
    Kristi Noem Shoots Her Puppy, Cringe Kamala Interview, and Campus Chaos Continues, with Michael Knowles | Ep. 777

    enApril 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Governor Noem's Controversial Decision to Shoot Her PuppyGovernor Noem's decision to shoot her puppy during a hunt caused significant backlash, potentially damaging her vice presidential prospects, highlighting the importance of considering public perception in political decisions.

      Politics and public perception can be very unforgiving, as demonstrated by the controversy surrounding South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and her decision to shoot her puppy, Cricket. Despite her intentions to show her toughness and willingness to handle difficult situations, the incident has caused significant backlash and damage to her potential vice presidential prospects. The incident, which is detailed in her book, involved Cricket's aggressive behavior during a pheasant hunt, leading to the puppy's death after it attacked a family's chickens. While some argue that Noem's actions were justified given her role as a governor, others see it as a poor political move, highlighting the fine line between appearing tough and making decisions that could be perceived negatively by the public.

    • Politicians and changing attitudes towards animalsPoliticians must consider shifting public opinion towards animals as family members and ethical considerations when making decisions involving them.

      Our perception and treatment of animals have changed significantly over the years, and politicians need to be mindful of these shifts in public opinion. In the discussed episode, Kristi Noem's decision to euthanize her dog, Stradwick, near chickens was seen as unnecessary and cruel by many, contrasting the political strategy of Nixon's "Checkers Speech" where he used a pet to gain public support. Today, dogs are often viewed as family members and babies, making such actions more controversial. Dog trainers argue that proper guidance, training, and discipline could have prevented the situation. This change in attitude towards animals highlights the importance of considering public sentiment and ethical considerations when making decisions that involve animals in politics.

    • People's deep emotional connection with petsPeople treat pets like family, leading to complex relationships and potential misunderstandings or tragic incidents. Proper training and care are essential.

      People's attachment to pets, particularly dogs, goes beyond just companionship and can lead them to treat them like family members. However, this can sometimes result in misunderstandings or even tragic incidents, as seen in the story of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and her experiences with a dog named Cricket and a goat. Despite the backlash she faced after sharing these stories in her upcoming book, it highlights the deep emotional connection people have with their pets and the complex relationship between humans and animals. Additionally, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proper training and care for pets to prevent any potential harm or danger.

    • Governor Noem's Actions Towards Cricket Sparks BacklashThe Cricket incident highlights the power of public perception and the importance of being mindful of how our actions may be perceived, particularly regarding animals, and the significance of proper training for dogs.

      The actions of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem regarding a dog named Cricket on her farm has sparked intense backlash, with many people expressing strong emotions, particularly those who love animals. The incident, which involved the euthanization of Cricket, has led to significant criticism and negative publicity for the governor. Some have compared her actions to those of a psycho character in American Psycho. However, it's important to remember that animals do not have the same rights or rational souls as humans, and they serve us for our enjoyment and fun. At the same time, people deeply care about their pets and may not appreciate politicians bragging about harming them. The incident also highlights the importance of proper training for dogs, especially breeds known for aggression. Overall, the Cricket incident serves as a reminder of the power of public perception and the importance of being mindful of how our actions may be perceived by different groups.

    • Governor Noem's Love for Her Challenging Dog CricketDespite the challenges and criticisms, Governor Noem cherishes her difficult dog Cricket and remains committed to providing for its needs, while emphasizing the importance of upholding democratic values in unprecedented situations.

      Governor Kristi Noem shared her experiences with owning a difficult dog named Cricket and the challenges it brings, while also addressing criticisms and attacks she faces due to her pet. She emphasized her love for the dog despite its misbehaviors and the significant expenses she's incurred for its training and medical care. Additionally, she touched upon the ongoing debate regarding former President Trump's legal issues and the unprecedented nature of his cases. She warned against numbing ourselves to the abnormality of the situation and the importance of upholding democratic values.

