
    Podcast Summary

    • Kristin Cavallari's Skincare Adventures and Weather WoesDespite the hot weather, Kristin was surprised by the lack of outdoor activities and her house being unusually cold. She tried various beauty hacks, including a potato on her face, but found snail mucin and castor oil to be effective for improving skin appearance.

      Kristin Cavallari, the host of the Let's Be Honest podcast, shared her recent experiences enjoying the beautiful weather in Nashville, Tennessee, and her attempts to improve her skin through various beauty hacks. She mentioned her house being unusually cold and her surprise at the lack of outdoor activities during a hot day, leading her to encourage listeners to make the most of the good weather. She also shared her experimentation with using a potato on her face based on a TikTok beauty hack, and her use of snail mucin and castor oil for skincare. While the potato hack proved to be a myth, she expressed her belief in the effectiveness of snail mucin and castor oil for improving skin appearance.

    • Coconut Oil for Hair Growth and Oral HealthThe speaker shares her positive experiences with using coconut oil for hair growth and oral health, including teeth whitening and gum health through oil pulling. She also mentions her preference for natural remedies over teeth whitening strips due to sensitivity.

      The speaker shares her experiences with using coconut oil for hair growth and oral health. She believes in the benefits of oil pulling with coconut oil for teeth whitening and gum health, despite some initial skepticism. She also mentions her aversion to teeth whitening strips due to sensitivity. The speaker discusses her nighttime habits, including eating frequently and using various TikTok trends like taping her mouth shut and applying castor oil to her face. She also mentions her full stomach leading to waking up hungry and her active dreams possibly due to her lack of socializing in real life. Overall, the speaker emphasizes her belief in the benefits of coconut oil for her hair and oral health, and her experimentation with various wellness trends.

    • Creating a Peaceful Sleeping EnvironmentMaintaining good sleep hygiene and addressing family members' disruptive habits can improve sleep quality. Dental health also plays a role in facial appearance and breathing, making mouth taping and bedtime routines helpful solutions.

      The speaker values good sleep hygiene and quiet surroundings for a restful night, but her family members' habits, such as mouth breathing, snoring, and using electronic devices, disrupt her sleep. She tries various methods, like mouth taping and setting a bedtime routine, to improve her sleep quality. The speaker also mentions the impact of dental health on facial appearance and breathing, and expresses her dislike for mouth breathing and snoring. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of creating a peaceful sleeping environment and addressing potential sleep disturbances to ensure a good night's rest.

    • Give mom peace and quiet this Mother's Day with flowers and sustainable beauty productsSurprise mom with tranquility this Mother's Day through thoughtful floral deliveries and eco-friendly beauty purchases

      This Mother's Day, instead of disturbing moms with constant noise and interruptions, consider giving them the cherished gift of peace and quiet along with some beautiful flowers. Urban Stems, a nationwide floral delivery company, offers thoughtfully curated bouquets with personalized notes, on-trend designs, and a 100% happiness guarantee. Their user-friendly website allows easy shopping by color, price range, or flower type. For those seeking a sustainable makeup brand, SAY is an award-winning option sold exclusively at Sephora. Known for their signature "SAY Glow," these products deliver a dewy, effortless look while nourishing the skin with good-for-you ingredients. And for those who miss the excitement of events like Coachella, consider planning a future trip with family or friends when the kids are older. In the meantime, enjoy the memories of past experiences and the present joy of the simple pleasures in life.

    • From small music festival to media spectacleCoachella's transformation into a media spectacle can be overwhelming, taking away from the joy and freedom for some, but celebrities like Taylor Swift still find ways to enjoy it.

      Coachella, once a small music festival, has evolved into a massive event filled with brand deals, celebrity sightings, and constant paparazzi attention. For some, this transformation can be overwhelming and take away from the pure joy and freedom of attending the festival. The speaker fondly remembers a time when they could party freely without the fear of being recorded or recognized. They also express admiration for celebrities like Taylor Swift who can still experience the joy of Coachella despite the attention, but acknowledge the difficulty of maintaining privacy in such an environment.

