
    Podcast Summary

    • Never too late for a comebackOvercome past setbacks, earn a respected degree online, be true to oneself, and stay informed with all-natural supplements and community news.

      No matter what your past may be or how many setbacks you've faced, it's never too late to make a comeback and achieve your goals. Purdue Global offers an opportunity for working adults to earn a respected degree online. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," serves as a reminder to be true to oneself and be remembered for who you are. Additionally, SYMBiotica provides all-natural supplements that actually work, and The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps you informed and connected to the black community. Behind the Bastards podcast is working on building a backlog of episodes, including one about David Rubin, a moderately popular figure who has succeeded by riding the coattails of others. Lastly, the podcast host expressed gratitude for the support and encouragement from listeners.

    • Importance of vulnerability and normalizing conversations about sex and sexualityVulnerability is key to authentic connections and normalizing conversations about sex and sexuality is important for building a healthy and inclusive society.

      Vulnerability and normalizing conversations about sex and sexuality is important, as shared by the guest during the podcast. The guest also expressed gratitude to listeners who reached out to her. The topic of discussion then shifted to David Rubin, a right-wing YouTuber. Rubin, who is known for his lack of talent and charisma in comedy, had a career as a stand-up comedian but it never took off. He is now known for his political commentary and controversial views. The podcast provided context to Rubin's career and shared clips of his stand-up comedy performances to illustrate his lack of ability to work a crowd. The discussion served as a reminder of the importance of being vulnerable and authentic, in contrast to Rubin's attempt to make a living off divisive and controversial content.

    • Using identity as a shield for problematic behaviorBeing queer or any other identity doesn't give a pass to disrespect or harm others, nor should it be used as a weapon against them.

      Using one's sexuality or identity as a shield to mask problematic behavior is not an effective or advisable strategy. This was a theme touched upon in a meme the speaker referenced, which depicted a bandaid labeled "queerness" covering a wound labeled "white guilt." The speaker, a queer person, cautioned against weaponizing one's sexuality to disparage others. The conversation then shifted to Dave Rubin, a comedian who gained notoriety in the early 2000s but struggled with live performances due to lack of charisma. He rose to prominence through The Young Turks Network, a progressive news organization, where he initially presented left-leaning views. However, early signs of ideological shifts emerged in his commentary on issues like gun control and healthcare. Despite his initial alignment with progressive values, Rubin's career evolved in a different direction, illustrating the complexities and nuances of identity and ideology.

    • Dave Rubin's departure from The Young Turks due to ideological disagreementsFormer Young Turks host Dave Rubin left due to disagreements over Israeli actions during Gaza conflict, found success as an independent right-wing thinker, and monetized content during YouTube's surge of right-wing propaganda

      Dave Rubin, a former host on The Young Turks network, left the organization due to ideological disagreements, particularly regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Rubin's defense of Israel's actions during the 2014 Gaza conflict led to heated debates with his colleagues, ultimately contributing to his departure. After leaving The Young Turks, Rubin struggled to find a stable platform until going independent in 2016. He capitalized on the growing popularity of right-wing thinkers by hosting them on his show, which helped him build a large fan base. The timing of Rubin's independence coincided with a surge in right-wing propaganda on YouTube, enabling him to monetize his content effectively. Despite his controversial views, Rubin positions himself as a classical liberal and free thinker, having left the progressive label behind.

    • David Rubin: A Platform for Extremist VoicesDavid Rubin's YouTube channel is criticized for hosting controversial figures without challenging their views, prioritizing potential financial gain over values or people, making him a platform for extremist voices rather than a facilitator of meaningful debate.

      David Rubin's popularity on YouTube stems from his willingness to host controversial figures without challenging their views, prioritizing his own ego and the potential for financial gain over standing up for values or people. Despite his claims of liberalism, his interviews with far-right individuals like Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, and Lauren Southern have gone unchallenged, allowing them to present their arguments without opposition. This lack of pushback has led to criticism that Rubin is simply a platform for extremist voices, rather than a facilitator of meaningful debate. Despite his success, Rubin remains the sidekick to more successful grifters in the far-right YouTube scene, never quite achieving the main character status he desires.

