
    MAGA vs. GOP Takes Centerstage, "Blind Side" Truth, and Our "Feminized" Society, with Jason Whitlock | Ep. 612

    enAugust 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing GOP debates and the absence of Donald Trump, Jason Whitlock expresses disappointment over Larry Elder's exclusionJason Whitlock believes Larry Elder's fact-based approach could expose Democratic fraudulence to black voters, but he's not invited to the debate, and Trump's absence could give other candidates a chance to shine.

      During the latest episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, the focus was on the upcoming GOP debates and the absence of Donald Trump. President Biden's behavior during a recent disaster was also criticized. Jason Whitlock, a guest on the show, expressed his disappointment that Larry Elder was not invited to the debate, believing he could make a significant impact in exposing the Democratic Party's perceived fraudulence to black voters. Whitlock praised Elder's ability to persuade through facts and evidence rather than sweeping rhetoric. The debate stage without Trump could present new opportunities for other candidates to shine.

    • Candidates can make an impact in upcoming Republican debate, but attacking Trump may not be effectiveFocusing on own strengths and qualifications, rather than attacking Trump, could be more effective for candidates in the upcoming Republican debate.

      During the upcoming Republican primary debate, candidates like Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Chris Christie, and Vivek Ramaswami have the opportunity to make a significant impact on their campaigns. However, attacking former President Donald Trump may not be the most effective strategy. Vivek Ramaswami, in particular, has gained support by focusing on his own accomplishments and policies rather than criticizing Trump. Trump's supporters remain loyal to him despite his flaws, and attacking him may not win over new voters. Instead, candidates should focus on their own strengths and how they can help the Republican Party and the country as a whole. The most impactful candidate outside of Trump may be Vivek Ramaswami, who has adopted a strategy of not attacking Trump and instead focusing on his own qualifications. Trump's ability to resonate with working-class voters and his sense of humor have also contributed to his enduring popularity.

    • Trump's Persecution Boosts Appeal Among SupportersDespite criticisms and indictments, Trump's relatability and perceived unfair treatment increase his appeal to supporters, particularly black voters. Unconventional candidates like Trump, Ramaswamy, and Kennedy gain favor due to authenticity and rejection of traditional politics, but Ramaswamy's recent misstep may harm his image.

      The ongoing persecution of Donald Trump, despite the indictments and criticisms, is increasing his appeal and loyalty among his supporters, particularly among black voters. This relatability and perceived unfair treatment resonate with many people, making Trump a more relatable and embraceable figure. Additionally, unconventional candidates like Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert Kennedy are gaining favor due to their authenticity and rejection of traditional politics. Regarding Vivek Ramaswamy, his unconventional tactics and youthful energy are seen as refreshing, but his recent naked tennis video may have been a misstep. Lastly, DeSantis' comment about liberal politicians with conservative supporters has caused controversy, with some interpreting it as a criticism of Trump supporters, while others see it as a truthful observation.

    • A political movement needs principles, not just a charismatic leaderPolitical movements should focus on their core values and principles, not just the personality of an individual leader.

      According to the discussion, a political movement cannot be solely based on the personality of an individual, but rather on the principles it aims to achieve for the American people. Ron DeSantis, a politician, made this point in response to being labeled as a "listless vessel" by some media outlets for not blindly following former President Trump's every move. However, some MAGA supporters felt the comment was a criticism of all Trump supporters, leading to backlash against DeSantis. DeSantis' desire for some distance from Trump's high-risk approach to politics does not equate to running to a "safe space," as he has shown with his stance on issues like parental rights and education. The movement must remain rooted in its principles while adapting to the political landscape and how voters perceive its leaders.

    • Perceived Tension Between MAGA and Traditional ConservatismSome MAGA supporters believe Ron DeSantis should be more committed to the MAGA movement and challenge the establishment like Trump, but others respect his decision to prioritize family over politics.

      Ron DeSantis is perceived as a fighter who isn't afraid to take on challenges, but there are doubts about his level of commitment to the MAGA movement compared to Donald Trump. The speaker acknowledges that DeSantis is a great politician and has done impressive things in Florida, but some MAGA supporters believe he should be more all-in when it comes to challenging the establishment. The speaker also mentions that Trump has created an impression of being willing to pay any price for upsetting the establishment, which some supporters find appealing, but it's unclear if DeSantis is willing to make the same sacrifices given his role as a father. The speaker respects DeSantis's decision to prioritize his family, but acknowledges that the political climate, with Trump facing potential legal consequences, has created a sense of urgency among some MAGA supporters. The speaker also notes that DeSantis has distanced himself from the "rhino" label, which some MAGA supporters use to criticize more establishment-aligned Republicans. Overall, the speaker suggests that there is a tension between the MAGA movement and traditional conservatism, and that some MAGA supporters are looking for a candidate who is unapologetically MAGA.