    • Celebrities' efforts to maintain privacy and avoid attentionCelebrities use unusual outfits, glasses, and other tactics to blend in and maintain privacy. Paris Hilton is admired for staying true to herself and aging gracefully despite media scrutiny.

      Celebrities often face excessive scrutiny and criticism from the media, leading them to take measures to maintain their privacy and avoid unwanted attention. Hailey Bieber's unusual outfit in a tabloid photo was labeled as "grandma chic," but the speaker believed she was trying to blend in and hide. Wearing glasses is another common tactic used by celebrities to avoid eye contact and unwanted interactions with fans. Paris Hilton, despite her public persona, is seen as a kind and gracious celebrity who interacts warmly with her fans, as demonstrated in a viral video. The speaker admires Hilton for staying true to herself and aging gracefully. Everyone creates a persona to some degree, but the speaker acknowledges that celebrities face unique pressures to maintain their image.

    • The challenges of being authentic in publicStaying true to oneself in public can be difficult, as comments may be misinterpreted or sensationalized, leading to negative headlines. It's important to understand context and respect people's intentions.

      Being completely authentic in public can be challenging, and people may misinterpret or sensationalize comments, leading to negative headlines. However, it's essential to remain true to oneself and avoid faking kindness or good intentions. In the case of Tyler Cameron, a misunderstood comment about his former girlfriend was twisted into a salacious headline, highlighting the importance of understanding the context and respecting people's intentions. The media's obsession with creating clickbait content can distort positive stories, making it difficult for public figures to navigate the public sphere without being misrepresented.

    • Misinformation and provocative content on social media and newsStay calm, fact-check, and avoid unnecessary arguments online by doing research before reacting to misinformation or provocative content.

      Social media and the news can often be filled with misinformation and intentionally provocative content designed to get people to react and engage. This can lead to unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings based on false information. For example, a story about a celebrity might be blown out of proportion, leading people to comment and fight about something that never even happened. It's important to stay calm, do some research, and fact-check before reacting or engaging in online discussions. Another example given was an instance where a plastic surgeon allegedly leaked photos of Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock to get publicity, which led to unnecessary speculation and controversy. Overall, it's crucial to be mindful of the information we consume and engage with online, and to avoid getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts.

    • Discussing Changes in Appearance and Plastic SurgeryRespect individuals' privacy and autonomy in making decisions about their bodies. Recognize that natural aging and life experiences cause changes in appearance. Consider long-term effects before undergoing plastic surgery.

      People's appearances change over time, and it's important to recognize that natural aging and life experiences can result in noticeable differences. The discussion touched on the topic of plastic surgery and the critique of celebrities' appearances. The speakers expressed their disapproval of speculative comments made by unqualified individuals regarding celebrities' supposed cosmetic procedures. They emphasized the importance of respecting individuals' privacy and acknowledging that everyone's faces change as they age. The speakers also shared their personal experiences with plastic surgery, highlighting the importance of considering long-term effects and making informed decisions. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need for empathy, understanding, and respect for individuals' autonomy in making decisions about their bodies.

    • Acceptance of changing bodies and appearancesRecognize individual autonomy, reject societal pressure, and embrace self-acceptance as bodies and appearances change over time.

      People's bodies and appearances change over time, and societal pressure to conform to certain beauty standards can lead to unnecessary obsession and criticism. The discussion also touched upon how diet and certain foods can impact physical appearance, as well as the importance of individual autonomy and privacy regarding personal choices like cosmetic procedures. The speakers expressed their disapproval towards capitalizing on others' appearances and starting harmful conversations in the comments section. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and recognizing that everyone's bodies and faces evolve differently.

