
    Podcast Summary

    • Leadership goes beyond parliament and public speakingAnna Sewar emphasizes developing people, making informed decisions, and engaging with the public to build a strong and effective political organization.

      Effective leadership involves developing people, making different decisions, and engaging with the public. Anna Sewar, the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, shared her perspective on leadership during an interview on the Hollywood Sources Podcast. She believes that a leader's role goes beyond just getting opposition right in the parliament or speaking to the base. Instead, she sees leadership as an opportunity to develop people, change and modernize an organization, and engage with the public. By focusing on these areas, leaders can build a credible and modern political party that resonates with people and inspires loyalty. Additionally, Sewar emphasizes the importance of being out of the parliament most of the time to learn from people and their experiences, build a manifesto, and win the trust of the public. Overall, her approach to leadership is centered around developing people, making informed decisions, and engaging with the public to build a strong and effective political organization.

    • Addressing the 'people problem' in politicsTo build a strong political organization, leaders must support future leaders, improve public perception, establish a personal brand, balance campaigning and digital outreach, and persuade the public of their credibility as an alternative to the ruling party.

      Building a strong political organization involves addressing the "people problem" by supporting and developing future leaders, improving public perception, and establishing a personal brand based on ideas and a vision for the country. This requires a combination of traditional campaigning and digital outreach, as well as persuading the public why the opposition party is a credible alternative to the current ruling party. Anas, as a leader, must strike a balance between introducing himself to the public and attaching himself to policies. The Labour Party, for instance, saw significant shifts in public opinion over the past two years, but there is still work to be done in building up a personal brand and digital infrastructure to reach more people and cut through the noise.

    • Presenting clear growth and healthcare plans for ScotlandScottish Labour should prioritize growth and healthcare plans, focusing on future-proofing the NHS through reform and resource allocation.

      In Scottish politics, persuading people why labor deserves to win involves presenting clear growth and healthcare plans. The speaker specifically mentioned the need to develop a growth plan for Scotland and a NHS and social care plan, focusing on building a future-proof NHS. The speaker also highlighted the importance of reforming the health service beyond just throwing money at it, as Jean Freeman and Wes Streeting have advocated. The speaker shared their personal experience of Jean Freeman's impact as health secretary in Scotland and her willingness to challenge the NHS establishment for answers. They believe that Scottish Labour, led by Jackie Baillie, should adopt a similar approach and prioritize reform alongside resource allocation to effectively rebuild the National Health Service.

    • Rebuilding the UK's NHS: Workforce, Primary Care, Tech, and BureaucracyThe NHS needs major changes: addressing workforce shortages, prioritizing primary care, reducing bureaucracy, and utilizing technology for diagnosis and efficiency.

      The UK's National Health Service (NHS) requires a significant overhaul in order to build a modern and effective healthcare system. This includes addressing the workforce crisis, shifting focus towards primary care and community services, redesigning the system with fewer bureaucratic layers, and embracing technology for rapid diagnosis and efficient operations. The Scottish Labor leader, Anna Sarwar, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the need for a wholesale rebuilding of the NHS. The independence referendum anniversary was also discussed, with Joanne Lamont, former leader of the Labour Party during the referendum, sharing her perspective on the divisive and angry nature of the campaign. Despite the heavy price Scotland has paid for the political focus on the referendum, Lamont still believes it was necessary, but emphasizes the importance of having serious conversations about the economy, social services, and education.

    • Focusing on people's needs during crisesDuring crises, prioritize addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and work together to create positive change, rather than focusing solely on constitutional arguments or outdated policies.

      During times of crisis, it's crucial for society and political leaders to prioritize addressing the needs of the most vulnerable populations. Sandra, a professional, expressed her concern about the ongoing focus on constitutional arguments during the COVID-19 pandemic, while important issues such as education, public services, and social inequality require attention. Meanwhile, in politics, the Labour Party's success in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election demonstrated the importance of addressing cost-of-living concerns and opposing outdated policies like council tax. In both cases, the message is clear: it's essential to put people's needs first and work together to create positive change.

    • Council tax freeze in Scotland: Implications and ChallengesThe council tax freeze in Scotland, while popular, could lead to significant cuts to services if not fully funded. Replacing council tax with a new local tax system is challenging, and local government funding from the Scottish government has been cut significantly, leading to service struggles.

      The council tax freeze in Scotland, which is currently modeled at 3% by the Scottish Government and averaged at 8% by councils, could lead to catastrophic cuts to services if not fully funded. The council tax is not a progressive taxation system, and those least well off, some of whom pay no council tax at all, would be disproportionately affected by the loss of services. While replacing council tax with a new local tax system is a common election promise, it's challenging to implement, and the Scottish government has previously parked the idea. Council tax only accounts for about 15% of local government funding, with 85% coming from the government itself. The Scottish government has cut this funding by £1 billion over the last 10 years, leading to councils struggling to provide basic services. Despite calls for a replacement for council tax, there is a need for a sustainable form of local government taxation, and the relationship between local government and the Scottish government needs to be reset. The council tax freeze, welcomed by all major parties, is a reassuring sign for the SNP ahead of the 2024 general election, but policy divergence between Scottish and UK Labour is expected due to the devolution settlement and local concerns.

