
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussions on promotions and offerings from Burro, Blue Nile, Bombas, and the Scotch Whisky AssociationListen to learn about Memorial Day discounts on Burro's durable outdoor furniture, Mother's Day deals on Blue Nile's pearls and gemstones, Bombas' soft materials and donation initiative, and the Scotch Whisky Association's Made to be Measured campaign promoting responsible drinking.

      This episode featured discussions about various promotions and offerings from different companies. Burro, a furniture company, was highlighted for its durable outdoor collection with rustproof hardware, weather-ready teak, and quick-dry foam cushions, offering up to 25% off for Memorial Day. Blue Nile, a jewelry company, promoted its exquisite pearls and gemstones for Mother's Day, providing up to 50% off. Bombas, a clothing brand, was introduced for its absurdly soft materials and commitment to donating an item for every purchase. The Scotch Whisky Association's Made to be Measured campaign was mentioned, emphasizing the importance of understanding alcohol units for responsible consumption. Lastly, the podcast panelists, including a former chief of staff to the Scottish first minister and a former director of communications for the Scottish Conservatives, shared their insights on Scottish politics. Geoff Aberdeen and Andy McKeever discussed topics like tactical voting and the complacency of political parties. Despite some controversy over Jeff's facial expressions during a previous podcast episode, he expressed his cheerful mood due to his newborn's first uninterrupted night of sleep.

    • SNP and Greens: A Cooperative RelationshipThe SNP acknowledges the Greens' influence and their ability to push SNP policies beyond their manifestos, highlighting the significance of their cooperative relationship.

      During a recent podcast episode, the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, discussed the relationship between the SNP and the Greens in the Scottish Government. She acknowledged that the Greens have influence and push the SNP to go further on certain issues, which may be beyond what's in their manifestos. This cooperation agreement between the two parties was formed when the SNP was voted in as a minority government, and Sturgeon believes that political parties should work together to progress their political agenda. Lorna Slater, a Green Party member, was described by Sturgeon as hardworking, diligent, and compassionate. This admission from Sturgeon about the potential for the Greens to influence SNP policies beyond their manifestos could be significant for voters.

    • SNP-Green coalition agreement faces criticism for lack of public communicationThe SNP-Green coalition agreement has passed votes and budgets, but it's unclear how it benefits people outside parliament, and it's crucial to distinguish between Green Party policy and green policy, such as the debate over heat pumps vs hydrogen boilers.

      The SNP-Green coalition agreement in Scotland has faced criticism for not effectively communicating the benefits of the partnership to the general public. While the agreement has made passing votes and budgets easier for the Scottish government, it remains unclear how it positively impacts people's lives outside the parliament. Additionally, it's essential to distinguish between Green Party policy and green policy, as they are not always the same. A practical example of this distinction is the debate over heat pumps versus hydrogen boilers. While the Scottish government and the Green Party have different stances on blue hydrogen, some environmentalists support hydrogen boilers as a more sustainable solution. The SNP and other coalition members should be cautious not to conflate the two and ensure that they clearly communicate the unique contributions of both parties to the agreement.

    • A listener's question about the completion of major infrastructure projects in ScotlandThe Scottish Government is committed to delivering the A9 and A96 infrastructure projects, with a focus on climate compatibility, but specific timelines for the A96 remain unclear. The urgent need for road improvements, particularly in light of the shift to electric cars, was emphasized.

      During a recent podcast episode, a listener named Philip shared a personal and poignant question about the completion of two major infrastructure projects, the A9 and A96, in Scotland, which he has passed through countless times and witnessed a fatal accident on. The First Minister, Humza Yousaf, acknowledged the importance of these projects and reaffirmed the Scottish Government's commitment to delivering them, particularly the A9. However, he was less specific about the timeline for the A96. Yousaf also emphasized the need to consider climate compatibility for all projects, including transport, heat, buildings, and agriculture, to meet ambitious climate change targets. While Yousaf's response was seen as fair, some critics suggested he could have shown more empathy and been more upfront about the timelines for both projects. The listener, Jeff, emphasized the importance of addressing the urgent need for road improvements, not just in Scotland but throughout the UK, especially as the shift to electric cars gains momentum. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of infrastructure development and the impact of politics on people's lives.

    • Emphasizing the need for robust infrastructure for electric vehiclesEffective governance requires prioritizing investments and finding creative solutions, even if it goes against popular opinions, such as investing in roads to support electric vehicle growth.