    • New Monopoly Go, Snagajob, Mint Mobile, and Purdue Global: Solutions to Modern ChallengesMonopoly Go brings entertainment, Snagajob connects employers and job seekers, Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans, and Purdue Global provides flexible education options. These solutions address various modern challenges.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with its constantly changing challenges, rewards, and opportunities for social interaction. Meanwhile, Snagajob serves as a valuable resource for businesses looking to hire high-quality employees, and Mint Mobile provides an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans. Lastly, Purdue Global offers flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers. Harvey Weinstein's legal situation was also discussed, but the overall message remains that there are more pressing issues deserving of our attention and concern.

    • Discussing social issues and individual actionsSpeaker advocated for humane approaches to social issues, criticized Rubin for profiting from controversial figures, and emphasized the importance of genuine commitment to causes.

      The discussion touched upon various social issues, including climate change, criminal justice reform, and the war on drugs. The speaker also shared their thoughts on the treatment of certain individuals, such as Harvey Weinstein, and the shift in Dave Rubin's political stance for financial gain. The speaker argued for more humane approaches to addressing these issues and criticized Rubin for selling out to corporate America and profiting from controversial figures. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of genuine commitment to causes and the potential consequences of prioritizing personal gain over social justice.

    • The Intellectual Dark Web's Relevance FadesThe Intellectual Dark Web's attempts to subtly introduce fascist ideologies into mainstream discourse have been surpassed by more extreme voices on the right, leading to a decline in their influence.

      The intellectual dark web, once a prominent cultural force, has seen its relevance fade as their attempts to subtly introduce fascist ideologies into mainstream discourse have been surpassed by more extreme voices on the right. Dave Rubin, a prominent figure in this group, has seen his influence wane due to Jordan Peterson's personal struggles and his own unwillingness to engage in meaningful debate with those holding opposing views. The intellectual dark web's strategy of "parachuting" fascism into culture through questioning and other tactics has lost its effectiveness as the right wing has shifted towards more overtly violent and divisive rhetoric.

    • Rubin Report's repetitive focus and intoleranceDespite Rubin's self-proclaimed liberalism, his show's repetitive attacks on social justice warriors and political correctness have lost appeal, and his fragile ego and intolerance for dissenting opinions further limit its reach.

      The Rubin Report, hosted by Dave Rubin, has become repetitive and focused on a limited range of topics, leading to a loss of interest from even some of its fans. Despite Rubin's self-proclaimed role as a classical liberal, his show has been criticized for its frequent attacks on social justice warriors, political correctness, and university students. These topics, while important to some, have reached a saturation point and are not of primary concern for the majority of people in daily life. Additionally, Rubin's fragile ego and intolerance for dissenting opinions have led to him blocking critics on social media. The book "Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Unreason" by Rubin promises to give readers the tools they need to think for themselves, but given Rubin's history of shallow disagreements and lack of original thought, the irony is palpable. Overall, the Rubin Report has become a niche product, appealing mainly to those already deeply invested in conservative political circles.

    • Dan Rubin's account of his break with the left might not be accurateDan Rubin's version of events leading to his political shift may not reflect the truth, with disagreements over Israel and Palestine likely the main cause, but he presents the interview with Larry Elder as a turning point.

      Dan Rubin's account of his break with the left and his interview with Larry Elder, as presented in his book, may not accurately reflect the truth. The disagreements between Rubin and Cenk Uygur reportedly stemmed from political differences, particularly regarding Israel and Palestine. However, in his book, Rubin claims that the interview with Elder was a turning point. This revisionist history may serve Rubin's purpose of aligning himself with the right during the politically significant year of 2016. Additionally, Rubin's use of identity politics, particularly his sexuality, as a weapon against marginalized groups is problematic and upsetting. His list of contemporary thinkers, which includes known controversial figures, raises questions about potential financial influences. Overall, Rubin's narrative may not be a reliable representation of the facts.

    • Emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectivesDiversity of thought matters most, regardless of race or ethnicity. Free thought and individual rights are crucial in a free society, but it's important to acknowledge the complex history of Western values.

      Diversity of thought is more important than superficial diversity. The speaker emphasized that it doesn't matter if everyone shares the same race or ethnicity as long as they hold different perspectives. The importance of free thought and individual rights were also highlighted as essential components of a free society. However, it's crucial to note that the speaker's interpretation of Western values and individual rights was challenged, as historical examples of colonization and exploitation contradict the notion that these values solely promote individual freedoms. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of open-mindedness, factual knowledge, and respectful dialogue in fostering a more inclusive and authentic political discourse.

    • Historical disregard for individual rights by Western powersWestern powers have a history of disregarding individual rights, leading to human rights abuses. Respect for individual rights is crucial.

