
    Major COVID Lab Leak Revelations, and Harry's Therapy Session, with Steven Crowder and Bridget Phetasy | Ep. 508

    enMarch 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Steven Crowder Returns with New Plans and WarningsSteven Crowder is back with new plans for his show amid health setbacks and political uncertainty. John Fetterman's hospitalization and lack of transparency about his condition has raised questions, while Crowder shares warnings about red tide and health concerns.

      Despite some health setbacks and political uncertainty, Steven Crowder is back with new plans for his popular show, Louder with Crowder. During his absence, there have been notable events, such as John Fetterman's hospitalization and lack of transparency about his condition. The media, specifically the New York Times, has reported on Fetterman's supposed smooth recovery, but the lack of clear information has left many questioning his true status. Meanwhile, Crowder has returned with a warning about the dangers of red tide in Florida and shared his own health concerns, including the possibility of getting the shingles vaccine. Despite challenges, both men continue to make headlines in the political and media landscape.

    • Leaders' Fitness and Mental Capacity MatterAcknowledging leaders' fitness and mental capacity is crucial for effective decision-making, transparency, and accountability, without resorting to personal attacks.

      The fitness and mental capacity of political leaders is a relevant and important topic of discussion, despite potential criticisms of personal attacks. The speaker emphasizes that this is not about demonizing individuals, but rather acknowledging the significance of decision-making abilities in those holding high office. The conversation touched upon examples like Joe Biden, John Fetterman, and the Wuhan lab theory, highlighting the importance of transparency and not being silenced in the face of opposition. The speaker also cautioned against running unsuitable candidates and criticized the media for shielding certain figures.

    • The Media and Senator Fetterman's Health ChallengesDespite Fetterman's health struggles, critics argue that campaigning is essential for politicians and question his fitness for office, while others sympathize and criticize the media's selective focus.

      The discussion revolves around the challenges faced by Senator Fetterman during his campaign due to his health issues and the media's coverage of the situation. Critics argue that campaigning is an integral part of a politician's job, and Fetterman's struggles with depression and hospitalization should not be used as a reason to question his fitness for office. However, there are concerns about the optics of his wife's actions during this time, as she reportedly went to Canada with their children while he was in the hospital. The speaker expresses sympathy for Fetterman and his situation, but also criticizes the media and those on the right for selectively focusing on certain issues and ignoring others. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of political campaigns and the role of the media in shaping public perception.

    • Discussing the societal impact of women earning more than menExpressing opinions on societal issues can lead to backlash and labels, but it's important to be informed and considerate before engaging in public discourse.

      The dynamic of a relationship where the woman earns more than the man can present challenges and may lead to statistical trends like increased divorces and fewer marriages among young men. This topic was discussed in relation to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, a relationship expert known for her straightforward advice. The speaker shared personal experiences of listening to Dr. Laura's show and the various callers' stories. The conversation touched upon the societal issue of weaponizing information and the consequences of being labeled as offensive or racist for expressing certain opinions. Dr. Laura herself faced this when she was fired from radio for using a racial slur in context during a discussion. The speaker emphasized the importance of being informed and understanding the potential backlash before engaging in public discourse.

    • Moving past culture of offense and selective outrage, focusing on honest conversationsLaunching Mug Club with Rumble to promote honest conversations, fair contracts, and creators' control over their content.

      We need to move past the culture of offense and selective outrage, and instead focus on taking people at their word and having honest conversations. This issue affects individuals and businesses on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum. The speaker, who has had experiences with this issue herself, is launching a new venture called Mug Club with Rumble, which aims to provide additional content for subscribers while keeping the free show going. The speaker also emphasized the importance of fair contracts that don't take control of creators' properties and subscribers. The launch of Mug Club is a step towards creating a platform where difficult conversations can be had honestly, without fear of ownership or control being taken away.