    • Political Climate Tested: Illegal Spying, Changing Election Rules, and Federal IndictmentsGeorge believes Democrats and liberal establishment set a dangerous precedent by engaging in illegal activities and changing election rules, while Michael emphasizes the importance of upholding democracy's tenets despite political changes

      The current political climate in the United States is being tested in unprecedented ways, with both parties challenging the norms of American democracy. George believes that this trend was initiated by the Democratic Party and the liberal establishment, citing instances of illegal spying, changing election rules, and federal indictments of former presidents as examples. He argues that these actions set a dangerous precedent and undermine the rule of law. Michael, on the other hand, sees it as a test for all of us as citizens to uphold the tenets of our democracy, regardless of whose turn it is to be in power. He emphasizes that it's important to remember that no American president has ever faced a criminal trial or federal indictment before, and that the current situation is a departure from the political tradition.

    • Callers' strong reactions against Kristi Noem's past incident of killing a puppyAnimal rights issues can significantly impact voters' decisions during an election, as shown by intense reactions to Kristi Noem's past admission of killing a puppy.

      During a conversation about potential vice presidential picks for Donald Trump, callers expressed strong opinions against Kristi Noem due to an incident in her past where she admitted to killing a puppy. Some callers threatened to vote against Trump if he chose her as a running mate, while others criticized her judgment for sharing the story during an election season. Some callers also questioned the authenticity of her admission and suggested she might have done it for political gain. Overall, the incident sparked intense reactions and highlighted the power of animal rights issues in influencing voters' decisions.

    • Euthanizing a Governor's Pet Dog: Ethical ImplicationsCallers debated the ethics of euthanizing a governor's pet dog after it attacked chickens, with some defending the decision for safety reasons and others criticizing it as unnecessary violence against an animal. The conversation touched upon personal experiences, responsibility in pet ownership, and the impact of celebrity status on animal welfare.

      The discussion revolved around the ethical implications of euthanizing a governor's pet dog after it attacked chickens on a farm. Some callers defended the decision, citing the dog's aggression and the potential danger it posed, while others criticized it, viewing it as an unnecessary act of violence against an innocent animal. The callers shared their personal experiences and perspectives, some growing up in rural areas where such actions were common, while others expressing strong emotions as dog owners. The conversation also touched upon the role of responsibility and training in pet ownership, as well as the impact of celebrity status on animal welfare. Ultimately, the callers emphasized the importance of considering the feelings and values of all parties involved in such a sensitive issue.

    • Is it safe for young children to be around pit bulls?While the debate continues on pit bulls' temperament, it's crucial to exercise caution and common sense when interacting with animals, especially around young children.

      During a political discussion, it was debated whether or not it's appropriate for people to bring pit bulls around young children due to the breed's reputation for aggression. Some argued that pit bulls are naturally aggressive and should be kept away from children, while others defended the breed as gentle and good with families. The conversation also touched on the idea that there's a growing moral equivalency between humans and animals, which some found concerning. Ultimately, it was agreed that humans and their actions towards animals should not be compared to humans and their actions towards other humans. However, common sense and caution should be exercised when interacting with animals, especially when young children are involved.

    • Dog Breed's Aggressive Behavior and Due ProcessThe conversation emphasized the significance of responsible pet ownership and the potential consequences of failing to train aggressive breeds, while also touching upon the complexities of animal behavior and the ongoing debates surrounding political figures' rights and public perception.

      The discussion revolved around the aggressive behavior of a specific dog breed and the lack of due process for the dog involved. Bill, a caller, shared his concerns about the owner's decision to get an aggressive breed and her failure to train it properly. The conversation also touched upon the distinction between animals and human beings in terms of rights and the unfair treatment of political figures like Donald Trump. Michael Knowles added his perspective on Kamala Harris' interview on The Drew Barrymore Show, criticizing her perceived insincerity and the overly-intimate body language of the host. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of responsible pet ownership, the complexities of animal behavior, and the ongoing debates surrounding political figures' rights and public perception.

    • Speaker criticizes VP Harris for perceived lack of substance, compares her to Claire DunphySpeaker criticizes Kamala Harris for relying on laughter as a deflection and compares her to Claire Dunphy from Modern Family. They also criticize Drew Barrymore's interviewing skills and express concern over media focus on identity over substance, specifically in regards to Harris and the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on gender-affirming care.

      During a recent interview on The Megyn Kelly Show, the speaker criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her perceived lack of substance in her public speaking, often relying on her laugh as a deflection. The speaker also noted the inappropriateness of her laughter at certain times, drawing a comparison to Claire Dunphy from Modern Family. The speaker expressed disappointment in Drew Barrymore's interviewing skills and criticized the media for focusing on Harris's identity rather than her thoughts or ideas. Additionally, the speaker touched on the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that states must use public funds for gender-affirming care, expressing concern over the potential financial implications and the broader trend of leftist policies. Overall, the speaker's perspective was that both Harris and the media are prioritizing identity over substance, leading to a lack of meaningful discourse.

    • Rise of antisemitic sentiment on college campusesAntisemitic comments advocating violence against Jews and Israel have emerged on college campuses, with some students and professors facing no consequences until exposed publicly

      There has been a troubling rise of antisemitic sentiment on college campuses, with some students and professors advocating for violence against Jews and Israel. This was highlighted by a case at Columbia University, where a student leader of an anti-Israel movement publicly called for the death of Zionists, but faced no consequences until the comments were made public. The student, Keimani James, later issued a non-apology and blamed being taken out of context and facing online harassment for his statements. This disturbing trend is a threat to free speech and peaceful coexistence, and it's important to call out and challenge such hateful rhetoric whenever it emerges.

    • College Campus Politics: Controversial Actions and Free SpeechCollege campuses face controversy over anti-Semitic behavior, interference with law enforcement, handling of sexual assault allegations, and student loan forgiveness. Debate continues on free speech and due process.

      There have been instances of anti-Semitic behavior and controversial actions at various universities, including the raising of the Palestinian flag over the American flag, and a professor interfering with a police officer during a protest. These actions have sparked controversy and raised concerns about due process and free speech on college campuses. Additionally, there have been criticisms of the handling of sexual assault allegations and the impact of student loan forgiveness on taxpayers. The discussion also touched upon the perceived divisive labeling of individuals based on their stance towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and contentious issues surrounding campus politics and the role of universities in shaping societal discourse.

    • Protests against Jews and Western civilization disguised as social justiceProtests on college campuses and at the White House Correspondents' Dinner are not mainly about Palestine or Israel, but rather an attack on Jews and Western civilization under the guise of social justice. Ideological indoctrination fuels the motivation to delegitimize Western civilization.

      The recent protests on college campuses and at the White House Correspondents' Dinner are not primarily about Palestine or Israel, but rather about attacking Jews and Western civilization under the guise of social justice. The language used against Jews and Israel mirrors the language used to criticize America and Europe. The motivation behind these protests is rooted in ideological indoctrination and a desire to delegitimize Western civilization. The universities and organizations that have allowed this behavior to continue are ultimately responsible for the escalation of bad behavior. It's important to note that there are conflicts around the world, such as the one in Azerbaijan and Armenia, where genocide and ethnic cleansing are occurring, but these issues are not being addressed by the protesters because they do not fit the narrative. Instead, they focus on attacking Western civilization and Jews.

    • Protests against Israel are part of a larger radical leftist agendaRecent protests against Israel at universities and public events are not just about Palestine or Israel, but a continuation of radical leftist politics aimed at tearing down Western civilization, leading to confrontations with law enforcement and losing support for Biden among Democrats, independents, and Republicans.