    • A potential Labour UK government and SNP Scottish government partnershipAn opportunity for devolving more taxation powers, making local governments more financially responsible and autonomous, focusing on outcomes rather than inputs, and making local governments key delivery agents for the Scottish government.

      With a potential Labour UK government on the horizon and a Scottish National Party (SNP) government in Scotland, there is an opportunity for a meaningful partnership between the two, leading to significant changes in the relationship between central and local governments. This partnership could involve devolving more taxation powers to local authorities, making them more financially responsible and autonomous. Additionally, there should be a focus on outcomes rather than inputs, allowing local governments to prioritize and address their unique needs. The SNP government has already shown interest in this approach, with past initiatives like the Fresh Talent Initiative and proposals for a tourist tax. This shift in approach could lead to more effective implementation of policies and strategies, making local governments key delivery agents for the Scottish government. It's important to remember that the current ring-fencing of funding, which limits the flexibility of local governments, would need to be addressed for this partnership to truly thrive.

    • Scottish Health Secretary's iPad data bill scandal and public trustThe iPad data bill scandal involving Scottish Health Secretary Michael Methison led to public distrust due to lack of transparency and defense from the first minister, rather than the iPad itself. Both SNP and Labor parties had different amendment proposals during the debate on the king's speech, but none were successful.

      The cover-up and lack of transparency surrounding the $11,000 iPad data bill scandal involving Scottish Health Secretary Michael Methison was a major issue for the public, rather than the iPad itself. Shadow Secretary of State Ian Murray discussed this on the podcast, stating that the defense and lies from Methison and the first minister made the situation worse. He also explained the differences between the SNP and Labor Party's approaches to a ceasefire vote in Westminster. The debate on the king's speech included various amendments, and while the SNP and Labor parties had different amendments, both were defeated by the government. The government ultimately approved the king's speech without any amendments.

    • Working together towards a possible solutionDuring crises, political parties and governments should collaborate towards finding solutions, even if not perfect, to build trust towards lasting peace.

      During a time of crisis, such as the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine, it's important for political parties and governments to work together towards finding a possible solution, rather than insisting on the perfect one. This was the approach taken by the UK government in its efforts to secure humanitarian pauses, which have now been welcomed by all sides and could serve as a launch pad for peace talks. However, there have been differences in opinion within the UK, particularly in Scotland, where a motion calling for an immediate ceasefire was supported by all parties except the conservatives. These differences can be attributed to the complexities of the situation and the varying roles and influences of different political entities. Ultimately, the goal is to end the conflict as soon as possible, but recognizing that this may not be immediately achievable, it's crucial to focus on what is possible and build trust towards a more lasting peace.

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    Recent Episodes from Holyrood Sources

    To Bet Or Not To Bet

    To Bet Or Not To Bet

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says “the culture of politics" needs to change in light of the investigations into allegations of gambling on the general election from both Conservative and Labour figures. Calum, Geoff, Andy and Cat Headley discuss what can be done to address the relationship between politics and gambling, and whether anything should be done at all. 

    Plus, if IndyRef2 becomes a fading prospect, what is the point of the Scottish Conservatives? Who's had a good election campaign? And who's had a bad one? All in today's episode. 

    This episode is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen. Find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 26, 2024

    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?

    Manifestos, Scottish Tories and should polling stop?
    We discuss the recent launch of the SNP manifesto for the upcoming general election. We explore the purpose of a manifesto in a general election and the tactics at play. Plus, we discuss the potential impact of the polls on the outcome of the election and the future of the Scottish Conservative Party. We take your questions on the achievements of the SNP at Westminster and the possibility of a leadership contest within the Scottish Conservatives.

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    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 20, 2024

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    Growing Scotland's Economy: Holyrood Sources Live

    We're diving deep into the various economic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Scotland.


    Kate Forbes MSP (SNP), Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic.

    Murdo Fraser MSP (Conservative), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Business, Economic Growth and Tourism.

    Michael Marra MSP (Labour), Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance.

    Willie Rennie MSP (Liberal Democrat), Spokesperson for Education, Economy and Communities.

    We'll be discussing key concerns raised by investors regarding infrastructure projects, planning, and the general business environment. Plus, we'll address the ambiguous terminology often used in policy-making, like the phrases "wellbeing economy" and "startup," which can hinder real progress. Our discussion today will also cover persistent issues of poverty and social mobility, the critical state of Scotland's education sector, the impact of Brexit on skilled workers, and the urgent need for immigration policies that support economic growth. We delve into the energy sector, focusing on offshore wind development, the fiscal constraints facing green prosperity plans, and the importance of a just transition from oil and gas to renewables. Moreover, we'll explore the impact of tax policies on the economy and public services, highlighting the need for a reevaluation of the taxation system to foster growth and retain talent.

    Holyrood Sources is sponsored by Port of Aberdeen, find out more at https://www.portofaberdeen.co.uk/

    This special episode is brought to you with our delivery partners, Scottish Financial Enterprise and in association with EY.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 19, 2024

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    The SNP/Labour Poll Gap Closes...with Emily Gray

    Ipsos’ first Scotland poll since the General Election indicates the SNP and Labour in Scotland share 36% of the country's voting intention. Managing Director of Ipsos in Scotland, Emily Gray, joins the podcast to discuss what it means. Plus, after predicting it would happen, Calum, Andy and Geoff assess what next for the Scottish Conservatives after Douglas Ross announced he would stand down as leader.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 12, 2024

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP

    Douglas Ross U-Turns and will run to be an MP
    Douglas Ross has U-turned on a pledge to quit Westminster to focus on leading the Scottish Conservatives at Holyrood and will once again stand as a candidate at the general election. He will replace David Duguid, who was sacked last night as the candidate for Aberdeenshire North & Moray East because he suffered a serious spinal injury.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 06, 2024

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss

    The Leaders Debate... We Discuss
    Calum, Geoff and Andy are joined by former Labour candidate Cat Headley to pick apart the key moments from last night's first television debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. There was a lot of back and forth, and interrupting, but what cut through? Plus, Nigel Farage is back - so what does that mean for the Conservatives, or for the future of the of the Right of politics?

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 05, 2024

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    Deputy Leaders analyse the debates and campaign

    The podcast episode features post-debate analysis with the deputy leaders of Scottish political parties.


    5:05 - Jackie Baillie (Labour)

    The discussion covers the recent debate, party strategies, and key messages. It also delves into the topic of GB Energy and its potential impact on the energy sector. The conversation concludes with a discussion on Keir Starmer's U-turn on Diane Abbott's candidacy.

    23:02 - Kate Forbes (Deputy First Minister, SNP)

    The conversation covers party positioning, funding, oil and gas, campaign strategies, the SNP's election prospects, and EU funding. The discussion also delves into the SNP's economic policies, alliances with other parties, and the implications of Michael Matheson MSP maintaining the support of the party.

    49:55 - Meghan Gallacher (Conservative)

    The discussion delves into the performance of Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative Party's approach to campaign issues, and the impact of UK politics on the Scottish election. The conversation also explores the role of Rishi Sunak and the timing of the general election.

    1:05:17 - Wendy Chamberlain (Liberal Democrat)

    Wendy Chamberlain from the Liberal Democrats discusses the recent TV debate, the party's stance on Brexit, and their strategy for the upcoming election. The conversation also delves into the relevance of the Liberal Democrats in the current political landscape and their approach to environmental issues.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enJune 04, 2024

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed

    Election Bulletin 1: What You Might Have Missed
    Our first (maybe last, if you don't like it) Election Bulletin to catch you up on events from the week including: Michael Matheson, Diane Abbott, policy announcements and TikToks. Plus, Tales from the Campaign Trail where some of our journalist friends drop in to let us know how they're getting on. And we tell you what's on the agenda today.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enMay 31, 2024

    Polls, Diane Abbott and Campaigning Tales... with Allan Faulds

    Polls, Diane Abbott and Campaigning Tales... with Allan Faulds
    Ballot Box's Allan Faulds and former Labour Scottish Parliamentary candidate Cat Headley join Calum, Geoff and Andy to pick apart what new polling, the treatment of Dianne Abbott by the Labour party and also reflect on some of their favourite (or not-so-favourite) memories of being on the campaign trail.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/holyroodsources.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Holyrood Sources
    enMay 29, 2024

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    Jocko Willink ON: Leading Like a Navy Seal & Taking Extreme Ownership of Every Problem in Your Life

    Jocko Willink ON: Leading Like a Navy Seal & Taking Extreme Ownership of Every Problem in Your Life

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    He is a retired naval officer who served in the Navy SEALs and an author of several books including Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win. He also co-hosts Jocko Podcast that discusses discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships, and everyday life.

    What We Discuss with Jocko:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:08 The most difficult thing to go through
    • 02:57 How do you process a difficult situation and be ready to go through the experience
    • 06:07 What you go through is your present, nothing else will matter
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    • 13:44 Working through procrastination and overthinking
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    • 26:37 Principles and methods to build trust in high stress situations
    • 29:53 The biggest leadership mistakes and the key takeaways
    • 33:20 Rather than beating yourself up, practice extreme ownership
    • 36:34 Taking criticisms from someone you don’t respect
    • 38:54 Your ego against the decentralized command strategy
    • 43:07 When people are struggling with self discipline, where do you start?
    • 47:06 Start self discipline by waking up earlier in the morning
    • 49:24 Life lessons learned after leaving the military
    • 53:20 Jocko on Final Five

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    Get the show notes at aom.is/turbulent.

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    Host: Paul Falavolito

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