    • Fighting for Free Speech on Less Restrictive PlatformsSpeaker values free speech, faced suspensions on YouTube for conservative content, found success on Rumble, appreciates their commitment to free speech, and emphasizes the importance of community and critical mass in success

      The speaker values the importance of free speech and the ability to express opinions without censorship. He shares his experience of facing suspensions on YouTube due to conservative content and how Rumble, a less restrictive platform, became a better fit for him. The speaker emphasizes that they are not aiming to be banned from YouTube but believe it's crucial to speak the truth. He expresses his obsession with fighting big tech and being a thorn in their side. The speaker also highlights the importance of community and critical mass in the success of their platform, Mug Club, and the value they add to their subscribers. The speaker expresses his appreciation for Rumble's commitment to free speech and their unwillingness to cave to pressure from governments or individuals to remove content.

    • Rumble's commitment to free speech sets it apartRumble's dedication to free speech attracts users and top talent, positions it as a competitive alternative to YouTube, and enables content creators' platform ownership and fair contracts.

      Rumble, a video-sharing platform, has intentionally committed to upholding free speech, which has become a valuable differentiator in the market. This commitment has boxed them in, as their worth is directly tied to their dedication to this principle. However, this decision also positions them to attract top talent and users seeking a user-friendly, competitive alternative to YouTube. The company plans to expand and improve its infrastructure, offering a more comprehensive content catalog for subscribers. This approach not only benefits Rumble but also enables content creators to maintain ownership over their platforms and fair contracts. Ultimately, this strategy sets Rumble apart and provides an opportunity to grow in a market dominated by big tech companies.

    • Suppression of alternative hypotheses during COVID-19 pandemicDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, some scientists and public health officials were accused of suppressing alternative hypotheses and excluding dissenting voices, raising concerns about transparency and the integrity of the scientific process.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the scientific community and public health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, were accused of suppressing alternative hypotheses, particularly the lab leak theory, and excluding dissenting voices like that of former CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield. Dr. Redfield testified before the House Committee that he was excluded from discussions and calls because of his belief that the virus did not originate naturally, but was instead a lab leak. This comes after Dr. Fauci and his team were criticized for their early stance on the origins of the virus and their dismissal of the lab leak theory. The suppression of alternative viewpoints and the exclusion of dissenting voices from important discussions raises concerns about transparency and the integrity of the scientific process during a global health crisis.

    • Suspension of podcast due to COVID-19 data comparisonTech companies control information, leading to suspensions for discussing COVID-19 data and inconsistent fact-checking, while conservative voices lack representation.

      The discussion revolves around the suspension of a podcast due to the hosts bringing up scientific data comparing the number of young children killed by the flu versus COVID-19. They never claimed COVID-19 was a hoax or not deadly, but rather found it intriguing that young people seem to be more resilient to COVID-19. The problem lies in the control of information by a few major tech companies, which led to suspensions and the need to find alternative platforms. Fauci's denial of gain-of-function research funding was also discussed, with evidence suggesting otherwise. The conversation also touched on the lack of representation for conservative voices in politics and the inconsistent application of fact-checking and censorship by tech companies. The speakers questioned why more isn't being done to address these issues.

    • Suppressing voices and censoring contentTech companies should not suppress voices or censor content while enjoying tax-protected status, particularly concerning the origins of COVID-19. Accountability and transparency are crucial.

      The lack of media coverage and support for the whistleblower's claims, and the censorship of content related to the origins of COVID-19, should not be refreshing or the exception to the rule. It is unacceptable for tech companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to enjoy tax-protected status under Section 230 while suppressing content and silencing voices, particularly those of conservatives. Dr. Robert Redfield's recent admission that American tax dollars may have funded the gain-of-function research that led to the creation of the virus adds weight to the importance of transparency and accountability. The media and tech companies should be held responsible for their actions, and the public deserves to know the truth about the origins of the pandemic. The debate around Section 230 and the legality of tech companies' censorship practices is ongoing, but it's crucial that we challenge the status quo and demand better from those in positions of power.

