Erik Griffin, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! EXPRESSVPN: Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://expressvpn.com/killtony Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 28, 2024


    William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO THE REPLAY LIVESTREAM OF KILL TONY LIVE IN L.A.. - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://www.ExpressVPN.com/KILLTONY and you can get an extra three months FREE! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 21, 2024


    Dr Phil (Adam Ray), Akaash Singh, Jason Ellis, Preacher Lawson, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/22/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: TALKSPACE: To celebrate May & Mental Health Awareness Month, and the power of talking it out in therapy, Talkspace is offering every listener of Kill Tony $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 when you go to https://Talkspace.com/TONY SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 13, 2024

    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK

    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK
    Daniel Van Kirk, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/15/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO LIVESTREAM KILL TONY. LIVE IN L.A.. ‎(MAY 10 & 12) - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY GAMETIME Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. COOK UNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) (AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369) (NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT), or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV).21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). BET/GET: Valid 1 per new customer. Min. $5 deposit. Min. $5 bet. $150 issued as bonus bets. NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends 5/19/24 11:59 PM ET. See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    Tony Hawk, Harland Williams, Ian Fidance, Jelly Roll, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/08/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Ian Fidance | Wild Happy & Free | Stand Up Special - https://youtu.be/-30PenMy1O8?feature=shared THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: ZIPRECRUITER See why 4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Just go to this exclusive web address right now to try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE: https://ziprecruiter.com/killtony. SHOPIFY Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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