
    Legacy Media Constraints, and COVID Gaslighting Continues, with Bari Weiss, Nellie Bowles, and David Zweig | Ep. 621

    enSeptember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • An independent news magazine's commitment to unbiased journalismJournalist Barry Weiss founded The Free Press, dedicated to honest reporting, faced criticism but proved accuracy, represents trend of journalists leaving legacy institutions, hosting live debate next week.

      The free press, an independent online news magazine founded by journalist Barry Weiss after leaving The New York Times, is dedicated to unbiased, honest journalism. Weiss and his team have faced criticism and doubt from mainstream media outlets but have proven their reporting to be accurate, as seen in their investigation into appalling care at a transgender clinic in Missouri. The free press represents a growing trend of journalists leaving legacy institutions due to a disconnect between their claimed values and actual practices. Weiss, who has since started a university and a media outlet, reflects on the dramatic changes in his personal and professional life over the past two years, including moving, getting married, having a child, and becoming an entrepreneur. The free press is hosting a live debate next week, and Weiss is excited about the opportunity to present strong arguments from both sides of the debate.

    • A Timely and Engaging Debate on the Unintended Consequences of the Sexual RevolutionYoung mothers with diverse perspectives discuss the impact of the sexual revolution on relationships, marriage, and happiness, selling out quickly due to public interest in nuanced and authentic conversations.

      There's a growing appetite for open, honest, and provocative debates on complex issues, contrary to what some legacy publications may believe about their audiences. The upcoming live debate on the legacy of the sexual revolution, featuring Sarah Hayter, Grimes, Louise Perry, and Anna Katian, is a prime example of this trend. The debate, which will explore the unintended consequences of the sexual revolution and its impact on relationships, marriage, and happiness, is expected to be a juicy and timely conversation. The speakers, all young mothers, represent different perspectives on the issue, making for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion. The debate, which is set to sell out quickly, is a testament to the public's interest in nuanced and authentic conversations on topics that matter to them. The Internet and its impact on sexuality and relationships is just one of the many topics that will be explored during the debate, making it a must-attend event for anyone interested in the evolving landscape of modern relationships.

    • Navigating modern relationships and societal expectationsTechnology offers new ways to connect, but also introduces potential dangers and conflicting feelings about modern dating and societal roles. Debates continue on the meaning of being pro-woman and the impact of online commentary.

      Navigating relationships in the digital age can be complex and risky. While technology offers new ways to connect with people, it also introduces potential dangers, such as extortion or misrepresentation. The speaker shares conflicting feelings about modern dating and the role of traditional methods versus technology. Additionally, there's a debate about the meaning of being pro-woman in today's society, with discussions surrounding sexual freedom, gender roles, and women's spaces. The speaker also discusses the controversy surrounding Matt Walsh's commentary on a woman's post about her single life, with some seeing it as a glorification of loneliness and others as online bullying. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and contradictions that come with modern relationships and societal expectations.

    • Respecting Women's ChoicesBoth women prioritizing careers and those choosing to start families should be respected, avoiding negative messaging and simplistic views of women's roles.

      It's important to avoid judging and dismissing others based on their personal choices, particularly when it comes to women and their roles in society. The speaker expressed concern over the messaging coming from certain individuals on the right, who seem to be sending negative messages towards women who have chosen to prioritize their careers over starting a family. However, the speaker believes that both choices are valid and should be respected, rather than demonizing one over the other. The speaker also highlighted the importance of recognizing the complexity and diversity of women's experiences and avoiding simplistic or outdated views of women's roles. The speaker found value in Matt Walsh's documentary "What is a Woman?" but took issue with some of its messaging towards women and their roles in the home. Ultimately, the speaker called for a more nuanced and inclusive approach to understanding women's experiences and the choices they make.

    • Online Privacy and ExpectationsConsider what you share online as if speaking face-to-face and respect others' privacy. Social media can fuel a mob mentality, so maintain class and respect.

      Individuals have control over how much personal information they share online and should expect responses that mirror face-to-face interactions. The discussion revolved around a woman who frequently posted about her single, childless status on TikTok, sparking accusations of bullying. The speaker argued that she wasn't a victim, as she willingly shared her lifestyle with the world. He emphasized the importance of considering whether one would say the same thing to someone's face before tweeting. The speaker also acknowledged the power of social media platforms to incite a mob mentality and encouraged maintaining class and respect online. The conversation also touched on the importance of reporting on undercovered stories, like the medicalization of children with gender confusion, and the backlash faced by media outlets that attempt to provide a fair perspective.