    • Early COVID-19 events and January 6th Capitol incident: Transparency concernsTransparency in communication is crucial during crises. Legal representation and access to evidence are essential for fair representation. Public trust in leaders depends on their commitment to truth and fighting for the people.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were significant events at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that were not transparently communicated to the public. And, the handling of the January 6th Capitol incident raises concerns about selective media coverage and potential suppression of exculpatory evidence. The speaker emphasized the importance of transparency and fair representation of information, as well as the role of legal representation in ensuring access to crucial evidence. They also touched upon the public's desire for leaders who will fight for them and the potential consequences of misinformation and gaslighting.

    • January 6th committee and questionable federal agent behaviorSpeaker raises concerns about unaddressed questionable actions by federal agents during January 6th events, emphasizes importance of truth and reporting

      The discussion revolved around the events of January 6, 2021, and the handling of the situation by the January 6th committee. The speaker argued that there were instances of federal agents engaging in questionable behavior, potentially going beyond entrapment, which were not addressed by the committee. They emphasized the importance of reporting and telling the truth, regardless of partisan considerations. Additionally, there was a segment about Harry and Meghan's potential attendance at the coronation, with the speaker expressing skepticism and humor about the situation.

    • Prince Harry's Unclear Mission and Criticized RemarksPrince Harry's recent actions and remarks have been criticized for lacking a clear mission and being out of touch with reality. Some argue that his words and actions come across as emasculated and out of touch, while others suggest he could benefit from guidance in finding a meaningful mission.

      The discussion revolves around Prince Harry's recent actions and remarks, which have been criticized for lacking a clear mission and being out of touch with reality. Harry has been attending various events, including a summit where he urged business leaders to reimagine work as a playscape, and expressed a desire for less testosterone in leadership roles. Some critics argue that Harry's words and actions come across as emasculated and out of touch, especially since he has never held a traditional job. Additionally, there has been a discussion about Harry's therapy sessions being used for entertainment and the ethics of publicly diagnosing someone during a session. Overall, there is a perception that Harry lacks direction and clarity in his post-royal life, and some suggest that he could benefit from guidance in finding a meaningful mission.

    • The controversy over transgender athletes in women's sportsThe debate around transgender athletes competing in women's sports raises questions about fairness, discrimination, and the implications of Title IX. Some argue for inclusivity and respecting individual identities, while others stress the importance of women-only spaces and awards.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the issue of transgender athletes competing in women's sports. A recent court ruling in Minnesota mandated that USA Powerlifting allow male-born athletes who identify as female to compete against women. This has sparked intense discussions about fairness, discrimination, and the implications of Title IX. The conversation also touched upon the perceived lack of funding and support for women's sports. The debate reached new heights when a biological male, Alba Rueta, received an International Women of Courage Award from the White House. Critics argue that such instances undermine the purpose of women-only spaces and awards, while advocates stress the importance of inclusivity and respecting individual identities. The conversation highlights the complexities and challenges of navigating gender identity and equality in sports and beyond.

    • Transgender individuals in female prisons: Women's safety and rights at stakePolitical figures allowing transgender individuals in female prisons disregard women's safety and rights, affecting minority women disproportionately. This issue goes beyond politics and requires attention from all those advocating for women's safety and justice.

      The issue of transgender individuals, specifically criminal ones, entering female prisons raises important concerns for women's safety and rights. This topic, which disproportionately affects minority women, often goes unaddressed and misunderstood. It's baffling that some political figures, like Gavin Newsom, who claim to be progressive advocates, allow such practices, while being hailed as heroes for the voiceless. This issue transcends political ideologies and should be a concern for all those who care about women's safety and justice. Additionally, the speaker expressed her concerns about living in areas with high rates of homelessness and the negative impact it has on her family and community. She plans to move to Texas due to these reasons and her desire for a more ideologically aligned environment.

    • California's Homelessness Crisis: Concerns for Public Safety and Well-BeingFrustration with lack of progress in addressing homelessness, concern for public safety, admiration for enforcing laws and ensuring a level playing field, balance between compassion and law and order.