    • Celebrities and Cosmetic Enhancements: More Than Meets the EyeCelebrities' cosmetic enhancements are more nuanced than just physical appearances, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and individuality.

      While people may engage in similar behaviors such as cosmetic enhancements, the perception and impact of these choices can vary greatly, particularly when it comes to celebrities. The speaker acknowledges the prevalence of plastic surgery and other enhancements, but argues that there is something unique and special about celebrities that sets them apart. The discussion also touches on the importance of authenticity and the potential for societal pressure to conform to certain beauty standards. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the complexity of individuals and their choices, rather than reducing them to simple labels or assumptions.

    • Making healthy choices and discovering great brandsAbstaining from alcohol and eating well can improve well-being. Find top talent quickly with ZipRecruiter. Discover perfect-fitting basics with SKIMS. Love for pets and Farmer's Dog.

      Making healthy choices, such as eating well and limiting alcohol consumption, can lead to improved well-being and increased energy. The speaker has found that abstaining from drinking for an extended period has made her feel good and allowed her to be more productive. Additionally, acting quickly and utilizing resources like ZipRecruiter can help businesses find top talent before their competition does. The speaker also shared her love for the brand ZipRecruiter and recommended it for those looking to amp up their hiring performance. Another brand the speaker praised was SKIMS, which she described as offering perfect-fitting basics and foundations for various styles and sizes. She highly recommended their cotton jersey t-shirts for their durability and comfort. Lastly, the speaker expressed the importance of spending time with pets and mentioned her love for Farmer's Dog, a brand that caters to all stages of a dog's life.

    • Investing in pet health builds stronger bondsInvesting in pet health leads to stronger bonds, happier lives, and enjoyable mealtime experiences. Be mindful of online behavior and promote positivity for a harmonious digital experience.

      Taking care of our pets' health is essential for building long-lasting relationships with them. The Farmer's Dog is an excellent example of a company that prioritizes pet health with nutritionally balanced, human-grade food delivered in convenient portions. The farmer's dog's food is not only beneficial for pets but also makes mealtime an enjoyable experience for the whole family. Additionally, investing in our pets' health can lead to more happy and fulfilling years together. During the conversation, we also touched upon the topic of online negativity and gossip. It's essential to recognize that engaging in such behavior can be harmful and unproductive. We should strive to call out negative behavior and promote positivity both online and offline. In the end, it's essential to remember that our words and actions have consequences, and we should always strive to use them in a constructive and positive manner. To summarize, investing in our pets' health and well-being can lead to stronger bonds and happier lives. Additionally, being mindful of our online behavior and promoting positivity can create a more harmonious and enjoyable digital experience for everyone.

    • Societal focus on age gaps in relationships is absurdAge gaps in relationships should not be a concern as long as both parties are consenting adults and there's no exploitation.

      Age gaps in relationships should not be a source of obsession or judgment, as long as both parties are consenting adults and there are no illegal or exploitative circumstances. The speakers in this conversation express their disdain for societal focus on age gaps and find it absurd when the difference is significant. They also share their personal experiences and attraction to older men, with Dennis Quaid and Kevin Costner being their crushes. The conversation also touches upon the idea that people's perceptions of age do not necessarily align with their actual age, and that one's youthfulness or vitality is not determined by their age. Ultimately, the speakers emphasize the importance of consent, attraction, and compatibility in relationships, regardless of age.

    • Perspective and Complexity of Keanu Reeves' Views on Sexuality and RelationshipsUnderstanding perspectives is crucial, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. Don't jump to conclusions based on limited information, and recognize the impact of self-confidence and self-knowledge on individuals' actions and perceptions.

      Perspective plays a significant role in how we perceive and interpret information, particularly when it comes to sensitive topics like sexuality and relationships in the public eye. During the podcast discussion, the hosts explored the complexities of Keanu Reeves' perspective on sexual crimes and the impact of self-confidence and self-knowledge. They also touched on the media's role in creating and fueling breakup rumors and their differing opinions on pop culture figures. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding various viewpoints and not jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

    • Fan Defense of Morgan Wallen's Unacceptable BehaviorFans' loyalty can lead them to excuse or defend unacceptable behavior from celebrities, but it's important to hold them accountable for their actions.