    • Speaking Out Against Controversial Practices in Pediatric Gender ClinicsDr. Jamie Reed's whistleblowing led to scrutiny of gender clinics, raising ethical questions about consent and the rush to life-altering decisions for vulnerable teens.

      The free press plays a crucial role in bringing to light important and often controversial stories that might be overlooked or silenced in the public discourse. Dr. Jamie Reed, a former employee at a pediatric gender clinic, spoke out about her concerns regarding the treatment of vulnerable teenagers with complex mental health issues, who were being rushed into life-altering medical decisions. Despite the risks to her reputation and career, she shared her experiences, which were initially met with skepticism and accusations of journalistic malpractice. However, her claims were later substantiated by the New York Times, vindicating her and the journalistic outlet that published her story. The importance of this story lies in its relevance to a larger moral and ethical question: Can teenagers truly consent to such decisions, and why is this a consensus in certain areas of American political and cultural life? The free press exists to ask these questions and challenge the status quo, providing an essential outlet for those who may not have a voice in the mainstream media.

    • Seeking accurate news: The politically homelessThe politically homeless want fair, factual news and stories that resonate with them, but current press often favors ideological news over factual reporting, leaving room for alternative sources like The Free Press to fill the gap, and it's important to critically analyze scientific studies beyond initial findings.

      There is a significant number of Americans, often referred to as the politically homeless or the coalition of the same, who are seeking accurate, fair, and sober news. These individuals want information about institutions and their trustworthiness, as well as stories that resonate with them, regardless of their political affiliations or ideologies. However, the current press does not cater to this audience, often favoring ideological news over factual reporting and storytelling. This leaves room for alternative news sources, like The Free Press, to fill the gap and provide the kind of news and information that the politically homeless are looking for. The discussion also touched upon the importance of critical analysis of scientific studies, such as the one on masks, and the need to go beyond initial findings and consider the methodology and quality of the research.

    • Cochrane review finds no clear evidence that masks reduce transmissionThe Cochrane review, which critically evaluates medical research, found no evidence that masks reduced transmission of the virus. It's crucial for journalists to independently verify information and not just amplify what officials and experts say.

      The effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of the epidemic or pandemic as a whole is less clear based on available data. This is according to the Cochrane review led by Tom Jefferson, who criticized Dr. Fauci for stating that masks are effective for individuals but not at the population level. Jefferson explained that the Cochrane review found no evidence that masks reduced transmission. Despite this, there have been instances where officials and institutions have presented inaccurate or misleading data regarding masks and their effectiveness. It's crucial for journalists to not only amplify what public officials and experts say but also to independently verify the underlying evidence. The ongoing debate around masks becomes particularly relevant as mask mandates are being reinstated in various places, and it's important to critically evaluate the evidence presented to make informed decisions.

    • The disconnect between public health advice and evidence during the pandemicDuring the pandemic, contradictory information from experts and public health officials led to confusion and mistrust, highlighting the importance of transparency and evidence-based decision-making.

      During the pandemic, there was a significant disconnect between what public health officials and experts were saying and the evidence to support those claims. This disconnect led to confusion and even betrayal for some, as people were told contradictory information and advised to follow guidelines without clear evidence to back them up. For instance, there were initial claims that asymptomatic individuals did not spread COVID-19, but later evidence showed otherwise. Similarly, advice on mask usage and lockdowns changed rapidly without solid evidence to support the shifts. This situation highlights the importance of being cautious about who we consider experts and insisting on seeing the evidence to support their claims. Additionally, the choice of language used by officials can have significant consequences, as it can be interpreted as an invitation to mandate actions. Overall, the pandemic underscored the need for transparency and evidence-based decision-making in public health matters.

    • Honesty and transparency from public health authorities reduce controversyProviding a balanced picture of vaccine benefits and risks promotes informed decision-making and reduces controversy

      Honesty and transparency from public health authorities can go a long way in reducing controversy and adversarial environments when it comes to health-related issues like masks and vaccines. The speaker shared her personal experience of developing an autoimmune issue after getting vaccinated and being told by a rheumatologist that it could be related. She criticized the CDC for downplaying potential side effects and risks, leading to mistrust and skepticism when people experience adverse effects. She emphasized the importance of providing a balanced picture of benefits and risks to promote informed decision-making and reduce controversy. The discussion also touched on the topic of silent lunches and other extreme COVID-19 restrictions in schools and other settings, highlighting the importance of maintaining open communication and flexibility in response to changing circumstances.

    • Mask mandates and societal norms during the pandemicThe debate around mask mandates highlights the importance of balancing individual freedoms and societal norms while ensuring transparency and accountability in understanding the origins and response to the pandemic.

