
    Maui Rescue Fund & Politicians Over the Hill | 9.1.23

    enSeptember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Hollywood Stars Establish Fund for Maui Fire VictimsThe Rock and Oprah launch People's Fund of Maui to give $1200 monthly to eligible adults in Lahaina and Kula areas for fire recovery. Recovery efforts continue on Maui with 1 death, about 100 people missing.

      In the aftermath of the devastating fires in Maui, Hollywood stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Oprah Winfrey have established the People's Fund of Maui to provide financial assistance directly to affected residents. The fund, which can be supported through donations on its website, aims to give every eligible adult in the Lahaina and Kula areas $1200 a month to help with their recovery. The fund comes as recovery efforts continue, with search and recovery teams almost finishing their sweeps of the island, and the official death toll remaining at 1 with about 100 people still missing. Meanwhile, two aging politicians, Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein, have faced public challenges, and CNN has appointed a new executive to lead the network following two previous dismissals.

    • Miscommunications and Unclear Responsibilities During Maui Wildfire EmergencyDespite the Maui wildfire emergency, there were miscommunications and unclear responsibilities among those in charge, leading to confusion and potential harm. It's crucial for accountability and acknowledgement of failures to prevent future crises.

      During the Maui fire emergency, there were miscommunications and unclear responsibilities among those in charge. Over 100 people thought to be missing were later found safe, and it's still uncertain who was in charge of the emergency management center during the crisis. Maui's former emergency management chief, Herman Andaya, resigned amidst criticism for not activating the emergency alarm system. The cause of a reported blockade on the one road out of Lahaina, causing hundreds of residents to turn around and face the fire, remains unclear. No one in government has taken accountability for the failures, with Maui County suing Hawaiian Electric and the utility blaming the firefighters. University of Hawaii professor Colin Moore emphasizes the importance of acknowledging any failures and taking responsibility. The federal government, led by President Biden, has pledged $95 million to help rebuild and strengthen the power grid, recognized as a fire hazard for years. The initial response to the wildfire was criticized, with some questioning if it was easier for victims to receive help when the president was on vacation.

    • Record-breaking response to wildfires leaves many Hawaii residents strugglingDespite federal aid, Hawaii residents face ongoing challenges with essentials like water and electricity, and over a thousand are in temporary housing. Concerns about senators' health and age spark debate on political leaders' ability to govern effectively

      Despite the record-breaking response from the federal government to the wildfires in Hawaii, many residents are still struggling with basic necessities like water and electricity, and over a thousand are living in temporary housing. Meanwhile, concerns about the health and age of senators Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein have sparked a national conversation about political leaders over 80. McConnell, 81, had a second freezing incident during a press conference, leaving many wondering about his ability to continue in office. However, his office maintains that he's under medical care and able to fulfill his duties. The incidents have brought attention to the issue of aging political leaders and their potential impact on governance.

    • McConnell's future as Senate leader uncertainPolitical factors complicate McConnell's potential replacement process, involving the Kentucky legislature and Democratic Governor Andy Beshear, but ultimate decision rests with McConnell

      The future of Senator Mitch McConnell's leadership role in the Senate, following his recent fall and concussion, is uncertain and complicated by political factors. McConnell's potential replacement process could involve the Kentucky legislature and Democratic Governor Andy Beshear, but the legality of this process is uncertain. McConnell could also choose to step down from leadership while remaining in the Senate to reduce his workload. Comparisons have been drawn to the situation of Senator Dianne Feinstein, who at 90 years old and with recent health issues, has faced calls to step aside. However, both McConnell and Feinstein have thus far resisted these calls. It's important to note that while suggesting to a fellow senator that it may be time to step aside is not a violation of etiquette or ethics, the ultimate decision rests with the senators themselves. The human element, including the power and influence that comes with these leadership roles, also plays a significant role in their decisions.

    • The Importance of Addressing Political and Media Leadership ChangesTerm limits and strong leadership are crucial to prevent political and media instability and maintain effective governance and public trust.

      The power held by long-term politicians like Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell is not easily relinquished, and their departures from office, whether due to age or other reasons, have led to discussions about potential solutions such as term limits. Meanwhile, CNN continues to experience leadership changes, with Mark Thompson being the latest CEO hire amid public crises and declining ratings. These events highlight the importance of addressing these issues to ensure effective governance and media leadership. The popularity of term limits in polling suggests that it could be a viable solution to prevent such situations in the future. The bipartisan nature of the concern adds to the urgency of finding a solution. In the media industry, the revolving door of CEOs at CNN underscores the need for stability and strong leadership to navigate crises and maintain public trust.

