
    Listen To This If You're Tired Of Being Broke (My Message to Ivante) | Ep 556

    enJune 27, 2023
    What sacrifices are necessary to escape poverty?
    How can one prioritize expenses for long-term success?
    Why is embracing rejection important for growth?
    What skills should be developed for financial stability?
    How can alternative income sources improve flexibility?

    Podcast Summary

    • Sacrifices for Long-Term SuccessTo escape poverty and create value, focus on learning a valuable skill, cut unnecessary costs, and make temporary sacrifices for long-term success.

      In order to get out of a cycle of poverty and build something valuable, one must be willing to make sacrifices, learn new skills, and assume that luck is not a reliable factor. The speaker advises cutting all unnecessary costs, focusing on learning a valuable skill, and making temporary sacrifices for the benefit of long-term success. This means that in the short term, family and personal comfort may suffer, but it is essential to endure these hardships rather than remaining stagnant. The ultimate goal is to create something of value that others want, which will lead to financial stability and the ability to provide for one's family. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action and not letting fear or complacency hold one back.

    • Focus on cutting costs, increasing income, and sellingReduce expenses, earn more income, and sell items or services for profit to improve financial situation within a year

      To improve your financial situation, you need to focus on cutting costs, increasing your income, and learning to sell. Start by finding ways to reduce expenses to the absolute minimum. Then, look for opportunities to earn more money, even if it means working multiple jobs or starting a side hustle. The easiest way to make significant profits is by selling other people's items, but eventually, you should aim to sell your own products or services. Remember that feeling hopeless and lacking options is a sign of ignorance, not sadness. You have the power to change your situation by becoming relentless in your pursuit of higher-paying opportunities. Dressing nicely when you're struggling financially is not a wise decision, and it's essential to be mindful of the influence of friends and family with negative views on money. By following these steps and staying focused, you can dramatically improve your financial situation within a year.

    • Ignore the naysayers and focus on growthSurround yourself with positivity, adopt a new information diet, and make extreme sacrifices to achieve financial goals.

      It's essential to surround yourself with positivity and focus on learning and growth, even if it means ignoring the naysayers and taking risks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of ignoring the negative opinions of those around you, especially when it comes to financial goals. He suggests adopting a new information diet, focusing on those who support and help you move forward. It's a season of sacrifice, and being extreme and unbalanced in your pursuit of progress is necessary. The speaker shares his own extreme experiences, such as owning a car in cash and sharing a house with multiple roommates. The ultimate goal is to lower your time and money budgets to get ahead and make progress towards your goals.

    • Make sacrifices and prioritize expenses for balance in lifeCut non-essential costs, focus on skills, and explore alternative income to improve situation and achieve balance

      In order to improve your situation and achieve balance in your life, you may need to make sacrifices and prioritize your expenses. This means cutting back on non-essential costs, such as renting an expensive apartment or owning multiple pets, in order to save money for education and career advancement. It also means being intentional about the people and activities in your life that take up your time and energy, and focusing on developing one skill at a time through dedicated study and practice. Additionally, consider exploring alternative sources of income, such as driving for Uber or working a side job, to increase your earning potential and gain more flexibility in your schedule. Remember, even if you feel like you've been dealt a difficult hand, it's important to stay focused on your goals and work hard to create a better future for yourself and your family.

    • Stand out in the job market by putting in extra effortPersonalize messages to recruiters, write custom cover letters, and don't be afraid to message multiple companies to increase chances of getting hired

      Dedicating just a few hours to mastering a new skill is not enough to stand out in the job market. Instead, put in extra effort by becoming the most exceptional candidate for potential employers. This means personalizing messages to recruiters on LinkedIn and writing custom cover letters for job applications. Even for entry-level roles, hustle and determination are essential. Don't be afraid to message multiple people at different companies, demonstrating your enthusiasm and willingness to go above and beyond. It may take time and effort, but the payoff could be a job offer. Remember, if you apply to a large number of places with personalized messages, you're likely to increase your chances of getting hired. So, don't be afraid to put in the extra work and show your potential employers that you're undeniable.

    • Consistently put in more volume and effort than competitorsTo succeed, put in more volume and effort than competitors, consistently practice and learn industry skills, and stay committed to your goals.