      The ongoing debate around mask mandates and public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic raises questions about individual freedom and societal norms. While masks may be effective in preventing the spread of the virus, the bigger issue is whether it's worth imposing such measures on a population that values personal choice and freedom. David Asher, a former state department official who led the investigation into COVID-19 origins, believes there's a massive cover-up regarding the origins of the virus and the U.S. funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. Despite this, the focus on mask mandates and public health measures overshadows the importance of transparency and accountability in understanding the origins and ongoing response to the pandemic. It's crucial to remember that individual freedoms and societal norms should be considered when implementing public health measures, and transparency is essential for building trust and understanding in times of crisis.

    • Frustration over COVID-19 origins debate and reasons for disinterestDespite public interest, the COVID-19 origins debate is complex and influenced by factors like money, politicization, and stigma. Many people want to know the truth but are reluctant due to potential backlash.

      The COVID-19 origins debate is complex and influenced by various factors, including geopolitical considerations, government interests, and public perception. The speaker expresses frustration over why some people, including regular liberals, seem disinterested in determining the definitive cause of the pandemic. They suggest two reasons: the involvement of large sums of money and the way the conversation around COVID-19 has been politicized. The speaker believes that many people, especially elites, want to know the truth but are reluctant due to the stigma attached to certain theories, such as the lab leak hypothesis. They also mention the deification of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the role of media in shaping public opinion. The recent release of documents related to the pandemic origin investigation has shed light on the coordination between key figures, raising questions about transparency and honesty.

    • Scientists' Private Concerns Contrasted with Public Stance on COVID-19 OriginsInitially, some scientists privately suspected lab origin of COVID-19 but later publicly downplayed it due to concerns over China's reputation. Public health messaging should reflect scientific uncertainty.

      The involvement of certain scientists and public health officials in the early stages of understanding the origins of COVID-19 was more complex than initially portrayed. Initially, these experts privately expressed concerns that the virus may have originated in a lab, but later publicly downplayed this theory. Emails and correspondence revealed their initial beliefs that the virus's unique features suggested a lab origin. However, within a short period, they reversed their stance and emphasized the natural origin theory. This shift occurred around the same time these scientists spoke with Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, who were concerned about the potential impact on China's reputation. The scientists' initial private ambivalence contrasted sharply with their public certainty, and the degree of certainty in public health pronouncements should be more in line with the nuances of scientific discovery. The politicization of the issue has led to a lack of nuance and understated uncertainty in public health messaging, potentially making the situation worse.

    • Understanding COVID-19 statisticsBe cautious of sensational language, consider context and absolute vs relative numbers when interpreting COVID-19 data, and do your own research to avoid being misled.

      The use of sensational language, such as "surge," to describe COVID-19 statistics can be misleading and potentially used to scare people and justify certain policies. The speaker argues that context and absolute versus relative numbers are important to consider when interpreting data. Additionally, there are some individuals and organizations who may benefit from perpetuating fear around the pandemic, such as during an election year. It's essential for individuals to do their own research and look at the actual numbers rather than relying on sensational claims. The speaker also criticizes public health professionals for overestimating their agency and control over the situation.

    • Hubris and lack of humility in decision-making can stifle creativity and innovationHubris and a lack of humility in decision-making can lead to negative consequences, including the loss of talented individuals and stifled creativity

      Hubris and a lack of humility in decision-making can lead to unintended consequences. This was discussed in relation to the New York Times and the experiences of journalists David Pogue and Nellie Bowles. Both Pogue and Bowles felt constrained by the Times' editorial boundaries and left the organization. Bowles shared her personal experience of being a dream journalist at the Times but feeling increasingly constricted in her ability to cover certain topics. She described the atmosphere as becoming high school-like, with her being treated like an outcast. This lack of humility and openness to diverse perspectives can stifle creativity and innovation, causing a ripple effect of negative consequences. It's essential for individuals and organizations to approach decision-making with a sense of humility and consideration for the potential second-order effects.

    • Journalism's Hostile Response to Challenging TopicsJournalists who tackle controversial topics can face personal attacks, bullying, and negative stories, potentially leading them to leave the industry for independent platforms.

      The journalism industry can be unforgiving and even hostile towards those who challenge the status quo or delve into topics considered ideologically off-kilter. The speaker, a journalist who left The New York Times to join Substack, shared her experience of facing bullying and negative stories after covering a controversial topic. She felt uncomfortable with the intersection of politics and journalism, and the personal attacks on social media only worsened the situation. An editor's comment about her supposed "white gaze" added to her unease. The public shaming of another reporter, Donna McNeal, over a decades-old incident further solidified her decision to leave. Despite the challenges, the speaker found joy and success in the new world of independent journalism. However, she acknowledged that her experience was not unique, and journalists who cross the industry's perceived red lines can face significant backlash.