      Effective governance involves understanding complex issues and finding creative solutions, even if it means going against popular opinions. Using the example of electric vehicles and road infrastructure, the speaker emphasizes the need for robust roads to support the growth of the electric vehicle industry, despite the common belief that roads contribute to climate change. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of prioritizing investments and making choices, rather than using the lack of funds as an excuse. The Scottish politics poll mentioned in the podcast indicates a close race between the SNP and Labour, with both parties receiving similar levels of public support. This shift in voter intentions towards Labour represents the highest level of support for the party since 2014.

    • Scottish National Party (SNP) predicted to win Scottish general election, but Labour set to make significant gainsSNP expected to win Scottish election, but Labour may double their seats, tight race between the two parties, SNP may lose seats impacting independence negotiations

      The latest polling in Scotland suggests that the Scottish National Party (SNP) is expected to win the upcoming general election, but Labour is predicted to make significant gains and potentially double their current seat count. The independence vote remains strong, and the SNP's high watermark from previous elections could lead to seat losses. The first minister himself has acknowledged that the party will lose seats, and the number of seats they may lose could have serious implications for their ability to negotiate for independence. Overall, the polling indicates a tight race between the two parties, with Labour emerging as a stronger opposition in Scotland.

    • SNP faces growing dissatisfaction over cooperation deal with GreensThe SNP is experiencing a decline in public support due to dissatisfaction with their cooperation agreement with the Scottish Greens and potential policy misalignment with public opinion. The party must assess their policies and address public concerns to regain trust and support.

      The Scottish National Party (SNP) is facing growing dissatisfaction from the public regarding their cooperation agreement with the Scottish Green Party. The polls suggest a clear divide, with a majority of people in Scotland no longer supporting the arrangement. This is a significant shift from previous polling data and indicates that the SNP needs to address this issue and sell the merits of the deal to the public. Additionally, the SNP's stance on various issues may be out of alignment with public opinion, contributing to their decline in support. The SNP's advisors need to assess the value of their current policies and make tough decisions to turn challenges into opportunities. While some issues may not be top of mind for voters on the doorstep, they will express dissatisfaction when engaged on these topics. The SNP must prioritize addressing these concerns to regain public trust and support.

    • Scottish Conservatives as potential kingmakersHistorical animosity between Scottish Conservatives and other parties may limit coalition-building, potentially limiting liberal conservative representation in Scotland

      The Scottish elections could result in a hung parliament, making the Scottish Conservatives a potential kingmaker after the 2026 election. However, this is not a standard kingmaker situation due to the historical animosity between the Scottish Conservatives and other parties, particularly the SNP, Greens, Labour, and Lib Dems. The Scottish Conservatives' unique position as the only European center-right party that has never been in government is due to this animosity, making coalition-building without their involvement a priority for other parties. This dynamic may limit the representation of liberal conservative voters in Scotland, who are often in government in other European countries.

    • Alternatives to Surgery for a Defined Jawline and Effective Professional StrategiesJuvederm Volux XC offers a natural-looking, long-lasting alternative to jawline surgery. LinkedIn provides access to a vast pool of potential candidates. Taking a clear stance can build conviction and appeal to voters.

      There are effective alternatives to surgery for a more defined jawline, such as Juvederm Volux XC, a nonsurgical injectable gel filler. This treatment can provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime and lasts up to a year. For professionals who want to expand their talent pool, LinkedIn offers access to a large number of potential candidates, including those who aren't actively seeking new roles. In politics, being a people pleaser might seem like the best option, but taking a stand on important issues can help build conviction and appeal to voters. The Scotch Whiskey Association's "made to be measured" campaign is an example of responsible collaboration to promote awareness of alcohol consumption guidelines. In a nutshell, whether it's improving your appearance with Juvederm or making a decision as a politician, taking a clear and decisive approach can help achieve the best results.

    • Scottish Political Leaders' Approval RatingsScottish First Minister Humza Yousaf faces unfavorable ratings, while Scottish Labour leader Anna Starmer enjoys more favorable ones. Conviction and clear goals are essential for political leaders. Labour Party may secure more UK seats, while Green Party may gain more Scottish seats in upcoming elections. Optimism and transparency are crucial in politics.

      Scottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf, despite his charisma and passion, faces a significant challenge in improving his public image, as indicated by his unfavorable approval ratings of 40-5%. Anna Starmer, the Scottish Labour leader, currently enjoys more favorable ratings. Conviction and clear goals are crucial for political leaders, and it remains to be seen if Yousaf can demonstrate these qualities effectively. Additionally, Andy and Jeff discussed their political insights and bets. Jeff believes the Labour Party will secure more seats than the SNP in the 2024 UK general election, while the opposite is predicted for the 2026 Scottish elections regarding the Green Party's seat count. The podcast hosts emphasized the importance of optimism and transparency in politics. They also clarified that they have not taken any money from the podcast yet.