      Fan loyalty can sometimes lead to excusing or defending unacceptable behavior from celebrities. The discussion revolves around Morgan Wallen, a country music artist who was criticized for throwing a chair off a building. Some fans defended him, making excuses for his actions and comparing it to their own experiences. Others argued that double standards apply, as women in similar situations would be criticized more harshly. The speaker suggests that Morgan may be using his fame as a shield, and that someone in his circle should intervene. The conversation also touches on the deep connection fans have with musicians, and how their music can resonate with people during difficult times. However, it's important to remember that celebrities are not perfect and their actions should be held accountable.

    • The spread of false celebrity gossipBe aware of the spread of false celebrity gossip and strive for accuracy and truth in discussions about public figures.

      The obsession with celebrity gossip, even when it comes to individuals who criticize the culture, can lead to spreading false information without fact-checking. Morgan Wallen's situation was used as an example, with people assuming he was at the CMTs in Nashville when they were actually in Austin, and spreading rumors about his personal life. Additionally, some social media accounts and podcasts use celebrity gossip to gain attention and views, often spreading misinformation or conspiracy theories. It's important to be aware of this and strive for accuracy and truth in discussions about celebrities or public figures. The speaker emphasized that they hate the celebrity gossip culture but found it interesting to discuss the perspectives and ways people spin stories. They also mentioned their experience with two particular social media accounts that spread misinformation and their encounter with those accounts discussing them.

    • Excited about gifting puka shell necklace and other itemsThe speaker shares her enthusiasm for gifting a puka shell necklace and other items like skincare and candles to her friend, and plans to get a custom one for herself this summer.

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing her enthusiasm for purchasing a puka shell necklace for a friend, despite the current one not fitting her. She also mentions her intention to give her friend skincare and candles as gifts, which are available on her website, uncommonjames.com. The conversation also reveals her excitement about getting a custom puka shell for herself this summer, and her plans to be in shape for it. Additionally, she expresses her love for her audience and promises to return the following week. The conversation showcases the speaker's friendly and generous personality, as well as her dedication to providing quality products for her customers.

    Recent Episodes from Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

    My Divorce House

    My Divorce House

    Justin is back to discuss my moving, buying a new house, putting my current house on the market, & how the press sways numbers. Plus, my obsession with my new business venture on the app Nextdoor, the first trip we're taking with Mark, getting our bodies ready for Greece, and our current debate: Britney Spears vs. Tate Mcrae.

    A word from our sponsors:

    • Ritual - Ritual - Get 25% off your first month for a limited time at ritual.com/BEHONEST. Start Ritual or add Synbiotic+ to your subscription today.
    • Quince - Get warm weather ready with Quince! Go to Quince.com/honest for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.
    • Smartwater - Life's full of choices. Smartwater is a simple one. Visit drinksmartwater.com to learn more.
    • Gametime - Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code HONEST for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply.
    • Our Place - Go to fromourplace.com and enter my code HONEST at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Our place offers 100-day trials with free shipping and returns.
    • Greenlight - Sign up for Greenlight today and get your first month free when you go to GREENLIGHT.com/honest.

    Produced by Dear Media.

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    All Implants Are Silicone

    All Implants Are Silicone

    Join Nashville's best plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Unger and I as we go in-depth about facelifts, all the different types of boobs jobs, BBLs and mommy makeovers, labia reconstructive surgery, what procedure hurts the most, and Hollywood's current surgery obsession. Plus, the Hollywood surgery he thinks isn't worth the hype and the next big trend in plastic surgery.

