
    Marc Ching On Risking His Life To End Asia’s Dog Meat Trade

    enDecember 19, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the horrific treatment of dogs during the Yulin Dog Meat Festival led Mark Cheng to become an activistLearning about animal cruelty inspired Mark Cheng to start the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, which helps abused dogs find loving homes

      Mark Cheng, an animal rights activist and holistic nutritionist, encourages everyone to make a positive impact on the world, no matter how small. He believes that simple acts of kindness, like hugging someone who's crying or supporting a cause, can change lives and make a difference. Mark's own life was transformed when he learned about the horrific treatment of dogs during the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China. He discovered that over 30 million dogs are slaughtered in Asia each year, with an estimated 10 million in China alone. Many of these dogs are tortured before being killed for meat. Mark's experience at the festival inspired him to become an activist and start the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, which rehabilitates and places abused dogs into loving homes. Mark's story serves as a reminder that everyone has the power to make a difference, no matter how big or small.

    • Saving dogs from cruelty and abuse in AsiaMark Cheng, founder of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, has dedicated his life to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs from cruelty and abuse in Asia, saving over 100 dogs and raising global awareness.

      Mark Cheng, the founder of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, has dedicated his life to saving dogs from cruelty and abuse in Asia, often putting himself in danger to do so. His work has led to significant reform and global awareness, with the support of celebrities and extensive media coverage. Mark's journey began with rescuing a few dogs in need, but soon turned into a full-fledged foundation. He specializes in rescuing dogs from cruelty and abuse, and has saved over 100 dogs to date. Mark's work is not without its challenges, and he has been traumatized by the experiences he's had. Despite this, he continues to make a difference in the lives of countless dogs and raises awareness for their plight. Mark's story is one of courage, resilience, and compassion.

    • Reviving Sick Animals for AdoptionSupport reputable breeders or adopt from shelters, educate kids about animal adoption, and treat animals' health issues to improve their chances of finding a loving home.

      The work of animal rescues involves nursing sick animals back to health before finding them foster homes or shelter. The speaker emphasizes the importance of adoption from shelters and educating children about it from a young age. They also discuss the difference between reputable breeders and mass-production breeding operations, advocating for the former but pushing for adoption as the primary solution. The speaker runs a unique pet store that focuses on treating animals' health issues and entered the world of animal rescue after learning about the cruelty of dog slaughter for food in certain Asian countries.

    • Yulin Dog Festival: More Than Just Dog MeatThe Yulin Dog Festival involves both consumption of dog meat and reports of cruelty towards dogs, with beliefs in health benefits varying across regions and accurate information difficult to obtain due to language barriers and undercover investigations.

      The Yulin Dog Festival is an annual event held in Yulin, China, during the summer solstice where people consume dog meat. However, it's not just a celebration of dog as cuisine. There are reports of cruelty towards dogs, including beating, burning, and torture, which some believe enhances the health benefits of the meat. The festival has been ongoing for a few years, and while some argue that it's a cultural tradition, others denounce the cruelty. The beliefs behind the health benefits vary from region to region, and the language barrier and undercover nature of investigations make it challenging to obtain accurate information. The first reports of the festival gained international attention around 2015, and some people are driven to investigate it firsthand despite the risks and challenges.

    • Dispelling the myth of widespread dog meat consumption in BeijingDespite negative international attention, dog meat consumption and associated cruelty towards dogs remains prevalent in some areas of China, with no laws against cruelty leading to aggressive behavior from those involved.

      During a trip to Beijing, a man discovered that the prevalence of dog meat consumption and associated cruelty towards dogs was a misconception. He initially believed that he would find numerous dog meat restaurants and slaughterhouses, but was surprised to learn that the practice had largely disappeared due to negative international attention. However, he later met someone who introduced him to a researcher who helped him uncover the existence of dog breeding farms and slaughterhouses outside the city. The man's experiences were marked by overt mistreatment of dogs and a hostile reception from those involved in the trade, who were fearful of the growing international pressure against the practice. Despite the legality of dog slaughter in China, there are no laws against cruelty, leading to aggressive behavior from those in the industry. The man's Asian heritage proved beneficial as he was not immediately identified as a Westerner, allowing him closer access to these operations.