    • Trump's Authenticity and Values Resonate with ManyDespite some viewing Trump's support as a cult, poll results suggest complex motivations, including disillusionment with traditional leaders and belief in Trump's commitment to fighting for values.

      The poll results showing a significant number of people trusting Donald Trump over their friends and family, and even religious leaders, is not necessarily a sign of a cult, but rather a belief in Trump's authenticity and commitment to fighting for their values. Many people feel that other leaders have sold out and no longer represent their interests. This disillusionment with traditional leaders, combined with Trump's perceived authenticity, has led to his strong support among a significant portion of the population. This dynamic is not limited to Trump, as Ron DeSantis is also seen as a leader who stands for the same values. However, the issue of Trump's handling of the COVID-19 vaccine remains a point of contention for some. The poll results challenge the narrative that Trump's support is solely based on blind loyalty, and instead highlight the complex motivations behind his support.

    • Loyalty to the FamiliarPeople often value their current relationships and authenticity over potential ones. Leaders should prioritize empathy and compassion to build strong connections.

      People often stay loyal to what they have, even if something seemingly better comes along. This was expressed through the discussion about preferring a current relationship over a potential one, and the dynamic within the Republican Party regarding Trump and other potential candidates. The speaker also emphasized the importance of authenticity and not being a traditional politician as appealing qualities. Additionally, the president's behavior during a disaster situation was criticized for being self-centered and insensitive, highlighting the importance of empathy and compassion in leadership.

    • President Biden's Off-the-Cuff Remarks Raise ConcernsBiden's inconsistent use of personal stories and insensitivity during inappropriate situations has raised concerns about his cognitive abilities and fitness for the presidency. Critics argue that his behavior is unacceptable, especially from a president, and the media's response is inconsistent.

      President Joe Biden's off-the-cuff remarks, which have been a characteristic of his political career, have raised concerns about his cognitive abilities and sensitivity. During a recent visit to Maui, he repeated stories of personal tragedies, including the death of his first wife and daughter, despite the inappropriateness of the subject matter given the context of a disaster that claimed the lives of 115 people and left 100 more missing. Critics argue that such insensitivity, especially from the president, is unacceptable and a sign of cognitive issues. Furthermore, the media's response to Biden's remarks has been inconsistent, with less outrage when the victims are not from marginalized communities. Overall, Biden's inability to adhere to talking points and his repeated use of personal stories for empathy, even in inappropriate situations, raises questions about his fitness for the presidency.

    • The Tuohy family's legal authority over Michael Oher's lifeMichael Oher accuses the Tuohys of deceitfully gaining control of his life and profits, while the Tuohys deny the allegations and claim equal profit sharing.

      The controversy surrounding "The Blind Side" involves Michael Oher, the real-life person whose story was told in the book and movie, accusing the Tuohy family of deceitfully gaining legal authority over him and profiting from his story without his consent. Oher claims he was tricked into signing a document making the Tuohys his conservators instead of his adopted family, and he's now seeking compensation. However, the Tuohys deny these allegations, stating that Oher was aware of the conservatorship arrangement and that they split the profits from the book and movie equally among their family. Oher's recent memoir and past interviews contradict his current claims, suggesting that this dispute may be driven by his desire for publicity and financial gain, as he seeks to profit from a potential sequel or re-telling of his story.

    • The Tuohy family's relationship with Michael Oher was not exaggerated in 'The Blind Side'Despite Michael Oher's recent claims, the Tuohy family went beyond to support him, saw potential in him, and their relationship was not as exaggerated as portrayed in the movie.

      The relationship between Michael Oher and the Tuohy family, as portrayed in the movie "The Blind Side," is not as exaggerated as Michael Oher claims in his recent statements. The Tuohy family went above and beyond to support and care for Michael when he was in need, even when he threatened them for financial compensation. Contrary to Michael's claims, he was not an all-American football player before moving in with the Tuohys, and they did not initially see him as a future NFL star. Instead, they saw him as a struggling teenager in need of help. The Tuohy family invested significant time, money, and energy into helping Michael catch up in his education and reach his potential. The evidence, including profit participation checks and studio accounting statements, supports the Tuohy family's version of events. Michael's recent statements defying the Tuohy's character and their support for him are in stark contrast to the reality of their relationship.

    • The Tuohy family's adoption of Michael Oher was driven by compassionThe Tuohy family's actions towards Michael Oher were motivated by genuine care and a desire to help, not financial gain or a 'white savior' complex.