    • Labour vs SNP vs Greens: Scotland's Uncertain Election OutcomeLabour leads in momentum, SNP and Greens are key players, outcome uncertain, cost of living crisis and policies key, Labour and Greens have potential to win, connection with voters crucial

      The upcoming general election is expected to be a significant contest between the two major parties, with Labour currently leading in momentum and establishing a strong position due to their ability to attract both soft unionists and soft nationalists. The Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Scottish Greens are also key players, with the Greens potentially benefiting from disillusioned SNP voters. However, the outcome is uncertain, and the strategies of each party in addressing the cost of living crisis and implementing meaningful policies will be crucial. The speaker is confident in his bet against the Scottish National Party and believes Labour has the potential to win, provided they can effectively tap into the centrist agenda and create a new devolution concept. The Greens, on the other hand, are seen as having a strong chance due to their growing popularity and the potential for disgruntled SNP voters to shift their allegiance. Ultimately, the outcome will depend on how each party manages to connect with voters and address their concerns.

    • SNP should aim to lose nationalist majority, work with other partiesSNP should aim to be largest party, not focus on independence, work with other parties to address pressing issues and stay in power

      For the Scottish National Party (SNP) to effectively improve their governance and focus on rebuilding a strong case for being a good government, they should aim to lose their nationalist majority in parliament but remain the largest party, keeping independence off the table for the short to medium term. This will force them to work with other parties, deal with pressing issues, and not blame everything on Westminster or independence. If they can adopt this approach, they may be able to stay in government after the next election and make significant progress, similar to what was achieved in 2007 when independence was not a major focus. Additionally, the SNP could consider abandoning the green power deal and sharing deal and start negotiating a better devolution settlement with the party at Westminster. Although the chances of this happening are slim, it is the recommended course of action for the party to move forward. The biggest policy achievement for the SNP in government is the extension of state-funded nursery care, which has been a game-changer for young families and their financial situation, as well as helping young mothers re-enter the workforce. Hamza Yousaf's biggest achievement since becoming leader is re-entering the international league tables on school performance.

    • Political dialogue in Scotland's education sector clouded by secrecy and negativityAddressing the issue of anonymous social media accounts and promoting accountability could improve political discourse and transparency in Scotland's education sector, benefiting the future economy.

      The state of education in Scotland is shrouded in secrecy due to data concerns and the toxic nature of political dialogue, fueled by anonymous social media accounts. The future economy relies heavily on what is happening in schools, making transparency and healthy political discourse crucial. Tom Hunter, a businessman, has proposed reducing corporation tax for firms in key growth sectors as a potential solution for Scotland's economy. However, the current political climate may not allow for this idea to be implemented, as our discourse is stuck in a divisive and unproductive cycle. To improve political dialogue, it's essential to address the issue of anonymous accounts on social media platforms and regulate them to encourage accountability and responsibility for one's words. This could help reduce the negativity and hostility that currently dominates political discourse.

    • Ireland's lack of commitment to economic growthIreland's political parties prioritize economic growth like Scandinavian countries, but lack the commitment to make it a reality. Ambitious economic proposals, like Scotland's potential 15% corporate tax zone, remain unengaged.

      The Irish political parties, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, and Scandinavian countries share a strong focus on economic growth, but Ireland falls short due to a lack of commitment to this area. Sir Tom Hunter's proposal for Scotland to become a 15% corporate tax zone for three growth sectors could be a potential strategy, but unfortunately, no political party is currently willing to engage with this idea. The sad reality is that without a government and political spectrum willing to engage, ambitious thinking for economic growth and reindustrialization remains distant. It's essential for leaders to prioritize economic growth and work together to make ambitious proposals a reality.

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    Recent Episodes from Holyrood Sources

    To Bet Or Not To Bet

    To Bet Or Not To Bet

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says “the culture of politics" needs to change in light of the investigations into allegations of gambling on the general election from both Conservative and Labour figures. Calum, Geoff, Andy and Cat Headley discuss what can be done to address the relationship between politics and gambling, and whether anything should be done at all. 

    Plus, if IndyRef2 becomes a fading prospect, what is the point of the Scottish Conservatives? Who's had a good election campaign? And who's had a bad one? All in today's episode. 

    This episode is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen. Find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 26, 2024

    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?

    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?
    We discuss the recent launch of the SNP manifesto for the upcoming general election. We explore the purpose of a manifesto in a general election and the tactics at play. Plus, we discuss the potential impact of the polls on the outcome of the election and the future of the Scottish Conservative Party. We take your questions on the achievements of the SNP at Westminster and the possibility of a leadership contest within the Scottish Conservatives.

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    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 20, 2024

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    We're diving deep into the various economic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Scotland.


    Kate Forbes MSP (SNP), Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic.

    Murdo Fraser MSP (Conservative), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Business, Economic Growth and Tourism.

    Michael Marra MSP (Labour), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance.

    Willie Rennie MSP (Liberal Democrat), Spokesperson for Education, Economy and Communities.

    We'll be discussing key concerns raised by investors regarding infrastructure projects, planning, and the general business environment. Plus, we'll address the ambiguous terminology often used in policy-making, like the phrases "wellbeing economy" and "startup," which can hinder real progress. Our discussion today will also cover persistent issues of poverty and social mobility, the critical state of Scotland's education sector, the impact of Brexit on skilled workers, and the urgent need for immigration policies that support economic growth. We delve into the energy sector, focusing on offshore wind development, the fiscal constraints facing green prosperity plans, and the importance of a just transition from oil and gas to renewables. Moreover, we'll explore the impact of tax policies on the economy and public services, highlighting the need for a reevaluation of the taxation system to foster growth and retain talent.

    Holyrood Sources is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen, find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    This special episode is brought to you with our delivery partners, Scottish Financial Enterprise and in association with EY.

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    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 19, 2024

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    Ipsos’ first Scotland poll since the General Election indicates the SNP and Labour in Scotland share 36% of the country's voting intention. Managing Director of Ipsos in Scotland, Emily Gray, joins the podcast to discuss what it means. Plus, after predicting it would happen, Calum, Andy and Geoff assess what next for the Scottish Conservatives after Douglas Ross announced he would stand down as leader.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

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    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 12, 2024

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP
    Douglas Ross has U-turned on a pledge to quit Westminster to focus on leading the Scottish Conservatives at Holyrood and will once again stand as a candidate at the general election. He will replace David Duguid, who was sacked last night as the candidate for Aberdeenshire North & Moray East because he suffered a serious spinal injury.

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    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 06, 2024

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss
    Calum, Geoff and Andy are joined by former Labour candidate Cat Headley to pick apart the key moments from last night's first television debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. There was a lot of back and forth, and interrupting, but what cut through? Plus, Nigel Farage is back - so what does that mean for the Conservatives, or for the future of the of the Right of politics?

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

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    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 05, 2024

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    The podcast episode features post-debate analysis with the deputy leaders of Scottish political parties.


    5:05 - Jackie Baillie (Labour)

    The discussion covers the recent debate, party strategies, and key messages. It also delves into the topic of GB Energy and its potential impact on the energy sector. The conversation concludes with a discussion on Keir Starmer's U-turn on Diane Abbott's candidacy.

    23:02 - Kate Forbes (Deputy First Minister, SNP)

    The conversation covers party positioning, funding, oil and gas, campaign strategies, the SNP's election prospects, and EU funding. The discussion also delves into the SNP's economic policies, alliances with other parties, and the implications of Michael Matheson MSP maintaining the support of the party.

    49:55 - Meghan Gallacher (Conservative)

    The discussion delves into the performance of Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative Party's approach to campaign issues, and the impact of UK politics on the Scottish election. The conversation also explores the role of Rishi Sunak and the timing of the general election.

    1:05:17 - Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat)

    Wendy Chamberlain from the Liberal Democrats discusses the recent TV debate, the party's stance on Brexit, and their strategy for the upcoming election. The conversation also delves into the relevance of the Liberal Democrats in the current political landscape and their approach to environmental issues.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 04, 2024

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed
    Our first (maybe last, if you don't like it) Election Bulletin to catch you up on events from the week including: Michael Matheson, Diane Abbott, policy announcements and TikToks. Plus, Tales from the Campaign Trail where some of our journalist friends drop in to let us know how they're getting on. And we tell you what's on the agenda today.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enMay 31, 2024

    Polls, Diane Abbott and Campaigning Tales... with Allan Faulds

    Polls, Diane Abbott and Campaigning Tales... with Allan Faulds
    Ballot Box's Allan Faulds and former Labour Scottish Parliamentary candidate Cat Headley join Calum, Geoff and Andy to pick apart what new polling, the treatment of Dianne Abbott by the Labour party and also reflect on some of their favourite (or not-so-favourite) memories of being on the campaign trail.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enMay 29, 2024