    • The complex fight against animal cruelty in AsiaA small percentage of Asians engage in dog meat trade, but a growing young generation loves dogs and cats. Activism is about raising awareness and supporting local groups, not being anti-Asian. Emotional toll is high, but self-care is crucial for continued advocacy.

      The fight against animal cruelty in Asia, particularly in relation to the dog meat trade, is a complex issue. While there is a small percentage of people engaging in these practices, there is also a growing young generation that loves dogs and cats. The activism against this trade is not anti-Asian, but rather an effort to bring attention and raise awareness, and to support local groups on the ground who are making change possible. The speaker's experiences, including discovering a slaughterhouse and rescuing animals, were eye-opening and led to a deeper commitment to advocacy and political change. However, the emotional toll of this work is significant, and it's important for activists to find ways to protect themselves and maintain their boundaries in order to continue making a difference.

    • The toll of helping othersHelping others is rewarding but can take a toll on one's mental and emotional wellbeing. Balance and self-care are essential for continued impact.

      Helping others can take a toll on one's own mental and emotional wellbeing. The speaker shares his personal experience of finding happiness and then losing it while dedicating himself to rescuing dogs from harsh conditions in Asia. He acknowledges the importance of self-care and finding balance, even while continuing to make a difference in the world. The speaker also mentions the work of Gene Bauer, who has dedicated his life to raising awareness about factory farming, and how he copes with feeling like a drop in the bucket by using his experiences as a platform for education and change. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the importance of recognizing the impact of one's actions, even if it may not seem significant in the moment, and taking care of oneself in order to continue making a difference.

    • Personal Challenges of Animal Rights ActivismAnimal rights activism can bring personal challenges, but the commitment to helping animals can provide the motivation to persevere through adversity.

      A passionate commitment to animal rights can lead to significant personal challenges, as demonstrated by this individual's experiences in advocating against the dog meat trade. Despite facing physical harm and emotional turmoil, including a deep depression that led him to consider quitting, he persevered due to the encouragement of his family and the knowledge that animals were relying on him. He uses a strategy of undercover work, posing as a wealthy American dog meat buyer, to gain access to slaughterhouses and rescue dogs. However, the publicity surrounding his efforts has made it more challenging to maintain this ruse in some areas. Nonetheless, he remains committed to continuing his activism, having completed nine trips to various countries where the dog meat trade exists.

    • Exposing animal cruelty in Asia leads to US law changesInvestigations of animal cruelty in Asia have led to efforts to ban dog and cat meat consumption in the US, with strong public support, but challenges lie in trade implications with China.

      Undercover documentation exposing animal cruelty in other countries, specifically in relation to the dog meat trade in Asia, has led to efforts to push governments for law changes. The speaker, who has been conducting such investigations, shared that they have reached out to the US government and have shown them horrifying footage. Now, the focus is on getting congressmen to support and cosponsor a bill that would ban the consumption of dog and cat meat in the US. The speaker emphasized that there is strong public support for such a bill, but the challenge lies in considering the trade implications with China. The speaker's foundation has already announced the sponsorship of the first federal bill of its kind, and a big release about it is planned for January. The speaker also mentioned the importance of building a structure to speak to congressmen and make them witness the reality of the situation. Despite the challenges, the ultimate goal is to save lives and bring an end to this practice.

    • The complex fight against dog meat consumption in AsiaGrassroots movements and growing public awareness are driving change in the dog meat industry, with individual choices playing a crucial role in saving lives and promoting animal welfare.

      The fight against the consumption and trade of dog meat in Asia is a complex issue with strong opposition, but the ultimate goal is to raise awareness and show that countries advocating for change should lead by example. The dog meat industry is vast, with millions of dogs slaughtered each year, and while international governing bodies may not prioritize this issue, grassroots movements and growing public awareness are driving change. The speaker's personal experiences with compassion, acceptance, and the evolution towards veganism highlight the importance of individual choices in making a difference for animal welfare. By choosing not to consume animal products, countless lives are saved, and this simple act is an expression of love and protection for other beings.