      Despite significant financial investments to address homelessness in California, the situation seems to be worsening, leading to concerns about public safety and the well-being of both the homeless population and taxpayers. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of progress and perceived disregard for law-abiding citizens. They also share personal experiences of encounters with homeless individuals that have been distressing. The speaker believes that enforcing laws and ensuring a level playing field for all citizens, including the homeless, is crucial. They also express admiration for the way cities like New York were managed in the past, particularly in terms of enforcing public order. The speaker's perspective is that addressing homelessness requires a balance between compassion and law and order.

    • People moving to conservative states for political reasonsMigration patterns reveal political alignment as a significant factor in people's decisions to relocate, with new residents in conservative states voting more conservatively than locals.

      The trend of people leaving liberal states like California and moving to more conservative ones like Texas, Florida, and Tennessee, is not just about taxes or cost of living. It's also about political alignment. These new residents tend to vote more conservatively than even the locals in their new states. The reasons for this include safety concerns, dissatisfaction with liberal leadership, and a desire for a more traditional way of life. Regarding the topic of Victoria's Secret bringing back its fashion show, the discussion touched upon the brand's attempt to pivot towards inclusivity and diversity, which has resulted in mixed reactions from consumers. Some argue that this shift has diluted the brand's identity, while others appreciate the effort to represent a wider range of bodies. However, the sales figures suggest that the customer base may not be responding positively to these changes. The question remains whether Victoria's Secret can successfully balance its commitment to inclusivity with its core brand image.

    • Authenticity vs Performative DiversityBrands need to prioritize authenticity over performative diversity to build consumer trust. Victoria's Secret's failed attempts to rebrand without addressing root issues damaged their reputation.

      Authenticity matters more than trying to appease various groups through performative diversity. The discussion highlighted the issue of brands like Victoria's Secret attempting to check all the diversity boxes without genuinely caring about it, leading to a lack of response from consumers. The brand's association with a predator, Lex Wexler, further damaged its reputation during the Me Too era. The attempt to rebrand as a women-focused brand with unsexy underwear was met with confusion, as it didn't align with what many women want. The importance of authenticity and addressing the root issues, rather than just trying to change appearances, is crucial for building and maintaining consumer trust.

    • Filters on TikTok can create unrealistic expectations and negatively impact self-esteemTikTok filters can enhance appearance but also create unrealistic expectations, potentially harming self-esteem and mental health, especially for young girls and women.

      While TikTok filters can make people look more attractive, they can also create unrealistic expectations and lead to dissatisfaction with one's real appearance. The filters are becoming increasingly advanced, to the point where they cannot be turned off easily. This can be problematic for young girls and women, who may feel pressured to look perfect and may struggle to accept their real faces. The issue is further compounded by the fact that many people use filters in their daily lives, making it difficult to distinguish between real and filtered images. This can negatively impact self-esteem and contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. Despite some arguing that this is progress, others find it unsettling and prefer the authenticity of seeing people in their real form.

    • Learning Makeup Techniques on YouTube: Enhance Your Natural Features and Boost ConfidenceMakeup tutorials on YouTube can be a fun and effective way to enhance appearance, but true self-acceptance and self-love come from within, not just from external factors or online validation.

      YouTube is a valuable resource for learning various skills, including makeup techniques, which can help individuals enhance their natural features and boost their confidence without the need for expensive professionals or filters. However, it's essential to remember that true self-acceptance and self-love come from within and not from external factors, such as appearance or material possessions. It's crucial to be comfortable with oneself and not rely solely on external validation or the false representation of oneself online. Makeup tutorials can be a fun and effective way to improve one's appearance, but it's essential to remember that they should not replace self-acceptance and self-love. Additionally, the democratization of makeup and its affordability makes it an accessible tool for enhancing one's confidence and feeling good about oneself.

    • Embracing Challenges and Learning from FailuresKeep pushing forward despite challenges, learn from failures, and focus on personal growth.

      Life presents us with challenges, whether it's in our personal or professional lives. During these times, it's essential to keep pushing forward and learning from our failures. On a lighter note, we also discussed various topics from emails in the MK Mailbag, including political preferences, memories, and Lenten sacrifices. A listener shared their experience of giving up swearing for Lent and the unexpected benefits of giving up dark chocolate instead. Another listener sought career advice and was encouraged to embrace failures and focus on what truly motivates them. Overall, the message was to keep trying and learn from setbacks, as they are an essential part of growth.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Mitopure, Apollo, and Cozy Earth.

    Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com.

    Mitopure is the first and only clinically tested pure form of a natural gut metabolite called urolithin A that clears damaged mitochondria away from our cells and supports the growth of new, healthy mitochondria. Get 10% off at timelinenutrition.com/drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10 at checkout.

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    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • Media censorship and why Bobby is running for president (4:45 / 3:07)
    • Why did the US have so many Covid deaths? (9:37 / 8:03) 
    • Division in America (20:38 / 18:46) 
    • The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine (24:26 / 22:46) 
    • Addressing anti-vax and conspiracy theorist claims (32:20 / 28:22)  
    • Challenges and nuances of vaccines (35:57 / 32:00) 
    • Improving health in America (42:51 / 38:50) 
    • How the pharmaceutical industry is harming Americans (44:25 / 41:18) 
    • How Bobby keeps healthy (54:19 / 50:24) 

    Learn more at Kennedy24.com.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 845 | Tori Kelly & Other Young Stars Suddenly Collapse: What's Going On?

    Ep 845 | Tori Kelly & Other Young Stars Suddenly Collapse: What's Going On?
    Today we're starting off with news of former New Hampshire state Representative "Stacie" Laughton, a male identifying as a female, who was arrested for alleged distribution of pornographic material depicting children. We go through his vast criminal history, despite being elected to office twice, and how he attempted to get photos of children from his romantic partner. Unfortunately this isn't a unique story – there are countless other examples of men who identify as women acting abusively toward both children and actual women. Then, the FIFA Women's World Cup has begun, and many are praising the inclusion of its first "trans" player. But why does this player choose to remain in the women's league despite not identifying as a woman, and what's behind this desire to be "other"? We also look at the tragic case of Bronny James, LeBron James' son, who collapsed during his college basketball practice and was diagnosed with cardiac arrest. Grammy-winning singer Tori Kelly also collapsed recently and was diagnosed with multiple blood clots. What's behind these sudden health scares in otherwise healthy, young people, and should we avoid jumping to conclusions? --- Timecodes: (01:14) Intro (08:33) Trans NH rep arrested (again) (28:10) FIFA World Cup "trans" player (40:41) Bronny James & sudden collapses --- Today's Sponsors: A'Del — go to adelnaturalcosmetics.com and enter promo code "ALLIE" for 25% off your first order! Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code 'ALLIEB' to save 25% off your first order at CarlyJeanLosAngeles.com! EveryLife — the only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! Constitution Wealth — align your values with your investments through your financial management. Go to ConstitutionWealth.com/ALLIE and schedule a FREE consultation! --- Link: Reduxx: "BREAKING: First Openly Transgender State Representative Arrested On Child Pornography Charges" https://reduxx.info/first-openly-transgender-state-representative-arrested-on-child-pornography-charges/ BBC: "Quinn: The 'ground-breaking' first out transgender player at a Fifa World Cup" https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/66299441 TMZ Sports: "BRONNY JAMES SUFFERS CARDIAC ARREST... During USC Workout" https://www.tmz.com/2023/07/25/lebron-james-son-bronny-cardiac-arrest-usc-basketball-workout/?adid=social-tws --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 844 | Is the Pro-Life Movement Fake? | Guest: Bradley Pierce https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-844-is-the-pro-life-movement-fake-guest-bradley-pierce/id1359249098?i=1000622319260 Ep 702 | The Pedophilic Underbelly of Transgender Activism | Guest: Genevieve Gluck (Part 1) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-702-the-pedophilic-underbelly-of-transgender/id1359249098?i=1000584994678 Ep 703 | The Dark Trend of Men Identifying as Girls | Guest: Genevieve Gluck (Part 2) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-703-envy-porn-trans-violence-against-women-guest/id1359249098?i=1000585117073 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices