
    Madison Beer: Blackmailed With My Nudes (FBF) [VIDEO]

    enMarch 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Madison Beer's Escape to Summer CampDespite a challenging childhood marked by her parents' divorce and the scrutiny of being a public figure, Madison Beer found solace and strength through summer camp, leading her to success and inspiring others with her story.

      Madison Beer, a pop star who gained fame at a young age after Justin Bieber shared her singing on YouTube, has had a challenging childhood. Her parents' divorce when she was seven left her feeling responsible for her younger brother and constantly on the move. However, she found solace in summer camp, which she describes as her "happy place" and an escape from the turmoil at home. Despite the challenges she faced, including the scrutiny that comes with being a public figure, she has managed to find success and share her story through her memoir, "The Half of It." Her resilience and strength are inspiring, and her conversation on Caller Daddy offers a deeper understanding of the person behind the public persona.

    • Growing up with parents' relationships: A challenging experienceChildhood experiences with parents' relationships can shape emotional development, instilling feelings of abandonment and attachment issues.

      Growing up with parents going through multiple relationships can be a challenging experience for children, leading to emotional complexities and issues. The speaker shared their personal experience of feeling like a mediator and witnessing their father's relationships, which instilled feelings of abandonment and attachment issues. These experiences left a deep impact on the speaker, shaping their perspective and influencing their music. Despite the discomfort of sharing these experiences through song, the speaker found that their father was understanding and appreciative of their art. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the significant impact that family dynamics can have on a child's emotional development.

    • Online privacy compromised: Influencer's private videos leakedBe cautious with personal content and consider potential risks of technology. Trust is not guaranteed even on seemingly secure platforms.

      Online privacy and trust can be easily compromised, even with seemingly secure platforms. Madison Beer, a young influencer, shared an experience of having her private videos leaked and spread across the internet despite using an app that was supposed to delete messages. This incident serves as a reminder to be cautious about who we share personal content with and the potential risks of technology. Additionally, the episode highlighted the importance of businesses like Shopify that help entrepreneurs grow their online businesses and turn browsers into buyers. The discussion also introduced Sei, a makeup brand known for its clean, high-performing, and sustainable products.

    • Viral video leak as a minor: Traumatic and life-alteringViral video leaks can cause deep trauma, loss of privacy, powerlessness, and negative attention for minors, potentially leading to lasting mental health issues like PTSD.

      Experiencing a viral video leak as a minor can be deeply traumatizing and life-altering. The speaker in this discussion recounts the experience of having private videos shared online without her consent, leading to a loss of privacy, powerlessness, and a flood of negative attention. She describes the devastating impact on her mental health and the challenges of dealing with the aftermath, including being disbelieved or trivialized by some people. The experience left her with PTSD and a lasting sense of violation. It's important to recognize and validate the serious harm caused by such incidents, particularly for young people.

    • Exploring bodies and self-image on social mediaSocial media use during formative years can lead to vulnerability and betrayal of trust, with devastating consequences. Respect privacy and consent, and support victims instead of blaming them.

      Young women exploring their bodies and self-image through social media, especially during their formative years, can be a vulnerable experience. The speaker shared her personal experience of having her trust betrayed by a boy who saved and shared her private photos without her consent. She felt the added burden of societal stigma and blame, despite knowing she was not at fault. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing the power dynamics and societal pressures that can influence such situations. She also highlighted the devastating consequences of such actions, including anxiety, shame, and even suicide. This conversation serves as a reminder for men and young boys to respect privacy and consent, and for society to support and believe victims rather than blame them.

    • Online harassment and exploitation of young girls in 2014In 2014, young girls faced severe online harassment and exploitation, with little support or compassion from the online community. Private photos shared without consent led to widespread abuse and sexualization, causing lasting harm.

      The internet was a much less forgiving place in 2014 than it is now for those, especially young girls, who become victims of online harassment and exploitation. The speaker, a 14-year-old girl at the time, shared her experience of having private photos shared without her consent, leading to widespread online abuse and sexualization. She had to hire a web sheriff to remove the content and faced a lack of compassion and support from the online community. She hopes that today's internet would be more protective of young girls in similar situations and that the severity of the harm caused by such actions would be more widely recognized. The experience also brought back painful memories of childhood sexual abuse for her.

    • Childhood experiences of sexualization and abuseSocietal norms perpetuate trauma towards women, particularly during their formative years, through sexualization, abuse, and shaming. Holding accountable those who perpetrate such acts and creating safe spaces for healing are crucial.

      The discussion highlights the prevalence of sexualization, abuse, and shaming towards women, particularly during their formative years. The speaker shares her personal experience of having an inappropriate relationship in her childhood and the traumatic impact of having her nudes shared publicly without consent. The societal norms that blame and shame women, rather than holding accountable those who perpetrate such acts, were also emphasized. The conversation underscores the need for a shift in societal attitudes towards accountability and consent, and the importance of creating safe spaces for women to share their experiences and heal.

    • Sharing past traumas and avoiding blameAcknowledging past traumas is important, but blaming others for them is unproductive and unfair.

      Blaming others for our own struggles and past traumas, especially women, is not productive or fair. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of being threatened with the release of her personal information online, which included her past experiences of sexual abuse. She had to come clean to her mother about this traumatic event, which she had kept hidden from her family. The speaker also emphasizes that while she has learned to cope and even find positivity from her experiences, it doesn't mean that she or anyone else deserved to go through them. It's important to acknowledge the harm caused and to avoid blaming and shaming others for their own struggles.

    • Healing from trauma and mental health strugglesSeek professional help and lean on loved ones for support during healing process. Remember, everyone's journey is unique.

      Overcoming trauma and mental health struggles involves ongoing work and the support of loved ones. The artist shared her experiences with dissociation, paranoia, and fear of the dark, which she has been working through with therapy and immersion techniques. She emphasized the importance of having a support system, such as friends, family, or even strangers, who can provide reassurance and help ground her in difficult moments. For those going through similar healing journeys, she encourages seeking professional help and leaning on loved ones for support. It's important to remember that healing is a process and that everyone's journey is unique.

    • Setting Boundaries Against Online BullyingAcknowledge and validate the emotional impact of online bullying, set boundaries to protect oneself, and prioritize self-care to maintain emotional well-being.

      Setting boundaries and taking care of oneself are crucial in dealing with discomfort and negativity, especially in the face of online bullying. The speaker shares her personal experience of enduring hurtful comments and the long-term impact it had on her, despite her public persona of strength and resilience. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the hurt caused by words, even if it goes against the expected image of a public figure. The speaker encourages openness and honesty about the emotional toll of online negativity, rather than hiding behind the facade of invulnerability. It's a reminder that everyone, regardless of their public image, can be affected by online bullying and that it's essential to validate and address the emotional impact it has.

    • Words and online actions impact young people deeplyRecognize the gravity of cyberbullying, objectification, and societal norms that perpetuate harm, and promote empathy, self-care, and protection for those affected.

      Words and online actions have a profound impact on individuals, especially young people. Cyberbullying and objectification, fueled by societal norms and misogyny, can cause deep emotional harm and violation. It's essential to recognize the gravity of these issues and the importance of empathy, self-care, and protection for those affected. The lack of control over one's digital footprint and the pervasive objectification of women in society can lead to a sense of violation, paranoia, and low self-esteem. It's crucial to pause and consider the impact of our words and actions on others, and to challenge the societal norms that perpetuate these harmful behaviors.

    • Understanding the challenges faced by women and those with BPDEmpathize with women and those with BPD, recognizing their experiences and accomplishments aren't defined by their gender or disorder, but their value as individuals.

      Women, especially attractive ones, face unique challenges with objectification and dehumanization, stripping them of their ability to be seen and heard for their experiences and accomplishments. This is particularly true for marginalized women. BPD, a mental health disorder that develops through trauma and childhood experiences, is often misunderstood and stigmatized. The speaker's memoir, "how to give someone BPD," aims to promote empathy and compassion for those struggling with the disorder, emphasizing that it's not something one is born with but rather a result of their experiences. The speaker encourages listeners to approach conversations about mental health with understanding and support, recognizing that those struggling are not defined by their disorders but are valuable individuals who have endured hardships.