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    Votes of No Confidence...with Ross Greer
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

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    Humza Yousaf Resigns: The Opposition Reacts

    Humza Yousaf Resigns: The Opposition Reacts

    Humza Yousaf's resignation as First Minister of Scotland has sparked discussions about the future of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the leadership contest that will follow. The conversation explores the personal and political reactions to Yousaf's resignation, the mistakes made during his tenure, and the need for change within the SNP. The potential candidates for the next First Minister, including John Swinney and Kate Forbes, are discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of unity and a focus on the people's priorities. The role of other parties, such as Labour and the Conservatives and the Greens, in the next chapter of Scottish politics is also examined.

    We hear from Scottish Labour leader, Anas Sarwar; Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole Hamilton, Scottish Conservative Chairman, Craig Hoy and Scottish Green MSP Gillian MacKay.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    John Swinney - the next leader of Scotland?

    John Swinney - the next leader of Scotland?

    One week ago, Humza Yousaf, first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party, terminated the power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens. There had been mounting pressure on both Yousaf’s leadership and ending the coalition, but the eventual timing of the termination caused the now former leader to appear panicked and triggered a Scottish government crisis.

    On Monday, just after 13 months in office, Yousaf resigned, ahead of two no confidence votes. This morning John Swinney announced his leadership to be Scotland’s next first minister, meanwhile this afternoon Kate Forbes has announced that she will not be entering the leadership race.

    But the SNP was deeply fractured when Yousaf inherited it, would a successor be able to unite it?

    Rachel Cunliffe, associate political editor, is joined by Chris Deerin, Scotland editor, and Freddie Hayward, political correspondent.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Special Political Series - Part 6: Converting Our Anger into a Passion for Justice

    Special Political Series - Part 6: Converting Our Anger into a Passion for Justice

    This week, Robert and Dave will wrap up this special political series with its 6th episode. American politics is infected where the truth no longer seems to matter. It doesn’t seem to matter that Republican judges saw that elections were fair. It doesn't matter that there was an attempted coup in The Capital and police officers were killed. It doesn't seem to matter that we may be losing our right to vote unless you get involved more than you are right now. The truth matters and is the antidote. Robert and Dave speak not from the viewpoint of a party, but as democracy advocates in an effort to energize you, the listener, and maybe even shake you away from the very understandable denial many of us are in.  

    Robert takes great care to separate the rational Republicans from the election deniers that have gone along with clear and intentional deception. In addition to presenting the facts, using his training and experience as a psychotherapist, Robert explains the core psychology behind the current political climate. Unresolved anger is at a fever pitch. Our anger as a country derives from the frustration of our needs, most of which we’re not even aware of, which has led to the move toward tyrannical power which is appealing to many. Robert identifies with this anger because our politicians have often misrepresented us.  At the core of anger is an unrealized need to create a society that is truly caring for the people. If this psychology interests you, we strongly encourage you to check out the Awareness That Heals series. If we understand the core psychology, we can wake ourselves up. Instead of being controlled by fear, we increase our capacity for courage. Instead of being taken over by our anger, we develop ways to foster peace. Instead of denial, we develop understanding. Democracy in its best form is not only individual freedom but also includes collective responsibility. There are so many reasons to be upset, frustrated, and angry because greed, power, and corruption are weakening our democracy and its ideals. We need to face the truth of what is needed in moving toward the equal opportunity to be housed, fed, and given the opportunity to fulfill our potential. This is only going to happen if Democracy survives and we are on the possible precipice of this great loss. We mustn’t deny the truth of the benefits of real democracy and not be in denial of the danger we are facing. We need to revere the truth and convert our anger into a passion for justice. 

    Read the transcription and listen to this episode on The Global Bridge Foundation website.

    More Voices, More Choices with Christina Tobin

    More Voices, More Choices with Christina Tobin
    Sunny discusses "more voices, more choices' with Christina Tobin, Founder and Chair of Free and Equal Elections Foundation dedicated to creating open and transparent US elections. Christina co-moderated the 2012 Presidential Third Party Debate with media personality, Larry King. Over 20 million viewers globally! Chayes and Tobin discuss the 'UNITED WE STAND' festival to be held at UCLA, Oct.12 ,2013. They also discuss the development of politics from our Founding Fathers to now. Why have we become disconnected? How can we wake up, get educated, get inspired and revitalize our involvement in the process? How can we release the stranglehold of the Democrats and Republicans.