    A word from our sponsors:

    • LMNT - Get a free Sample Pack with any drink mix at DrinkLMNT.com/HONEST. And if your an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling - a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water.
    • SKIMS - hop SKIMS T-Shirt shop at SKIMS.com. Now available in sizes XXS - 4X. If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know I sent you! After you place your order, select "podcast" in the survey and select my show in the dropdown menu that follows. 
    • Smartwater - Life's full of choices. Smartwater is a simple one. Visit drinksmartwater.com to learn more.
    • Bon Charge - Go to boncharge.com and use code HONEST to save 15% off my favorite Red Light Face Mask and other wellness products.
    • Rhoback - Use code "HONEST" on Rhoback.com for a generous 20% off your order through the end of this week.
    • Hero Bread - Keep the carbs out of summer without compromising flavor with Hero Bread. Get 10% off your order at hero.co and use code HONEST at checkout

    Produced by Dear Media.

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    The Party Girl Will Never Die

    The Party Girl Will Never Die

    Part 2 to listener questions including the last thing I had to do on my healing journey, everything I do to take care of myself including skincare, working out, diet, and alcohol. Plus red flags in the bedroom, getting my boyfriend's initials tattooed on me, and my morning routine.

    A word from our sponsors:

    • Meta - Tap into the people on Facebook to fuel the things you're interested in
    • Hiya Health - Get 50% off your first order when you go to hiyahealth.com/HONEST
    • Quince - Get warm weather ready with Quince! Go to Quince.com/honest for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.
    • LMNT - Get your free Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/HONEST. And if you’re an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water.
    • Purely Elizabeth - Visit purelyelizabeth.com and use code HONEST at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Purely Elizabeth. Savor the Start. 

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Enjoy Your 15 Minutes Because It's Gonna Be Up Soon

    Enjoy Your 15 Minutes Because It's Gonna Be Up Soon

    You guys asked and I answered. We cover a lot of questions regarding my kids, making friends in your 30s, getting over a broken heart, how weird fame is, jealousy, social media in a relationship, and how I'm able to trust being vulnerable again.

    A word from our sponsors:

    • Nutrafol - For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering listeners ten dollars off your first month's subscription and free shipping when you go to Nutrafol.com and enter promo code HONEST.
    • Meta - Tap into the people on Facebook to fuel the things you're interested in
    • Lulu's - Visit Lulus.com and use code HONEST at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. New customers only. Terms apply. 
    • Bon Charge - Go to boncharge.com and use code HONEST to save 15% off my favorite Red Light Face Mask and other wellness products.

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Not Being a Perfect Parent Is Actually a Good Thing

    Not Being a Perfect Parent Is Actually a Good Thing

    Dr. Aliza Pressman joins me to talk about the 5 principles of parenting, a guide on how to raise good humans. We dive into how to have a secure attachment with your kids and how to repair it when it's been broken, effective ways to discipline, how to raise resilient kids, and how to navigate your kids' friendship drama.

    A word from our sponsors:

    1. Ritual - Get 25% off your first month for a limited time at ritual.com/BEHONEST. Start Ritual or add Synbiotic+ to your subscription today.
    2. SKIMS - Shop SKIMS T-Shirt shop at SKIMS.com. Now available in sizes XXS - 4X. If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know I sent you! After you place your order, select "podcast" in the survey and select my show in the dropdown menu that follows. 
    3. Purely Elizabeth - Visit purelyelizabeth.com and use code HONEST at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Purely Elizabeth. Savor the Start.
    4. Meta - Tap into the people on Facebook to fuel the things you're interested in.

    Produced by Dear Media.

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    Laguna Beach High School Reunion

    Laguna Beach High School Reunion

    Alex M, Alex H, and Jessica join me in Nashville for a wild weekend and to rehash Laguna Beach The Real Orange County —what we regret, what we felt was unfair, our favorite memories plus the shenanigans we got into off camera.