      The Tuohy family's adoption of Michael Oher was driven by compassion and a desire to help, rather than financial gain or a "white savior" complex. Michael Oher's background was one of neglect and hardship, and when he came to the attention of the Tuohy family, he was in dire need of support. The family went above and beyond to help him, including providing him with an education and supporting him in his football career. Despite this, Michael Oher has since made ungrateful and dishonest claims about the Tuohy family's motivations and his own abilities. It's important to remember that people are complex and multifaceted, and this story is a reminder of the power of compassion and the importance of giving people a chance to overcome their past struggles.

    • The media unfairly criticizes the Tuohy family's adoption of Michael OherDespite good intentions, the Tuohy family's adoption of Michael Oher is criticized as an example of 'white savior syndrome'. However, they took risks and made sacrifices to provide a stable home for him, challenging divisive narratives.

      The story of Michael Oher and the Tuohys, as portrayed in the movie "The Blind Side," is being unfairly criticized and demonized in the media. Sean Tuohy, who adopted Michael, did so out of a desire to provide opportunities and love to a young man who grew up in poverty and felt a connection to Michael due to their shared backgrounds. Leanne Tuohy, Michael's adoptive mother, also came from a racist background but was given a different perspective by the Tuohy family. The Tuohys' efforts to help Michael have been criticized as an example of "white savior syndrome," but they took significant risks and made great sacrifices to provide a stable home for him. The media's portrayal of the story is contributing to a divisive narrative that discourages involvement and support for individuals from different backgrounds. The criticism of films like "The Blind Side" for depicting white people as saviors or magical Negroes is also problematic, as it dehumanizes complex characters and relationships.

    • The Blind Side's success was a result of interconnected lives and collaborative effortsThe movie's success was a result of the collective efforts and relationships of various individuals, not just Michael Oher's story.

      The story of "The Blind Side" is not just about Michael Oher, but about the interconnected lives of various individuals who came together to help him succeed. Michael Oher's perspective that the movie and book should have been solely about him overlooks the crucial roles played by Shauna and Sean Tuohy, as well as other individuals who provided him with essential support. The movie's success was a result of collaborative efforts and relationships, and it's essential to acknowledge the contributions of all involved parties. Sandra Bullock's portrayal of Leanne Tuohy in the film and her subsequent Oscar win should not be subjected to criticism or calls for returning the award. The complexities of race and allyship are multifaceted, and it's essential to recognize the nuances of interconnected stories rather than focusing solely on individual narratives.

    • Criticism of White Actors Portraying Helping Roles for Black CharactersCritics argue against 'white savior' narratives in Hollywood, but big-name actors, regardless of race, are often cast to secure funding and make films iconic. The speaker also criticizes the demonization of interracial relationships and the NFL's new emphasis on player safety leading to overreaction and a change in football norms.

      The discussion revolves around the criticism of Hollywood films featuring white actors portraying helping roles for black characters, with specific reference to "The Blind Side" and "To Kill a Mockingbird." Critics argue that these films perpetuate a "white savior" narrative and that black actors should have been cast instead. However, the speaker challenges this perspective, pointing out that Hollywood often casts big-name actors, regardless of race, to secure funding and make a film iconic. The speaker also criticizes the demonization of white women who marry black men and the labeling of such relationships as "white supremacy." The conversation then shifts to football, with the speaker expressing disappointment over the NFL's decision to end a game due to an injury, as such incidents have historically been part of the sport. The speaker, a former college football player, argues that the new emphasis on safety is leading to an overreaction and a change in the norms of professional football.

    • Inherent Differences in Risk-Taking: Men vs WomenUnderstanding and respecting gender differences in risk-taking is crucial. Overemphasizing safety may hinder progress and prevent us from addressing important issues.

      Men and women have inherent differences when it comes to risk-taking, with men historically being more inclined to take risks and women prioritizing safety. This discussion also touched upon the evolution of football, where the focus on safety has become more pronounced, and the potential consequences of a society that overemphasizes safety at the expense of taking calculated risks. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting these differences, and how they have played a role in significant historical events. As a mother, she acknowledged the challenge of striking a balance between protecting her children and encouraging them to take reasonable risks. The conversation concluded with the notion that a society that fears death too much may hinder progress and prevent us from tackling important issues head-on.

    • Criticizing the current cultural shift towards safety and inclusionThe speaker argues that the current focus on safety and inclusion is hindering progress and suppressing masculinity, and that we need to embrace challenges and high-risk situations to grow and develop as individuals.