    • Exploring new vegan options with compassion and cautionThe speaker, a vegan for ethical reasons, is open to new vegan options, but prioritizes animal health and well-being.

      The speaker, despite being a vegan for ethical reasons, is deeply concerned about making compassionate choices for his animals and is open to exploring new vegan options, such as vegan eggs and meat analogs, while being cautious not to compromise their health. He shares his personal background, having been adopted and growing up in Hawaii, and how his experiences have shaped his values, particularly in caring for both people and animals. He also discusses his approach to holistic healing, treating diseases the same way for animals as for humans, and his perspective on the dog food industry, emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions and taking responsibility for one's choices.

    • A passionate vet's journey towards ethical vegan dog foodA vet's personal experiences and ethical beliefs led her to create a vegan dog food line, advocating for animal rights and accessible ethical food options for all.

      The veterinarian in question is passionate about making ethical choices for herself, her family, and her animals, including exploring the possibility of vegan diets for dogs. She believes in doing what's best for her patients and their families, even if that means going against traditional beliefs or practices. Her experiences visiting dog slaughterhouses have increased her awareness of animal rights issues and the need for change, leading her to develop a vegan dog food line. She aims to help more people consider vegan options for their pets and themselves, and believes that delicious, ethical food can be accessible to everyone, regardless of dietary choices. Crossroads, a renowned restaurant in Los Angeles, offers a great example of this with its vegan but non-labeled menu and the Impossible Burger, a plant-based meat alternative.

    • Creating a more ethical and sustainable worldPromote compassion, understanding, and small steps towards improvement instead of alienating those who aren't ready for drastic changes. Take action against animal cruelty and inspire progress.

      Creating a more ethical and sustainable world requires making conscious choices that go beyond convenience. It's important to promote and encourage small steps towards improvement, rather than alienating those who aren't ready to make drastic changes. The speaker, who has dedicated her life to rescuing animals, shares her experiences and emphasizes the importance of compassion and understanding. Despite facing criticism and opposition, she continues to work towards her goals, inspiring others to do the same. The conversation also highlights the issue of animal cruelty in places like Yulin, where festivals involving dog meat continue despite protests. Instead of just signing petitions or holding rallies, the speaker took action by shutting down slaughterhouses and making the festival less appealing to attendees. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of taking action, being compassionate, and encouraging progress, no matter how small.

    • Dog Rescue Mission in Yulin: Saving Over a Thousand DogsDetermined to save animals, the speaker faced opposition but rescued over a thousand dogs in Yulin, working with various groups and inspiring others through her compassion and resilience.

      During a dog rescue mission in Yulin, the speaker faced opposition from some groups who urged her to leave the dogs behind. However, she couldn't abandon them and instead chose to rescue over a thousand dogs. The rescue effort involved various groups, including the Tree of Life monks, and faced criticism from other animal welfare organizations. The speaker emphasized that she didn't go to Yulin to rescue dogs specifically but to raise awareness and save as many animals as possible. Despite the challenges and losses, the rescue was successful, but the lack of consistent updates from the speaker's foundation led to speculation about the fate of the rescued dogs. The speaker defended herself against criticism by sharing her passport and documentation. Overall, the speaker's determination and compassion for animals inspired her to take action, even in the face of opposition and criticism.

    • Fighting for a cause: Emotional journey and impactFacing challenges in advocacy can be tough, but making a difference for a cause you care about is rewarding. Join organizations like the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation to get involved and make simple acts of kindness and consciousness count.

      When you fight for a cause that is deeply personal and meaningful to you, facing attacks and criticism can be as challenging as the issue itself. However, the impact of raising awareness and inspiring change can be profound and far-reaching. For those interested in getting involved, the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation is a great place to start, and simple acts of kindness and consciousness can make a difference. The foundation's social media channels offer a glimpse into the emotional journey of advocacy and provide opportunities to support various initiatives. An upcoming trip to China aims to offer free microchips to dogs to combat theft, and the foundation is also working on implementing vegan options in public schools.