    A word from our sponsors:

    Rhoback - Use code "HONEST" on Rhoback.com for a generous 20% off your order through the end of this week.

    Meta - Tap into the people on Facebook to fuel the things you're interested in.

    Saie - Shop now at Sephora.

    Bon Charge - Go to boncharge.com and use code HONEST to save 15% off my favorite Red Light Face Mask and other wellness products.

    Hiya Health - Get 50% off your first order when you got to hiyahealth.com/HONEST

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Most Embarrassing Sh*t

    The Most Embarrassing Sh*t

    Justin is back to tell us about his peeping Tom, we discuss the restraining order I had to get, my stagecoach wrap-up, pooping, farting, and morning breath in your relationship.

    A word from our sponsors:

    LMNT - Get your free Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/HONEST. And if you’re an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water.

    Skims - Shop SKIMS T-Shirt shop at SKIMS.com. Now available in sizes XXS - 4X. If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know I sent you! After you place your order, select "podcast" in the survey and select my show in the dropdown menu that follows. 

    Meta - Tap into the people on Facebook to fuel the things you’re interested in.

    Lulus - Visit Lulus.com and use code HONEST at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. New customers only. Terms apply. 

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Prime

    There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Prime

    I sit down with teacher, practitioner, speaker, and leading voice in the sexual wellness movement Kiana Reeves to talk about expressing sexuality while being a mom, how to get out of your head and drop into your body while having sex, asking for what we need in the bedroom, the different types of orgasms women have and how to achieve them, how to break out of routine and keep the spark alive in a long term long relationship, what contributes to low-libido, and using mirror work to give ourselves the body confidence we need to achieve what we want in the bedroom.

    A word from our sponsors:

    Nutrafol: This Mother's Day share the gift of growth with a special woman in your life. Whether its your mother, aunt, or friend, Nutrafol is a unique and thoughtful gift with lasting impact. for a limited time, Nutrafol is offering listeners ten dollars off your first month's subscription and free shipping when you go to Nutrafol.com and enter promo code HONEST.

    Hero Bread: Don't give up being a breadhead. Go to hero.co and use code HONEST to get 10% off your order at checkout

    Bon Charge: Go to boncharge.com and use code HONEST at checkout to save 15%

    Lulu's: Visit lulus.com and use code HONEST at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. New customers only. Terms apply.

    Urban Stems: Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday, May 12th. You can visit UrbanStems.com/honest to see some of our top picks! Just be sure to order in time by using code HONEST for 15% off your purchase.

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Let's Talk About Pop Culture

    Let's Talk About Pop Culture

    Justin Anderson is back to dish on all the latest hot topics including TikTok beauty trends we're trying, having Coachella FOMO, celebrity plastic surgery and dental work, and our thoughts on Tyler Cameron commenting on my relationship.

    A word from our sponsors:

    Zip Recruiter: Spring forward with a new hiring partner - ZipRecruiter - and find top talent sooner. See why 4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Just go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE: ZipRecruiter.com/HONEST

    Skims: Shop SKIMS T-Shirt shop at SKIMS.com. Now available in sizes XXS - 4X. Plus, get free shipping on orders over $75! If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know I sent you! After you place your order, select "podcast" in the survey and select my show in the dropdown menu that follows.

    Farmer's Dog: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at TheFarmersDog.com/honest. PLUS, you get free shipping!

    Saie: Shop Saie's makeup essentials at Sephora.

    Urban Stems: Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday, May 12th. You can visit UrbanStems.com/honest to see some of our top picks! Just be sure to order in time by using code HONEST for 15% off your purchase.

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    If You're the Only One Initiating... That's a Problem

    If You're the Only One Initiating... That's a Problem

    Dating coach Matthew Hussey joins me to discuss why people are having such a hard time finding a successful relationship, why we get obsessed with someone when they don't text for 2 days, how to figure out if you're compatible with someone, qualities for a long-lasting relationship, why having tough conversations is a necessity, attention vs intention, and having FU Confidence.