      The recent protests against Israel at universities and public events are not just about Palestine or Israel, but rather a continuation of radical leftist politics aimed at tearing down Western civilization. These protests have become increasingly confrontational, leading to physical altercations with law enforcement. The protesters, who invoke Nazi comparisons, are not allies of the Democratic Party or President Biden, as they are protesting the left-wing president and journalists. The issue is not just isolated to campuses but is a significant problem for Biden, as his own political coalition is falling apart. The polling shows that Biden is losing support on the Israel issue among Democrats, independents, and Republicans. Despite this, Biden has not taken a clear stance in support of Israel, which could alienate his pro-Israel base. The political order is fraying under Biden's leadership, and the attacks from his own side are becoming more frequent and intense.

    • Trump's Lead in 2024 Election PreviewDespite legal issues, Trump leads in 2024 polls due to improved electability, economic dissatisfaction, and effective messaging on international crises and values.

      The political landscape is shifting in favor of Donald Trump as the 2024 presidential election approaches. According to the polls, Trump is currently leading against other candidates, including Joe Biden, despite ongoing legal issues. The public perception of Trump's presidency has improved, with 55% now viewing it as successful, compared to 61% for Biden's tenure. The economic conditions in the US are also viewed negatively, with Biden's approval ratings for the economy and inflation at record lows. Trump's ability to deflect criticism and blame Biden for current issues, such as the conflict in Israel and Palestine, as well as international crises like the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Chinese threats towards Taiwan, is resonating with voters. The controversy surrounding his legal issues seems to be working in his favor, with many viewing it as an unjust political prosecution. Additionally, the 4th Circuit Court's recent ruling on gender affirming surgeries and the taxpayer's responsibility to cover these procedures has sparked controversy and could potentially sway voters towards Trump's stance on preserving traditional values.

    • Recent court rulings favor transgender rightsCourts have ruled trans students can use bathrooms, play on sports teams based on gender identity, but critics argue it's discriminatory against taxpayers. Discrimination is defined as distinguishing one thing from another, so denying trans access to facilities or medical treatments is discriminatory.

      The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has made two recent rulings in favor of transgender rights, which have been met with strong dissent. These rulings include the right for trans students to use bathrooms aligning with their gender identity and the right for a trans student to play on a girls' sports team. The court's decisions have been criticized as discriminatory against taxpayers who don't want to fund certain medical procedures. However, it's important to recognize that discrimination is defined as distinguishing one thing from another. In this context, it's discriminatory to deny trans individuals access to certain facilities or medical treatments, just as it's discriminatory to deny women access to women-only spaces. The court's rulings have been criticized as arbitrary and capricious, and it's likely that the losing sides will appeal to the Supreme Court. The Bostock decision, which expanded employment protections to include sexual identity and gender orientation, has also been criticized for undercutting protections based on sex. The Supreme Court will need to be bold in taking up these cases and setting clear legal precedents.

    • Balancing individual rights and societal norms in transgender rights debateThe debate on transgender rights requires a nuanced approach that balances individual freedoms with societal responsibilities, including accommodation of gender expression and identity in employment and public spaces, while considering potential harm or discomfort to others.

      The debate surrounding transgender rights in employment and public spaces raises complex questions about individual freedoms and societal responsibilities. Some argue that employers and society should accommodate gender expression and identity, while others believe that there should be limits to avoid discomfort or potential harm to others. The Supreme Court's ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County clarified that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is a form of sex discrimination, but the implications for public spaces and healthcare continue to be debated. Ultimately, the issue requires a nuanced approach that balances individual rights with societal norms and resources.

    • Controversy over funding for transgender careDespite religious and moral objections, trans activists have successfully advocated for state funding of gender-affirming care, which some argue may pose health risks and infringe on states' rights.

      The discussion revolved around the controversy surrounding the funding of gender-affirming care for transgender individuals. The speaker expressed their belief that it's important to distinguish between what's good for one's health and what's harmful, and that gender-affirming care should not be funded due to potential health risks. They also criticized the judicial system for mandating states to provide funding for this care against their objections. The speaker argued that trans activists have been effective in pushing for these policies, despite religious and moral objections, and that it's essential to challenge these rulings. The conversation touched upon the potential implications for state-funded healthcare programs and the role of religious beliefs in shaping public policy.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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