    • Encouraging plant-based options in schoolsMaking plant-based options free in schools can save students money, bring media attention, and inspire change in lunch programs nationwide.

      Making plant-based options free in schools can be an effective way to encourage adoption and bring about change in the school lunch program, despite its entrenched nature and significant financial involvement. This approach not only saves students money but also brings media attention and potential donations for charter schools. The ultimate goal is to make this program replicable in schools across the country, providing guidance for principals and school administrators who may be interested. Animal welfare advocacy, such as Mark's work, is of the highest importance and deserves our attention and support. To learn more about Mark's initiatives and ways to help, check out the resources in the show notes.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

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    #20 Vegan News Minisode - November

    #20 Vegan News Minisode - November
    Welcome to the Vegan News Minisode, brought to you by leading vegan campaigning charity, Viva!. Presenters Faye and Lex bring you the latest plant-based lifestyle, food and animal campaigns news from around the globe. In this episode, Faye and Lex discuss Flat House Farm's sentencing, a lack of enforcement when it comes to animal welfare law, the deterioration of the UK's zoonotic disease research facility and a brand new vegan documentary called, I Could Never Go Vegan. ABOUT OUR SHOW  Listen now . We're also on ,  and . If you enjoyed the episode, please rate, review and subscribe to help us reach new audiences. Get the latest episode every month, straight to your mobile device or computer. It's automatic and completely free. Copyright owned by Viva! Bristol 2022. Not for re-use without our written agreement. All featured music and content used by permission. Produced by Faye Lewis and Lex Rigby for Viva!.

    #70 Ronnie Lee: Founder of the Animal Liberation Front, hunt saboteur and vegan activist

    #70 Ronnie Lee: Founder of the Animal Liberation Front, hunt saboteur and vegan activist
    Born in 1951, Ronnie stopped eating meat aged 19 when his sister’s vegetarian boyfriend convinced him that it is wrong to eat animals. Two years later, he became vegan and got active with the to disrupt hunting activities and save lives. In his pursuit to carry out direct action against all forms of animal oppression, the Animal Liberation Front was born. In this interview, Viva!’s head of investigations, Lex Rigby, gets to ask Ronnie what it was like being vegan in the 70s, what happened to the rescued guinea pigs he stuffed up his jumper and whether he really thought a gallon of petrol was going to burn down an animal research laboratory. Following the interview, Lex is joined by Viva!’s head of comms, Faye Lewis, to discuss Ronnie’s uncompromising commitment to the animal rights cause. If you enjoyed the show, please don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe to help new listeners discover us.

    Law and veganism

    Law and veganism

    This extended episode is co-hosted with Tamara Bedic, President of the National Lawyers Guild NYC (2022) and Chair of the NLGNYC Animal Rights Committee, and features three prominent guests talking about veganism and how it engages fundamental human rights across the UK, Germany and Italy.

    We hear from Dr. Jeanette Rowley and Dr. Carlo Prisco, co-editors of Law and Vegansism: International Perspectives on the Human Right to Freedom of Conscience (2022) and Ralf Muller-Amenitsch. 

    Dr. Jeanette Rowley holds a PhD in veganism and human rights and has published widely and presenting globally on the subject of legal protection for vegans. Dr. Carlo Prisco is a lawyer and PhD in Philosophy of Law and Ralf Müller-Amenitsch is a German lawyer specialising in labour, social and family law. 

    Domestic abuse - are animals a missing link?

    Domestic abuse - are animals a missing link?

    Warning: adult themes, not suitable for children

    'Where animals are abused, people are at risk and where people are abused, animals are at risk.' That is the central message of this episode, in which we consider what can be learnt about domestic abuse and coercive control when we take the time to consider the animal within the home. What does this tell us and how can we protect vulnerable family members?