    A word from our sponsors:

    Ritual: Get 25% off your first month for a limited time at ritual.com/BEHONEST. Start Ritual or add Synbiotic+ to your subscription today.

    Quince: Get warm weather ready with Quince! Go to Quince.com/honest for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

    Thrive Market: Go to ThriveMarket.com/honest for 30% off your first order, plus a FREE $60 gift!

    Farmer's Dog: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at TheFarmersDog.com/honest. PLUS, you get free shipping!

    Bon Charge: Go to boncharge.com and use code HONEST to save 15% off my favorite Red Light Face Mask and other wellness products.

    Urban Stems: Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday, May 12th. You can visit UrbanStems.com/honest to see some of our top picks! Just be sure to order in time by using code HONEST for 15% off your purchase.

    Produced by Dear Media.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Accelerated Health Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.

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    What are my top tips for pre and post mature skin rejuvenation? Who is a good candidate for skin rejuvenation and what are the signs that it might not be right for you? What are a few warnings I have about skin rejuvenation that I am observing online with celebrities and how you can avoid looking overdone or having issues?

    💎 JOIN SKINCAMP at https://rachelvarga.ca and register NOW! If you select the VIP option you can SAVE 15% on EVERYTHING with me for the ENTIRE SkinCamp season!!! Early birds will save $100 on their registration as well! Each seasonal SkinCamp begins and ends with each seasonal equinox to align with our seasonal rhythms so your skin routine can too!

    💎PRE-REGISTER for my upcoming Radiance teachings and live events at https://rachelvarga.ca/live

    💎 SHOP my top skin care products, exfoliants, peels, dermal rollers, supplements and more at https://rachelvarga.ca/store


    💎 Purchase your dermaroller, serums and learn the order of operations here! https://store.rachelvarga.ca/collections/dermarolling-starter-kit


    Watch this video to get you started with dermarolling while it is still FREE! https://youtu.be/4gEz7RpTcQM (If this link no longer works it is because it is no longer free!)


    Here are a few dermarolling tips to get you started:


    Stabilize the skin for 2 weeks with your 5 basics to stabilize your skin (Shop my skin care essentials here! https://store.rachelvarga.ca/collections/skin-care-essentials)


    If you would like to learn exactly which products could be more optimal for your specific skin needs be sure to book your One on One with me at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started and join my next skincamp like Fall SkinCamp to access my tutorials and demos at https://fallskincamp.com


    💎 DOWNLOAD my FREE 9 Keys to Slowing Skin Aging at https://rachelvarga.ca/slowaging

    💎 BOOK A ONE ON ONE with Rachel Varga for customized skin and rejuvenation guidance and use code PODCAST15 for 15% off at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started

    💎 SAVE on my top at-home and in-office biohacking tools like red light therapy, emf mitigation, air purifiers and SO MUCH MORE to help you age impossibly well at https://RachelVarga.ca/favorites

    💎 RESEARCH and additional insights into my peer reviewed and academically published articles can be found at https://rachelvarga.ca/research

    As a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011 with over 20,000 rejuvenation treatments performed on thousands of patients. I offer guidance through education on skin, rejuvenation practices/treatments, and achieving overall wellness in the areas of spirit, mind, body and beauty.

    I would love to hear from YOU!

    Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, CANS

    Email: info@rachelvarga.ca

    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    At-Home Device & Client Questions with Rachel Varga

    At-Home Device & Client Questions with Rachel Varga

    I get asked fairly frequently what my thoughts are on these at-home microcurrent devices. Are they worth it? (No) What does they do? (Questionable...) In today's episode I discuss my thoughts on at-home gimmicky tech and what I recommend instead. Today's episode is a fun one where I answer client questions and share client feedback on a few things!