    • Overcoming adversity shapes usDespite facing challenges like sexual abuse, betrayal, and loss, it's important to remember the power of resilience and human connection in healing and growth.

      Life's challenges, no matter how difficult or painful, shape us into who we are. The speaker in this discussion expresses gratitude for her experiences, but also struggles with feelings of bitterness and guilt. She faced significant adversity, including sexual abuse, betrayal, and the loss of a sense of self. These experiences led her to contemplate suicide, but she ultimately survived and continues to work through her emotions. It's important to remember that these issues are serious and not to be taken lightly. The speaker's resilience and ability to express her feelings are crucial steps towards healing and growth. Despite the hardships, she remains hopeful and continues to believe in the power of human connection.

    • Navigating mental health in relationshipsSupport from a partner can aid healing, but relationships can also bring up codependency issues and require empathy and kindness. Red flags include blaming exes and refusing accountability.

      Going through mental health struggles while in a relationship can be a complex experience. On one hand, having a supportive partner can provide a sense of security and help in the healing process. On the other hand, the dynamic of a relationship can also bring up codependency issues and make it harder to focus on personal growth. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy and kindness towards each other, especially online, and the negative impact of being made fun of or judged. A red flag in dating for the speaker is when a potential partner blames their exes for their own actions and refuses to take accountability for their past relationships.

    • Negativity and disrespect towards women is a turnoffNegativity and disrespect towards women is unattractive. Good hygiene, authenticity, and truth are important qualities.

      Negativity and disrespect towards others, especially women, is a major turnoff. The speaker expresses strong discomfort when she hears men talking negatively about women, even if it's about their past relationships. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of good hygiene and authenticity. The speaker shares her experience of how rumors and speculation can lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. She clarifies that her family had no direct connection to the music industry and that her mom's attempt to help her get an audition was not through bribery or nepotism. The speaker encourages getting to the bottom of the truth and debunking rumors.

    • Growing up in the public eye and dealing with online criticismSocial media fame at a young age can lead to intense scrutiny and online bullying, but it's important to remember that everyone is human and going through their own experiences. Compassion and understanding are key in dealing with negativity.

      Social media fame at a young age can lead to intense scrutiny and online bullying. Madison Beer, who gained attention when Justin Bieber shared one of her videos, discussed her experiences with rumors and negativity on the internet. She was discovered at a young age and has been on social media for over a decade, which has led to a long history of online criticism. Despite this, she refuses to blame herself and instead emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding. At 24, she decided to write a memoir to share her story and show the world the challenges she's faced. The memoir is not just a tell-all but also a reminder that everyone is human and going through their own experiences. Madison's story highlights the unique challenges of growing up in the public eye and the importance of compassion and understanding in the face of negativity.

    • Recognizing the Complexity of OthersEmpathize with people as individuals with unique stories and struggles, fostering genuine human connections and a kinder world.

      We should strive to be more empathetic towards each other and see people as individuals with their own stories and struggles, rather than judging them based on social media appearances or assumptions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of genuine human connections and vulnerability in creating positive experiences and impacting others in a meaningful way. The last line of her book, "Now that you've read my story, I hope you realize that everyone has a story you just haven't read yet," encapsulates this perspective. By recognizing the depth and complexity of others' lives, we can foster a kinder and more compassionate world.

    • Sharing personal experiences leads to deeper connectionsBeing authentic and sharing personal stories can foster compassion and understanding, inspiring others to extend kindness despite adversity.

      Open and honest communication about personal experiences, despite the potential for negative rumors and gossip, can lead to a deeper connection with others and foster compassion and understanding. Madison Cawthorn, despite the public scrutiny and negative attention, shared her story in her book, giving readers a chance to get to know her on a more human level. Her willingness to discuss sensitive and personal topics, despite their potential sensitivity, resonated with many and provided a reminder that everyone is going through something, and we should be more compassionate towards one another. While not everyone may agree with her perspective, her courage to share her story serves as an inspiration to be authentic and to extend kindness to others, even in the face of adversity.