    • Media Industry's Toxicity Drives Journalists to Create Own PlatformsTwo journalists faced backlash for expressing opinions, highlighting the media industry's bias. Activist groups focused on mildly dissident reporters, while ignoring real anti-LGBTQ issues. Media should remember the human aspect and suffering in stories.

      The media industry can be toxic and biased, driving talented journalists to create their own platforms. The discussion touched on cases of Sage Steele and Lara Logan, who faced backlash for expressing their opinions, and the bizarre focus of certain activist groups on mildly dissident reporters rather than real anti-LGBTQ issues. Another topic was the University of Wyoming's Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, where a man posing as a woman was admitted despite concerns from sisters about inappropriate conduct. The sorority lost their lawsuit, highlighting the importance of maintaining female-only spaces. The conversation emphasized the need to remember the human aspect of these stories and the suffering that often accompanies them.

    • American left's stance on gender identity and women-only spacesThe American left's hardline stance on gender identity and women-only spaces contrasts with European views, causing discomfort and controversy, with the recent case of a man identifying as a woman joining a sorority house illustrating this divide.

      The American left's stance on gender identity and access to women-only spaces is out of sync with broader liberalism and European views. The recent case of a man identifying as a woman joining a sorority house and the media's response has raised concerns about empathy and the prioritization of individual rights over the discomfort and safety of others. The British Labour Party's recent statement against self-ID and support for women-only spaces highlights this divide. The American left's hardline stance on this issue, despite the controversy and discomfort it causes, remains a mystery. Meanwhile, the debate over potential Democratic nominees continues, with speculation about Gavin Newsom as a potential candidate. Newsom's scandals and charisma make him an intriguing possibility, but it remains to be seen if he could be a viable contender on the national stage.

    • Insights from a Unique Perspective: Kimberly Guilfoyle's Take on Two Political CandidatesKimberly Guilfoyle, with her experience as an ex-wife of a Democratic candidate and fiancée of a Republican candidate, offers a unique perspective on the two men. Tune in every Friday to vfp.com for her insights, and stay tuned for upcoming guests Doug Brent and Rick Grenell on The Megyn Kelly Show.

      During this episode of the Megyn Kelly Show, the focus was on the unique perspective that Kimberly Guilfoyle, ex-wife of a Democratic candidate and fiancée of a Republican candidate, could bring to the table regarding the two men. Guests Nellie Bowles and Megyn Kelly expressed their excitement about the potential insights Kimberly could share. Listeners can find her work every Friday at vfp.com, and the Free Press' work by subscribing. The show also announced upcoming guests, including Doug Brent and Rick Grenell, who will discuss the GOP primary. The Megyn Kelly Show promises "no BS, no agenda, and no fear," making it an intriguing platform for insightful discussions.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    Photo by John Gibbons on Unsplash

    Margaret Heffernan’s Bio

    Dr. Margaret Heffernan produced programmes for the BBC for 13 years. She then moved to the US where she spearheaded multimedia productions for Intuit, The Learning Company and Standard&Poors. She was Chief Executive of InfoMation Corporation, ZineZone Corporation and then iCast Corporation, was named one of the "Top 25" by Streaming Media magazine and one of the "Top 100 Media Executives" by The Hollywood Reporter. The author of six books, Margaret’s third book, Willful Blindness : Why We Ignore the Obvious at our Peril was named one of the most important business books of the decade by the Financial Times. In 2015, she was awarded the Transmission Prize for A Bigger Prize: Why Competition isn’t Everything and How We Do Better, described as "meticulously researched... engagingly written... universally relevant and hard to fault." Her TED talks have been seen by over twelve million people and in 2015 TED published Beyond Measure: The Big Impact of Small Changes. Her most recent book, Uncharted: How to map the future was published in 2020. She is a Professor of Practice at the University of Bath, Lead Faculty for the Forward Institute’s Responsible Leadership Programme and, through Merryck & Co., mentors CEOs and senior executives of major global organizations. She holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Bath and continues to write for the Financial Times and the Huffington Post. Text and photo taken from her website: https://www.mheffernan.com/biography.php#modal-close

    Rebecca Jennings, Vox

    Rebecca Jennings, Vox
    Today, on Coffee with a Journalist, we’re joined by Rebecca Jennings, a senior reporter at Vox. More specifically, Rebecca covers internet culture for The Goods. Previously she was a video producer and host at Racked, and before that, she covered fashion, New York City retail, and local goings-on at Brooklyn Magazine, The L Magazine, and Time Out New York. On the episode, Rebecca starts by telling us about her 70,000 unread emails, the types of stories that pique her interest, her favorite reality TV show, and more.