    I warmly invite you into my next SpringSkinCamp.com as we begin very soon! Early bird pricing and VIP 15% off savings are happening now! I can't wait to hang out with you and our amazing community of like minded radiant humans :) I invite YOU to join us and the community! Do you have a question about which options may be right for you?

    • BOOK YOUR ONE ON ONE Virtual Skin and Aging Consultation with Rachel Varga here: https://RachelVarga.ca/get-started and use promocode PODCAST15 for 15% off!
    • SHOP my top skin care products, dermal rollers, supplements and more at https://rachelvarga.ca/store
    • MASTERCLASSES are happening soon! I invite you to join me in my next Masterclass and be sure to register here for my next MasterClass invitation! https://rachelvarga.ca/live/
    • SAVE on my top at-home and in-office biohacking tools like red light therapy, emf mitigation, air purifiers and SO MUCH MORE to help you age impossibly well at https://RachelVarga.ca/favorites
    • Register for my next SkinCamp Group Program at https://RachelVarga.ca and learn about all of the things I can't share for free online that can help you age impossibly well for many years and how to navigate skin health throughout the seasons!
    • Pick up a copy of my eBook Unlocking Your Vitality! Get more free resources on the SCIENCE of BEAUTY at https://rachelvarga.ca
    • DOWNLOAD my FREE Treatment Planning Guide and Sophisticated Skin Cheat Sheet at https://rachelvarga.ca/

    As a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011 with over 20,000 rejuvenation treatments performed on thousands of patients. I offer guidance through education on skin, rejuvenation practices/treatments, and achieving overall wellness in the areas of spirit, mind, body and beauty. I would love to hear from YOU! Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, CANS Email: info@rachelvarga.ca DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Seeking Whole-Body Beauty Transformations with Jacqueline Schaffer

    Seeking Whole-Body Beauty Transformations with Jacqueline Schaffer

    Do you feel beautiful? Inside and out? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you felt incredible all the time and had a foolproof diet, fitness, and beauty routine? That’s the goal of today’s guest.

    When Jacqueline Schaffer’s mother was diagnosed with skin cancer, Jacqueline found herself feeling defeated. She was a physician, and yet she felt she couldn’t heal the most important woman in her life. Together, she and her mother began to explore medical alternatives from across the globe. What she learned by combining Eastern and Western medical philosophies has set her on a new career path. In addition to her work as a doctor, Jacqueline is now also a bestselling author and founder of Schique Skincare, a company that enhances the lives of women by helping them look and feel more beautiful throughout their lives.

    Tune in as Jacqueline explains different beauty philosophies from around the world, the importance of focusing on a whole-body approach to beauty, and what other entrepreneurs can learn from her journey.

    In This Episode

    • When people should start paying attention to their health and beauty regimen
    • The current trends in the beauty industry
    • When to use Eastern medicine and when to use Western medical principles
    • What entrepreneurs can learn from fellow ambitious professionals
    • Jacqueline’s advice for people seeking a lifestyle change

    Quotes in This Episode

    “Everything in life needs balance.” —Jacqueline Schaffer

    “To have a healthy body, mind, and soul, your everyday life is very important. Your nutrition, your fitness, your sleep, the people you surround yourself with—yes, that is Eastern medicine. That’s every day. That’s a lifestyle.” —Jacqueline Schaffer

    “You’re going to make mistakes. People are going to not believe in you, and tell you that you can’t do it…. You’ve just got to snap back and be resilient. And not let that bring you down.” —Jacqueline Schaffer

    “I’ve been scared so many times and thinking, oh my goodness—but I’m not going to give up… It’s important to also know that it’s okay if you’re scared. It’s completely normal. Just don’t give up.” —Jacqueline Schaffer

    “Try to get all the best resources and mentors... But also know that your journey to getting to that end goal is going to be so beautiful and so different from the mentor before you. And that’s what makes you special.” —Jacqueline Schaffer

    Irresistible You: Smart Solutions for Clear, Radiant, Youthful Skin


    Schique Skincare