    • New CNN Head Expected to Lead Digital TransformationNew CNN head Mark Thompson, with experience from NYT and BBC, aims to turn around the struggling network amid digital competition, internal strife, and ratings drop.

      Mark Thompson, the new head of CNN, is expected to lead the network through its digital transformation and turmoil. Thompson, who previously served as the top executive for the New York Times and BBC, brings a wealth of experience and success in digital content. CNN is under pressure to succeed in the digital subscription world, but past efforts have not been successful. The network has faced numerous crises, including high-profile host departures, internal strife, and a failed streaming platform. The biggest crisis, however, is a massive ratings drop, with CNN ranking 15th among basic cable news networks in prime time. Thompson's stance on the network's political direction is unknown, but given the New York Times and BBC's left-leaning reputation, it is assumed that CNN will maintain its progressive streak. The challenge for Thompson will be to navigate these issues and turn the network around.

    • Ratings Slump Leads to Significant Profit DeclineA ratings decline can lead to a substantial decrease in profits, underscoring the importance of maintaining a strong public image and delivering high-quality products or services.

      The ratings decline at a company has led to a significant decrease in profits over the past two years, with a fall of 17%. This is a major challenge for the company's leadership, as indicated by the Cabot's report. The financial impact of the ratings slump is clear, and the executive in question has a substantial task ahead to reverse this trend. This situation underscores the importance of maintaining a strong public image and delivering high-quality products or services. The company's profits have suffered as a result of the ratings drop, and it will be essential for them to address the underlying issues to prevent further damage. The situation highlights the power of public perception and the impact it can have on a company's bottom line.

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    Podcast Overview

    Unpacking the AAUP Report: A Critical Look at Political Interference in Florida's Higher Education:

    ·       The rarity of such comprehensive reports by AAUP, with only eight instances in its history, three of which occurred in the last three years.

    ·       The specific case of Florida under Governor DeSantis's administration highlights legislative and administrative actions perceived as politically motivated attacks on academic freedom, faculty rights, and tenure.

    Investigation Approach:

    ·       Conducting over 65 interviews with various stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and former presidents, while noting challenges in engaging current administrators and political leaders.

    Major Findings:

    ·       The hostile takeover of New College is a model for potential future actions in other institutions.

    ·       Academic administrators' failure to contest or, in some cases, complicity in these attacks.

    ·       Legislative actions are collectively seen as an effort to enforce a narrow political ideology.

    ·       The chilling effect of these actions on academic freedom and the higher education environment.

    Human Impact:

    ·       The emotional and professional toll on faculty and students, with significant faculty departures and declining academic standards.

    ·       The broader implications for the quality of higher education in Florida and potential nationwide consequences.


    Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:


    1. Thoroughly Review the Report: University presidents, administrators, provosts, deans, and other leaders actively engage with the contents of the report. Don't just skim through it; understand its implications for your institution and its broader impact on academic freedom.

    2. Build Resilience and Courage: Leaders in higher education are strongly urged to cultivate the strength to face political pressures. This involves developing a steadfast approach to defending the rights and freedoms of your institutions, faculty, and students against politically motivated pressures.

    3. Stand Up for Academic Integrity: When confronted with situations that threaten academic freedom or the integrity of your institution, take a clear and firm stand, even if it entails personal or professional risks. Demonstrating leadership in such situations is crucial.

    4. Voice Your Concerns Publicly: In Florida, it's mostly retired university presidents who are making statements against these issues. Encourage not only retired but also current university leaders to speak out against political interference. Public statements from active leaders can have a significant impact and inspire others to follow suit.


    Final Thoughts

    The critical nature of the current situation in higher education is a pivotal moment in the history of institutions. We are reminded that what's happening in Florida is not just an isolated issue but a warning sign of the potential nationwide impact of political interference in academia. Leaders in higher education are urged to recognize the severity of this crisis and respond with conviction and strength. It's a call to action for maintaining the integrity and freedom of our academic institutions against partisan politics, ensuring these values are upheld for future generations.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Henry “Hank” Reichman is the chair of the American Association of University of Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. Hank co-authored the AAUP report, "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System," released on December 6, as co-chair of a special investigating committee.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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