    Future-Proofing Media Freedom: A Modern Market Failure

    Future-Proofing Media Freedom: A Modern Market Failure

    Future-Proofing Media Freedom, the new mini-series on the Undercurrents podcast feed, is a collaboration between Chatham House, Luminate, and the International Center for Journalists. Presented by Ben Horton, host of the Undercurrents podcast, and Dr Julie Posetti, Global Director of Research at the ICFJ, the series explores the challenges facing public interest media in the 21st century and highlights how a range of actors are seeking to tackle them.

    The rise of the major social media platforms and the internet-driven proliferation of news and analysis which is free at the point of delivery, has fundamentally undermined traditional media business models. From the controversies over the BBC licence fee model, to the slow death of local news outlets, the economic strain has rarely felt more pressing. Beyond advertising and subscription business models, what solutions exist to ensure the survival of independent media organisations? 

    To answer this question, Ben and Julie are joined by Joyce Barnathan (President of the International Center for Journalists), Nishant Lalwani (Managing Director of Luminate) and Renata Rizzi (founder and strategy lead of Nexo, a Sao Paolo-based news start-up).


    Speakers: Joyce Barnathan, Nishant Lalwani, Renata Rizzi

    Hosts: Ben Horton, Julie Posetti

    Editor: Jamie Reed

    Recorded and produced by Chatham House.

    Find out more:

    Chatham House: https://www.chathamhouse.org/

    Luminate: https://luminategroup.com/

    International Center for Journalists: https://www.icfj.org/

    BONUS - Red Pill Roundup with Jeff Koszna

    BONUS - Red Pill Roundup with Jeff Koszna
    Bonus episode with Graham, Darren, and Kozz from Ontario chatting about the recent vacation and Red Pill Expo in Bozeman Montana. Darren talks about the hilarity of his vacation and checkin out “the forks” in Winnipeg. Kozz and Darren did Friends to Know podcast with Adam while driving around Winnipeg.
    Meanwhile Graham was attending the Red Pill Expo, meeting super nice open minded people and presenters at this Expo. This was centered around taking the Red Pill, awakening, health and wellness, money, exposing fake news and scientism etc… 
    We are launching an extra content feed for the supports of this show. “Grimerica’s Black Budget Support Feed”. This is still value for value and nothing will be changing with the traditional Grimerica podcast. Donate any one time amount and/or sign up to any monthly amount and you will have access to our extra content. We are looking for ways to help grow the show and cover expenses and we think this will help while also showing thanks to those who support us financially. 
    We already have approx. 7 episodes in the extra feed. The old Enter the Mushroom ep, the Cabin Ep, 4 ep’s recorded for another platform that didnt pan out (black budget, cyber Sunday, George Soros take down, and MSM round up). And our recent appearance on End of Days Radio with Daniel will be here as well. Daniel asks us a bunch of questions, many personal…. and we chat about all kinds of stuff. 
    Click on the link below to sign up and thank you for enabling us to have these fascinating conversation with no adds or sponsors!
    Links below for stuff we chatted about during this bonus episode: 
    Please help support the show…. Grimerica’s DoBeDoBeDo List:
    Grimerica is fully and solely listener supported. We adhere to the Value for Value model.  0 ads, 0 sponsorships, 0 breaks, 0 portals and links to corporate websites… just many hours of unlimited content for free. Thanks for listening!!
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    SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!!

    Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show
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    Thanks to Wayne Darnell for help with the website.
    http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ link to Napolean Duheme's site 
    Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com  

    Vigilance & Community: Tragic Headlines, Child Vaccines & Special Needs

    Vigilance & Community: Tragic Headlines, Child Vaccines & Special Needs
    Recent illegal passing incidents, gun violence and school bus crashes have left school bus drivers and student riders injured or killed, highlighting the need for constant vigilance and safety focus.

    The COVID-19 vaccine is becoming more mainstream, recently receiving CDC approval for 5-11 year olds, but how will this affect its acceptance?

    Patrick Mulick, a board-certified behavior analyst and autism expert, will present an engaging opening keynote at the TSD Conference later this month. He joins Ryan to discuss reconnecting in person to transport and care for with students with special needs after months of a pandemic.

    Read more at stnonline.com/tag/safety and stnonline.com/tag/special-needs.