      The current cultural shift towards safety and inclusion is leading to a lack of progress and the suppression of masculinity. The speaker argues that this is a result of a patriarchal past where decisions were made without input from all voices. However, he believes that inviting everyone into the discussion has led to regressive steps, particularly in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. He also criticizes the removal of spaces where genders can gather and the emphasis on removing unfairness and risk. The speaker believes that this approach is softening society and that we need to embrace challenges and high-risk situations to grow and develop as individuals. He uses the example of football and the importance of injury and hardship in shaping men. The speaker also criticizes the current trend of removing rules and structure, citing football as an example of how this has changed the game. He argues that we need to embrace the idea of "iron sharpening iron" and not be afraid of difficult situations.

    • The complexity of race and identity in mediaSage Steele's comments about Barack Obama and her own experiences led to controversy, highlighting the pressure to conform to racial or ideological identities in media and the larger issue of diversity, equity, and inclusion in media organizations.

      The conversation surrounding Sage Steele's experiences at ESPN and her identity as a biracial woman highlights the complexity of race and identity in media. Steele's comments about Barack Obama's identity and her own experiences of being questioned about her race led to controversy and ultimately her apology and eventual departure from ESPN. The incident also shed light on the pressure and expectations placed on individuals, particularly those in the public eye, to conform to certain racial or ideological identities. The context of her comments, including her past experiences on The View and her employment at ESPN, played a role in the backlash she faced. The conversation also touched on the larger issue of how media organizations approach diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the potential consequences for those who do not fit neatly into predefined categories.

    • Diversity, Values, and the Media IndustryRespect for individuals' diversity of thought despite contrasting perspectives, criticism of excessive focus on appearances, and concern for questionable media behavior.

      The discussion revolves around the topic of diversity, values, and the treatment of individuals in the media industry. Sage Steele, an ESPN anchor, was let go due to her diversity of thought, which contrasted with the dominant leftist perspective at ESPN. The speaker expresses respect for Steele's courage in standing by her convictions. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the topic of overpaying and excessive focus on appearances, using Kim Kardashian as an example. The speaker finds it unattractive when individuals prioritize their looks above all else, and criticizes the media's tendency to glorify such behavior. The Barbara Walters elbowing incident was also mentioned as an example of questionable media behavior.

    • Cultural obsession with physical appearance and its impact on young girlsThe cultural obsession with physical appearance, particularly in the case of Kim Kardashian, can negatively impact young girls by promoting a hollow focus on looks over substance and intellectual growth.

      The cultural obsession with physical appearance, particularly in the case of Kim Kardashian, can be dangerous and hollowing for young girls. Kardashian's immense wealth and influence, despite her lack of intellectual depth, sends a problematic message that prioritizes looks over substance. Her rise to fame, fueled by exploitation and obsession, underscores the importance of having strong parental figures and healthy self-image. Additionally, the emphasis on vanity and vapidness in our culture, as opposed to substance and intellectual growth, can be detrimental and limit individuals' potential. It's essential to encourage young girls to value their minds and characters, not just their appearances.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the release of Donald Trump’s federal election report showing he spent over $50 million on his legal fees from his campaign political action money. Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/MEIDAS and use the code MEIDAS to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Dual Identities with Dipa

    Dual Identities with Dipa

    Dipa is the co-founder of the group SAWIR (South Asian Women in Interracial Relationships), she discusses how her family found out about her dating her now husband, him living with her family while they were dating, identifying as an Indian America in 2019 and more.

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    Music by: Crexwell
    Episodes available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcast, Stitcher, and Overcast.

    Spotlight: Will Larry Elder Replace Governor Newsom In California’s Recall Election?

    Spotlight: Will Larry Elder Replace Governor Newsom In California’s Recall Election?

    Until recently, it looked like Governor Gavin Newsom of California would beat back the recall. But his constant incompetencies are catching up to him. Steve Forbes on the election recall Newsom is facing and on how recent polls show Larry Elder leading others and how he could be in line to replace Newsom after September 14th.

    Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Ep. 6 - Rachel's Story: A Journey of Teen Pregnancy and Adoption & Learning to Let Go of Being In Control

    Ep. 6 - Rachel's Story: A Journey of Teen Pregnancy and Adoption & Learning to Let Go of Being In Control

    Tune in to this episode as we sit down with Rachel Broussard, a mom, wife, and therapist, as she shares her remarkable life journey. From facing the trials of teen pregnancy to making a brave decision to place a child for adoption, Rachel opens up about her path to adoption years later. Join us as we delve into her experiences with interracial marriage, raising biracial children, and the valuable insights she's gained about setting healthy boundaries while parenting a young adult and learning to let go of control. It's an episode full of heart, growth, and authenticity.