
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring diverse opinions and mealtime inspiration at KrogerKroger offers a vast range of affordable meal options and savings while Reddit's 'unpopular opinion' community showcases unique perspectives, reminding us to embrace individuality and find moments of escape.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for mealtime inspiration, all while ensuring affordable prices and additional savings through digital coupons and fuel rewards. Meanwhile, in the world of Reddit's "unpopular opinion" community, people shared their non-political hot takes, showcasing the diversity of opinions, from the divisive topic of the Cats musical to the unexpected admiration for the new Cats movie. Despite the tension and disagreements, these unique perspectives remind us of the importance of embracing individuality and finding moments of escape from the anxiety-inducing world. Whether it's through shopping at Kroger or engaging in online discussions, there's always room for discovery and appreciation.

    • Exploring Unpopular Opinions on PodcastsListeners shared diverse opinions on various topics, challenging mainstream views and sparking lively debates

      People have unique and often unpopular opinions on various topics, ranging from art and entertainment to literature and pop culture. During a discussion on a podcast, listeners shared their hot takes, revealing a diverse array of opinions that challenged the mainstream. For instance, some found the musical "Cats" unsettling, while others praised the "Spongebob Squarepants" musical over "Hamilton." Some held strong opinions about beloved franchises like "Fleetwood Mac" and "Lord of the Rings," and even about theme parks like Disney World. Others defended lesser-known works like "Pluto Nash" and questioned the greatness of classic films like "The Princess Bride." Ultimately, these unpopular opinions sparked lively debates and showcased the beauty of diverse perspectives.

    • Sharing Unpopular OpinionsEmbrace individuality and respect diverse perspectives, even if they differ from popular opinion.

      People have unique preferences and opinions, even if they are unpopular or controversial. Andrew from Kentucky shared his love for pineapple on pizza and the Star Wars sequel trilogies, despite the backlash he might receive. Natalie Love expressed her disdain for the overused phrase "turn it to 11," urging us to come up with fresh expressions. Rob from Ithaca criticized the use of flip flops in public, advocating for sensible shoes instead. Dylan, from the Pacific Northwest, defended the wearing of shorts in winter, sharing his personal experience of staying warm. Harold sent in a voice memo about hanging toilet paper with the rough side facing the wall, a practice Dylan endorses and even corrects in others' homes. These diverse perspectives remind us that everyone experiences the world differently and that there's value in respecting and embracing those differences.

    • Unique Perspectives on Everyday TopicsPeople have distinct preferences and opinions on various everyday topics, adding richness and diversity to our experiences and understanding of the world

      People have unique preferences and opinions, even on seemingly mundane topics like bathroom habits, favorite seats on airplanes, or condiments on hot dogs. Britta enjoys long, hot baths despite others' misunderstanding, Sydney finds power and gratitude in her period, Job doesn't care about post-death body disposal, Jesse Eisenberg is considered a dreamboat by some, and the middle seat on airplanes can offer comfort and perks. Brett's unpopular opinion is that ketchup belongs on a Chicago dog. These diverse perspectives remind us that everyone experiences the world differently and that there's value in embracing individuality.

    • People have strong opinions about food toppings and condimentsPeople hold diverse opinions on how to enhance their food's taste, from ketchup temperature preferences to disliking certain combinations.

      People have strong opinions when it comes to condiments and toppings on their favorite foods. Ed Hoek from Fresno, California, believes that ketchup should never be refrigerated and that his opinion is a fact. Stewart from London, Ontario, suggests drizzling ketchup over fries instead of dipping them for a better taste experience. Anna from Vancouver, British Columbia, advocates for holding the sauce on most foods and adding chips or crisps for texture and flavor. Eltoo doesn't like fried savory foods and prefers salads and vegetables. Kat from Massachusetts North Shore finds peanut butter and chocolate together unappetizing. Claudia from Indiana dislikes dark chocolate intensely. Marie from DC is a fan of hardcore black licorice, and Sarah from New Jersey thinks honey is disgusting. Despite these differing opinions, the common thread is that people have strong feelings about the way they enjoy their food.

    • Shocking Food Preferences and OpinionsPeople have strong and diverse opinions on seemingly everyday topics, and engaging in respectful dialogue can lead to common ground and appreciation for individuality.

      People have strong and often unpopular opinions on seemingly everyday topics, such as cookies, fruit, and even food combinations. Catherine and Jorge from Australia were surprised to find that not everyone shares their preferences for oatmeal cookies and apples. Ian from Montgomery, Texas, took the unconventional route with his love for bananas and Kraft Square Cheese. Patrick from North Carolina expressed his disdain for brunch and its associated high prices and long wait times. Joey shared his belief in adding milk to cereal bowels before pouring in the cereal. Despite these differences, the group found common ground in their appreciation for the Hot Takes podcast and the opportunity to share their unique perspectives. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing individuality and the value of engaging in respectful dialogue about diverse opinions.

    • Unique Perspectives and Humor from the Endless Thread TeamThe Endless Thread team, with their diverse backgrounds and quirks, bring depth, humor, and shared love for music and pop culture to their podcast, delivering engaging stories to their audience.

      The Endless Thread team, made up of Josh Schwartz, Michael Pope, Ann Marie Severson, Ben Brock Johnson, and Frank Hernandez, each bring their unique perspectives and quirks to their production of the podcast. From Josh's disdain for spam emails to Michael's dislike for plain chocolate ice cream, these individualities add depth and humor to their conversations. The team also showcases their shared love for music and pop culture, as they discuss Fleetwood Mac and superhero movies. Despite the occasional chaos and confusion, they remain committed to bringing engaging stories to their audience. So, if you're looking for a lighthearted and entertaining podcast, tune in to Endless Thread.