      To get ahead in your field, you need to put in more volume and effort than your competitors. This means going above and beyond what the top performer is doing, and consistently putting in the work even when they've clocked out. The concept of "volume negates luck" means that by putting in the necessary reps and learning the language and skills of your industry, you can put yourself in a better position to succeed. This might mean sending out a high volume of personalized applications and cover letters, or practicing mock interviews and learning from experts. It's important to remember that success doesn't come overnight, and that consistent effort and dedication are key. So set the timer, put in the work, and stay committed to your goals.

    • The power of persistence and hard workThrough determination and effort, opportunities and success can be attained, even in the face of rejection. Rejection is an opportunity to learn and improve, not a setback.

      Persistence and hard work can lead to opportunities and success, even in the face of rejection. The same opportunities that seem out of reach for some due to socioeconomic backgrounds or other factors can be attained through sheer determination and effort. Rejection is not a setback, but rather an opportunity to learn and improve. By the time you've been rejected a thousand times, you'll have gained valuable experience and knowledge that will make you a stronger and more resilient person. The key is to keep pushing forward. Don't rely on luck alone, but rather on the volume of your efforts. Just like asking a girl to prom, the more times you ask, the less intimidating it becomes and the higher the chances of success. In the end, the experiences and lessons you gain from being rejected are invaluable and valuable stepping stones towards achieving your goals.

    • Learning from rejection for personal growthEmbrace rejection as a learning experience, stay determined, focus on goals, persevere, and inspire others through resilience stories.

      Embracing rejection and viewing it as a learning experience is essential for personal growth and success. Each rejection brings us closer to the next opportunity, and a single "yes" can significantly impact our lives. It's crucial to stay determined and focused on our goals, even when faced with adversity and criticism from others. We all encounter challenges, but the size of our initial hurdle does not diminish the potential impact of our eventual triumph. By persevering and sharing our stories of resilience, we can inspire and guide others through their own struggles. Remember, the journey may be difficult, but the rewards are worth it. Stay strong, and keep pushing forward.

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    (01:43) Acupuncture - How to Start

    (04:19) Fitness coach/podcast - Brand Consciousness

    (07:56) Virtual Assistant Business - How To Start Ads

    (11:28) Solar - Things Are Working, how to improve 7+ ROAS

    (13:04) Assisted Living - Facebook, Youtube 20:1 ROAS

    (14:04) Executive Health - Scale + Compliance

    (15:16) Roofing PPC - Expand in Local Market

    (17:27) Real Estate - ROAS & Trust are Down

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    In 2016 Sana experienced pins and needles in her legs and arms. She began to experience seizures that were body attacks of accumulated energy in her nervous system that released at night. They came out of the blue and developed into panic attacks. 

    At the time, Sana was experiencing a lack in her career professionally. Although she loved her career as an academic advisor, new clients were not consistent and the pressure built up as her home wasn’t selling on the property market. 

    Sana investigated a stroke or MS with her doctors and still continues to get to the bottom of the disruption that has occurred in her nervous system. Her exercise regimeme was reduced to slow walks, she lost weight and felt very fatigued. She also developed a sensitivity to foods like spinach and sweet potatoes, and peppermint tea, another sign that her body was under attack and inflammation. 

    It took twelve months of study and research and Sana finally began to feel well again. 

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    Sana learned that the most important thing for her was to surrender. The brain is the control centre, and it didn’t’ surprise me when Sana said it was also about emotionally letting go of control and where she wanted to go. I am forever inspired by the emotional links to our physical ailments.

    The other thing that Sana learned on this journey, was the power of the body and its ability to heal. With the right tools, we can let the body what it does best, it knows what to do. The trick is to figure out how to get out of its way. 

    At her lowest point Sana’s self-worth and esteem plummeted as she struggled in her career, she felt like she was experiencing rejection after rejection. She decided to go away for a weekend retreat, and she meditated, wrote down her skillset, and surrendered. On the first day, she was offered a new job. 

    Sana’s turning point was when she realised that she had a choice to go on and suffer further consequences or surrender. “When someone has faith in your skills it can change your life and that of others. My earth angel gave me the chance to have a 20-year career in clinical aromatherapy.” 

    Sana’s tips:

    • Surrender, let go of control of where you are going 
    • Exercise, eat well, meditate and be in nature 
    • The body has the ability to heal
    • Have faith and trust and you will find your courage

    Get in touch with Sana Turnock

    Web: Courgaeunravelled.com
    LinkedIn: Sana Turnock

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