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    Stephan Monteserín is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor currently located in his hometown of Orlando, Florida. He’s a valued TWLOHA Board Member and he works to help people grow into freedom from oppressive patterns of thought and behavior. As a counselor, Stephan’s goal is to assist those hurting as they pass through their struggles and acknowledge their pain. 


    In 2020, Dr. Emily Burch completed her doctorate in clinical psychology whilst working in an inpatient mental health facility. Her experience stems from a variety of clinical environments, including a community mental health center, a local corrections facility, and an equine-assisted therapy program. Along with her professional mental health experiences, Emily is a writer, whose words you can find on the TWLOHA Blog. For Emily, writing, along with the support of her friends, significant others, and her cats Poptart and Mr. Noodles, provides a break from the stress and struggle of the world.


    Download a transcript of this episode at twloha.com/podcast.


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    Get connected for free, 24/7 to a trained crisis counselor via Crisis Text Line by texting TWLOHA to 741741.


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    Learn more about the podcast and previous episodes at twloha.com/podcast.


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    Register to move for something that matters in the 2021 virtual Run For It 5k by going to store.twloha.com/products/2021-run-for-it-5k/.  


    Go to twloha.com/blog/author/emily-burch/ to read Dr. Emily Burch’s words on the TWLOHA Blog.


    Learn more about LMHC and TWLOHA Board Member Stephan Monteserín at twloha.com/team/#stephan-monteserin.  



    This episode of the TWLOHA podcast was hosted by Chad Moses and produced by Rebecca Ebert. Music assistance was provided by James Likeness and Ben Tichenor. 

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    Key Insights From This Episode:

    • I think that there's not much space in everyday life for people to have that kind of reflection and realisation space. Dr Rachel
    • I'm a true advocate of having to have that connection between the brain, the body, your wisest parts. - Dr Rachel
    • Not many people realise just the importance of what our feet do in the connection between us and the earth, carrying the weight every single day. - Dr Rachel
    • Maybe the greatest asset would be to have humility and admit, even when something is great it's always got an equal and opposite ungreatness. - Dr Rachel
    • It's so difficult to sit both with somebody in pain and also sit with your own pain and not do anything. I think one of the greatest lessons in life is when we can just sit with pain and just let it be. - Dr Rachel
    • I feel like you have to be ruthless to live a simple life. - Hannah
    • I think we've got to own the situation that we're in. Yes, there’s things that are not within our control at all. But there's plenty that is. And we need to focus on that. - Hannah
    • I often say to people who have hypervigilant nervous systems, seek out people who haven't because your brain will copy their brain, your mirror neuron system will copy theirs. - Dr Rachel
    • Awe and awesomeness has been appropriated really inappropriately in that we'll just say automatically for something that's pretty mediocre. - Dr Rachel
    • I think going through a painful experience allows you to grow and provide you a certain amount of wisdom. - Hannah

    Keywords: trauma, smiles, mirror neurons, nature, grounding

    About Our Guests:

    Hannah Bornet

    Here’s what Hannah said about joining Dr Rachel on the podcast.

    “Chatting with Rach was both enjoyable and insightful – her questions got me thinking about my behaviour and values. It felt like a fun therapeutic chat with an old friend.”

    About Our Host

    Dr Rachel Taylor


    Dr Rachel Taylor is a neuroscientist with decades of experience exploring, discovering and solving everyday challenges faced by many, as well as listening to and telling the stories of people she comes across in her endeavour to show difference is good, trauma is endemic and joy is connection. She started UnBroken as she wanted to highlight that the system is broken not people and uses the UnBroken podcast to share her learnings, honest conversations and words of wisdom with the UnBroken Tribe of listener.

    About UnBroken 


    UnBroken is founded upon the belief that the environment in which we were born, grew in, live in, work in, play in and rest in has a huge impact on how well we believe we are and how well we perform. Wellbeing and optimal human performance are not simply about the absence of disease, they are about the ability to live purposefully, intentionally, joyfully and freely.  

    UnBroken provides a range of supportive online resources including a podcast, blog, apothecary and monthly online membership for people who dare to be different, are open to possibilities and want a different pathway to their own version of success.

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