    Recent Episodes from Endless Thread

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    Every year, thousands of Americans lose money participating in multi-level marketing (MLM). So, last year, when a new business idea that promised to correct MLM's sins bubbled up on Instagram and TikTok, a lot of people hopped off the MLM train, and onto this new one, lured by the promise of a low-lift and lucrative side hustle.

    This new business idea is called "master resell rights." But what exactly is it? Where did it come from? And does it actually solve any of MLM's problems? Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson, Amory Sivertson, and Grace Tatter.

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    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Worm Wars

    Worm Wars

    When Endless Thread producer Nora Saks learned that a "toxic, self-cloning worm that poops out of its mouth" was invading Maine, she started sounding the alarm about the impending eco-doom.

    Until, that is, state experts clued her into the "real threat" : A different creepy crawly wriggling towards The Pine Tree State's gardens and precious forests, and fast. In this rebroadcast from January 2023, Endless Thread tunnels down a wormhole, encountering a long history of xenophobic rhetoric about so-called invasive species, and some hard truths about the field of invasion biology itself.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    In April, a TikTok creator mused, "Did I just write the song of the summer?" Girl on Couch's "Looking for a man in finance" song spawned hundreds of remixes, and won her a record deal. While it might seem remarkable that a five-second TikTok sound can command the attention of pop music kingmakers, the industry has been capitalizing on internet memes for decades. Endless Thread takes a crash course in internet meme pop music history.

    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter . Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson, Ben Brock Johnson, and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Scamming the Scammers

    Scamming the Scammers

    Border Patrol is calling: A drug cartel has your bank information, so you need to transfer all your money to a safe Bitcoin account—right now!

    Millions of people will be familiar with calls like this, in which scammers, often in other countries, use threats or promises to rob you. In 2023, individuals and businesses lost an estimated $485 billion to fraud schemes, according to Nasdaq's Global Financial Crime Report.

    Law enforcement will only do so much to recover losses. That is why some online streamers are taking matters into their own hands. And they have become famous for fighting back.

    Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson explore the complicated, criminal world of scambaiters.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    Sword influencers abound on YouTube. Those who specialize in the historic European martial arts, or HEMA, have gained legions of fans showcasing the fantastic, bladed techniques of yore.

    But talk of parries and pommels has recently given way to bigotry. Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson speaks with co-host Amory Sivertson about one valiant influencer fighting back.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z is over it. The youngest generation of adults is inheriting a climate crisis, the ongoing fallout from a global pandemic, a polarized political landscape, and a tenuous economic reality.  And many Gen Z members, a generation more likely to identify as progressive than conservative, are ready for something to give.

    Enter: Gen Z for Change — a youth-led non-profit that brands itself as, "the place where the creator economy and progressive politics intersect on social media." The group leverages a hundreds-deep network of social media creators to spread calls to action over TikTok. They've also pulled on the programming expertise within their team to develop a caché of semi-automatic tools that take the guesswork out of engaging with their political agenda.

    Their latest tool, "Ceasefire Now!!" takes these efforts one step further — resulting in, by Gen Z for Change's count, two million emails calling for a ceasefire in Gaza hitting the inboxes of elected representatives in Washington every day.

    Show notes: 

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    Catfish for dinner

    Catfish for dinner

    After Taylor Paré was stood up on a date, she turned to TikTok. In a now-viral video, she claimed to have uncovered a new scheme to scam to singles looking for love on the internet. Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Paul Vaitkus. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    Hype Cycle

    Hype Cycle

    The Vision Pro is Apple's new $3,500 virtual reality headset.

    Since its debut in February, users have found new ways to use this latest iteration of a decades-old technology: scrolling TikTok at work, driving Tesla's Cybertruck, recording their kid's birth.

    But can VR truly integrate into our daily lives? Or will it forever remain a niche technology for geeks and gamers?

    Endless Thread dives into the history of VR and its potential for the future.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Cici Yongshi Yu. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Imagine sitting in a hospital room for 24 consecutive hours in the most agonizing pain you can possibly imagine. You feel a sense of impending doom. You have a feeling this won’t end well. Then, the pain subsides and you walk away. Jamie Seymour has had that experience eleven different times. He’s a leading expert on one of the world’s most frightening creatures and he’s paid the price.

    This episode originally aired on Oct 12, 2018.

    The Jackie Show

    The Jackie Show

    Our interactions with nature are increasingly mediated by technology. We scroll through wildlife feeds on TikTok. We use Instagram to plan hikes. Even in the wilderness, we religiously bring our phones to document the experience. And then there are animal cams.

    Since the 1990s, people have fawned over livestreams of cute pandas and colorful fish. One could argue that animal cams another example of how we’ve jammed a screen between ourselves and the wild. But the story of Jackie the bald eagle presents a different perspective: one in which technology might bring us closer to our fellow creatures.

    Producer Dean Russell speaks with Endless Thread co-host Ben Brock Johnson about the potential upsides of technonaturalism.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell.

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    The SSW Network brings content to #StarWars Fans of all ages and generations. With Around the Galaxy, we bring you that magic moment when Star Wars fans meet for the first time. On Podcast of the Whills, we take a deep dive into the canon or a particular aspect of the saga. And our LIVE Friday night call-in talk show, Force Connect, looks at the latest in news and conversation in the Star Wars universe. From #disneyplus content, to comics to news and rumors, Chris, Pete and Nick have you covered!

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