      The discussion touched upon the historical lack of respect for individual rights by certain Western powers, using the examples of U.S. involvement in the assassinations of leaders and the resulting human rights abuses in Central America. The speaker also criticized David Rubin's views on rape, which they perceived as dismissive of the seriousness of the issue and insensitive to victims. They expressed surprise at the overwhelmingly positive reviews of Rubin's book on Amazon, and made a controversial comparison between Rubin and Ben Affleck. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respecting individual rights and acknowledging the gravity of issues like rape.

    • Ben Affleck stands up against hate speechAffleck's authenticity and resilience shine through in his confrontation with Maher, and he's appreciated for his appeal despite personal opinions on his looks.

      Ben Affleck is known for standing up against hate speech, even in the face of criticism. This was evident when he confronted Bill Maher on his show. Additionally, Affleck's back tattoo symbolizes his authenticity and refusal to conform to societal expectations of attractiveness. The speaker may not find Affleck attractive personally, but acknowledges his appeal to others and his resilience in the face of public opinion. The conversation also touched on the disappointing nature of Dave Rubin as a public intellectual and the fun and engaging aspects of the mobile game Monopoly Go and the hiring platform Snagajob.

    • Exploring Opportunities for Education and Self-ImprovementPurdue Global offers flexible degree programs for working adults, SYNBOTICA provides effective all-natural supplements, and Dave Rubin advocates for a nuanced approach to drug legalization, emphasizing education, self-improvement, and empathy towards others.

      Purdue Global provides working adults with the opportunity to earn a respected degree that fits their career goals. With over 175 flexible programs, individuals can gain recognition for their knowledge and experience. Meanwhile, SYNBOTICA offers all-natural supplements that actually work. In the world of drugs, Dave Rubin advocates for a nuanced approach to legalization, acknowledging the differences between substances and their societal contexts. While discussing methamphetamine and opiates, he suggests that government involvement could lead to safer and more effective treatment options. However, it's essential to consider the complexities of each substance and its impact on society. Ultimately, these discussions highlight the importance of education, self-improvement, and empathy towards others.

    • Societal issues, not individual substances, are the root causes of societal problemsDave Rubin argues that societal failures contribute to societal issues like addiction, and encourages open dialogue about these topics instead of stigmatizing individuals or topics.

      The speaker, Dave Rubin, believes that societal issues, rather than individual substances, are the root causes of societal problems, including addiction. He argues that society has failed many people and it's not their fault. However, he also holds controversial views on certain topics like drug use and abortion, which he believes should be normalized in conversation rather than being taboo. He criticizes conservatives for twisting the meaning of these topics and making them into shameful taboos. Additionally, he discusses the historical misconception that Nazis were socialists, but acknowledges that the left wing of the Nazi party was indeed purged. Overall, Rubin's perspective emphasizes the importance of open and honest dialogue about societal issues, rather than stigmatizing individuals or topics.

    • Historical figures like Hitler and Mussolini started from the left but shifted rightBoth Hitler and Mussolini began with left-wing ideologies but later became fascist leaders, causing mass harm to marginalized groups.

      Historical figures like Hitler and Mussolini were complex individuals who started from the left wing but later shifted to the right. Hitler's early supporters came from the German conservatives, and he targeted and purged left-wing individuals, including openly gay men like Ernst Rohm. Mussolini also began as a left-wing journalist but later became a fascist. However, it's important to remember that these individuals' actions led to mass extermination and persecution of marginalized groups. While some may try to downplay their extremist views, it's crucial to recognize the danger they pose and the harm they caused. Ultimately, it's essential to learn from history and be vigilant against the rise of hateful ideologies.

    • Connect with Shereen through social media, podcast, and new projectsEngage with Shereen via social media, listen to her podcast, and stay updated on her poetry and film projects. Trust a CFP for financial advice.

      The speaker, Shereen, encourages people to connect with her through various social media platforms and her podcast, Ethically Ambiguous, as she works on new projects including poetry and films. She also expresses her love for Ben Affleck and shares a humorous image of him. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily is highlighted as a source for staying informed and connected to Detroit's black community. The Motor Racing Network is mentioned for NASCAR racing coverage. Xumo Play is introduced as a free streaming platform for entertainment. Lastly, the importance of finding a trustworthy financial adviser, specifically a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), is emphasized.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/revisioningthearts/



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